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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Evenings, Pacific Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Magical... pretty flexible.

Atlantic City is a resort city on New Jersey's Atlantic coast that's known for its many casinos, wide beaches and iconic Boardwalk. Established in the 1800s as a health resort, today the city is dotted with glitzy high-rise hotels and nightclubs. In addition to gambling at slot machines and table games, the casinos offer spa treatments, performances by famous comedy and music acts, and high-end shopping.


Zoom in on the Royal Flush Casino - Currently run by five people:

queenofhearts.png Queen of Hearts Power Grid.jpg Rayleen Thorne - The Queen of Hearts

jackofhearts1.jpg Jonathan "Jack" Hart - The Jack of Hearts

Harlan King.jpg Harlan King - The King of Hearts ( Harlan has no powers, unlike Rayleen and Jack, unless being rich is a power. He's the money behind the casino. )

2024362-cassandra_sandsmark__06__002__01_.png Cassandra Sandsmark - Fomerly Wonder Girl now operating as the Ace of Hearts. She's befriended Rayleen and only dons the "Ace" costume for public appearances related to the casino/hotel.

10HeartsDCAU.jpgMark Tennyson - 10 of Hearts Ex-Con, trying to make things right ( According to him ). Has the ability to split in to 10 distinct versions of himself. He's a part owner because he invested his whole trust fund but currently works as the entire waitstaff in the bar and grill in the Royal Flush Casino.

But into the hotel one day, walked two unmistakable rogues, who give Rayleen and Cassandra reason to worry...

That's where you, our Heroes come in. Sign up for this event on the Discord Server or by conversation with @Michale CS or @Gands

Can the Heroes find out what Arcade and Riddler want with this casino and Atlantic City as a whole and stop their plans?

Private Event for Members of the Epic Mashup clan only. Want to join this? Join there!​

Thoughts slowly come back to when he was a lieutenant, the numbers of the forms they would need in triplicate and such. Many would need the captains signature which would be near impossible to get that quickly. He smiled as the security was clearing the area, no chance they could use the " it was an emergancy" excuse to take the riddler from them.
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Grady Murtaugh aka Corvus

Grady feels the rage and vindictiveness he had held for Nygma drain away. He leans down, looking briefly at the wound.

(Softly) " He was arrested because they didn't tell him where the crime scene was. Who did this too you Mister Nygma ? "

He waves Lincoln over to have him look at the wound.

Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln raised an eyebrow, wondering what the riddle had to do with the situation. " If I'm going to take an educated guess, perhaps, it is the villain who isn't here with him. We were dealing with two and only Riddler is here. I assume, it was a betrayal," he said, walking over to see if the wound was good.

"Arkady..." He said, gasping, and smiling at the correct answer was given by Corvus.

The wound itself had some sort of plasticized bandage over it. Crude, but it would keep him from bleeding out. The material was vaguely flesh-colored but felt like Silly Putty.

"He didn't want me dead, sprayed that substance on to bind the wound. Bullet... lodged." He gasped, clinging to consciousness.

After arriving on the scene, she picks up the howitzer shell and asks "Insert Token to Continue?" making a shoving motion with the shell in her hands.

He shook his head slightly, then, from the 'training' he'd helped give the Harlequin, gave a brief hand signal that indicated the presence of surveillance.

"Speak my name and I vanish. Be still and I return."

@Sonevar @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Drixe
Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln looked over at the wound and saw that it was a very crude healing, but it would prevent him from bleeding. It seem to be flesh-colored, but he wasn't sure if removing it would kill him.

His answer seems to cling to the air when he mentioned that it was binding the wound. If that was something that was true, he would know that it would be the loss of him and he looked over to see if the Harlequin understood the signal that he gave her for the brief moment though too.

Silence vanishes when you speaks its name. It returns when you shut up."

@Michale CS @Drixe @Gands @Sonevar
Recognizing Nygma's sign, she moves to obscure herself from an overhead view and begins texting the team 1 by 1 so as to avoid the give-away of a mass text, Messages like
"Did you ever get the feeling..."
"Away put your weapon! I mean you no harm"
"The walls have ears"
etc. to let them know of the surveillance.
Grady Murtaugh aka Corvus

Grady started to fish in his electronics bag, cobbling together something and attaching it to a small drone. He did this a couple of other times for a total of three smallish drones.
He started them up and let them go. He sent a signal from another device and off the drones went. In search of Cameras to attach themselves too, active cameras.

" If someone is watching" ( he used sign language here ) "that will screw up the three nearest cameras"

He then pulled out another small device and turned it on, an electronic white noise generator.

"There, white noise. Some of us need to find Arkady and the good detective should probably stay here with Lincoln to make sure Mister N stays alive. "

@Drixe @Sonevar @LuckycoolHawk9 @Michale CS @York @Angelic Fusion
The local cops head out to get the required paperwork grumbling about bureaucracy. He then walks in the room and takes position by nygma " sup ed long time no see..."
Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln was thankful that there were no cameras here and he turned to Grady. " I think it is a good thing that I am going to stay here in case the cameras need to be fried by the way. I also can see if I can do something to stitch up the wound without killing Nygma, no matter how evil he is, nobody deserves to die."

@Michale CS @Drixe @Gands @Sonevar @York @Angelic Fusion
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Harvey rolls his eyes at the " doesn't deserve to die " comment, but says nothing.
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Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln ignored the eye roll from the older detective. He was old and as such had a different opinion. " This might hurt," he said, trying to figure out the safest route to not injure Nygma.

@Drixe @Michale CS
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"Oh! Why should the spirit of mortal be proud? Like a swift-fleeting meteor, a fast flying cloud, A flash of the lightning, a break of the wave, Man passes from life to his rest in the grave." Nygma rambled. "I'm already in as much pain as I can imagine while staying awake, sir. If you could apply a little transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation to the base of my skull, that would supplant the feeling in my gut. But please, do not attempt to remove the bullet. It is one of those... shrunk down by use of Pym Particles I'd imagine." He gestured to the howitzer shell on the floor next to him.

He coughed once and shrugged. "Another puzzle for me to work on. And technically... from a legal standpoint, All you would have me on is being an accomplice to vandalism - the Ferris Wheel. None of the rest of it is anything beyond highly circumstantial and unreliable evidence - of course, I could turn evidence on my former co-worker, whom of course coerced me into doing my part... for a full acquittal, Detective?"

The wound, such as it was, had been triaged as best it could be without a hospital. Arkady made sure that the wound had the prope pressure, as evidenced by the pale areas around it - enough constriction was being applied to keep the wound closed. Other than exploratory surgery - which had been warned against (not without some extraordinary care being taken to get the bullet out faster than it could revert to its full size) - there was little else Lincoln could do other than keep Nygma comfortable.


Meg Watts spoke up. "I'm tracing Arcade's cell phone now. I could either jump to him now, or just be your GPS, depending on how fast you want someone on him."

"Hey. Where are you?" Was texted to Grady and Nicola from Stephanie's phone, where she and Sentinel were back in the ricochet. - Thank God for speech to text.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands @Sonevar @Angelic Fusion @Drixe @York
Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln Campbell had been in impossible situations where he had to make tough calls before. He had done it back when he choose to be the bait to figure out who had been possessed by HIVE. He had done it when he sacrificed himself to stop HIVE. Impossible situations were the story of his life. However, he also knew that impossible situations were often also life and death. The last thing he wanted to do was kill Edward Nygma. He looked over at him and then with a sigh, very slowly formed a small amount of electric current to make it so that he would be in less pain. He wasn't sure how Nygma knew how he could. " Is there anything else that I can do to make you comfortable?" He asked.

He hoped the answer was no.

@Michale CS @Drixe
Harvey smirked and shock his head, " you need to talk to someone higher up the ladder then me. Plus I'm not sure you took the new laws about terrorism that is in effect, 911 changed how law enforcement deal with "vandalism" ." He took out a piece of gum and started chewing it. "Technically you just went from a " criminal" to a "domestic terrorist " that's federal level crime. My best suggestion when you talk to the feds, ask for a no suicide squad Clause" . It was said as more a serious discussion then the smirked made it. " I can call a fed I know through,see what he can do."
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Grady Murtaugh aka Korvus

He looks over briefly at Meg and then the others.

" I think direction finder works best Meg. Lady Nicola, if you'd come with me, this guy is a tricky customer. "

" And Mister Nygma, lets not forget your involvement in the Gotham Riots!"

" Alright Meg, we will hurry as best we can, just tag along with us please and let us know the right path !"
Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln looked over at Harvey and raised a skeptical eyebrow as he wondered so many different things. He understood that things were different and he turned over to Harvey. " If I may ask, what exactly is a Suicide Squad? I think I understand it from your implications, but I am wrong. I doubt I am. Is it some sort of villain reformation program that involves life threathening situations or something?" He asked.

@Drixe @Michale CS
At the use of her title she dips in a slight curtsy "But of course kind sir, is there any gear or skill set you'd prefer I adopt?" at the mention of multiple skill sets and the Squad her eyes glaze over as her past relives her.

"It's a 'time off for bad behavior' program that the spookier spooks like to use when they need skilled operators that they don't care about losing..."
Grady Murtaugh aka Korvus

"I'm guessing we need to move fast and be prepared for almost anything. This guy is damned clever. "

"Whenever You are ready Meg !"
Harvey leans back getting comfortable, saying to Lincoln " theres this agent rounding up supervillens for impossible missions. A squad broke into arkham asylum a bit back, one was found with his head exploded. King shark? Something like that. Anyway it's sort of a work release for the worse of the worse. Technically the projects above my pay grade, but a not so little bat told me about it ".
Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln raised a skeptical eyebrow and looked over at him and was silent. " You know, that sounds like a great idea to reform them and I guess it is something they can do, but from the name amongst other things, I am guessing that it isn't a good thing and I am not exactly a fan of the idea of killing or hurting even the worst of the worst," he admitted, looking at the ground, expecting Harvey to disagree.

@Drixe @Michale CS
Meg shrugged. "I'm easy. Should we leave someone with Nygma?"

"Miss Watts, I assure you that I am neither capable nor inclined to leave this very spot... maybe if I can be moved to the room upstairs into the bed there? The door locks from outside and the key is in my pocket, Mister Campbell." Nygma grinned and chuckled then coughed.

"I researched all of you thoroughly. Your exploits at the Arkham incident caused me to be especially careful in my data mining. I know far more about you than perhaps you'd be comfortable with..."

Presuming they got Nygma settled in, Meg's tracking would lead both the occupants of Grady's Truck and the Ricochet, to a tour bus that was on its way out of town, apparently with Arcade inside. Easy enough to follow, right? Heron and Sentinel in the Ricochet joined Corvus' truck in pursuit as it headed toward one of the bridges that would lead it out of Atlantic City proper.

The question was... how to handle it?

@Angelic Fusion @Drixe @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Sonevar @York
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Grady Murtaugh aka Corvus

Before they leave, Grady stops and whispers into Nygma's ear.

" Hear me Edward Nygma, my name is Grady Murtaugh. As you know I was raised by men in a certain business. You have been here in Atlantic city, relatively non threatening tah me. I have not as yet needed tah kill anyone Mister Nygma. You have not here threatened me and so I do not threaten you. However, should our truce be broken on your end I cannah promise that you might someday meet unsympathetic brutish men with a deep need tah do violence. I thank you for your relatively honorable behavior during this event, and I will speak on your behalf if that becomes necessary."

" Bullock, I have no authority tah give you orders, you are at best a consultant. Stay if yah feel yah need to. If you do, I suggest yah keep Lincoln here with yah, He's a licensed EMT and well trained medically. A good lad tah have at your side ! "

With that the young Grady leaves.

After a frantic drive to catch up with Arcade, they discover the apparent hiding spot in the bus.

" I don't like the idea of stopping the bus, I suspect he'd do something to the unlucky passengers. Meg, are we certain it's him ? Nicola, can you hack into his phone from here ? "

@Michale CS @Drixe @Sonevar @York @LuckycoolHawk9