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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I'm always use to playing late teens or early twenties.

Me too! I've never ventured out in age before so I am pretty excited! I agree, it does give them more life experience. More demons. And also more stories for them to tell!! Yay
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I've played different age groups before, though usually younger chars like y'all mentioned. I do like playing mother figures a lot xD. One of my characters, Chani, I usually play her as a 21 year old, but when I played her as a 36 year old, I found it much more satisfying.

My character Meg I've played in all ages as well, ranging from 17 all the way to late forties. ^_^
I've done from 9 years old to around 400...I slowly realized that really young people usually don't give a damn about many things, and really old people usually don't give a damn about many things also.
When you're old enough you start becoming a child again I guess, enlightenment and stuff.
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@Cresion Breezes
Happy very early birthday~

I agree with you there, though I find it's more like... Young people don't care because they do not know, while older people don't care because they know there is little they can do.

Kind of part of growing up, you grow to accept things you do not have the power to change.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I tend to go for mid to late twenties most of the time, some times I dabble into a 30 something character. For me allows it the right amount of hammering my characters on the anvil of life. Also comfort zone is comfy
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I tend to go for mid to late twenties most of the time, some times I dabble into a 30 something character. For me allows it the right amount of hammering my characters on the anvil of life. Also comfort zone is comfy
I have a character that's over 2500 years old... Virgil Khadistasya. I also have Iather, he's over 106,000 years old. So that's a thing.
I have a character that's over 2500 years old... Virgil Khadistasya. I also have Iather, he's over 106,000 years old. So that's a thing.
Just call me wonderbread
My eldest character is from Before Christ era. but I never actually gave him an age. He's a vampire ^^
Good news. I will within a 90% probability have this going come Tuesday. In the mean time I am going to start working on my Helmsman.

Oh @Squee , I did update Jasper's sword with both length and the magic, I don't know if you saw my post earlier. But I hope the updates are good? I know it took me like a year to update it! Ha!
Name: Leif Carbonscale

Age: 29

Gander: Male

Race: Dragoon

Position: Helmsman

Your wish: That he might one day meet a real dragon.

Appearance: Leif stands at 5'11"

Personality: Leif has an obsession with the fantastical. He was raised in Rothendust under the protection of their ethereal guardian, a mystical force said to protect the city. Being a massive city often referred to as "the capital of the world", Rothendust is rich with many cultures and an extensively documented history. While the city was new there were told tales of mighty warriors who saved the city, or doomed it depending on which history book you read, from a tyrannical lord. Leif chooses to believe these warriors were saviors, he even looks up to one in particular as an idol. Being a warrior by blood, Leif loves to consider himself a force to be reckoned with,

In all aspects but combat, Leif is actually rather humble. He does not gamble and refuses to take bets. He does not care for competition nor does he desire to be called a victor of anything. He sees no more value in his own life than anyone elses, because of this he is willing to sacrifice his life for multiple people, however he would very unlikely sacrifice himself for just one other. Friends are easy to come by but you only get one life.

A typical trait of a Dragoon, Leif is very light hearted during play but very serious in times of work. When moments turn south, Leif will be there to drive his allies to victory, directly or not. The task at hand is the only thing that matters.

Weapon(s): Primarily using his own claws and sometimes horns to win a fight, Leif carries a very handy dagger type known as a Sword Breaker. It is 14 inches long and cleverly designed to catch a sword and get it stuck between it's gaps, allowing him to pull the enemys sword towards him and either disarm his foe or pull them towards him should they be foolish enough to hold onto the sword.

Hook and a rope. It is just that, a butchers hook tied onto a rope. This has many uses such as grappling onto surfaces or hooking onto distant enemies and objects. While it lacks any special features, Leif is very good at hitting his mark, making it far more effective than most other weapons for his particular skill set.

Magic: Being a Dragoon, Leifs magic has transformed his body to resemble that of a dragon, but he cannot use magic willingly. Instead, Leif has been given hard scales that act as armor and a body that is full of energy, he can move quickly for very long periods of time, though not incredibly strong without a little aid.

Skills: General mobility would be something Leif considers a skill. Due to his tail, he can balance himself easily and move quickly along narrow surfaces, he can leap great distances with his strong legs, he can swim quickly for a long time, and he can climb most surfaces with his claws. He can win entire fights off of his reaction time and ability to dodge or block an attack.

Being that he is a trained helmsman it should go without saying that Leif has an excellent eye for navigation. Without any landmarks Leif can tell where he is and what time of day it is with a simple look up at the sky. This is in part due to his dragon instinct helping him to know which direction is which, and it very rarely proves wrong.

History: Rothendust, the capital of the world, rich with all races, cultures, and abundant with historical events. It is here that Leif was born. He was always an obedient child, no matter how reluctant he may have been to be so. He worked with his parents for the local market that took supplies in from a shipment that came by river. The crates were usually heavy or just too bulky for most people to move. Fortunately, Dragoons were excellent sources of labor as they had the most stamina of all races with the exception of Espers. They could work long hours with few breaks, and as they were Dragoons, they never complained about a lack of breaks as long as they were allowed to eat and the room for a break was available, regardless of weather or not they would be taking the break.

He had no problem with his family, but he didn't much care for the work they did. While fine with grunt-work, he had an awful curiosity for the sea. In particular he had a curiosity for one of the many legends surrounding the oceans, a legend of a dragon living in the depths of the ocean guarding an island of dragons. While there was absolutely no evidence to support such a beast or island, he was always in love with the idea of facing a real dragon. While it was debunked years ago that dragoons were the descendants of dragons, it was an idea that still fascinated him. Why would dragons exist as an idea if they did not truly exist?

After his schooling was complete, Leif was finally allowed to go on his own. There was no more obligation to follow in his parents footsteps, as was typical Dragoon culture. Raise your child and let them go free to do as they wish in the world, quite contrary to the Kindred cultures. It was then that Leif joined a privateer crew for the nation of Vardēśa, his home country. This crew taught him a lot of the skills required for him to eventually be a skilled navigator, but for the most part he remained as nothing more than a deck hand, manning the ropes and taking care of the equipment, cannons and sails included. Being a Dragoon he had the advantage of rarely growing tired, even in the heat of the sun with sweat pouring down his body. It was hard work, but rewarding as he got to see many strange sights, came across countless unexplored islands, and made port to enjoy the company of any women that could stand his rough scales.

Life was good, but it didn't take long for Leif to realize he'd fallen under the same routine monotony his parents had also indulged in. He'd just been a man at sea occasionally raiding the ship of an opposing nation. Sure, he'd learned a lot of skills, but it would get him no further than he was now. Of course, this did not deter him from working for his crew, he had a sense of loyalty and duty to them. One night, however, things would change. The usual routine of finding trade ships, raiding them, and then paying Vardēśa for their freedom had been broken. This time they were pirates, the infamous Daydream Raiders, no doubt seeking their goods. It was rather surprising as these pirates killed as few men as possible but managed to get away with as many goods as they could carry.

It would be 3 years later that Leifs crew would make port at the same place the Daydream Raiders would also make port mere hours later. He was able to recognize the ship, the flag, and the many notable crew members. Confronting the crews captain in a local tavern, Leif asked to join the crew, expressing that he was more than capable of pulling his weight at sea. While the captain was skeptical to let him join, the Quartermaster had almost immediately invited him, reminding the captain for their need of a man capable of operating the helm. While not the ideal job for Leif, it would regardless be one he would thoroughly enjoy over his current monotony, especially after learning of this crews primary purpose. Perhaps he will one day see the dragon of legend.
Oh @Squee , I did update Jasper's sword with both length and the magic, I don't know if you saw my post earlier. But I hope the updates are good? I know it took me like a year to update it! Ha!
Yeah I saw it and I had no problems with it!
Yeah I saw it and I had no problems with it!


Also, A+ character! Leif seems great! You make some awesome characters! It's going to be fun writing with you!

All of you guys too! Everyone is so well spoken and creative! :)
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Also, A+ character! Leif seems great! You make some awesome characters! It's going to be fun writing with you!
D'aww thanks, I look forward to working with you, too!

I think I have everyone edited into the first page on our roster...if I forgot anyone, yell at me please.
*Yells anyway*

Y'know O.O after reading Leif's sheet, I kinda want to make a dragoon ^_^'
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Lavender Lights
Y'know O.O after reading Leif's sheet, I kinda want to make a dragoon ^_^'
I fully support this idea.

I made Leif have room for romance as well, but I'm not really out to pursue it, so we'll have to see how well he hits it off with other characters.
Why thankies ^^ A few ideas popping in my head.
I have a Dragoon character who has had all of his teeth removed and replaced with Esper teeth, his horns have been cut off and fashioned into daggers, where his horns were are crafted Esper horns, he wears dead Esper armor, and intentionally removed one of his eyes to have it replaced with an Esper eye. He considers himself the only halfbreed between an Esper...and he's kind of right.

Just thought I'd share.
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Name: Klein Ullyr Green
Age: 26
Gander: Male
Race: Human
Position: Gunner
Your wish: To kill his rival clan off.
Height: 6'0''
Body Type: Low fat and medium to high muscle. Body is slimmer than most individuals as strong as him. This makes his striking strength lower than his lifting strength, thus the claw and various blades. However, being this lightweight he is able to make much more nimble moves that he couldn't have if he were heavier. He is mostly proportionate, favoring leg more than torso.
Notable Marks: He has the marks of both clans on his back making him a runt of the litters and his body is covered in scars. The arm that is exposed is the only unmarked thing on him.
Apparel not in the picture: There is a hood that continues the split pattern of his shirt that he can pull up and he has a black fukumen mask that covers his mouth and lower nose.

Klein's personality is a little warped. His exterior boasts a child-like mindset and a fun loving spirit, but the demon within the shell of the child facade hungers for blood. Most things he does he purposely makes them appear cute or innocent to throw suspicion away from him, but he would like nothing more than to just kill for the sake of doing so. It's rather insane really. However, he isn't insane and is capable of behaving in society and keeping his tongue from licking his lips 24/7. He has a sense of etiquette and table manners which is indeed odd, but true. He has the capacity to understand others' feelings and his bloodlust is not a disease he cannot control. All things considered he keeps in check, but when the fighting starts and the adrenaline gets pumping its hard to pull him out of it.

Klein is also smart, even when he starts acting psychotic, killing everything in sight. He plans most things out, a trait that can be attributed to his training, and knows when he is at a disadvantage. Like most men, when they are faced with death, they will contort their beliefs until saving their lives makes sense. It is no different for Klein, so one shouldn't expect him to go down with a burning ship for the sake of a fight. And he really wouldn't put his life on the line for someone he considers beneath his skill level or who lacks courage. These people irritate him and he would love to just shove his hand through their chest.

Weapon(s): On Klein's right hand is a black metal claw. Each piece of the claws' fingers are made as sharp enough to pierce a man's body (if done correctly) so that it can cut and stab. Gonna call it a 17° edge. However, the palm of the claw is left flat so that Klein can make a fist when necessary. The claws' bladed edges extend over joints so Klein cannot bring his fingers all the way back, the farthest he is capable of bending them backwards is until they are level with his palm.

On his waist is a tachi sword, a sword known for its rectangle like shape ruined by the slanted point on its end. It can be imagined as a longer and skinnier butcher's knife. It is a signature tool for an assassin such as Klein since the blade is just shorter than a sabre's and not normally curved, Klein's is not curved. This is worn on his right side to make it easier to grab with his left hand.

Hidden under the drapes of his attire is a dirk on either leg. These have been custom made to match his outfit and are as long as half his forearm.

Magic: Push Back. The user taps into their inner energy to knock opponents around them onto their bottoms. Those strong enough often resist the full push back effect and are merely pushed away as if a harsh gale moved them. The move is not very showy, but it often blurs the view of Klein making the sphere of energy protecting him obvious.

Skills: Killing people. Killing animals. Killing. Klein is well versed in what kills, hurts, and is just plain torture. However, this is not medical or scientific. He could not tell you about the heart or muscles, but he could take a wood cut out of a person and label where to hit them.

Operating most weapons and systems, but not to the degree he is able to handle his main articles. With most of his training being improv he just forced himself to learn in the spur of the moment by trial and error. So, he is no excellent shot with a rifle, but he knows to point and shoot and when it comes to navigating a ship he can't read a map well enough to navigate on the seas, but he can remember if he has passed a rock before and the general direction of his destination.

He is an expert with his main articles and is not afraid to be showy with them. He is a dangerous man with his tachi and claw.

Most things that would be considered a stealthy or agile action, such as lock-picking or trailing he can do very easily. With them being the main part of his job it is not that hard for him to accomplish these tasks.

However, beyond tasks that assist in the battlefield he has no non-combat skills. I mean he could cook if his life depended on it, but I doubt even he'd like what he made. He is a fast learner though and does not require a vast understanding to get the gist of something long enough for someone to deal with something else of higher importance.

Ages~0 to 7
Klein's childhood was spent in the wilderness with his clan of assassins. They were not cavemen though, they had housing and organization out in the boonies. As a kid in that environment he grew up to be quite adventurous and pretty fearless when it came to most things. In the beginning he had his quirks such as being scared of the dark or snakes, but as time went on he grew tired of fearing these things with them being his daily and grew to enjoy their presence. Which disturbed most people because they only thought he'd get over it, not love it. No more thought was given to the matter though and Klein was allowed a happy childhood playing games with the other kids in the village.

Ages~8 to 13
When he was of age he started training in the martial arts with his peers. He was never the best at the traditional art, but he picked up quickly, much quicker than others giving him time to perfect his art in a way that worked for him. But, it didn't matter since most of their training consisted of fighting each other so that they could learn from experience rather than technique. The goal from this style of teaching was to eliminate reliance on skill and focus their attention on taking down their opponents by any means necessary. No one was better at this than the merciless Klein. Dirt in the eyes, feints, disabling via incredibly painful hits or lucky pressure point shots, even throat and groin shots if he deemed it necessary. His fighting style was dirty, but effective so it went unquestioned. This encouraged him to fight more and more until it became an addiction. Even though they wanted to show him that he wouldn't always be forced into a duel and many times have to fight multiple foes, Klein was too focused on how he could do the most damage to a singular opponent. This made him a fierce predator, but a terrible fighter.

Ages~14 to 18
Klein would finally learn his lesson in what his life entailed when he started shadowing assassins who went out on jobs to support the village. While shadowing them he often watched as they kicked everyone's ass, but also as they were fiercely overpowered. He learned that as a human he had limits and sought to conquer those limits. So, he did something very disturbing and started sneaking away from the village to assassinate animals that were much larger than men and slaughtering them. Wolf pack? Why not? A bear? Bring it on! The child showed no fear or respect for life. From what he killed he'd just leave it there and move on. The village realized they had created a monster and revised their training to be more controlled. They were no longer allowed to just fight and this obviously didn't sit well with Klein so he picked fights or enticed others to challenge him at night. He was dropping bodies left and right. The village could take no more and cast him out at sixteen. Klein then traveled to a rival clan and vowed to kill those that cast him out.

Ages~19 to 23
Klein was taught in the ways of this clan and they taught him how to behave and other useful things such as magic and lock-picking. Klein enjoyed learning these things and he had finally become an assassin with a balanced bloodlust and self-control, but his sociopath tendencies always seemed to bloom whenever he was given the chance to fight, even as training. He just wanted to kill and the clan recognized this and started sending him out on mission after mission, deciding that they couldn't change how he was raised and he would learn his skills through experience rather than training. He started to gain the name of "Cute Death" among his peers due to his killing streak and how he was so kind around them.

Ages~23 to 26
Klein's old clan decided that his rampage must end. He was a disgrace in their eyes, but he really was just good at killing and this brought more business to Klein's new clan. Using their ideals -- which he knew did not exist -- as a cover for their pride they initiated war with Klein's clan. Klein found himself often caught in the crossfire which messed with his killing which really pissed him off. He then started assisting his clan in killing the other clan, but saw this feud going nowhere. He returned to doing jobs while other warriors fought. One job led him to a bay where he quickly eviscerated a crew of fifteen. He then noticed a fancy letter on the table in the captain's quarters. Upon reading it he learned about the relic and saw a way to end the war and return to getting paid to kill.

[I feel that he is so combat oriented that I should explicitly state some weaknesses. If you think this is necessary then let me know please.]
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