Keep Finding Trouble

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Rune took on his armor from and charged passed Adhira as Leo turned seeing Rune charge at him. "That's Rune alright charge first ask later" he laughed as his whole body turned gold as he stopped Rune in his tracks as Rune lifted the other up and tossed him away from Arron's headless body.

Adhira smirked. "Aw missing daddy are we?" he chuckled as she walked to Ku and Vivian as a gust of wind started to surround Adhira. "Dam bird" she sneered as Merari appeared between her and the girls holding his rapier. "I won't let you get away with this Adhira"
Kurureenu spun around as she heard Adhira's voice get closer, keeping herself between Vivian and the other woman until the wind had kicked in, Merari speeding in between them. The woman was grateful for the Ziz coming for the distraction as she turned her attention back toward Vivian, guiding her away. "You need to get out of here," Kurureenu whispered to the sobbing woman in hand.

"But... but daddy... I can't just leave him!" Vivian replied, looking back out toward the street where her father's headless body lay slain.

The other side before gripping Vivian tightly around the collar, her patience thin. "We will place him properly when this is over. For now... You're unable to sustain your emotional situation. You need to get out of here," Kurureenu stated, loosening her grip and pulling Vivian into a tight hug. "Don't fall into my dark place... I will be there for you through this, but I can't let Rune and Merari fight alone."

Vivian sniffed and nodded slightly. "Be careful, Reenu," she murmured before she was gently pushed in the direction of the stairwell. Kurureenu remained between her and her destination, making sure that Vivian's back wasn't bare to the enemy before turning around toward the fights beginning.

"Once again, my friend," she muttered, taking out her sword and unlocking it.
Leo landed on the ground hitting it hard as he stood back up. "Is that all you got Rune" Leo laughed as he stood there. "Come at me Rune with all you got" he laughed at the other as Rune let out a roar steaming coming through his helmet as he charges at Leo as Rune and Leo clash trying to push each other back. "I will beat some sense into you baby brother" Rune roared as he slowly started to push Leo a tad. "Not bad Rune your pushing me" Leo unlocked there fists as he tighten his hand punching Rune head down into the ground causing a carter.

Adhira smirked as her body started to give off electricity lighting striking all around them as Merari looked around seeing Vivian getting to safety. "Good Ku go help Rune I got this dam light rode" he smirked as his wings come up and he starts flapping them causing sand to come off the ground and goes around Adhira. "You think this sand will stop me from aiming at you bird brain think again"
(Sand and very high heat from a sudden bolt of lightening make glass.)

"Of course," Kurureenu grumbled, darting off in the direction that Rune hand disappeared to with Leo. She arrived in time to see Leo bring his brother's head crashing to the ground with a punch. Without even thinking, she dashed forward, concentrating light into her fist as she came in from the side, using the Leviathan strength given to her from the ring to punch Leo in the face.

"Straighten the fuck up, Leo!"
(I know ^^)

Merari smirked. "No, but I hope this will keep you out of the way for awhile" he chuckled as he stopped flapping his wings as sand stopped going around Adhira. She looked around her. "What the hell" she yelled as there was glass all around her almost encasing her. "What magic is this Merari!?!" she sneered as Merari chuckled pointing to her. "It was thanks to your lighting Adhira"

Leo smirked seeing Ku's punch coming to his face as he turned his body into gold as Ku's punch landed sending him into a building as Rune stands up rubbing the back of his head. "thank you Ku"
"Don't thank me yet," Kurureenu breathed, watching the path that Leo took into the building after her hit. "He's still going to get up and he's still going to be crazy." She turned her gaze toward Rune for a moment and smirked slightly. "I guess we can say it runs in the family, huh?"


Vivian watched Merari fight from her place in the stairwell, being careful to not be noticed as she hung back. Grief flooded through her, seeing the sight of her father being decapitated. And for what? Because the Gods wanted him dead? The sobs and the tears had ceased long ago, the woman feeling a sense of rage slowly fill her.

She wanted a go at these Gods now to get her vengeance for her father's death.
Rune stood back up onto his feet looking at Ku as he chuckled a bit at what she said. "I guess it does though I wished he never be like this" Rune spoke as he makes his armor vanish as he cracks his fists. "I don't think wearing the armor going to work on Leo" Rune sighed looking at the building. "Ku if it comes down to it I'll kill him though I don't wish it to come to it promise me you'll let me do it" Rune felt his heart in pain at the idea.

Leo stood up from the rubble as he brushed himself off the gold going away from his body. "This is getting good even big sis came to play with little old me" Leo laughed


Adhira glared at Merari through the glass. "You think this will hold me bird brain?" she asked with a smirk. Merari laughed. "Yep long enough to send you back to the gods" Merari started to chant as Adhira's body started to glow and she started to vanish. "I'll be back bird brain and I'll kill you and that little shark you love so much" she smirked as she vanished. Merari took a deep breath feeling weak from using his magic as he walks back to Vivian. "Vivian are you ok?"
Kurureenu watched as he spoke, the familiar numbing of her emotions starting to set back in as she listened. She turned her gaze back toward where Leo had been punched toward. "He's your brother... It's your choice," she murmured as she squinted toward the distance. "I think he's back up."


Vivian's eyes peered from her hiding spot as she watched Adhira slowly start to glow and vanish. The woman frowned before turning around, leaning against the wall and sliding down it. She put her head between her hands before she heard Merari speak. She sighed, her breath still shuddering from her earlier sobbing.

"My father is dead. It was bound to happen, but I thought there was still time," she muttered, lowering her hands and keeping her elbows propped on her knees. Her voice turned into a whisper as she began to speak to herself. "I need to get through this... I need to be stronger... Daddy didn't raise a crybaby."
Rune smiled weakly as he raised a hand up and patted Ku on the head. "Thanks Ku" tears ran down Rune's face as he then turned towards Leo. "Well Leo come at me dammit no armor for both of us just fists" Rune sneered as he clenched his hands into fists so hard they started to bleed. Leo looked at Rune and saw the tears and heard what he said. "What ever you say you big cry baby" Leo smirked as he darted towards Rune as Leo try to upper cut rune he stepped back Leo missed as Rune punched Leo in the gut making Leo cough up some blood as Leo then grab his gut and coughed he chuckled a bit and licked the blood from his lips.

"Tastes rather sour been a while since I tasted my blood" Leo then looked at Rune as he grinned. Rune looked at Leo his heart twisting at the sight. "Leo this isn't you please just stop I can help it can be like it was before us a family" rune pleaded with Leo as Leo face turned from a smile to a more serous expression as he darted to Rune faster as he jumped and kicked Rune aiming at his head as Rune stood there and caught Leo's foot. "WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU!?!" Rune roared as he then grabbed tight of Leo's foot and threw him to the ground making Leo cough up more blood. Rune slowly losing his humanity.


Merari sat down next to Vivian. "That's true you are a Rino and last I check if that was your mother and your father saw that what would he have done?" Merari asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder.
Kurureenu stood back as the fight between brothers began to start. She clenched her fists tightly as she did so, wanting to go in and try to do something. Then again, what would she be able to do? Leo had lost his mind to the Gods somehow and thirsted for Rune's life. Was there any way to try to get him back at all?

If only there was some way to purify Leo, but the woman sighed. It wasn't like there was some Holy something-or-another that could purify his soul. This wasn't an anime. It was real life.

Her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed something off with Rune as he fought. His movements started to become more wild. More... animalistic. Kurureenu focused on him and raised her voice. "Don't be losing yourself in this fight, Rune! I don't want to lose you, too!" she hollered.


"He would go all 'roid rage' on the person who killed her and freak out. He would get angry and fight for vengeance," she murmured, wanting to wave away Merari's touch but not finding the strength or the effort to do so. "Dad didn't want me to loose myself to my anger, though. I'm not the same as him. I'm not alone like he was."
Leo heard Ku's word as he looked at Rune from the ground. "No Rune loose yourself kill me" Leo laughed as Rune snapped out of it hearing Ku as he let go of Leo foot. "Ku.." Rune raised the top of his head as Leo groaned he saw his body slowly vanishing. "Well look like I'm being summoned back can't wait to play with you two again bye"
Kurureenu watched as Leo began to disappear after he was dropped. She bit her lip nervously and wondered if Rune would be upset for what she did. Instead, she walked up to him, still gazing toward where Leo used to be. "You didn't look right... I got scared. I'm sorry if you lost your concentration," she told him, glancing over toward him.

She was afraid that she would lose him. She already lost Liev and there was no getting him back. After the trauma and the stress of losing her husband, the only friends she had left were the few she had with her in Cairo. The woman finally managed to get herself a little bit back on track. At least emotionally to some point. She didn't want to become a wreck again because of the dolt right next to her.
Rune sighed softly. "I'm sorry Ku I made you worry about me" he looked over to the other smiling weakly. "Are you alright I didn't hurt you or anything right?" he asked worried. "Ku can you forgive me?"


Merari smiled softly looking at Vivian. "True your father well he may pick on Rune for charging in like a bull, but your father oh he was no different sure with age he began to think before charging, but unlike him he taught you better then to give into the rage that being the Leviathan gives to the holder of it's power"
Kurureenu scoffed, her attitude changing suddenly when Rune started to apologize. "You didn't hurt me. You haven't even touched me. Also, what is there for me to forgive you for? I said it's your choice because he's your brother. I just don't want you to lose your soul over it." She turned around and started walking back to the hotel. I'll watch over you to make sure you don't. she thought.


Vivian nodded slightly. "He's told me about his old days since I've become the Leviathan. He wanted to make sure I was aware of his own past and didn't make the same mistakes he has made." She looked at her hands and she clenched them, starting to feel some anger. "I should have kicked that kid's ass for what he did to my father. I just... Broke."
Rune watched as Ku walked off as he smiled softly as he followed behind her. "Well thanks for that Ku" Rune then chuckled softly as he looked around. "Man we come to a city and we destroy it well we better get Merari and Vivian and get out of here cause I'm sure the real military will be here soon"


Merari sighed softly to Vivian's words. "Vivian given everything you saw today it's understandable for you to have broke down plus any way I suggest you leave that boy to Rune and Ku" Merari then stood up as he held a hand out to Vivian offering to help her up.
Kurureenu couldn't help but laugh at his comment of destroying the city. "Apparently the two of us can't be in a city together because a lot of shit happens that way," she pointed out, remembering New York and them meeting only briefly before everything turned to chaos. "But it would be a good idea to get going before military arrives. We're on foreign soil and we won't be dealt an easy blow if we get caught."


"Fine," Vivian sighed as she reached up and took Merari's hand. She hoisted herself up and settled her gaze back on the Ziz. "Then I'll settle for the God- the one who ordered this. I want his head." Her head whipped around as she heard a loud, 'Vinny!' from Kurureenu as the woman caught up to them.

"Bird-brain, Vinny, we should make tracks while we have time. We don't want the military to catch us here," Kurureenu informed them before gesturing for them to follow as she began to walk away.
"I would hate to be made into a human weapon Ku besides you and me Vivian and Merari are the only people that can use magic no one else has found out yet" Rune smiled as he followed Ku hearing her call Merari and Vivian. "Merari I want to ask you one thing how come you didn't mention Leo to me" Rune sneered. Merari looked at Rune. "Look Rune I didn't know who he was he ok all I knew was his name he never said his last name"

Rune clenched his fists. "Name one reason why I shouldn't kill you?" Rune glared at Merari. Merari smirked. "Man you and Arron are no different when it come to temper" he smirked. "And you need me encase they attack again cause after what just happen I'm sure Leo's pride won't let this go"
Vivian had started to follow Kurureenu before Rune approached, seeming rather threatening as he spoke to Merari. She stepped between them, facing Rune. "Additionally, Merari can bring us to where Leo went to as well. So we're not at a complete loss. So let's save the chit chat for later and catch up with Kurureenu because she already has a car." The woman stared for a moment, seeing the hurried waves from the woman. "And, from reading her lips, there are cherries and berries heading our way already and the car was never hers."
Rune turned seeing to what Vivian what pointing to see Ku with a car he knows isn't hers as he sighed. "Really Ku aw fuck it let's get going" Rune started to run to the car as Merari sighed softly. "Guess I'm fired now" he chuckled softly
Vivian ran after Rune, catching Merari's comment on the fly. "That's fine. We have a position open for a fourth in our group," she told him as she moved. "Shotgun!" She sped up, getting to the car before the boys and getting into the passenger seat. "So... You know how to hotwire a car?"

Kurureenu scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Fuck no. Liev refused to teach me the wiring. Some poor sap forgot the keys in the door when the chaos broke. Put on your seatbelt, Vinny. You, too, Rune and Merari. I'm not going slow and we're getting out of the city before we cause more problems to Cairo."
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