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Attention now fixated on the singing of the fellow blue haired woman, Miku gave Alice an offhand nod. "Yeah... It seems we aren't very uncommon?" And once Azura finished her small performance, she clapped along with Alice in praise.

"Hey, that's good singing. You have a really nice voice." Well, if they were all trapped in this together, might as well give her fellow singers some credit.​

@Hachiro Terra @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Takumi @EveryoneElse

"Thank you." Azura replied, giving Miku a slight bow of her head.

Something softer, kinder entered Joshua's smile as he nodded at Azura's explanation, "Your mother was a wonderful singer and writer if she taught you... and your sister was quite lucky..." For a moment, it almost seemed like he became a little bit more distant as he thought of something, a memory that he wasn't about to share yet.​

"In a way, yes, my sister is lucky. Though she had to do some unfavorable things. The words in that song are of a difficult choice she had to make. In a way, it's like a prophecy." Azura nodded once. She felt a bit more comfortable talking about her sister than herself, and watched Joshua for a moment. She figured that he must be thinking of something a bit sad. Maybe it was her words that brought something up.

@The Myrmidon @Kaide` @Mami Tomoe @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mason Moretti @Hachiro Terra @Josh M

Alice politely clapped for Azura's performance. "A DJ, a singer, an entertainer...we have quite a few celebrities in here, don't we?" Alice was not one of them, no matter how Santa Destroy ate up ranked battles. She was some sort of freak to those around her, really.​

"Taking an interest in people's live lives, Joshua? I've noticed you do it before." It was odd-socializing was becoming...not easy, but less uncomfortable. She was starting to feel like herself again...the old Alice.

@Kaide` @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @Mami Tomoe @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Tone 6th @Hospes
Attention now fixated on the singing of the fellow blue haired woman, Miku gave Alice an offhand nod. "Yeah... It seems we aren't very uncommon?" And once Azura finished her small performance, she clapped along with Alice in praise.

"Hey, that's good singing. You have a really nice voice." Well, if they were all trapped in this together, might as well give her fellow singers some credit.​

@Hachiro Terra @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Takumi @EveryoneElse
As Blakes mood brightened, so too did Lucio's (who was already a bit too happy). "Thanks, man! Music is jus' the language I'm most fluent in; the vibes, the rhythms and the rhymes, all that!"

"Oh, the name's Lucio, by the way! You're...Blake, right?"

Lucio halted his mental processes as Azura suddenly began to sing. Turning around slowly, his default smiling expression faded into one of absolute awe, his eyes widening to the sound of her voice. The voice fell upon Lucios ears like a breeze, even if it was just a little song to cheer up Zerberus. Without warning, Lucio let out a thunderous applause.


"YOOOOOOOOO!! That was A M A Z I N G, girl!" he shouted, his spirits lifted higher by someone of such vocal talent. As he had said before to Blake, music was a language Lucio understood perfectly. Every sound he heard in his life, he could formulate it into some kind of rhythm or beat. DIssonant words were dull and grey, but whenever he heard something with musical "soul", he could see...colors, and visualize the harmony just by hearing it. These evolved into songs, and those songs evolved into songs with meaning. A simple talent he had, which led him to become a world-wide celebrity.

Upon hearing Alices comment, Lucio got even giddier. "That's true! We gotta make a collab album once we get outta this mess for sure! Cuz, those vocals are like gold, Azura, you gotta show me your work sometime after this! You too, Miku, we could, like, top the charts in days-- nah, in hours. I can't believe I ain't never heard of you guys until now..."

So far, Lucio is convinced this flash of light has lead him to a heaven filled with awesome, talented and heroic people. Nothing bad has come out of this glass box, what's the worse that could happen?

@Kaide` @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @The Myrmidon @Gummi Bunnies @Mami Tomoe @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Tone 6th @Hospes @Yun Lee @People​

"My mother taught it to me when I was young...it is a special song, meant for my sister, Jasmine." she replied. Joshua reminded her a bit of Laslow, in that fact that he seemed rather comfortable around girls, slightly flirting with them and such.

Azura felt her cheeks heat up just slightly, not expecting such compliments, even if it wasn't the first time she received such.

"You're welcome Zeberus, I am Azura. Try not to trip over your self anymore and be a bit more careful around others, alright?" she said to the other. Her tone sounded almost motherly in tone.

Lucio's shout actually startled Azura just a bit, she blinked and looked to him as he complimented her and talked about making a collab...album with another member of the group? She wasn't sure what that is but she chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"Sorry to say, but I have family and friends who need me back home...but maybe one day we could. Though, I don't know what an album is." she responded, deciding to admit that she doesn't really know what Lucio was talking about.

@The Myrmidon @Mami Tomoe @Crow @Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Azuremoon @Mason Moretti @Hachiro Terra @Box Squad

"Haha... that explains it, because everyone has their special language to express themselves..."

Mine's killing baddies... but I won't say that...

"And yeah... my name's Blake Dormi..."

He could only smile in response with the whole music crew, it was nice to see some people coming together and making this whole trapped situation a bit better.

Wanting to get a bearing of his thoughts, however, Blake steps away to get that quiet time, but notices someone by himself. Now that he thought about it, Blake figured he could talk to this other person, Jaffar, to pass time.


"Oh hey, I couldn't help but see you by yourself, buddy. So yeah... hello!"

Well, Blake was trying at least.

@Crimson Spartan @others​
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"Thank you." Azura replied, giving Miku a slight bow of her head.

"In a way, yes, my sister is lucky. Though she had to do some unfavorable things. The words in that song are of a difficult choice she had to make. In a way, it's like a prophecy." Azura nodded once. She felt a bit more comfortable talking about her sister than herself, and watched Joshua for a moment. She figured that he must be thinking of something a bit sad. Maybe it was her words that brought something up.

@The Myrmidon @Kaide` @Mami Tomoe @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mason Moretti @Hachiro Terra @Josh M
"Hmm...so my guess was correct," Joshua mused aloud while his eyes closed for a minute, recalling his mother and his home of Jehenna. After a moment though, he shook his head and smiled at Azura, "Sorry, was just remembering something from back home. Is your sister okay now?"

Cagliostro pouts to that response by William, "your responses are so dull, you know? Could it be... that you're keeping secrets~"


"Oh!" Cagliostro responds to Gundam man, "I'm just as lost as you are. In this time, I made some new friends~ teehee~, so I don't feel lonely anymore, but..."

Cagliostro looks at others such as Riesbyfe and Nashetania.

"... maybe they're too busy fighting to be friends with each other..."

@penguin055 @Verite @Mami Tomoe

Cagliostro's rougher voice emerged as she was just behind the Arkham Knight.

"It's hard for me to admit it, but I am taking a liking to your rage and tenacity. Use it well, Arkham Knight. Relieve your stress well among these sharp little bastards for atonement of their actions towards you and towards me."

When Jason Todd turned around, he would only find Cagliostro speaking in her usual cute voice, with no sign of the prior statements.


"So, you're an Arkham Knight, right? What's it like?"

@LuckycoolHawk9 @thatguyinthestore
"Yeah, they don't exactly look like they're getting along too well," Domon answered the strange woman, in a slightly more serious tone of voice. "If only my friends were here too... We'd have broken out of this prison by now if they were," he boasted. He clenched his fist and looked longingly at his King of Hearts crest. If only they were here...

Domon would never say it out loud, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss the other members of the Shuffle Alliance. It had been quite some time since the end of the 13th Gundam Fight, when he saw them last. He had been looking forward to seeing them again in the next fight, but seeing as he was stuck in this unfamiliar place, he wasn't sure if that was going to ever happen. Maybe they're here too, he wondered. The thought filled him with hope, but that hope faded as quickly as it came.


Now, this was something to get excited over! The country-bumpkin was getting up in arms! Oh, what a temper this one had. Once again, a grin tugged at the girl's features, but she tried to hold this one back and, in lieu, merely stuck her tongue out at the man - the short tip of the spongy pink flesh barely protruding her lips before retreating again. If something happened to this man - if he were to die when all these people started going at it... Road could turn him into a very powerful Akuma. That said... something about him told her not to pick a fight with him. A fight with this man would only give her a lot of pain and a lot of wasted time healing. As far as she knew, she was the only member of the Noah family in this reality. The scientists outside hadn't reacted to her, and the Knight-girl hadn't either. Which made her survival and well being very important.

"You misinterpret my intent, country-bumpkin." the tone she used directly to Clark was much softer than it had been before, though cruelness and provocation were still very present, "Right now. I threatened you - but my threat was not direct. It was..." There was a pause, as if the strange girl was carefully choosing her words. Her hands moved behind her back and clasped together, and the small of her back fell against her wrists, somewhat causing her to lean on herself. "For the strong to act as though we should wait endangers those around us." It was clear she was much more civil than she had appeared before the Knight-girl. Or at least she acted like it. "For example, I am not too strong. Fighting you would be... silly. I mean, look how big you are! You can afford to 'see how things pan out', but I... I cannot. If they find a way too make us all fight... say..."


"Threatening your world. Your family... those around you - right now - would be in... quite a bit of danger right? 'Sir Kent'."
Her tone some how swayed between genuine and malevolent.

To say Road was reluctant to answer this was... a bit of an understatement. The family of Noah had fought the Church for over a thousand years and for her to seem so unwilling to fight with her... it pissed Road off even more. But she folded.

"Well, cupcake, do you recall goth power-rangers from where you come from?" Road gestured towards the 'Arkham Knight' with her entire hand as her arm flung in his general direction and then back behind her, "Or those... things." This time, she merely nodded in the direction of the Pokemon. "I've traveled between alternate realities for a long time, and I've become quite accustom to it. When I showed up here, I should've just been-" she stopped. The affairs she'd abandoned were not important.

"I am certain they yanked each of us from a different time and reality. They could NOT have misdirected my Door otherwise... They didn't bring us all here... to talk to us."

Road's cheeks suddenly puffed, arms folded in front of her below her chest and she looked away, visibly showing her anger that the Knight had been resilient to her goading. The Kent fellow had been more subseptable, and that was something she was going to keep in mind...

@Josh_M @Verite

He raised one eyebrow. "No? How peculiar." Alucard appeared to be deep in thought. Members of the Church were definitely aware of him, but they generally left him alone due to his stance against his father. Though they were not of the same species, they were once united through their common goals. He couldn't quite understand why she did not seem to have a clue as to who he was, and why she was so surprised at the suggestion of him being allied to the Church.

Perhaps... "Have you heard of the Belmont family?" Alucard asked. Maybe she belonged to another Church. He did not know of another in his world that hunted creatures of the dark, and bore hatred against the king of the Vampires. But he had been slumbering for so long, a new organization may have been founded. "Trevor Belmont. Does this name mean anything to you?

However, words spoken by another young girl with spiked hair caught his attention. "...'Multiverse'?" he echoed, saying it slowly as if he was testing it. 'Yanked' from their own reality? What exactly did that mean? Was this not his world? That could answer many of his questions, but also created many more. Why? And how? And that foreboding presence... that feeling as though something bad could happen at any moment, it was too similar to that pull he felt that awoke him from his slumber. "You," he called out the girl. "Explain this."
"You don't need to call me "sir Kent". Just call me Clark. I'm not knight like you. I'm just some guy from Smallvile,Kansas."

Turning to Ries, the farm boy looked her eyes. She thought right, Clark was an earnest guy. His salt of the earth ways were clear to see as he stated his point.

"I might be just some guy, and you're a knight, but our goals are the same. We help people. I saw you need help, so I help. You'd do the same, right?"

Clark's eyes went back to demon before again focused on the holy knight.

She might have singled you out, but she's threat to everyone here. If this multiverse theory is right, she could find any of us at anytime. That's not good for anyone."

@Azuremoon @Josh M @Sen @Mami Tomoe @The Myrmidon @Takumi

The young man took a moment to survey the small crowd in the room. He noticed a few people saying something about a "multiverse," and some others discussing their pasts. Eager to learn more about the situation he was in and to possibly find a way to get out of it, Domon found himself moving a little closer to Road and the others gathered around her. "What's all this about a 'multiverse'? Do you know something about why we're here?"

@Crow @Azuremoon @Sen @Josh M @Verite


Now, this was something to get excited over! The country-bumpkin was getting up in arms! Oh, what a temper this one had. Once again, a grin tugged at the girl's features, but she tried to hold this one back and, in lieu, merely stuck her tongue out at the man - the short tip of the spongy pink flesh barely protruding her lips before retreating again. If something happened to this man - if he were to die when all these people started going at it... Road could turn him into a very powerful Akuma. That said... something about him told her not to pick a fight with him. A fight with this man would only give her a lot of pain and a lot of wasted time healing. As far as she knew, she was the only member of the Noah family in this reality. The scientists outside hadn't reacted to her, and the Knight-girl hadn't either. Which made her survival and well being very important.

"You misinterpret my intent, country-bumpkin." the tone she used directly to Clark was much softer than it had been before, though cruelness and provocation were still very present, "Right now. I threatened you - but my threat was not direct. It was..." There was a pause, as if the strange girl was carefully choosing her words. Her hands moved behind her back and clasped together, and the small of her back fell against her wrists, somewhat causing her to lean on herself. "For the strong to act as though we should wait endangers those around us." It was clear she was much more civil than she had appeared before the Knight-girl. Or at least she acted like it. "For example, I am not too strong. Fighting you would be... silly. I mean, look how big you are! You can afford to 'see how things pan out', but I... I cannot. If they find a way too make us all fight... say..."


"Threatening your world. Your family... those around you - right now - would be in... quite a bit of danger right? 'Sir Kent'."
Her tone some how swayed between genuine and malevolent.

To say Road was reluctant to answer this was... a bit of an understatement. The family of Noah had fought the Church for over a thousand years and for her to seem so unwilling to fight with her... it pissed Road off even more. But she folded.

"Well, cupcake, do you recall goth power-rangers from where you come from?" Road gestured towards the 'Arkham Knight' with her entire hand as her arm flung in his general direction and then back behind her, "Or those... things." This time, she merely nodded in the direction of the Pokemon. "I've traveled between alternate realities for a long time, and I've become quite accustom to it. When I showed up here, I should've just been-" she stopped. The affairs she'd abandoned were not important.

"I am certain they yanked each of us from a different time and reality. They could NOT have misdirected my Door otherwise... They didn't bring us all here... to talk to us."

Road's cheeks suddenly puffed, arms folded in front of her below her chest and she looked away, visibly showing her anger that the Knight had been resilient to her goading. The Kent fellow had been more subseptable, and that was something she was going to keep in mind...

@Josh_M @Verite
While the information the girl was giving was interesting helpful, Clark was worried, even though he was calm on the outside. Taking a deep breath, he looked the demon.


"I'm not going to fight anyone, no matter what. You seem like you could help us, yet all you do is antagonize us. You and I don't see eye to eye, and we will come to an understanding, trust me. However right now? As much as I hate it. You and I? We need to work together. For everyone's sake."

@Verite @Azuremoon

I furrowed my brows and frowned upon seeing cameras. Not surprising, they were confident in their ability to detain us. However, unless they had X-Ray technology installed into them, they wouldn't be able to see through people and I also didn't see any sound amplifiers. They were either hidden or the mad scientists didn't install them.

I took a breath and exhaled. Ok, the amplifiers are a unknown, but the cameras aren't and that's something I can work around. We just have to be really, really soft when I'm talking if we're to maintain the element of surprise or perhaps we can bullshit our way. Trick them into thinking that we're weakened from this 'transition'.

"Hey, Kujou and, uh, Fatey since I don't know your name, can you lean in so I can tell you something?" I spoke only loud enough for them to hear and they might notice my faster than usual breaths in a attempt to get air in and out of my tightened chest. If things go wrong, they'll know what our abilities are and they could plan for them or at least the ones we show.

@Otto @MetalNova
Twisted Fate narrowed his eyes at Ali, slightly irritated from getting called Fatey again. He knew that Ali didn't know his name, but the least he could have done was come up with something else to call him.

"The name's Twisted Fate..."

He noted that Ali was trying to keep his voice down so that the scientists couldn't hear him. He already began doubting whatever Ali was planning. He reluctantly leaned in and spoke softly.

"Whatever plan you're thinking of, it probably won't work. That is unless you've got lady luck on your side. She seems to have left me a while ago..."

@Archwar @MetalNova
(Or anyone else.)​

"Haha... that explains it, because everyone has their special language to express themselves..."

Mine's killing baddies... but I won't say that...

"And yeah... my name's Blake Dormi..."

He could only smile in response with the whole music crew, it was nice to see some people coming together and making this whole trapped situation a bit better.

Wanting to get a bearing of his thoughts, however, Blake steps away to get that quiet time, but notices someone by himself. Now that he thought about it, Blake figured he could talk to this other person, Jaffar, to pass time.


"Oh hey, I couldn't help but see you by yourself, buddy. So yeah... hello!"

Well, Blake was trying at least.

@Crimson Spartan @others​


That poor attempt at conversation earned Blake silence and an icy cold stare. Jaffar wasn't a conversationalist but since the man thought of himself as nothing more then a emotionless corpse it was to be expected. Jaffar's icy cold stare gave Blake a look at his soulless eyes. A stare that would strike fear in the hearts of many.

@Gummi Bunnies @PeopleAround
Jason rose a brow when he heard a rather gruff voice emerge from behind him.

"The hell?" He asked aloud before turning around, only to find an innocent looking girl standing behind him. Jason was normally a dick, but not to little girls.


Jason knelt down in an attempt to get on her level. It was something that Bruce often did to him back when he was a kid. Sure, he may hate Bruce, but he couldn't deny that the man was good at talking to people. Won him over, along with Dick and that new kid.

"Um, hi. Let's just say that it's hard to do, but fun at the same time. Also, I'm one of a kind." He said before reaching out to pat the kid on the back.

Okay, maybe he wasn't as good with kids as he thought he would be.

@Crow @LuckycoolHawk9 @others

"That's what others say about me too~!" Cagliostro responds. "Except the hard-to-do part. I'm sure if you keep doing your job, it'll come naturally to you, and what's hard will become easy peasy~, just like me~!"​

"Yeah, they don't exactly look like they're getting along too well," Domon answered the strange woman, in a slightly more serious tone of voice. "If only my friends were here too... We'd have broken out of this prison by now if they were," he boasted. He clenched his fist and looked longingly at his King of Hearts crest. If only they were here...

Domon would never say it out loud, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss the other members of the Shuffle Alliance. It had been quite some time since the end of the 13th Gundam Fight, when he saw them last. He had been looking forward to seeing them again in the next fight, but seeing as he was stuck in this unfamiliar place, he wasn't sure if that was going to ever happen. Maybe they're here too, he wondered. The thought filled him with hope, but that hope faded as quickly as it came.

The young man took a moment to survey the small crowd in the room. He noticed a few people saying something about a "multiverse," and some others discussing their pasts. Eager to learn more about the situation he was in and to possibly find a way to get out of it, Domon found himself moving a little closer to Road and the others gathered around her. "What's all this about a 'multiverse'? Do you know something about why we're here?"

@Crow @Azuremoon @Sen @Josh M @Verite

"If you have no friends here, why not make some new ones~?" Cagliostro suggests.

Cagliostro notes that Gundam man was contributing to the conversation about the 'multiverse', a topic believed to be but a mere theory.

"Multiverse? You mean the multiverse? You people sure know a lot... to the point of knowing of that..."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @thatguyinthestore @Crow @pengun055 @Azuremoon @Sen @Josh M @Verite
Twisted Fate narrowed his eyes at Ali, slightly irritated from getting called Fatey again. He knew that Ali didn't know his name, but the least he could have done was come up with something else to call him.

"The name's Twisted Fate..."

He noted that Ali was trying to keep his voice down so that the scientists couldn't hear him. He already began doubting whatever Ali was planning. He reluctantly leaned in and spoke softly.

"Whatever plan you're thinking of, it probably won't work. That is unless you've got lady luck on your side. She seems to have left me a while ago..."

@Archwar @MetalNova
(Or anyone else.)​
"Ain't luck in everything? I don't have any twisted plans or any to help us escape, but a possible way for us to gain the element of surprise. I just hope there isn't any sound amplifiers right now otherwise we're fucked. Anyways, do you want to hear the plan or do you want to sit here not trying to get lady luck to at least stack the odds in our favor ever so slightly."

@Otto @MetalNova

"That's what others say about me too~!" Cagliostro responds. "Except the hard-to-do part. I'm sure if you keep doing your job, it'll come naturally to you, and what's hard will become easy peasy~, just like me~!"​
Jason nodded and chuckled slightly at the little girl.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He said. If there was one thing that Jason had a soft spot for, it was children.



That poor attempt at conversation earned Blake silence and an icy cold stare. Jaffar wasn't a conversationalist but since the man thought of himself as nothing more then a emotionless corpse it was to be expected. Jaffar's icy cold stare gave Blake a look at his soulless eyes. A stare that would strike fear in the hearts of many.

@Gummi Bunnies @PeopleAround
Jason would then glance up at Jaffar and cock a brow.

"Um... s'this guy dead?" Jason asked to no one in particular.

@Crimson Spartan @anybodyelse



That poor attempt at conversation earned Blake silence and an icy cold stare. Jaffar wasn't a conversationalist but since the man thought of himself as nothing more then a emotionless corpse it was to be expected. Jaffar's icy cold stare gave Blake a look at his soulless eyes. A stare that would strike fear in the hearts of many.

@Gummi Bunnies @PeopleAround

"So not so much of a talker, huh? Gotcha... You know, it won't kill you to at least smile? Just like how I'm smiling right now..."

Well, Blake was drawing some loose connections from Jaffar and some other assassins that usually gave him a cold shoulder for how he only targeted certain people to kill and his laidback and optimistic attitude. Even without weapons, Blake felt a bit nervous when speaking once met with that cold stare and dead silence, but he was managing to get his sentences out...
Jason nodded and chuckled slightly at the little girl.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He said. If there was one thing that Jason had a soft spot for, it was children.


Jason would then glance up at Jaffar and cock a brow.

"Um... s'this guy dead?" Jason asked to no one in particular.

@Crimson Spartan @anybodyelse

"I don't know... but he's breathing, so that's a plus."

Blake totally knew what he was talking about.

@Crimson Spartan @thatguyinthestore @others lol​
  • Nice Execution!
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Jason nodded and chuckled slightly at the little girl.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He said. If there was one thing that Jason had a soft spot for, it was children.


Jason would then glance up at Jaffar and cock a brow.

"Um... s'this guy dead?" Jason asked to no one in particular.

@Crimson Spartan @anybodyelse


"So not so much of a talker, huh? Gotcha... You know, it won't kill you to at least smile? Just like how I'm smiling right now..."

Well, Blake was drawing some loose connections from Jaffar and some other assassins that usually gave him a cold shoulder for how he only targeted certain people to kill and his laidback and optimistic attitude. Even without weapons, Blake felt a bit nervous when speaking once met with that cold stare and dead silence, but he was managing to get his sentences out...

"I don't know... but he's breathing, so that's a plus."

Blake totally knew what he was talking about.

@Crimson Spartan @thatguyinthestore @others lol​

Nothing changed with Blake's poor attempts at conversat-

"Telling a corpse to smile isn't wise..."

Well... He spoke with a cold tone to his voice. His unflinching stare locked on Blake as he spoke.

@Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @OtherPeeps
Zerberus then realized he was alone again.....he got a sad look on his face. He then got an idea. He finds a piece of paper in his pocket and he had a pencil too. He sits down and begins to write his poem.

Your Life

Life has always had its ups and downs,
A lot of times you can turn it around,
But there is one thing that you can change,
The way you lived it might not stay the same,

The times when you were young and pure,
The times when you were mostly immature,
You had a good life in those days
But now you have a better one and it will stay that way,

You have a new journey up ahead,
You can do it alone or with a friend,
When you feel like the time is right,
Follow your path and follow the light.

By Zerberus
Zerberus then sighs. It's no fun to be alone.....


"I don't know... but he's breathing, so that's a plus."

Blake totally knew what he was talking about.

@Crimson Spartan @thatguyinthestore @others lol​
Jason glanced over at Blake before turning back to Jaffar. Jason then turned on his detective vision on his visor to be sure, which basically just allowed him to identify armed thugs in an area or electronic items, which were highlighted in orange, and to scan over any person's skeletal, muscle tissue, and skin. Though this was mainly used for examining crime scenes. This time though, he used it to check his vitals and cocked a brow at the results.

"Well it looks like this guy is dead. Guess he's a ghost." Jason said blatantly.

Nothing changed with Blake's poor attempts at conversat-

"Telling a corpse to smile isn't wise..."

Well... He spoke with a cold tone to his voice. His unflinching stare locked on Blake as he spoke.

@Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @OtherPeeps
"Or a zombie!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @anybody
"Ain't luck in everything? I don't have any twisted plans or any to help us escape, but a possible way for us to gain the element of surprise. I just hope there isn't any sound amplifiers right now otherwise we're fucked. Anyways, do you want to hear the plan or do you want to sit here not trying to get lady luck to at least stack the odds in our favor ever so slightly."

@Otto @MetalNova
Twisted Fate closed his eyes and desperately tried to keep his calm after hearing that terrible pun. He let out a deep sigh and stared at Ali.

"Only two jokers in the deck, and I get dealt you..."

He let that remark sink in a little bit.

"Today isn't exactly my lucky day, pal. I can't stack the deck in our favor if I don't have my cards..."
"So, what's your plan?"

@Archwar @MetalNova
(Or anyone else.)
Last edited:

Nothing changed with Blake's poor attempts at conversat-

"Telling a corpse to smile isn't wise..."

Well... He spoke with a cold tone to his voice. His unflinching stare locked on Blake as he spoke.

@Gummi Bunnies @thatguyinthestore @OtherPeeps
Jason glanced over at Blake before turning back to Jaffar. Jason then turned on his detective vision on his visor to be sure, which basically just allowed him to identify armed thugs in an area or electronic items, which were highlighted in orange, and to scan over any person's skeletal, muscle tissue, and skin. Though this was mainly used for examining crime scenes. This time though, he used it to check his vitals and cocked a brow at the results.

"Well it looks like this guy is dead. Guess he's a ghost." Jason said blatantly.

"Or a zombie!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @anybody

"Uh... I'm pretty sure your statement about him being a zombie isn't accurate... He shouldn't be breathing... first of all, and secondly he isn't rotting..."

Blake waved Jason off, being the expert of zombie fiction. The key word here being "fiction." Returning his attention to Jaffar, Blake was seeing that this guy wasn't going to have it, but that didn't discourage the optimistic assassin from his initial goal in mind: getting people to smile!


"Well, that's just a bucket of sunshine and rainbows you've got there, huh? C'mon, do I have to give you a bit of guidance here?"

Blake smiled without a care in the world, stepping over to see if he could help Jaffar smile. This was totally going to work out well, right?

@Crimson Spartan @thatguyinthestore @others lol​
Twisted Fate wasn't really in the mood for physical contact. He didn't care, though. In fact, he didn't really care about anything anymore. He was disgraced. Losing his cards really got to him. He would always have an ace up his sleeve whenever he was in trouble, but this time he didn't. With no access to his powers, he felt vulnerable and weak.

Despite all of this, he couldn't help but feel charmed at this girl's concern. He grinned lightly and felt his mood improve.

"I'm fine, I just need to wait until I get my cards back. That's all..."

He looked towards Jinx. Ugh. That nickname was getting annoying.

"Hmph. I didn't."

Her comment reminded him of his failure. It was true. He didn't see this coming. The only time he has ever failed to detect danger was back when he tried to steal from Gangplank. Excluding now and then, he would always have a sixth sense to his surroundings, but somehow he was unable to predict his capture.

"Those damn intellectuals must have found a way to manipulate my destiny."

@MetalNova @Archwar @C.T.
(Or anyone else.)

"Oh, I see," Kujou nodded. Hm, he wasn't sick? She silently pondered what else she could do for him in that case. She didn't have any cards on her. Unless her card to call her for tutoring counted. She highly doubted that was what he wanted, though.


I furrowed my brows and frowned upon seeing cameras. Not surprising, they were confident in their ability to detain us. However, unless they had X-Ray technology installed into them, they wouldn't be able to see through people and I also didn't see any sound amplifiers. They were either hidden or the mad scientists didn't install them.

I took a breath and exhaled. Ok, the amplifiers are a unknown, but the cameras aren't and that's something I can work around. We just have to be really, really soft when I'm talking if we're to maintain the element of surprise or perhaps we can bullshit our way. Trick them into thinking that we're weakened from this 'transition'.

"Hey, Kujou and, uh, Fatey since I don't know your name, can you lean in so I can tell you something?" I spoke only loud enough for them to hear and they might notice my faster than usual breaths in a attempt to get air in and out of my tightened chest. If things go wrong, they'll know what our abilities are and they could plan for them or at least the ones we show.

@Otto @MetalNova

Hearing the two start a secret little plan, Kujou listened intently. They spoke confusingly with stuff like jokers, decks, destiny, and the like, but she more or less got the point. They wanted to escape, and she agreed. She did her best to hide it, but wherever they were, it was scary. A ton of people she didn't know, and caged like some sort of animal. Likely, the only reason she managed to act so calmly was because she had become so scared it reverted into tranquility. ...Relatively, at least.


"I don't have your cards...but I'll do my best to help," Kujou affirmed. Glancing over at Twisted Fate, she once again thought about her own card. It probably wasn't what he wanted, and it served no purpose here. But maybe, just maybe...

"Does this help?" she asked, pulling out what looked like a homemade business card. It was very basic in design, featuring just her name, email, landline, and the word "Tutor" was printed above it all.

@Otto @Archwar
Twisted Fate closed his eyes and desperately tried to keep his calm after hearing that terrible pun. He let out a deep sigh and stared at Ali.

"Only two jokers in the deck, and I get dealt you..."

He let that remark sink in a little bit.

"Today isn't exactly my lucky day, pal. I can't stack the deck in our favor if I don't have my cards... Anyhow, just get on with it. What's your plan?"

@Archwar @MetalNova
(Or anyone else.)

"Oh, I see," Kujou nodded. Hm, he wasn't sick? She silently pondered what else she could do for him in that case. She didn't have any cards on her. Unless her card to call her for tutoring counted. She highly doubted that was what he wanted, though.

Hearing the two start a secret little plan, Kujou listened intently. They spoke confusingly with stuff like jokers, decks, destiny, and the like, but she more or less got the point. They wanted to escape, and she agreed. She did her best to hide it, but wherever they were, it was scary. A ton of people she didn't know, and caged like some sort of animal. Likely, the only reason she managed to act so calmly was because she had become so scared it reverted into tranquility. ...Relatively, at least.


"I don't have your cards...but I'll do my best to help," Kujou affirmed. Glancing over at Twisted Fate, she once again thought about her own card. It probably wasn't what he wanted, and it served no purpose here. But maybe, just maybe...

"Does this help?" she asked, pulling out what looked like a homemade business card. It was very basic in design, featuring just her name, email, landline, and the word "Tutor" was printed above it all.

@Otto @Archwar

"Why thank you," I smiled," and you seem to relay heavily on cards. Ever occurred to you to you that you can use words as a weapon?" I then shook my head."Sorry, getting off track, but the plan is for me to distract the scientists while you two tell others to see if their powers, magic, or whatever still work. Just make sure you crowd around the person as if you were chatting with them so those cameras," my eyes shifted to one of them," won't see it, if they do, they'll be able to know some of our abilities. And yes, I know there's a chance they already know, but we gotta take a gamble. If it lands in our favor, we would gain the element of surprise if they decide to pit us against something or a escape opportunity presents itself. Oh, and get the others to spread the word excluding the glass punching crew over there," I turned my head to the people still punching the walls."If we wield that double-edged sword right, then that lessens the chance of them seeing any of our abilities. Any flaws you see or objections?"

@Otto @MetalNova

Rock sat there silently for a few moments. He was tempted to reveal his profession, in order to break the ice between the three of them.

"I worked for a ....trading company, yeah, let's got with that." He said nonchanlantly.

He raised one eyebrow. "No? How peculiar." Alucard appeared to be deep in thought. Members of the Church were definitely aware of him, but they generally left him alone due to his stance against his father. Though they were not of the same species, they were once united through their common goals. He couldn't quite understand why she did not seem to have a clue as to who he was, and why she was so surprised at the suggestion of him being allied to the Church.

Perhaps... "Have you heard of the Belmont family?" Alucard asked. Maybe she belonged to another Church. He did not know of another in his world that hunted creatures of the dark, and bore hatred against the king of the Vampires. But he had been slumbering for so long, a new organization may have been founded. "Trevor Belmont. Does this name mean anything to you?

However, words spoken by another young girl with spiked hair caught his attention. "...'Multiverse'?" he echoed, saying it slowly as if he was testing it. 'Yanked' from their own reality? What exactly did that mean? Was this not his world? That could answer many of his questions, but also created many more. Why? And how? And that foreboding presence... that feeling as though something bad could happen at any moment, it was too similar to that pull he felt that awoke him from his slumber. "You," he called out the girl. "Explain this."

"First of all, filthy bloodsuckers like you-" this was off to a grand start. Road was getting worked up, and forgetting just because where she came from, Vampires were constructs of Akuma, didn't mean that's what they were in other realities. She was letting the spoiled little Daughter of Noah show herself. "-have no right to address a Noah in su-" Now she stopped and lowered her head before her hand rose up to her sinus' and she applied pressure onto them with the tips of her right thumb and forefinger. She needed to remember her place. Now wasn't the time to become worked up over acts of ignorance.

A sigh blew over her lips before she looked back up at the Vampire, a forced attempt at appearing calm upon her features - "Multiverse theory! It's simple! Imagine a tree is your reality, and time is the roots of the tree! Each tree in the forest is a different universe, and some are similar and some are vastly different. These roots may come close to others, but they never intersect. Whatever these people did caused many roots to come together in one spot!" She was lightly shouting now, though, to be fair, explaining it to the best of her ability.

"A power like that isn't acting on, 'let's just see what happens'."

While the information the girl was giving was interesting helpful, Clark was worried, even though he was calm on the outside. Taking a deep breath, he looked the demon.


"I'm not going to fight anyone, no matter what. You seem like you could help us, yet all you do is antagonize us. You and I don't see eye to eye, and we will come to an understanding, trust me. However right now? As much as I hate it. You and I? We need to work together. For everyone's sake."

@Verite @Azuremoon
"You say that now, boy, but let's see what happens when whatever force that pulled you here tells you everyone in this room must die, or your precious 'Smallville, Kansas' goes-" The young girl finished the thought by sticking out her tongue and blowing raspberries in the direction of the larger man before her. "A good man with something to lose, is an evil man waiting to wake up-" she'd seen plenty of men like him before. They wanted to do everything, for everyone. A white-knight in a billowing cape. Sometimes they stayed true, but then they got attached and lost that attachment.

Bad things happen when good men go mad.

"-and I am not a demon! I am decedent of the family of Noah! I may control demons, but I am not one... how would you like it, if I called you an alien just because you're a whole two feet taller than me, you freak!"

Another breath finally escaped the girl and she turned towards the glass again. She wanted out. Road had had enough of this. When she first appeared she had hid in her 'Dream' for a moment, which meant she was not powerless here. Maybe enough time had passed and she could create a 'Door'. The girl's eyes closed, and to those around her, the girl would change. The dark blue hair became A bubblegum color, and her skin-tone darkened immensely. The lilac eyes became a bright amber and a horizontal series of cross appeared across her forehead. For all intent and purposes, she sorta looked like a demon.



The girl's ivory blazer and shirt had been replaced with a white dress that overed merely the bottom of her breasts and hung down past her thighs. around her neck and along her arms traveled a strange, tattered ribbon that covered bot arms and a partial area of her neck. The girl rolled her shoulders and a powerful aura suddenly rolled off from her like a wave through the crowd. Space began to crack in front of her until a white doorway, made entirely of light appeared before her - a black macabre outline tracing it.


she muttered, ready to leave this dangerous pit. The black slipper-ed foot of the girl rose from the ground and approached the 'Door' but as fast as it had appeared, it fizzed away again. Road paused for a moment, amber eyes wide in thought before she felt the recoil and blow back of whatever had muted her ability. As if she'd been hit by a boulder, the girl's back arched and an attempt to mute her own cry left her cheeks before her feet left the ground and she was, firmly on her ass. It didn't take long her hands to travel up, where both palms pressed on the sides of her head. A soft, subtle trail of red blood had began to stream from both of the petite misses ears and a single nostril. Apart from this, she was going to take a moment to compose her self before standing again, not quite sure what had happened, really.

@Josh_M @Sen @Verite @Takumi
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