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Avante Fiore, front of Monsu-Cafe

"Well, whatever you two lunatics have planned for the human, you can't injure him or eat him in the next three minutes." Avante spoke simply as he rocked back on his heels. His posture was relaxed. He was calm and confident in the fact that this human was his and no one else's. He wasn't too keen on sharing. Seeing that one other girl run off, he let out a soft sigh.

"That three minutes starting now, considering that's how long it should take her to get the principal back here." He spoke easily. "I really ain't feeling the whole punishment thing today, so no rule breaking for me, no-sir-ree." He spoke with a smirk. His gaze flicked back to the human as an afterthought. "I didn't hurt you, right?" He asked, just for confirmation.
Mei cheered at Aira's sigh of defeat. "No way, they're way to effective to quit!" She boasted sticking her tongue out.

"I think the shorter question is where don't I want to spend your money," she jibed right back "Answer? Nowhere." She giggled and started dragging Aira in the right direction.

"Let's just eat at Monsu-Cafe they're pretty cheap" she said heading torwards the cafe. Her statement would've been true if Mei had a normal appetite.

Kit pretended to gag.
"Do you care if you hurt him? I don't, so if you'd step aside there's something I would like to do..."
She stepped closer again, realising how snark she was compared to him. This didn't deter her though, she simply rested her hand against Avante's chest, purring softly and smirking softly before pushing him aside gently.

@Shinku @AshenAngel
@Citrus @Chrystal Alvarez @Angelic Fusion @AshenAngel @Myka
Ryunosuke Yuuki
Ryunosuke widden his eyes as he saw how the kitten he tried to protect suddenly jumped off his arms and turned into a fancy looking guy that really didn't seemed like good news. He was totally shocked and the image of the adorable cat just teared down to pieces. He may be now totally scared for now next time he saw a cat.

Now, what scared him the most was the appearance of others weird people that began to argue with themselves of whom may eat him first, like if he was some kind of meat in a buffet. He began to sweat nervously, looking at them and gulping deeply. He thought about running and leave behind some dust, but apparenly, whenever he go in tis school, the chances of finding more weird people were high. "Fuck... I really regret every time I said I want something interesting to happen..." he thought, feeling as powerless as a gazelle in the middle of a pack of hyenas. "I just want to go home... Where the fuck is that girl that brought me here? I swear I will fucking kill her when I find her... That's if I managed to get out of here alive.."

He sighed and looked down, not wanting to run or move. It was useless. They probably caught him and end with his days for been so foolish. He slowly looked at Alexia, the first one he met. he want her to at least help him a little bit, even when she said that he also wanted to eat him.
Mizuki Aisaka & Amaya Suzuki
"What the hell you guys trying to do!?" Just like Avante said, the Principal and the School Patrol arived at the scene, exactly in 3 minutes. Amaya was with them, but this time, she didn't seemed like her trueself. There was a hint of sadness on her eyes. That's because after Ryunosuke escaped on the hill and Mizuki found that out, she gave Amaya the scold of the century. She yelled at her angrily and without any sign of mercy for like 20 minutes in a row.

The school Patrol quickly surounded the Ryunosuke, pushing back the students that were near him. Ryunosuke made a pokerface, slwoly looking at everyone and instincly slowly raising his hands where they could see him. He felt like a most wanted criminal finally caught by the Special Forces or the FBI. Mizuki fixed her glasses and walked towards Ryunosuke, glaring at Avante and the others that were arguing about eating him. he made a frown of them and shook her head.

"I'll have a serious talk with all of you later", she said as she stood in front of Ryunosuke, not having a single hint of fear or disgust. She looked down at him with a serious expression, but totally silent. She was examinating him. Ryunosuke slowly looked at her and blushed faintly after seeing her big breasts. "Really? I don't think that's the way you should react, Ryunosuke..." he thought with a nervous smile. After a while, Mizuki looked at the others. "Did he hurt any of you?"
Don't post anything if you haven't first read the announcement I made on the OCC. Once you read and rate it, then, you can post here.[/spoili]
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Avante Fiore, front of Monsu-Cafe

"No, he hasn't hurt anyone here. Though some people here had some plans of hurting him." The bajang casted a colder look at Kit as he spoke, and didn't even touch upon the fact that Alexia was planning on devouring the poor guy. Surely the principal hadn't missed that bit of conversation, or missed the fact that he was attempting to defend the human from the lunatics. Though, considering the fact that the principal was glaring at him the same way a farmer would glare at a fox who got caught in the hen house, it would seem she was already pegging him as the villain. I guess that's how it's going to be then. Senior year, going out with a bang.

He cracked his knuckles anxiously, wondering just how bad this talk would be. Because he didn't think to invest in life insurance until just after his brilliant prank. You know, when the windows shattered and the structural soundness of the auditorium came into question?
@Citrus @Chrystal Alvarez @Shinku @AshenAngel @Myka


Looking around at the others she saw that things here would likely go south. She didn't know what she would do. She didn't want to hurt anyone and knew that if she was to do anything that... people may get hurt. Deciding to think about it abit more she waited and watched what the others did. When the boy talked Alexia narrowed her eyes "I found him first. I tackled him." She said with a nod but stayed where she was. As she looked at him she licked her lips before shivering. It was hot out.. it was making her uncomfortable even with the rain. But, her mind switched over with the arrival of the principal. She let her head just fall to the side. She let out a loud groan before turning around and trying to move away. Instantly she felt a hand against her and she was pulled back into the middle of the group. She just let her head lower and she kicked a rock like a defeated and pathetic person. But, that was her goal.. she wanted to look pathetic to get out of trouble.

When the Principal asked about Ryu doing anything to them all she just shook her head and tried to move closer just to be moved back. "Hes not doing anything wrong." Alexia said loudly before clamping a hand over her mouth. She just shook her head "I tackled him earlier and he didn't try to hurt me... that was when he first came down from the sky." she went on to say as she just stood still. She had no idea what would happen to her with them knowing she made contact with him.. and didn't capture him. Was she going to be tortured by... a very... hot room! Her eyes winded and she twitched at the horrible feeling that shot up and down her spine. Taking a breath she tried to shake the feeling but kept her resolve. "Why is there so much hatred.. Humans never messed with my people.. then again they cant survive... where I come from." Alexia mumbled at the end.​
Mizuki Aisaka, Ryunosuke Yuuki & Amaya Suzuki
Mizuki looked at Alexia and listened carefully what she said. She crossed her arms. "Ah, so you were the first one to made contact with him", she said and slowly looked back at Ryunosuke. "Is that correct?" Ryunosuke looked at her and quickly nodded. "Y-Yes, but I really didn't hurt her neither them to me", he added before looking back down. Mizuki nodded and placed her right index under her chin. "I see..." She smirked a bit after thinking about something, giving a clue that something crazy was happening on her mind.

Amaya made a pokerface after spotted her creepy smirk on her face. "Poor girl... I she will get a serious punishment after this..." she thought and looked down with a grin, just wanting to be part of it. She was the type of girl that liked those kind of BDSM stuff. She blushed faintly as she began to have some kinky thought about punishments. One of the member of the School Patrol looked at her, a big drop of sweat on his forehead.

"Alright then", said Miziki after a while, clapping once. "After analysing this situation, I conclude to actually let this human stay with us for a while or until I found out how and why he appeared here". He nodded and looked at him. "You look like if you really don't know where you are, right? Well, you will really have a surprise once I tell you everything on my office". Ryunosuke sighed with relief and looked at her with a small smile. "That actually will really help me a bunch, miss", he said with a nervous chuckle. Mizuki nodded and slowly turned around, crossing her arms under her big breasts.

The School Patrol, including Amaya, quickly stood straight like soldiers and waited for her orders. Mizuki looked at Amaya and smirked a bit. "Get all of them to the Gym and gave them a proper, but not to sever, punishment". Amaya looked at her with a blink and then smirked widely, nodding happily. "Alright". Mizuki nodded and slowly looked at Avante with a slight smirk. "And, I already know it was you the one who ruin the Opening Ceremony, but you're lucky that I have more important things to handle now". With that said, she began to walk, heading towards the Main Building. "Follow me, human".

Ryunosuke widen his eyes and quickly begant to follow her from behind, really glad that he could leave everybody behind, but actually quite worried for what would happen to Alexia. He slowly looked at her while walking away.

Lopi Houpu


"Lopi don't like humans. Stupid humans."

Lopi sniffed a bit, soon getting up after Meguu had left. The petite girl looked up at the human, principle, and Amaya. She looked to the side for a moment, and then up at the human again. "... Lopi sorry, for pointing cannon at stupid human." She apologized. She spoke in such a serious the, yet the 'stupid' part wasn't really something that could easily be taken seriously by others. Hell, she didn't even sound like she was sorry, but she was. "Lopi won't try hurting human again... As long as human no hurt her guu." She continued, bowing her head and soon letting out a sigh. She didn't need the air, but it felt nice breathing every now and then, it made her feel like she was getting a weight off her chest. ".. But only because this human isn't the one who killed father."

She paused for a moment, soon looking back up at the rain. Her body warmed up, acting like a heater in the cold rain. It felt... Nice.​

[BCOLOR=transparent]Aoki packed his things, the few that he had, into his bag and left the classroom. He did not see the thing falling from the sky, much less care about the alarm going off from around the whole school. Everyone was rushing outside or looking around to see what was happening. Aoki just sat down, got his lunch from a, "Salmon of Knowledge", the lunch lady. The beans in the soup always for told the truth in what lies ahead. Today, the beans rocked and swayed in the soup, almost like it was unsure of what the future told. "Ohh. Thats a bad sign there boy." The lunch lady walked by and stared into the soup. "The beans never lie, and when they are all bobby like that...bad juju is around." The lady walked off, a worried look on her face.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Aoki shrugged as he ate the soup, splashing a bit on his face when a person crashed into the room. He grumbled to himself, wiping his face off and continuing to eat. While he focused on his food, a large mass of people crowded around the guy and were saying some weird things. Something about a human or the like. Once again, he ignored the conversation. Nova, his cat, hopping up on the table and lapping up what he spilled on the tray for him. "If you keep drinking that, you get nothing later." He said to his pet, patting his head.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]But then something. Something seemingly popped into existence.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He sensed it. It was in his genes. No way around it. He had a whole cabinet dedicated to every single species he has...encountered. But this one was new. Different. It flowed differently, it appeared differently. It was definitely something he never encountered before. And it was coming right from the group.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent] [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Aoki stood suddenly, even making his cat jump from the table down to his leg. Nova knew already that this was going to turn bad. Aoki started turning into his other, more aggressive form. This time, he sped the transformation up. His mask was already materalized by the time that his height and hair changed. The dress just starting while he walked over to the group.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A few things were changed. The blood that flowed from his eyes, turned real. Leaving a trail behind him. All of his eyes, darting around looking for the source of the magical fluid that flowed nearby. Black tentacles grew from under the now fully formed girl, raising her higher into the air. From her normal height of 4'2. With the new appendages, she grew to be 7'1. Exactly six jet black tendrils were grown, four keeping her in the air, while the other two acted as extra arms.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The added height allowed her to pinpoint the source. The boy who bursted in, the one who disturbed her lunch. The two tentacles shot out, crashing into the ground next to the leaving boy. It grabbed him by the legs and forcefully dragged him, face down through odd tables and chairs. Anything in its way from dragging its new specimen to her.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Oh so you are the source? That is blood coming from you is it not? Oh oh oh! You must be human, no? They never talked about [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]humans[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] before you came along. So you MUST be!" The demon girl sang out in her personal language. Smashing him into a table before lifting him up to be at height with her. Blood continued to drip down his arm, giving off more and more of a essence. "Oh your probably frightened...Do not worry dear. I will drain your blood and it will be over soon. Just think! You're going to be the first in my collection!" The demon girl sang again. The two tentacles started to envelop his arms, a thousand mini needles could be felt when the mass overtook any body part. The longer it stays, the much more it hurts.[/BCOLOR]
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Ryunosuke Yuuki
As Ryunosuke slowly followed Mizuki, the sudden smash and tremble of the ground made him yelped and jumped up a bit, totally surprised. Just when he was about to say something or even blink an eye, some tentacles wrapped on his legs and suddenly dragged him. Ryunosuke yelled and tried to hold onto something, but the only thing he found was just dust and mud. He flinched with pain and felt how his blood was slidding through his arms. He looked at the thing that got him and his face showed only horror and terror after seeing such an hideous and horrible monster.

The girl began to saw something about his blood and him been a human. Still, even when she was talking on her native demon language, Ryunosuke surprisingly could understand her perfectly. He widden his eyes more, totally frightened and trying to get from her grasps. Then, the girl suddenly smacked him onto a table, making him moaned with pain. The pain was way too unbearable. She then lifted him to her height and he looked at her with a weak expression. He had lost way too much blood now and he was about to faint.
Mizuki Aisaka
The Principal widden her eyes and quickly turned around, spotting the demon that was hurting badly Ryunosuke. She slowly took off her glasses and placed them on one of her pockets. She growled angrily, a burst of flames ocurring over her body. She quickly dashed towards the monster and jumped twards her, making a spinning kick. The kick smacked the monster right on it face, the sharp area of her heels sinking into its skin like a needle.

"HOW DARE YOU TO SHOW SO MUCH DISRESPECT TO ME!?" she yelled, landing on the ground and facing the monster once again. She clapped her hands once and as she slowly apart them, an orb of blue falmes was forming on its center, growing by every inch she apart her hands.
Avante Fiore, front of Monsu-Cafe.

Damn it... Damn it, damn it, damn it all to hell! Avante watched as the principal led the human away, making it obvious that he was the prankster. He was eternally fucked. He rolled his eyes slightly, wondering how much his life expectancy would drop now. He was dead. Deader than a squirrel smushed in the middle of the road. Still, it could be worse. She could decide to deprive him of blood like the step-bitch had done for the past week. Or she could decide to blast the alarm again just for him...

Grimacing at the thought, Avante closed his eyes and pushed those thoughts clear out of his mind. One thing at a time. Focus on what was coming up right now. He silently reminded himself not to call Amaya an over glorified hall monitor. He wondered briefly what the odds were to turning her over to his side. It was an interesting, albeit completely abstract thought.
Kit scowled at Avante and then turned to watch the human be herded away.
"I wasn't going to hurt him... Much... "
With that she turned and walked until the café, head held high, hoping her image was unscathed.
Aira Aitchson


"Hmpf! Don't think it is going to work next time." Aira scoffs at Mei confidently at her. She mainly let Mei lead her around whenever they went somewhere. Like she could control someone like her in the first place. It is almost possible that there isn't really anyone who could, if there was someone like that, Aira would really like to meet them and learn their tricks. She didn't really mind it, if anything, she enjoyed it. Even after everything that happened so far. The Monsu-Cafe, huh? I never ate at that place in a long while now that I think about it. Hopefully, it is cheap. Aira thought to herself while following Mei towards the Cafe. "So, Mei. How was your first school morning like? Aside from the whole thing incident earlier that happened." Of course, Aira mentioned the human as a thing again. Her views about them aren't the highest. Anyone who knew her closely would know that. She wanted to create some conversation during the walk to the Cafe. It's better than silence. Somewhere along the way, Aira forgot about the whole gym thing. Doing this made her feel more at ease and calm. Forgetting about it could also be a problem for very obvious reasons. Since Aira forgot, she couldn't imagine the thought of what trouble she could get into if she wasn't accounted for when the meeting was suppose to happen. It probably isn't anything pretty.
Watching the girl that had just shown up smash the human into a table Alexia moved away from the group. Using the confusion to her advantage she made sure the school patrol girl was occupired watching her lord and master kick the student. With everyone focused else where she went over to where Ryu was being held by the monster. Wrapping her arms around him she ripped him free of the tentacles before hurrying him away from the group a foot so he wouldn't be hit by the fight happening. Although she was a ditz she did know a thing or two about dealing with wounds. After all, being accident prone made you learn how to deal with just about everything but a broken bone or internal injuries.

Laying him onto his back she looked him in the eyes and smiled "Hey, just relax.. I promise I wont bite you.. but it will likely burn.. but its not fire." She said as she looked around for his wounds. She didn't care if she would get.. human blood all over her by doing this. She may become a target since the human is protected but.. it was needed. Finally finding a injury on his arms she took a deep breath and placed her hand over it. A feeling of a less than creepy cold began to pour out of her and directly onto the wound. The sheer freezeing effect began to cause the blood on the surface to freeze up. It wouldn't last long but it would keep him from bleeding for now.. and from him to bleed everywhere. "Well, this should work for abit."

Now with her hands covered in human blood she gazed at them. "its so warm.. Its.. off putting.." She mumbled out as she thought about licking her hands. Finally deciding not to do anything.. but a devious thought went into her mind. She turned to Avante and made sure that she licked the human blood off one finger in his plain view. "Its got an odd taste.." She went on to say just to tease him. "Kinda. metallic.. its.." She said with a large smirk on her face before turning to Ryu. "Well, I don't like it." She said with a nod "You're to warm. You dont have to worry about me eating you." Alexia said with a smile to try to reassure him.

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"Heh, we'll just see about that" Mei challenged. "it was OK, Hella boring, because we didn't do anything. Then there was all that crap going on in the Junior class" she rattled off events as she remembered them. Overall this school was a pretty chaotic place. She couldn't really believe that here father had sent her here to straiten her out. There had been more controversy here in one morning than Mei had seen in her whole life. "The noise gave me a headache and I skipped out of class to go to the nurse's office, then there was the human incident" she said semi-darkly, her dislike for the species resurfacing.

She held her hands behind her head casually "Here I am on pins n' fucking needles, only for it to be some scrawny coward" she said childishly as if she was disappointed by the turn of events.

They arrived at the Cafe around then. Mei saw that there was some kind of ruckus going on in there. It's not going to stop me from eating this time she thought determinedly as she entered the place.

Aira Aitchson

Aira smiled while Mei was talking about the morning and how it went for her. She wanted to know if it was as chaotic as it was for her. It turns out it was the complete opposite. Aira couldn't help but let out an awkward chuckle the moment she mentioned the chaos in the Junior class. The thought about telling her that it was her and a few other students that caused it went through her mind. "Yeah, my day was pretty crazy compared to yours it seems, since the class you probably was talking about was mine." She left out the fact that she was one of the causes for the class becoming so chaotic. It wasn't her fault. It was the damn perverts and their comments. Remembering the comments they said about her made her face turn slightly red again. She hoped it wasn't noticeable. "It does sound like you to skip class like that." Aira said in a teasing manner as they neared the Cafe.

She noticed commotion going on the same time Mei did. At first, she thought she was going to check out what was going on since it sounds pretty serious, but Mei walked into the Cafe instead. Aira wanted to check out what was going on. Aira thought about it and decided that having some relaxation and peace sounded better than the other option. She carefully walked into the Cafe to make sure that her horns or tail didn't get caught in the door. That would be a bit too embarrassing for her. The Cafe looked pretty decent and well-taken care of. The floors were clean. The tables in the booths were properly organized with the condiments on the middle of the table. Aira pointed at the empty table in the corner near the window. "Hey, Mei. Let's sit over there." She looked at Mei and wanted for her approval. She might have thought of a different spot to sit so she wanted to see if she had.
Ryunosuke Yuuki
As Alexia ripped off Ryunosuke from the monsters tentacles, he screamed and moaned with pain as he fell how the neddles scracthed him awfully. It was the worst pain he had felt on his whole life. It was like been in the center of a burning places, flames eating slowly his skin. He cried silently, definitely not been able to bare so much pain since he was just a simply human with not that tough resistence of a monster. Still, he was thankful for Alexia to save him without him asking it.

When she laid him on his back on the ground, he coughed a bit and clenched his teeth, his arms trembling with pain. "Damn it... I-I think I won't make it..." he began to think, slwoly looking at all the blood he was lossing. "So... This is it, huh? This is how I will fucking die... Well, shit... It's definitely a weird way to die..." He scoffed and flinched with pain, feeling a slight pain on his stomatch. Then, he began to feel a chilly, but delightful sensation on his arms, especially where he had the cuts from the tentacles. He slowly looked at Alexia and noticed her trying to heal his wound. He sighed with s light smile.

"Well, yes... Blood have a curious metallic taste", he told her with a weak smile. "The reason of it is actually quite interesting". He let go a chuckle even when it hurt him a bit. "And I'm warm because that's actually the temperature of my body. If I was cold, I probably would be death". He slowly lifted his right hand and kindly hold her right cheek, tainting it with his blood. "Did you know that you have a beautiful smile?" He smiled a bit more, looking at her eyes. "I really like it..." After few seconds, he slowly passed out from the blood loss, urgently needing some medical assisstance.
@Angelic Fusion
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Mei saw Aira go slightly red but didn't mention it. "Well so what if I do? Isn't the point of school to skip it?" She questioned merrily. Mei noticed all the commotion and was immediately curious despite wanting food she couldn't help herself. She was just too nosy that way.

"Yeah we can chill out over there, Unless you want to snoop around a bit first." She replied, grinning mischievously.

Aira Aitchson

It is true that Aira is curious about the whole commotion outside as well. If they went to check it out, it would probably save Aira's money until next time, though it would mean she would have less time for lunch. I guess I can make some time after school to have something to eat just in case this takes longer than I think it would. "I wouldn't mind snooping around for a bit, I mean it will probably work up an appetite as well." Aira relied for a playful smile. After all, a little snooping around never hurt anyone. She probably is going to regret it one way or another.


Looking down her eyes snapped all across his body. His bleeding wasn't slowing down as much as she hoped for to say the least. Infact, the cold treatment she tried seemed to backfire abit making her almost panic. "No, No if you were warm you would be dead." She said correcting him according to her own anatomy. She didn't even seem to miss a beat as she continued to see what she could do for him. Finally realizing she was failing she was going to pick him up. The thing that stopped her was his hand. Feeling his hand on her cheek she just let out a breath. She was way to freaked out to be thinking straight at that moment.

"I... I.. Your going to be okay." She said as the blood covered others from seeing her blushing. When he stopped respond she put her hand near his neck and gasped "Hes getting really warm! I think hes going to die." She seemed to almost get frantic but stopped. Not knowing what to do she looked around. "I.. I don't know what to do. Hes so different!" She cried out. She wasn't strong enough to lift him so she just looked at Avante "You look strong enough to lift him.".​