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"Because h-he's nice to me a-and he... he doesn't get possessive and he w-was so n-nice," he whispered, his eyes now locked on his boyfriend once he was unable to escape that fact, gripping desperately at his hands the moment he realised breathing was becoming extremely difficult.

"C-Christian, baby, c-come on, I... I'm sorry! L-Let me go, okay? I j-just w-wanted attention and I wanted Lavender b-back and I wanted a little... independence, not to be treated like a toy."
"Independence? That's what you're after?" He laughed, however it held no humor at all. Dropping the neko on the floor, he scoffed lightly. "Well now you have all the independence in the world, Tobiah. I'm done with you. I'm done giving you everything you wanted, I'm Don loving you, I'm just done with you. What you did was unforgivable." He hissed turning on his heel to walk out. "You're a dirty fucking whore. Don't ever forget that."

With his back turned to him, he wiped away tears that just kept coming. He was hurting. Someone he thought that would never betray him did. They betrayed him for no reason, no real reason at all.
"You can't leave me! I-I can't... be without you, Christian, t-that's not fair!" He whimpered, rushing right past Allan's body. He had cared about him greatly, but he loved Christian more, and the thought of losing him just overpowered anything else going on right now. Grabbing the other's hand tightly, he stubbornly tried to pull him back in an effort to prevent him storming off.

"...I-I'll do what you want, okay? Do you want to... to kill Lavender and Bradley? W-Would that prove to you I'm sorry? W-We could just leave, if that's what you want. I won't ever leave your side, ever again. I-I... I love you."
He turned around looking down at the kitten, grimacing at how desperate he sounded. However Christian was desperate too. He was in love with this man. And Tobiah had just cheated on him because he wasn't giving enough attention. If Tobiah would have spoken up, Christian would have spoiled him more. Turning around to glare down at him, he grabbed his chin harshly. "Did you sleep with him?" He asked.
"N-No! I-I'm not even lying about that, Christian! We... We kissed and we took baths b-but we didn't have sex! I-I swear! We did... stuff, but not sex. Sex is special, i-it's... it's for people who love each other, I think. Lavender disagrees, b-but I don't share her opinion. I think sex is just f-for me and you to do," the kitten began in his emotional, babbling way, holding his hands to his eyes in an effort to stem the amount of tears glossing and blurring his vision.

"...I-I said sorry, what more am I supposed to do? You killed him, it's... it's done, right? We can go home and have a nice m-meal and cuddle in bed with ice cream and wine?"
Christian stared at him, deciding to believe him. Pulling him close, he rested his chin on his head. "...If you ever do something like this, I'll leave you for good, I promise." He whispered, rubbing his back. "Don't ever do something this stupid again." Pulling away, he pulled him out the room by holding his wrist.
"...Can I at least still be friends with Lavender, b-because... she... she's my best friend and... and it doesn't matter, I'm being silly," he ultimately decided. He didn't want to risk his relationship, and he knew that, perhaps, mentioning Lavender like this really wasn't going to help. He loved her and he wanted to be in her life, but not if it meant losing Christian. He almost lost him, and it really was the worst thing imaginable.

"Next time you kill someone, at least ask me to help. I liked Allan, but I'd happily have killed him if you told me to," he began slowly, those big yellow eyes staring up at his lover with a brave smile. "...Let's j-just go home, I'm tired and you really h-hurt me. Look, I have bruises a-and cuts and...and my ribs hurt!"
Hugging him tightly, he kissed his cheek. "...Sorry. Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you so bad....You really made me mad. And no. You can't have friends. You blew that when you had that little lover." He cooed, moving to kiss him lightly. "Let's just go home. No more friends, unless I'm around."
This was exactly why he'd chosen to continue the affair with Allan so long. Christian hadn't learned a thing. This wasn't just to offer him a moralistic message, but he should at least see the faults of his possessive behaviour... but if anything, Toby now realised it had made him far, far worse.

On one hand, he was at least glad Christian had forgiven him, but on the other hand, the idea that he wasn't even allowed friends really was disheartening. He was being treated like some possession too precious to be shown to the world. Now, again, he liked the fact Christian loved him so much and wanted to protect him, but he didn't think it was healthy--

But he couldn't lose Christian. If he had to be treated like this, like some fragile, vulnerable piece of china, then it was worth it just to have the man at his side.

"...Okay," he confirmed after a moment, smiling quietly upwards at him. "I... I only need you and Junie anyway, really. I...I had a moment of madness and-- and Allan was really forceful, you know? H-He was really scary, he scared me and I thought he would hurt me. Y-You... You did the right thing~ You'd never hurt me again, right?"
"I won't ever hurt you again. As long as you abide by my rules and stick with me. I adore you." He whispered, kissing him yet again. It was true. What Tobiah did only made matters worst. Now Tobiah wasn't allowed to do anything without Christian by his side. Since the transformation, Christian had become far more possessive. And now? He was even more so of that. He was in love with Tobiah, wanted him all to himself. So if wanted more love, he would give him that. More attention, no problem. More privacy? Fuck no. Nope, not at all. Tobiah wasn't allowed to have anymore me time. Christian wasn't going to have another Allan accident.

Hell, Christian got really serious with Tobiah. When he bought him nice collars, he had trackers installed in them so he always knew where his kitten was by just looking at his phone. That's how crazy Christian had become. If Tobiah were to go out with Junie, Christian would be watching. He may not be physically there, but he had that tracker on his boyfriend's collar. He checked all of Tobiah's phone logs, emails, everything. He made sure his little kitten would never cheat again. He spoiled him sure, but maybe he was a bit smothering. But he simply couldn't live without Tobiah.

A year after that, Junie was hanging out with Tobiah, and her boyfriend Gregor. The two were still together, still madly in love. Christian called it puppy love, but he didn't know how serious they truly were about each other. "Tobiah, why don't we go swimming on the beach. Just us three, wouldn't that be fun~?"
"Christian doesn't like me to go swimming, he says it's dangerous and... and cats don't go swimming, so I shouldn't either. I mean, tigers actually like water, you know? I-I saw in that programme we watched that tigers actually go in ponds to cool down from the sun, but C-Christian doesn't listen, so... so I'm just going to stay here," smiled the neko as he twisted the blankets around himself. That last year had been... strange. He loved the fact Christian doted on him so much and their relationship was easily the strongest it had ever been. He lived the life that Lavender, since the transformation, had always wanted - Toby stayed at home and didn't need to do anything, because Christian did it all for him. He was, simply, spoiled rotten--

But, as nice as that seemed, it came with sacrifices. Christian tracked everything he did. Toby wasn't even allowed on the internet without his supervision, which meant he'd lost contact of what Lavender was up to. He lost track of everything about the world, so controlling was Christian's grasp on his life. It didn't make him dislike the man. Not at all. He loved him so much that nothing could make him hate him - he was so controlled at this point that he failed to see Christian as anything but the best man in the world.

So, even going out to the ocean without him was a risk he'd rather not take.

"Can't you stay here? W-We can... watch TV or bake o-or paint or do something like that, right?" The neko continued desperately. "Christian won't be happy if you and Gregor left me on my own, you know he'll yell at you again."
"...Why do you listen to him so much. He isn't your boss you know." Grumbled the fifteen-year-old girl as she leaned back in her chair annoyed with her situation. "You are a grown twenty-one-year-old man! Seriously, I don't have to babysit you because you don't want to upset your boyfriend. Just tell him that you want to go swimming, and there isn't anything he can do about it."
"...He'll be angry at me and I can't have him get mad at me again after what I did, Junie. I-I need to be on best behaviour, so... so just stay. We can have fun, okay? You, Gregor and me can... can play games, okay? Monopoly or something?" Grinned the neko as he desperately tried to keep the mood light, however difficult that was when Junie hardly wanted to sit around with him.

"Why? Are you scared of him?" Murmured Gregor quietly. It was hard to like Christian anyway, especially when he saw Toby literally look scared out of his skin at the idea of angering Christian in some way. That... hardly seemed healthy. "...Toby, let's go to the beach. You don't need his permission all the time."
"Seriously. And you're with us. You aren't going to get in trouble for something so silly as going to the beach. We live in Hawaii for crying out loud. You have to go to the beach, it's kind of the thing around here." Chuckled the teen standing up. "And he can't get mad at you. You wanna know why he can't get mad at you? Because you are your own person."
"...Look, I love your brother lots, he's my favourite person in the whole world and we're gonna get married and then I want lots of children to fill the houses with and we'll be happy a-and... and I'm not ruining that by making him mad at me. H-He gets violent when he's mad," shrugged Toby as he silently turned his attention to his engagement ring, letting it twinkle in the light and smiled happily to himself. He knew that it must have cost thousands upon thousands of dollars, given how big the diamond was, and it was a permanent reminder of how much Christian cared-- and he wasn't going to start ruining that. He didn't want to dare step out of line, even if that was just going to the beach without him.

"So... So I'll stay here. He'll get mad that you didn't stay with me but... I'll just say I was sick and I didn't want to make you sick. H-He'll be back soon anyway so I won't get that lonely-- you just don't understand our relationship, but that's fine~!"
"...He gets violent?....Christian isn't like that..." She whispered with a grimace looking down at the table. "...Toby, I...I don't know what's going on with you guys but...I don't want you guys to stay like this. It isn't healthy." She mumbled, reaching over to take his hand.

Christian had finally came home, walking out on the deck they were sitting at. "Hey, Junie, Gregor, and my little kitten." He cooed, walking over to grab his chin and place a kiss on his lips lovingly.
All the whispers and whimpering the neko had gone through seconds ago disappeared in an instant the moment his fiance made an appearance. His smile grew wide on his lips and he wasted no time in clambering close to him, holding his cheeks to press a hard, loving kiss to his lips. Now he was back, he did seem to be shocked back into life, his energy picking up and that non-stop hyperactivity become apparent.

It was fair to say that he didn't feel like himself without Christian around.

"Can we go to the ocean? We could go swimming~! And I can have some ice cream, it won't make me sick again if I take my time, I promise."
"My kitten wants to go to the beach~ Than he can go~" Cooed the man, picking him up and kissing him lightly on the lips. "Go get changed baby cakes~ I'll get changed too. Junie, are you going to the beach?"

"Yeah....I guess we'll wait for you, so you can drive us." Mumbled the girl, watching her brother nod and go up the steps caring Tobiah. "...That's not right. Like not at all...Tobiah is only happy around Christian and acts like himself only when Christian is in the picture. He has to ask permission to do everything...That's just not healthy."
It was fair to say that Gregor really wasn't the biggest fan of Christian. He disliked him for a LOT of things, and seeing the way he treated Toby, who Gregor liked a lot, was just another reason and justification he had to hate him. He clearly wasn't producing a healthy relationship, and Toby seemed far too naive to realise just how unhealthy everything about his relationship was.

"...Didn't he insinuate that he was violent?" He blurted with a faint grimace on his lips, grimacing even further when that realisation sunk in. "He's your brother, I get that, but he's... I... don't like him, really. Look at the way he treats Toby, it's not... right, Junie."
"....I don't know the whole story yet, okay? So...So let's not go pointing fingers at Christian." She mumbled with a slight frown. She knew something was wrong with the relationship but....That was her brother. She loved him dearly, he raised her, so she didn't want to make her brother out as the bad guy yet. She didn't know the whole story. But she knew what was going on in their relationship was unhealthy. "...Tobiah seems happy though. He gets so happy when Chrisitan is around so...He should be fine right?" She asked with a small frown.