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As was stated before, this is a rough sheet/WIP and is subject to radical change!

Name: Huxley Saint, Hijiri Hakusurī, 聖ハクスリー

Age: Seventeen, Second year in high school.



As if a sunbeam had manifested in human form, Hakusurī is an emanation of light. Radiant to a fault, her appearance is wholesome, soft, all natural, and painfully cute.

On the smaller side, her height is offset just by how bright she is. Almost filling a room just by entering it. Always smiling and quite chirrupy, her saccharine presence can become almost painful and nearly always attracts too much attention. Not that she minds...



It's not a word that gets used as much these days. War and expansive battlefields have been displacing large portions of the population and anyone with their own means has been able to migrate someplace safer with a sense of normalcy. Combined with the fact that literal aliens exist, the word has fallen out of use. Mostly.

Born to the American Army General Robert J. Saint and former model and influencer Paisley Saint, Hakusurī was both expected to be a twin and a boy. A failure of modern prenatal medicine, Huxley turned out to be neither.

While still a baby, the Saints were both lucky enough and 'important' enough to be forced to travel around before finally being settled in Japan. The General often leading and advising from various fronts and his wife none the wiser as she continued to post the daily life of her and her golden child online for dwindling audiences. Multiple blogs, daily photo updates and a love stream with donations going towards various clothing/costumes for the baby who all the while watched with her big baby blues.

It didn't take long for Hakusurī to grow up, learning far too early on that she was being exploited. It wasn't abusive in a traditional sense, sort of a soft abuse from her mother who was living through her. She couldn't play where she wanted, couldn't do what she wanted, everything was planned and measured out for her. Seeds of resentment were planted, Hakusurī realizing that if she were to have any control over anything it was going to have to be done by manipulating her Mother.

As a child, Hakusurī quickly began to develop a love for times when she could get away from her mother. Exploiting gaps in her schedule and occasionally sneaking away on trips to explore, a love for nature was nurtured. Often found staring at ant colonies under rocks or throwing beetles into spider webs, Harusaki had a love for the creatures that didn't think like humans did. Cold, alien, little creatures. Her taste for them drawing her towards the dark and creepy but her life wouldn't allow it to show. If she wanted to keep learning and embracing the things that actually brought her joy, she would have to play the game.

And play she did. By age ten, Hakusurī had her mother wrapped around her little finger. Acting out as a child to get what she wanted evolved into a more subtle and more socially palatable guilt trips and wordplay that gave Hakusurī more power over her mother. A power that Hakusurī relished. She was becoming more and more angry inside and her words became just as sweetly cruel to match. Her dad absent enough and busy enough never to notice the drastic shift in power between the two.

In the outside world, Hakusurī had initially hoped to find some more of the freedom she wanted for herself. But it was more of the same.

People already had their little expectations of her, what and who she was and who she was supposed to be. Rather than change that through interaction, Hakusurī went her own way with it.

Playing into their expectations, Hakusurī played the part of the slightly vapid, dumb foreigner. She spun her webs around this role and let people catch themselves. Her cheery demeanor, can do attitude, involvement in everything and somehow knowing everyone all brought more and more people in close.

She became quite popular this way, gaining admiration and a large following. It almost became too easy to use up and discard the people drawn to her. Younger kids in debt to her, older kids trusting her with secrets they soon regret speaking of. And when she was done with them, those debts would come to light, those secrets would become common knowledge. All the while Hakusurī remained innocent and far too precious and air headed to hav done anything. A harmless girl.

Until the day where she fell in the web of something bigger and better than even her ego thought she was.

It wasn't a stormy night, but a perfect summer day. Walking home from one of the many clubs she'd been pushed into leading or at least attending, she'd ordered the trio of fellow students she was walking with to go back and get her things she left behind. Using their eagerness to earn favor, Hakusurī dipped away down a side alley and wandered off.

Coming home a week later and apparently no worse for Hakusurī played it off, claiming to spent the night at a non existent friends house. Never telling anyone a word of what she'd experienced.

She'd never expected to fall into a web of something else and hadn't expected to come out of it as she had. Still painfully unaware of what she'd fallen into, the path she'd taken was sure to make itself evident eventually...

Personality: Hakusurī is that girl that's just somehow everywhere with everyone. The webs she spins are expansive and well networked. A second year and already a contender for student government, albeit one with a considerable amount of skeletons in her closet.

Hakusurī is nice to everyone, cheerful each day and always willing to volunteer or help whenever she can but none of this comes without a price and the punishment for failure is never forgotten. Devastatingly cruel to those that fail her, she doesn't make blunt attacks but instead orchestrates elaborate scenarios to hurt people. Deepest secrets are revealed, embarrassing failures are put on display and emotions are toyed with before being dropped.

Of course the golden girl Hakusurī walks away with clean hands but the amount of satisfaction she feels watching someone suffer after she toyed with them was just too amazing. The world wanted to treat her one way and it would be useless to fight it all upfront. She'd win, she'd win in her own way.

Tager type: Widow
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Alright, like I said I would, I just copy-pasted the Vampire example for the Tager form (and changed only the image, since I happened to find one I liked better), so besides potential minor edits, this is pretty much it from me for the CS.

  • Name: Ayano Renshin ("Ren")

    Age: 17, 2nd year in Senior high school


    Appearance: Renshin stands at 5'2 (160 cm), and is lithe but with a good muscle definition. She is obviously fit, and has a fair complexion. Unfortunately, she burns rather easily in the sun, and must be conscientious in applying sunscreen or sticking to shades, especially during the height of summer. She has an oval face shape, a slightly upturned nose, and heart shaped lips. Her eyes are a dark gray colour, though may appear pitch black under certain lighting conditions. Ren has straight black hair and sports a pixy cut. Her eyebrows are naturally thin and sparse (and Renshin often fills them in), and easily the most expressive part of her. Whether broody aloofness, sarcastic judgement, or irate discontent, she can pull off the requisite brow movement with nary a thought. Her lips are often pressed into a thin line or downturned and frowning. Outside of the school uniform, Ren tends to wear sporty clothing which outlines and enhances her slim figure. She has next to no accessories, and only occasionally applies some light make-up. For how short her stride is, Renshin is a pretty fast walker even when she's not in a hurry. Her posture is excellent, her movements graceful, her gestures controlled and fluid. She is the type to sit prim and proper and appear attentive even if she happens to be lost in thought.

    History: The oldest daughter in an upper middle class family, Renshin was raised by strict, perfectionist parents. She always had to put her best foot forward, and only the best results got her their approval. Her parents often warned her of the consequences of failure, and thus achievement became a necessity in Ren's mind. Any hobby she took up, she was told to do properly (i.e. with full effort and dedication) or not at all. Though even these 'hobbies' she didn't choose for herself; she's been enrolled in a gymnastics class since a very young age, and has had a music tutor hired for her throughout elementary school. The main reason she was never sent to a private school is because she had two younger siblings, and her parents weren't rich enough to pay a prestigious schooling for all of them. Instead, they pushed for Renshin to do her best in public school with the aim for her to eventually attend a good university. The upside of public school was that Ren had an easier time being an ace student than she otherwise might have had, but the downside were her parents' severe controlling tendencies. They always warned her away from the 'wrong sort' of people. So, in addition to not having as much free time to hang out with others, Renshin's network was restricted by her parents as well.

    However, more stressful than any of that was the fact that they had decided to have more than one child. More than her. At four years old, she gained a younger brother (Araki), and at seven, a younger sister (Hazakura). Ren was young, and understood this only in the sense that she wasn't enough for her parents. Renshin didn't know why she wasn't enough, but if she had been, they wouldn't have had any other children, would they have? It took a while for her to accept that her parents' attention was not just on her any longer. Even then, she felt like her parents were more affectionate to her younger siblings than they had ever been to her. Subsequently, she tried even harder to please them, did even more to be the best. Her efforts paid off; she was one of the top students, a decent violinist, and began attending and winning gymnastic tournaments. Each such achievement got her the affirmation she yearned for. She became an example for her younger brother and sister. Though she eventually learned to tolerate and like her siblings, there remained in her the tiniest bit of jealousy. With age and perspective, the predominant emotions in regard to her siblings became pity and a distant sort of love, however. Her adolescent years, the internet, and a subtle rebelliousness awoke in Ren a hunger for independence, and she is yet working towards gaining it.

    Personality: Renshin is an ambitious and confident young woman, not without due cause. She is driven and tenacious, working hard to accomplish her goals and fulfill her desires. She has high standards, both of herself and others, but is a capable and reliable worker. Ren is one tough cookie. Though admired by some and envied by others, she is yet dissatisfied. She wants to do better, to be better, to have more. She is greedy and possessive of the things that she can claim to be her and hers only. Renshin is highly competitive, but a sore loser. As harsh as she is to others, she's probably even stricter to herself. She is a very distant, reserved, and cynical person. While Ren is typically polite, she can be sharp-tongued if necessary. She respects authorities, covets power, and is dismissive of those below her. Renshin aspires to independence and autonomy, which in her mind she is guaranteed to gain upon success. Yet, in some ways, she is inexperienced; she has not had much of a chance to be influenced by anyone beside her parents or to truly experience the world.

    Her symbiote will distance her from people even more, making her feel self-satisfied in her self-sufficiency. She will lose her natural wish for closer connections, gradually beginning to feel like she has no need for pesky friendships. Renshin will become patiently vindictive, seething with quiet anger, more bitter, and cruel. She will get a thrilling power-rush from shifting to her Hybrid or Tager form, and will come to crave bloodshed. The tendency for violence and the sadistic mindset will slowly bleed into her human consciousness, which she will initially be wary of and attempt to resist. If and when she inevitably succumbs to that, she may turn to self-harm first. Ren's confidence will easily turn to arrogance, and her desire to triumph will only strengthen.

  • Vampire

    Natural Weapons:
    Vampires have an exsanguinating touch that causes blood to boil and pout from a living victim. The same mystical energies can also cause inanimate objects to decay, damaging them just as effectively. Vampires also fire terrifying barbed projectiles that are just as damaging as a Nightmare's ranged attacks. Some vampires can mentally dominate others, causing them to stand by in a stupor, or emit bursts of completely obscuring darkness around them.

    Limit Weapon: Bloodbath - A crimson sphere of energy dropped like a bomb from the air that throws shards of energy for 20 feet in all directions when it bursts on impact. Living things caught within begin hemorrhaging internally and also bleed from their nose, eyes, ears, and cough up blood. This attack doesn't damage non-living things, passing completely through non-mystical armor. Even powered armor, armored vehicles, and mecha offer no protection, as the attack will pass right through them to injure the people within. Other tagers, including other Vampires, are not immune to this attack.

    Attributes: Strong boosts to agility, perception, and strength. Not nearly as strength-focused as the Nightmare, and a more all-rounder in the same overall weight class. Has the same armor and regenerative ability as a Nightmare.

    Supernatural Abilities: Vampires have wings and can fly. They have the night vision, thermal vision, and the ability to sense life force. They also have enhanced hearing, and sonar.

    Personality Traits: Vampires are sadistic and deadly. They often feel a need to inflict pain and have a literal thirst for blood. Patient and arrogant. Love high places and looking down on others literally as well as figuratively.

    Hybrid Form: The whites of the eyes turn blood red and the irises turn golden. The tager gains their exsanguinating touch attack.
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I do like the characters so far. Sorry I've been quiet lately, but some mixture of busy/distracted. And a big late-season snowstorm knocking out power for a day at the end of last week and throwing off my schedule.

For the heck of it, here's my own character.
  • Name: Koizumi Saya
    Age: 15, 3rd year in Junior High School

    Saya is fairly average in height and build. She obviously suffers from albinism, with characteristic pale skin, eyes that are a sort of pale pink or purple in color, and extremely light hair. She usually wears sunglasses when out and about, or wears glasses with lenses that tint automatically when exposed to bright light or UV. She isn't the sort to keep up with current fashion, and most of her clothes that aren't her school uniform are far behind the latest trends. She has a few scars from surgeries and other medical treatments.

    Saya's family are caretakers and priests for one of the local shrines. As a result, she has an actual house that's a good size, although it's part of the shrine grounds. There have been a couple attempts to acquire the property as part of the urban renewal effort that have been firmly, but politely turned down. Her parents are traditional and strict when it comes to duties to the shrine, but otherwise Saya can usually avoid trouble if she's got a good enough cover story and luck on her side. She has an older sister whom she adores. The two sisters get along well enough, with the usual amount of friendly ribbing, and they split the household chores between them. They both have to work to maintain the shrine's grounds and help out during festivals.

    Saya wasn't really born healthy, and she wasn't born lucky, either. In addition to her lack of pigment and associated vision problems, she's struggled with illness for much of her life. Modern medicine keeps her living a surprisingly active lifestyle, but she still needs frequent hospital visits and surgery to replace failing organs or otherwise treat her frequent medical woes. She doesn't seem to be particularly bothered by her typically sickly nature, although she is happy to see it as a thing of the past, since she acquired her symbiont.

    Saya's school life is probably what one would consider unremarkable. She's not very smart, so she works hard for her grades. She has a few friends and hangs out with them. She watches weird shows and makes costumes based on the characters. Sometimes she tries to drag her friends into doing the same. Her unusual appearance alone is enough to set her apart, leading to the occasional odd look or people talking behind her back. She is occasionally bullied outright in one way or another, as she looks unusual and is an obvious target. And worse, she tends to put up with it.

    Despite her weak constitution, Saya is energetic, outgoing, and positive. She works hard to get what enjoyment she can out of her good days, and rather than depend on others, tries to be someone they can depend upon. She helps others who she feels are suffering or in trouble, and she is perhaps a little too naively trusting.

    Saya is willing to reach out to anyone who seems to need a friend, and can become dangerously stubborn in dragging people out of their shells or otherwise getting them to talk to her. Generally a straightforward person, she isn't one to lie and manipulate to get her way when her sincere feelings would work instead.

    Influenced by her symbiont, Saya will slowly become more cold-tempered, cruel, and violent. She's more intimidating than she has any right to be, and seems to enjoy frightening her enemies with displays of her own strength. Not only is she becoming much more likely to engage in conflict, she seems to enjoy it, or will casually resort to violence to decisively deal with something she'd otherwise just brush off or avoid. Even if she wants to befriend or get through to an enemy, she's more than happy to beat them into submission first. She'll make them listen to her, one way or the other. She's likely to question authority, or just decide her own ideas are the proper course of action, probably coming off more like an annoying brat than anything really productive.
  • OBvf803.jpg

    Type: Nightmare
    Natural Weapons: Saya's symbiont has they typical long, deadly talons tipping each finger, and a set of tentacles retracted into one forearm for additional grappling attacks. Her shoulder pods usually fire either bolts of crimson energy that often seem to curve around and leave nice pretty contrails as they fly along toward their targets. She can also strike a surface to launch a shockwave of energy traveling along it. This can be used to attack around cover or corners.

    Limit Weapon:
    Mystic Blast - Both shoulder pods charge up and unleash a terrifying blast of energy 2 meters wide and as tall as the tager. This blast is capable of taking out walls and even armor, damaging anything in its path. Saya's trying to figure out a good thing to call this attack ,because you can't not shout something cool when you do something like this.

    Supernatural Abilities: Nightmares have night vision, thermal vision, and the ability to sense life force, but have few other abilities. More than most tagers, the nightmare is a physical powerhouse.

    Personality Traits: Those bound to a nightmare tend to become more menacing, intimidating, and murderous. Nightmares enjoy fighting and killing, and prefer a good challenge. They can be cold-tempered and impatient, often questioning and even rebellious, but terrifying once they've set their mind to something.

    Hybrid Form: Saya's eyes become solid black, she gains her thermal vision, and may sprout her claws.
Not exactly as dark as some of the others. Though the intent is also to channel the fanon "White Devil" sort of persona Nanoha has. So cheerfully violent and kind of horrible without ever realizing it.
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And things continue to be quiet here. Which is partially me not wanting to keep posting by myself (it's a little weird), and partially me expecting that things are a little less busy in general here due to people being busy adjusting to the new normal, having lives, etc. as usual.

So anyway, with the interest of keeping up appearances, I'm gonna do some preliminary comments/reviews of the characters. Since some are works in progress, I probably can't go too far into them, but that's just how things are.

There really isn't much there to go on, but she does seem interesting. The middle school fanclub who thinks she's cool for being all aloof is an amusing note and i could definitely have some fun with it, though. Troubled home life is always fun for these sort of games, gives interesting perspectives and chances for the characters to argue as a result. Hopefully she can enjoy being a superhero, at least.

She's going to get nicknamed something like Haku-chan and there's nothing she can do about it. She seems like the sort who'd be a foil for Saya's type, as they're both the nice, cheerful sort, but one has an ulterior motive. Saya's also the type who'd be easily manipulated, though...

She's an interesting take, on spinning social webs, and not being an overtly horrific sort. So there's some fun juxtaposition there.

I feel like she'd get along with a few of the others when it comes to strict parents or too many expectations on them. As with everyone else, I think it'll be interesting to see how she responds to the scenario as it stands.

On the more organizational side of things, I'm not sure if i want to set a deadline for characters. But I could start some of the session zero discussion anyway. Try to get things established a bit so when the IC starts everyone is on the same page and able to go.
Yeah, I wanted to write up Kaori so that she starts off just being a little enigmatic, and then gradually reveal more of her real personality as things go on. Everyone thinks of her in terms of certain stereotypes, and she plays on those stereotypes to try to get what she wants - so she doesn't have to bother wasting energy trying to fit in, or conforming to expectations. But of course at heart she'd like to be understood, and to open up to someone she can trust. She just hasn't found anyone like that yet, and it'd take quite a lot to get to that point with her.

She's likely to get into scrapes with more hidebound teachers, the disciplinary (school morals) committee, the popular normie girls, and even the delinquents. Basically everyone who thinks she should act a certain way when she doesn't want to.

Her family is also generally low-educated, crude and poor, and she's ashamed of them but she also doesn't want to be. They also struggle with money, and sometimes she's cranky just because she's not had much to eat.
I like that. Over the years I've decided that there's no real need to have everything put together and planned out from the beginning. Revealing things over time or characters changing as they go is often part of the fun of roleplaying in general, so things being a bit loose or enigmatic first are fine. Heck, i feel like "personality" sections in general aren't really necessary. They're only useful for the player to gather their thoughts (and to pick out any really obvious problem types that just would not fit at all, I suppose).

As far as game start stuff, I'll probably set things up a bit with the whole incident that leads to a bunch of "free" tagers needing hosts (that being the PCs). One can write up what happened when they ended up being chosen and bonded if one wants to. Then it'll probably pick up soon after that with the Eldritch society getting in touch with everyone somehow. Possibly even letters in everyone's shoe locker, which they can totally accomplish if they really want to, I'm sure. More likely text/email. I'm not 100% sure on that.

But, I can't think of a reason everyone would be conveniently in the same place right at the start, so everyone getting tager'd at the same time and the same place is out. Same time is probably a given anyway. And then we pick up with a little afterschool meeting to start a crash course on how the world really works and heap some heavy expectations on a bunch of kids.

Also, just to say it now, tagers don't really need to be trained to shift forms or how to use their more unusual weapons/attacks. Your symbiont's a part of you, so you just know how it all works. You might need training to be a good shot or a good fighter in close combat, but nobody has to teach you how to use your claws or magical energy blasts or whatever. If that makes any sense.
In the interest of moving forward, I think I'll go ahead and start the OOC soon (likely this weekend or early next week.) I've also made a character dump and linked it in the first post. Mostly, it'll be a storehouse for NPCs, so I can put bios of them somewhere. But hey, it can be a nice thing to have. I don't think I need a big lore thread as most of that's been covered somewhere here already.

To those who've posted characters so far, you can go ahead and post them up if/when they're done.

The character thread. For posting characters and things.
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All right, finally finished up Kaori and cross-posted her in the character sheet thread as well.
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Cleaned things up and transferred sheet over. Still looking for a tager image I like but I'll find one eventually.
Artwork can be hard to find sometimes. But it's not as important as the rest of the character anyway.
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I'm interested, should have my character up by Saturday at the latest. Thinking about making an Efreet, if'n that's cool?
Sure thing. Looking forward to the character.

  • Name: Setsuna, Yuuko

    Age: 17

    Appearance: A small lithe girl whose pale complexion contrasts with her onyx colored eyes. Standing at only 4'10, she carries long black hair that trails down her back. A few scars and markings cover the ends of her fingertips. Large eyes with thin eyebrows and small lips that caress a tiny mouth. With a heart shaped face which brings this all together.

    She chooses to wear formal clothing and prefers the uniform provided by the school. Keeping it clean and following the regulations of Sanagi high school. She often carries a case for glasses though has hardly ever been seen using them. A thin round pair of glasses with a dark frame are what she chooses to use.

    History: Living with only her father. She respects his hardworking nature as well as his determination to provide for her. Choosing to clean their home immaculately and choosing to cook meals whenever he returns. He runs a successful family business which was once shared with Yuuko's mother. While the two had always remained removed due to work. It had often left the young girl lonely as she was always being passed on from family members to caretakers. None of this changed and while she yearned for more time with her family. A vicious incident occurred once she turned ten.

    Her mother was brutally murdered in home when Yuuko was present. Her father returned later as he was the first to inform the police. Reports show that she was hiding as the events took place. The criminal has yet to be apprehended and the perpetrator appears to be a serial killer. One who was known over thirty years ago. For killing his victims in a particular manor.

    Known as the Skin Collector by the public. She remains the only surviving witness of any of the cases that have occurred. Making her important to the federal investigators who pursue this case. This has placed her and her family under protection though, sadly, she has seen her father far less. As he has taken on more responsibilities after her mother's passing. Due to her experiences she meets with therapists as well as counselors to help with her situation. While she has refused to speak much of the event. She has written portions for people to read. Police are still hoping to use her to solve the case even though her reliability after such a long time is being questioned.

    Personality: She is a very quiet person and doesn't show much emotion. She struggles approaching people and doesn't seem to ask for aid. Choosing to instead, to do everything on her own merit. She is attentive and does well in class. The classroom being the most comfortable place for her. She is a picky eater and seems obsessed with cleaning. Wanting everything to be perfectly right and seemingly addicted to the action. Never being satisfied until it looks exactly as she wants. She tends to bite her fingernails as well as the skin around her fingers. She is always tapping or strumming her fingers when staying still. She is partly curious on others and seems interested when music is being played. Her good grades, etiquette and diligence make her a student that is easily worked with. She is not one to particularly cause trouble.

  • Appearance: Wearing what appears to be a dressed created from extensions of skin and producing numerous spiked protrusions. The creature itself has hard bony plating that coats a delicate and soft interior. An opening at the chest can reveal a heart which rests inside. Opening and closing and appearing to breathe. The face is adorned with a mask which reveals one large, ember colored eye. With the reverse revealing a number of small eyes in contrast. A large flesh like tail extends from behind her. As he feet appear more like tentacles than actual legs. Her arms and hands remain the most human as shoulder and elbow plating protect them. Small strings of connected tissue float around her defensively.

    Natural weapons: Her hands can cut and carve into flesh easily. Their rigidness allowing for fierce guttural cutting if required. Though her 'dress' offers a myriad of weapons. Capable of impaling and ripping things to shreds, it offers her ways to pierce into things and cut them carefully if she requires. Able to remove these spikes which damage her in turn. She can create spear like weapons which she can attach to her arms if needed. Her exposed heart may also look tempting. Though, the clamp that protects it can be used as a makeshift mouth. Holding anyone who comes to close and allowing her dress to rotate and grind the being to pieces. Her tendrils that hover around her have a keen sense of smell as well as capable of poisoning prey. They can also be used as whips and are prehensile and resemble the tentacles found at her feet.

    Limit Weapon: Dancing of Knives- A violent display of numerous shards and pieces of bone that rapidly and savagely rip material apart. Ripping things apart at a sub atomic level. It resembles more of a black hole than anything else. Though the range is small and requires herself to be incredibly close to whom she uses this upon. It also causes herself great harm and exposes her heart in the event. Though, this can be used to cut things from structures and buildings towards vehicles or rock.

    Other supernatural Abilities: She can fly without the need of wings. Capable of manipulating the bone upon her body. She can focus parts of it to become more defensible but in response requires to make other places vulnerable in return.

    Personality traits: Fearfully defensive and incredibly careful. This being while taking many risks tends to avoid any that may leave her worse for wear. Cunning, and adaptable, they have developed a relationship that is understandable between the pair. As only this symbiote understands the complex emotions and the frailness of this mind. Offering the girl something that she desperately needs. Stability, and in turn this creature found someone surprisingly accepting of monsters like them. Both are reliable and both are interested in protecting this relationship. Only this horror knows what truly develops in this young mind. Surprising even this creature as they believe to have found a peculiar human.

    Hybrid Form: Her eyes begin to glow a sickeningly ember looking color. Making her appear deathly ill as her veins begin to grow a stark red. Her skin appears to fracture as bones make their way to defend this weak body. As her hair begins to form the tendrils that move around her. The palpitations of her heart become more clearly visible as portions of her mask begin to form upon her face.
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I haven't started the IC yet, so there's still time. I would recommend an editorial pass for Yuuko's sheet as there are a few funny things here and there. For example, "Suffering a violent death," reads like it modifies Yuuko, the subject of that sentence. And she isn't dead.

Maybe I'm just missing something, but I'm also not clear what her symbiont is, or what abilities she has and so-on. So at the moment, her sheet is incomplete.
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I haven't started the IC yet, so there's still time. I would recommend an editorial pass for Yuuko's sheet as there are a few funny things here and there. For example, "Suffering a violent death," reads like it modifies Yuuko, the subject of that sentence. And she isn't dead.

Maybe I'm just missing something, but I'm also not clear what her symbiont is, or what abilities she has and so-on. So at the moment, her sheet is incomplete.

You are good! I apologize for not posting it correctly. It was missing half of the entire thing. :/ I didn't realize that and went to bed. I went through everything again and hopefully it works this time. And hope this turns out far better above.

@R-9 Pilot
1. What things from the Lovecraft Mythos would you like to see? If there is a specific god or monster you like, let me know. If there are specific themes or styles you like, mention those as well.

I believe Yog-Sothoth would make a particularly interesting character in this. Capable of knowing everything he may be broken for this story. Capable of taking many forms, he could potentially become a master manipulator. Inspiring or causing numerous events and making them happen.

2. What things from magical girl anime would you like to see? I'm mostly looking for themes, tropes, and the like here.

I would like to see all our characters grow and develop and face problems from their transformations. Giving them both power but creating new problems among their normal lives.

3. How dark do you want the RP to get/be?

I am all for wherever this may take us. Nor particularly worried though need to keep that edge in line.

4. How light and/or silly do you want the RP to get/be? This is not mutually-exclusive with the above. You can want a mostly darker tone ,but still occasionally enjoy a moment of levity, and one might argue it can be important every now and again.

I believe being light as well as dark is something that happens naturally in our lives. From facing to a pandemic to cracking jokes about such a situation. We humans deal with things in interesting ways. So I believe we would certainly need comedy alongside depression to make this an interesting role play.

5. How much do you want to worry about the authorities and planning things carefully? The setting's cyberpunk and a bit dystopic. Do you want to be careful to avoid alerting your enemies or the police? Or would you prefer to have few consequences to overt action?

I wish for that to always become a threat and for this to cause stress among our characters. Such a task would add more fears and problems to the group. As well, as consequences should definitely result from whatever actions we take.

6. Do you want death and/or madness to be a major concern? In other words: How much do you want a character to possibly be lost due to either of those?

I have incorporated some in our character and believe that Lovecraft lore requires it. It can also happen slowly and subtly as well and can erupt as events challenge the characters. I think this is important to see with how each and everyone develops.

7. Is there anything you absolutely do not want to see?

I am fairly open to things as I have recently been reading numerous horror works from Lovecraft and Junji Ito's works. So besides not seeing my terrible editing and writing which I embarrassingly showed beforehand. I hope to see where you are going with this and am excited to see it play out.
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Things are looking much better now. No big deal on missing things when rushed. That can certainly happen sometimes.

Yuuko's now approved. I'll probably send a PM at some point to discuss some ideas with you. Go ahead and post her in the character thread.

I will try to get the IC started tonight. I've got the post more or less already written, so it shouldn't take too long.
Thank you and I will try to be much more efficient next time. I have placed her in the character thread and you are free to PM me. I look forward to this and take care of yourself.
The IC thread is up.

Have fun writing up some kind of intro/meeting with your horrible new friend and partner from Azathoth knows where.
One thing I'll leave up to everyone individually is how "talkative" their symbiont is. They could just be a presence or just part of you, or have a distinct mental voice and speak up every now and again.
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To update everyone a bit, I stared teaching a summer class, so I'm a bit busy these days. Things should settle into a routine pretty soon.

I'll probably post moving things ahead a bit this weekend, so if you want to get intros in, that's the deadline, so to speak. Next, we'll all be going to school and getting strange messages.
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