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"...Felix and Cain were just flirting a-and... and sorting romantic stuff out, why can't I talk about a-a possible romance?" Gabriel whispered back in reply, tempted to just fall quiet and let the other get away with a slight hypocrisy. Gabriel wasn't a confrontational person, far from it. Whenever he got bullied in school, he was either too naive to realise he was being teased, or simply just smiled and said nothing so he didn't fuel the fire.

However, in this instance, with a potential boyfriend on the line, he wasn't really happy to just sit back again.

"You're a-actually... rude. I know you've gone through a lot, b-but you're not being nice right now. Why can't we talk about a guy liking me? It... It isn't such a huge shock. You pretended to like me just to tease me and play with my feelings. I think... I think I'm entitled to be happy with someone."
"Yeah, well, I think I'm entitled to have parents and look what happened to them?" He snapped in return, his fists clenched tight, crushing the cigarette in his hand. Tossing it out onto the highway, he pressed further into the backseat. "Felix, pull over at the next rest stop. I need some fucking air."

"... can we all calm down?" Cain pleaded softly as he tensed, his hand nervously holding his bag. "Let's talk about... I-I dunno, how exciting it'll be to be in the States? We could stop and take pictures of, like, giant statues and stuff."
"It's not my fault your parents were members of a cult that wanted to, you know, casually kidnap me and ship me off to the States to the main leaders. H-How is it MY fault that they belonged to a... an ideology that believes me and my brother a-are MONSTERS?!" Retorted the twin in a rare, uncharacteristic display of anger, as well as self-defence.

He'd probably regret his harsh words later (even as quickly as just a few seconds) but why was it okay for Tyrone to criticise and get away with it?

The boy had made Gabriel's life hell with all the teases and bullying, and Gabe had never stopped liking him through all of that.

Now, though, he seemed to wise up a little
"Guess who made sure that didn't happen?! You two have a nice mom, a good amount of money, and your only problem is that there are fucking psychos that want to get you two?! I don't have to be here. I don't have to be in this car with the kids who ruined my life. I was going to go to college, learn to be a biochemist with my scholarship, but now?! They don't want to have a kid with a murderous father and a dead fucking mother to represent their sports team. You'll never have to worry about that. You can afford to move to a different country and live with your mother until you don't want to anymore. Felix and I don't have a chance!"

"You... I want you to know that everyone has different levels of handling things. Some people have more spoons than others..." the older twin whispered, his cheeks growing red in his own anger.
"...I am sorry, Tyrone. I... I just... I'm sure you could still go to college? You're really smart, I think. I... I remember that poem we had to write in English, yours was my favourite! I... I don't know, you could still go. I'm never gonna be able to. Cain's the smart one. Felix is smart, too. I'm not. I know I'm... not academically smart," shrugged Gabriel, deciding that, in order to try and help Tyrone feel better, he would voluntarily bring himself down. He was used to people hurling insults at him that he was dumb, so it was no surprise he'd started to believe that.

"You guys-- can you both, like, shut the fuck up? Honestly, you're both as bad as each other right now. Thank god for Cain 'cos I'd be going mad otherwise."
"You may not be the most academic person, but you're going to make it into Syn. You're so good at drawing and painting and filming and... don't put yourself down," Cain whispered quietly to his brother before offering his hand a squeeze of encouragement. Going as far as offering a soft kiss to his cheek, he felt no shame in being openly affectionate in front of the other boys. His attention did eventually move to Felix at the comment, though, and he offered a small smile.

"Let's all just be quiet for a bit. Listen to the radio and stuff." He suggested quietly as he watched the highway signs pass.
"...We'll stop off soon for a cigarette break, okay? Seriously, dude, just chill out a little. This trip is gonna be ace," grinned Felix across at his best friends, deciding that he would leave the twins to talk amongst themselves for a while. He wanted them all to interact, but apparently they couldn't do that without arguing.

"I didn't mean to, like, get you pissed off. The kid wants a boyfriend, I know someone who fancies him. I didn't think it'd get you so fucking irate, pal."
"You don't need to lie to him and get his hopes up, Felix. That's really fucked up." He gumbled as he closed his eyes shut, his grimace only growing more intense as he heard the encouraging whispers and inevitable giggles by the twins. Even with the fact that they were both the interest of a cult, they were so... stupid.

"I wish I didn't come, dude. I thought i would be able to handle being in the car with the person who managed to indirectly kill my mother."
"Oh, shut up, the kid's cute. I mean, the guy seemed genuinely interested in him. It ain't impossible for people to find him cute, you know? I think he's cute. He's got his own thing going on, some people will like that-- not everyone pretends to like him to screw with his feelings like you did, Ty. Some guys are gonna like him, I ain't being a fucking jerk, setting him up for disappointment-- where would that get me with Cain?" He pointed out, slightly offended for a few seconds that his best friend assumed he had some malicious intent when, in fact, he had none.

He could hardly blame him though. Only a month or two ago, he'd been bullying the twins, emotionally and physically.
"So you only want me to pretend to be happy-go-lucky because you want to be with Cain? That's fucked up, Felix." He replied flatly as he watched the sign for the next rest stop approach. "How bad to you want to be with him? He's strange, stranger than any guy you've had the hots for before. What is it about him that makes you like this?"
"Don't act like a fucking jerk. You fancied Gabriel for a little while, don't pretend you didn't. I like Cain. I don't need to explain why, but if it'll help you: he's cute, he's kind, he's kinda quirky and he doesn't fucking judge me. I've been an ass to him and he's still willing to give me a chance. I like him, end of."

"Now, you can continue acting like a jerk to the twins or you can try and enjoy yourself. They ain't bad. Cain's obviously great and Gabriel's-- he's adorable, I think."
"Yeah, I fancy Gabe, a lot. Guess what, though? He's the same fucker who got my dad arrested. That's a bit fucking hard to get over, Felix. Just because you're used to having shit parents doesn't mean we all get to, okay?!" He seethed through his teeth, though made sure that the twins remained oblivious. When hearing a giggle from Cain, he let out a deep sigh.

"Maybe you should just drop me off at the next stop. I'll... I dunno, I'll call another friend, they can come and pick me up. I'm trying, Felix, I am. It's just... I'll shut up," he murmured once his temper seemed to simmer down a bit.
"You haven't got any other friends, dude. Not ones who would drive all the way here to come get you. I'm your best friend-- I'm the fucking idiot that drives miles to come get you when you're drunk off your face and entangled up with some other guy you met. I'm the only idiot who'd do that for you, so shut it, would 'ya? You'll enjoy it, it'll be fun-- and by the way, your dad's a psycho who you're better off without. He's a fucking homophobic piece of shit. I'd be glad to be rid of him," he bluntly muttered, though he'd always hated Tyrone's father. The homophobic slurs, the occasional violence, the one time he'd threatened Felix with a knife when he thought the boy had 'eyed up' Tyrone...

As shit as Felix's parents were, they'd never done any of that. They were just useless; not violent.

"H-Hey, do you guys want some candies? I got butterscotch ones, and fruity ones, a-and some glacier mints," began Gabriel, deciding to get back involved to try and unite the four of them back together, rather than have individual, separated conversations. "What about you, Tyrone? I mean, you... you could share, my Mom made me bring loads."
"I have other friends, Felix. You're just the only one that matters," grumbled Tyrone, though he did relent his stiff composure when he heard Gabriel speak up. Noticing the other rummaging through one of the many bags both twins brought, he soon realized he underpacked quite a bit. Nonetheless, he offered his hand out silently as he expected a candy. All the while he noticed Cain's rosy cheeks, assuming the conversation was most likely about Felix.

"I always like going to the bathroom stops," Cain offered as he fiddled with his seatbelt, his eyes avoiding the other three bashfully. "It's always funny to see the different state merch. When we moved to Canada from the US, it was surreal. "
"I love stopping at service stations, I think it's really fun! When we drove from the US to Canada, we stopped a lot 'cos Mom hates driving for long amounts of time, and we just goofed around and ate junk food and it was awesome," grinned Gabriel as he happily handed across a hefty handful of the candies he'd brought with him. If offering across a quarter of all his sweets wasn't going to win Tyrone's friendship (and hopefully, his affection), Gabriel decided nothing else would.

He'd offered him a room at their house, he'd specifically made him sandwiches after observing what he ate at school, and now he was sacrificing his favourite sweets. He didn't really know what more he could do to get the boy to like him back in return. It was exhausting trying to make him like him, so much so that he was actually ready to give up. With the realisation that Felix could set him up on a date when they got back home, he could drop the chase with Tyrone right this second if he chose to. He didn't want to do that, not yet, simply because... well, Tyrone was the cutest guy he'd ever seen and if he stood just a tiny chance winning his affection, he was going to tire himself out chasing after that.
"You don't need to give me this many, one caramel would do," the older teen reassured as he popped one in his mouth, savoring it. The last time he had the candy was when he was with his grandma, that of whom lived on the other side of the country. She spoke solely in French, and one of Tyeone's hidden talents was his ability to speak so fluently in the language - he took French as an elective solely for the fact that he could pass without a problem. "These are my favorite, outside of peanut M&Ms," he explained through his full mouth before moving to take a drink.

"They're our mother's favorite, too. She always keeps a spare bag in the closet, and she thinks we don't know that. In reality, Gabe and I smuggled the whole extra bag," the other twin explained as he absently popped a mint himself. Keeping his hands and mouth busy were important, after all.
"Yes I do. I... I want you to like me and Mom says the way to get a guy is through his stomach or something. It's why she's always going on dates to restaurants with her toyboy," he grinned quietly, while shooting his twin brother a delighted smile. He hadn't been too happy learning his mother was dating that younger policeman, but over the few days while they prepared for the trip, his mother had been the happiest she had been for years. She was happy, constantly smiling and Gabriel could see why when they fleetingly met the man - he was dashingly handsome and, while he was young at only 24, he clearly was enamoured with the twins' mother.

If she was happy, Gabe decided that he was happy too. It was hard not to be when his mother was that happy. He just wanted that for himself. He did feel left out now Cain was developing... something with Felix.

If he had to hand over all his food to Tyrone, he would.

"...So... I think Felix said your family was from, like, Jamaica or something cool like that," he piped up. He'd rather talk about Tyrone or Felix's family right now and where they were from, than talk about how he and his brother came into existence. "Do you vacation there? I'd love that, like... it'd be pretty cool to be able to go there for holidays and stuff. We don't have that, do we, Cain? We... We don't have anyone other than our Mom, really."
"Sort of. My grandma was from Jamaica, but she moved to Quebec as a child. We go there sometimes, to see family, but not recently. I'll probably have to move in with her and she's contemplated moving back there," he explained as he sipped his coffee only to return his attention to the window. Offering a shrug, he shot Gabriel a smile, no matter how feigned it was. "I'm surprised your mother never brought you outside of the US until recently. I imagine it would have been my first thought if I was your mom."

"Yeah, well, she isn't a fan of hotter weather. We lived in New Mexico for about a month before moving because the weather was too unbearable to her... I didn't like it either. Gabe had a field day, though."
"Because I tanned really easily and it was quiet and I... I went swimming every day after school in the pool. It was the best. I like it here, though. It's a bit cold and stuff, but I love snow and... this is the nicest school we've been at, I think."

"Even though Ty and I bullied you guys? It was still the nicest?" Felix piped up curiously, his brow arched. If the school was the nicest they'd been in, it gave the impression that, in the other schools the twins had attended, they'd been bullied by worse people than Felix-- and he found that hard to believe because he knew he had been an utter asshole.

"...Cain got beat up so bad once that he couldn't talk for weeks 'cos his jaw was broken and swollen and it was dreadful," continued Gabriel with a weary smile over his brother. "And one guy held me underwater at the school's pool for so long I passed out and the janitor had to, like, breathe into my mouth-- I dunno what it's called. It was kinda scary, actually."
"Mouth - to - mouth," Cain answered, his cheery energy quickly dying down at both memories. Reaching for his jaw, he recalled the screws and the wiring of his teeth. Shuddering, he eventually cleared his throat before glancing back at Gabriel. "Our mother moved from just how bad this one school was. Back when we were in elementary school, this older kid convinced Gabriel to the highest slide and pushed him off. He ended up nearly breaking his neck and he had to wear a brace for months - so our mom homeschooled us for awhile. One school, I was kicked out of for biting another student's ear off when she pulled Gabe's hair. We, uh... don't have a good track record, a-aha..."