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Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
Original poster
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Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Evenings, Pacific Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Magical... pretty flexible.

Atlantic City is a resort city on New Jersey's Atlantic coast that's known for its many casinos, wide beaches and iconic Boardwalk. Established in the 1800s as a health resort, today the city is dotted with glitzy high-rise hotels and nightclubs. In addition to gambling at slot machines and table games, the casinos offer spa treatments, performances by famous comedy and music acts, and high-end shopping.


Zoom in on the Royal Flush Casino - Currently run by five people:

queenofhearts.png Queen of Hearts Power Grid.jpg Rayleen Thorne - The Queen of Hearts

jackofhearts1.jpg Jonathan "Jack" Hart - The Jack of Hearts

Harlan King.jpg Harlan King - The King of Hearts ( Harlan has no powers, unlike Rayleen and Jack, unless being rich is a power. He's the money behind the casino. )

2024362-cassandra_sandsmark__06__002__01_.png Cassandra Sandsmark - Fomerly Wonder Girl now operating as the Ace of Hearts. She's befriended Rayleen and only dons the "Ace" costume for public appearances related to the casino/hotel.

10HeartsDCAU.jpgMark Tennyson - 10 of Hearts Ex-Con, trying to make things right ( According to him ). Has the ability to split in to 10 distinct versions of himself. He's a part owner because he invested his whole trust fund but currently works as the entire waitstaff in the bar and grill in the Royal Flush Casino.

But into the hotel one day, walked two unmistakable rogues, who give Rayleen and Cassandra reason to worry...

That's where you, our Heroes come in. Sign up for this event on the Discord Server or by conversation with @Michale CS or @Gands

Can the Heroes find out what Arcade and Riddler want with this casino and Atlantic City as a whole and stop their plans?

Private Event for Members of the Epic Mashup clan only. Want to join this? Join there!​

Harvey walks in to the records area of city hall and looks for a lonely looking clerk. He causally asks her for help looking for sosh records. Flirts with her a bit to get her to help speed up the process, harvey can be surprisingly charismatic if he has to be..
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Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln was silent, wondering what he had to say to Grady. " So, what do you expect to find at the pool? Is there anything in particular that you think could be out of the ordinary?" He asked him curiously.

@Gands @Michale CS
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Nicola smiles like a cat in cream and starts looking for the IT department so that she can start setting up the clone server. She starts mapping out the loophole architecture on graph paper, the Lady going through multiple scenarios (and multiple pages) as the progress bar slowly ticks on the cloning process.

It didn't take too long for Nicola to get her trap laid, it was pretty simple when you had full back end access without actually having to hack for it.
Invader Nara

The locations streamed to her occular implant and the scale of the plan began to reveal itself to her. Smirking she did admire its complexity. Either way, it did not matter anymore. The moment of admiration died in a well executed military drill as she began to open up communication channels within her Zhoot Cruiser. Broadcasting signals to the phones of those working with her she used her ship as a central point. "Bazzle, input the data you collected. We need the source." Nara spoke.

Having the broadcasted numbers added to her ship she dialed up their phones. To those who answered she was brief. "I have linked your communications system to my ship. This will form a secure connection and instant connection, I doubt they have jamming equipment to rival Irken technology." Nara spoke. "Either way, I have the locations of all devices. The downside is the moment I begin to move I will have to reveal my ship. It will be disguised but, it will be obvious... if you look hard enough. Subtly will be lost and we will need to begin to act. Respond when you wish for me to start." Nara finished. Turning in her chair she brought up a map of the area and the locations listed. "Form an optimal route. Calculate time required... approximate to the minute." Nara said to the Sir Unit.

@Michale CS @Gands @York @LuckycoolHawk9

Harvey finishes the call with gordan, and almost 30 second as later he gets naras call. Not sure exactly what's it about he says" Ah ok sure.." thinking next time stay until the end of the meeting. He puts up his phone and heads over to city hall to pull records for sosh.

Harvey walks in to the records area of city hall and looks for a lonely looking clerk. He causally asks her for help looking for sosh records. Flirts with her a bit to get her to help speed up the process, harvey can be surprisingly charismatic if he has to be..

SOSH Had been around for many years, and was responsible for a lot of architecture over the years in the whole Tri-State area. It had went through several different ownership changes, the most recent in 2008 after the housing bubble popped. It was currently a wholly owned subsidiary of what was listed as "Systems Oceanic International", which didn't appear in any of the other records he was able to look through for Atlantic City. Apparently SOSH was the only thing they owned in Atlantic City.

Lincoln Campbell

Lincoln was silent, wondering what he had to say to Grady. " So, what do you expect to find at the pool? Is there anything in particular that you think could be out of the ordinary?" He asked him curiously.

@Gands @Michale CS

Grady knew what he was looking for, the device. And after getting the infomation from Bullock about the suspicious pool guy, and the info from Nara, knew just where to find it. Nara would have to walk Grady through disarming it, however, or Lincoln could just short it out somehow?

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Sonevar @Gands @Drixe @Angelic Fusion @York
Harvey goes to where they store records for building permits. Hopefully he can figure out if any of the areas the riddler is suspected to be in has been worked on by sosh. Along the way he calls the new Harley? " Hey this is bullock i need your help looking a shell company i think its owned by nygma. The shell company's name is sosh. It's owned by systems oceanic international, looking on sosh's ties to the area myself. If you find anything interesting call me back.". Harvey texts what he learned to Grady and what he's doing.
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Grady Murtaugh Aka Corvus

" Lincoln, this is it ! That being said, I keep going back to the why's of this. They know there is opposition. These gizmo's are now too obvious. Nygma and Arcade are sharp customers. I just get the feeling this is still misdirection. The only real thing blocking these two is the size of their ego. What are they really after. "

{{ Text to Nara }} " Found something, suspect it is one of the things you've been looking for. Do I try to short it out, do you walk me through disabling it, or unknown third option ? "

{{ Text to Harvey }} "Great work detective. Let me know right away if you need to check the location. We can provide backup if necessary. I suspect there are more layers to this that I'm not seeing yet. We did find one of Nara's gizmos where you were relaxing. "

{{ Text to Nicola }} "Good work setting that up, I suspect the opposition has more to this. Try to bend your mind to discover his true objective. Sending you Information discovered by H. "

{{ Text to Stephanie }} "Gizmo's blowing things up unlikely true objective. Key to this must be Target... ?? Something Target has that A & R want ? "

{{ Text to Raylene }} Suspect more Gizmo's in your establishment. Found one in pool. Where else have non-hotel/casino hirelings been ? Where else could gizmos be planted ?

After each text is made, he shows Lincoln the contents.

@Michale CS @Sonevar @Drixe @LuckycoolHawk9 @Angelic Fusion
Lincoln Campbell

If he had been with SHIELD or hadn't died and Karolina hadn't been shot, he might have shorted the box out and try to defeat it. But he knew that if attempted that, things could go very south very quickly. He would wait for Grady's word before he did anything stupid to it for the time being. He however did examine it.

" So, whatever they are is clock and dagger. It seems that they want to make a point. If the escape room and Dillard are.... hmmm.... " Lincoln mused this over as he looked over at the texts and nodded to show that he thought all of them were good enough to be sent. He was trying to figure out the why.

@Gands @Michale CS
"Yeah?!" Stephanie scoffed. "I wouldn't put it past Dillard to be working with them. Remember, neither Riddler nor Arcade are metas."

She lead Lilly down to the garage, where she had parked the Ricochet, which had been recently modified to allow for two to ride - if they were about as close as motorcycle driver and passenger got, and maybe a little more. "I figure we can drive close by, close enough for my remote to work in case things go bad, then we can call Uber to go the rest of the way to the resort. Unless you're not confident in your biking skills?"



Rayleen smiled. "If you recall the exact wording, it was... we will definitely point you to where you can get the tech for NAOMI. Consider this pointing..."


She handed the card to Nara. "Email that address. I know it says recruiter but that's just to throw people off. use 'NAOMI' in the subject line, and mention you were given the address by the Queen of Hearts, and that will open negotiations between you and Stark."

Rayleen breezed by the rest of them nodding at Grady and Nicola. "If you'll excuse me, I think I have a trap to set."

@Angelic Fusion @Sonevar @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands
It didn't take too long for Nicola to get her trap laid, it was pretty simple when you had full back end access without actually having to hack for it.

SOSH Had been around for many years, and was responsible for a lot of architecture over the years in the whole Tri-State area. It had went through several different ownership changes, the most recent in 2008 after the housing bubble popped. It was currently a wholly owned subsidiary of what was listed as "Systems Oceanic International", which didn't appear in any of the other records he was able to look through for Atlantic City. Apparently SOSH was the only thing they owned in Atlantic City.

Grady knew what he was looking for, the device. And after getting the infomation from Bullock about the suspicious pool guy, and the info from Nara, knew just where to find it. Nara would have to walk Grady through disarming it, however, or Lincoln could just short it out somehow?

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Sonevar @Gands @Drixe @Angelic Fusion @York
The Argent Sentinel (Lilly Briant)
@LuckycoolHawk9 @Sonevar @Gands @Drixe @Angelic Fusion @Michale CS

Lilly nodded slowly... Frowning a little. If on the offchance, Dillard was in cahoots with the Riddler and his pal, they had to keep their guard up during their encounter with her too. Nonetheless, she had no qualms with Stephanie's plan, especially when she saw the ride they had, at least until they had to step up and call an uber.

Cocking a brow, she carefully slipped the fabric she usually did over her face, to hide her identity... At least until they had to go undercover so to speak, smirking a little at Stephanie's comment.

"It'll do..." She said, even managing a small smile, though that was obscured by the fabric now covering her face... Which was probably for the best.

It was rare to see someone like her smile in their line of duty, and she'd prefer it remain that way. Nonetheless, she was just happy to ride in something rather sleek and efficient for a change (for a motorbike anyways), even if the ride wouldn't last too long.​
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"It'll do..." She said, even managing a small smile, though that was obscured by the fabric now covering her face... Which was probably for the best.

It was rare to see someone like her smile in their line of duty, and she'd prefer it remain that way. Nonetheless, she was just happy to ride in something rather sleek and efficient for a change (for a motorbike anyways), even if the ride wouldn't last too long.

It was a short ride, because Stephanie made it quick - just a hair under the speed limits everywhere they went - and she actually called the Uber along the way.

Once they got out of the parking garage, to the amazed look of the valet. "Don't worry, it's keyless. Oh..." She tapped one of the windows. It had a triangular sticker on it that said 'Burglar Protected'. "For Your Eyes Only - James Bond. Google it to see what this sticker means..."

They ducked aside into a Starbucks and donned the Friends of Humanity getup. T-shirts and berets. It wasn't long before they arrived at the Resort. And, as expected, until they had a video connection from the lobby up to her room - one way of course - they were stonewalled.

And so, they were on their way up the private elevator to the top floor to where Dillard was. Once they got to the room, the door opened as they arrived.

Dillard was there, as well as an accountant looking man. You know the kind of guy you can only see "accountant" as his profession.

Steph coughed once. She was wearing the contacts that were essentially a Google Glass hooked up to the database that she'd gotten from Bruce some time back. It was obvious Stephanie recognized the man but couldn't say anything now, it was too late.


Stephanie didn't know what to do to communicate to Lilly without tipping them off, so she started off by saying...

"My friend here is the better talker. We just knew you were in town and seein as we had the same interests, we wanted to warn ya that some of those dirty metas may be gunning for you here in town, and we was wonderin if we could help you out somehow. I dunno, she can explain it better."

Steph had put on an accent that was best described as half Texan-half New Jersey, making it a nearly unplaceable accent. But she didn't want to talk too much, because there were way too many times she'd talked on camera and the way Dillard followed metas, she might be recognized.


Invader Nara

"Calculations finished... Approximantly.." Bazzle began to speak before Nara cut him off. The information streamed to her before a 'text' for bullock appeared. A voice transmission shot out, unwilling to waste time her ship began to hijack the nearby communications system. Once more turning it into a hive.

Every cellular device within ten feet of the two suddenly began to activate "Yes, Yes I am coming. I shall be there... two seconds ago." Nara voice echoed out. The ship's approach vetor seemed fast. But, the ship slowed down and deployed several metal claws upon landing. Bubble opening only a robot appeared out, one of its arms slinking behind it like a long coil as it walked.

Finding Grady and Lincoln rather quickly Nara's voice played through Bazzle "It places the bomb in the robot." Nara said before Bazzle opened his chest. Handing Grady a small Micro SD looking chip it suddenly turned red. "Put the bomb in the robot!" Bazzle spoke on its own, reinforcing its master's wishes.
@Michale CS
-The- Harlequin
She smiled, her trap set. She looked over the texts received from Grady and Harvey. Feeling bored, playful and still a little hacker-y she began the process of hacking the group's phones and installing the programming necessary to both encrypt the phone itself, as well as making all of the calls it made encrypted to NSA level standards... the stupid suits were always so superior when they interrogated you. Was it her fault that Mr. Dumb suit tossed his phone at her to make her 1 phone call?... losers.

Harvey's was first and it took the longest because it was the oldest and the cheapest, after that it was copy/paste from her notepad with a few tweaks for the different OS's of the rest. After that she programed a quick search and flag for any and all data on "Systems Oceanic International" and "SOI" anywhere on the internet.
-The- Harlequin
She smiled, her trap set. She looked over the texts received from Grady and Harvey. Feeling bored, playful and still a little hacker-y she began the process of hacking the group's phones and installing the programming necessary to both encrypt the phone itself, as well as making all of the calls it made encrypted to NSA level standards... the stupid suits were always so superior when they interrogated you. Was it her fault that Mr. Dumb suit tossed his phone at her to make her 1 phone call?... losers.

Harvey's was first and it took the longest because it was the oldest and the cheapest, after that it was copy/paste from her notepad with a few tweaks for the different OS's of the rest. After that she programed a quick search and flag for any and all data on "Systems Oceanic International" and "SOI" anywhere on the internet.

The front corporation seemed to have little to do with SOSH - SOSH were Architects, and the name behind the DBA of Systems Oceanic International was actually Oceanic Worldwide. But with more digging, Nicola found a back end link in the whois registry for Oceanic - the administrator of the webpage registry was linked to a company called Sphere of Influence Studios which seemed to be a marketing company of some sort. Sphere of Influence was owned by five main shareholders: Eastern Spices (owned wholly by one Wilson Fisk)., STAR Labs, Lexcorp, Lord Technologies, and a shell corporation that when tracked was owned by the government of Latveria.

Apparently Systems Oceanic International was far, far deeper than this little plot, and it seemed had little to do with the current problem than be a name far down a digital rabbit hole...

Grady Murtaugh aka Corvus

For a brief moment the little robot made it's appearance and Grady carefully placed the gizmo inside it, he thought of something from his years of mystery book reading and television cop movies.

{{Texting to Harley}}

(( Harley, see if you can notate or pin all the locations we know where Nygma or Arcade were spotted. Hotel, amusement park, the spot where their goons wanted to play, the location of the SoSH building. See if any sort of pattern or obvious center on the map would be ? ))

@Michale CS @Sonevar @Angelic Fusion
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Harvey looks through the hard copy versions of the building permits. It all ways made him laugh, criminals can hack computers as much as they want but there will still be hard copy. Only a select few take the time to remove information completely. "Lets see if any of these match the area we,'re searching"
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Nicola relays all of the info she found across the secure "superfriends" network that she spent all night retooling and tweaking so that everyone has the info, along with personal thoughts in text.

"This makes very little sense, the powers behind SOSH would be more likely to recruit Dillard as a street level asset... UNLESS.... guessing here but if Edward were planning a 'near miss' assassination scenario, and laying it at SOSH's feet, it would give Dillard sympathy support so that she could be let loose on SOSH's backers."
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Lincoln Campbell

" I don't think what you are suggesting is a bad idea. It does seem like something that they would do quite honestly. Subtley in their set-up would make it harder to catch them." He hoped that that would make things easier to figure out at the end of the day too, though.

@Gands @Angelic Fusion @Michale CS
THE Harlequin sets to work coordinating sightings from traffic cams, social media posts and witness accounts, she also asks bullock to pull all of the historical maps of the area so she can make transparencies and overlay them.
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Taking a break from record pulling he leans back on his chair. The phone rings and he picks it up answering the harliquin. "All right on it" shakes his head as all the paperwork seems to blur at this point in the day. Takes the last permit and adds it to the stack, heading to the copier. After making enough copy for everyone he puts the permits back and heads to the map room. "I thought I left all this behind when I lost my desk job. When I get back to the hotel I'm getting a rum and coke...hold the coke.
THE Harlequin sets to work coordinating sightings from traffic cams, social media posts and witness accounts, she also asks bullock to pull all of the historical maps of the area so she can make transparencies and overlay them.

Taking a break from record pulling he leans back on his chair. The phone rings and he picks it up answering the harliquin. "All right on it" shakes his head as all the paperwork seems to blur at this point in the day. Takes the last permit and adds it to the stack, heading to the copier. After making enough copy for everyone he puts the permits back and heads to the map room. "I thought I left all this behind when I lost my desk job. When I get back to the hotel I'm getting a rum and coke...hold the coke.

Oddly enough... In the Caesar's complex, in a mall known as "The Playground" there was a store called IT'SUGAR. Once she ran all of the information - after Bullock got back to her - that store was almost an exact geographic center from all of the spots that Nara had spotted for the devices. And, it really made sense. A place called the Playground. At Caesar's Palace, near the epicenter of it all.

@Gands @Sonevar @Drixe @LuckycoolHawk9

Meanwhile... at the Resort with Mariah Dillard...

Dillard was surprisingly receptive, at least at first. Until Stephanie suggested that Dillard lie low and that they, the "Friends of Humanity" show up at her speaking engagement to disrupt it, giving Dillard an easy out.

"I am not running from terrorists. I dealt with bullies worse than that in Harlem." Then, Tockman whispered something to Dillard that seemed to soften her view.

"Fine. But you have to do a PR thing for me. You know I am no friends to the vigilante metahumans - but you guys have a certain reputation that I need to distance myself from, if I'm going to have any shot at political office again. So I need you to set up a fake 'attack' on my car."

"But you're known to be against metahumans publicly too. That won't make any sense."

She grinned. "Yes it will. See, I took over OsCorp and rebranded it UsCorp. Too many people remember the metahuman experimentation that OsCorp did. It will give me an opportunity to come out in a press conference and denounce publicly their prior research."

"I don't quite get it but we can do that, right, Violet?" Stephanie said to Lilly using the fake name they'd decided on for Lilly.


Also, the Irken had plotted the optimal course to find and disarm all of the devices, and was at this moment using the captured devices to try to find a way to disable them remotely, but it didn't appear there was any obvious way to connect them.. to detonate all of them at once - which would need to be done to effectively isolate the island before help could arrive, and the timer... very oddly, didn't seem to be directly connected to the detonator. They were rigged to be detonated by hand. Which meant a larger group, or one very, very fast person.

Of course, unbeknownst to Nara, Arcade and Riddler had access for awhile to a person who could do just that... Live Wire.

@Angelic Fusion
Harvey gathers up the maps and paperwork and heads back to the casino. Stoping by an office supply store he makes proper files for everyone. When finally gets back he hands the pile to who veers in the room and stars for the bar. Texts to the group info in room, if needed call me I'll be at the bar.
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Invader Nara

Ripping Bazzle back into the ship the SIR Unit's extendable arms began to coil back up. "Analyzing ordnance. Computing." Bazzle spoke. Zhoot Cruiser canopy closing the machine's talons sunk into the ground before kicking off. "Disable active camouflage." Nara said taking direct controls. Ship lighting up a three dimensional model began to rise up as the ships route was plotted through nearby buildings. "Analysis complete!" Bazzle said before taking the bomb out. "Wonderful, now disable it." Nara commanded.

Not waiting for anything the Zhoot Cruiser took off. Luckily, Irken technology was far ahead of what she had run into and she had confidence in her ability to pilot the ship. "Assuming direct control." Nara spoke. Putting gloves on her Pak opened and a helmet formed around her head. Merging with the ship, Nara took the reigns in the most direct way.

Flying through the city the ship had more than a few close calls. Fitting through tight spaces and through a parking garage was pushing her luck. "We have arrived. Retrieve the device!" Nara said hands stretching out. The ship deployed several talons as it set down, landing with next to no noise. Despite the noise outside, the parking garage was empty, and quiet.

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