Monsters Beyond the Fog [p]

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Angelos smirked. He was planning to get back at Jaylin. But for now he just would bide his time. "Watch your back human." Telling him and went to follow Marc and went to see his cottage which was actually nice. But now he decided to make his move and went to dart forward passing them all up. Before the wind began to blow and he went to u-turn. Now going straight to Jaylin and grabbed him with both set of hands. "Going up!" Laughing as he went to fly through an opening of the trees above the trees climbing up. "Let see if humans can fly?"

James just shook his head. "I only make sense when I need too. And right now is not a good time to be causing problems." He says simply and went to follow Marc to where he lived. Which was near the edge of the forest so it wasn't dark compared to the dark part of the Draken Forest. Seeing his little cottage which reminded him of those fairytales stories. "Your house is so nice Marc." Telling him with a small smile. When something or someone whizzed just by. Realizing it was Angelos who took Jaylin up into air. "Angelos! Put him down! You ass!" He yelled out.
Right, watch his back of course. Jaylin brushed it off as he followed them along to Marcs' home and it straight up reminded him of something out of 100 acre woods. Small, cozy and looked all hand made. He went about going to comment on that of the house and how nice it seemed when suddenly the ground wasn't there anymore. He instinctively struggled at being picked up and looked up at Angelos, "Okay this isn't funny Angelos! This is way too far taken," he grunted but he wasn't afraid of falling. Just more so annoyed at the others' actions over some stupid teasing! Taken way to far out of line.

"Angelos, come on now! Put him down, you've made your point," Marc called up to the other and gave a small nervous step. Not sure what to do in the situation as not like he could catch Jaylin from his fall or really do anything.
Angelos just let out a howl of laughter. "Aww what's t'e matter is t'e human not liking being in t'e air?" He says in condescending baby voice. "Are chu scared little larve? Good! Now let's have some real fun." He says and went to elevate his magic. So much so those eye like pattern on the wings began to glow. And continued to climb high in the air. Before he allowed his wings to press to his back and began spin head first to the ground. Laughing and yelling in absolute joy. "We spin around and around to the ground! Like petals we fall and to this day we wither and fade." Wind began to slow them down as Angelos stopped there spinning. Opening his wings and they began slow down but still coming fast. But the drag of the air slowed him more and more until they were at his normal speed and he just unceremoniously dropped Jaylin onto ground on his butt. And flew into the nearest tree branch laughing even if he sort of somewhat crashed into it. "Maybe that'll teach you not to mess with me." Climbing on the branch now though his wings were shaking he'd did something that put somewhat of strain on his wings. But he honestly didn't care this was so much fun. Hearing James yell at him. "Oh lighten up! He's okay didn't even get hurt." Rolling his eyes but was still giggling a little.

James watched in terror at what was happening. And being powerless to stop it. When Angelos finally did drop Jaylin. He rushed to him and went to check on him. "Are you okay? Nothing broken?" Before hearing Angelos just laughing and laughing at what he did. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! That's not funny! That's such a cruel joke to play on someone!"
No Jaylin wasn't scared; not even in the slightest. Nothing really scared him at this point in his life just more so annoyed. Rolling his eyes at being called a larve or whatever, before grasping Angelos's arms tightly when the other took a sudden nose dive. Alright he had just about enough of this bullshit over harmless teasing. Holding on until he was finally dropped back down onto the ground, flinching hard at landing on his rear where a majority of his burns were located. That was definitely going to bleed for a good while. "You really think that'll stop me? You're so sensitive, Ange, all this over some harmless teasing," He snorted with an eyeroll, holding his hand out to Buck for assistance getting back up off the ground. Limping slightly now and swore to himself, "Fuck, thats going to bleed," Touching the back of his pants to feel the wetness that was suddenly appearing through his jeans.

"Angelos, that wasn't nice at all! It was all harmless fun, and you took it way too far," Marc scolded the other, with a small whinny and a stomp of his hoof, "You can stay out here if that is how you're going to behave," Then looked over to James and Jaylin, seeing the blood on the red-heads hand and he quickly came over to them for to help, "Oh, here lets get you inside and I can treat the wound," Hurrying over to his front door, unlocking it from the outside and ushered for James to help Jaylin inside. Hoping to have the right sort of medicine to help the red-head; he's never really treated humans before.
Angelos looked at him with those amber eyes. "Oh it wasn't meant to stop chu." Musing at him and went to lightly bounce on the branch and smirked. "I'm far from sensitive." He says to him. "But looks like you humans are very sensitive. Your blood should attract some beast, and now the real show begins."

James went to help Jaylin up and went to take him into Marc's home when he saw the blood. "Were you injured from something earlier?" Asking him and went to help support the other so he didn't aggravate his injury. "Marc what do you have to treat injuries?"
Jaylin gave a glare at Angelos, it wasn't his choice in that he was bleeding now. Far from it and it wasn't something he had planned to do today. Then James asked if he had been hurt and he hesitated in his answer, debating on whether or not to answer truthfully, before giving a small sigh. "I..I have severe burns across my body. The fall on my ass broke open one of the scabs of them healing; nothing actually hurt me to cause it," He decided to be honest with the two of them.

When Jaylin was a young teen, about twelve or so, he had been caught on fire in an accident. It left him severe burns on his body, mainly centered on his chest, groin and legs, and some of them haven't healed due to no skin graph there. So, they tend to open if he moves too much, falls or anything overly exterting. It hadn't happened a lot recently but now that streak was over now. All cause a mothman was overly prideful and for what reason.

Marc also glared at Angelos as the two humans entered his home. The satyr then gestured for them to set Jaylin down on a small cot near the door. The inside of the house was small and quaint; with a wooden floor, a kitchen in the back of the cottage, a living area to the left and a loft over head that was Marc's bedroom. It smelled of sweet flowers, honey and vanilla inside the small cottage and the Satyr had disappeared behind a door that lead to his pantry. Rummaging around for a good minute before coming back with a few herbs, a wood bowl and pestol, and his tongue sticking out in concentration.

He set them down on his counter and began to mush together these glowing purple mushrooms, some red liquid and what looked like sage into the bowl. Mixing it into this paste-like texture before approaching the two men again. "Alright, so this is going to be weird, but I'ma need you to take off your pants, Jaylin,"

Thankfully, Jaylin found that the scab that had opened was closer to his hip than on his buttcheek. So he easily pulled down his waistline, revealing these greying scars on his body. Some off colored from skin graphs, some red and angry from being disturbed in their healing and it seemed to worsen the further down they went. On his back, settlitng on his left hip, was an open wound that was leaking blood just freely. It wasn't as bad as he had thought it'd be, but embaressing nontheless.

The young deer then took a small rag from his satchel and dabbed it in the paste before applying it to the wound. Clotting the bleeding, also Jaylin sighed as it soothed the pain as well from the fall. "There that should keep the wound closed and help it heal back up!" Marc perked up excitedly. Thankful that his remedies also worked on humuans and not just creatures.

"Thank you, Marc, i apperciate it," Jaylin sat up a bit, pulling his pants back up then gave James a pointed look, "Not a word to the guys or our superiors about my burns. I'll get canned if they know about it,"
Angelos went to wait for them to leave, gently drop from the branch he sat on and landed softly on grass. And felt his legs buckle, but he held onto the tree. Grunting a bit he shouldn't have used his magic so carelessly like that. He'd have to climb for the rest of the day now. As he walked into the cottage he got a glimpse of Jaylin's old burn injuries. "Looks like a demons bite." He sneered amusedly.

James helped Jaylin support some of his weight on him. What he saw made him worry. He hadn't seen burns like this before. Well at least not on people who were alive and heard Jaylin's request as Marc treated his injury. "I wouldn't dream of speaking a word if I can help it." Musing at Jaylin. "I have some bandages here. I'm sorry to say our first aid kit didn't come with burn aid. But if you like some bandaging to help keep your uniform from irritating it." Then heard Angelos. "Shut up man. Why don't you bug someone else." He huffed a bit as Angelos just smirked. "Oh! A bug pun classy." Angelos sneered, but James ignored him. Instead James looked at Marc and nodded thankfully. "Thanks Marc I'm glad you're here to help us."
"They're not demon bites; I was in a fire accident as a child and they just never healed well because of the severity and lack of skin graphs," He defended to Angelos and rubbed his forehead. The moth was the last person he wanted to see his wounds and he politely declined James' offer, "thank you, James, but that won't be needed. My skin is use to clothes at this point, keep them for a real emergency," He was clearly ready for the onslought of questions he got everytime some saw his burns. They were old news and something he just had to live with all the time. Nothing super serious.

Marc gave a small nod, "Of course! Healing is my specialty, and I'm happy it worked on humans. I wasn't sure if magically remedies worked on humans not," he said and then looked to Angelos with a small snort. Before walking away back to the pantry to return the ingredients back to the storage and came back with a small vile of red, shiny liquid. "Here, drink this Angelos, it'll help your lack of magic," He had seen the other struggle to get down from the tree so what he was offering was moth magic. Marc kept many viles of different creatures blood, magic and other parts for certain remedies specifically for those creatures.
James nodded. "Well if you're sure then. Maybe next time we should make sure these first aid kits have some burn relief as well. It's always good to be over prepared than under prepared." He says to him and just hinted at a smile. Looking back at Marc. "We have a few doctors in our city who treats people with magic. Though it is usually people who have money who can afford both. Traditional methods of healing of the body is usually the go to for all. But quality varies on how rich or poor you are." Explaining to Marc.

Angelos shrugged a bit. "An accident huh?" He says to him and saw what Marc had offer him. Pushing it back to him. "A mothman may never take magic from another. T'is tired feeling will go away. I just need to sleep and rest my wings for a bit." Even though according to moth rules a moth cannot fly is dead moth. But he'd face this before time and time again. And he learned that if you stick to the trees above all else he be good. "But do you have some honey?" As his antennas were twitching like crazy from the smells.
Doctors? Human medicine sounded- subpar to say the least. Magic healing only for those who are richer? What did it mean to be rich as well? Many questions ran through his mind for a moment before Angelos spoke to him. Marc gave a nod in agreement, he always had honey on hand, and took the vile back to the pantry. He wanted to help the moth man but suppoe honey would be better than magic from another moth. He came back with honeycomb on a plate and handed it to Angelos, "Don't eat the comb if you can help it, i like to use it to make teas and candies," Marc requested of the other and then went on ahead back to his kitchen.

"Speaking of food, would you and Jaylin like anyting to snack on, James?" He questioned to which Jaylin agreed. He had brought their own food, but that honeycomb looked pretty good and why not try something different? The deer then came back with what looked like granola bars with fresh fruit and a chocolate sauce on them. They tasted similar to a Nature Valley bar but less dry and much more sweet.
"Oh i don't care much for the comb." Angelos says to Marc. And looked at the honey comb on plate. He sort of rotated his jaw a bit. A thin split on his chin formed as he opened it up unhinging his jaw a bit as bottom jaw split opened. Where his tongue was which was soft tube like thing with small prongs at bottom. As it went to the honey comb and gently sucked the honey working on each of the section of the comb. He tried not to slobber though. His teeth were somewhat needle like in the front and blunt in back. But his tongue did drink up the honey from each individual section of the honey comb.

"Thank you." James says and went to try the granola like bars. And ate just a little bit until he saw what Angelos was doing. He felt a bit queasy now as he sort of had to look away. "Not to be rude. But that has to be one of the grossest things I've seen." And rubbed his own jaw honestly it looked painful.
"Too think thats what real life moths look like too," Jaylin commented back in response to James. Yes it was disturbing, but bugs as a whole were disturbing up close. Not everyday one saw a moth eat up close that was for sure. Though he continued to eat without much of a problem. The bars where good and he wasn't about to waste em on Angelos being a weirdo with his honeycomb. "Not that Angelos isn't real of course, but I'm talking like moths we see in the city. Thats what it looks like up close. Bugs are a strange animal to say the least,"

Marc gave a small chuckle at Jaylins' words before going to pull up some chairs for them all to sit at. After all they were going to hideout here for a while anyway so why not get comfortable? "You two should see a giant snake eat or the demons; those also tend to get freaky sometimes," he mused to them as he sat down with his ankles cross and his hands in his lap.
Angelos made short work of the honey comb just leaving the comb. Then went to close his mouth and put the tongue away. Which made him sighed a bit as he was content. As honey actually did help give him an energy. "None taken… most don't see moth's eat." He says and licked his lips. Before he went back to grooming his antennas. "Well real moth's don't have human faces so there tongues are mostly on outside of there face. This is just something how we're made."

James shook his head. "I don't think I'll be seeing that anytime soon." He says to him and went to continue to eat the granola bar. "These are really good." Telling Marc better than what he was use to eating. Most were way to dry in his opinion. "Bugs are strange indeed…" Going to open up the canteen to drink some water. Before passing Jaylin his own. "You should hydrate too."
"If a small bug moth had a human face, I'd be much more freaked out about that than anything else," Jaylin commented in return, thankfully taking the flask from James. Water did sound super good right about now, and the bars were very good. Suppose the satyr wasn't such a cowardly creature after all. Suppose deer instincts came into play a lot of the time which had to be annoying a lot of the time. "Also, yes Angelos, at least from what I remember is was a freak accident of some sort,"

Marc gave a bright smile at James' compliment, "Thank you! Making and crafting is my specialty!" He said proudly, puffing up his chest fur and then turning into giggle. Watching them pass water between the two then offered for Angelos and James to join him in sitting down while Jaylin could just remain on the cot for now.
Angelos just rolled his eyes a bit. "I think moth wit' human face would be pretty cute." He says to him as he stopped fiddling with his antennas. "You know what they say about accidents. It's not an accident if you can prove them to be." Going to sit on the cot just a bit.

"Well you do so very well." James mused at him. Marc was pretty handy at crafting things. Honestly he had to be impressed by what the other was making. "Your house is very cute too. It honestly reminds of some books I use to read." Enjoying being here with some interesting beings. "I'm surprised you don't have a community around you Marc since your pretty crafty."
Jaylin gave a small shrug at Angelos and looked at him, "I was like ten at the time and I don't fully remember anything about how or why it happened. I was told it was an accident when I woke up, so I just accepted it," He responded and set down the bar as he no longer felt hungry. Talking about that day or events around it was difficult to say the least. He hardly remembered anything, was out in a coma for six months at the most and had to re-learn everything by the time he was eighteen years old. It could've been on purpose for all Jaylin knew really. The red-head did seem to contemplate something before placing a hand on the others' shoulder, "Sorry for teasing you so much. I didn't mean anything by it, but- i still apologize for pushing it too far,"

Those large ears went back slightly at the mention of community. He use to have a herd way back when, but because of his small stature and being a male deer- they all just kind of left him. "I-I tend to like being alone for the most part," he started with and fiddled with the fur on his thigh nervously, "I use to have a herd when I was younger, but because I am nearly dwarfed size they all kinda of just left me here? Cause they assumed due to my growth problems I wouldn't survive at all and you know how wild animals are. The sick or injured ones get left behind," Marc then gave a forced smile, trying to be peppier about the situation, "Thats' why I make so many medicines and remedies. So they don't have to be left behind to die or fend for themselves. I can help them!"
"I guess chu wouldn't remember regardless." Angelos says to him. When he heard the other apologize he kinda went quiet as this was first time anyone apologize to him. "Whatever…" He says and went to stand up. "I need to leave anyhow." Stretching one set of arms up and second in front of him. "Things to do…." And went to head for the door. "Thanks for the honey Marc."

"I see…" James says and saw how Marc's ears go down. "There is no shame in enjoying time alone." He says to him and heard him talk about when he was younger. Obviously there was some lasting scars in Marc's heart. Then heard why Marc had so much supplies for healing and smiled. "You have a very good heart." Telling him. "Not everyone is willing to help others in there time of need. It's a good quality to have."
Jaylin removed his hand from the others' shoulder when he spoke about leaving or semi-not accepting the apology? He was confused to say the least with the others words. "Alright, be safe out there Angelos. I hope our paths cross again," He said to the other as he got up for the door, and Marc did give a small wave in goodbye to the mothman. Always happy to help out those in need. Then Jaylin seemed to think better of just saying goodbye and went to stay up carefully, "I'll walk you out; i need some air anyway,"

This rosey color spread across the deers cheeks, showing off the white freckles on his nose and cheeks, and he gave a sheepish smile. James was such a kind person! No one had ever really been as kind as to Marc as the human was and he really quite enjoyed it. It would be saddening when they had to leave back to the town. "I try my best; creatures are some of the most stubborn beings when it comes to healing but I have a good clientel now! From elves to even demons- i try to help them all,"
Angelos went quietly to the door and heard the other just shrugging. As he went to open it and went to step out going to the nearest tree to climb up on. Still a little tired from using so much magic he didn't bother trying to fly. Making it to sturdy branch to sit on and went to groom his antennas again. It seemed like he did this every other time as though it was sort of comfort thing or at least fidgeting response. Before going to sniff the tree he was on with his one of his free antenna. And went to groom the other one before looking at Jaylin from his perch. "I'll see chu tomorrow maybe…"

Hearing Jaylin says he was going to get some air and nodded. "Okay, I'll check up on you later." He says and returned to talking to Marc. Who was blushing did he say something a little odd? "I see, well some humans can be quite stubborn in treatment too." Telling him and went to smile a bit. "But I'm glad you help some many creatures even though they are stubborn." Telling him. "I do hope whatever is going on here. Like the fog we can figure it out maybe it could even slightly ease some tension between the creatures of forest and humans. Though I think that's wishful thinking. I like to believe no matter how different we may look we can still get along."
The Englishman watched the moth scurry up a tree, grooming himself one again and Jaylin wondered briefly if that was how he kept himself so soft all the time? Or was it more of a habit? He himself had a horrible nail biting habit when he was nervous or uncertain in things so he could understand it. Jaylin gave a smile at Angelos and a small nod, "I hope so; you were great help today and I look forward to use working togetehr further in this mysterious fog,"

The satyr listened to the other when he spoke about the fog and hoping they could get along. Marc also hoped that this could bring the two halves back together in peace like they had been before, but war was harsh. Creatures didn't forgive easily and it wasn't like the war happened 100s of years ago. It was 20 years ago so it was still fresh in many situations, "I hope so as well. You humans aren't as bad as the stories make you out to be. Though many of the creatures are so stubborn in forgiving for the war, but maybe finding why people and creatures a like are dying or missing will bring things together better,"