Monsters Beyond the Fog [p]

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"Somet'ing…" Angelos says and then pulled out what he was looking for. "Ah hah! Here we go! I haven't use t'is years." Pulling out some shoes that were embroidered with flowers. "I haven't worn these shoes since I was little." Going to put them on his feet. "Ah so comfortable." Since he had more climbing feet and usually were barefoot. But here he needed some foot covering to protect his feet.
"You got some pretty shoes Angelos!" Tobias brightly said and hopped up onto the couch, "Do you normally not wear shoes or somethin'? Cause that seems like an awfully long time to not have shoes on," He then swung his legs before continuing with, "I wear shoes everyday to school! Cause I get in trouble otherwise,"
"I don't where shoes normally." He says to him. "I spend much of time climbing trees and branches. Plus my claws can tear t'rough t'e shoes. But since I have normal human feet it's best if I wear shoes." Angelos mused at Tobias. "When we were young our claws are still soft so it takes at least year before t'ey become tough and sharp. So we have to protect t'em."
The strawberry blonde gave a vigurous nod in understanding, "I have just normal human feets! Also teachers are big meanies and don't allow use to have no shoes unless we have gym day," he said with a small frown at the thought.
"Well she's right. Chur cute little feet can get cut up wit'out proper protection." He says him and went to ruffle Tobias hair a bit. "And t'at is no fun." Angelos mused at him. "But I will admit wearing shoes isn't to much fun."
"But I can run on rock and stuff! Uncle Alistair has a farm on the hills and theres so many boulders, I have no problem there!" Tobias whined with a small pout at the other before looking to the clock on the stand, "Oh! I gotta get to school! Sorry Angelos- but I'll be back to see you later right?" He gave him a hopeful look.
Angelos just smiled, knowing full well being out in open was a lot different than being in the city. When Tobias said he would have to go to school. "Okay t'en have a good day." Waving him off once he left he went to mess with his own hair. Once he got it to stay with some special oils. He then threw to step out of the house and took out the map. Looking it over for a bit he went to start walking. And decided after a bit he needed a boost. So using some magic under his feet he made himself a lot quicker to where he practically was bounding huge steps. Once in the city he went to revisit the map. Checking out Jaylins notes.
The notes written upon the map were more or less chicken scratch, barely readable but some of it remain legible. It had notes on it like 'watch out here' or 'possibnly creature encounter' on them with a date from about five years ago or more. Otherwise there was doodles on it of creatures or humans on it from boredom.
Angelos had hard time reading the map's notes. But he took note about certain locations. Especially the ones that had possible creature sightings. There was one nearby so he was going to that particular one. Just to check out which was near bar. Of course it would be as he went to investigate the area he found something interesting. Ancient monster writing ones that hadn't been used in some time. However he could read them thanks to his father who wanted him to learn everything he could. "Follow t'e houses of Sun and Moon." Smiling a bit to himself.
With James gone to work for the evening, Marc found himself quite restless. Also this morning he had found himself not wanting the other to leave and rather enjoying being cuddled up with him this morning. Regardless, the satyr paced in the kitchen a bit unsure of what to do with himself.
James had left for a bit to go to work. Though he forgot to mention his house sitter would be coming by to water his plants. And he also forgot to mention to his house sitter would be coming by. Which was his older sister, she unlocked the door her brown hair in messy bun. Dark brown eyes and wearing more of casual yellow skirt. With loose white peasant blouse. She was going to the kitchen to get the watering can under sink. When he sees a stranger in her brother's house. "Hey! What are doing here?! Trespasser!"

The satyr had been figuring out how to use human appliances and trying to make some kind of food for himself while James was done- when the door opened. He instinctively ducked down behind the kitchens' island and peered over the edge of the counter. Seeing it was a woman- dark hair, dark eyes and looked almost like James? If James was in fact a woman. Then the woman spotted him crouching behind the counter to which he gave a small yelp noise, backing up with wide eyes, "I-I'm not trespassin! James knows I"m here, he left me here in fact, I-I'm Marc. His boyfriend," he quickly spoke, frightened into the living room by the chairs, "I swear I am not doing anything wrong," Maybe using the stove incorrectly but he was no trespasser!
The woman glared at the stranger person somewhat. Though in truth she was little more nervous and scared. "Wait…wait! Boyfriend? Are you telling me, my dumb brother is back home and he didn't bother telling me. That asshole!" She slapped the counter and turned in huff. "Ugh! I could've went home earlier." Rubbing her temple a bit, and went to turn to face Marc. "Come on now don't be crouching like that. You're making me feel bad cause we both scared each other. I'm JJ's older sister, Irina. Ira (Ēra) for short." Telling him.
James' sister? The other mentioned he had siblings, but never specifically who they were. "Sorry, I startle easily," he meekly spoke and stood up with a slight smile, "It is nice to meet you Ira, I'm Marc, well I said that already but," He gave a small shrug, "James just got home yesterday; so he hasn't been here long,"
"Well that explains a lot." She says to him. "JJ can be kinda forgetful when he travels sometimes." Rolling her eyes a bit. "So Marc… your his new boyfriend?" Then smiled at him a bit. "Well I can see you have poor taste in men. To date my younger brother you could've at least chosen someone more responsible than that slacker." It was just some gentle ribbing to James. In truth though she loved James, but she always love to poke fun of him. "So where are you from?" Asking him.
Marc fully didn't understand the joking aspect at first and was about to object that James was wonderful. He was a sweet man and had done so much for him thus far- then he realized that she was joking. Marc gave an awkward smile then blinked a bit, "Oh I'm from-" He paused a moment, "Morganar; we actually met on his visit there," Did she need to know the whole truth about him? Probably not. No normal human could live in the Draken Forest, so he stuck to the town outside of it.
"Morganar…." She repeated a little bit surprised. "The old miller town? You're quite far from home. Don't you think that's a little dangerous to be traveling so far away from home? Especially with a man you've known what for several weeks." Telling him as she went to sit on the counter stool. "Why come to big city?" Geniuenly concerned about Marc's well being. Irina knew her brother wasn't a bad person it was just so strange anyone would put that much trust in stranger they barely knew.
"I mean wouldn't be the most dangerous thing I have done," He admitted with a small shrug, "And I have always wanted to see the city! I had heard so many stories about this place and it was just- an opportunity to take," Marc looked down at his hands as he fiddled with his fingers, "Plus James was the nicest person to me, I don't think he'd ever harm me in anyway," For examply, James didn't even take advantage of Marc during bucking season and that honestly spoke volumes to him.
Irina let a small sigh out. "Well I see why you are both dating." She shook her head. "Look my little brother can be a bit of pushover sometimes. But he also gets hurt a lot for being to kind and putting himself in danger. So don't follow on that path with him." Telling Marc. "And I would lower down the heat on the stove by turning the knob to the left. You're about to burn whatever your making."
The young satyr gave a small yelp and quickly turned the stove down, giving a small sigh, "You guys have such weird ways of using appliances. Back home its a wooden stove," he muttered to himself and moved the pan off the burner. He did burn what he was making and it was depressing to say the least, "And I can see James being too kind for his own good, but I promise I'll take as good of care as him as I can,"