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@Angelic Fusion @Citrus
Ryunosuke Yuuki
As Ryunosuke closed the door, he eeked and back away from Kisa as she was now inside the dorm. He looked at her with awe, blushing faintly and way too nervous. As to be expected, she knew that he lived her with Kimiko and Alexia, so she knew the little secret. Just when he was about to say that everything was a lie, she quickly said something about keeping the secret with a condition. That caught his attention and stood stright, crossing his arms and listening to her carefully.

He blushed a bit more after realizing the busty and well formed body Kisa had and he tried really hard not to look at it way too much and focus on her eyes.

"Just look at her, Ryunosuke... Just at her eyes..."

He widden his eyes with awe as he heard her kinda perverse deal. "W-Wait a minute... What does she means by "providing a good amount of energy"? H-How I'm supossed to do that, anyways...?" She looked at her with a pokerface, a drop of sweat on his forehead and already realizing that maybe there's something missing on Kisa's mind.

Suddenly, Alexia arived at the dorm. He sighed with relief and quickly looked at her, but she just igored them and go all the waytowards her room, closing the door. He made a pokerface, blinking twice. He slowly looked at at Kisa and Alexia came out from her room again. Ryunosuke smiled a bit and looked back at her, but once again, she ignore him and went into the bathroom. He frowned a bit, feeling totally ignore and invisible for her, not really believing that she haven't noticed that there was a different girl in the dorm with him.

As she came out from the bathroom and asked him why there was a girl, he looked at her with a "Are you serious?" expression. Right when he was about to explain her, Alexia once again ignore him and went to her room. He screamed with fustration, messing up his scarlet hair and stomping his feet on the floor.
Azazel was a little surprised that, there was a human on campus, that means that boy was the human, he could report it back to his sister but, his sister just told him to keep an eye on him, not to report back to her if he was a human or not. So he wouldnt be telling his sister about the human boy, even though the Lucifer Family have no grudge against humans at all, actually Lucifer have in a long time try to make a deal of with Jesus, so the devils could live in peace with the humans, but enough about that back to buisness. He follow the principal, she would lead him to the dorms, he answered to what the principal said "So it was a human.. Well i dont care to be honest" He said it like it wasnt a big deal "A human isnt dangerous, infact they are harmless" Did he say to the principal and he kept talking "Luci have tried to bring peace between the 3 worlds, so she has accept humans as they are and she want to meet one in person" He kept talking about the human while they were walking.
Mizuki heard everything Azael said about Lucifer's intents to bring peace between the 3 worlds. She scoffed a bit and looked at him with a slight grin. "Of course there's no way Heaven will make a deal with Hell", she said at the end of Azazel's speaking. "It's pretty stupid to even think that God will do such a think. Demons and every being in Hell are tricksters, so I won't be surprised if no one in heaven doesn't trust Lucifer at all".

She fixed her gasses and looked at their way, part of the Dorms Building visible. "Maybe, if she grows up a bit and quit been so childing and unmature, maybe they will change their minds. No offense, but that's how things are, Hellborn-san".
She jumped a little when she had heard someone calling her, but relaxed almost immediately after. Yeah, she took a walk to get some alone time, but she wouldn't turn down a little company. But judging from the serious looks on the girls' faces, they didn't look like they were up for friendly chitchat.

"Yeah, whatcha need?" She turned to them with a smile on her face, absentmindedly twirling one of her pigtails throughout her fingers. She didn't really notice that the situation was serious. If she did, then she just didn't care.
The girls stood in front of her and glared at her. A adorable girl with rabbit ears wa sthe one to stepped closer to her and lower her head a bit to take a look at Kimiko with a serious expression. "I've heard there's a boy living in your dorm", she began to say with a cute tone, even when she was looking serious. "Is that true or just a silly rummor you made up, huh?"

Apparenly, she already knew that Kimiko was that type of girls that loved to make some rummor and gossips for get some attention.

Kimiko stared at the group of girls before her with a glazed look in her eyes. Honestly, she was used to people being angry at her because of a little rumor she had spread, some juicy secret that she let slip, etc. So this was nothing new.

She put a saccharine smile as she strode towards the girl with rabbit ears. Once facing her, the sweet smile on her face turned into a smug smirk. "Awww, Usagi-chan, you're so cute!!" She reached over and gave a slight, teasing little tug on one of the girl's bunny ears. "But I didn't spread any rumor, I swear I'm innocent~! Yeah, there's a boy in my dorm, so what?" She narrowed her eyes and gave off a malicious grin. "What, do you want him in your dorm instead, hmm?"


Moments before he hit her, a pulse of energy threw him back against the ground. She spoke again, but her voice sounded warped and slightly more threatening.
"Delete. The. Pictures."
Azazel Hellborn

He wasnt surprised of the answer that the principal gave him, he thought the same way about Luci. Luci can be unmature, a lot. But in the end she can become the most serious person he knows, other words never be a enemy of Lucifer. Azazel and the principal were on their way to the boy dorms, Azazel started to say "Will we soon be there??" He started to be worried about the classes, that if he should go after he reach the dorms, he was knew so he had no chances of knowing. "Ex-excuse me miss but.. is there any classes today??" He panicked a little, his voice sounded worried and he hope that he dont misses his first day at school.


Kimiko stared at the group of girls before her with a glazed look in her eyes. Honestly, she was used to people being angry at her because of a little rumor she had spread, some juicy secret that she let slip, etc. So this was nothing new.

She put a saccharine smile as she strode towards the girl with rabbit ears. Once facing her, the sweet smile on her face turned into a smug smirk. "Awww, Usagi-chan, you're so cute!!" She reached over and gave a slight, teasing little tug on one of the girl's bunny ears. "But I didn't spread any rumor, I swear I'm innocent~! Yeah, there's a boy in my dorm, so what?" She narrowed her eyes and gave off a malicious grin. "What, do you want him in your dorm instead, hmm?"
The bunny girl widden her eyes and and blushed deep red as Kimiko tugged on of her ears. Her ears were one of her sensible spots, so she let go a cute embarrassed yelp and quickly backed away from her, looking down at her while holding her ears. "W-What do you think you're doing, pervert!?" She growled and pointed at her. "Don't you ever touch my ears!"

Another girl from the trio, a Neko girl, stood besides the bunny girl and glared at Kimiko with a frown. "How could be so calm with having a male on your dorm, nya!? You better kick him out of this section before we tell the Principal about this, nya!" The Neko girl also had an adorable appearance and she always finished every sentence with a cute "nya". She hissed at Kimiko with an angry expression, her tail whipping behind her.
Moments before he hit her, a pulse of energy threw him back against the ground. She spoke again, but her voice sounded warped and slightly more threatening.
"Delete. The. Pictures."
An unknown energy smacked the Werewolf on the ground, making him whimper and flinch with pain. He laid on the ground, slowly looking up at Kit with a slight and hurt frown. "I ain't doing that shit, busty bitch! There... There're my precious collection!" He looked to his right and spotted his camera a few inches away from his right hand. He growled a bit and slowly began to move his arm towards it.
He wasnt surprised of the answer that the principal gave him, he thought the same way about Luci. Luci can be unmature, a lot. But in the end she can become the most serious person he knows, other words never be a enemy of Lucifer. Azazel and the principal were on their way to the boy dorms, Azazel started to say "Will we soon be there??" He started to be worried about the classes, that if he should go after he reach the dorms, he was knew so he had no chances of knowing. "Ex-excuse me miss but.. is there any classes today??" He panicked a little, his voice sounded worried and he hope that he dont misses his first day at school.
Mizuki slowly looked back at Azazel with a chukle and shook his head. "Well, not for you today. You have just arrived today, so youu can start your classes tomorrow. Still, you can talk with your teachers about what they have done this week". He gave him a small smile before looking at their way. "Don't worry about it. I bet they haven't gave anything that important yet".

After a few minutes, they finally arrived at the entrance of the Dorms Building. Mizuki stopped in front of the Main doors that led to the Students' Lounge and turned around to face Azazel. "Well, this it. The Boys' section is at the left of the lounge. You already know your dorm number, so there's no need for me to escort you there, right?"

After going into her room she realized that she was indeed hungry for something not so cold for once. In the end she decided that perhaps it was best that she didn't try cooking this herself. She never was good with making anything other than a block of ice or music. Those two were about it for her.. she couldnt cook at all. So, she decided to figure out if her new room mate could cook. Going over to where she put the frozen meat she simply grabbed one of the blocks of frozen beef before opening her door loudly and walking over to Ryu. She saw that he was having a small fit and she just held back a laugh. With block of frozen beef in hand she walked up and held it out to Ryu. "Its cold, can you cook stuff?" She asked as she just stared at him.

This was a very big moment. Could he pull his weight and make her food or would she have to eat the block of ice as it was.. frozen and hard. If he happened to make the food she didn't know what exactly she would do. She would be cautious to say the least. She didn't know what to expect from him when he made food. Would it be cold enough but not to hot? Would he end up burning it and ruining a good steak. The questions she asked were to many in number for her to come to grasps with. In the end she just took a deep breath before turning her head to look at the other girl. "Why are you in my dorm room?" She asked blatantly and as if slightly annoyed.​
Azazel Hellborn

Azazel and the principal had finally reached the dorms, he was reliefed that wasnt missing his first school day, but he knew that he should talk to his teacher later on asking about what they have go through. He looked around in the Student lounge, he saw how the students was mumbling something and all looked the same direction. Azazel started to be curious, first of all he answered on the principals question, "Oh.. no im fine for now thanks for showing me the way, Sensei" Did he say and bowed to the principal for showing his gratefulness. Then he went off to his room, when he was close to the room he had a piece of paper with his room number on it, while he was walking, he counted "Block B, number 1 and then number 2, This is my room..." He fixed his glasses then he knocked on the door to see if someone inside, since he was new could he know if he had a roommate or not, so give it 10sec and if someone isnt responding he is opening the door.

Kimiko couldn't help but laugh a bit when the rabbit girl jumped back, face flushed and embarrassed. Still giggling a little, she held out her hands, similar to a symbol of surrender. "Fine, fine, I won't do it again. See? My hands are far away from your cute little ears."

She rolled her eyes when the Neko girl was speaking, though. Sure, she was cute, but she was annoying. "Why would it bother me? What are you suggesting?" She let out a fake gasp, paired with a little smirk. "Get your dirty minds out of the gutter. And I'm pretty sure that the Principal actually told him to dorm with me and the other girl." Forgive her Alexia, she's not good with names. "I mean, that's what he told me, at least."

Aira Aitchson - School grounds

Aira heard a familiar voice again, this time she realized who it was. It was Megumi. It was nice to hear her since they didn't really have a chance to talk for the past two days. There is plenty of time to do that now. After getting up from kneeling on the ground, she dusted off clothes so her clothes didn't look as dirty. It wasn't the best job at doing so, but it was an attempt at least. "Hey Megumi." Aira said while waving back at her. "I've been doing good. How about you, Megumi?" Of course, she wasn't really been doing good. The whole thing with the human has been on her mind constantly. The uneasy feeling she had knowing that one of the things are here, and the fact that he was living in the girls' dorm made trying to hide that fact much harder. Hoping that her smile will be enough instead.

@Angelic Fusion
Ryunosuke Yuuki
After talking for a while with Kisa, the Succubus girl slowly left the room after a while. Ryunosuke sighed with relief once he heard the door closing and rubbed the back of his head. "Man, that girl really gave me the creeps..." he mumbled and turned to see the living room. Just when he picked a towel for continue with the cleaning, Alexia came out from her dorm.

As he turned around to see what she wanted, he looked down at the frozen beef she held it out for him and asked him if he could cook it for her. He knew how to cook, in fact, he was an expert in that area. He wuouldn't mind cooking it for her, but he was a bit bussy with the cleaning. He slowly looked at her with a small smile. "Alexia-san, I'm a bit busy now. I can't cook that for you now, but, um... If you are that hungry, then you can clean off the dust from the tables while I cook that for you. We have a deal?"

He held out his right hand at her with a smile, awaiting and expecting her to shake it for seal the deal.
Some hard rock music was booming inside the room. The music was so loud, that even the door was shaking a bit. The students from the nearby dorms came out from their dorms and stared at the noisy dorm with a angry frown. Hey! Who's teh asshole that has the damn music so loud?!" yelled a troll guy, some stream coming out from his nosetrill. He looked at Azazel and pointed at him. "You...! You better tell your stupid roomie to low the damn volume of the music or I'll go in there and smack some sense out of him!"

The other stundents agreed with the troll, nooding and mumbling tgings while looking at Azazel.
"And you just believed him!?" The Neko clicked her tongue with annoyance and slightly pushed away Kimiko and began to walk towards her and Alexia's dorm. "I'm kicking that asshole by myself then..." The bunny girl and a horse girl with pink glasses followed the Neko girl, totally detrmined to kick out Ryunosuke from the dorm and the Girls' section.

THe Neko smacked the door three times. "Open up! We already know there's a guy in there!"
yelled the Neko girl before crossing her arms and clapping her right foot on the floor, waiting.
@Kobal @Myka
Some girl ran besides Aria and Megumi, accidentally and lightly bumping with Aria's right arm. They didn't noticed, so they kept running, saying something about a group of girls all mad in front of the dorm were apparently a guy was living. "Utena just texted me that! We better check that out!"

They giggled as they continued running towards the dorms direction.


When he offered to cook the food for her she simply looked up and stared at him "Seriously? I.. thank you." She said before he held out his hand. She looked down at his hand that was oddly pointing in her direction. She didn't know what he was going to do with it.. was he going to hurt her? She just stared at it for a second longer before looking up "Why are you pointing at me?" She asked before taking the towel and turning to go towards the table. Everything was going well up untill the point where she heard three obnoxiously loud knocks. Already annoyed with people barging into her personal space she was a fire ready to go into a inferno.

Grabbing ahold of the door she looked through to see another girl standing there. She immediately let out a low growl as she felt her teeth beginning to shift the more she began to get upset. She knew she couldn't go into a full rage or risk attacking people. Instead she just blanked her mind as best as she could and opened the door. The opening of the door although fast did look Semi-Normal. The first thing she did to the girl is step forward and stare "Get away from my home before I turn you into my next frozen meal." She said and smiled as a row of razor sharp teeth began to appear. "I am trying to relax and everything seems to be going crazy. If you want gossip I can easily create some... all it takes is an unidentifiable body in the middle of the woods.... do you know where I could get one of those..." Alexia continued on as her breath began to turn to mist.
Kit glared at him, kicking his hand and growling darkly.
"Wrong answer, pup"
She brought the camera to her hand and looked it over.
"This looks expensive..." she murmured, dropping it beside her foot. "It would be a shame if anything happened to it..."
She smirked and stamped on it, crushing and breaking it as best age could, before kicking it away.
"Perverted prick..."
She kicked him in the stomach and turned to walk away.
Azazel Hellborn

The moment Azazel knock on his room door suddenly high hard rock music was coming from the room, he looked very surprised, he hair raised because of the high bass. He thought (What kind of person listening to such high music) He look around hall and he was that other was annoyed over it as he was. He started to think if this really is his room or not, then a troll came out and said that Azazel should tell his roommate to turn the volume down, or else the troll would take action. Azazel responsed with "Sorry im new here but.. i will try my best" he took a hard breath before opening the door, he grap the door handle open, the door and yell "Excuse me!!! Its too high, can you turn it down?? or else will the other students start to take action" Then he turn silent and looked at his roommate to see the person looked like.


@Angelic Fusion

Ryunosuke Yuuki
Ryunosuke stood there with a plastered smile on his face, a drop of sweat on his forehead as Alexia left his hand hanging, thinking he was just pointing at her. He sighed a bit and slowly reached for the back of his head, rubbing it a bit. "This going to be really difficult... I wonder if all these people know what a simple and unharmful handshake is..." he thought and picked the frozen meat for cook it.

Just when he was about to go into the kitchen, he heard Alexia opening the door. He turned his head to his right for see what was going on and noticed Alexia was all annoyed with someone that was outside. He quickly put the meat on a table and walked towards her for calm down the thing. "Hey, hey, what's going on here?" he asked, kindly taking Alexia right hand and pulling her away from the Neko girl that was outside.

He let her go and stood between them, looking at them. He eyes suddenly widen as he saw the adorable Neko ears from the girl. His cheeks blushed faintly and hs eyes glistened with awe, as expected from a cat's lover. The girl looked at him and widden her eyes. "Aha! So it was true! How dare you to even come here and show off yourself without been worried!?" She let go a growl and harshly grabbed him by his shirt, trying to pul him out of the dorm. Sadly for her, she was way too short and not strong enough to be able to move a 6 feet tall guy.

Ryunosuke blinked a couple of times, looking down at the girl with confusion as she kept pulling his shirt with cute growls and yowls.
@Chrystal Alvarez
The Werewolf barely felt her kick in the stomatch, but after seeing his expensive camera been smashed by Kit, he let go a scream of pain and horror. "NOOOOOOOO!!!! Oh, the horror! My life is totally ruined!" he began to cry dramaticly, crawling towards the pieces of the camera and taking them, whimpering. "You such a heartless bitch! I swear this won't stay like this!" he yelled at her, trying to put together the pieces of the camera.
A dragon guy was standing on top of a table on his underpants, dancing at the rythm of the hardcore music and doing as if his was playing an invisible. He was shoving his head up and down, his messy green hair whipping in the air and his tail whipping behind him, some stuff that were near it already on the floor. "Yeah! Let's lift this fucking roof, bitches!" he yelled, not really hearing that Azazel came inside.

In front of him was the music player o top of a small metal table.
Azazel Hellborn

He opened the door to his room and was surprised to see his new roommate dancing on the top of a table in his underpants and rocking to the too high hard rock music, Azazel saw it all with a pokerface and his think (What the hell is doing on here...). Azazel tried to communicate with him but i was tougher then he thought. He kept yelling "Excuse me! Turn off the music"Turn down the volume it annoyes the rest of the students"Hey!! TURN DOWN!!" Even though he kept yelling and yelling but no reaction from his roommate. He looked outside of the room and he saw some angry students looked inside, then he knew that was only one thing to do. Azazel walked over to the music player and turn down the music, then he said "Sorry i had to do it but.. it annoyed the rest of the students, and im your new roomate" He smiled and hoped that he wasnt too pissed about turning down the music.




Feeling a hand grab her own from behind she was about to turn around and snap but found herself being pulled back. She lost that sudden anger in a flash and was about to return to the attack but was stopped by the smell of food reaching her nose. She turned her head to look at the plate then to the person invading her private space. Deciding to keep her private space private she went over to where Ryu was standing and watched the small girl try to pull him out of the door while yelling at him. Alexia went up behind Ryu and thought about pushing him out of the way but didn't know if she could when she wasnt freaking out. In the end she decided that maybe it was best if she stood behind him.

So, it was settled... she stood behind Ryu and had he heead just peaking over the top of his right shoulder. She had her face pressed against the back of his shoulder as she let out a low growl that could just be heard over the other girl freaking out. Alexia shifted slightly as her body began to drop in temperature. "Shes small.. kinda.. delicious looking... but she invaded my privacy and is keeping me from eating my food.." Alexia continued on to say as she continued to growl. Sadly, Alexia at this moment in time wasn't the most terrifying thing in the world.. it was just when she got mad that the real claws... literally come out.​
As Azazel turn off the music, the dragon slowly stopped dancing on looked around in confusion. "Huh? What the hell just happpened? Who turned off..." He stopped talking as he spotted Azazel besides the music player. He widden his eyes and blushed deep red, totally embarrassed. He quickly hopped off the table and dashed towards his bedroom, slamming the door close. "W-Who the hell are you and what the hell y-you're doing in my dorm!?" he shouted from the inside of his room.

The students that were outside sighed with relief and returned to their dorms in peace.
@Angelic Fusion
Ryunosuke began to feel a bit nervous as he felt Alexia very close behind him. His body tense up a bit when he felt some pressure on his shoulder. He blushed a bit more and cleared his throat, looking down at the really pissed off Neko girl. "Um, miss... Can you at least tell me why you're so mad at me?" he asked with nervous smile, trying not to think about Alexia.

The girl let him go and panted heavily, tired from the pulling. She turned around and looked up at him, hissing. "Isn't it obvious, nya!? I'm trying to kick you off this place because males aren't allowed in this section, nya!" Ryunosuke could stand chuckling a bit after hearing the girl's adorable talk. Thus, he didn't dared to pet her or touch her ears afraid of what could she do. He let go a sigh and placed his hands on his hips. "I have the special permission of Aisaka-san, miss. In fact, she wa sthe one who suggest me to stay here", he began to explain and took out the note Mizuki gave him from his pocket. She hand it to the girl and she look at it.

The other girls stepped closer to her from behind and look at it as well, widden their eyes with awe as they confirmed that what Ryunosuke said was true. After a minute, the Neko girl returned the note to Ryunosuke and glared at him. "I don't know what the hell that Principal had on her min when she did this, but you're good for now, nya", she said and her ears twitched a bit, making Ryunosuke looked at them with a smile. He wanted to really touch them.

"What yoou were saying about my mind, Suzumiya-san?" An eriee silence fell on the hallway as Mizuki came into the scene. She had a smirk on her face as she slwoly walked towards Ryunosuke and the girls, te sound of her heels hitting the floor echoing in the hallway. The Neko girl widden her eyes and her hair, tail and ears spiked up with fear.
Vinnulus had never felt so happy in his life. There were so many new sights, sounds, creatures, "Prey." he purred with a sweet smile. The arachne was currently in his human form, his physical appearance petite, with a boyish feminine look while sporting his pastel pink dyed hair and sweater that reached past his knees. "What a marvelous place. It's so big, decorative and... and I'm lost." still with a smile etched on his face, Vinnulus examined to where he was actually walking and saw he was surrounded by books. "This must be the library." the boy stepped toward a book shelf and began tracing long, delicate fingers over the spines of the books. "I wonder if there's anything in here about spiders..."
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@Sir Binkleton the 3rd
Natsumi Izumi
As Vinnulus touched the spine of the books on the shelve, he suddenly felt some strings of hair somewhere. "Who dares to interrupt this Dauntress of Death's midday nap?" A voice that came from the bookshelf said, with a kinda annoyed tone. "Show yourself, mortal, and face the consecuences of your acts..."
Kimiko had followed the three girls back up to her dorm. She was done arguing with them, it wasn't like they were gonna believe her anyway. Besides, the action was moving else, and she wouldn't miss that for the world. So she wordlessly made her way back to her dorm.

She stood in the hallway as the neko girl confronted Ryunosuke, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. When he handed the girl the letter, a sigh mixed with laughter escaped her. "See? See?!" She gestured to the note. "I told you he was supposed to stay here!" She glanced at Alexia, who was standing behind Ryu, and offered her a look that said "I'm so sorry you have to witness this."

She jumped when she heard Mizuki, and turned to see the principal walking towards them. Well, as much as she would have liked to stick around and see what would happen next, she remembered how often she had skipped class (and school had only just begun!), and decided it was time to head back in her dorm. She tried to sneak back into her room and hide behind Ryu and Alexia. Kimiko Honda is not there, nope, not at all.

@Shinku @Angelic Fusion
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