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Hello, this is me trying to sneaky sneak sneak my way into this wonderful looking RP.

Name: Rán

Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Position: Carpenter & part time lookout
Your wish: To feel as at home on land as she does under the water.

Appearance: Rán is relatively tall at 5ft 10. This combined with her narrow, lean build means that some in the past have speculated that she may be part berserker. Her back is covered in an assortment of crisscrossing scars that she has collected from various beatings over the years. On the inside of her left forearm there is a circular scar in the design of her former owners brand (a crude image of a boxing hare), although this is almost always covered by a tatty leather bracer.

Personality: Initially coming off as a rather timid and shy creature, Rán will struggle to meet a stranger's gaze, yields easily to authority and is more than happy to let someone else dominate a conversation. She will talk about herself willingly enough if someone asks, but she is somewhat cagier with her opinions, preferring to give diplomatic non-answers rather than picking a side or position.

Anyone that follows Rán into the water will see a different side to her. The quiet girl will seem to melt away and be replaced by someone much more relaxed and carefree. In the immediate aftermath of a dive she can become somewhat loquacious about will talk about what she saw at some length. The joy she feels in the water has a dark edge as the only substitute she has found for the feeling she gets deep under the waves on land is booze, of which some may feel she is overly fond.

Fishing spear: A light wooden meter long shaft with four barbed metal spikes on the end. Really this is for use on fish but it is the only weapon the Rán truly feels comfortable with.
Dagger: A small dagger with a blade not much more than two inches and the handle is made of cord bound around the tang. This blade is well maintained and kept in a leather pouch sewn on to her bracer.
Spadroon: A cheap and nasty blade of some 26 and a half inches, made from poor quality steel that has mostly been used to poke fires and cut meat. Rán owns this blade for show, figuring that a person with a sword on their hip will attract significantly less hassle than someone without one.

Stealthy: Sneaking around her owner's estate taught Rán important and sometimes painful lessons about how not to be seen.
Diver: Rán is just as at home if not more so in water than on terra firma. Depths of 400ft are within comfortable reach for her.
Fisher: Fishing from under the surface gives Rán the advantage that she can see her quarry, it is however much harder work than more common fishing methods.
Creative booze producer: Wherever people are gathered together someone will find something to ferment in an old boot and distil in a kettle. That person is normally Rán. Drink anything offered by her with extreme caution.

Magic: None

The child of a slave mother and an unknown farther, Rán was born in a land far from any that she could call kin. In spite of the circumstance of her early years, the few memories that Rán has of that time are warm ones of hanging on her mother's ankle or splashing around in sea. The only cloud in these memories were the large quiet men that could silence anyone with just a glare and still scare her to this day.

In the dying days of summer one year this mostly happy existence was brought to a sudden end when it was decided that Rán was now big enough to work for her place on the estate. The transition was tough for her to understand and even with her mother's patient explanations of why she could no longer play and explore as she wished. Rán endured multiple thrashings for breaking a litany of rules before she began to knuckle under the new regime.

At the first the jobs she was tasked with mostly involved helping her mother and some of the other woman with the domestic chores needed to keep their owner's vast estate running. However, at some point the young girls comfort in and around the sea was noticed and Rán was reassigned to helping the pearl divers. At first she merely helped carry and sort the collected oysters on the beach but as she grew she started to help on the boats before sometime after her eleventh winter being trained to start collecting the oysters from the seabed.

Immersion into this new world filled a void in Rán that she had barely realised had existed. The world under the waves felt like the home that she had never had. Out of reach of the master's men and their canes she felt as if she belonged to herself, if only for a few minutes. Yearning for more time away from the world of men Rán threw herself into diving and over following years became prised by her master for her unmatched ability to retrieve oysters from the deepest beds.

For the majority of her adolescence, life seem good to Rán. Her talent brought benefits as she was protected from harsher punishments or being sold on as many of her
contemporaries were and was even given a small private room in the slave quarters to share with her mother. Additionally, her talent for being underwater meant that learning to hunt fish provided only a small challenge for Rán. She was even able to teach some of the other slaves how to do it in exchange for being taught skills such as brewing and how to move around the estate without being caught by the guards.

As she grew into being a woman it dawned on her how precarious the life that she had manage to chisel out for herself was. After a particularly poor year nearly half of the people that Rán worked with were sold onto various new owners and she realised that if she wanted a life that was truly her own then she needed to be free. Over the next year she stashed away as many pearls as she could without arousing suspicious while at the same time forming an illicit relationship with one of the estate guards. One night when she was convinced she had enough saved pearls she got her "lover" blind drunk, stole his keys and after meeting her mother in a pre-arranged spot, absconded by stealing one of the pearling boats and sailing out into the night.

At the first port they reached they abandoned the little boat and bought passage on the first ship they saw about to leave the harbour. They repeated this choice at the next handful of ports, until finally both mother and daughter were satisfied that any men chasing the pair would be too far behind to ever find them. Using the rest of the stolen pearls to buy a small house the pair settled down and tried to build a whole new life. Her mother settled into freedom almost offensively easily taking a job as a house servant with a local merchant whereas Rán struggled much more. It was a challenge to find and keep any employment that she could stomach and was so scared of letting slip her escapee status that she drew deep into herself.

It was while she was drinking away her woes after losing a job that she heard a ship's captain talking about the difficulties of trying to salvage cargo from a wrecked ship. After buoying up confidence with a few more drinks she approached the captain and offered her services. The salvager was hesitant at first but when Rán proposed that she worked as general hand as well for free the man relented and said she could join his crew when he set sail in a couple of days.

It was from this initial voyage that she began to scratch out a way to earn coin. The salvager was pleased when his new recruit's skills proved fruitful and hired her on several more times. The more she sailed the more she competent she became as a general hand. When she was offered more pay by a different captain she took the opportunity and from then on she flitted from ship to ship as they needed her. To this day she isn't quite sure why she signed onto the crew of The Daydream Raider but she knew it just felt right when she made her mark in the space under the sentence
"I agree to the rules my captain has set forth.
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Hey there new person :D
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Hey all *waves enthusiasticly. Ive got a handful of hours between shifts so im going to try and get this to a point where even if its not 100% finished Squee can tell me exactly where to shove it critique it.

Yep, hullo to the new person.

W-wait, no magic :0. That's pretty rare.
If you mean OoC-ly I'm not a huge fan of writing magic (although I do quite enjoy other players magic), I do do it occasionally but my penchant is for not magical characters. If you mean IC-ly if our glorious and benevolent overseer will allow it id prefer it that way but I'm ameanable to having some magic.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Hey all *waves enthusiasticly. Ive got a handful of hours between shifts so im going to try and get this to a point where even if its not 100% finished Squee can tell me exactly where to shove it critique it.

If you mean OoC-ly I'm not a huge fan of writing magic (although I do quite enjoy other players magic), I do do it occasionally but my penchant is for not magical characters. If you mean IC-ly if our glorious and benevolent overseer will allow it id prefer it that way but I'm ameanable to having some magic.
It's actually not rare for someone to not study magic in this world. Most every-day people would barely use magic since it's very costly and takes a lot of training, meaning even if you intended on using it to do daily chores, you'd still be passable for a powerful wizard since it takes significantly less energy and focus to do those dishes yourself. So yeah, that's fine by me.
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since it takes significantly less energy and focus to do those dishes yourself.
O.O I'd still use magic to do the dishes!
So yeah I did not get to posting anything before work, but now its all there in the 98% finished form, theres one or two awkward sentence I might tweak but the meaning will stay the same, also another spelling and grammar check with fresh eyes is due. @Squee
Heyo, droppin' by to say I am still around. Hope everyone has been doing well.

Do we have an ETA on when the story will get started, no pressure, I'm just very eager to get going. I know manning a rp by yourself is tough, been there myself. If you need help bro just let me know, I will do whatever I can to help.
So yeah I did not get to posting anything before work, but now its all there in the 98% finished form, theres one or two awkward sentence I might tweak but the meaning will stay the same, also another spelling and grammar check with fresh eyes is due. @Squee
I will start reading it after I've changed into comfortable clothing and winded down a bit.
Heyo, droppin' by to say I am still around. Hope everyone has been doing well.

Do we have an ETA on when the story will get started, no pressure, I'm just very eager to get going. I know manning a rp by yourself is tough, been there myself. If you need help bro just let me know, I will do whatever I can to help.
I keep wanting to start it but then someone signs up while I'm still working on our helmsman x.x I'm probably going to put up the IC on my next day off just to give myself time to breathe and relax while I figure out how to work in the introduction, since IMO that's the hardest part.
Age: 26…….probably
Our characters don't need to know a definitive age but I do. You never know what information could be relevant!
Position: Carpenter (Lookout?)
Primarily a Carpenter, secondary a lookout? I'm ok with this, just be expected to man the ropes once in a while.
lean build means that some in the past have speculated that she may be part berserker.
I'm assuming she isn't actually given it's not listed in race.
Spadroon: A cheap and nasty blade made from poor quality steel that has mostly been used to poke fires and cut meat. Rán owns this blade for show, figuring that a person with a sword on their hip will attract significantly less hassle than someone without one.
Aside from Spadroon being an extremely fun word, does the sword have an estimated length?
Diver: Rán is just as at home if not more so in water than on terra firma. Depths of 100ft are within comfortable reach for her.
I like this skill I just have one problem with it. 100 feet? Scuba organizations say recreational, non-professional divers should go no lower than 130 feet. Given her homeliness in water and her likelihood of practicing this and the fact that this is fantasy so fuck it I'd say 150-170 feet is a more likely depth provided she can hold her breath for long enough, which could also be achieved with a little help from an outside source, like maybe a diving bell. That being said, the real world record is actually 1,000 feet, so a diving bell could likely get her a LOT deeper than 100 feet. That said, this is a world record, so we can assume this guys not an ordinary dude. He also coughed up a lot of blood and needed immediate medical attention.

In short, amp this up a bit, it's lacking as a notable skill right now. This should be helpful. Dive! Dive! Dive!

EDIT: looking into it I found an article that says most professional free divers don't go past 400 feet.
Creative booze producer: Wherever people are gathered together someone will find something to ferment in an old boot and distil in a kettle. That person is normally Rán. Drink anything offered by her with extreme caution.
You and Saethos will get along just fine.
I don't have any problems with this history. It does, however, more solidify my request to amp up your diving skill. She's been doing this her whole life, she very likely knows how to dive very effectively. Also, I feel like the first time she sees Saethos go full-serious (VERY rare occurrence) she will be absolutely terrified. A hulking 6'7" Berserker holding an axe the size of him using his Kingslayer stance is pretty scary...It's called Kingslayer for a reason.
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Ok numbers because quote are a pain in my phone

1&2: ok, yup
3: yeah, she's human as they come, although like her age IC-ly she has no idea, not that it bothers her at all.
4: I'm opt for 26.5 inches, possibly a little short for her but she has no idea what she doing with it and probbably got it at SWORDS R US anyway
6: @Greenie Rinata should probbably open stangely placed cooking vessels with caution
7: Saethos is going to slightly scare her anyway. He is pretty much the shape of people who haunts her nightmares but with jauntier clothing...and an axe
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4: I'm opt for 26.5 inches, possibly a little short for her but she has no idea what she doing with it and probbably got it at SWORDS R US anyway
That is relatively short but very believable, pirates often shortened their blades so to maneuver them on deck without the rocking of the ship throwing you off balance and accidentally cutting an ally.
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6: @Greenie Rinata should probbably open stangely placed cooking vessels with caution
Depending on how long Ran's been around, Rinata's either going to be pissed, somewhat exasperated, or amused with a shake of her head.
Depending on how long Ran's been around, Rinata's either going to be pissed, somewhat exasperated, or amused with a shake of her head.
Thats the one thing im still chewing over although id geuss its slightly easier for me as R is poorer in years then anyone else as it stands.

Also if people care for this sort of thing: The mean age of the crew is 40.5 with a median of 35.5 and the mean height of the crew is 167.8 cm (5'5ish) with a median of 171.5 cm (5'6ish)

I like excel a lot
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Rin's my age. :'D

*feels like a fossil*
I actually love that most our characters are older, gives them weight in terms of back story and likely a lot of personal demons that they must overcome.

I'm always use to playing late teens or early twenties.
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I'm going to turn 16 in two weeks.
I'm a baby : l
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