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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Evenings, Pacific Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Magical... pretty flexible.

Atlantic City is a resort city on New Jersey's Atlantic coast that's known for its many casinos, wide beaches and iconic Boardwalk. Established in the 1800s as a health resort, today the city is dotted with glitzy high-rise hotels and nightclubs. In addition to gambling at slot machines and table games, the casinos offer spa treatments, performances by famous comedy and music acts, and high-end shopping.


Zoom in on the Royal Flush Casino - Currently run by five people:

queenofhearts.png Queen of Hearts Power Grid.jpg Rayleen Thorne - The Queen of Hearts

jackofhearts1.jpg Jonathan "Jack" Hart - The Jack of Hearts

Harlan King.jpg Harlan King - The King of Hearts ( Harlan has no powers, unlike Rayleen and Jack, unless being rich is a power. He's the money behind the casino. )

2024362-cassandra_sandsmark__06__002__01_.png Cassandra Sandsmark - Fomerly Wonder Girl now operating as the Ace of Hearts. She's befriended Rayleen and only dons the "Ace" costume for public appearances related to the casino/hotel.

10HeartsDCAU.jpgMark Tennyson - 10 of Hearts Ex-Con, trying to make things right ( According to him ). Has the ability to split in to 10 distinct versions of himself. He's a part owner because he invested his whole trust fund but currently works as the entire waitstaff in the bar and grill in the Royal Flush Casino.

But into the hotel one day, walked two unmistakable rogues, who give Rayleen and Cassandra reason to worry...

That's where you, our Heroes come in. Sign up for this event on the Discord Server or by conversation with @Michale CS or @Gands

Can the Heroes find out what Arcade and Riddler want with this casino and Atlantic City as a whole and stop their plans?

Private Event for Members of the Epic Mashup clan only. Want to join this? Join there!​

Harvey gets up and signals for hotel security. "I need a something to help us move him to a more secure room." The guard nods and runs off to get a stretcher. "Mr Lincoln i may need some help with nygma, i understand if you want to join the chase. Ed you're under my custody, you know the drill. Be cool and I call my friend, try something stupid and we settle it gotham style".
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The lady comes forward to speak "Although I may be skilled Mr. Mutaugh, the number of moving variables in this scenario is astounding... imperfections in the road... maintaining vehicle to vehicle distance and speed ratio... the possibility of a loss of signal during a tower hand-off, commonly referred to as a 'dropped call'... even if I could be reasonably certain of all of those factors, to perform a true hack, I would need considerably better quality equipment with me than what I normally carry on my person."

She muses and mutters between herselves... "There might be a possibility of a low-tech solution but I would need to know what your goal is and how much time I have."
Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln didn't exactly trust Nygma. He was a slippery devil and he wasn't assured by anything he had said. He nodded and got the key out of Nygma's pocket, taking it for him to open the door and wondered how much acting he was going to do. He wasn't reassured by him saying he knew a lot about him.

After they brought them to the room, he was thinking about leaving, but didn't want to leave Nygma alone. He looked over at Harvey and took a deep breath. " I will help you in moving him. I do want to help with the chase, but I don't want him to escape. I know he is injured, but I don't trust him alone either. I think staying here is going to be very helpful," he replied, feeling happy he wasn't alone.

@Drixe @Michale CS
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"Yeah, it's him. He's still carrying the doohickey on him that he used to control my changes. Maybe he doesn't know it doesn't work anymore, which would help us, right?" Meg assured with a definite nod.

Once Nygma was secure in the hotel room with Lincoln and Bullock...
"What do you keep after giving it to someone else?"

When the other group closes in on the bus... Steph reports in, calling Grady's cell phone.
"Okay, the sensors on the Ricochet tell me that there are twenty one people on the bus, including the driver, and that it's got built in WiFi. Snazzy. How we approaching this?"

In orbit...
A representative of SWORD, and one that Nara had dealt with before, shows up to talk to her. Jack Hart. In short, he offers Nara a compromise. She'll be allowed to continue monitoring Earth if she agrees to report any other alien activity, specifically from the Meekrob, to SWORD immediately. If she declines that, he simply leaves, shaking his head and leaving her wondering what the repercussions will be...

@Angelic Fusion @Drixe @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Sonevar @York
Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln should have suspected that he was going to give them another riddle. " Your word is something you keep after you give it to someone else. That being said, seeing as you escaped last time, even in this lame form, I don't trust you to not try to escape again," he replied.

@Michale CS @Drixe
Harvey sits and listens to the two talk. After a bit he says" I don't think he's going anywhere, though your emt skills are nessacary just in case his condition worsens. Now ed if you know anyone is going to kick in the door to kill you, tell us now. For better or worse we're on the same team till I hand you over to homeland security."
Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln tilted his head for a brief moment. " I'm actually a doctor, but I do have EMT skills that are needed if his conditions works. Though, I am very worried about something else. We didn't check to see if he had any electronics on him," he said, going over and looking over to see if there was anything noticeable that was electronic or bulging in his pants or shirt pocket.

@Drixe @Michale CS
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Looks up slightly puzzled, " no one frisked him?" Harvey looks at nygma and sighs." Tell us if you're hiding anything now, it will be easier on all of us." He gets up and gives nygma a complete pat down taking care not to injure him further.
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Grady Murtaugh aka Korvus

Grady thought for a moment about their problem. They had two issues, first, make sure this was him. Although this person had Megs gizmo, the real Arkade could have put it on someone else.

If it was him, then they had to stop him.

( into the phone )
" Ladies, we have to make sure this is him. The most efficient way is to hak his phone. I think Harley just told me she didnt know if she could do it. If thats the case, we have to get bodies on the bus.. Any ideas ? "

@Sonevar @York @Michale CS
Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln looked over at him. " We found him very injured and none of us thought to frisk him for anything until now. I imagine we were all too busy figuring out what he wanted from us. We should have and I feel bad for not suggesting it sooner," he said.

@Michale CS @Drixe
"I guess I could always try a flying squirrel maneuver, it's like 'bug on a windshield', but with more control" ...she begins a self conference of calculations

"Can you pull ahead of the bus? If the Batsy can do this, how hard can it be?" she smiles widely and begins stripping off the baby-doll set to change into her skin tight body suit
Grady Murtaugh aka Corvus

"Alright Harley, just curious though, Meg, can you get over there too ?"

During this process, he gets the big diesel engine going to get in front of the bus. He did his best not to look over at Harley as she changed.

"Alright ladies, in position now !".

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Sonevar @York @Michale CS
*Loud Babydoll obnoxious voice* "He's gonna SEE me coming! If you don't want that, you' better stop me now!!!"

She ties a length of climber's rope around her waist and up her back and shoulders, then she strung loops of bungee cord through the ringlet ends of a thermal picnic tarp, strapping them to wrists and ankles like a poor-man's squirrel suit or a ninja's scouting kite.
"Yeah I can jump through the electrical system, though I can't promise I won't kill the engine... I haven't done this before but I somehow remember that can happen? One of those residual memories I guess - from not having a mom and dad. Eh..." She put up two hands making a 'hashtag' with her fingers. "Clone girl problems."

And the plan went off as they planned, at first anyway. Meg shorted out the lighting system in the bus and the engine killed, causing the driver to have to work to restart it. While his eyes were down on the ignition due to the problem, Harley smacked into the front windshield of the bus, getting a decent view inside.

"Hey! I thought I was the only clone here!" Meg called out, and indeed, there were twenty people on the bus... all of whom except the driver looked like they were Arcade. At least they were all dressed the same and were made up to look like him.

@Sonevar @York @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Drixe
Grady Murtaugh aka Korvus

Grady slowed the truck down in front of the big bus, hoping the driver wasn't prepared to bash it out of the way with the truck. When the truck was stopped, Grady got out, ready to back the girls up.

@Michale CS @Sonevar
After the shock of going SPLAT, she hurt all over, how could the bats make this look so easy? even as the Babydoll was soaking up the purple shocky-ness of pain, the Lady's eyes were scanning over the arcade games in the bus. She was looking for the one that was too self assured, too fidgety, and too nonplussed as she turned her face, to let the full widemouthed grin of insanity, so much like the old man's engulf the bus and it's passengers as she slowly turned her splatted face on them
"Hey! I thought I was the only clone here!" Meg called out, and indeed, there were twenty people on the bus... all of whom except the driver looked like they were Arcade. At least they were all dressed the same and were made up to look like him.

The men looked up, most of them. Some were looking at what just hit the window or the truck pulling out in front of them...

Grady slowed the truck down in front of the big bus, hoping the driver wasn't prepared to bash it out of the way with the truck. When the truck was stopped, Grady got out, ready to back the girls up.

The driver apparently didn't want to risk the collision which caused him to hit the brakes, but not enough to jackknife the bus - he was apparently a competent driver, even when he had a woman splatted to his windshield. He did, however, turn on the windshield wipers and washers in a vain attempt to dissuade her...

She was looking for the one that was too self assured, too fidgety, and too nonplussed as she turned her face, to let the full widemouthed grin of insanity, so much like the old man's engulf the bus and it's passengers as she slowly turned her splatted face on them

There were about five empty seats on the bus, which was a greyhound type made for long distance travel, luggage compartments, lavatory and all. Three of the men hadn't even looked up from their cell phones during this exchange, two were fidgeting with the emergency window exits, and two others reached under their seats for something. The rest had their eyes on either her or Meg. It seemed scripted... too scripted. But which part was the real Arcade's?

@Sonevar @Drixe @York @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9
Grady Murtaugh aka Korvus

Grady looked into the windows of the bus. He noted it was a long distance luxury type bus. It was quite possible that none of these people were Arcade at all. He brought out a phone, one of the rare times he would admit he felt in over his head. It was a special phone. He pressed one button and hoped.

" Hello Mister Pennyworth, thank you for taking this call.. I have a problem, do you have a quick minute ? Yeah, I could definitely use some advise and the situation might be dangerous. Thanks"

He walked slowly, using his cane, falling into his limp like an old friend. He pulled out a pair of fancy looking expensive sunglasses. That ex convict Shades wasn't the only one with fancy sunglasses. These were hideously expensive Stark Specials, modified by himself. He walked around to the back of the bus as he talked on the special phone.

@Michale CS @Sonevar @York
In true Harley Quinn fashion she slides down the front of the bus "Wiley Coyote after a failed gadget" style her legs splayed out as she oozes onto the pavement. As she looks under the bus she sees all the Arcadets preparing to leave... With a heavy sigh she prepares to do something she swore she'd never do... use one of the old man's gags.

She unzips her body suit reaching inside for the thinnest of hip-flasks on 1 leg her make-up compact on the other. Still unzipped she strolls quickly over to one of the milling Arcadets snatching a water-bottle and doing a rapid chemical mix from her collected items, careful to use her still gloved hand she shakes the bottle spraying it over the pavement that the Arcadets are standing on as well as the pavement in front of the bus door. There is a momentary fizzing and then the pavement becomes supper slippery as if Harley had created an instant oil slick.

She then began an ice-ballerina like routine around the debarked Arcadets as the surface beneath their feet suddenly became a lot more frictionless.
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Between Meg "covering" the various men dressed as Arcade, and the pavement around the outside of the bus becoming black ice, no one seemed to be leaving the bus. Meg had to shock the driver into unconsciousness but no other "Arcade" offered resistance.

Alfred answered the phone...

"Of course sir... Well, that does seem like quite the quandry... give me a moment sir..." A moment later, Steph pulled up in the Ricochet, getting out with Lilly. "...I've provided Miss Stephanie with the tools you may need to solve this sir. Shall I summon the proper authorities as well? I'm thinking SHIELD would be most apropos?"

"Hey. Alfred just gave me the go-ahead to give you me-level access to the Bat's database." She looked around at the situation and noticed all the fake Arcades in the bus. "I'm guessing you want access to the DNA database... because I think yelling - Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? - isn't going to work here."

@Drixe @Sonevar @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @York