Let's See Where This Goes

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"And Floot and I can help. Somehow," Choten said, smiling.
Asher's smile got a bit bigger. "Thank you. There aren't many people willing to help with a situation like this."
Asher's smile got a bit bigger. "Thank you. There aren't many people willing to help with a situation like this."
"That is weird, if you think about it...." Choten said, face showing that he was deep in thought.
"It's not that people are awful. It's just that most people don't want to deal with the burners. Especially this guild. They're crazy. They have no morals. They do what they think is 'fun' and when there's consequences, they flee from them. When they burned, it was for fun. When I burned, it was to get rid of something. When I was destructive, it was to survive. It wasn't for fun. After my parents shunned me, the burners seemed like people I could trust, but they weren't. I learned that quickly."
"Well, you aren't to be blamed. You just wanted some friends, and you turned to who you thought would be your friends. But they, weren't and that's not your fault," Choten said, closing his eyes. "So, I'll help you, at least, thought I'm not sure how much of a help I can be."
"That's okay. I feel like I'm dumping this on you. I've never really talked about this with someone before."
"Oh, no, I don't mind. As long as I'm helping someone, I feel like I'm doing something. And lately? I've been needing something to do," Choten said, with a wink.
Asher began to smile and laugh. She couldn't figure out what he was winking about, but she left it alone. She was glad to have a new friend, and that seemed to be all that mattered at the moment. "It means a lot." she said.
"I'll try to help you the best I can. Although, I honestly doubt I can help with much. But I can try. So I will. And no, I won't expect any favors either. I'll help you because I want to." Choten said.
"Well, thank you. So, where should we go?" Asher asked.
"Eh?" Choten said, then remembered. "Oh, um, I don't know. Any thing specific in mind?"
"No, not really. I've only been here a few days. Maybe we could go exploring?"
"Sure. Lead the way," Choten said. "I don't really know where anything is, in town or out, so it'll be a learning experience for both of us!"
"Well that's interesting. I feel lost, but I feel lost in every town." Asher began walking. She took random roads with Choten walking beside her, walking aimlessly, and not knowing where she was going.
After a while, they passed one house, that looked, a little, older? It seemed less taken care of, but as they neared, Choten walked up to the door. He gave it a pull, but it was locked. "Hey! Floot! I'm home! Unlock the door!" Choten shouted.
"Gotcha! Just hold on a minute!" Was heard, and a thud, and a lot of banging.
"He tends to get into something while I'm gone, then when I get back, he tries to hide it. Or, just leaves it on the floor," Choten explained, turning to Asher.
Asher laughed. "I wonder what he got into this time." She said. After a few minutes, Floot opened the door.
"Hey, Chot, how's it going?" Floot said, after they'd come inside.
"What'd you get into?" Choten asked. "We heard a lot of weird sounds."
"W-what are you talking about? You're crazy!" Floot stuttered.
"Nevermind, did you make sure our guest's room is ready?" Choten said, shaking his head.
"Oh, damnit, I forgot. I'll go do that now," Floot said, taking off.
"I haven't cleaned it in a long while, so yeah," Choten explained to Asher. "We should go help him. He tends to get distracted."
"That's alright."Asher smiled. "I'm just happy to have a place to stay."
"Well, first things first, I should show you around the house," Choten said, then looked around at the old, kinda creepy looking house around him. "This place...I still haven't gotten used to it."
"Different with parents gone. I understand. It will get easier, but you'll still miss them."
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