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Randy chuckled "alright, how about.. both of you try to not drink for at least a week.. see who wins."
He had no idea what the prize would be, he had nothing to offer, but he just wanted to see.
He smiled "and the winner gets to do anything she wants."
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Dusk grinned, "And you have to do it too. And Aston." She thought a moment about what she'd want to do. "And if I win, I get to keep the family phone for two months." She hated having to take turns with a cell phone, but they only had one between the three. Dawn opened her mouth to protest, but thought better of it, and shut it.

At that moment, Aston walked in. "I have to do what?"
"You can't drink alcohol for a week, and the winner gets whatever they want," Dawn giggled. She stood up and started fiddling with her brunette hair, trying to get it to her hair.
"Well, then, I win," Aston smirked. He'd never drank alcohol and never planned on doing so.
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Randy chuckled "or me, I don't drink, so this is a piece of cake."
He watched as Dawn did her hair, and slowly got up "so.. what classes do we have? Or are you not expected to be there?"
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"You'll have to pick up a schedule. Aston has that one where you learn about dead people, Dusk has that class where you write all that crap and I have...s***," Dawn smiled.
"History. English. And something else," Dusk translated to Aston, who looked like the most confused guy to ever live.
"Everybody has to go. It's a school...obviously," Aston laughed. He had a loud almost evil sounding laugh, but hardly moved his mouth while doing it.
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Randy chuckled "since when does school mean you have to go?"
He got up and walked to the door "gonna find a schedule, than I'll decide if I actually feel like going, and THAN, my friends, I'm going to figure out this building because I will get lost."
He smiled and walked out, slowly walking through the building.
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Dawn stared at Randy in surprise. Dusk sighed again. Aston had his jaw dropped. "Did."
"He just."
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Randy finally found the place where he had to get his schedule from and started walking through the building.
He felt like a bit of a loner seeings how he was alone for 2 days straight.

Randy was looking around and skipped slightly, a spring in his step, who would've thought that?
He got back to the room and walked in "sup fabulous people?" He said jokingly as he laid down on his bed "my schedule is awful. Just saying."
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"Let me guess. Double crap with a side of crap and after that...crap?" Dawn laughed. He was funny...she felt like she was falling down a very deep hole. She didn't like it. "Either way, it's nice to look around and snoop a bit. I'll take you, if you want." Dusk and Aston raised their eyebrows. Even if they did hate each other and were completely different, it was obvious they were related. How they'd hid that for so long is unknown.
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Randy smiled "exactly! You speak my language!"
He knew Aston said that his sisters were bad, but they seemed okay in private.
He sat up and nodded "oh, you're gonna show me around?"

Randy stood up and looked around "yes please, that would be nice."
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Aston and Dusk exchanged glances that seemed to say 'oh god'. Dusk began to speak, "Um. Dawn but you've got s..." before an angry glare was shot at her. "Like I said, rubbish," Dawn laughed, opening the door, and rather violently kicking the wedge into it.
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Randy walked after her and smiled "so anyway, tell me about yourself."
He saw the looks, and as much as he wanted to ask what was going on, he didn't want to invade anyone's space.
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Dawn started walking. "I'm Dawn. Um...I'm Aston and Dusk's sister. There's not much. Why are you here?" She didn't really know what to say. She normally had those stupid assignments called 'About Me' but most of it was about her fashion sense. "I want to be a dancer," she mumbled. Normally she was outgoing, but she felt shy today. And she wanted to be alone. She wanted to leave the school. She'd thought it was paradise, and she was so wrong.
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Randy smiled "a dancer? See, I wanted to dance yesterday, and Aston totally didn't dance with me. Mean, huh?" He chuckled at himself and looked at her as they walked.
He shrugged "I don't know why I'm here, I guess I'm just.. a horrible person."
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"Aston? Dance?" Dawn looked at Randy as if he was insane. "You asked Aston to dance? You know he couldn't dance even if death looked him in the eye and told him to, right? Aston isn't good with that stuff. Neither was dad. It was mums thing." She laughed softly. "Besides, you aren't horrible. Lots of people here are simply here because they have exceptionally high or low grades, or simply because nobody cares about them so they're dumped here. Come on, it's a free boarding school."
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Randy chuckled "but still, it was me, and I'm so fun to dance with."
He shrugged "You don't know if I'm horrible or not."
He looked at her "so why are you here?"
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"Social services put us here after Mum died and Dad went insane. The grades went down, booze went up and BOOM. And you aren't horrible," she was very stern when talking about Randy. "Aston still doesn't get that guys can't do some girl things without looking like idiots," she smiled, remembering how Aston copied her every move when they first arrived. It would've been good if Dawn wasn't showing off and being a bit flirty.
Rose looked at the girl curiously. She wanted me to go to a party? Usually people just brush her off. Rose returned the smile and closed her book gently. "I-I'd love to." Rose responded, standing up and holding her book against her chest. [BCOLOR=#cc99ff](sorry. My life suddenly got busy for a while.)[/BCOLOR]
Dusk sighed when it was just her and Aston. "Do you think-" she began.
"Yes," Aston nodded. They looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Well. No vodka for a week. She can't do it," Dusk sighed.
"Maybe she can. We don't know what happens in her head," Aston thought aloud.
"She's Dawn. She grew up with us. Aston, we are triplets. Of course we know what goes on in her head," Dusk laughed quietly.
"Why does she-" Aston stated.
"I don't know. Let's go down to the party room. I heard that it's quieter now, they've put the music down a notch, and the ice-cream is out," Dusk smirked, hoping Aston would get the urge to try the alcohol.

Dusk giggled to Aston down the corridor about Dawn. Aston shook his head. He saw those people still. "Are you guys going to the party?" he grinned Aston's grin.
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Randy looked at her "I'm sorry, that's terrible.. I mean.. I lost my mom, but that's not the same."
He chuckled and shook his head "guys can do girl things, the trick is being confident. For example, if I wanted to wear a tutu and do ballet, I should be able to it because I am confident enough."
Dawn laughed. "But you can't whip your hair back and forth like Willow Smith without looking dumb! Actually, you could, but Aston definitely can't." She thought hard then, little lines across her forehead as she thought. "What happened to your mum?" She didn't understand how it wasn't the same. Her mum was a bit of an asshole. Her dad was better.
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