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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Evenings, Pacific Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Magical... pretty flexible.

Atlantic City is a resort city on New Jersey's Atlantic coast that's known for its many casinos, wide beaches and iconic Boardwalk. Established in the 1800s as a health resort, today the city is dotted with glitzy high-rise hotels and nightclubs. In addition to gambling at slot machines and table games, the casinos offer spa treatments, performances by famous comedy and music acts, and high-end shopping.


Zoom in on the Royal Flush Casino - Currently run by five people:

queenofhearts.png Queen of Hearts Power Grid.jpg Rayleen Thorne - The Queen of Hearts

jackofhearts1.jpg Jonathan "Jack" Hart - The Jack of Hearts

Harlan King.jpg Harlan King - The King of Hearts ( Harlan has no powers, unlike Rayleen and Jack, unless being rich is a power. He's the money behind the casino. )

2024362-cassandra_sandsmark__06__002__01_.png Cassandra Sandsmark - Fomerly Wonder Girl now operating as the Ace of Hearts. She's befriended Rayleen and only dons the "Ace" costume for public appearances related to the casino/hotel.

10HeartsDCAU.jpgMark Tennyson - 10 of Hearts Ex-Con, trying to make things right ( According to him ). Has the ability to split in to 10 distinct versions of himself. He's a part owner because he invested his whole trust fund but currently works as the entire waitstaff in the bar and grill in the Royal Flush Casino.

But into the hotel one day, walked two unmistakable rogues, who give Rayleen and Cassandra reason to worry...

That's where you, our Heroes come in. Sign up for this event on the Discord Server or by conversation with @Michale CS or @Gands

Can the Heroes find out what Arcade and Riddler want with this casino and Atlantic City as a whole and stop their plans?

Private Event for Members of the Epic Mashup clan only. Want to join this? Join there!​

Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln paused as he understood what that meant. Grady was right about something being at the center of it all. He paused, thinking of what this information could be used for. " I think we need to investigate that store, but we have to do it in a way that they don't suspect. We already know that they are not above murdering innocents or destroying famous landmarks for their pleasure either," he said.

@Gands @Michale CS
It was a short ride, because Stephanie made it quick - just a hair under the speed limits everywhere they went - and she actually called the Uber along the way.

Once they got out of the parking garage, to the amazed look of the valet. "Don't worry, it's keyless. Oh..." She tapped one of the windows. It had a triangular sticker on it that said 'Burglar Protected'. "For Your Eyes Only - James Bond. Google it to see what this sticker means..."

They ducked aside into a Starbucks and donned the Friends of Humanity getup. T-shirts and berets. It wasn't long before they arrived at the Resort. And, as expected, until they had a video connection from the lobby up to her room - one way of course - they were stonewalled.

And so, they were on their way up the private elevator to the top floor to where Dillard was. Once they got to the room, the door opened as they arrived.

Dillard was there, as well as an accountant looking man. You know the kind of guy you can only see "accountant" as his profession.

Steph coughed once. She was wearing the contacts that were essentially a Google Glass hooked up to the database that she'd gotten from Bruce some time back. It was obvious Stephanie recognized the man but couldn't say anything now, it was too late.

View attachment 148502

Stephanie didn't know what to do to communicate to Lilly without tipping them off, so she started off by saying...

"My friend here is the better talker. We just knew you were in town and seein as we had the same interests, we wanted to warn ya that some of those dirty metas may be gunning for you here in town, and we was wonderin if we could help you out somehow. I dunno, she can explain it better."

Steph had put on an accent that was best described as half Texan-half New Jersey, making it a nearly unplaceable accent. But she didn't want to talk too much, because there were way too many times she'd talked on camera and the way Dillard followed metas, she might be recognized.

Argent Sentinel (Lilly Briant)
@Michale CS

Lilly was quite deep in thought, trying her best to figure out what sort of mannerisms she should take on with her farce... Affiliation. Though when they entered the room, it didn't take long for even her to pick up on the fact that there was something wrong... Horribly wrong. Subtle signs from Stephanie's very posture, topped by her cough seemed to be enough to tip Lilly off about that much.

However, she knew neither of them could afford to make any sudden moves, so for the time being... She stayed her course, and decided to keep the man they were meeting with talking, buy them some time if possible to figure things out. Giving a nod to what Steph said, trying to match her accent a little as she spoke.

"Aye. We thought y'could use an extra hand or two 'round these parts. We... Specialize in dealin' with those meta scum..." She said, trying to retain a serious, dignified expression.

Though quiet honestly, she was cringing pretty hard on the inside; even though she was just putting on an act... Those words coming out of her mouth sure left a foul aftertaste; it wasn't exactly comfortable pretending to be part of a cause that she wasn't so fond of, after all... But, years and years of having played pretend with her (late) father had honed her ability to suppress any and all undesireable reactions she may have, which should hopefully allow things to carry on, for now at least.​
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Grady Murtaugh aka Corvus

Having received more information from Bullock and Harley, he decided to head up to get a copy of the paperwork. Looking over the paperwork Harvey and Bullock compiled.

" Lincoln, I think we need to head to Caesar's my friend. Check this map. These shops, this one in particular is the center of things. "

He sends two texts.
{ The first to Harley & Bullock } [ I'm going to check this Sugar store at the Caesar's ]
{The second to one Riley *Diamonds* Gallagher, former Big Patrick associate} [ Hey Diamonds, you know anyone runs out of Caesars in AC ? Looking for basic info, a private thing worth good money ]

He takes the truck driving over to the Playground mall parking lot to check out the area.

@Sonevar @Drixe @Michale CS @York @LuckycoolHawk9
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Harvey looks to his rum and no coke and debates whether to spend the evening getting blitz drunk or helping. His " white knight complex" gets the better of him and he texts grady " do you need back up, remember there's no hero's in gotham."
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Looks to the bartender and says "you know what I fell off the wagon this weekend, going to try and get back on it". He hands the bartender some money, " keep the change the drinks yours if you want it". Heads to the parking garage chewing a piece of nicotine gum . These withdrawals a going to take time.
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*the babydoll comes skipping along with a sledge hammer making soft clunks on the parking lot floor as she semi-swing drags it along to the truck*
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Diamonds texted back. "Atlantic City. Steer clear man. No family will touch it. Big money guys run that. Like Government Size. LexCorp, Lord, and some BFE place called Latveria. Anyone there's gonna be bought by one of them. You get in with them and you're gonna owe them a lot more than money."

Soon, Grady, Bullock, Harley, and Lincoln arrive at the Playground, and the candy shop.

Meg Watts (Elizabeth Mitchell 2).jpg
"Welcome to It's Sugar!, I'm Meg. How can I help you?"
It would be worthy of noting that the woman's full nametag read 'Meg Watts'
...and she looked like she could be the twin of the woman known as Live Wire.
The music over the sound system in the store was this...
@Gands @Sonevar @Drixe @LuckycoolHawk9
Meanwhile... on the Zhoot Cruiser...
Nara's computations backed up by the SIR unit and onboard computers finally concluded that the drives were hyperspatially linked - meaning each time they disarmed one, the potential energy was transferred into the other drives. This meant, that eventually, enough energy would be transferred to a drive to cause it to instantly go critical - which would... after a quick calculation, destroy about half a kilometer around it.
It seemed "safe" to leave three active devices, any fewer and the remaining two could both go critical at once.
She'd have to figure out some way of getting around that problem...

@Angelic Fusion

At the resort, with Dillard and Tockman...

It seemed like it was going very well. Dillard and Tockman had bought their cover, it seemed. Then, suddenly, a screeching alarm went on for a moment. Security screens came down over the windows and the door seemed to electronically lock, and Tockman seemed to... disappear, but after a moment it looked like he was just moving... very, very fast.

"Greetings! Sorry for the intrusion, ladies and gentleman, but I have an important announcement. It seems that certain people haven't gotten the clues they needed, and are headed down a path that leaves a lot of bodies behind. I wish I could just take care of this problem right now, but I know when I'm just a little outgunned - Mister Tockman, if you could kindly quit trying to override the security at that insane speed, you'll cost the resort money. This is just a courtesy call. You, and the so-called heroes working so diligently to save this modern day Gomorra simply need to exit the city limits. I'll give you one full day from now. If not... well, I'll leave a hint in the method of my compatriot...

"I am gentle enough to soothe your skin, light enough to fly in the sky, strong enough to crack rocks what am i?"

Then the screens lifted and the doors unlocked.


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Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln looked over at the woman who asked them if they needed any help. He listened to the music and paused, looking at the woman. Meg Watts. Megawatts. He doubted that it was a coincidence that the two shared a name and she looked like Live Wire. " Yes, do you have any Life Savers?" He asked her.

@Michale CS @Gands @Sonevar @Drixe
Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln looked over at the woman who asked them if they needed any help. He listened to the music and paused, looking at the woman. Meg Watts. Megawatts. He doubted that it was a coincidence that the two shared a name and she looked like Live Wire. " Yes, do you have any Life Savers?" He asked her.

@Michale CS @Gands @Sonevar @Drixe

"Ooh... sadly. No. We've got Warheads, though." She gave him an exaggerated wink and showed off a giant box of the candies. "If, you know what I mean. Shop around, my time isn't up here for another thirty minutes, then my relief comes and I gotta bolt. I'm sure you'll find something you like."

And, strange conversation aside, the place was kind of insane. Gummy Bears from 1 pound to a whopping 17 pounds, oversized boxes of Nerds, Sour Patch Kids, a lollipop that was the size of a sledgehammer... and novelty stuff like Pusheen, Funko POP toys, and... candy bras and undies.

@Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Sonevar @Drixe
Harvey separates form the group before they enter the shop, taking a position by a another shop across the way. Casually looks around while using any mirrored surface to watch the candy shop.
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Grady Murtaugh aka Corvus

Just before entering...He whispers into Lincoln's ear, but loud enough that Harley can hear.

" Harley and I can do the boyfriend girlfriend thing and get some attention perusing candy. Check for abnormal electrical use ? or just anything that looks suspicious... "

If Harley is willing and allows, he will put an arm around her shoulder, putting his charisma to the test and walk into the story with her. As Lincoln starts talking to the girl, Grady plays the tourist card and takes lots of pictures of the outlandish candy.

" Sweetheart ? which kinds do you like ? "

His eyes go all over the incredible shop though, looking for the out of place.

@Drixe @Sonevar @LuckycoolHawk9 @Michale CS
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-THE- Harlequin
The babydoll switches smoothly, one hand sliding up Grady's chest draping herself on his shoulder, the sultry movie star voice coming to the fore "Oh, sweetie you know how I just love all things sweet" her splayed hand circling his chest "and you KNOW how hard it is for me to decide..." she peered into the display " I'll take that one... oh and that one... ooh and a sample of that! and oooh... maybe something lacey..." she smiles with a hint of a suggestion "for later..."
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Diamonds texted back. "Atlantic City. Steer clear man. No family will touch it. Big money guys run that. Like Government Size. LexCorp, Lord, and some BFE place called Latveria. Anyone there's gonna be bought by one of them. You get in with them and you're gonna owe them a lot more than money."

Soon, Grady, Bullock, Harley, and Lincoln arrive at the Playground, and the candy shop.

View attachment 149504
"Welcome to It's Sugar!, I'm Meg. How can I help you?"
It would be worthy of noting that the woman's full nametag read 'Meg Watts'
...and she looked like she could be the twin of the woman known as Live Wire.
The music over the sound system in the store was this...
@Gands @Sonevar @Drixe @LuckycoolHawk9
Meanwhile... on the Zhoot Cruiser...
Nara's computations backed up by the SIR unit and onboard computers finally concluded that the drives were hyperspatially linked - meaning each time they disarmed one, the potential energy was transferred into the other drives. This meant, that eventually, enough energy would be transferred to a drive to cause it to instantly go critical - which would... after a quick calculation, destroy about half a kilometer around it.
It seemed "safe" to leave three active devices, any fewer and the remaining two could both go critical at once.
She'd have to figure out some way of getting around that problem...

@Angelic Fusion

At the resort, with Dillard and Tockman...

It seemed like it was going very well. Dillard and Tockman had bought their cover, it seemed. Then, suddenly, a screeching alarm went on for a moment. Security screens came down over the windows and the door seemed to electronically lock, and Tockman seemed to... disappear, but after a moment it looked like he was just moving... very, very fast.

"Greetings! Sorry for the intrusion, ladies and gentleman, but I have an important announcement. It seems that certain people haven't gotten the clues they needed, and are headed down a path that leaves a lot of bodies behind. I wish I could just take care of this problem right now, but I know when I'm just a little outgunned - Mister Tockman, if you could kindly quit trying to override the security at that insane speed, you'll cost the resort money. This is just a courtesy call. You, and the so-called heroes working so diligently to save this modern day Gomorra simply need to exit the city limits. I'll give you one full day from now. If not... well, I'll leave a hint in the method of my compatriot...

"I am gentle enough to soothe your skin, light enough to fly in the sky, strong enough to crack rocks what am i?"

Then the screens lifted and the doors unlocked.


Lilly Briant (Argent Sentinel)
@Michale CS

Lilly was on guard, and tried her best to keep her cover up despite her growing discomfort (with a side of disgust) with her... Adopted identity. Fortunately for both her and Stephanie though, the guise appeared to be working, and at least for the moment. However, it would seem that this alone wasn't quite enough; the place locked down, obviously having been hacked by the Riddler himself.

Tockman appeared to have gone out of his way to try and override the security systems with movements so fast that they were... Inhuman. It was unlikely that he had metahuman powers, so by process of elimination, that meant he had possession of some sort of device that enabled such feats...

As for the Riddler's riddle, it took Lilly a few moments, as she rubbed her chin, before it suddenly clicked with her.

"Water... That must be the answer..." She murmured to herself.

All things considered, it did make alot of sense; the gentle spray of the sea was gentle enough to soothe one's skin, and could certainly be light enough to fly in the sky in the form of a fine mist... Yet, in its liquid form, it was most certainly strong enough to crack rocks if given time. If that were the answer, then she had a good idea of what Arcade planned to do; the closest body of water happened to be the ocean, and that would mean that they intended to use the ocean to harm the city in some way... Which would mean a flood, and likely... Some sort of tidal wave...

"I think our... Friends want to make some waves out there... Bring in the tide..." She mused after a moment.

But she wasn't completely sure how they would generate waves large enough to cause that level of devastation, so perhaps that wasn't exactly what their plan was... But it was the best Lilly could think of, for now anyways.​
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Meanwhile... on the Zhoot Cruiser...
Nara's computations backed up by the SIR unit and onboard computers finally concluded that the drives were hyperspatially linked - meaning each time they disarmed one, the potential energy was transferred into the other drives. This meant, that eventually, enough energy would be transferred to a drive to cause it to instantly go critical - which would... after a quick calculation, destroy about half a kilometer around it.
It seemed "safe" to leave three active devices, any fewer and the remaining two could both go critical at once.
She'd have to figure out some way of getting around that problem...

@Angelic Fusion
[[ I need Nara to post a reply to this, holding off responding to @Angelic Fusion right now until I get one ]]

Meanwhile, over at the resort...

"Correct! You indeed had that right. Good job."
the speaker cut out and the connection was presumably dropped.

"You're pretty smart there. You know... this is not what I imagined would happen here in Atlantic City. I came here to promote my brand, and this has turned into a clust- a damned mess. Tockman, go get my car ready. I'm leaving Atlantic City." Dillard gathered her bag up and looked over at the two 'Friends of Humanity.' "You two... look me up in New York next week sometime. We have more negotiating to do."

Tockman seemed to have flat out disappeared, and Mariah was 'showing them out.'


"Well, looks like I might be doing some overtime, the way you're picking out candy!" Meg smiled and then she looked at her smartwatch, which had just beeped. "Or not... that was my relief, he's on his way early. I'll just be behind the counter until he arrives..." She walked over behind the counter, but over the communicators that Grady and Nicola were wearing, the following was heard...

"Listen, I gotta make this quick and you might not believe this but I'm a clone. These guys, they have a crazy remote control thing that can force me into my energy form, and they've threatened to do that and then disperse me with some alien tech. I don't wanna die, but when that guy - or one of his men more likely because he's watching the cameras and recognizes the girl - gets here he's gonna force me to set off all these bombs. If I trusted that he wouldn't kill me afterward I wouldn't even be telling you this. The thing literally looks like a remote control. It has to be close to me for it to work, that much I know."

At the same time, Meg seemed to be happy as anything, playing a game of Candy Crush on her smartphone.

@Gands @Sonevar @Drixe @LuckycoolHawk9

Grady Murtaugh aka Corvus

Grady listened to the message, giving a subtle nod. He leaned close to Harley, whispering into her ear, but playing this off as a lover's flirty whisper.

" Act like this whisper is something between lovers. I believe Lincoln can do something about the device they must have implanted inside that woman. We'll have to cover him in case goons come to activate her, she is a living fuse right now. "

Sent via Text...to Lincoln.
{"I think you can help her. Worse, I think this may be extremely important. Act like you are flirting with her. Disable whatever receiving device that remote uses and we'll cover you. "}

If Harley cooperates, Grady will continue looking like the fawning Harley admirer while on the lookout for goons with remotes.

@Sonevar @LuckycoolHawk9 @Michale CS
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She giggles almost a sultry purr and swats his chest playfully "You naaaaughty man...clearly we envisioned the same things when I said later" (only those paying very close attention to Grady's chest would notice the swat was actually 3 quick taps of 5+5 fingers then 4, leaving the thumb off of the last tap)
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Harvey continues to "shop" moving towards an entrance the controller may come in. All ways keeping a eye on his surroundings. Silently whispering in their private channel " covering left entrance"
Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln was not known for his acting skills, so when he walked over to her, he had to think of some excuse. " Do you have any special sweetheart candies that are as sweet as you?" He asked, attempting to flirt, while also using his power to sense where the electricity was coming from so he could disable it.

@Michale CS @Gands @Sonevar
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