Mental Damages

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Alex looked back at Harley with a faint smile, sighed a bit, and then laughed "I've never really had anyone to talk to about this, so thanks for listening." He pointed at Harley and comically wagged it "You're alright Harley Rogue you're alright." Then he tossed back his head and laughed. "So then would you want to be friends then...... ma'am because I reckon I sure would." he said slipping back into his accent. "Oh and this whole accent thing stays between us ok? As much of a mask as it is its still really fun to do." he smiled. "So Harley what does a girl like you do for fun? Let me guess you love shopping for shoes?" Alex Joked hoping that she would see its a joke and not an insult.
Harley Rogue
"You're alright Harley Rogue you're alright." Harley chuckled on Alex's reaction. "Aye, you're not that bad either, cowboy." She was somehow relieved that there was a decent laughter around, for a change. "So then would you want to be friends then...... ma'am because I reckon I sure would. Oh and this whole accent thing stays between us ok? As much of a mask as it is its still really fun to do." Harley nodded, smiling back. "If you feel like it, fine by me. It is not the sucky kind so I don't mind it." She made a "shh" gesture. "My lips are sealed."

"So Harley what does a girl like you do for fun? Let me guess you love shopping for shoes?" She stared at him for a moment before she burst out laughing. Her laughter was sincere and ringing. "Oh yes sure, I have a hundred pairs and I carry them along, in my case. I just pretend they're weapons." Chuckling, she proceeded. "Nah, I honestly never loved all those womanish things. I prefer shooting cans and looting I guess." She laughed once more. "What a lady, huh?"
"it is an honor sir." The little AI said, well, it knew how to flatter, that was something. Flattery wasn't going to get him anywhere with Bill, but Bill rumbled out a "thanks." all the same.

Bill arrived, and Hawtiar seemed to be fine with Bill's little plan. "No problem Bill, make sure they are ok. And notify Morkat when you have done so. If they aren't fine, or if things get dicey, tell him to 'let the gears out'." Bill nodded, and turned to leave, wondering what letting the gears out meant and a little jealous that Beau was going to see the mech when Bill had to go and babysit. "I'll take Mabel into town. shouldn't take too long."

After the short walk through the camp, Bill unlocked, hopped in, sat down, buckled up and started Mabel up.
"So, John. tell me what happened. We've got a long drive and not much to look at in the way of scenery."
The woman in the reception didnt seem to take notice of Derany, but it could have been the fact that she was drinking from a cup with steaming coffee. A minute later she placed it down on the counter and turned her head towards him.
"Yes, can I help you mr?" Her expression that of someone who wasnt surprised at whatever came through the doors. Gallasts men had a bet on what could startle her.


Allder had refrained from answering to the girls comment, and tried to go back to sleep.
Counting on the fact that if Gallast thought that they didnt need cuffs, they probably wouldn't try to kill him.
But they had begun talking their hearts out between eachother, and his chance at more sleep went down the drain. It was two stories of lives struck with misfortune. Though the girl seemed to win in terms of crappy life as far as Allder was concerned. But the whole "fight and then become friends" part of their relationship that explained why they had been put in different cells made him smile, there were apparenrly still hope for the normals and the mentals.
What he couldnt grasp was if they remembered that he sat only a few meters away.

Deciding to mention the fact for them he responded to the girls last statement.
"As long as you dont loot anyone elses belongings that could still be viewed as lady-like miss Harley." Allder had a smug grin plastered over his face at that, remembering an aunt that got by as a scrap-dealer.


Gallast was finally coming to sense of what the forms asked for half an hour after he brought the two younglings in. *uninteresting aspects having noting to do with anything... at least they dont seem to have any priors anywhere close by.* He stacked the forms into a folder and stood up from his desk. Stretching to loosen a cramp he had earned himself.

"Well then, better get to it then." Gallast walked out of his little office, thinking about how useful it would be to change the layout of the station. It took almost three minutes to get to the cells.
Alex gasped a little bit when Allder spoke up and nervously switched back into accent "I I I though you were asleep partner!" Alex looked at him and laughed nervously "Heh heh I reckon ya won't tell nobody about my little swap in voice will ya?" he scratched the back of his head. Alex tried to recompose himself when Gallast walked in "Sir, I reckon ya have those papers we're supposed to sign?"

John hovered next to Bill "So, John. tell me what happened. We've got a long drive and not much to look at in the way of scenery." John focused his lens (as if blinking) "Of course sir. Once Markot gave us a list of objectives to complete a small group of us (Alex, A Miss Harley Rogue, and another young mental named Derany) went off in search for some of the items requested." John explains very roboticly. A bit of feeling comes into John's voice as he sighs "Then Alex started acting like a fool and started to annoy the young Miss, making remarks about how she needed to lighten up and indecently her past. Miss Rogue endured Alex's teasing for quiet sometime. Then she made a remark about Alex being nothing and he, how do you humans say, snapped? Alex grabbed her by the collar and tossed a few feet into the air and from there a battle between the two broke out. The rest you know sir." John explained to Bill. "Inquiry: Why are humans so touchy about their pasts? Inquiry: Bill are you touchy about your past?" John questioned in rather robotic fashion.
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"...Morkat gave us a list of objectives ... small group of us ... went off in search." Bill smiled. By now a rogue AI would have made a move on him. This one didn't seem too bad. Bill wasn't going to completely let his guard down, but the robot had earned his trust. As he drove and listened, Bill took his radio out of his pocket and put it on it's charger on the dash. "Then Alex started acting like a fool and started to annoy the young Miss ... she made a remark about Alex being nothing and he, how do you humans say, snapped? Alex grabbed her by the collar and tossed a few feet into the air and from there a battle between the two broke out. The rest you know sir." Bill's eyebrow quirked and his expression darkened "ugh..." he groaned out in a creaky sigh, Gorram kids... It's one thing to get pissy over a little name calling. It's quite another to put a whole operation in jeopardy because ya can't keep control of yerself. "Inquiry: Why are humans so touchy about their pasts? Inquiry: Bill are you touchy about your past?" John questioned, his metallic voice creaking in confusion.
"Nah, not usually. There are a few things I'd rather not talk about if I can help it, but I'm not gonna flip my lid over a comment or two. That's how misunderstandings happen, and that's also a real easy way to get inta trouble." -Bill paused a beat- "Heh, just ask Alex." Bill picked up his radio. "We've gotta be in radio range of the town by now, right?" Bill said absent-mindedly, more to himself than anything else as he pushed down the transmit button on the side of the radio. "Morkat, come in Morkat. This is The Po-No SS Mabel coming into port" Bill gave a little chuckle. "I'm stopping by to pick up a couple of our guys who got themselves locked up for fighting in the street. I'll fill you in on it later. Hawta-ahem-Leader said that if things get outta control you're to let the gears out. I assume he was talking about your power." Bill stopped holding down the transmit button and scratched his head with the antennae, before bringing it back to his face. "Come to think of it, I've never seen you use yer power, have I? Guess I got lucky during the war, eh?" Bill chuckled. "Having said that, I doubt it'll come to that, the sherrif here's stern, but fair, he'll probably let them off with a warning." putting the radio back on it's charger and coughing a little, Bill turned to John and made a quick statement; "Alright, Johnny boy, We're about to arrive. I'm not looking to try anything funny, so don't go sneaking off to bust 'em out or whatever, not saying you would, but I don't know what protocols you've got programmed." Bill wasn't really expecting John to, but he'd seen an AI take on aspects of their owner all too many times, and Alex seemed to be the gung-ho type. Bill once worked on a servo-bot that kept trying to smoke spanners and screwdrivers after it saw Bill light up one too many times. Something about the AI's learning algorithm, apparently.


A short while later, the old RV was parking up outside the precinct. Bill left his gun in the RV, as well as his knife and the large monkey wrench, since he remembered there being a metal detector here last time. Bill had fond memories of popping his eye out and putting it in the little tray they gave him for valuables last time he had come. the look on the sheriff's face had been priceless.
Bill checked his pockets. Wallet, keys, stick of gum, cigarettes.
Bill paused, massaging the bridge of his nose. What was he missing...?
Bill grabbed his radio from its stand and clipped it onto his belt. All set.

Bill gestured for John to follow him, "Alright buddy, lets go get your owner out of this little mess."
Bill opened the door of the station and walked in, smiling to the guy on security detail and the receptionist, popping out his eye and dropping it in the tray of stuff to not go through the metal detector.
He nodded to Derany and greeted him before turning to the receptionist and announcing;
"Af'rnoon, ma'am, I'm here about a coupl'a hoodlums."
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Beau was watching everyone amusingly. It had been a long time since she had been around others. Not paying attention when Newhic spun, she nearly fell when he dragged her off. Her hands being cold to the touch. [/i]Where were they off to now? And who might be there?[/i] Beau smiled potlitly at all the folks she meet all being nameless, at least to her. Though it mattered not she would probably be on her way again soon, may be.

Beau thought she understood the music, knowing all too well about the sounds people make, just never having thought of it as music before. Hmm this would take some thought. She was silent for the most part, just trying to absorb everything in. Giving nodds and hmms where needed. Appearantly there was no need for her to speak, it seemed they would speak for her. That was fine she wasn't sure how much she trusted the vechile.

Beau looked at Newhic as he handed her a radio device. Lifting a brow, but not speaking she took it and listened intently to his instructions on how to operate the hand held box. Then she smiled at him, pleased to get to see such a great gaint at work. The sling shot made her gasp slightly, seemed like a dangerous way to get up.

Nearly dropping the com, Beau looked at it for a moment before pressing the button she had been told to and spoke into it. "What does it do? Is it just for show or does it actually fight?" She wondered.
A voice deffiniteley not sober suddenly sounded over the comms. "you can tell those kids that they are on cleaning duty when we get back"

Sasha leaned towards a pillar holding a bottle of wine. She had been working on getting drunk since getting to town and finally the damn body was getting more than it could handle. And this bottle tasted well with the food she had before to.
"by the way when is that vehicle heading back to camp? Don't think i'll handle walking to be honest" after a slight pause the radio crackled again. "Ya no what never mind im coming more booze at this place anyway HEY TABS PL..." tha radio went silent.

And in the time it had taken billy to enter and talk there was light shaking and a loud thud from the outside before the door knocked. Sasha forgetting it was open to walk in trough.
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Allder laughed heartily at Alex, the boy was a touch of naive it seemed, or simply not that aware of his surroundings.

"No problem Alex, so long the Gall finds you clean I wont tell." He stood up and greeted Gallast as he walked in, winking at the younglings to show that their stories were safe with him.

Gallast nodded towards the other man before he turned to answer Alexs question.

"Yeah, though having looked at the forms again I feel there's no real need for anything but your confession as to how and what happened." He got the two forms detailing the gist of the reason for their arrest out of the folder and handed it to Alex and Harley. He also got two pencils out for them.

"Your signature if you agree with your actions as they are described, and you may add anything you feel is needed. And before you ask, the whole idea of trusting to the criminals consent and trustworthiness is the town-halls idea. I once had to make one from the institute sign it, I will never try that again." He smiled crockedly at them. Hinting at Allder to stop as the other man had made a disrespectful gesture at the mention of the institute.
When they were done with the papers he just needed to have the bill payed, *And the first calm case in years will be done.* Gallast smiled for himself.


Morkat was interrupted in his interactions by his com-radio beeping, excusing himself hurridly he put it to his ear and listened to Bill, the opening phrase he used was enough to make him smile.

He felt an internal sigh as bill told him about the problem, it wasnt that it was surprising. And hopefully they learned from it. Bills use of Leaders other alias made him smile, *figures bill would get it ofg him* But leaders order and bills correct assumption didnt, it was far to dangerous.

"Lucky is a good word Bill, never take it lightly." Morkat said with a tired tone, but as bill proceeded to state, it wasnt likely to happen. He made a sound of agreement as the mechanic ended the call. Then turned back towards the young woman in front of him.

Moments later the com sounded again, this time a drunk sasha rambling through it. *poor fools, but she should not make too much of a mess...* He turned back towards the girl a second time, thinking on how things never sent as you planned, ever.


The woman just stared at Bill as he entered the station, her face gaining a hint of disapproval. She remembrered the old guy, and how good friends he had made with Gallast, *bad influence*.

The guard on duty on the other hand greeted bill with a smile and a wave as he walked up with the hand held metal-detector.

"Old one was in the way, so now we do the check by hand. Itll only take a second." He said merrily as he moved it over and around the mechanic. Giving the ai a look but giving the woman a sign that they were clear. Then stepping back to continue reading his paper.

The woman looked at bill and the ai another half a minute before she spoke up.

"You can put the eye back on mister. Is the drone with you? And the criminals can leave when Gallast is done filling out the forms and their crimes have been paid for." She said in a way that others saved for unruly childs. Then she glanced back at the other man, trying to decide if they had some kind of connection.

When Sasha appeared at the door both the woman and the guard on duty turned their attention towards her. The woman trying to remember if she had met the younger looking woman before.
The guard went and opened the door for her.

"Are you okey miss ?" He sounded genuinely concerned. Younger womans always made him want to help. Which had so far made him be taken advantage off.


Newhics stopped tapping the air and stared at Beau before he began laughing like he was dying.

Leader was silent in the com before he let out a long breath. When he spoke it was with half part amusement and half part irritation against New.

"I have never met anyone who... You are the first person to ask about its purpose Beau. What Im sitting in is a Town Walker, among the sturdiest anti-mental mechas that were ever launched during the true wars. While its main purpose is to shield the remaining squads against any hostile actions... Yes, it can fight. And New stop laughing and give the girl a visual!" His voice rang with pride and ended in an edge of readiness. He made the TW take a step backwards as its engines raised their outputs. The impact made a tree disappear beneath its foot. Showing why it was parked on the edge of the camp.

Newhics got a wide grin on his face and lashed his arms straight out, the fingers strained as if they were waiting for release. He struckone finger down and both he and Beau were lifted off the ground and flown backwards away from the mecha. Another finger stretched out and they were placed solidly on the ground again. He turned his head towards her and smiled wildly.

"Watch this Beau, the reason Leader is still alive from the wars." He spun around with his arms still out to the sides. And a few turns and steps later his eyes lost their focus. His fingers made a few slight twitches, and the air around him became completely still.
Beau was shocked no one had asked its purpose before. How was one suppose to know what the thing could do if by it's purpose. However she listened intently to Leader, as ever called him, not wishing to miss a word he said. Her amazement grew big as he talked about it, though she didn't like that it was suppose to be used against mentals. But times had changed and she was pretty sure he was not going to kill her just because of her powers.

Beau was startled when Newhic and her went flying backwards. So he could fly in a sense, manipulate the air. That would be good to know. Trying to keep her balance she smiled. Never had a mental used their power with her. Smiling she nodded before turning forward to watch Leader in his town walker. This should be amusing atleast. Pressing the com button she said " Ready when you are, sir."
Alex grabbed the papers and looked them over. "I reckon very thing seems to be in order." Alex signed them and handed both the papers and the pencil back to Gallast. "I'm right sorry for messin up yer town sheriff. I started the fight between Harley and I, if any thing I should be the one who gets punished." Alex said respectfully.

(Going to be at work tonight guys won't be home until late tonight.)
"Derany..." He spoke quietly before Bill came in, he seemed to be here for two people as well... Perhaps he was trying to bail out Harley and Alex too? He backed away a little nervously, strange, he couldn't recall the guys name but he recognizes him from somewhere...
Sasha smiled and looked at a guard. "well arn't you a cutie" She commented eyeing the guard and wobbling slightly before grabbing the door frame. glaring past him at the woman. "Julia? wow haven't you grown to be a pretty woman" She then laughed "though that chest didn't really grow did it just like your mothers it remained quite flat" She stepped inside putting the now empty wine bottle aside.

"hrm so uh two kids got brought in believe they belong to my company. Anyone arrive to deal with that yet. Need a ride from them back to camp you see" She said blinking slowly satisfied it was a complete sentence. Now looking at the strange old man keeping his eye in a bowl??
Leader responded through the com-link as he focused on Newhics, preparing himself for their first sparring in months, this time he would be sure to win. Opening shutters on the head and having its ballistic turrets aim out. Plates on its chest moving aside to show sound-cannons.

"You might want to step aside a bit Beau, and cover your ears. Take this New!" Leader opened fire on the younger man, bullets raining forward as the beats from the speakers made the ground around him shake.

Newhics stood still with his fingers twitching until Leader opened fire. His hands were suddenly in front of him, the fingers tapping the air with speed. And the bullets bounced against the air in front of him, the beats changing tone and loudness. Every time a finger stopped there seemed to be a ripple moving through the air, like there was suddenly a surface in the way for the bullets.
He got a wide grin on his face as the mechas assault didnt get to him, he stretched out one hand towards the ground as the fingers tapped into the palm of his hand. The ground which the hand pointed at started shuddering.

"My turn Leader, you asked for it!" Newhics laughed as he ripped the arm upward, fingers outwards. A big chunk of the ground lifted up into the air, and with a tap of the fingers the chunk flew towards Leaders TW. Newhics started moving his arm about as theother one remained held in front of him, pushing at the bullets and the soundwave. The ground around cracked and scattered as smaller chunks were elevated.

Leader laughed as ground and rocks came flying at him, the mecha putting up an arm to take the impacts. He catched some of them, throwing them back in sprays of dust.
Harley Rogue
"As long as you dont loot anyone elses belongings that could still be viewed as lady-like miss Harley.", she heard Allder saying. At first she was genuinely surprised he replied it, but she had her doubts him listening the whole time. But who cared anyway. They said nothing that would get them further into trouble. She chuckled. "Well, Allder not like I enjoy it...that much. I do my best not to. But I'll take that as a compliment." With smirk, she added. "Besides, those looted by me usually have it coming for several reasons, and none of those are my faul." She looked towards Gallast, when Alex alerted her. Harley took the paper and a pencil Gallast gave to each of them. "Your signature if you agree with your actions as they are described, and you may add anything you feel is needed. And before you ask, the whole idea of trusting to the criminals consent and trustworthiness is the town-halls idea. I once had to make one from the institute sign it, I will never try that again."

She laughed lightly at Gallast's story as she was reading through the report.
"Aye, seems to me, they're that special kind of stupid we all love so much." Everything seemed to be in order with the report and she singed it quickly after making sure she got through everything. It was the habit of never leaving tiny fonts of letters unread. She gave the paper and pencil back to Gallast. "Well, this was an interesting get together if I may add." She just then felt the true heat and a need for a bath, but she said nothing. Hearing all the commotion on the station reception, she rolled her eyes. "Alex, seems to me we became really popular in no time. But I do not think they appreciate us for that." Indeed, too many people were there because of what they did. In some other situation she would be glad, but not now.

"I'm right sorry for messin up yer town sheriff. I started the fight between Harley and I, if any thing I should be the one who gets punished." Harley sighed and teased. "That doesn't really beat the fact that I would kick your newbie ass if I wanted to." She taped Alex's shoulder and laughed lightly. "Don't go all badass and get all the credits. You do realise it takes two to tango, right?" Nodding, she leaned against the bars. "I guess we just have to wait for those old people to resolve everything on the reception. Then get a scolding round, then hopefully get the hell out of here." She referred to Gallast. "Don't get me wrong sheriff, you are doing a good job, but I would rather get to my obligations." She smiled sweetly and genuinely for the first time.

Beau did as asked and took a few steps to the side, so she could watch, before covering her ears with her hands. Surely if anyone had still been asleep they would be a wake now. Gasping at the bullets that came flying towards Newhic. Surely he doesn't mean to harm the boy. Sure enough when Newhic defended against such and attack just to attack back himself. She was amazed by it all. So that's why he taps his fingers, he makes the music. She watched as they sparred, it was like watching a live movie. They were both very skilled and had done this many times. Though she knew not how he was able to his powers for so long. Was there different types of mentals? This was sure to be very pleasing to watch. To bad no one else was here to witness this. Though it got her into the sparring spirit, she just stood there, looking between the two. Waiting to see what happened next.
Allder tipped his hat for Harleys response and gave a chuckle at the following statement. Then he went back to sleep, as Gallast was there the matter was done.

Gallast got a bitter hint to him as he heard Harleys comment to his anecdote. She couldnt have known, but it still made him sad to remember the event. The fact that they had no mentals able to help their kin at the institute was a tragedy, and over the years it had caused deaths. Forcing them to keep the victims of the world in containment cells. It was a reality he wanted to change, but was unable to affect.

"They are no fools, simply made to suffer from this world." He took the papers back when they returned them, listening to the commotion outside. Harley was right, the only reason would be for them to be here for the kids. What group did they belong to for that to be the case tough? He laughed at her remark, *back to her obligations huh? Guess she really loves her occupation as part of her group. Or she just thinks this whole ordeal is taking time.* He looked back at them with humor in his eyes.

"Guess Ill go talk to them then, so you can get out of here and be on your way." He walked out into the reception with the signed papers in his hand, *Now for the bill.* Gallast felt a bit bad taking compensation for such a small incident, but it could have escalated and the city had to be protected.


The guard smiled hesitantly at Sasha before he figured that he could stay close and make sure she didnt fall over anytime soon. He couldnt remember when the door-frame she was holding had gotten that dent though, and it looked to be exactly where she was gripping it.
What she said to Julia made him stare first at her and then at Sasha, did they know each other? It was the first time he saw her get surprised or faced by anything.
Julia made wide eyes at Sasha, it couldnt be, but it had to be. She couldnt quite believe it. She didnt manage to speak before Sasha had already finished taking. And she had by then managed to compose herself again.

"I guess you are with these two then? As soon as Gallast comes with the forms we just need the payment for their compensation and then you can pick them up... You never said a word before you left Sasha, we didnt think we would get to see you again." The last was said with a hint of the long-forgotten sorrow of a child. She hadnt seen the other woman in years, but her demeanor hadnt changed, it had to be her.

Gallast arrived moments later, taking a look over the room and glancing over Sasha and Derany, the woman was new, was she with Derany? Then his eyes went to Bill, he stooped with a big smile on him.

"Bill! What are you doing here? The kids part of the group your working with? And you remember my wife right?" He shook hands with the mechanic, pointing at Julia who made a sour expression at them. Then he addressed Derany and Sasha before producing the forms to Julia.

"I see you made it Derany, hope you got what you were looking for. And welcome miss, anything we can help you with, doesnt you look familiar?" He tilted his head at her as his wife took the forms and put them away behind the counter. She told him who Sasha was. Gallast dropped his jaw at the woman, earning another look from Julia.
All the while the guard had been looking between them, trying to figure out what they were talking about.


Newhics stood with his hands raised as the dust and rocks fell unto the ripples in front of him. Making a circular motion with his other hand the debris around him stilled in the air, the elevated portions of ground seemingly laying on a solid surface. His eyes lost focus as he lashed the other hand to the side as well. Everything thrown against him still fighting against ripples still moving through the air. His fngers began tapping a rythm and suddenly a drumbeat could be felt through the air around them. Flipping his arms forward everything around him flew at Leaders mecha, the bullets as well as the sound reflected back.

Leader knew the attack was coming, so stopping all offensive measures he closed all plates on the TW and braced himself. The impacts were like standing in the midst of a tornado, an onslaught of earth and gravel that would have made a weaker mecha crumble. The instant it was over he moved the mechas arms in the motion of a swimmer and brought them both down on the young mental, the mechas fists rushing through the air like a speeding train.

Newhics had his arms dropped at his sides, the approaching fists of the mecha didnt seem to register for him. Until the arms were ten feet away, his head rocked up at them as his whole body got pushed down, the air above him rippling like a pond around the mechas hands. His arms moving in slow motion he turned his palms upwards and shot them upwards to cause the fists to lift backwards into the air and then hitting the ground to his right and left. A tremor travelling through the ground.

Neither of them moved for several seconds until Leader could be heard laughing from inside the mecha. Newhics let his arms fall and looked at the shaking fingers, spasms making them tap the air without any coherence before he too burst out laughing. Spinning around to look at Beau who had possibly been within the area that was now covered in dust.

"So, what do you think? Its clearly my win, right?" The cheerful question was interrupted by the mecha standing up, joints creaking and spinning. Almost before it had stood up properly the hatch opened and Leader jumped out and down while screaming into the com.

"It was my win you blind Impacter!" He landed not two feet from New, staring at the guy for a second before smacking him in the back, but it never got more than an inch close before it hit the air. Not that it seemed to bother either of them. A wide grin on both of their faces, they returned their attention to Beau.
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Bill looked back at Sasha as she got chummy with the receptionist. Everyone knew Sasha, she had been around long enough. Bill had always steered clear of her though. The way she... Held herself, was odd. Her mannerisms seemed so practiced. Her speech so eloquent. It was like she had the experience of someone an age her elder.
And it creeped Bill out.
But then Bill saw Gallast, and grinned like a hearty cheshire as he popped his eye back in, before placing his rough hands on his hips and proclaiming "Well I never, Gallast, you old war horse! Have you put on a few pounds?" Bill ribbed, nodding to Gallast's wife, smiling politely.
"Just here to bail 'em out. hopefully they've calmed down now."
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Harley Rogue

Harley leaned on bars that separated two cells, observing Alex's movements. She could tell that he couldn't wait to go out. But it was not the wish to do something better. It was more of a shame, she could tell. And he better be ashamed. He should have known better. But then again, she could have just ignored him a bit more. It was equally her fault. She looked at his cyber arm once more thinking how she would be useful to the army or any other organised group of normals. He could have done a lot better. Their rescue party still discussed some obviously important things on the reception.

"Hey!" She referred to Alex. "How this all happened? I mean not the fight and getting busted since it is pretty clear but... how did you end up with this group? I am sure you could have done better and maybe have a better life." She smirked teasingly. "Or a good life just wasn't enough for you and you decided to have some fun? Though you don't seem so reckless to me...despite what happened." She chuckled. "Bratty greeny maybe. But reckless? What's that all about now?"
Alex stopped pacing and put one on his chin "Well being in the war for so long you kind of forget how to live a "normal life" *he makes air quotes*. A life of being on edge and fighting is all I really know. So after I was discharged I decided to take my life on the road and become a bounty hunter..... try and be more on a hero I guess." Alex trailed off just looking into space. "Yeah a hero....." Alex said quietly. "I joined the Nontals because I think they have a very noble pursuit. Trying to figure out why this all started and who is really behind it, that and they try to protect the innocent which I am all for." Alex smiled, then pointed at Harley "Why did you join? Why is a loner like you helping a group of curious loonies? Seems to me like you would just prefer to live your own life." Alex felt comfortable enough around Harley and Allder to use his normal voice.
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