Look-Alike (~Nora.Inu~ & SleepyDreamer)

"A T-Rex," he responded, giggling lightly.
"You should try it. It's fun," he mused, finishing his drawing. He looked at Dan, moving over and kissing his cheek.
Dan was about to say that he knew it was fun when he felt lips press lightly against his cheek. He turned to stare for a moment at the other man. Maybe had he been younger he might have asked what he was doing. Maybe if his thoughts hadn't been in that realm of near impossibilities he would have then told him that it was only the first date. Instead Daniel couldn't help but smile, "Should I read into that or not?"
Riki bit his lip, remaining quiet for a little. He didn't realize that he had kissed the mans cheek until after the fact. He couldn't say he didn't mean it, because he did.
"Sure..." he responded, smiling lightly.
Daniel looked at him and nodded, "I'm glad you said that." He leaned over and placed his own kiss on the other man's lips. He was far more than nervous. He was trembling a little. What if he'd read wrong? Focusing on the kiss instead, he pulled away and looked back up at the ceiling, though he looked at him out of the corner of his eyes.
Riki closed his eyes when he was kissed, returning it slightly, though the position was a little awkward. He turned to his side when the man pulled away.
"What's wrong?" he asked, wondering why he did so soon.
"Nothing's wrong. I just--I don't want to seem to be over stepping. I mean, we only really met today. I-" Daniel said softly before tilting his head to the side and looked back at him. "I don't want you to think bad of me."
Riki smiled, chuckling lightly.
"I could never think bad of you, especially not after one day. Besides, I id start it," he smiled when Dan turned to look at him.
"You feel tired yet?"
"No, I don't. Should I?" Daniel asked before turning on his side to watch the other man. "Or more importantly, do you want me to be tired?" He had so many things he wanted to do, but he didn't want to seem too forward either.
Riki chuckled, shaking his head.
"Doesn't matter to me. If you're not, then that just gives more time to talk, or do whatever..." he said, hoping he didn't seem to suggestive.
Daniel arched a playful eyebrow and couldn't help but grin. "And whatever else could you possibly have in mind? Drawing pictures in the air?" he asked, artfully making it sound that to an outsider it would sound like a regular question, but his gaze seemed to hold all the things that would have been suggested in tone.
Riki pretended to think, smirking lightly.
"Hm... I can think of a few OTHER things, one, in particular, could make you very tired," he responded, scooting closer ever so slightly.
"Mm, really now? What would this one activity be?" he asked, pushing himself so that he could look down at the man beside him. "Really, I'm curious." He feigned ignorance, wanting the other man to say it. It had been so long since Daniel had ever been this forward to anyone. Most of the time it had been Gary that had initiated something. Dan sort of wanted it to go further, but he wouldn't say it.
Riki sat up, getting closer to Dan's face, looking him in the eye.
"Well, if you must know, I'd love to have sex with you," he said. Riki was never known for beating around the bush.
Daniel shuddered at the word. "Well, if you must know," Daniel teased, bending in to kiss him lightly, "I'd love to have it with you too." He reached up and ran cool fingers down the other man's cheek and neck.
(I forgot if I already asked, but is Dan top or bottom?)

Riki shuddered lightly, pushing Daniel gently onto his back. He deepened the kiss, biting the mans bottom lip so he would open his mouth. He ran his hands down his chest, over the shirt before pushing it up, rubbing Dan's hips.
((x3 You did, and we decided that he's bottom for the most part though could go either way depending on the situation.)

Daniel's own hands went up to explore the material that was between his hands and the skin of the mechanic. His finger tips sought and found the bottom, tracing a line along the edge of the material of the man's pants. He groaning a tiny bit with the bit on his lip. His tongue darted out trying to free his lip so that they could kiss again.
(Ah, sorry! I'm forgetful...)

Riki smirked in his head, pushing his tongue into the mans mouth and starting a mini war. He puled away for a moment, taking Dan's shirt off. He trailed his hands back up the mans chest, pinching his nipples softly.
(Dun worry :3)

Daniel stared up at the man opening his mouth to say something before he gasped and arched his back a little. His hands worked at pushing the other man's shirt out of the way. His blue eyes opened half-way to look up at the man. He grinned up at Riki and lifted his knee to nudge Riki forward. "You know, you are really hot?" He asked before leaning up and kissing the side of his neck and then slowly downward to the collar bone.
Riki smiled, moaning softly when Daniel moved to his sensitive collar bone.
"Likewise," he responded, straddling Daniel's waist. He started grinding against him erotically, feeling the man become hard beneath the fabric of his jeans.
Daniel's hands moved to grip Riki's waist as he felt the other man grind against him. He felt unreasonably sensitive to the movements and the touches of Riki. Everything seemed to be twice as effective to make him hard as they would have months ago. He couldn't help but smile at the experience as he pulled away from the collar bone. He moved his hands to help Riki remove his own shirt, his finger tips tracing lines down to the edge of his jeans as if he were caressing his violin strings.