• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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"The greater good?" Hurting innocent people is for the greater?! It's not for the greater good, it's just cruel!"

Clark's voice raised as he took his place in front of the group. Staying firm, Clark slowly toed himself the man, using himself as a shield for the group if he man attacked.

"You act like people's lives can be thrown around like nothing! What possible justifiers can you have for your acts?"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Jeremi @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb

"What is the life of lab rats over the lives of the rest of the world?"

Jason was shocked when the man dodged his pistol whip with an astonishing amount of speed as well. You couldn't tell that by his face, though. Instead Jason tugged out his pistol and aimed it at the man. Before he could get a word ot, though, Clark decided to pipe in. Jason simply turned to him and shook his head.

"Yeah, well sacrifices sometimes have to be made. I don't agree with these assholes, but a few people dying in the process of all this shit is the least of our worries." Jason then turned back to Duvall. "Now tell us where the fucking tesseract is. I won't ask again."

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Jeremi @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb

"That is far above your pay grade, mutt. "

"Hmm...Yeah, you're right."

The sound of sliding metal preceded a blinding flash of gunfire.


Three .50 caliber rounds sought to plant themselves into Duvall's chest with a deafening roar. Completely ignoring Clark's appeal to ethics and Jason's attempt to interrogate him, Shirou decided to take Duvall up on his offer and attempt to mow him down quickly.

"Come on, don't be so cold. You can spare a few minutes from your busy schedule to play with some punks, can't ya?"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Verite @Drug Manufacturing​

The bullets hit and Duvall fell lifeless to the ground with out much fanfare. "Great, I'm sure that made him very talkative." 18 deadpanned.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Drug Manufacturing
With surprising speed Duvall grabbed unto Jason's hand before pushing him back. "Ugly in body as well as the mind. Is lashing out the only good you are for?"

"Someone tell your overgrown rats that I don't speak with lesser beings." Duvall sneered at the Pokemon's direction.

"I surrender?" He asked rather surprised. "You are in the heart of Umbrella, yet you ask me to surrender? You are the ones who should be laying down at my feet to spare you!"

Duvall could only laugh at the mans grandstanding. "Hahaha! Kill me then! What do you have to lose, hmm?"

"What is any good companies ultimate goal?" He asked Schala. "Dominance in the market place! That is what we are doing here at Umbrella! We strive for the betterment of all. Perhaps a few casualties, but what is a few dead lab rats for the greater good? Now if that was all would you be so kind to show yourselves out? I still have a lot of work to do and I can't accomplish anything with rabble such as you here."

Nothing inside the office, but if Lucifer went out he'd find a keycard reader...next to what used to be the giant iron door.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Drug Manufacturing
Lucifer walked outside the office. Not noticing at first that the door had been knocked down, he swiped the keycard into the keycard reader. After a moment, he noticed that the door was broken, but decided to stay for a second to hear the keycard sound. After that, he would follow the group inside.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @Jeremi @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Drug Manufacturing
"The greater good?" Hurting innocent people is for the greater?! It's not for the greater good, it's just cruel!"

Clark's voice raised as he took his place in front of the group. Staying firm, Clark slowly toed himself the man, using himself as a shield for the group if he man attacked.

"You act like people's lives can be thrown around like nothing! What possible justifiers can you have for your acts?"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Jeremi @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb
Jason was shocked when the man dodged his pistol whip with an astonishing amount of speed as well. You couldn't tell that by his face, though. Instead Jason tugged out his pistol and aimed it at the man. Before he could get a word ot, though, Clark decided to pipe in. Jason simply turned to him and shook his head.

"Yeah, well sacrifices sometimes have to be made. I don't agree with these assholes, but a few people dying in the process of all this shit is the least of our worries." Jason then turned back to Duvall. "Now tell us where the fucking tesseract is. I won't ask again."

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Jeremi @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb
"Hmm...Yeah, you're right."

The sound of sliding metal preceded a blinding flash of gunfire.


Three .50 caliber rounds sought to plant themselves into Duvall's chest with a deafening roar. Completely ignoring Clark's appeal to ethics and Jason's attempt to interrogate him, Shirou decided to take Duvall up on his offer and attempt to mow him down quickly.

"Come on, don't be so cold. You can spare a few minutes from your busy schedule to play with some punks, can't ya?"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Verite @Drug Manufacturing​
"What is the life of lab rats over the lives of the rest of the world?"

"That is far above your pay grade, mutt. "

The bullets hit and Duvall fell lifeless to the ground with out much fanfare. "Great, I'm sure that made him very talkative." 18 deadpanned.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Drug Manufacturing
Schala Zeal
@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb
@Drug Manufacturing

Schala looked quite upset... But that didn't stop her from attempting to talk Duvall down somehow, and in what she intended to be her last, peacefull request, she decided to speak, one last time... If they had to fight, they had to fight, but naturally, she wasn't very keen on doing so without trying to resolve this peacefully.

"Then... For the greater good... Can you tell us where the Tesseract is? I... Know no good can-"

Unfortunately, her final attempt to reason with Duvall was abruptly cut short by a couple gunshots from one of her teammates... Shirou specifically, which hit their intended target, and seemed to have killed Duvall.

For a moment, she stood there, almost as if she was frozen in place, unsure of what to do next; though she wasn't very happy with how this situation was... Resolved, she had a feeling that Duvall wouldn't have been too co-operative with her request.

All the same, she wished it hadn't come down to... This.

But perhaps there was still a chance?

Considering Duvall's remarkable speed and strength, Schala naively held on to the possibility that Duvall was still alive... And as such, she checked for a pulse.

Realistically, even someone like Duvall couldn't have survived lethal gunshot wounds like those, but Schala had seen numerous allies and enemies alike survive more severe blows before.

While that could all be chalked down to the distinct aura of power surrounding alot of those she had come to know... Including her own mother, and her younger brother, Schala didn't seem to want to accept that Duvall was dead yet, as much as it was more or less painfully obvious.​
Schala Zeal
@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb
@Drug Manufacturing

Schala looked quite upset... But that didn't stop her from attempting to talk Duvall down somehow, and in what she intended to be her last, peacefull request, she decided to speak, one last time... If they had to fight, they had to fight, but naturally, she wasn't very keen on doing so without trying to resolve this peacefully.

"Then... For the greater good... Can you tell us where the Tesseract is? I... Know no good can-"

Unfortunately, her final attempt to reason with Duvall was abruptly cut short by a couple gunshots from one of her teammates... Shirou specifically, which hit their intended target, and seemed to have killed Duvall.

For a moment, she stood there, almost as if she was frozen in place, unsure of what to do next; though she wasn't very happy with how this situation was... Resolved, she had a feeling that Duvall wouldn't have been too co-operative with her request.

All the same, she wished it hadn't come down to... This.

But perhaps there was still a chance?

Considering Duvall's remarkable speed and strength, Schala naively held on to the possibility that Duvall was still alive... And as such, she checked for a pulse.

Realistically, even someone like Duvall couldn't have survived lethal gunshot wounds like those, but Schala had seen numerous allies and enemies alike survive more severe blows before.

While that could all be chalked down to the distinct aura of power surrounding alot of those she had come to know... Including her own mother, and her younger brother, Schala didn't seem to want to accept that Duvall was dead yet, as much as it was more or less painfully obvious.​

Schala found no pulse as she leaned down next to Duvall. What she saw however was Duvall's special keycard. Considering that he seemed to have a high clearance due to his position in the company, perhaps it was a good idea to take it?

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Drug Manufacturing
"Hmm...Yeah, you're right."

The sound of sliding metal preceded a blinding flash of gunfire.

Three .50 caliber rounds sought to plant themselves into Duvall's chest with a deafening roar. Completely ignoring Clark's appeal to ethics and Jason's attempt to interrogate him, Shirou decided to take Duvall up on his offer and attempt to mow him down quickly.

"Come on, don't be so cold. You can spare a few minutes from your busy schedule to play with some punks, can't ya?"

Twisted Fate facepalmed at Shirou's rash decision.

"So much for interrogation...Now we have to wander around aimlessly again. The least you could've done was shoot him without killin' him. Maybe that would have gotten him to tell us where the tesseract is..."

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Jeremi @Drug Manufacturing​
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I raised a eyebrow when Milton, nicknamed 'Milk' by Road(going to milk that till it's dry!) let slip that he was taken as well. Interesting. That would explain why he wasn't alerted because Umbrella likely saw him as disposable. I then rested a finger on my chin. Should I ask him if he had a device as well?

I shook my head, not enough for anyone to notice though. It wouldn't be of use anyways since we didn't know how to deactivate it even if he had one.

I also glanced at Road with a intrigued look. What the hell was that woman doing? She was acting like those 'workers' I see from time to time in towns and cities scraping to get by. Because of that, worry had jumped onto Milton's face and his mind was likely shouting NOPE, repeatedly. Was she just doing that to mess with him?

The list of strange allies keeps growing.

Well, as I said before, at least this wasn't going to be dull.

After Milton swallowed and asked for help for retrieving a test subject, my head snapped back and I knitted my eyebrows.

"So you're asking us to snatch one of these 'Biters' and you'll give us a explanation on the T-Virus? Is there any equipment we can use other than our bare hands?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9 @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @VirusStudies
"You want to know more about them? Don't let them bite or scratch you. Well, that is, unless you're interested in sacrificing yourself for the sake of my research. If so, I won't stop you. It's a noble cause for someone to give up their life to be a test subject," he stated before gesturing to some animal control equipment in the corner. "You can use those if you'd like. Loop one end around the biter's neck and walk it out here. Then work together to strap it down to my table. The lights in the back room are blown too, so I'd recommend taking a flashlight with you," he suggested, reaching to take a black flashlight from one of the shelves in the room.


Milton then reached into his pocket, pulling out a set of keys. "There's a cage in the back of the room. They're all back in the cage so they can't get our and hurt anyone. Use the keys to unlock it." He paused, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "And that would be the gist of it, I believe."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @Archwar @VirusStudies

"I got you~ Ready to hit the road, Road~?" Cagliostro glees as she prepares to enter the room where the Biters lie. She was absolutely prepared to deal with them. As she opens the door, her expression and tone shifts for a while.


"Don't blame us for any damages caused, and I assure you, there'll be a lot, a lot of damages caused."

And so, Cagliostro enters the room, creating a flame in her hand to light the way.

"Lights in the back room... blown out... I might be able to fix those," Cagliostro says in a somewhat serious tone. "Anyone tall enough to reach the light?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9 @The Myrmidon @Takumi @Crimson Spartan @Minerva @Hana @Azuremoon @Crow @Sen @Archwar @VirusStudies


Well, Road had decided that she wanted to see if her Akuma virus would have any sort of effect on these creatures, so Milk asking them to go lasso one of them for him was... convenient, at the least. Unorthodox, but, convenient. The Noah turned her head towards the equally enthusiastic Cagliostro and gave a nod with a small, playful grin. She appreciated the play on words the alchemist had provided.

"Lets - and hopefully no one important get splattered."

Road spares a hesitant glance at the group that was not Alucard, Hakuei or Cagliostro - who Road was slowly warming up to. As they entered the room, a stripped candle materialized into Road's hand. The candle was ripe with the Akuma virus and God help these creatures if the viruses did not get along.

Actually... maybe 'God' wasn't the right one to ask, in her case.

Road did not even feel it necessary to respond to Cagliostro's request. That seemed more Alucard's schtick.

@Sen @Hana @Crow @Klutzy Ninja Kitten
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The bullets hit and Duvall fell lifeless to the ground with out much fanfare. "Great, I'm sure that made him very talkative." 18 deadpanned.
Schala found no pulse as she leaned down next to Duvall. What she saw however was Duvall's special keycard. Considering that he seemed to have a high clearance due to his position in the company, perhaps it was a good idea to take it?

"W-Wait!" Riesbyfe exclaimed, grabbing Shirou by the shoulder from behind, but by then, it was too late, and his bullets had buried themselves into Duvall, the man going down almost too anti-climactically after all that had been said. "You... You didn't have to do that! At least, not so...!" She began, gritting her teeth and lightly chastising Shirou, though stopping herself quickly.

On one hand, despite Duvall's obvious hostile intent, the Holy Knight didn't find an immediate need to engage with him just yet if they were able to probe more information from him, but on the other, it wasn't like he likely would have been very willing to give up anything for them, and would much rather die than give anything of use to them. And die it seemed that he did. Despite being a woman of faith, she couldn't feel very bad for the deceased. Working with Umbrella and possessing that kind of character within him... There was no doubt that this man was irredeemably evil, and ultimately, ending his life likely was a course that would end up saving lives in the future.

Shaking her head silently, Riesbyfe simply sighed and stopped what she was saying, instead checking Duvall along with Schala, spotting the special keycard on him and reaching down to take it, looking around the place for a door that it might be able to open in the process.

@Jeremi @Kaykay @york @Josh M @thatguyinthestore @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Gands @Mami Tomoe @Hospes @Kaide` @Bomb @MetalNova @DrugManufacturing
Last edited:
"What is the life of lab rats over the lives of the rest of the world?"

"That is far above your pay grade, mutt. "

The bullets hit and Duvall fell lifeless to the ground with out much fanfare. "Great, I'm sure that made him very talkative." 18 deadpanned.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Drug Manufacturing


That went a little better than expected. Or worse, in the opinions of most of those around him. Regardless, what was done was done. Wasn't like he could bring the cocky guy back to life. Besides, now they could just take his little keycard without any effort. Fat chance there was of the guy actually telling them anything anyway, unless they went so far as to torture him at least. Clearly a simple threat on his life hadn't been enough, after all.
Twisted Fate facepalmed at Shirou's rash decision.

"So much for interrogation...Now we're goin' to have to wander around aimlessly again. The least you could've done was shoot him without killin' him. Maybe that would have gotten him to tell us where the tesseract is..."

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Jeremi @Drug Manufacturing​
"...Well, we got all the time in the world to look around if we just off'em all, right? Easier than trying to get this type to talk at least." Shirou scratched his head, a small frown on his face. "Thought he was gonna do something about the shots anyway..."

"W-Wait!" Riesbyfe exclaimed, grabbing Shirou by the shoulder from behind, but by then, it was too late, and his bullets had buried themselves into Duvall, the man going down almost too anti-climactically after all that had been said. "You... You didn't have to do that! At least, not so...!" She began, gritting her teeth and lightly chastising Shirou, though stopping herself quickly.

On one hand, despite Duvall's obvious hostile intent, the Holy Knight didn't find an immediate need to engage with him just yet if they were able to probe more information from him, but on the other, it wasn't like he likely would have been very willing to give up anything for them, and would much rather die than give anything of use to them. And die it seemed that he did. Despite being a woman of faith, she couldn't feel very bad for the deceased. Working with Umbrella and possessing that kind of character within him... There was no doubt that this man was irredeemably evil, and ultimately, ending his life likely was a course that would end up saving lives in the future.

Shaking her head silently, Riesbyfe simply sighed and stopped what she was saying, instead checking Duvall along with Schala, spotting the special keycard on him and reaching down to take it, looking around the place for a door that it might be able to open in the process.

@Jeremi @Kaykay @york @Josh M @thatguyinthestore @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Gands @Mami Tomoe @Hospes @Kaide` @Bomb @MetalNova @DrugManufacturing
"To be honest, didn't think he'd take the bullets so well. Guess not everyone's a superman, huh?"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Verite @Drug Manufacturing​
Clark's eyes flared as Duvall was shot down like a dog in the street, his body froze for a brief time.

Twisted Fate facepalmed at Shirou's rash decision.

"So much for interrogation...Now we're goin' to have to wander around aimlessly again. The least you could've done was shoot him without killin' him. Maybe that would have gotten him to tell us where the tesseract is..."

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Jeremi @Drug Manufacturing​

"The tesseract? That's what you're thinking about after man was murdered for no good reason?"


"W-Wait!" Riesbyfe exclaimed, grabbing Shirou by the shoulder from behind, but by then, it was too late, and his bullets had buried themselves into Duvall, the man going down almost too anti-climactically after all that had been said. "You... You didn't have to do that! At least, not so...!" She began, gritting her teeth and lightly chastising Shirou, though stopping herself quickly.

On one hand, despite Duvall's obvious hostile intent, the Holy Knight didn't find an immediate need to engage with him just yet if they were able to probe more information from him, but on the other, it wasn't like he likely would have been very willing to give up anything for them, and would much rather die than give anything of use to them. And die it seemed that he did. Despite being a woman of faith, she couldn't feel very bad for the deceased. Working with Umbrella and possessing that kind of character within him... There was no doubt that this man was irredeemably evil, and ultimately, ending his life likely was a course that would end up saving lives in the future.

Shaking her head silently, Riesbyfe simply sighed and stopped what she was saying, instead checking Duvall along with Schala, spotting the special keycard on him and reaching down to take it, looking around the place for a door that it might be able to open in the process.

@Jeremi @Kaykay @york @Josh M @thatguyinthestore @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Gands @Mami Tomoe @Hospes @Kaide` @Bomb @MetalNova @DrugManufacturing

"Not so carelessly? Is the word you're looking for?"

Clark lightly paces as Ries went for the keycard. His eyes glared Shirou


That went a little better than expected. Or worse, in the opinions of most of those around him. Regardless, what was done was done. Wasn't like he could bring the cocky guy back to life. Besides, now they could just take his little keycard without any effort. Fat chance there was of the guy actually telling them anything anyway, unless they went so far as to torture him at least. Clearly a simple threat on his life hadn't been enough, after all.

"...Well, we got all the time in the world to look around if we just off'em all, right? Easier than trying to get this type to talk at least." Shirou scratched his head, a small frown on his face. "Thought he was gonna do something about the shots anyway..."

"To be honest, didn't think he'd take the bullets so well. Guess not everyone's a superman, huh?"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Verite @Drug Manufacturing​
At that point, Clark snapped. Grapping the man by the collar. Clark lightly pressed him againt a wall.

"You think this time for jokes? You just killed man in cold blood, You feel proud of yourself? Tell me, do you?"

The anger got more heated the longer Clark held on the Shirou.

"You had a choice! You clearly were stronger than him, yet you took the coward's way out!"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Hospes @Gands @Kaykay @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Verite
Schala found no pulse as she leaned down next to Duvall. What she saw however was Duvall's special keycard. Considering that he seemed to have a high clearance due to his position in the company, perhaps it was a good idea to take it?

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Drug Manufacturing
Twisted Fate facepalmed at Shirou's rash decision.

"So much for interrogation...Now we're goin' to have to wander around aimlessly again. The least you could've done was shoot him without killin' him. Maybe that would have gotten him to tell us where the tesseract is..."

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Jeremi @Drug Manufacturing​

"W-Wait!" Riesbyfe exclaimed, grabbing Shirou by the shoulder from behind, but by then, it was too late, and his bullets had buried themselves into Duvall, the man going down almost too anti-climactically after all that had been said. "You... You didn't have to do that! At least, not so...!" She began, gritting her teeth and lightly chastising Shirou, though stopping herself quickly.

On one hand, despite Duvall's obvious hostile intent, the Holy Knight didn't find an immediate need to engage with him just yet if they were able to probe more information from him, but on the other, it wasn't like he likely would have been very willing to give up anything for them, and would much rather die than give anything of use to them. And die it seemed that he did. Despite being a woman of faith, she couldn't feel very bad for the deceased. Working with Umbrella and possessing that kind of character within him... There was no doubt that this man was irredeemably evil, and ultimately, ending his life likely was a course that would end up saving lives in the future.

Shaking her head silently, Riesbyfe simply sighed and stopped what she was saying, instead checking Duvall along with Schala, spotting the special keycard on him and reaching down to take it, looking around the place for a door that it might be able to open in the process.

@Jeremi @Kaykay @york @Josh M @thatguyinthestore @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Gands @Mami Tomoe @Hospes @Kaide` @Bomb @MetalNova @DrugManufacturing


That went a little better than expected. Or worse, in the opinions of most of those around him. Regardless, what was done was done. Wasn't like he could bring the cocky guy back to life. Besides, now they could just take his little keycard without any effort. Fat chance there was of the guy actually telling them anything anyway, unless they went so far as to torture him at least. Clearly a simple threat on his life hadn't been enough, after all.

"...Well, we got all the time in the world to look around if we just off'em all, right? Easier than trying to get this type to talk at least." Shirou scratched his head, a small frown on his face. "Thought he was gonna do something about the shots anyway..."

"To be honest, didn't think he'd take the bullets so well. Guess not everyone's a superman, huh?"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Verite @Drug Manufacturing​
Clark's eyes flared as Duvall was shot down like a dog in the street, his body froze for a brief time.

"The tesseract? That's what you're thinking about after man was murdered for no good reason?"

"Not so carelessly? Is the word you're looking for?"

Clark lightly paces as Ries went for the keycard. His eyes glared Shirou

At that point, Clark snapped. Grapping the man by the collar. Clark lightly pressed him againt a wall.

"You think this time for jokes? You just killed man in cold blood, You feel proud of yourself? Tell me, do you?"

The anger got more heated the longer Clark held on the Shirou.

"You had a choice! You clearly were stronger than him, yet you took the coward's way out!"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Hospes @Gands @Kaykay @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Verite
Schala Zeal
@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb
@Drug Manufacturing

It looks like Duvall was truly dead... And, while he probably wasn't the kindest person in his life... It still seemed to sadden Schala, but she did notice a rather high clearance key card he had been carrying. While she didn't feel very good about looting someone's corpse just like that, she did realize they would almost certainly need that card.

Fortunately, Riesbyfe had that idea too... So, Schala quickly moved aside, letting her teammate take the key card instead.

It looks like most of the team took the (potentially unintentional) death of Duvall okay... Despite also being a bit put off by the rash decision that had been made which resulted in this whole thing, but, it did seem like Shirou had expected Duvall to be stronger than he was... So perhaps he was not completely to blame either.

On the other hand, Clark didn't seem to think so, and appeared to be taking the matter into his own hands, literally.

Seeing that, Schala decided she would try and intervene before things escalated too far.

Gently bumping Clark's shoulder, she cleared her throat a little before speaking.

"We must not... Fight amongst ourselves." She said quietly.

"I know it is... Undesireable to take a life like that, but... There is nothing more we can do now..."

Her eyes went towards Duvall's lifeless body once more, a sad look seeming to have cross her face, before she turned her attention back to Clark.

"... I do not wish for any more lives to be taken, but if Umbrella has this... Tesseract, then... It is not just one life, we have to worry about anymore..."

It still felt a little... Strange to her to be free to make her own choices like this; usually they were driven by either her mother's Zeal, or simply desperation, but here... Neither of those were really a factor. Instead, she was simply doing what she thought was the best at the time... Not just for her, but her entire group here.

Though, she hoped that Clark would understand what she was saying... As, she had little experience with these... Pep talks.​
Well. Setsuna had been about to intervene with Duvall, but it looked like that wasn't necessary. As for his death, she didn't seem entirely startled, having seen much worse scenes before. Having been involved in much worse scenes. Fighting the other angels, doing whatever Kyoushirou's bidding was... But something else did end up requiring her attention.​
At that point, Clark snapped. Grapping the man by the collar. Clark lightly pressed him againt a wall.

"You think this time for jokes? You just killed man in cold blood, You feel proud of yourself? Tell me, do you?"

The anger got more heated the longer Clark held on the Shirou.

"You had a choice! You clearly were stronger than him, yet you took the coward's way out!"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Hospes @Gands @Kaykay @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Verite
"Shirou!" A briefly startled expression crossed the blonde's face as Shirou was shoved against the wall by Clark, followed by a much more serious one as she stared at Clark. Her first instinct upon seeing her 'master' pushed was to attack, but something told her that he would not be pleased with her if she did so. So, that in mind... "Release him. Now."

Well, her only slightly broken monotone made it hard to tell if that was a request or a demand. Regardless.

@Jeremi @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Josh M @Verite @Mami Tomoe @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gands @Kaide' @Bomb @MetalNova
Clark's eyes flared as Duvall was shot down like a dog in the street, his body froze for a brief time.

"The tesseract? That's what you're thinking about after man was murdered for no good reason?"

"Not so carelessly? Is the word you're looking for?"

Clark lightly paces as Ries went for the keycard. His eyes glared Shirou

At that point, Clark snapped. Grapping the man by the collar. Clark lightly pressed him againt a wall.

"You think this time for jokes? You just killed man in cold blood, You feel proud of yourself? Tell me, do you?"

The anger got more heated the longer Clark held on the Shirou.

"You had a choice! You clearly were stronger than him, yet you took the coward's way out!"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Hospes @Gands @Kaykay @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Verite

"Cowards...yes that's what you are." The fact that Duvall had suddenly gotten back up after his supposed death had been lost on the bickering group. "Shooting down...a defenseless man...You ugly, ugly, UGLY creatures!" His entire body started convulsing and changing right in front of the group.

A blinding flash later and the transformation was done.


"Pathetic little rats with a useless gun."

Despite the transformation Duvall's mind seemed to still be intact unlike the other monsters they had fought during their assault on Umbrella.

"I will enjoy punishing you ugly creatures...until you are just bloody smears on my canvas."

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Drug Manufacturing
At that point, Clark snapped. Grapping the man by the collar. Clark lightly pressed him againt a wall.

"You think this time for jokes? You just killed man in cold blood, You feel proud of yourself? Tell me, do you?"

The anger got more heated the longer Clark held on the Shirou.

"You had a choice! You clearly were stronger than him, yet you took the coward's way out!"
"Shirou!" A briefly startled expression crossed the blonde's face as Shirou was shoved against the wall by Clark, followed by a much more serious one as she stared at Clark. Her first instinct upon seeing her 'master' pushed was to attack, but something told her that he would not be pleased with her if she did so. So, that in mind... "Release him. Now."

Well, her only slightly broken monotone made it hard to tell if that was a request or a demand. Regardless.​
"Cowards...yes that's what you are." The fact that Duvall had suddenly gotten back up after his supposed death had been lost on the bickering group. "Shooting down...a defenseless man...You ugly, ugly, UGLY creatures!" His entire body started convulsing and changing right in front of the group.

A blinding flash later and the transformation was done.


"Pathetic little rats with a useless gun."

Despite the transformation Duvall's mind seemed to still be intact unlike the other monsters they had fought during their assault on Umbrella.

"I will enjoy punishing you ugly creatures...until you are just bloody smears on my canvas."


"O-Oi, you two, cut that out!" Riesbyfe exclaimed, looking pointedly at Clark and Setsuna, hopefully before Shirou could begin to do something drastic to defend himself. She reached out her arm, though even she didn't realize whether she'd put her hand upon Setsuna or Clark before something stopped her in her tracks.

The voice of the sinister man. A walking dead man.

"--You! B-But you're...!"

Gasping softly at the gruesome monster that the man had become through a lightning-fast transformation, the knight stepped back. Truly, it seemed that it was their mistake for underestimating him, but to exist like this... Perhaps a death for him would be a mercy. It seemed that he was far from possessing any intention to continue talking, let alone negotiating, with them, and was headed straight for the kill.

In that case, Riesbyfe thought, adjusting her iron gauntlet, she glared at Duvall readily, before dashing forward with the intent of being the first to attack.


"If you have no intent to surrender, then you will be vanquished swiftly, demon! HAAAAAAAHHHH!"

As she dashed forward, her gauntlet glowed an orange aura as the knight's magecraft enhanced the physical properties behind it, and once she was within the appropriate distance, she threw a powerful punch right towards the mutated Duvall's chest, her attack possessing enough power behind it to easily shatter a wall!

@Jeremi @Kaykay @Hospes @Josh M @Gands @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Bomb @MetalNova @Kaide`
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"Cowards...yes that's what you are." The fact that Duvall had suddenly gotten back up after his supposed death had been lost on the bickering group. "Shooting down...a defenseless man...You ugly, ugly, UGLY creatures!" His entire body started convulsing and changing right in front of the group.

A blinding flash later and the transformation was done.


"Pathetic little rats with a useless gun."

Despite the transformation Duvall's mind seemed to still be intact unlike the other monsters they had fought during their assault on Umbrella.

"I will enjoy punishing you ugly creatures...until you are just bloody smears on my canvas."

"O-Oi, you two, cut that out!" Riesbyfe exclaimed, looking pointedly at Clark and Setsuna, hopefully before Shirou could begin to do something drastic to defend himself. She reached out her arm, though even she didn't realize whether she'd put her hand upon Setsuna or Clark before something stopped her in her tracks.

The voice of the sinister man. A walking dead man.

"--You! B-But you're...!"

Gasping softly at the gruesome monster that the man had become through a lightning-fast transformation, the knight stepped back. Truly, it seemed that it was their mistake for underestimating him, but to exist like this... Perhaps a death for him would be a mercy. It seemed that he was far from possessing any intention to continue talking, let alone negotiating, with them, and was headed straight for the kill.

In that case, Riesbyfe thought, adjusting her iron gauntlet, she glared at Duvall readily, before dashing forward with the intent of being the first to attack.


"If you have no intent to surrender, then you will be vanquished swiftly, demon! HAAAAAAAHHHH!"

As she dashed forward, her gauntlet glowed an orange aura as the knight's magecraft enhanced the physical properties behind it, and once she was within the appropriate distance, she threw a powerful punch right towards the mutated Duvall's chest, her attack possessing enough power behind it to easily shatter a wall!
And... There was the trick up Umbrella's sleeve. Her eyes widened as she realized just what Duvall had turned into. This wasn't looking good.

Seeing Riesbyfe charge into battle against the creature, Miku kicked into action and began to scan the immediate area for anything she might be able to utilize as a weapon if need be. This was the problem with being unarmed, it seemed.​

@Jeremi @Kaykay @Hospes @Josh M @Gands @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Bomb @MetalNova @Gummi Bunnies @Drug Manufacturing
James Proudstar. Warpath

"You have got to be kidding me."

The big Apache was far quicker than he had shown so far, and far stronger. He moved to one side of the Holy Knight to fight along side her. It the Duvall thing attacked her, he would go all out attack with both knives. If he were attacked, then parry with both knives.

"Hey Kent, how about a little heat vision?"

@drug manufacturing


"O-Oi, you two, cut that out!" Riesbyfe exclaimed, looking pointedly at Clark and Setsuna, hopefully before Shirou could begin to do something drastic to defend himself. She reached out her arm, though even she didn't realize whether she'd put her hand upon Setsuna or Clark before something stopped her in her tracks.

The voice of the sinister man. A walking dead man.

"--You! B-But you're...!"

Gasping softly at the gruesome monster that the man had become through a lightning-fast transformation, the knight stepped back. Truly, it seemed that it was their mistake for underestimating him, but to exist like this... Perhaps a death for him would be a mercy. It seemed that he was far from possessing any intention to continue talking, let alone negotiating, with them, and was headed straight for the kill.

In that case, Riesbyfe thought, adjusting her iron gauntlet, she glared at Duvall readily, before dashing forward with the intent of being the first to attack.


"If you have no intent to surrender, then you will be vanquished swiftly, demon! HAAAAAAAHHHH!"

As she dashed forward, her gauntlet glowed an orange aura as the knight's magecraft enhanced the physical properties behind it, and once she was within the appropriate distance, she threw a powerful punch right towards the mutated Duvall's chest, her attack possessing enough power behind it to easily shatter a wall!

@Jeremi @Kaykay @Hospes @Josh M @Gands @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Bomb @MetalNova @Kaide`

18 was ready to blow the monster away with a well placed Ki blast, but Riesbyfe's attack stopped her in her tracks. "Tch...fine." Instead she joined the holy knight up close in an attempt to defeat him in close quarter.

Riesbyfe's punch would connect, but it now only seemed like a minor inconvenience to the mutated Duvall. "A virus of my own design. It has allowed me to achieve my ultimate form in beauty!" He swiped with his claw towards Riesbyfe but was intercepted by a kick from 18.

"Dead guys should learn to say dead."

And... There was the trick up Umbrella's sleeve. Her eyes widened as she realized just what Duvall had turned into. This wasn't looking good.

Seeing Riesbyfe charge into battle against the creature, Miku kicked into action and began to scan the immediate area for anything she might be able to utilize as a weapon if need be. This was the problem with being unarmed, it seemed.​

@Jeremi @Kaykay @Hospes @Josh M @Gands @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @LuckycoolHawk9 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Bomb @MetalNova @Gummi Bunnies @Drug Manufacturing

Miku spotted two ornate swords on the wall next to the fireplace. They might just be for sure but in this situation it didn't hurt to investigate.

James Proudstar. Warpath

"You have got to be kidding me."

The big Apache was far quicker than he had shown so far, and far stronger. He moved to one side of the Holy Knight to fight along side her. It the Duvall thing attacked her, he would go all out attack with both knives. If he were attacked, then parry with both knives.

"Hey Kent, how about a little heat vision?"

@drug manufacturing

The knives got embedded into his body but once again Duvall didn't seem to care. "Rat's always hunt in packs." Is clawed arm started crackling with electricity as he sent out an electrical shock towards the three fighting him in an attempt to get them off him.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Drug Manufacturing
Clark's eyes flared as Duvall was shot down like a dog in the street, his body froze for a brief time.

"The tesseract? That's what you're thinking about after man was murdered for no good reason?"

"Not so carelessly? Is the word you're looking for?"

Clark lightly paces as Ries went for the keycard. His eyes glared Shirou

At that point, Clark snapped. Grapping the man by the collar. Clark lightly pressed him againt a wall.

"You think this time for jokes? You just killed man in cold blood, You feel proud of yourself? Tell me, do you?"

The anger got more heated the longer Clark held on the Shirou.

"You had a choice! You clearly were stronger than him, yet you took the coward's way out!"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Hospes @Gands @Kaykay @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Verite
Shirou didn't even flinch as Clark put him against a wall. Though he wasn't sure if it was gonna get physical or not, he wasn't so dumb as to think there weren't a bunch of qualms with what he'd just done. At least three had voiced complaints, and clearly Clark was even more so offended by his wanton choice to open fire. Reaching into his pockets, he pulled out a cigarette as Clark berated him, holding it between his teeth and then lighting it up.

"Proud? Nah. I ain't a priest or anything, but it's not like I wake up every morning planning to kill people randomly, you know. But there's a difference between a defenseless man and an enemy. You're strong. Can feel it in your grip. But you're a lot like a friend of mine."

He held up a hand as Setsuna seemed to be slowly getting more aggressive. He had to admit he liked seeing her get a bit riled up for once, but now probably wasn't the time.

"You're too kind, Clark."
"Cowards...yes that's what you are." The fact that Duvall had suddenly gotten back up after his supposed death had been lost on the bickering group. "Shooting down...a defenseless man...You ugly, ugly, UGLY creatures!" His entire body started convulsing and changing right in front of the group.

A blinding flash later and the transformation was done.


"Pathetic little rats with a useless gun."

Despite the transformation Duvall's mind seemed to still be intact unlike the other monsters they had fought during their assault on Umbrella.

"I will enjoy punishing you ugly creatures...until you are just bloody smears on my canvas."

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Drug Manufacturing
As he finished speaking, the fallen Duvall had risen once more. Almost as though he'd been resurrected, only this time his body was undoubtedly otherworldly. Like Shirou had first suspected, a round of bullets had proven meaningless against him. A smirk appeared on his face before he spat his cigarette to the floor, stomping it out.

"Still so sure I'm stronger?"

His voice was still calm as he raised his gun once more, firing away at the new Duvall's stomach area. Whether the gun was useless or not, it didn't hurt to test it out.

"Setsuna, don't worry about me for now. Take that ugly bastard down."

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Verite @Drug Manufacturing​
18 was ready to blow the monster away with a well placed Ki blast, but Riesbyfe's attack stopped her in her tracks. "Tch...fine." Instead she joined the holy knight up close in an attempt to defeat him in close quarter.

Riesbyfe's punch would connect, but it now only seemed like a minor inconvenience to the mutated Duvall. "A virus of my own design. It has allowed me to achieve my ultimate form in beauty!" He swiped with his claw towards Riesbyfe but was intercepted by a kick from 18.

"Dead guys should learn to say dead."

Miku spotted two ornate swords on the wall next to the fireplace. They might just be for sure but in this situation it didn't hurt to investigate.

The knives got embedded into his body but once again Duvall didn't seem to care. "Rat's always hunt in packs." Is clawed arm started crackling with electricity as he sent out an electrical shock towards the three fighting him in an attempt to get them off him.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Drug Manufacturing

"I don't fight with others!" Jabbers proclaimed before dashing over past the electricity aimed for the others and attempted to tackle him with a Quick Attack.


Meanwhile, Doremi didn't want to see anyone else get hurt, and so she attempted to put Duvall to sleep with a focused Sing attack. And again, one can hear sorrow from her voice.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Jeremi @Drug Manufacturing​
18 was ready to blow the monster away with a well placed Ki blast, but Riesbyfe's attack stopped her in her tracks. "Tch...fine." Instead she joined the holy knight up close in an attempt to defeat him in close quarter.

Riesbyfe's punch would connect, but it now only seemed like a minor inconvenience to the mutated Duvall. "A virus of my own design. It has allowed me to achieve my ultimate form in beauty!" He swiped with his claw towards Riesbyfe but was intercepted by a kick from 18.

"Dead guys should learn to say dead."
Miku spotted two ornate swords on the wall next to the fireplace. They might just be for sure but in this situation it didn't hurt to investigate.
Shooting the others a glance, Miku sprinted over to the ornate swords, stopping and examining them for a second. Would these even be useful? She supposed there was only one way to find out.

Trying to take one from the wall, and assuming she was successful, Miku would test the weight of the weapon in her hands and check to see if the blade was sharp at all. Fighting from a distance was one thing, but close-quarters combat was another matter entirely.​

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @MetalNova @Bomb @Verite @Drug Manufacturing
18 was ready to blow the monster away with a well placed Ki blast, but Riesbyfe's attack stopped her in her tracks. "Tch...fine." Instead she joined the holy knight up close in an attempt to defeat him in close quarter.

Riesbyfe's punch would connect, but it now only seemed like a minor inconvenience to the mutated Duvall. "A virus of my own design. It has allowed me to achieve my ultimate form in beauty!" He swiped with his claw towards Riesbyfe but was intercepted by a kick from 18.

"Dead guys should learn to say dead."

Miku spotted two ornate swords on the wall next to the fireplace. They might just be for sure but in this situation it didn't hurt to investigate.

The knives got embedded into his body but once again Duvall didn't seem to care. "Rat's always hunt in packs." Is clawed arm started crackling with electricity as he sent out an electrical shock towards the three fighting him in an attempt to get them off him.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Drug Manufacturing
Shirou didn't even flinch as Clark put him against a wall. Though he wasn't sure if it was gonna get physical or not, he wasn't so dumb as to think there weren't a bunch of qualms with what he'd just done. At least three had voiced complaints, and clearly Clark was even more so offended by his wanton choice to open fire. Reaching into his pockets, he pulled out a cigarette as Clark berated him, holding it between his teeth and then lighting it up.

"Proud? Nah. I ain't a priest or anything, but it's not like I wake up every morning planning to kill people randomly, you know. But there's a difference between a defenseless man and an enemy. You're strong. Can feel it in your grip. But you're a lot like a friend of mine."

He held up a hand as Setsuna seemed to be slowly getting more aggressive. He had to admit he liked seeing her get a bit riled up for once, but now probably wasn't the time.

"You're too kind, Clark."

As he finished speaking, the fallen Duvall had risen once more. Almost as though he'd been resurrected, only this time his body was undoubtedly otherworldly. Like Shirou had first suspected, a round of bullets had proven meaningless against him. A smirk appeared on his face before he spat his cigarette to the floor, stomping it out.

"Still so sure I'm stronger?"

His voice was still calm as he raised his gun once more, firing away at the new Duvall's stomach area. Whether the gun was useless or not, it didn't hurt to test it out.

"Setsuna, don't worry about me for now. Take that ugly bastard down."

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Verite @Drug Manufacturing​

For a long moment, after Duvall's rise back to the living, Setsuna hesitated. Evidently, she was torn between helping Shirou and attacking the obviously ill-intending man. But seeing how calmly Shirou handled his situation, and the way he gestured for her to stand down, she figured it'd be okay to set to work on the other man... This idea confirmed when Shirou told her not to worry about him and that she should focus instead on taking Duvall down. Solemnly nodding, with features further steeling, Setsuna proceeded without hesitation. "As you wish, Shirou."

And with that, she turned, fists clenching as she reigned her focus and strength in for an assault, leaping at Duvall and joining the others in assaulting him, launching a punch that would be boneshattering... To a normal human, anyways. But this guy was clearly anything but 'normal'.



@Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Bomb @Josh M @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Mami Tomoe @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @MetalNova @Kaide'​
"Cowards...yes that's what you are." The fact that Duvall had suddenly gotten back up after his supposed death had been lost on the bickering group. "Shooting down...a defenseless man...You ugly, ugly, UGLY creatures!" His entire body started convulsing and changing right in front of the group.

A blinding flash later and the transformation was done.


"Pathetic little rats with a useless gun."

Despite the transformation Duvall's mind seemed to still be intact unlike the other monsters they had fought during their assault on Umbrella.

"I will enjoy punishing you ugly creatures...until you are just bloody smears on my canvas."

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Drug Manufacturing
Twisted Fate half-expected Duvall to get back up, but was surprised nonetheless. When Duvall called him an "ugly creature", he felt insulted. He saw himself as good-looking, and his expensive suit complemented that.

"You callin' us ugly creatures? Take a look at yourself..."

He quickly threw a gold card from his sleeve, intending to stun the monster with his magical power. T.F hoped that Duvall's body was engineered to resist physical damage. If that was the case, his cards should paper cut through his defenses.


"Think you're indestructible? Think again."

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Hospes @Gands @Josh M @Mami Tomoe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaide` @MetalNova @Bomb @Jeremi @Drug Manufacturing​
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