Keep Finding Trouble

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Rune watched as Ku turned around seeing her face as he sighed softly as he stood up. "Alright Ku let go I'll let you take lead" Rune smiled softly wanting to hug Ku and tell her it going to be alright, but she asked him not to touch her.
Kurureenu nodded slightly, almost seeing a twitch of him wanting to be some sort of comfort. Deep down she did want it. She yearned for it. She wanted him to hug her, to feel a bit of familiar warmth. The problem was it would hurt. It would remind her of Liev and she was afraid to end up in her state of depression again. Not that she was completely out of it... She just wanted distance. Her heart was the one that desired the closeness.

And that helped her carry on as she took the lead, bringing the two of them back to the hotel that Kurureenu had first met Angel in this lifetime. She remembered the woman in the sleek dress, a vision of beauty that she mistaken for being Arron's wife that she had never met yet. Then her mind flashed to the face of the same woman, beaten in by her hands. Her sword barely taking play as her anger had gotten the best of her, flooding every nerve with a white-hot need to...

She took in a sharp breath, rubbing her hands together as if washing away the feeling. "I don't know what room they have... I was knocked unconscious before even getting in."
Rune sighed softly. "Well lets ask the person at the desk when we get there maybe they will help use hopefully" Rune then chuckled a little. "Or they might throw us out for not looking rich enough" Rune spoke trying to make Ku laugh or hell smile even if it's just a little.

"Halt right there monster" someone spoke as Rune turned around seeing what looked like people wearing black vests taking aim at Rune with there guns. Rune looked at them sighing. "Who the hell are you people and what gives you the right to call me a monster" Rune sighed know now that he wears the armor he basically was a undying monster. "Were with the US government and you Rune Setaree are under arrest for the murder of millions"
"I look homeless," the woman muttered, poking a finger through one of the holes of her shirt. The shirt was still stained red from the blood of being impaled and the blood of beating Angel. Actually, her entire outfit was stained the color of the drying blood. So when the government had called for a halt, her mind told her not to draw attention to herself because of it. Instead, that thought was ignored as she stepped up and in front of Rune, hands on her waist. "You no longer have the right to follow US protocols without diplomatic permission. You may only train your weapons on the gentleman behind me if we step onto embassy grounds. This is motherfucking Cairo and this person behind me is no longer a US citizen," the woman announced, glaring down at the group before her.

"Additionally, I see no displayed proof of the transgressions you're blaming him for or a warrant. We also saved the world and I'm not in the mood to fuck with the US so back the fuck off... Kindly."

She glanced back toward Rune, gesturing for the stairwell with her eyes.
"Oh we don't need an ok women now back away from that monster" the man spoke as the other soldiers took there aim and a red dot appeared on Rune's forehead. Rune then sighed. "Great now they want to make me into a weapon we better get going" Rune raised one hand up as an earth wall came between them and the soldiers as they opened fire on the wall. "We better make our retreat Ku" Rune smirked
Kurureenu sighed, nodding as she listened to the firing behind the rock wall. "You know that they're not going to tell us what room they're in, right?" she informed Rune, pointing to the main desk. "Does your phone still work? Mine got... Mine's gone. It's just... Yeah."

The woman frowned, realizing the loss for a moment. She had wedding photos and other pictures with Liev saved to her phone. She raised her arms and hugged herself as she started to pace toward the stairwell. Maybe Arron and Vivian heard the commotion anyway.


"Dad! They're at the hotel! Should one of us go and get them?" Vivian called, hearing the gunshots from her room, flipping through channels on the TV casually without pause.
Rune heard Ku ask for his cell as he then noticed her hugging herself. "Fuck it Ku stop" Rune walked up to Ku and turned her around as he wrapped his arms around her. "I couldn't take it anymore I know you didn't want me to touch you, but I can't stand to see you like this" Rune face blushed a tad as he looked down looking into Ku's sad eyes.


Arron sighed sitting in his chair as he to heard the gun fire. "Yes please do be a dear and go get those two and please due tell who ever is shooting to kindly stop the Rino way" Arron chuckled softly
Kurureenu gasped, more-so from spinning around off-kilter and thinking she was going to fall more than anything else. She felt the squeeze of Rune's hug, stiffening for a moment as she tried not to react to the gesture. Her composure failed her, though, as she took hold of Rune's shirt and dug her face into his chest, letting a sob rip through her.

"I... I... I had.. pictures of Liev..." she cried out, trying to cover her face without moving it away from Rune's chest. "They're gone..."


Vivian sighed heavily, rolling out of the bed. "Fine," she muttered, suddenly seeming like a teenager again as she made her way to the door before heading to the stairway. The elevator was only accessible to hotel guests, she she knew they would have to be at the stairs.

"Hey! Reenu! Rune! You down there?" she hollered down the stairwell, playing it lazy as she slowly made her way down the steps.
"I'm sorry to hear that Ku they must have meant a lot to you" Rune held Ku close to his chest as he heard Vivian's shouting from way up the stairs. "It looks like Vivian heard all the gun fire Ku" Rune smiled softly as he then looked down at Ku. "We better get going my wall won't last unless you want to stay like this for awhile?" Rune spoke
Kurureenu heard Vivian's voice reach down to them and she agreed with them getting going. "Don't be so friendly, you perverted cow," she muttered, wiping at her face as she went over to the steps and started up them. "We're heading up! What floor are you on!" Kurureenu responded back to the other voice, which soon replied.

"Ninth floor! Come on up!"

The woman sighed. "Nine floors of steps... I guess it can't be as bad as the fucking Statue of Liberty," she muttered.
"Me a perverted cow why I never" Rune spoke as he laughed at it as he then heard Vivian say what floor she was on then heard Ku's little statement. "god don't remind me after that day my legs were dead for two days" rune laughed as he started up the stairs.
Kurureenu chuckled at Rune's statement. "That's what happens when you skip leg day," she responded as they worked their way up. "I didn't have time to be tired. Liev and I shacked up at his parents' place until we could find a place that wasn't completely destroyed. We got out of the city after that."

They had managed to find a small town to settle down in. After getting moved in and settled, Kurureenu started plans for their wedding. Since there wasn't a whole lot let after just moving, she had the honors of budgeting as well. In the end, she still pulled it off, with the help of some of the bridesmaids.

She kept her gaze up and bit her lip. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about that. The woman urged that she had cried enough for one day. Probably for an entire lifetime. This is the part where I need a drink. she thought blandly.
Rune started to go up the stairs behind Ku as he sighed. "You know after all that's happened today I could use a drink what about you Ku?" Rune asked with a smirk. Rune's earth wall came collapsing down as the soldiers started to sweep the area as a man with short black hair wearing a red hoodie and torn jeans walked passed the soldiers and up to the person at the desk. "Please forgive my friends they get a bit trigger happy now could you please tell witch room Arron Rino is in?" the young man asked. "I'm sorry I've been told not to tell anyone witch floor Mister Rino on" spoke the desk worker.

"Fair enough" spoke the young man as he turned to the soldiers. "Yelp you heard him men kill everyone in this hotel from lobby to the top" the young man smirked. "You ca.." was all the desk worker got out as his head was sniped by what seemed like lighting as the young man sighed as he looked out side then reached up touching his ear piece. "Adhira I know he was being a pain, but lighting really were under orders to keep our magic hidden from the targets" he spoke. "My bad he just pissed me off over the line" spoke a young women who was outside standing on the room top of a building across from the hotel.
She licked her lips without acknowledging that she did at the suggestion. Then she frowned, thinking of her first impression in years with Vivian and Arron. The woman fell silent for awhile as they made their way up the steps, getting up to the ninth floor to be greeted by Vivian on the hallway as she flung herself at Kurureenu and held her tight.

"Reenu!" she cried, the other woman flailing from the sudden action with a panicked gaze. "The room's this way." She moved herself to an iron grip of her arm around Kurureenu's waist and led the way to the hotel room and pushed Kurureenu in first before letting Rune in next. Once the door was closed behind her, Vivian's gaze shot straight toward Kurureenu. "You... In my room. Now."

Kurureenu's face darkened a deep scarlet as she glanced toward Rune, then back toward Vivian. "Vivian..." she managed to squeak out. "I was drunk. I didn't think you'd take m-"

"Oh my god, you pervert. I just want to get you out of those bloody rags and into something wearable. You look liked you slaughtered a bunch of cows in your street clothes," Vivian responded, pointing in the direction of her room.

The other woman glanced toward Rune with a wicked smirk. "A bunch of cows, huh?" she responded with a chuckle before walking off with Vivian close behind.
Rune walked in behind Ku hearing Vivian invite Ku into her room as well as the comment about killing a bunch of cows as he sighed softly watching Vivian steal Ku away as he sighed walking into the living room seeing Arron watching the tv witch was hooked up to the cameras in the hotel. "You and Ku caused a lot of problems you know that?" Arron spoke as he turned looking at Rune as Rune took a seat next to him looking at the tv seeing people being dragged into the halls and being shot in the skull as he then saw the young man wearing a red hoodie his hood was up so Rune couldn't get a good look at his face. "What the hell are those monster doing those people have nothing to do with this" Rune sneered as he got up not standing for this senseless killing. Arron looked at Rune. "Your in no state to go and stop them my advise you and Ku take Vivian and have her call that crow and get out of here" rune looked at Arron. "And what about you Vivian won't leave with out you Arron"

Arron laughed. "Honestly putting on that ring may have made me young for a time, but my body couldn't handle that burden I'm getting close to kicking the bucket Rune and well I know you and Ku and protect my beloved Vivian for me"
Kurureenu walked into Vivian's room, the dark-haired girl closing the door behind them. As soon as the door had clicked shut, the other woman turned on older and started gushing out questions. "What exactly happened to Liev? Why didn't you ever call me? Is that why you were drunk when we first found you? Are you and Rune getting back together again?"

Kurureenu sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose with irritation. "In this order. Cancer, depression, yes, and no," she responded, hesitating with the last answer only slightly. "You said you had a change of clothes for me?"

Vivian looked Kurureenu up and down and nodded. "Yeah, but I'm going to have to put you in a wrap or something for your boulders. I don't have anything in your size for those," she muttered, walking off as Kurureenu blushed darkly.

"Don't talk about my breasts like that!" she squeaked out before covering her mouth and glancing toward the door, hoping the men didn't hear her. It wasn't long before Vivian returned with a tank top and jeans, helping Kurureenu with the bloody mess that she was stuck with. Once done cleaning off, Vivian pushed Kurureenu out the door with her and into the living area, her keen eyes finding the activity on the TV quickly. "They're... killing people?"

"We need to stop this, daddy," Vivian quickly responded, glaring. "I'll kill the lot of them for this senseless act."

"I'll help."
Arron stands up and looks at the two of them. "You will not do a thing about this I want you three to get out of here now" Arron spoke as he turned off the tv. Rune looked at Arron. "You know were not going to listen to you Arron there are people dying we can't ignore them and were going to try to save as many as we can dammit" Rune sneered as Arron sighed looking down at the floor knowing that Rune was right they weren't going to listen to him. "Fine just protect my daughter is all I ask and you better hurry there on the seventh floor there not many people left"

Rune smiled. "Alri..." Rune stopped when he looked at Ku blushing a tad. "uhm Ku you uhm are they going to pop out of that tank top?" Rune asked as he shook his head getting rid of the pervy thoughts in his head
"Quit looking at them!" she hollered without thinking before giving a sideways glance toward Vivian. "I told you it was a bit snug."

"I don't have a whole lot that'll fit without you ripping a seam. Deal," Vivian responded, already moving toward the door. "Let's go before they get up here."

Kurureenu nodded, turning to follow after the other woman and soon taking the lead down the steps and toward the gunfire. "We can't waste any time, guys," she told the others as she made her way to the seventh floor, bursting through with her sword charm in hand and ready to unlock.
Rune smirked. "That person in the red hoodie is the leader last I saw on the tv he on the ground floor." Rune smirked. "Well better take the express route" Rune ran to the stairs and jumps down changing into his armor as he came crashing down steaming coming through his helmet his eyes red as he landed in front of some soldiers and they opened fire on Rune there shoots bouncing of his armor. "My turn" Rune spook as he raised his hand making an ax appear in his hand as he swung it at them cutting two of them in half as the others ran scared into the lobby. Rune followed them into the lobby as he saw the person with the red hoodie sitting at the desk. "Aw you got my invite" laughed the young man as he leaped off the desk.

"Well Rune come at me unless your not man enough" the man jest. Rune got pissed as he let out a roar that shook the building as he charged at the man with out thinking. "You always did charge in not worrying about the out come I always looked up to you for that" Rune swung his ax with all his might. "Cut the head and the snake will die" Rune roared as his ax came to a stop by this young mans bare hand Rune's hands shaking. "What the hell" The man laughed. "Is this it Rune sad" the man pushed Rune back making him loose his footing as he punched Rune in the chest sending him flying into a wall.
Vivian watched as Rune jumped down toward the ground floor before turning her attention toward Kurureenu, darting off to take care of the soldiers on the seventh floor. The woman sighed before running off after Kurureenu, heading her off and taking down the first of the soldiers they saw.

"I had them!" Kurureenu cried, slowing down and lowering her sword. "What the hell?"

"I'll take care of this. It's minimal. Go down to the ground floor and make sure Rune doesn't get fucked up," Vivian ordered Kurureenu.

The other woman opened and closed her mouth several times, at a momentary loss of words. "Don't tell me what to do! I'm your elder!" Kurureenu finally blurted out, turning around and making her way back to the stairwell. She ran down the stairs, opening the door in time to see Rune hit the wall. The woman gasped, flinching from the movement. "Rune!" she hollered.
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