
Randy started laughing "I wouldn't be so sure of that, I'm sure Aston could achieve a greater purpose."
He sighed and looked down "she got raped and murdered by unknown.."
Randy always had trouble coming to terms with it "and just like that, she was gone.."
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Dawn didn't know what to say. She would comfort him, but she didn't have comforting words. "I will track down this person and murder them," she finally announced. "Or Aston will. Or Dusk. That's horrible. Nobody deserves that." She thought that was the worst thing for someone to do to another living, or for that point, dead, being. She wanted to find them and murder them and torture them and then dump them in acid.
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Randy shook his head "the cops never figured out who it was, and well.. they kinda stopped looking.."
He shrugged "but anyway.. what happened to your parents?"
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"Dads in the mental home," Dawn never said asylum. It wasn't a word, she believed. "And mum was killed in a hit-and-run car crash. Only her and Aston at the time. He doesn't remember much about her. I remember lots. It happened when we were ten. But they did catch that guy. It was an accident." It changed the family, in Dawn's mind.
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Randy stopped walking and took her hand "I'm sorry.."
He looked at her and hesitated to hug her "I know it's not much, but if you ever need anything, or just someone to talk to.. I'm here, 24/7. Even if it's the middle of the night, I will always be there."
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"Same," she smiled, squeezing his hand. Was it normal for her to be like this? She wanted to be helpful and kind and caring to a guy she'd just met. For once, she didn't care. She cared about Aston and Dusk, and Randy.
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He looked at their hands and smiled "Thank you."
Randy looked at her, eye contact was made and a silence fell.
He didn't know what was happening, he hadn't had friends in years.. and well.. girls never seemed to be nice to him, period.
He tried to shake it off and chuckled "so, you got a boyfriend? I know, bad question.. but this is the most I've spoken in 2 years."
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Randy chuckled "me? Ha.. No.. Never had one either. I'm not the ladies choice."
He smiled "anyway.. uhm.. I just totally went blank for a second."
He turned, but still held her hand "you were showing me around, ms. Dancer."
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"Oh yeah, these are the classrooms specifically for this floor. Down here is the theatre, party room, dinner hall, and upstairs is the library. There are classrooms on every floor with those huge old-fashioned signs like 'Wow this is a maths room'," she kept hold of his hand, turning with him, and showing him round pretty slowly.
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He chuckled "oh, old fashioned huh. Wow, this is English, wow this is biology.. yeah?"
Randy slowly forgot that they were holding hands, like that's something that they had done for years.
Her hand placed perfectly in his, and he felt quite content walking there with her.
Randy continued "so how old are you, if I may ask?"
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"Fifteen," Dawn couldn't wipe the smile off her face now. "What about you?" She didn't even realise they were holding hands, it didn't bother her at all. Nobody had done it with her before, not even her boyfriend. It felt good, like someone bothered.
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Randy smiled "16, yeah I know, super old." He laughed and found himself walking closer to her than before.
He looked around as she showed him everything, and than looked at her "so do they have like an outside place you can air at or anything? Because they can't expect teenagers to constantly be indoors."
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"They have the basketball courts," Dawn nodded, her knee almost touching his. "And a football pitch, but that's only for the team."
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Randy sighed "geeze, how am I supposed to grow up properly if we're not allowed outside?"
He chuckled and shrugged "guess I'm gonna have to find some form of distraction, one way or the other."
He looked around, than focused on Dawn "so is there anything else I need to see?"
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"The basketball courts maybe?" Dawn smiled, "and the toilets." She laughed softly at the idea of not knowing where the toilets were.
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Randy smiled "good idea.. it would be useful to know where the toilets are.."
The more he looked at her, the more he started to think that he liked being around her.
As they kept walking he noticed how she too, tried to walk close to him.
It made him curious, but he didn't dare ask why.
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Dawn showed him the main toilets. They were in between the party room and theatre down a corridor that reminded Dawn of a back alleyway. She liked being around Randy. She noticed he was watching her, and blushed a little. He was good looking. She couldn't help noticing. She noticed he tried to move towards her too. She liked that.
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Randy saw her blush and smirked "why are you blushing? Is it me? I'm making this awkward aren't I?"
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Dawn laughed, "Just a bit." She wondered what Dusk would do right now. Probably tut, shake her head and roll her eyes. Aston But Dawn...would be honest and be Dawn.
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