Justice League: The Other Side

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...I mean, it was still leagues better than the word-vomit you usually produce, but lacked the standards I've set myself.
I'm waiting on Wraithy-kins. I mean, I could post as Lisa, but there's no scene for her to be posted in. Arguably I could write something about her inhabiting the bizarre purgatory of a 'passive' rp character waiting on an 'aggressive' player to set a scene, though when I finished a twelve thousand word soliloquy of her musing on the bizarre metaphysical properties of her new status quo of non-existence it just lacked my usual 'pop', so I thought better of posting it.

I mean, it was still leagues better than the word-vomit you usually produce, but lacked the standards I've set myself.

Screw it, I realize that this may be too many non powered characters. But I would likely end up becoming disinterested in him, so I have decided to reuse my old sheet for Agent Grayson.


  • | NAME: |
    John Blake [Formerly Richard John Grayson]​

    | ALIAS(ES): |
    Agent Grayson [Formerly Nightwing, previous to that Robin]​

    Gotham City​

    | SPECIES: |

    | SEX: |

    | SEXUALITY: |

  • | ABILITIES: |

    | SKILLS: |
      • Grayson is a prodigious natural athlete, possessing a peak human level of agility/acrobatic skills. He is generally regarded as the greatest human acrobat in the world. Batman himself is an incredible athlete in agility, but even he can admit that Grayson's skill surpasses his own. Grayson is the only person on Earth who can do the quadruple somersault (formerly one of three, the other two being his parents).
      • He is a master of many martial arts disciplines with an emphasis on Aikido, Jeet Kune Do, Escrima, Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Wing Chun, Hapkido, Jiu-jitsu, Shotokan Karate, Savate, Kendo, Ninjitsu, Boxing and Tang Soo Do . He has effectively combined the martial arts he has mastered into a unique style that suits his strengths. This makes him a challenging opponent for even the world's best martial artists.
      • Taught by the Batman in the art of disguise, like his mentor, Grayson had mastered the art of disguise by the time he was 23. Grayson has used many aliases to infiltrate the underworld or just to go undercover in public situations. His current identity is even an alias, however unlike Batman, Grayson doesn't keep a standing collection of identies and instead invents them on an as needed basis.
      • Grayson is proficient at driving many vehicles like cars, motor bikes, trucks and he is also skillful at driving jets, helicopters and auto boats and small ships.
      • Due to his training with Batman, he possess extreme skill in escapology. Grayson has shown such proficiency as escaping a straightjacket in 4.5 seconds and was able to use a Tibetan Mind Technique to escape virtual reality. Grayson has even been able to escape a maze faster than Wally West due to his training under Batman.
      • Grayson is skilled enough to use modified Shuriken (Wing-Dings) to hit thugs at a great distance with his eyes closed, despite even giving him a head-start and disarm others with his wingdings. He is also capable of using firearms, as he was trained by Batman to do so as well as attending the police academy in Blüdhaven. Firearms also happen to be Grayson's primary weapon as an agent.
      • Grayson is a world class detective, though not quite as proficient as his peers Batman and Timothy Drake. In light of that, Grayson has been said to be third to Batman who is widely regarded as the 'World's Greatest Detective'. Grayson was able to solve a riddle by the Riddler before Batman himself even figured it out and this was before Grayson had become Robin. Furthermore, he has been known to solve mysteries and cases in a speed that even impresses his mentor. Barbara Gordon even commented that he was able to solve 4 cases in "America's Most Wanted" in a single morning and solved a homicidal case that went unsolved for 14 years.
      • He is skilled enough to hack into the Batcomputer emergency override codes during a time when he and Bruce had a falling out following his evolution from Robin to Nightwing. During his Titan days, Grayson also hacked a Alien Terminal with the use of the Tameranian Language he had learned from former teammate and romantic interest Starfire.
      • Having had the finest education as Bruce Wayne's ward, he speaks with fluency in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Farsi (Persian), Mandarin and Cantonese, and has some knowledge of Romany and the alien language of Tamaran.
      • Gryason has been trained in hunting techniques by Batman who learned by the way of the African Bushmen (the Ghost Tribes of the Ten-eyed Brotherhood, among others). As such Grayson's skills are quite considerable both in natural and urban environments.
      • Grayson possesses the peak athletic strength and endurance of a man who regularly engages in intensive physical exercise. As such Grayson possesses the normal human strength of a man that has intense physical workouts at the height and weight of 5"10 175 lb. While he relies more on speed and agility than strength, Grayson has shown incredible strength throughout the years. On a peak day, Grayson can press lift 350lbs, basically meaning he can lift twice his own weight above his head. Grayson's human conditioning also grants him something in the way of durability, though more specifically it's through the fact he's used to enduring pain and can ignore and work through it. This can give the impression to lesser minds that he's superhuman.
    • STEALTH:
      • Grayson is capable of breaching high security facilities without being detected. He can even sneak up on Batman himself on occasion. He is also skilled enough to even sneak away and keep hidden from Speedsters such as Jesse Quick or others with abilities that allow them to survey environments precisely and quickly.
      • Due to his training with Batman, Grayson has been taught and displayed skills and proficiency in various weaponry ranging from shurikens (which the Batfamily uses in the forms of Wing-Dings and Batarangs), to eskrima sticks and staves to swords and even bows to various modern firearms.

  • | WEAPONS: |
    Escrima Sticks​

    | TOOLS: |
    Utility Belt​

    | ATTIRE: |
  • | BACKSTORY: |
    [bg=#003366]~THE FLYING GRAYSONS~[/bg]
    Born on the first day of spring, Richard John Grayson was handed into the hands of his loving parents who looked down on their son overwhelmed with pride. Upon first looking at her newborn baby boy, Mary gave the boy the nickname as her 'Little Robin', relating to his birth on the Spring Solstice though little did she know how prophetic this term of endearment would be in her son's life. Like his parents, Richard, or as he preferred to go by, Dick would perform in the circus. As his parents were both world renowned acrobats, Dick would begin his introduction to performing at a young age and essentially from birth was trained to be a performer in the circus. His mother's nickname for him only became further enforced as Dick learned to perform on the trapeze, as Mary would constantly comment how he reminded her of a Robin while flying through the air in his red leotard.

    Growing up with the circus while travelling the world, Dick began very cultured and outgoing though his education did suffer as he was only taught what those around him knew. None the less, his quick mind grasped onto most concepts quickly and Dick was recognized among the other performers as being a very sharp kid. At the age of ten, Dick found himself in Gotham City as the circus rolled into town for its annual performance. Dick had only ever performed in Gotham a few times previously, but that said having heard of Gotham's reputation for crime he had always been understandably nervous about leaving the circus grounds to explore the city like he had in Paris, New York, and numerous other locations. However, staying at the circus gave the boy a unique opportunity as he was able to meet a young fan of his by the name of Timothy Drake. At the time, Timothy was only about four years old, but the none the less he remembered seeing Grayson's performances in previous years, wanting nothing more than to soar through the air like the older boy did. Having his picture taken with Tim and his parents, Dick wandered off through the circus to kill time before his family's show that evening.

    Stumbling across an argument between the circus' owner Mr. Haly and a well-known and feared crime lord by the name of "Boss" Tony Zucco. Dick hide in the shadows as he heard Zucco threaten Mr. Haly unless the circus's owner paid protection money. Being an honest and moral man, Haly refused not knowing the horrors he had released. That night Dick watched in horror as his parents' high wire snapped, sending his parents hurtling to their deaths, all while many of Gotham's elite watched on. A burden of guilt came over Dick as he stood there, the realization that he could have warned his parents washing over him, downing him in anguish as he collapsed into bitter sobs.

    [bg=#003366]~ROBIN: THE BOY WONDER~[/bg]
    Shortly after the tragedy of his parent's death, Dick was placed in an uncaring juvenile services system, reportedly on the grounds that social services was full. While in the juvenile systems, Dick found himself dragged into numerous brawls where he was beaten up by a number of the inmates. He was eventually passed onto a Catholic orphanage where he stayed for a couple miserable months. Though life seemed to have taken a permanent turn for the worse for the young boy, seemingly out of nowhere, infamous billionaire Bruce Wayne rescued Dick by adopting him. Yet as the boy did not want to replace his deceased father with the billionaire, he requested that he be adopted as his ward as opposed to his child. Living with the billionaire at first felt like Dick had won the lottery, but after severly weeks of growing loneliness, Dick's bitterness began to resurface. Growing frustrated by the lack of attention from his new guardian and the mystery still surrounding his parents' death, Dick snuck out of Wayne Manor one evening to solve the crime on his own - only to stumble upon Gotham's mysterious Batman, who was also investigating the murder. Suddenly jumped from behind, Dick hit the cold ground hard, his vision blurring as he saw the Batman save him from whatever thugs had knock him from his feet. Waking up in the Batcave, Dick was shocked to learn that Bruce Wayne was really the Batman. Allowing Dick to work with him, acknowledging their similarities at both of them losing their parents to murder in Gotham, the pair succeed in revealing Zucco's complicity. Despite this, Batman was unable to apprehend Zucco as the man died of a heart attack before his arrest. Seeing a reflection of himself in Dick; that he could temper compassion with a thirst for justice, Batman made the young orphan the offer of a lifetime; the chance to become his crime-fighting partner. Dick chose the name Robin, after the nickname his mother gave him, and his training began.

    Bruce taught Dick fighting techniques and detective skills for a grueling 6 months. Finally, Dick had to pass a final test - "the Gauntlet". Dick had to elude the Dark Knight on the streets of Gotham for one night - from sundown to sunrise - without any outside help. Dick succeeded, simultaneously bringing Gotham gangster Joe Minette to justice. Dick took to the streets as Batman's full-fledged partner in crime-fighting: Robin, the Boy Wonder.

    Dick enjoyed his first few years as Robin, regarding the job as an adventure until a confrontation with Two-Face served as a rude awakening for the young hero. Two-Face had captured the new District Attorney and Batman, and had each suspended from a hangman's noose in a 'double gallows death-trap'. Robin, in trying to save the D.A., used a batarang to cut the rope of the noose. It worked, but Robin didn't account for Dent's obsession with the number two—it was a two-fold trap, and the floor gave way, dropping the D.A. into the water, where the man drowned. Robin was unable to prevent his death, and received a beating at the hands of Two-Face. A beating witnessed by Batman, still tied up on the platform trying to free himself. Eventually Batman was able to free himself and apprehend Two-Face. This event, however, scarred the young crime-fighter, and haunts him even today. Rather than see Dick be further endangered, Batman "fires" his partner, sidelining the Boy Wonder for a time.

    [bg=#003366]~TEEN TITANS: A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN~[/bg]
    Feeling disgruntled and disrespected by Batman, Robin sought out other sidekicks he had encountered during his time as Robin and realized they too felt the same way. Though none of them had been fired as Dick had, the sidekicks wanted independence from their mentors. This lead to the formation of the Teen Titans, a team of young sidekicks working together away from their mentors. The team though, unofficial and not recognized by the Justice League consisted of Dick himself, along with Wally West (Kid Flash), and Garth (Aqualad) originally; and then later expanded to include, Donna Troy (Wonder Girl) along with Roy Harper (Speedy) once the original three found themselves over their heads.

    While the mentors didn't approve of this team initially, their acceptance came after an event with an alien organism left the Justice League under mind control of a creature that wished to conquer and enslave the world. Working together fluidly as a team, the Titans managed to free their mentors and alongside them repel a potential alien invasion. After these events, Batman, Flash, Green, Arrow, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and the rest of the league placed their support towards the idea of the teens becoming a heroic group, and the Teen Titans were officially sanctioned by the Justice League. Dick himself would became the leader of this team with Batman returning Dick's former identity as Robin to him. Despite a series of successful adventures and missions the team would eventually disband after only a few years together.

    Returning to Gotham, Dick continued his adventures with Batman, as his former mentor welcomed him back. Having received a private and very privileged education from the finest teachers, paid for and provided by Bruce, Dick had completed a high school level education and upon his return to Gotham began attending college at Hudson University despite the commute to New York. Dick had chosen Hudson in an effort to assert his independence from Bruce. Robin started to take on solo missions as well, and found himself to be a capable crime-fighter in his own right. However in the months to come, the mysterious Raven summoned Dick Grayson, and several other young heroes, to form a new group of Titans. Robin again resumed leadership, and moved out of the shadow of the Batman.

    [bg=#003366]~NIGHTWING: OUT OF THE SHADOW~[/bg]
    When Robin was 17, he was shot in the shoulder by the Joker, and this scared Batman into ending his career for good. Dick realized at that point he had grown up: He no longer relied on Batman and, in fact, he and the Dark Knight disagreed on crime-fighting methodology. His newfound independence and Titans' duties in New York left less time for his former commitments in Gotham City. He had also dropped out of Hudson after only one semester.

    Dick rediscovered his self-worth among the Teen Titans. Batman, however, was less than pleased. He informed Dick that if he no longer wanted to be his partner, then Dick would have to retire as Robin. Dick left Wayne Manor after this falling out. Helping him through this difficult time was his fellow Titans, including Starfire, a beautiful alien that Dick had fallen in love with. Dick handed over leadership of the Titans to Wonder Girl.

    Uncertain what to do, he turned to someone he knew would understand: Superman. Very briefly, Dick had considered giving up the whole crime fighting gig; but he couldn't imagine his life any other way. But if he couldn't be Robin, who would he be? Superman had the answer. Long ago on Krypton, a man was cast out by his family - just as Dick had been. He dreamed of a world ruled by justice, and set out to protect the helpless of Krypton. His true identity was never revealed. He was known only as Nightwing.

    Nightwing had finally moved out of the shadow of the Bat, and would lead the Titans through some hard times. Dick endured brainwashing at the hands of Brother Blood, his relationship with Starfire would suffer due to her marriage of state, he would be deeply affected by the fact that Batman trained a new Robin (Jason Todd) only for him to be seemingly killed at the hands of the Joker.

    Shortly after this, Dick learned that Tony Zucco, the man who killed his parents, had not actually died but rather passed into a coma. Batman feared Dick would want the gangster dead, so he "protected" the boy by telling him that Zucco was dead. After spending nearly seven years in prison with good behavior, Zucco applied for parole, in exchange for becoming a state informant of mob activity. His real intentions, however, were to retrieve a ledger containing his secrets. Just as Dick arrived to see him step out of the prison, he was gunned down by an enemy mobster from a helicopter. Despite catching the assassin and getting some closure to his parents' deaths, Dick was upset with Bruce for lying to him and keeping him away. Bruce explained that this was not his intent.

    Feeling hurt and betrayed, Bruce and Dick would remain at odds with each other, never fully sorting out their strained relationship. While serving with the Titans, Dick was searched out by an older Tim Drake who had only one goal on his mind, for Dick to return to Robin. It was Dick's refusal to return that Tim started down the road toward becoming the new Robin. After weeks of persuading and proving his potential, Dick then returned to the Batman to plead Tim's case, with help from Alfred Pennyworth. Due to their arguments and the realization that the Batman needs a Robin, Tim Drake becomes the third Boy Wonder.

    Soon after, various members of the Titans were abducted by the Wildebeest Society. This event shook up the team in a big way. The group entered into tumultuous times, where members came and went, longtime friends were maimed or destroyed, although Dick persevered through it all, and remained the heart and center of the team.

    But his relationship with Starfire became strained, and problems in Gotham demanded Dick's attention. Impulsively, Dick proposed marriage to Starfire. The two almost wed, but the ceremony was interrupted by Raven, now reborn as an evil avatar of her father, Trigon. Her brutal attack on Starfire triggered changes in Dick and Kory's relationship. Starfire was implanted with a demon "seed" which causes her to leave Earth and go on a spiritual journey. The two grew apart, and Starfire eventually returned to her home planet of Tamaran.

    Meanwhile, in Gotham, Bruce Wayne was nearly killed by the villain Bane who had crippled him by breaking his back. Unwilling to force Dick to come back and believing that Dick deserved to be his own man, Bruce opted to give the mantle of Batman to the unstable Jean Paul Valley, with Tim Drake, the new Robin to guide him. Unfortunately Jean Paul proved too much for Tim to handle, and Dick returned to help. Dick intervened with Tim Drake, and when Bruce returned to Gotham healed and ready to become Batman again, the three of them along with Catwoman brought Valley down and Bruce re-assumed the mantle of Batman.

    When Dick returned to the Titans, he found there to be changes. The government interceded, placing Arsenal (the former Speedy) as leader of the team. Dick stepped aside and left the Titans, concentrating on problems in Gotham City. Still recovering from his broken back, Bruce asked Dick to substitute for him as Batman for a time. Dick accepted. During this time, Dick was able to confront Two-Face and lay some demons to rest. He also established a wonderful partnership with Tim which allowed for their brotherly bond to flourish. Bruce eventually returned to Gotham to reclaim his role as Batman. Before taking back the mantel however, Bruce admitted to Dick the reason he had not selected him for the role of Batman originally and for the first time in a long time, Bruce and Dick began to heal their strained relationship. Bruce's respect for Dick was at last obvious.

    [bg=#003366]~THE BATTLE FOR BLÜDHAVEN~[/bg]
    Investigating a crime in nearby Blüdhaven, Nightwing saw that the city was just as bad, if not worse, deciding that he should leave Gotham and move to Blüdhaven when he finds that twenty-two dead men have floated into Gotham's south harbor. Nightwing decides to move to the city and quickly sees that Blüdhaven is what Gotham was before Batman arrived, brimming with corruption to the highest levels of power. It seemed to be that whatever was too coarse or too awful for Gotham, would end up there. He quickly finds that all the corruption in the city leads directly to the crime lord Blockbuster.

    Once living in Bludhaven, Dick rented an apartment as a base of operations, as well as taking a job as a bartender in order to better keep track of both the crime and corruption in the city. Dick frequently battles Blockbuster's minions following putting a large bounty on Nightwing, attracting the attention of Dick's most recurring enemies Stallion, Lady Vic, Brutale, and Shrike all who attempt to claim the bounty. After several months of being alone in Bludhaven, he begins training another enthusiastic young man named Nite-Wing who determined to make a difference, but his brutal methods soon lead him to unknowingly murder an undercover FBI agent, with Nightwing defeating him and sending him to jail shortly afterwards. Dick soon begins to renew his childhood crush on Barbara Gordon, which she finally reciprocates leading to the two vigilantes to begin a relationship.

    Blüdhaven was a long, uphill battle for Dick Grayson. He fought many victorious battles in Blüdhaven as its protector, and certainly made it a safer place, but he never won the war. The city, and his losses, took their toll on Nightwing, leading him to eventually adopt a grimmer outlook on being a hero.

    Dick decides to join Blüdhaven Police Department in an attempt to get rid of the corruption of the city from within, working on both sides of the law as Nightwing and an officer. Here, Dick's weapons training from Bruce comes in handy. When fellow police officers ask about his marksmanship skills, he replies, "Bruce taught me". Blüdhaven officers also question Dick's hesitance to use his weapon, which his instructor mentions is the part most cadets look forward to. However, they remain extremely impressed by all of Grayson's knowledge of the law.

    As Grayon and Barbara's relationship continues, Barbara slowly becomes annoyed with Dick who has become increasingly overprotective due to Blockbusters actions.Culminating in a fight with Tarantula, which leads to their breaking up. Blockbuster blames Nightwing for the death of his mother,and following learning Nightwing's secret identity,blows up his apartment building in order to kill everyone close to Grayson,vowing to continue doing it as he knows Nightwing can't do anything about it. Following the death of everyone in his apartment building except for Amygdala, he goes after Blockbuster dispatching his hired muscle and beating the villain,who continues taunting him. Tarantula who arrives shortly after this, promptly aims her gun at Blockbuster during which Grayson chooses not to stop her,following which she shoots and kills Blockbuster. Nightwing, who feels not saving him violated his no kill policy, retreats to the roof where he begins having an emotional breakdown, Tarantula follows him and sexually forces herself on the nearly catatonic Grayson.

    Due to the emotional trauma caused by the death of Blockbuster and the rape at the hands of Tarantula, Dick Grayson takes on a new suit and codename of Renegade and allies himself with his long time enemy Deathstroke. During his period as Renegade, Dick manages to keep tabs on the Society's activities in both Gotham and Blüdhaven. Deathstroke asks Nightwing to teach his daughter, Ravager, all the skills he knows. Nightwing takes Ravager out on many missions, but eventually Ravager grows suspicious and accuses him of being a hero. Under his instruction however, Nightwing begins to teach and instill the values of being a hero into the Ravager, which brought him into direct conflict with Deathstroke. Brokering a deal with Deathstroke, Nightwing agrees leave Ravager alone and stop teaching her to be a hero if Deathstroke leaves Blüdhaven alone. Deathstroke initially agrees, but eventually breaks the deal by releasing his mercenaries on Blüdhaven, just 48 hours later while Nightwing was out of the city in Gotham. While in Gotham, Nightwing confides that he let the villain Blockbuster die and asks Batman to forgive him. Batman tells him that his forgiveness doesn't matter; Dick has to move beyond Blockbuster's death. Inspired by his mentor, he proposes to Barbara Gordon, who tearfully accepts his proposal with a kiss.

    Returning to Blüdhaven, Nightwing is horrified as Deathstroke and his mercenaries have taken control of the city, unleashing martial law upon it and ordering anyone who knows the whereabouts or identity of Nightwing to turn the information over to the mercs or face punishment culminating in death. Calling in favours from the Titans, Nightwing brough them in, assisting him in freeing the city from the Deathstroke's grip. As the battle culminated into an all out war in the streets, the skies opened up as the Martian attack began. Forced to put aside their differences, Deathstroke and the Titans turned their attention to the Martians as they rained down from the skill.

    The battle raged on for what felt like eternity, casualties on both side with mercs and Martians alike falling. Nightwing becomes critically injured when he takes a blast to the chest. He is fortunately saved from death unbeknowst to him by Amanda Waller. Waking to find Barbara by his side during his recovery, she stayed with him to help Dick to get back into shape. But Waller's favour came at a cost and she came to collect. Threatening to reveal not only Dick's identity but also Bruce's to the world unless Dick came to work for her. Originally Dick was going to oppose her, however, Barbara urged him to go, requesting he return his engagement ring so he wouldn't be hesitant to go. When Dick left he gave Barbara an envelope with a picture of them as Batgirl and Robin and the engagement ring telling her he would be back for her.

    [bg=#003366]~GRAYSON: AGENT OF A.R.G.U.S.~[/bg]
    Inducted into A.R.G.U.S., the Advanced Research Group Uniting Super-Humans, a federal US agency and an offshoot of Homeland Security. Under 'employment' to Waller, Dick Grayson was forced to take on a new identity, choosing to go by his father's name of John while adopting the surname Blake. Waller had specifically chosen Dick due to his closeness with the ever growing thorn in her side that was Batman. Assigned to work under Colonel Steve Trevor, Agent Grayson was made as the go between for A.R.G.U.S. and the new Justice League formed in the wake of Superman's death. Though Batman saw through Waller's 'diplomacy' realizing it was just another way to try and keep tabs and possibly control the world's most powerful superhumans. Currently 'John Blake', Agent Grayson works as the liaison from A.R.G.U.S. to the new Justice League, keeping tabs on Batman and his allies.​
[tabs][tab=| BASICS |][IMGA=right]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-YHsZ11WyUxw/VICwgx2o_bI/AAAAAAAAXpY/60-KhTkcvNs/s379/Grayson-3-Matlock.png[/IMGA][B]| NAME: |[/B]
[INDENT]John Blake [Formerly Richard John Grayson][/INDENT]

[B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B]
[INDENT]Agent Grayson [Formerly Nightwing, previous to that Robin][/INDENT]

[INDENT]Gotham City[/INDENT]

[B]| SPECIES: |[/B]

[B]| SEX: |[/B]


[tab=| POWER SET |][B]| ABILITIES: |[/B]

[B]| SKILLS: |[/B]
[*]Grayson is a prodigious natural athlete, possessing a peak human level of agility/acrobatic skills. He is generally regarded as the greatest human acrobat in the world. Batman himself is an incredible athlete in agility, but even he can admit that Grayson's skill surpasses his own. Grayson is the only person on Earth who can do the quadruple somersault (formerly one of three, the other two being his parents).
[*]He is a master of many martial arts disciplines with an emphasis on Aikido, Jeet Kune Do, Escrima, Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Wing Chun, Hapkido, Jiu-jitsu, Shotokan Karate, Savate, Kendo, Ninjitsu, Boxing and Tang Soo Do . He has effectively combined the martial arts he has mastered into a unique style that suits his strengths. This makes him a challenging opponent for even the world's best martial artists.
[*]Taught by the Batman in the art of disguise, like his mentor, Grayson had mastered the art of disguise by the time he was 23. Grayson has used many aliases to infiltrate the underworld or just to go undercover in public situations. His current identity is even an alias, however unlike Batman, Grayson doesn't keep a standing collection of identies and instead invents them on an as needed basis.
[*]Grayson is proficient at driving many vehicles like cars, motor bikes, trucks and he is also skillful at driving jets, helicopters and auto boats and small ships.
[*]Due to his training with Batman, he possess extreme skill in escapology. Grayson has shown such proficiency as escaping a straightjacket in 4.5 seconds and was able to use a Tibetan Mind Technique to escape virtual reality. Grayson has even been able to escape a maze faster than Wally West due to his training under Batman.
[*]Grayson is skilled enough to use modified Shuriken (Wing-Dings) to hit thugs at a great distance with his eyes closed, despite even giving him a head-start and disarm others with his wingdings. He is also capable of using firearms, as he was trained by Batman to do so as well as attending the police academy in Blüdhaven. Firearms also happen to be Grayson's primary weapon as an agent.
[*]Grayson is a world class detective, though not quite as proficient as his peers Batman and Timothy Drake. In light of that, Grayson has been said to be third to Batman who is widely regarded as the 'World's Greatest Detective'. Grayson was able to solve a riddle by the Riddler before Batman himself even figured it out and this was before Grayson had become Robin. Furthermore, he has been known to solve mysteries and cases in a speed that even impresses his mentor. Barbara Gordon even commented that he was able to solve 4 cases in "America's Most Wanted" in a single morning and solved a homicidal case that went unsolved for 14 years.
[*]He is skilled enough to hack into the Batcomputer emergency override codes during a time when he and Bruce had a falling out following his evolution from Robin to Nightwing. During his Titan days, Grayson also hacked a Alien Terminal with the use of the Tameranian Language he had learned from former teammate and romantic interest Starfire.
[*]Having had the finest education as Bruce Wayne's ward, he speaks with fluency in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Farsi (Persian), Mandarin and Cantonese, and has some knowledge of Romany and the alien language of Tamaran.
[*]Gryason has been trained in hunting techniques by Batman who learned by the way of the African Bushmen (the Ghost Tribes of the Ten-eyed Brotherhood, among others). As such Grayson's skills are quite considerable both in natural and urban environments.
[*]Grayson possesses the peak athletic strength and endurance of a man who regularly engages in intensive physical exercise. As such Grayson possesses the normal human strength of a man that has intense physical workouts at the height and weight of 5"10 175 lb. While he relies more on speed and agility than strength, Grayson has shown incredible strength throughout the years. On a peak day, Grayson can press lift 350lbs, basically meaning he can lift twice his own weight above his head. Grayson's human conditioning also grants him something in the way of durability, though more specifically it's through the fact he's used to enduring pain and can ignore and work through it. This can give the impression to lesser minds that he's superhuman.
[*]Grayson is capable of breaching high security facilities without being detected. He can even sneak up on Batman himself on occasion. He is also skilled enough to even sneak away and keep hidden from Speedsters such as Jesse Quick or others with abilities that allow them to survey environments precisely and quickly.
[*]Due to his training with Batman, Grayson has been taught and displayed skills and proficiency in various weaponry ranging from shurikens (which the Batfamily uses in the forms of Wing-Dings and Batarangs), to eskrima sticks and staves to swords and even bows to various modern firearms.

[tab=| EQUIPMENT |][B]| WEAPONS: |[/B]
Escrima Sticks[/INDENT]

[B]| TOOLS: |[/B]
[INDENT]Utility Belt[/INDENT]

[B]| ATTIRE: |[/B]
[tab=| DETAILS |][B]| BACKSTORY: |[/B]
[INDENT][CENTER][COLOR=#000000][bg=#003366][B]~[/B][du][B][I]THE FLYING GRAYSONS[/I][/B][/du][B]~[/B][/bg][/COLOR][/CENTER]
Born on the first day of spring, Richard John Grayson was handed into the hands of his loving parents who looked down on their son overwhelmed with pride. Upon first looking at her newborn baby boy, Mary gave the boy the nickname as her 'Little Robin', relating to his birth on the Spring Solstice though little did she know how prophetic this term of endearment would be in her son's life. Like his parents, Richard, or as he preferred to go by, Dick would perform in the circus. As his parents were both world renowned acrobats, Dick would begin his introduction to performing at a young age and essentially from birth was trained to be a performer in the circus. His mother's nickname for him only became further enforced as Dick learned to perform on the trapeze, as Mary would constantly comment how he reminded her of a Robin while flying through the air in his red leotard.

Growing up with the circus while travelling the world, Dick began very cultured and outgoing though his education did suffer as he was only taught what those around him knew. None the less, his quick mind grasped onto most concepts quickly and Dick was recognized among the other performers as being a very sharp kid. At the age of ten, Dick found himself in Gotham City as the circus rolled into town for its annual performance. Dick had only ever performed in Gotham a few times previously, but that said having heard of Gotham's reputation for crime he had always been understandably nervous about leaving the circus grounds to explore the city like he had in Paris, New York, and numerous other locations. However, staying at the circus gave the boy a unique opportunity as he was able to meet a young fan of his by the name of Timothy Drake. At the time, Timothy was only about four years old, but the none the less he remembered seeing Grayson's performances in previous years, wanting nothing more than to soar through the air like the older boy did. Having his picture taken with Tim and his parents, Dick wandered off through the circus to kill time before his family's show that evening.

Stumbling across an argument between the circus' owner Mr. Haly and a well-known and feared crime lord by the name of "Boss[COLOR=#ffffff]" [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Tony_Zucco']Tony Zucco[/URL][/COLOR]. Dick hide in the shadows as he heard Zucco threaten Mr. Haly unless the circus's owner paid protection money. Being an honest and moral man, Haly refused not knowing the horrors he had released. That night Dick watched in horror as his parents' high wire snapped, sending his parents hurtling to their deaths, all while many of Gotham's elite watched on. A burden of guilt came over Dick as he stood there, the realization that he could have warned his parents washing over him, downing him in anguish as he collapsed into bitter sobs.

[CENTER][B][FONT=trebuchet ms][COLOR=#000000][bg=#003366][B]~[/B][du][I]ROBIN: THE BOY WONDER[/I][/du][B]~[/B][/bg][/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
Shortly after the tragedy of his parent's death, Dick was placed in an uncaring juvenile services system, reportedly on the grounds that social services was full. While in the juvenile systems, Dick found himself dragged into numerous brawls where he was beaten up by a number of the inmates. He was eventually passed onto a Catholic orphanage where he stayed for a couple miserable months. Though life seemed to have taken a permanent turn for the worse for the young boy, seemingly out of nowhere, infamous billionaire Bruce Wayne rescued Dick by adopting him. Yet as the boy did not want to replace his deceased father with the billionaire, he requested that he be adopted as his ward as opposed to his child. Living with the billionaire at first felt like Dick had won the lottery, but after severly weeks of growing loneliness, Dick's bitterness began to resurface. Growing frustrated by the lack of attention from his new guardian and the mystery still surrounding his parents' death, Dick snuck out of Wayne Manor one evening to solve the crime on his own - only to stumble upon Gotham's mysterious Batman, who was also investigating the murder. Suddenly jumped from behind, Dick hit the cold ground hard, his vision blurring as he saw the Batman save him from whatever thugs had knock him from his feet. Waking up in the Batcave, Dick was shocked to learn that Bruce Wayne was really the Batman. Allowing Dick to work with him, acknowledging their similarities at both of them losing their parents to murder in Gotham, the pair succeed in revealing Zucco's complicity. Despite this, Batman was unable to apprehend Zucco as the man died of a heart attack before his arrest. Seeing a reflection of himself in Dick; that he could temper compassion with a thirst for justice, Batman made the young orphan the offer of a lifetime; the chance to become his crime-fighting partner. Dick chose the name Robin, after the nickname his mother gave him, and his training began.

Bruce taught Dick fighting techniques and detective skills for a grueling 6 months. Finally, Dick had to pass a final test - "the Gauntlet". Dick had to elude the Dark Knight on the streets of Gotham for one night - from sundown to sunrise - without any outside help. Dick succeeded, simultaneously bringing Gotham gangster Joe Minette to justice. Dick took to the streets as Batman's full-fledged partner in crime-fighting: Robin, the Boy Wonder.

Dick enjoyed his first few years as Robin, regarding the job as an adventure until a confrontation with [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Two-Face']Two-Face[/URL] served as a rude awakening for the young hero. Two-Face had captured the new District Attorney and Batman, and had each suspended from a hangman's noose in a 'double gallows death-trap'. Robin, in trying to save the D.A., used a batarang to cut the rope of the noose. It worked, but Robin didn't account for Dent's obsession with the number two—it was a two-fold trap, and the floor gave way, dropping the D.A. into the water, where the man drowned. Robin was unable to prevent his death, and received a beating at the hands of Two-Face. A beating witnessed by Batman, still tied up on the platform trying to free himself. Eventually Batman was able to free himself and apprehend Two-Face. This event, however, scarred the young crime-fighter, and haunts him even today. Rather than see Dick be further endangered, Batman "fires" his partner, sidelining the Boy Wonder for a time.

[CENTER][FONT=trebuchet ms][B][COLOR=#000000][bg=#003366][B]~[/B][du][B][I]TEEN TITANS: A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN[/I][/B][/du][B]~[/B][/bg][/COLOR][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
Feeling disgruntled and disrespected by Batman, Robin sought out other sidekicks he had encountered during his time as Robin and realized they too felt the same way. Though none of them had been fired as Dick had, the sidekicks wanted independence from their mentors. This lead to the formation of the Teen Titans, a team of young sidekicks working together away from their mentors. The team though, unofficial and not recognized by the Justice League consisted of Dick himself, along with Wally West (Kid Flash), and Garth (Aqualad) originally; and then later expanded to include, Donna Troy (Wonder Girl) along with Roy Harper (Speedy) once the original three found themselves over their heads.

While the mentors didn't approve of this team initially, their acceptance came after an event with an alien organism left the Justice League under mind control of a creature that wished to conquer and enslave the world. Working together fluidly as a team, the Titans managed to free their mentors and alongside them repel a potential alien invasion. After these events, Batman, Flash, Green, Arrow, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and the rest of the league placed their support towards the idea of the teens becoming a heroic group, and the Teen Titans were officially sanctioned by the Justice League. Dick himself would became the leader of this team with Batman returning Dick's former identity as Robin to him. Despite a series of successful adventures and missions the team would eventually disband after only a few years together.

Returning to Gotham, Dick continued his adventures with Batman, as his former mentor welcomed him back. Having received a private and very privileged education from the finest teachers, paid for and provided by Bruce, Dick had completed a high school level education and upon his return to Gotham began attending college[COLOR=#ffffff] at [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Hudson_University']Hudson University[/URL] despite the commute to New York. Dick had chosen Hudson in an effort to assert his independence from Bruce. [/COLOR]Robin started to take on solo missions as well, and found himself to be a capable crime-fighter in his own right. However in the months to come, the mysterious Raven summoned Dick Grayson, and several other young heroes, to form a new group of Titans. Robin again resumed leadership, and moved out of the shadow of the Batman.

[CENTER][FONT=trebuchet ms][B][COLOR=#000000][bg=#003366][B]~[/B][du][I]NIGHTWING: OUT OF THE SHADOW[/I][/du][B]~[/B][/bg][/COLOR][/B][/FONT]
When Robin was 17, he was shot in the should[COLOR=#ffffff]er by [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/The_Joker']the Joker[/URL][/COLOR], and this scared Batman into ending his career for good. Dick realized at that point he had grown up: He no longer relied on Batman and, in fact, he and the Dark Knight disagreed on crime-fighting methodology. His newfound independence and Titans' duties in New York left less time for his former commitments in Gotham City. He had also dropped out of Hudson after only one semester.

Dick rediscovered his self-worth among the Teen Titans. Batman, however, was less than pleased. He informed Dick that if he no longer wanted to be his partner, then Dick would have to retire as Robin. Dick left Wayne Manor after this falling out. Helping him through this difficult time was his fellow Titans, including Starfire, a beautiful alien that Dick had fallen in love with. Dick handed over leadership of the Titans to Wonder Girl.

Uncertain what to do, he turned to someone he knew would understand: [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Superman']Superman[/URL]. Very briefly, Dick had considered giving up the whole crime fighting gig; but he couldn't imagine his life any other way. But if he couldn't be Robin, who would he be? Superman had the answer. Long ago on Krypton, a man was cast out by his family - just as Dick had been. He dreamed of a world ruled by justice, and set out to protect the helpless of Krypton. His true identity was never revealed. He was known only as Nightwing.

Nightwing had finally moved out of the shadow of the Bat, and would lead the Titans through some hard times. Dick endured brainwashing at the hands of Brother Blood, his relationship with Starfire would suffer due to her marriage of state, he would be deeply affected by the fact that Batman trained a new Robin [COLOR=#ffffff]([URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Jason_Todd']Jason Todd[/URL])[/COLOR] only for him to be seemingly killed at the hands of the Joker.

Shortly after this, Dick learned that Tony Zucco, the man who killed his parents, had not actually died but rather passed into a coma. Batman feared Dick would want the gangster dead, so he "protected" the boy by telling him that Zucco was dead. After spending nearly seven years in prison with good behavior, Zucco applied for parole, in exchange for becoming a state informant of mob activity. His real intentions, however, were to retrieve a ledger containing his secrets. Just as Dick arrived to see him step out of the prison, he was gunned down by an enemy mobster from a helicopter. Despite catching the assassin and getting some closure to his parents' deaths, Dick was upset with Bruce for lying to him and keeping him away. Bruce explained that this was not his intent.

Feeling hurt and betrayed, Bruce and Dick would remain at odds with each other, never fully sorting out their strained relationship. While serving with the Titans, Dick was searched out by an older Tim Drake who had only one goal on his mind, for Dick to return to Robin. It was Dick's refusal to return that Tim started down the road toward becoming the new Robin. After weeks of persuading and proving his potential, Dick then returned to the Batman to plead Tim's case, with help from Alfred Pennyworth. Due to their arguments and the realization that the Batman needs a Robin, Tim Drake becomes the third Boy Wonder.

Soon after, various members of the Titans were abducted by the Wildebeest Society. This event shook up the team in a big way. The group entered into tumultuous times, where members came and went, longtime friends were maimed or destroyed, although Dick persevered through it all, and remained the heart and center of the team.

But his relationship with Starfire became strained, and problems in Gotham demanded Dick's attention. Impulsively, Dick proposed marriage to Starfire. The two almost wed, but the ceremony was interrupted by Raven, now reborn as an evil avatar of her father, Trigon. Her brutal attack on Starfire triggered changes in Dick and Kory's relationship. Starfire was implanted with a demon "seed" which causes her to leave Earth and go on a spiritual journey. The two grew apart, and Starfire eventually returned to her home planet of Tamaran.

Meanwhile, in Gotham, Bruce Wayne was nearly killed by the villain [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Bane']Bane[/URL] who had crippled him by breaking his back. Unwilling to force Dick to come back and believing that Dick deserved to be his own man, Bruce opted to give the mantle of Batman to the unstable [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Azrael']Jean Paul Valley[/URL], with Tim Drake, the new Robin to guide him. Unfortunately Jean Paul proved too much for Tim to handle, and Dick returned to help. Dick intervened with Tim Drake, and when Bruce returned to Gotham healed and ready to become Batman again, the three of them along with Catwoman brought Valley down and Bruce re-assumed the mantle of Batman.

When Dick returned to the Titans, he found there to be changes. The government interceded, placing Arsenal (the former Speedy) as leader of the team. Dick stepped aside and left the Titans, concentrating on problems in Gotham City. Still recovering from his broken back, Bruce asked Dick to substitute for him as Batman for a time. Dick accepted. During this time, Dick was able to confront Two-Face and lay some demons to rest. He also established a wonderful partnership with Tim which allowed for their brotherly bond to flourish. Bruce eventually returned to Gotham to reclaim his role as Batman. Before taking back the mantel however, Bruce admitted to Dick the reason he had not selected him for the role of Batman originally and for the first time in a long time, Bruce and Dick began to heal their strained relationship. Bruce's respect for Dick was at last obvious.

[CENTER][FONT=trebuchet ms][B][COLOR=#000000][bg=#003366][B]~[/B][du][B][I]THE BATTLE FOR BLÜDHAVEN[/I][/B][/du][B]~[/B][/bg][/COLOR][/B]
Investigating a crime in nearby Blüdhaven, Nightwing saw that the city was just as bad, if not worse, deciding that he should leave Gotham and move to [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/bludhaven/34-55771/']Blüdhaven[/URL] when he finds that twenty-two dead men have floated into Gotham's south harbor. Nightwing decides to move to the city and quickly sees that Blüdhaven is what [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/gotham-city/34-23611/']Gotham[/URL] was before Batman arrived, brimming with corruption to the highest levels of power. It seemed to be that whatever was too coarse or too awful for Gotham, would end up there. He quickly finds that all the corruption in the city leads directly to the crime lord Blockbuster.

Once living in Bludhaven, Dick rented an apartment as a base of operations, as well as taking a job as a bartender in order to better keep track of both the crime and corruption in the city. Dick frequently battles Blockbuster's minions following putting a large bounty on Nightwing, attracting the attention of Dick's most recurring enemies [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/stallion/4005-6868/']Stallion[/URL], [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/lady-vic/4005-6867/']Lady Vic[/URL], [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/brutale/4005-6863/']Brutale[/URL], and [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/shrike/4005-6861/']Shrike[/URL] all who attempt to claim the bounty. After several months of being alone in Bludhaven, he begins training another enthusiastic young man named Nite-Wing who determined to make a difference, but his brutal methods soon lead him to unknowingly murder an undercover FBI agent, with Nightwing defeating him and sending him to jail shortly afterwards. Dick soon begins to renew his childhood crush on Barbara Gordon, which she finally reciprocates leading to the two vigilantes to begin a relationship.

Blüdhaven was a long, uphill battle for Dick Grayson. He fought many victorious battles in Blüdhaven as its protector, and certainly made it a safer place, but he never won the war. The city, and his losses, took their toll on Nightwing, leading him to eventually adopt a grimmer outlook on being a hero.

Dick decides to join Blüdhaven Police Department in an attempt to get rid of the corruption of the city from within, working on both sides of the law as Nightwing and an officer. Here, Dick's weapons training from Bruce comes in handy. When fellow police officers ask about his marksmanship skills, he replies, "Bruce taught me". Blüdhaven officers also question Dick's hesitance to use his weapon, which his instructor mentions is the part most cadets look forward to. However, they remain extremely impressed by all of Grayson's knowledge of the law.

As Grayon and Barbara's relationship continues, Barbara slowly becomes annoyed with Dick who has become increasingly overprotective due to Blockbusters actions.Culminating in a fight with Tarantula, which leads to their breaking up. [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/blockbuster/29-8263/']Blockbuster[/URL] blames Nightwing for the death of his mother,and following learning Nightwing's secret identity,blows up his apartment building in order to kill everyone close to Grayson,vowing to continue doing it as he knows Nightwing can't do anything about it. Following the death of everyone in his apartment building except for [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/amygdala/4005-25089/']Amygdala[/URL], he goes after Blockbuster dispatching his hired muscle and beating the villain,who continues taunting him. Tarantula who arrives shortly after this, promptly aims her gun at Blockbuster during which Grayson chooses not to stop her,following which she shoots and kills Blockbuster. Nightwing, who feels not saving him violated his no kill policy, retreats to the roof where he begins having an emotional breakdown, Tarantula follows him and sexually forces herself on the nearly catatonic Grayson.

Due to the emotional trauma caused by the death of Blockbuster and the rape at the hands of Tarantula, Dick Grayson takes on a new suit and codename of Renegade and allies himself with his long time enemy [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/deathstroke/29-3588/']Deathstroke[/URL]. During his period as Renegade, Dick manages to keep tabs on the Society's activities in both Gotham and Blüdhaven. Deathstroke asks Nightwing to teach his daughter, [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/ravager/29-12890/']Ravager[/URL], all the skills he knows. Nightwing takes Ravager out on many missions, but eventually Ravager grows suspicious and accuses him of being a hero. Under his instruction however, Nightwing begins to teach and instill the values of being a hero into the Ravager, which brought him into direct conflict with Deathstroke. Brokering a deal with Deathstroke, Nightwing agrees leave Ravager alone and stop teaching her to be a hero if Deathstroke leaves Blüdhaven alone. Deathstroke initially agrees, but eventually breaks the deal by releasing his mercenaries on Blüdhaven, just 48 hours later while Nightwing was out of the city in Gotham. While in Gotham, Nightwing confides that he let the villain [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Blockbuster']Blockbuster[/URL] die and asks Batman to forgive him. Batman tells him that his forgiveness doesn't matter; Dick has to move beyond Blockbuster's death. Inspired by his mentor, he proposes to [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Barbara_Gordon']Barbara Gordon[/URL], who tearfully accepts his proposal with a kiss.

Returning to Blüdhaven, Nightwing is horrified as Deathstroke and his mercenaries have taken control of the city, unleashing martial law upon it and ordering anyone who knows the whereabouts or identity of Nightwing to turn the information over to the mercs or face punishment culminating in death. Calling in favours from the Titans, Nightwing brough them in, assisting him in freeing the city from the Deathstroke's grip. As the battle culminated into an all out war in the streets, the skies opened up as the Martian attack began. Forced to put aside their differences, Deathstroke and the Titans turned their attention to the Martians as they rained down from the skill.

The battle raged on for what felt like eternity, casualties on both side with mercs and Martians alike falling. Nightwing becomes critically injured when he takes a blast to the chest. He is fortunately saved from death unbeknowst to him by Amanda Waller. Waking to find Barbara by his side during his recovery, she stayed with him to help Dick to get back into shape. But Waller's favour came at a cost and she came to collect. Threatening to reveal not only Dick's identity but also Bruce's to the world unless Dick came to work for her. Originally Dick was going to oppose her, however, Barbara urged him to go, requesting he return his engagement ring so he wouldn't be hesitant to go. When Dick left he gave Barbara an envelope with a picture of them as Batgirl and Robin and the engagement ring telling her he would be back for her.

[CENTER][FONT=trebuchet ms][B][COLOR=#000000][bg=#003366][B]~[/B][du][I]GRAYSON: AGENT OF A.R.G.U.S.[/I][/du][B]~[/B][/bg][/COLOR][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
Inducted into A.R.G.U.S., the Advanced Research Group Uniting Super-Humans, a federal US agency and an offshoot of Homeland Security. Under 'employment' to Waller, Dick Grayson was forced to take on a new identity, choosing to go by his father's name of John while adopting the surname Blake. Waller had specifically chosen Dick due to his closeness with the ever growing thorn in her side that was Batman. Assigned to work under Colonel Steve Trevor, Agent Grayson was made as the go between for A.R.G.U.S. and the new Justice League formed in the wake of Superman's death. Though Batman saw through Waller's 'diplomacy' realizing it was just another way to try and keep tabs and possibly control the world's most powerful superhumans. Currently 'John Blake', Agent Grayson works as the liaison from A.R.G.U.S. to the new Justice League, keeping tabs on Batman and his allies.[/INDENT][/TAB][/tabs]
Oh look, Wraith signed up to be Hillan's bitch. Life imitates art.
Where the hell was my invite Stein!?!
.....I knew I was forgetting someone.

If it makes you feel any better, I didn't want to invite Hilly, but it's like that weird uncle in the family. You kinda of have to or you're going to hear his drunken bitching about at the next family gathering.

I mean, it was still leagues better than the word-vomit you usually produce, but lacked the standards I've set myself.
Oooooooo girl


Screw it, I realize that this may be too many non powered characters. But I would likely end up becoming disinterested in him, so I have decided to reuse my old sheet for Agent Grayson.


  • | NAME: |
    John Blake [Formerly Richard John Grayson]

    | ALIAS(ES): |
    Agent Grayson [Formerly Nightwing, previous to that Robin]

    Gotham City

    | SPECIES: |

    | SEX: |

    | SEXUALITY: |

  • | ABILITIES: |

    | SKILLS: |
      • Grayson is a prodigious natural athlete, possessing a peak human level of agility/acrobatic skills. He is generally regarded as the greatest human acrobat in the world. Batman himself is an incredible athlete in agility, but even he can admit that Grayson's skill surpasses his own. Grayson is the only person on Earth who can do the quadruple somersault (formerly one of three, the other two being his parents).
      • He is a master of many martial arts disciplines with an emphasis on Aikido, Jeet Kune Do, Escrima, Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Wing Chun, Hapkido, Jiu-jitsu, Shotokan Karate, Savate, Kendo, Ninjitsu, Boxing and Tang Soo Do . He has effectively combined the martial arts he has mastered into a unique style that suits his strengths. This makes him a challenging opponent for even the world's best martial artists.
      • Taught by the Batman in the art of disguise, like his mentor, Grayson had mastered the art of disguise by the time he was 23. Grayson has used many aliases to infiltrate the underworld or just to go undercover in public situations. His current identity is even an alias, however unlike Batman, Grayson doesn't keep a standing collection of identies and instead invents them on an as needed basis.
      • Grayson is proficient at driving many vehicles like cars, motor bikes, trucks and he is also skillful at driving jets, helicopters and auto boats and small ships.
      • Due to his training with Batman, he possess extreme skill in escapology. Grayson has shown such proficiency as escaping a straightjacket in 4.5 seconds and was able to use a Tibetan Mind Technique to escape virtual reality. Grayson has even been able to escape a maze faster than Wally West due to his training under Batman.
      • Grayson is skilled enough to use modified Shuriken (Wing-Dings) to hit thugs at a great distance with his eyes closed, despite even giving him a head-start and disarm others with his wingdings. He is also capable of using firearms, as he was trained by Batman to do so as well as attending the police academy in Blüdhaven. Firearms also happen to be Grayson's primary weapon as an agent.
      • Grayson is a world class detective, though not quite as proficient as his peers Batman and Timothy Drake. In light of that, Grayson has been said to be third to Batman who is widely regarded as the 'World's Greatest Detective'. Grayson was able to solve a riddle by the Riddler before Batman himself even figured it out and this was before Grayson had become Robin. Furthermore, he has been known to solve mysteries and cases in a speed that even impresses his mentor. Barbara Gordon even commented that he was able to solve 4 cases in "America's Most Wanted" in a single morning and solved a homicidal case that went unsolved for 14 years.
      • He is skilled enough to hack into the Batcomputer emergency override codes during a time when he and Bruce had a falling out following his evolution from Robin to Nightwing. During his Titan days, Grayson also hacked a Alien Terminal with the use of the Tameranian Language he had learned from former teammate and romantic interest Starfire.
      • Having had the finest education as Bruce Wayne's ward, he speaks with fluency in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Farsi (Persian), Mandarin and Cantonese, and has some knowledge of Romany and the alien language of Tamaran.
      • Gryason has been trained in hunting techniques by Batman who learned by the way of the African Bushmen (the Ghost Tribes of the Ten-eyed Brotherhood, among others). As such Grayson's skills are quite considerable both in natural and urban environments.
      • Grayson possesses the peak athletic strength and endurance of a man who regularly engages in intensive physical exercise. As such Grayson possesses the normal human strength of a man that has intense physical workouts at the height and weight of 5"10 175 lb. While he relies more on speed and agility than strength, Grayson has shown incredible strength throughout the years. On a peak day, Grayson can press lift 350lbs, basically meaning he can lift twice his own weight above his head. Grayson's human conditioning also grants him something in the way of durability, though more specifically it's through the fact he's used to enduring pain and can ignore and work through it. This can give the impression to lesser minds that he's superhuman.
    • STEALTH:
      • Grayson is capable of breaching high security facilities without being detected. He can even sneak up on Batman himself on occasion. He is also skilled enough to even sneak away and keep hidden from Speedsters such as Jesse Quick or others with abilities that allow them to survey environments precisely and quickly.
      • Due to his training with Batman, Grayson has been taught and displayed skills and proficiency in various weaponry ranging from shurikens (which the Batfamily uses in the forms of Wing-Dings and Batarangs), to eskrima sticks and staves to swords and even bows to various modern firearms.


  • | WEAPONS: |
    Escrima Sticks

    | TOOLS: |
    Utility Belt

    | ATTIRE: |

  • | BACKSTORY: |
    [bg=#003366]~THE FLYING GRAYSONS~[/bg]
    Born on the first day of spring, Richard John Grayson was handed into the hands of his loving parents who looked down on their son overwhelmed with pride. Upon first looking at her newborn baby boy, Mary gave the boy the nickname as her 'Little Robin', relating to his birth on the Spring Solstice though little did she know how prophetic this term of endearment would be in her son's life. Like his parents, Richard, or as he preferred to go by, Dick would perform in the circus. As his parents were both world renowned acrobats, Dick would begin his introduction to performing at a young age and essentially from birth was trained to be a performer in the circus. His mother's nickname for him only became further enforced as Dick learned to perform on the trapeze, as Mary would constantly comment how he reminded her of a Robin while flying through the air in his red leotard.

    Growing up with the circus while travelling the world, Dick began very cultured and outgoing though his education did suffer as he was only taught what those around him knew. None the less, his quick mind grasped onto most concepts quickly and Dick was recognized among the other performers as being a very sharp kid. At the age of ten, Dick found himself in Gotham City as the circus rolled into town for its annual performance. Dick had only ever performed in Gotham a few times previously, but that said having heard of Gotham's reputation for crime he had always been understandably nervous about leaving the circus grounds to explore the city like he had in Paris, New York, and numerous other locations. However, staying at the circus gave the boy a unique opportunity as he was able to meet a young fan of his by the name of Timothy Drake. At the time, Timothy was only about four years old, but the none the less he remembered seeing Grayson's performances in previous years, wanting nothing more than to soar through the air like the older boy did. Having his picture taken with Tim and his parents, Dick wandered off through the circus to kill time before his family's show that evening.

    Stumbling across an argument between the circus' owner Mr. Haly and a well-known and feared crime lord by the name of "Boss" Tony Zucco. Dick hide in the shadows as he heard Zucco threaten Mr. Haly unless the circus's owner paid protection money. Being an honest and moral man, Haly refused not knowing the horrors he had released. That night Dick watched in horror as his parents' high wire snapped, sending his parents hurtling to their deaths, all while many of Gotham's elite watched on. A burden of guilt came over Dick as he stood there, the realization that he could have warned his parents washing over him, downing him in anguish as he collapsed into bitter sobs.

    [bg=#003366]~ROBIN: THE BOY WONDER~[/bg]
    Shortly after the tragedy of his parent's death, Dick was placed in an uncaring juvenile services system, reportedly on the grounds that social services was full. While in the juvenile systems, Dick found himself dragged into numerous brawls where he was beaten up by a number of the inmates. He was eventually passed onto a Catholic orphanage where he stayed for a couple miserable months. Though life seemed to have taken a permanent turn for the worse for the young boy, seemingly out of nowhere, infamous billionaire Bruce Wayne rescued Dick by adopting him. Yet as the boy did not want to replace his deceased father with the billionaire, he requested that he be adopted as his ward as opposed to his child. Living with the billionaire at first felt like Dick had won the lottery, but after severly weeks of growing loneliness, Dick's bitterness began to resurface. Growing frustrated by the lack of attention from his new guardian and the mystery still surrounding his parents' death, Dick snuck out of Wayne Manor one evening to solve the crime on his own - only to stumble upon Gotham's mysterious Batman, who was also investigating the murder. Suddenly jumped from behind, Dick hit the cold ground hard, his vision blurring as he saw the Batman save him from whatever thugs had knock him from his feet. Waking up in the Batcave, Dick was shocked to learn that Bruce Wayne was really the Batman. Allowing Dick to work with him, acknowledging their similarities at both of them losing their parents to murder in Gotham, the pair succeed in revealing Zucco's complicity. Despite this, Batman was unable to apprehend Zucco as the man died of a heart attack before his arrest. Seeing a reflection of himself in Dick; that he could temper compassion with a thirst for justice, Batman made the young orphan the offer of a lifetime; the chance to become his crime-fighting partner. Dick chose the name Robin, after the nickname his mother gave him, and his training began.

    Bruce taught Dick fighting techniques and detective skills for a grueling 6 months. Finally, Dick had to pass a final test - "the Gauntlet". Dick had to elude the Dark Knight on the streets of Gotham for one night - from sundown to sunrise - without any outside help. Dick succeeded, simultaneously bringing Gotham gangster Joe Minette to justice. Dick took to the streets as Batman's full-fledged partner in crime-fighting: Robin, the Boy Wonder.

    Dick enjoyed his first few years as Robin, regarding the job as an adventure until a confrontation with Two-Face served as a rude awakening for the young hero. Two-Face had captured the new District Attorney and Batman, and had each suspended from a hangman's noose in a 'double gallows death-trap'. Robin, in trying to save the D.A., used a batarang to cut the rope of the noose. It worked, but Robin didn't account for Dent's obsession with the number two—it was a two-fold trap, and the floor gave way, dropping the D.A. into the water, where the man drowned. Robin was unable to prevent his death, and received a beating at the hands of Two-Face. A beating witnessed by Batman, still tied up on the platform trying to free himself. Eventually Batman was able to free himself and apprehend Two-Face. This event, however, scarred the young crime-fighter, and haunts him even today. Rather than see Dick be further endangered, Batman "fires" his partner, sidelining the Boy Wonder for a time.

    [bg=#003366]~TEEN TITANS: A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN~[/bg]
    Feeling disgruntled and disrespected by Batman, Robin sought out other sidekicks he had encountered during his time as Robin and realized they too felt the same way. Though none of them had been fired as Dick had, the sidekicks wanted independence from their mentors. This lead to the formation of the Teen Titans, a team of young sidekicks working together away from their mentors. The team though, unofficial and not recognized by the Justice League consisted of Dick himself, along with Wally West (Kid Flash), and Garth (Aqualad) originally; and then later expanded to include, Donna Troy (Wonder Girl) along with Roy Harper (Speedy) once the original three found themselves over their heads.

    While the mentors didn't approve of this team initially, their acceptance came after an event with an alien organism left the Justice League under mind control of a creature that wished to conquer and enslave the world. Working together fluidly as a team, the Titans managed to free their mentors and alongside them repel a potential alien invasion. After these events, Batman, Flash, Green, Arrow, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and the rest of the league placed their support towards the idea of the teens becoming a heroic group, and the Teen Titans were officially sanctioned by the Justice League. Dick himself would became the leader of this team with Batman returning Dick's former identity as Robin to him. Despite a series of successful adventures and missions the team would eventually disband after only a few years together.

    Returning to Gotham, Dick continued his adventures with Batman, as his former mentor welcomed him back. Having received a private and very privileged education from the finest teachers, paid for and provided by Bruce, Dick had completed a high school level education and upon his return to Gotham began attending college at Hudson University despite the commute to New York. Dick had chosen Hudson in an effort to assert his independence from Bruce. Robin started to take on solo missions as well, and found himself to be a capable crime-fighter in his own right. However in the months to come, the mysterious Raven summoned Dick Grayson, and several other young heroes, to form a new group of Titans. Robin again resumed leadership, and moved out of the shadow of the Batman.

    [bg=#003366]~NIGHTWING: OUT OF THE SHADOW~[/bg]
    When Robin was 17, he was shot in the shoulder by the Joker, and this scared Batman into ending his career for good. Dick realized at that point he had grown up: He no longer relied on Batman and, in fact, he and the Dark Knight disagreed on crime-fighting methodology. His newfound independence and Titans' duties in New York left less time for his former commitments in Gotham City. He had also dropped out of Hudson after only one semester.

    Dick rediscovered his self-worth among the Teen Titans. Batman, however, was less than pleased. He informed Dick that if he no longer wanted to be his partner, then Dick would have to retire as Robin. Dick left Wayne Manor after this falling out. Helping him through this difficult time was his fellow Titans, including Starfire, a beautiful alien that Dick had fallen in love with. Dick handed over leadership of the Titans to Wonder Girl.

    Uncertain what to do, he turned to someone he knew would understand: Superman. Very briefly, Dick had considered giving up the whole crime fighting gig; but he couldn't imagine his life any other way. But if he couldn't be Robin, who would he be? Superman had the answer. Long ago on Krypton, a man was cast out by his family - just as Dick had been. He dreamed of a world ruled by justice, and set out to protect the helpless of Krypton. His true identity was never revealed. He was known only as Nightwing.

    Nightwing had finally moved out of the shadow of the Bat, and would lead the Titans through some hard times. Dick endured brainwashing at the hands of Brother Blood, his relationship with Starfire would suffer due to her marriage of state, he would be deeply affected by the fact that Batman trained a new Robin (Jason Todd) only for him to be seemingly killed at the hands of the Joker.

    Shortly after this, Dick learned that Tony Zucco, the man who killed his parents, had not actually died but rather passed into a coma. Batman feared Dick would want the gangster dead, so he "protected" the boy by telling him that Zucco was dead. After spending nearly seven years in prison with good behavior, Zucco applied for parole, in exchange for becoming a state informant of mob activity. His real intentions, however, were to retrieve a ledger containing his secrets. Just as Dick arrived to see him step out of the prison, he was gunned down by an enemy mobster from a helicopter. Despite catching the assassin and getting some closure to his parents' deaths, Dick was upset with Bruce for lying to him and keeping him away. Bruce explained that this was not his intent.

    Feeling hurt and betrayed, Bruce and Dick would remain at odds with each other, never fully sorting out their strained relationship. While serving with the Titans, Dick was searched out by an older Tim Drake who had only one goal on his mind, for Dick to return to Robin. It was Dick's refusal to return that Tim started down the road toward becoming the new Robin. After weeks of persuading and proving his potential, Dick then returned to the Batman to plead Tim's case, with help from Alfred Pennyworth. Due to their arguments and the realization that the Batman needs a Robin, Tim Drake becomes the third Boy Wonder.

    Soon after, various members of the Titans were abducted by the Wildebeest Society. This event shook up the team in a big way. The group entered into tumultuous times, where members came and went, longtime friends were maimed or destroyed, although Dick persevered through it all, and remained the heart and center of the team.

    But his relationship with Starfire became strained, and problems in Gotham demanded Dick's attention. Impulsively, Dick proposed marriage to Starfire. The two almost wed, but the ceremony was interrupted by Raven, now reborn as an evil avatar of her father, Trigon. Her brutal attack on Starfire triggered changes in Dick and Kory's relationship. Starfire was implanted with a demon "seed" which causes her to leave Earth and go on a spiritual journey. The two grew apart, and Starfire eventually returned to her home planet of Tamaran.

    Meanwhile, in Gotham, Bruce Wayne was nearly killed by the villain Bane who had crippled him by breaking his back. Unwilling to force Dick to come back and believing that Dick deserved to be his own man, Bruce opted to give the mantle of Batman to the unstable Jean Paul Valley, with Tim Drake, the new Robin to guide him. Unfortunately Jean Paul proved too much for Tim to handle, and Dick returned to help. Dick intervened with Tim Drake, and when Bruce returned to Gotham healed and ready to become Batman again, the three of them along with Catwoman brought Valley down and Bruce re-assumed the mantle of Batman.

    When Dick returned to the Titans, he found there to be changes. The government interceded, placing Arsenal (the former Speedy) as leader of the team. Dick stepped aside and left the Titans, concentrating on problems in Gotham City. Still recovering from his broken back, Bruce asked Dick to substitute for him as Batman for a time. Dick accepted. During this time, Dick was able to confront Two-Face and lay some demons to rest. He also established a wonderful partnership with Tim which allowed for their brotherly bond to flourish. Bruce eventually returned to Gotham to reclaim his role as Batman. Before taking back the mantel however, Bruce admitted to Dick the reason he had not selected him for the role of Batman originally and for the first time in a long time, Bruce and Dick began to heal their strained relationship. Bruce's respect for Dick was at last obvious.

    [bg=#003366]~THE BATTLE FOR BLÜDHAVEN~[/bg]
    Investigating a crime in nearby Blüdhaven, Nightwing saw that the city was just as bad, if not worse, deciding that he should leave Gotham and move to Blüdhaven when he finds that twenty-two dead men have floated into Gotham's south harbor. Nightwing decides to move to the city and quickly sees that Blüdhaven is what Gotham was before Batman arrived, brimming with corruption to the highest levels of power. It seemed to be that whatever was too coarse or too awful for Gotham, would end up there. He quickly finds that all the corruption in the city leads directly to the crime lord Blockbuster.

    Once living in Bludhaven, Dick rented an apartment as a base of operations, as well as taking a job as a bartender in order to better keep track of both the crime and corruption in the city. Dick frequently battles Blockbuster's minions following putting a large bounty on Nightwing, attracting the attention of Dick's most recurring enemies Stallion, Lady Vic, Brutale, and Shrike all who attempt to claim the bounty. After several months of being alone in Bludhaven, he begins training another enthusiastic young man named Nite-Wing who determined to make a difference, but his brutal methods soon lead him to unknowingly murder an undercover FBI agent, with Nightwing defeating him and sending him to jail shortly afterwards. Dick soon begins to renew his childhood crush on Barbara Gordon, which she finally reciprocates leading to the two vigilantes to begin a relationship.

    Blüdhaven was a long, uphill battle for Dick Grayson. He fought many victorious battles in Blüdhaven as its protector, and certainly made it a safer place, but he never won the war. The city, and his losses, took their toll on Nightwing, leading him to eventually adopt a grimmer outlook on being a hero.

    Dick decides to join Blüdhaven Police Department in an attempt to get rid of the corruption of the city from within, working on both sides of the law as Nightwing and an officer. Here, Dick's weapons training from Bruce comes in handy. When fellow police officers ask about his marksmanship skills, he replies, "Bruce taught me". Blüdhaven officers also question Dick's hesitance to use his weapon, which his instructor mentions is the part most cadets look forward to. However, they remain extremely impressed by all of Grayson's knowledge of the law.

    As Grayon and Barbara's relationship continues, Barbara slowly becomes annoyed with Dick who has become increasingly overprotective due to Blockbusters actions.Culminating in a fight with Tarantula, which leads to their breaking up. Blockbuster blames Nightwing for the death of his mother,and following learning Nightwing's secret identity,blows up his apartment building in order to kill everyone close to Grayson,vowing to continue doing it as he knows Nightwing can't do anything about it. Following the death of everyone in his apartment building except for Amygdala, he goes after Blockbuster dispatching his hired muscle and beating the villain,who continues taunting him. Tarantula who arrives shortly after this, promptly aims her gun at Blockbuster during which Grayson chooses not to stop her,following which she shoots and kills Blockbuster. Nightwing, who feels not saving him violated his no kill policy, retreats to the roof where he begins having an emotional breakdown, Tarantula follows him and sexually forces herself on the nearly catatonic Grayson.

    Due to the emotional trauma caused by the death of Blockbuster and the rape at the hands of Tarantula, Dick Grayson takes on a new suit and codename of Renegade and allies himself with his long time enemy Deathstroke. During his period as Renegade, Dick manages to keep tabs on the Society's activities in both Gotham and Blüdhaven. Deathstroke asks Nightwing to teach his daughter, Ravager, all the skills he knows. Nightwing takes Ravager out on many missions, but eventually Ravager grows suspicious and accuses him of being a hero. Under his instruction however, Nightwing begins to teach and instill the values of being a hero into the Ravager, which brought him into direct conflict with Deathstroke. Brokering a deal with Deathstroke, Nightwing agrees leave Ravager alone and stop teaching her to be a hero if Deathstroke leaves Blüdhaven alone. Deathstroke initially agrees, but eventually breaks the deal by releasing his mercenaries on Blüdhaven, just 48 hours later while Nightwing was out of the city in Gotham. While in Gotham, Nightwing confides that he let the villain Blockbuster die and asks Batman to forgive him. Batman tells him that his forgiveness doesn't matter; Dick has to move beyond Blockbuster's death. Inspired by his mentor, he proposes to Barbara Gordon, who tearfully accepts his proposal with a kiss.

    Returning to Blüdhaven, Nightwing is horrified as Deathstroke and his mercenaries have taken control of the city, unleashing martial law upon it and ordering anyone who knows the whereabouts or identity of Nightwing to turn the information over to the mercs or face punishment culminating in death. Calling in favours from the Titans, Nightwing brough them in, assisting him in freeing the city from the Deathstroke's grip. As the battle culminated into an all out war in the streets, the skies opened up as the Martian attack began. Forced to put aside their differences, Deathstroke and the Titans turned their attention to the Martians as they rained down from the skill.

    The battle raged on for what felt like eternity, casualties on both side with mercs and Martians alike falling. Nightwing becomes critically injured when he takes a blast to the chest. He is fortunately saved from death unbeknowst to him by Amanda Waller. Waking to find Barbara by his side during his recovery, she stayed with him to help Dick to get back into shape. But Waller's favour came at a cost and she came to collect. Threatening to reveal not only Dick's identity but also Bruce's to the world unless Dick came to work for her. Originally Dick was going to oppose her, however, Barbara urged him to go, requesting he return his engagement ring so he wouldn't be hesitant to go. When Dick left he gave Barbara an envelope with a picture of them as Batgirl and Robin and the engagement ring telling her he would be back for her.

    [bg=#003366]~GRAYSON: AGENT OF A.R.G.U.S.~[/bg]
    Inducted into A.R.G.U.S., the Advanced Research Group Uniting Super-Humans, a federal US agency and an offshoot of Homeland Security. Under 'employment' to Waller, Dick Grayson was forced to take on a new identity, choosing to go by his father's name of John while adopting the surname Blake. Waller had specifically chosen Dick due to his closeness with the ever growing thorn in her side that was Batman. Assigned to work under Colonel Steve Trevor, Agent Grayson was made as the go between for A.R.G.U.S. and the new Justice League formed in the wake of Superman's death. Though Batman saw through Waller's 'diplomacy' realizing it was just another way to try and keep tabs and possibly control the world's most powerful superhumans. Currently 'John Blake', Agent Grayson works as the liaison from A.R.G.U.S. to the new Justice League, keeping tabs on Batman and his allies.

[tabs][tab=| BASICS |][IMGA=right]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-YHsZ11WyUxw/VICwgx2o_bI/AAAAAAAAXpY/60-KhTkcvNs/s379/Grayson-3-Matlock.png[/IMGA][B]| NAME: |[/B]
[INDENT]John Blake [Formerly Richard John Grayson][/INDENT]

[B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B]
[INDENT]Agent Grayson [Formerly Nightwing, previous to that Robin][/INDENT]

[INDENT]Gotham City[/INDENT]

[B]| SPECIES: |[/B]

[B]| SEX: |[/B]


[tab=| POWER SET |][B]| ABILITIES: |[/B]

[B]| SKILLS: |[/B]
[*]Grayson is a prodigious natural athlete, possessing a peak human level of agility/acrobatic skills. He is generally regarded as the greatest human acrobat in the world. Batman himself is an incredible athlete in agility, but even he can admit that Grayson's skill surpasses his own. Grayson is the only person on Earth who can do the quadruple somersault (formerly one of three, the other two being his parents).
[*]He is a master of many martial arts disciplines with an emphasis on Aikido, Jeet Kune Do, Escrima, Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Wing Chun, Hapkido, Jiu-jitsu, Shotokan Karate, Savate, Kendo, Ninjitsu, Boxing and Tang Soo Do . He has effectively combined the martial arts he has mastered into a unique style that suits his strengths. This makes him a challenging opponent for even the world's best martial artists.
[*]Taught by the Batman in the art of disguise, like his mentor, Grayson had mastered the art of disguise by the time he was 23. Grayson has used many aliases to infiltrate the underworld or just to go undercover in public situations. His current identity is even an alias, however unlike Batman, Grayson doesn't keep a standing collection of identies and instead invents them on an as needed basis.
[*]Grayson is proficient at driving many vehicles like cars, motor bikes, trucks and he is also skillful at driving jets, helicopters and auto boats and small ships.
[*]Due to his training with Batman, he possess extreme skill in escapology. Grayson has shown such proficiency as escaping a straightjacket in 4.5 seconds and was able to use a Tibetan Mind Technique to escape virtual reality. Grayson has even been able to escape a maze faster than Wally West due to his training under Batman.
[*]Grayson is skilled enough to use modified Shuriken (Wing-Dings) to hit thugs at a great distance with his eyes closed, despite even giving him a head-start and disarm others with his wingdings. He is also capable of using firearms, as he was trained by Batman to do so as well as attending the police academy in Blüdhaven. Firearms also happen to be Grayson's primary weapon as an agent.
[*]Grayson is a world class detective, though not quite as proficient as his peers Batman and Timothy Drake. In light of that, Grayson has been said to be third to Batman who is widely regarded as the 'World's Greatest Detective'. Grayson was able to solve a riddle by the Riddler before Batman himself even figured it out and this was before Grayson had become Robin. Furthermore, he has been known to solve mysteries and cases in a speed that even impresses his mentor. Barbara Gordon even commented that he was able to solve 4 cases in "America's Most Wanted" in a single morning and solved a homicidal case that went unsolved for 14 years.
[*]He is skilled enough to hack into the Batcomputer emergency override codes during a time when he and Bruce had a falling out following his evolution from Robin to Nightwing. During his Titan days, Grayson also hacked a Alien Terminal with the use of the Tameranian Language he had learned from former teammate and romantic interest Starfire.
[*]Having had the finest education as Bruce Wayne's ward, he speaks with fluency in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Farsi (Persian), Mandarin and Cantonese, and has some knowledge of Romany and the alien language of Tamaran.
[*]Gryason has been trained in hunting techniques by Batman who learned by the way of the African Bushmen (the Ghost Tribes of the Ten-eyed Brotherhood, among others). As such Grayson's skills are quite considerable both in natural and urban environments.
[*]Grayson possesses the peak athletic strength and endurance of a man who regularly engages in intensive physical exercise. As such Grayson possesses the normal human strength of a man that has intense physical workouts at the height and weight of 5"10 175 lb. While he relies more on speed and agility than strength, Grayson has shown incredible strength throughout the years. On a peak day, Grayson can press lift 350lbs, basically meaning he can lift twice his own weight above his head. Grayson's human conditioning also grants him something in the way of durability, though more specifically it's through the fact he's used to enduring pain and can ignore and work through it. This can give the impression to lesser minds that he's superhuman.
[*]Grayson is capable of breaching high security facilities without being detected. He can even sneak up on Batman himself on occasion. He is also skilled enough to even sneak away and keep hidden from Speedsters such as Jesse Quick or others with abilities that allow them to survey environments precisely and quickly.
[*]Due to his training with Batman, Grayson has been taught and displayed skills and proficiency in various weaponry ranging from shurikens (which the Batfamily uses in the forms of Wing-Dings and Batarangs), to eskrima sticks and staves to swords and even bows to various modern firearms.

[tab=| EQUIPMENT |][B]| WEAPONS: |[/B]
Escrima Sticks[/INDENT]

[B]| TOOLS: |[/B]
[INDENT]Utility Belt[/INDENT]

[B]| ATTIRE: |[/B]
[tab=| DETAILS |][B]| BACKSTORY: |[/B]
[INDENT][CENTER][COLOR=#000000][bg=#003366][B]~[/B][du][B][I]THE FLYING GRAYSONS[/I][/B][/du][B]~[/B][/bg][/COLOR][/CENTER]
Born on the first day of spring, Richard John Grayson was handed into the hands of his loving parents who looked down on their son overwhelmed with pride. Upon first looking at her newborn baby boy, Mary gave the boy the nickname as her 'Little Robin', relating to his birth on the Spring Solstice though little did she know how prophetic this term of endearment would be in her son's life. Like his parents, Richard, or as he preferred to go by, Dick would perform in the circus. As his parents were both world renowned acrobats, Dick would begin his introduction to performing at a young age and essentially from birth was trained to be a performer in the circus. His mother's nickname for him only became further enforced as Dick learned to perform on the trapeze, as Mary would constantly comment how he reminded her of a Robin while flying through the air in his red leotard.

Growing up with the circus while travelling the world, Dick began very cultured and outgoing though his education did suffer as he was only taught what those around him knew. None the less, his quick mind grasped onto most concepts quickly and Dick was recognized among the other performers as being a very sharp kid. At the age of ten, Dick found himself in Gotham City as the circus rolled into town for its annual performance. Dick had only ever performed in Gotham a few times previously, but that said having heard of Gotham's reputation for crime he had always been understandably nervous about leaving the circus grounds to explore the city like he had in Paris, New York, and numerous other locations. However, staying at the circus gave the boy a unique opportunity as he was able to meet a young fan of his by the name of Timothy Drake. At the time, Timothy was only about four years old, but the none the less he remembered seeing Grayson's performances in previous years, wanting nothing more than to soar through the air like the older boy did. Having his picture taken with Tim and his parents, Dick wandered off through the circus to kill time before his family's show that evening.

Stumbling across an argument between the circus' owner Mr. Haly and a well-known and feared crime lord by the name of "Boss[COLOR=#ffffff]" [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Tony_Zucco']Tony Zucco[/URL][/COLOR]. Dick hide in the shadows as he heard Zucco threaten Mr. Haly unless the circus's owner paid protection money. Being an honest and moral man, Haly refused not knowing the horrors he had released. That night Dick watched in horror as his parents' high wire snapped, sending his parents hurtling to their deaths, all while many of Gotham's elite watched on. A burden of guilt came over Dick as he stood there, the realization that he could have warned his parents washing over him, downing him in anguish as he collapsed into bitter sobs.

[CENTER][B][FONT=trebuchet ms][COLOR=#000000][bg=#003366][B]~[/B][du][I]ROBIN: THE BOY WONDER[/I][/du][B]~[/B][/bg][/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/CENTER]
Shortly after the tragedy of his parent's death, Dick was placed in an uncaring juvenile services system, reportedly on the grounds that social services was full. While in the juvenile systems, Dick found himself dragged into numerous brawls where he was beaten up by a number of the inmates. He was eventually passed onto a Catholic orphanage where he stayed for a couple miserable months. Though life seemed to have taken a permanent turn for the worse for the young boy, seemingly out of nowhere, infamous billionaire Bruce Wayne rescued Dick by adopting him. Yet as the boy did not want to replace his deceased father with the billionaire, he requested that he be adopted as his ward as opposed to his child. Living with the billionaire at first felt like Dick had won the lottery, but after severly weeks of growing loneliness, Dick's bitterness began to resurface. Growing frustrated by the lack of attention from his new guardian and the mystery still surrounding his parents' death, Dick snuck out of Wayne Manor one evening to solve the crime on his own - only to stumble upon Gotham's mysterious Batman, who was also investigating the murder. Suddenly jumped from behind, Dick hit the cold ground hard, his vision blurring as he saw the Batman save him from whatever thugs had knock him from his feet. Waking up in the Batcave, Dick was shocked to learn that Bruce Wayne was really the Batman. Allowing Dick to work with him, acknowledging their similarities at both of them losing their parents to murder in Gotham, the pair succeed in revealing Zucco's complicity. Despite this, Batman was unable to apprehend Zucco as the man died of a heart attack before his arrest. Seeing a reflection of himself in Dick; that he could temper compassion with a thirst for justice, Batman made the young orphan the offer of a lifetime; the chance to become his crime-fighting partner. Dick chose the name Robin, after the nickname his mother gave him, and his training began.

Bruce taught Dick fighting techniques and detective skills for a grueling 6 months. Finally, Dick had to pass a final test - "the Gauntlet". Dick had to elude the Dark Knight on the streets of Gotham for one night - from sundown to sunrise - without any outside help. Dick succeeded, simultaneously bringing Gotham gangster Joe Minette to justice. Dick took to the streets as Batman's full-fledged partner in crime-fighting: Robin, the Boy Wonder.

Dick enjoyed his first few years as Robin, regarding the job as an adventure until a confrontation with [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Two-Face']Two-Face[/URL] served as a rude awakening for the young hero. Two-Face had captured the new District Attorney and Batman, and had each suspended from a hangman's noose in a 'double gallows death-trap'. Robin, in trying to save the D.A., used a batarang to cut the rope of the noose. It worked, but Robin didn't account for Dent's obsession with the number two—it was a two-fold trap, and the floor gave way, dropping the D.A. into the water, where the man drowned. Robin was unable to prevent his death, and received a beating at the hands of Two-Face. A beating witnessed by Batman, still tied up on the platform trying to free himself. Eventually Batman was able to free himself and apprehend Two-Face. This event, however, scarred the young crime-fighter, and haunts him even today. Rather than see Dick be further endangered, Batman "fires" his partner, sidelining the Boy Wonder for a time.

[CENTER][FONT=trebuchet ms][B][COLOR=#000000][bg=#003366][B]~[/B][du][B][I]TEEN TITANS: A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN[/I][/B][/du][B]~[/B][/bg][/COLOR][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
Feeling disgruntled and disrespected by Batman, Robin sought out other sidekicks he had encountered during his time as Robin and realized they too felt the same way. Though none of them had been fired as Dick had, the sidekicks wanted independence from their mentors. This lead to the formation of the Teen Titans, a team of young sidekicks working together away from their mentors. The team though, unofficial and not recognized by the Justice League consisted of Dick himself, along with Wally West (Kid Flash), and Garth (Aqualad) originally; and then later expanded to include, Donna Troy (Wonder Girl) along with Roy Harper (Speedy) once the original three found themselves over their heads.

While the mentors didn't approve of this team initially, their acceptance came after an event with an alien organism left the Justice League under mind control of a creature that wished to conquer and enslave the world. Working together fluidly as a team, the Titans managed to free their mentors and alongside them repel a potential alien invasion. After these events, Batman, Flash, Green, Arrow, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and the rest of the league placed their support towards the idea of the teens becoming a heroic group, and the Teen Titans were officially sanctioned by the Justice League. Dick himself would became the leader of this team with Batman returning Dick's former identity as Robin to him. Despite a series of successful adventures and missions the team would eventually disband after only a few years together.

Returning to Gotham, Dick continued his adventures with Batman, as his former mentor welcomed him back. Having received a private and very privileged education from the finest teachers, paid for and provided by Bruce, Dick had completed a high school level education and upon his return to Gotham began attending college[COLOR=#ffffff] at [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Hudson_University']Hudson University[/URL] despite the commute to New York. Dick had chosen Hudson in an effort to assert his independence from Bruce. [/COLOR]Robin started to take on solo missions as well, and found himself to be a capable crime-fighter in his own right. However in the months to come, the mysterious Raven summoned Dick Grayson, and several other young heroes, to form a new group of Titans. Robin again resumed leadership, and moved out of the shadow of the Batman.

[CENTER][FONT=trebuchet ms][B][COLOR=#000000][bg=#003366][B]~[/B][du][I]NIGHTWING: OUT OF THE SHADOW[/I][/du][B]~[/B][/bg][/COLOR][/B][/FONT]
When Robin was 17, he was shot in the should[COLOR=#ffffff]er by [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/The_Joker']the Joker[/URL][/COLOR], and this scared Batman into ending his career for good. Dick realized at that point he had grown up: He no longer relied on Batman and, in fact, he and the Dark Knight disagreed on crime-fighting methodology. His newfound independence and Titans' duties in New York left less time for his former commitments in Gotham City. He had also dropped out of Hudson after only one semester.

Dick rediscovered his self-worth among the Teen Titans. Batman, however, was less than pleased. He informed Dick that if he no longer wanted to be his partner, then Dick would have to retire as Robin. Dick left Wayne Manor after this falling out. Helping him through this difficult time was his fellow Titans, including Starfire, a beautiful alien that Dick had fallen in love with. Dick handed over leadership of the Titans to Wonder Girl.

Uncertain what to do, he turned to someone he knew would understand: [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Superman']Superman[/URL]. Very briefly, Dick had considered giving up the whole crime fighting gig; but he couldn't imagine his life any other way. But if he couldn't be Robin, who would he be? Superman had the answer. Long ago on Krypton, a man was cast out by his family - just as Dick had been. He dreamed of a world ruled by justice, and set out to protect the helpless of Krypton. His true identity was never revealed. He was known only as Nightwing.

Nightwing had finally moved out of the shadow of the Bat, and would lead the Titans through some hard times. Dick endured brainwashing at the hands of Brother Blood, his relationship with Starfire would suffer due to her marriage of state, he would be deeply affected by the fact that Batman trained a new Robin [COLOR=#ffffff]([URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Jason_Todd']Jason Todd[/URL])[/COLOR] only for him to be seemingly killed at the hands of the Joker.

Shortly after this, Dick learned that Tony Zucco, the man who killed his parents, had not actually died but rather passed into a coma. Batman feared Dick would want the gangster dead, so he "protected" the boy by telling him that Zucco was dead. After spending nearly seven years in prison with good behavior, Zucco applied for parole, in exchange for becoming a state informant of mob activity. His real intentions, however, were to retrieve a ledger containing his secrets. Just as Dick arrived to see him step out of the prison, he was gunned down by an enemy mobster from a helicopter. Despite catching the assassin and getting some closure to his parents' deaths, Dick was upset with Bruce for lying to him and keeping him away. Bruce explained that this was not his intent.

Feeling hurt and betrayed, Bruce and Dick would remain at odds with each other, never fully sorting out their strained relationship. While serving with the Titans, Dick was searched out by an older Tim Drake who had only one goal on his mind, for Dick to return to Robin. It was Dick's refusal to return that Tim started down the road toward becoming the new Robin. After weeks of persuading and proving his potential, Dick then returned to the Batman to plead Tim's case, with help from Alfred Pennyworth. Due to their arguments and the realization that the Batman needs a Robin, Tim Drake becomes the third Boy Wonder.

Soon after, various members of the Titans were abducted by the Wildebeest Society. This event shook up the team in a big way. The group entered into tumultuous times, where members came and went, longtime friends were maimed or destroyed, although Dick persevered through it all, and remained the heart and center of the team.

But his relationship with Starfire became strained, and problems in Gotham demanded Dick's attention. Impulsively, Dick proposed marriage to Starfire. The two almost wed, but the ceremony was interrupted by Raven, now reborn as an evil avatar of her father, Trigon. Her brutal attack on Starfire triggered changes in Dick and Kory's relationship. Starfire was implanted with a demon "seed" which causes her to leave Earth and go on a spiritual journey. The two grew apart, and Starfire eventually returned to her home planet of Tamaran.

Meanwhile, in Gotham, Bruce Wayne was nearly killed by the villain [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Bane']Bane[/URL] who had crippled him by breaking his back. Unwilling to force Dick to come back and believing that Dick deserved to be his own man, Bruce opted to give the mantle of Batman to the unstable [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Azrael']Jean Paul Valley[/URL], with Tim Drake, the new Robin to guide him. Unfortunately Jean Paul proved too much for Tim to handle, and Dick returned to help. Dick intervened with Tim Drake, and when Bruce returned to Gotham healed and ready to become Batman again, the three of them along with Catwoman brought Valley down and Bruce re-assumed the mantle of Batman.

When Dick returned to the Titans, he found there to be changes. The government interceded, placing Arsenal (the former Speedy) as leader of the team. Dick stepped aside and left the Titans, concentrating on problems in Gotham City. Still recovering from his broken back, Bruce asked Dick to substitute for him as Batman for a time. Dick accepted. During this time, Dick was able to confront Two-Face and lay some demons to rest. He also established a wonderful partnership with Tim which allowed for their brotherly bond to flourish. Bruce eventually returned to Gotham to reclaim his role as Batman. Before taking back the mantel however, Bruce admitted to Dick the reason he had not selected him for the role of Batman originally and for the first time in a long time, Bruce and Dick began to heal their strained relationship. Bruce's respect for Dick was at last obvious.

[CENTER][FONT=trebuchet ms][B][COLOR=#000000][bg=#003366][B]~[/B][du][B][I]THE BATTLE FOR BLÜDHAVEN[/I][/B][/du][B]~[/B][/bg][/COLOR][/B]
Investigating a crime in nearby Blüdhaven, Nightwing saw that the city was just as bad, if not worse, deciding that he should leave Gotham and move to [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/bludhaven/34-55771/']Blüdhaven[/URL] when he finds that twenty-two dead men have floated into Gotham's south harbor. Nightwing decides to move to the city and quickly sees that Blüdhaven is what [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/gotham-city/34-23611/']Gotham[/URL] was before Batman arrived, brimming with corruption to the highest levels of power. It seemed to be that whatever was too coarse or too awful for Gotham, would end up there. He quickly finds that all the corruption in the city leads directly to the crime lord Blockbuster.

Once living in Bludhaven, Dick rented an apartment as a base of operations, as well as taking a job as a bartender in order to better keep track of both the crime and corruption in the city. Dick frequently battles Blockbuster's minions following putting a large bounty on Nightwing, attracting the attention of Dick's most recurring enemies [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/stallion/4005-6868/']Stallion[/URL], [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/lady-vic/4005-6867/']Lady Vic[/URL], [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/brutale/4005-6863/']Brutale[/URL], and [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/shrike/4005-6861/']Shrike[/URL] all who attempt to claim the bounty. After several months of being alone in Bludhaven, he begins training another enthusiastic young man named Nite-Wing who determined to make a difference, but his brutal methods soon lead him to unknowingly murder an undercover FBI agent, with Nightwing defeating him and sending him to jail shortly afterwards. Dick soon begins to renew his childhood crush on Barbara Gordon, which she finally reciprocates leading to the two vigilantes to begin a relationship.

Blüdhaven was a long, uphill battle for Dick Grayson. He fought many victorious battles in Blüdhaven as its protector, and certainly made it a safer place, but he never won the war. The city, and his losses, took their toll on Nightwing, leading him to eventually adopt a grimmer outlook on being a hero.

Dick decides to join Blüdhaven Police Department in an attempt to get rid of the corruption of the city from within, working on both sides of the law as Nightwing and an officer. Here, Dick's weapons training from Bruce comes in handy. When fellow police officers ask about his marksmanship skills, he replies, "Bruce taught me". Blüdhaven officers also question Dick's hesitance to use his weapon, which his instructor mentions is the part most cadets look forward to. However, they remain extremely impressed by all of Grayson's knowledge of the law.

As Grayon and Barbara's relationship continues, Barbara slowly becomes annoyed with Dick who has become increasingly overprotective due to Blockbusters actions.Culminating in a fight with Tarantula, which leads to their breaking up. [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/blockbuster/29-8263/']Blockbuster[/URL] blames Nightwing for the death of his mother,and following learning Nightwing's secret identity,blows up his apartment building in order to kill everyone close to Grayson,vowing to continue doing it as he knows Nightwing can't do anything about it. Following the death of everyone in his apartment building except for [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/amygdala/4005-25089/']Amygdala[/URL], he goes after Blockbuster dispatching his hired muscle and beating the villain,who continues taunting him. Tarantula who arrives shortly after this, promptly aims her gun at Blockbuster during which Grayson chooses not to stop her,following which she shoots and kills Blockbuster. Nightwing, who feels not saving him violated his no kill policy, retreats to the roof where he begins having an emotional breakdown, Tarantula follows him and sexually forces herself on the nearly catatonic Grayson.

Due to the emotional trauma caused by the death of Blockbuster and the rape at the hands of Tarantula, Dick Grayson takes on a new suit and codename of Renegade and allies himself with his long time enemy [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/deathstroke/29-3588/']Deathstroke[/URL]. During his period as Renegade, Dick manages to keep tabs on the Society's activities in both Gotham and Blüdhaven. Deathstroke asks Nightwing to teach his daughter, [URL='http://www.comicvine.com/ravager/29-12890/']Ravager[/URL], all the skills he knows. Nightwing takes Ravager out on many missions, but eventually Ravager grows suspicious and accuses him of being a hero. Under his instruction however, Nightwing begins to teach and instill the values of being a hero into the Ravager, which brought him into direct conflict with Deathstroke. Brokering a deal with Deathstroke, Nightwing agrees leave Ravager alone and stop teaching her to be a hero if Deathstroke leaves Blüdhaven alone. Deathstroke initially agrees, but eventually breaks the deal by releasing his mercenaries on Blüdhaven, just 48 hours later while Nightwing was out of the city in Gotham. While in Gotham, Nightwing confides that he let the villain [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Blockbuster']Blockbuster[/URL] die and asks Batman to forgive him. Batman tells him that his forgiveness doesn't matter; Dick has to move beyond Blockbuster's death. Inspired by his mentor, he proposes to [URL='http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Barbara_Gordon']Barbara Gordon[/URL], who tearfully accepts his proposal with a kiss.

Returning to Blüdhaven, Nightwing is horrified as Deathstroke and his mercenaries have taken control of the city, unleashing martial law upon it and ordering anyone who knows the whereabouts or identity of Nightwing to turn the information over to the mercs or face punishment culminating in death. Calling in favours from the Titans, Nightwing brough them in, assisting him in freeing the city from the Deathstroke's grip. As the battle culminated into an all out war in the streets, the skies opened up as the Martian attack began. Forced to put aside their differences, Deathstroke and the Titans turned their attention to the Martians as they rained down from the skill.

The battle raged on for what felt like eternity, casualties on both side with mercs and Martians alike falling. Nightwing becomes critically injured when he takes a blast to the chest. He is fortunately saved from death unbeknowst to him by Amanda Waller. Waking to find Barbara by his side during his recovery, she stayed with him to help Dick to get back into shape. But Waller's favour came at a cost and she came to collect. Threatening to reveal not only Dick's identity but also Bruce's to the world unless Dick came to work for her. Originally Dick was going to oppose her, however, Barbara urged him to go, requesting he return his engagement ring so he wouldn't be hesitant to go. When Dick left he gave Barbara an envelope with a picture of them as Batgirl and Robin and the engagement ring telling her he would be back for her.

[CENTER][FONT=trebuchet ms][B][COLOR=#000000][bg=#003366][B]~[/B][du][I]GRAYSON: AGENT OF A.R.G.U.S.[/I][/du][B]~[/B][/bg][/COLOR][/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
Inducted into A.R.G.U.S., the Advanced Research Group Uniting Super-Humans, a federal US agency and an offshoot of Homeland Security. Under 'employment' to Waller, Dick Grayson was forced to take on a new identity, choosing to go by his father's name of John while adopting the surname Blake. Waller had specifically chosen Dick due to his closeness with the ever growing thorn in her side that was Batman. Assigned to work under Colonel Steve Trevor, Agent Grayson was made as the go between for A.R.G.U.S. and the new Justice League formed in the wake of Superman's death. Though Batman saw through Waller's 'diplomacy' realizing it was just another way to try and keep tabs and possibly control the world's most powerful superhumans. Currently 'John Blake', Agent Grayson works as the liaison from A.R.G.U.S. to the new Justice League, keeping tabs on Batman and his allies.[/INDENT][/TAB][/tabs]
Nu-uh. Captain Comet was perfectly fine and I know these characters are your niche. Also, that backstory doesn't even mention anything pertaining to this RP.
Nu-uh. Captain Comet was perfectly fine and I know these characters are your niche. Also, that backstory doesn't even mention anything pertaining to this RP.

As the battle culminated into an all out war in the streets, the skies opened up as the Martian attack began. Forced to put aside their differences, Deathstroke and the Titans turned their attention to the Martians as they rained down from the skill.

The battle raged on for what felt like eternity, casualties on both side with mercs and Martians alike falling. Nightwing becomes critically injured when he takes a blast to the chest. He is fortunately saved from death unbeknowst to him by Amanda Waller. Waking to find Barbara by his side during his recovery, she stayed with him to help Dick to get back into shape. But Waller's favour came at a cost and she came to collect. Threatening to reveal not only Dick's identity but also Bruce's to the world unless Dick came to work for her. Originally Dick was going to oppose her, however, Barbara urged him to go, requesting he return his engagement ring so he wouldn't be hesitant to go. When Dick left he gave Barbara an envelope with a picture of them as Batgirl and Robin and the engagement ring telling her he would be back for her.

Inducted into A.R.G.U.S., the Advanced Research Group Uniting Super-Humans, a federal US agency and an offshoot of Homeland Security. Under 'employment' to Waller, Dick Grayson was forced to take on a new identity, choosing to go by his father's name of John while adopting the surname Blake. Waller had specifically chosen Dick due to his closeness with the ever growing thorn in her side that was Batman. Assigned to work under Colonel Steve Trevor, Agent Grayson was made as the go between for A.R.G.U.S. and the new Justice League formed in the wake of Superman's death. Though Batman saw through Waller's 'diplomacy' realizing it was just another way to try and keep tabs and possibly control the world's most powerful superhumans. Currently 'John Blake', Agent Grayson works as the liaison from A.R.G.U.S. to the new Justice League, keeping tabs on Batman and his allies.

Just that bit at the end. The sheet all this is from is from a previous iteration so it definitely has to do with the RP.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Raja
Just that bit at the end. The sheet all this is from is from a previous iteration so it definitely has to do with the RP.
I've changed a portion of the RP. On top of that lesbereal, I wasn't checking backstories last time.

However, I would prefer it if you did someone else.

Even if you do keep the character, 80% of that backstory has to go.
.....I knew I was forgetting someone.

If it makes you feel any better, I didn't want to invite Hilly, but it's like that weird uncle in the family. You kinda of have to or you're going to hear his drunken bitching about at the next family gathering.
It does make me feel a little better, if I'm completely honest.
I've changed a portion of the RP. On top of that lesbereal, I wasn't checking backstories last time.

However, I would prefer it if you did someone else.

Even if you do keep the character, 80% of that backstory has to go.
Eh, I know I pushed for this to happen but I might just sit this one out. I'm really not feeling any of the characters at the moment.
Hey loves! Sorry about the disappearance everyone. I had some house drama to take care of. I hope I haven't lost all the interest by this point, but let's press on anyway!

@Blacksam , do you want to apply for a character? It's open invite so you know you can, right

@Heathen how's the character coming along?

@Kurogane86 I'm worried that you won't be able to keep up with the RP. This isn't a critique of you. But with the information you're providing in the sheet, it's bare minimum. Of course I don't want excess (I.E. Wraith's sheet), but with your tech, you're just glossing over it and your backstory feels contrived.

@Hillan make those necessary edits and we'll be good to go

Once again, I apologize for the disappearance. I will set something up so this doesn't happen in the future.
I'm still working on her. Just taking longer than usual because of work and clients. Gotta beat those mugs.
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