• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
This takes place waaaay after the other one, the first roleplay should be considered a fun fact, really. Either way, think 1650's.

And thanks, I appreciate the compliment!
You're quite welcome.

What crew is left to fill? I see Greenie shied away from the carpenter. I could take that. Would you prefer a male or female?

You're quite welcome.

What crew is left to fill? I see Greenie shied away from the carpenter. I could take that. Would you prefer a male or female?
@Sanctus said something about playing the captain so I marked it as reserved unless you two want to discuss it.

Other than that we have Gunner and Carpenter positions (Can really have any number of these). Helmsman position is open as well, but I can also allow a position I haven't listed, such as the Sailing Master, arguably the worst job on a pirate ship...
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Cabin boy :'D Heehee.

*slinks away to pack up* Finally work DONE :'D
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I'd have to go study to type a sail master, so maybe not. Lol. I can do the carpenter, though I dare say he'd have other duties as well for when nothing needed fixed. Probably swabbing the deck or hoisting and lowering sails, snickers~

I should be able to put something together tonight.
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I have a problem.

My bio for my character is hella long.

My god.
I would never call that a problem. Long means detail which means thought which (usually) means good.
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It's always a problem for me because I am lazy ish. Although when I get writing I end up going over.

Say, Squee, would you say the crew is mostly new, or is it okay if they've been there for a few years?
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I would never call that a problem. Long means detail which means thought which (usually) means good.

I hope it is good. But I've noticed in my writing when it is long it is either detailed or it is rambling. XD But I feel pretty good about her bio soooo far.
pirate elf carpenter.jpg

Name: Arryn Venxina
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Position: Carpenter
Your wish: A cure for the 'disease' that will eventually kill her.

Appearance: She had odd black discolorations on parts of her back, legs, arms. She has a nasty scar on her left hand from the slip of an ax. She is 5 feet tall and weighs about 120 pounds. In spite of her size she is quite strong.

Personality: Arryn is cheerful and vibrant. her intelligence in not something she generally makes common knowledge but those she trusts, which are not many, will see that side of her through her wit and honest assessment of anything that might be pertinent. She can be charming and witty, but is usually in her work space creating something of use. She is diligent and hard working as well, and is somewhat of a perfectionist.

Arryn is also not someone who is easily known, as she doesn't generally tell others about herself. She is a good listener though, so many would count her as a friend, without actually knowing much about her. She has an extremely high tolerance of physical pain, which explains why not many people are aware of the 'disease' that plagues her.

Weapon(s): Longbow, compound bow and metal tipped arrows with coded fletchings (Some of her arrows are magically imbued with arcane magic) She uses the feathered fletching to distinguish what spell has been woven into the creation of the arrow. She has fire, ice, and exploding arrows as well as armor piercing. Each has a different color fletching. She does have a cutlass and a well honed dagger, but she only uses those when she has no other recourse.

Magic: Arcane fire and ice, booming arrow, detect traps, farsight, minor and major healing

Skills: Gifted artisan. can craft most anything with wood, including duplicating something that already exists. can also paint and draw, but that is not something she readily shares. Excellent shot with a bow, and is a good hunter. Her magical ability to detect traps has kept not only herslef but others alive on various occasions.

History: Arryn was born into a kind and large family. They were not overly wealthy nor poor. her father was a respected herbalist and her mother a healer. She has 10 siblings, 3 sisters and 7 brothers. she is the youngest daughter and next to youngest child overall. She had a very happy childhood, and was her father's favorite.

When she was a young lady, barely into her teenage years (which is much older than humans but is still young for their race), her mother was murdered by a man who blamed her for not healing his wife. Her father still has the same shop he had then but with each passing year draws more and more into himself as the will and light of life has left him. This was when she first became interested in working with wood to build and create things. her grief over the loss of her mother in such a way ate at her, and she had a lot of aggression and anger to fuel the work. She learned fast and has a talent for it, that was easily seen and recognized by others. She was soon adding to the family's fortunes with her carvings and furniture pieces.

She completed all of her schooling as well as two apprenticeships before finishing those teen years. She had worked under both a carpenter, and an acrane magician. She absorbed as much as both could teach her and was a favorite student to both teachers for her ready mind and willingness to do extra and stay longer. She had no friends aside from these two teachers at this time, and her family. She stayed extremely isolated during this process so that she could focus on her lessons and work.

The years of her early twenties were full of work and work and work. her father's heath had begun to fade and most of her older siblings had left home to start their own families and seek their own fortune. She cared for him as best she could, but her main contributions were in the form of money into the household. Her youngest brothers were lazy idle sorts, though they claimed to be gathering herbs for their father, she knew otherwise. Soon even they were gone and left on herself and her father. He passed away two years ago. He went to sleep and she assumed he chose not to wake up. he was far to young for a natural elvin death. With nothing left to hold her to that specific place, she went out into the world and soon discovered it to be a place of deceit, prejudice, and cruelty. She had the misfortune during her travels to come into contact with a gypsy woman, who promised her wealth and health if she would agree to build a new wagon. She built the wagon and even helped the older woman move her person belongings into it. The gypsy wagon disappeared the next day and the place it had occupied held just a box. When she opened it, thinking it to be payment for her services, it was instead filled with small insects, she had never seen before. The insects bit her many times before fleeing. she woke some time later sick to her stomach and covered in hives and angry red splotchy patches on her skin. She sought out many healers, but all of them told her the same, that they had no idea what had been done to her, or how to cure it.

At present she is aboard a ship seeking out the wish in hopes of ending this curse. She is serving as a ships carpenter and jack of all trades. She does not mind the work, and it is a small thing to travel in this way for the chance to be free...completely free of this curse or whatever it was.

I agree to the rules my captain has set forth.
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Name: Saethos Lortalor

Age: 51

Gander: Male

Race: Human/Berserker

Position: First Mate and Quartermaster

Your wish: To be reunited with that which he's lost.

Appearance: Saethos stands at 6'7" tall

Personality: In a word, Saethos can be described as merry. He is loud, drinks a lot, and treats everyone like a friend no matter how bad the blood between them may be, which can sometimes be obnoxious. He's a rather simple man, life is a party and he intends on celebrating it. Being as charismatic as he is, Saethos is very easy to make friends with. A trusting smile and hearty laugh can make it very difficult to hate him. He would consider it a skill of his to cheer people up when they are down.

It's rare that Saethos isn't smiling, but he knows the few occasions in which he should hide his smile and put on a more serious face. When a comrade is down on their luck or someone has hit rock bottom he knows just what it takes to pick them up and help them take the first step to a better life. This was the trait that made Saethos earn his position as First Mate. The former captain was very fond of Saethos and his ability to rally anyone to their cause. That captain, however, has passed.

Weapon(s): Being proficient in all melee weapons, Saethos carries 3 weapons and many tools.

The first weapon is a standard pirate cutlass, built slightly shorter than a standard issue cutlass at 26 inches long. There is nothing remarkable about that sword.

The second weapon is a pike, though he rarely uses it in a battle against other men. It's more of a hunting tool at 4 feet long on the handle and a 1 foot blade. Great for throwing and very useful at fending off beasts.

The third weapon is a halberd, though this weapon is far more than any normal weapon. It's massive and the sheer size of it makes it near impossible to realistically use on a ship and is therefor almost exclusively used inland unless for a special occasion. Crafted by Espers made specifically to compliment Saethos's massive strength and ridiculous fighting style as it gains power based on his foes own, this Halberd is the signature weapon for this man. An enchanted sapphire sequence fells everything but the edges that glows a serene blue, the blade itself is 3 feet and viciously serrated. The handle is 6 feet long and the butt spike is 9 inches long, making the weapon alltogether taller than Saethos. It would be impractical if used by anyone that wasn't Saethos.

Aside from his 3 major arms, Saethos carries many smaller weapons that are more frequently used as tools. He carries a Dirk, a boarding axe, and a remarkably weak crossbow.

Magic: Considered a traditional magic in Valhalla, Saethos knows Aura Stance Magic, a special kind of magic learnable by all races aside from Dragoons that has different effects on every user. Saethos only has 3 stances, a below average amount, but very effective regardless.

Paragon Stance: Shifting is aura into a defensive stance makes his body naturally resist attacks and in a rare occurrence he has 2 variations of this stance. One variation fends off anything striking him and the other fends off magical attacks making contact with him. While this can sometimes make him seem invulnerable to attacks he is actually not much more powerful than he normally would be with armor. Once he takes 1 strike or blow from magic his aura collapses for a brief period, the duration varying on many factors but it has never been shorter than 45 seconds

Witch Hunter Stance: Technically speaking this stance works better for battling magic users than Paragon stance as it allows him to use his hands to catch magical energies, this includes fire and water conjured by magic, and redirect the spells to his desired target. Unfortunately, this stance has a very short uptime and is highly impractical for any fights that last longer than 2 minutes as once it falls off he can't use any stances for a short while.

Kingslayer Stance: Within Aura Stance Magic there exists a very powerful stance for every individual that learns it that is considered their final aura as it is very frequently the last aura obtained, unique to the individual. In the case of Saethos, he earned the Kingslayer Stance. This powerful stance grants Saethos immense strength on top of his already massive strength. The air around him begins to feel thick and makes the wind calm. His body becomes resilient to impact and crushing, though still vulnerable yo magic and cutting/piercing weapons. Lastly, he gains the ability to ground himself to whatever surface he stands on and turn himself into an almost literal immovable object. He can hold this aura stance for the duration of most fights, however after it falls he feels every impact and crushing blow that he resisted all at once, making it very dangerous to be reckless.

Skills: Drinking may not typically be called a skill but if one could somehow manage to out-drink him they would be a legend among ales. Incidentally his favorite drink is a spiced brew titled as "The Famous Ol' Spiced" and he will always pick this over any other drinks

Being a charismatic and lively person he is also rather good at bartering, often able to squeeze a bit of extra money out of a deal.

History: Born of a Berserker father and Human mother, Saethos has only 1 sibling, a younger brother named Argenesis. Though Argenesis is only his brother by his mothers side they still act like pure brothers. When Saethos was 3 his father and mother divorced and his father made his way to live in a new area, leaving Saethos behind. His mother eventually remarried but the elf she married was not what Saethos was willing to accept as his father, even if the man made his mother and brother happy. He never harbored any resentment for his step-father, he had just hoped to someday be reunited with his actual father.

Growing up in Valhalla, the arts of war were very relevant in their culture and Saethos was no exception. Though he was skilled with ranged weapons, he never had good enough aim to take on throwing weapons or ranged weapons such as bows, arrows, guns, throwing knives, or throwing axes. Even still, his natural skill with pikes, swords, halberds, handaxes, and gauntlets earned him a promising future in Valhalla. Proud of his abilities, he had decided to take this level of skill to the military.

Argenesis, his little brother, always looked up to him but he could never reach Saethos in armed combat. Instead, he chose to hone his skills as a mage. With nothing but support from Saethos, he eventually joined the military as well in an attempt to bond with his older brother. Argenesis found it a bit frustrating when people treated him like a child compared to Saethos however it was also hard to refute being a child when standing next to that goliath of a man. Further enhancing the comparison was the promotion Saethos received to captain of a squadron Argenesis was part of.

While Saethos took great happiness in his promotion, he took greater happiness in the woman he'd been spending much of his time with. They met when they were kids and at age 19 they became far more serious, considering their relationship to be a rather romantic one. It was 4 years after, when they were 23, that Saethos received his promotion and in the ecstasy of it all proposed to her. She said yes. The way it was, Saethos was at the top of the mountain called life. He was not only the leader of a squadron, but his brother was in it, and the love of his life agreed to marry him.

The only problem was that when you're on top of the world, the fall to the bottom hurts that much more. Not everyone took joy in the promotion Saethos earned, particularly another member of the same squadron Saethos and Argenesis were in. He had been trying to get the leader position for years before Saethos came onto the scene and he almost had it until the prodigy showed up. It was even more infuriating that someone younger than he got the position. A plan was devised. The squadron were set to raid a cavern known to be inhabited by vicious monsters that had been raiding nearby settlements. It was here that Djiark poisoned the water supplies with a paralyzing toxin. An autopsy would not be done if people saw no more than beast slashes and bites, should there even be any remains to find.

Saethos came victim to the poison as well, but he had held off his food and drink for the sake of time. He was large and it took a higher dose than he'd actually had to take him down, though it did slow him down significantly. They never arrived at their destination, they were simply left for dead, and most of them would die. Saethos took up arms and managed to kill every beast that attacked his squadron, but not without casualties. Some bodies were maimed too far for them to stand, that is if they even survived the initial attack. Even still, he refused to leave any behind, dead or alive, and placed the 2 dead bodies on a supply sled they brought to pull supplies over the snow. 2 severely wounded men were also set to lay on the sled while Argenesis had his arm slung around Saethos, who was pulling the sled and carrying the weight of Argenesis. After the third day, Argenesis died. Bleeding out and facing a fever without the proper medical attention. By the 8th day, the other 2 injured men and also died. For the next 9 days after Saethos would continue to drag the 5 dead bodies back to Valhalla to give them a proper burial.

Shattered by his squadrons betrayal and the death of his brother, exhausted from a 17 day drip carrying 5 dead bodies, struggling to stand from food deprivation, Saethos arrived home in tears. But he had more bad news coming. Word of Saethos' death had already arrived home. His fiance was badly hurt from the news and only 1 day prior to his arrival she had taken her own life. His mother left Valhalla to escape the constant reminders of her lost sons. Saethos had nothing. He collapsed to the ground, unable to cry, unable to breathe, and unable to blink. Everything and everyone he loved was gone. From here, Saethos would fall into severe depression, spending hours at a time drunk to dull the pain. This depression would last 3 years, unshaven, unbathed, and without any money that didn't find itself spend on a drink.

His depression would not cease until a rowdy crew of privateers arrived at a bar he'd spent much of his time at. They were regulars and he'd even gained the sympathy of the captain from his story. He was invited to join the Daydream Raiders as a deckhand many times before, but it wouldn't be until 3 years had passed that he'd finally take them up on this offer. At first, it was difficult to keep balance, not from his drunkenness but rather from the rocking of the ship at sea. Still, he'd eventually became the first mate and quartermaster which pleased the crew, he was a fitting choice. The captain he'd grown fond of, however, died in battle. The crew initially elected Saethos to be captain, but he refused to accept the position. Since he joined at age 26 he's been a notable member of the crew
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It's always a problem for me because I am lazy ish. Although when I get writing I end up going over.

Say, Squee, would you say the crew is mostly new, or is it okay if they've been there for a few years?
Saethos has been a crew member for 25 years :P
View attachment 125836

Name: Arryn Venxina
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Position: Carpenter
Your wish: A cure for the 'disease' that will eventually kill her.

Appearance: She had odd black discolorations on parts of her back, legs, arms. She has a nasty scar on her left hand from the slip of an ax. She is 5 feet tall and weighs about 120 pounds. In spite of her size she is quite strong.

Personality: Arryn is cheerful and vibrant. her intelligence in not something she generally makes common knowledge but those she trusts, which are not many, will see that side of her through her wit and honest assessment of anything that might be pertinent. She can be charming and witty, but is usually in her work space creating something of use. She is diligent and hard working as well, and is somewhat of a perfectionist.

Arryn is also not someone who is easily known, as she doesn't generally tell others about herself. She is a good listener though, so many would count her as a friend, without actually knowing much about her. She has an extremely high tolerance of physical pain, which explains why not many people are aware of the 'disease' that plagues her.

Weapon(s): Longbow, compound bow and metal tipped arrows with coded fletchings (Some of her arrows are magically imbued with arcane magic) She uses the feathered fletching to distinguish what spell has been woven into the creation of the arrow. She has fire, ice, and exploding arrows as well as armor piercing. Each has a different color fletching. She does have a cutlass and a well honed dagger, but she only uses those when she has no other recourse.

Magic: Arcane fire and ice, booming arrow, detect traps, farsight, minor and major healing

Skills: Gifted artisan. can craft most anything with wood, including duplicating something that already exists. can also paint and draw, but that is not something she readily shares. Excellent shot with a bow, and is a good hunter. Her magical ability to detect traps has kept not only herslef but others alive on various occasions.

History: Arryn was born into a kind and large family. They were not overly wealthy nor poor. her father was a respected herbalist and her mother a healer. She has 10 siblings, 3 sisters and 7 brothers. she is the youngest daughter and next to youngest child overall. She had a very happy childhood, and was her father's favorite.

When she was a young lady, barely into her teenage years (which is much older than humans but is still young for their race), her mother was murdered by a man who blamed her for not healing his wife. Her father still has the same shop he had then but with each passing year draws more and more into himself as the will and light of life has left him. This was when she first became interested in working with wood to build and create things. her grief over the loss of her mother in such a way ate at her, and she had a lot of aggression and anger to fuel the work. She learned fast and has a talent for it, that was easily seen and recognized by others. She was soon adding to the family's fortunes with her carvings and furniture pieces.

She completed all of her schooling as well as two apprenticeships before finishing those teen years. She had worked under both a carpenter, and an acrane magician. She absorbed as much as both could teach her and was a favorite student to both teachers for her ready mind and willingness to do extra and stay longer. She had no friends aside from these two teachers at this time, and her family. She stayed extremely isolated during this process so that she could focus on her lessons and work.

The years of her early twenties were full of work and work and work. her father's heath had begun to fade and most of her older siblings had left home to start their own families and seek their own fortune. She cared for him as best she could, but her main contributions were in the form of money into the household. Her youngest brothers were lazy idle sorts, though they claimed to be gathering herbs for their father, she knew otherwise. Soon even they were gone and left on herself and her father. He passed away two years ago. He went to sleep and she assumed he chose not to wake up. he was far to young for a natural elvin death. With nothing left to hold her to that specific place, she went out into the world and soon discovered it to be a place of deceit, prejudice, and cruelty. She had the misfortune during her travels to come into contact with a gypsy woman, who promised her wealth and health if she would agree to build a new wagon. She built the wagon and even helped the older woman move her person belongings into it. The gypsy wagon disappeared the next day and the place it had occupied held just a box. When she opened it, thinking it to be payment for her services, it was instead filled with small insects, she had never seen before. The insects bit her many times before fleeing. she woke some time later sick to her stomach and covered in hives and angry red splotchy patches on her skin. She sought out many healers, but all of them told her the same, that they had no idea what had been done to her, or how to cure it.

At present she is aboard a ship seeking out the wish in hopes of ending this curse. She is serving as a ships carpenter and jack of all trades. She does not mind the work, and it is a small thing to travel in this way for the chance to be free...completely free of this curse or whatever it was.

I agree to the rules my captain has set forth.
Doctor position is reserved, and while I'm not going to say you can't have healing, I do know you aren't trying to take the doctors position, I just need your word that the healing won't be outshining our crew doctor. Of course, there always sits the option of being an assistant.
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*Crappy self-made character art warning*



Valor is an esper built small on purpose, only being around 4'7" (145 cm). Parts of their main body made out of tough leather and steel rims are strapped together by leather straps. The large light blocking cloak and scarf allows them to pretend to be a human or other races by hiding the blue esper glow.


Valoris (Valor)


Around 80


Largely androgynous due to being an Esper, accepts being referred to as either gender. Voice is similar to a child's and is hard to identify.





Your wish:

To acquire the most powerful fire magic that can be used by an Esper such as themselves.


Valoris' personality can be summed up nicely with one word: hyper. As an esper, a race who are fond of peace and calming atmosphere, they're the odd one out. Although having lived for so long, the extremes sometimes bring the opposites. Valoris is hyperactive and somewhat childish in their actions, and also loves anything that is related to flames and explosions. This is perhaps the main reason why they took up the job as a gunner on a pirate ship. They love jokes, and pranks, often pretending to be a ghost with their ghostly esper appearance.

Espers don't sleep or fatigue so they usually stay idle for time to time, but Valoris almost never does that. They're always moving about the ship no matter the time and loves to hang around members who are on night watch duty etc. But most of their time gets taken up polishing new weapons and inventions (that sadly, rarely works). Though in all seriousness, Valoris is an Esper who have indeed lived longer than the majority of others. But they still retain the passion about innovation and learning new things. Their childishness isn't due to inexperience, but instead too much experience. They dislike people of all races who act overly philosophical and "boring" just because of their age.


The Chiliad Gear - An intricate crossbow that took many years of travel to perfect. Still not perfect and is getting more and more parts and accessories added to it. This weapon is part of Valor's original esper body, just modifies more and more as time went on. It is infused with esper magic that they cannot use themselves. It has a longer range than regular bows, but takes a while to load. The kick is also farily strong, but being an esper lessens the effect.

They have a number of silver daggers on their armor, but these are rarely used due to them being a part of the esper's body. Taking them off and using them would be similar to a human ripping off their teeth to use as weapons.

They cannot use magic without their weapon due to the construction of their esper armor. Using raw magic will make them loose too much energy and will be life threatening. Instead, their weapon is the vessel for magic casting by shooting arrows infused with spells.
The crossbow has three configurations that have different functions.
---Puncturing Shot---
This is a piercing shot that is more powerful the longer it's prepared. The longest one can charge it is around one minute where it can nearly puncture bricks. It can pierce armor but not very effectively since it can be avoided fairly easily.
---Flaming Arrow---
Simple as it sounds. Regular flames are conjured using an embedded magical gem, but blue flames could be used by Valor if they decided to sacrifice energy from their esper magic which keeps them alive.
---Explosive Shot---
No real magic gimmick with this one. They are simply specially crafted arrows that have a tip with gunpowder in it, ignited and amplified by minor fire magic. These need to be crafted beforehand with special heat resistant metal and are fairly expensive to use, especially at sea.

And there's always your regular old arrow available for usage.


Being the ships (self-proclaimed best) gunner, Valor is skilled in pyrotechnics and treated setting things on fire and explosions as an art.
Having a weapon that's largely unheard of by the general population, they're very interested I created new weapons and devices that (aim to) help the crew. Almost none of them work, and those that work requires extensive instructions that non-Esper aged people would have trouble understanding.
They're a former assassin who can take lives with either an arrow or a trap from a great distance without being noticed. But this becomes less useful when your only battleground is a ship.
Although having a background in assassination, Valor is interested in shiny things. Which surprises some but it really not, judging by the amount of ornamental accessories on their weapon and armor. This gives them an upper hand with some girls despite Espers having no identifiable genders.


Once there was a city in the northwest, a little more south than Valhalla, but still northern enough to be a frozen wasteland. One day in this place, arrived a small group of Espers. They were a traveling tribe of a few dozen Espers that roam from city to city with peaceful intentions. But they were originally built for combat, and that is what brought them to their downfall. In one city, there were hunters who sought after their Esper armor tracked many of them down. They were slain for their powerful armor until only a couple remained. The remainder of the tribe fled and sought protection from the kingdom. To return the favor, these travelers innovated a new Esper to present to the city's council. It was made purposely small so no human or elf or Berserker would come after its body, and instead of being created to fight or guide others, it was made to specialize in stealth.

The council leader accepted the Espers into the city and appointed the newly created Esper as the council's enforcer. In its first years, this Esper was simply known as "the enforcer" and was tasked with preventing corruption and betrayal within the council. By slaying any member who dares to betray the council. Rumors of the ghostly blue guardian terrorized most government officials and regular citizens alike. But the council leader soon dipped the corruption and tyranny. The people's hearts were lost, and the city was shrouded in a dead atmosphere. When the powerful Valhalla learned about this, they offered the people a choice, to continue to live in terror, or be united as a part of Valhalla. This brought the uprising with support from Valhalla's powerful armies. During the battles, the blue ghost was mesmerized by the beautiful flames conjured by the Valhallian mages that were engulfing the frozen wasteland. Until one day it was found and captured.

Many wanted to kill this Esper as it was terrorizing the city along with its tyrant, but a few experienced men were suspicious of its origins. As this Esper spoke its voice was small and high pitched much like a child, it was confused, since it was only carrying out the orders its creator gave it. The general of the Valhalla armies saw potential in this newly crafted Esper, its stealthy nature and abilities to wield such an intricate weapon were skills that were hard to come by, and it was a soul new to the world with a chance of redemption. The general gave it a chance, and made an older more experienced Esper into its mentor. By the end of the war, the young Esper had learned else about the world other than killing, through books and battles, it's sprite was complete and its values were shaped.

The war ended with execution of the former council leader, who died at the arrow tip of its former enforcer. The Valhallian armies gave it the name of Valor, for its learning through the war, its reformed soul and valiant effort during the battles. Valor was offered a position in the Valhalla armies, but they refused. They've realized that what they want isn't to be an assassin or a soldier, instead they pursued magic. But having a body made for agile movements and stealth, their loosely bonded body isn't suited for the fire magic that they long wish to have.

They left the frozen waste land as a travelling Esper, but was rarely attacked due to their armor's structure not appealing to most raiders and that they have enough skill to fight off monsters. They've spent many many years on the move, more than they could even remember themselves. Valor visited many Elves, Espers and Kindred who were magic experts though their travels, but none of them have an idea to let Valor conjure magic on their own, but instead urged them to just settle down with the powerful enough Esper magic infused within their crossbow. Having met other open-bodied Espers who cannot use magic on their own, Valor was still determined that one day they could find a way for those Espers to use magic properly. Along with their border lined pyromaniac nature, this desire gotten more and more powerful.

The decades of travels taught Valor many things, intentionally and unintentionally. Their skills with their weapon grew as well as their knowledge on the world. But moving from place to place on land was getting more and more boring and financially exhausting, their gaze turned to the oceans. Valor, after decades of fighting only monsters and in self defense, once again took up the profession as an assassin. They became a bounty hunter who is known for hunting down pirates by burning their ships from far away. It was on a mission where they came in contact with the Daydream Raiders, they were a tough crew that Valor could not take down. Instead, after a few years had passed, they joined them once hearing about the relic to fulfill a wish. The crew didn't mind having a powerful Esper who's taken down other pirate ships. Even when knowing that the relic would be hard to find and maybe not even real, Valor still settled out with the crew, perhaps for the wish, or perhaps just for the adventure.


"I agree to the rules my captain has set forth."
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Reactions: Greenie
Name: Jasper Linder

Age: 34

Gender: Female

Race: Kindred

Position: Doctor

Your wish:
She wishes that she could take away the pain of those who are dying, so they can die peaceful. And ease the emotional pain of those around death.

Appearance: Jasper stands at a whopping 4'6"

Jasper does have a heart that almost seems too good to be out at sea, fighting with enemies, and facing difficult situations. She is a sweet Kindred who feels the weight of the world on her shoulders. Jasper is an empath, being able to apprehend the emotional or mental state of others. She constantly wants to fix things and be a support to others. Which is what led her to be a doctor, she wants everyone to feel comfortable while they are alive because she knows how dark death can be.

Jasper does feel lonely though, like she is on this quest to save people in vain. Jasper has a light and positive attitude but her humor and jokes are often laced with dark and morbid thoughts. She will often pick on herself too for the humor of it, she is very self degrading but positive for everyone else.

Jasper speaks her mind and isn't afraid to tell you when you are wrong because she often feels like she knows what is best for people since she feels so strongly for people. (She speaks her mind in such a sweet voice though). She takes it personally if you do not listen to her advice but will rarely show the hurt as she knows people need to live their own life. She will, however, try to press her advice extra hard if it has something to do with you medically and making sure you recover. She understands personal decisions, but health decisions are of the utmost important to her.

Jasper is not a fighter since she is rather weak herself and she is a doctor. However, she does have a special small sword she uses. Unbeknownst to crew members this small sword is from an Esper who passed away from natural causes while she was studying under Espers. She was given this small sword after proving her worth while staying with them, after all, Espers are on a whole different plain to heal.

This small sword is a brilliant shade of silver, it still gleams under the light and the handle is wrapped in metal in shades of sky and midnight blue. This small sword, since it was an Esper's, does give Jasper a little bit more of an edge in a fight then most Kindred would have. It is also 30 inches long, 2.5 feet, so it is about half her size.

Since this small sword was once part of an Esper it does contain some magical properties. The main one being it grants Jasper an edge in agility. With a small frame and quick movements she can be difficult to pin down during battle. Consequently her cuts aren't as deep, but she can land more strikes thanks to the agility boost.

The other magical property this sword as is that it can light up with a glowing yellow light. This can have several purposes; To find the sword in the dark, lighten dark places, and it can charge and let out a burst of light blinding to those around (including Jasper who has painfully learned to close her eyes).

The sword can be lit without Jasper holding it. Including giving off the blinding flash. Jasper was close to the Esper who this sword once was part of and she can almost feel the soul of them still, even though they have left and have vanished. That is how can she reach out to the sword and light it even without touching it.

  • Healing minor wounds with magic without sacrificing her own life years
  • Can heal larger wounds without sacrificing as much life years as most Kindred would have, thanks to her study with Elve's, but will only use this if she cannot find a way to heal using her smaller abilities and other knowledge.
  • Ability to locate wounds and asses internal damage
  • Can speak to souls of dead who wish to communicate
  • As the doctor on the ship, it is given that Jasper is incredibly skilled at medicine, diagnosing problems, and healing.
  • She is a pro at stitching people up. Give her a needle and thread and she can get you stitched up in a jiffy. Bonus, she has such a gentle and special touch that it doesn't hurt as much as it could!
  • Her ability to speak to souls of the dead who wish to communicate is both her magic and a skill. She learned this skill during her time with Esper's. She learned to communicate with spirits, since she has a natural connection to death, and because of the Esper's organic spirit and life.
  • Jasper is also skilled in herbology and can tell you all about plants, what properties they have, and their uses.
  • She can touch her tongue to her nose and lick her own elbow, it's a great party trick!
Jasper lived in a spacious house with two other Kindred families. She loved being around her own kind and around people her own age. The house was filled with laughter and joy, the three families getting along together perfectly. The only real problem they faced was their parents never allowing them too far away from the house. They wanted to shelter their Kindred children from the outside world as they feared prejudices and did not want their children to grow up and believe the worst in other species. Behind closed doors the older Kindred spoke harsh words and shared stories of the racism they had faced before coming to this home together. They thought the young ones could not hear, but curiosity killed the cat. Jasper didn't want to believe these awful stories she heard behind these doors she pressed her ear against. She wanted to believe in hope and that the other species were loving.

Jasper grew up with this hope, she wanted to someday leave the house and begin her own journey. She didn't want to get married to one of the children she grew up with, she wanted to find her own way. When she was older her parents allowed her and some of the older Kindred to visit a nearby town to gather supplies for the house, it was a right of passage to finally be able to see other species and get out of this isolated house area. Jasper was the only one who was really excited about this trip, the others rather stay home. When they approached the town the others stayed in the outskirts and made Jasper go alone. She was okay with this, this was the freedom she had craved.

Entering the town she could tell there was mixed reactions. Some people gave her strange or dirty looks, some people didn't meet her eyes, and some people just didn't seem to care. She quickly went to work to get what she needed but marveled at the all the different species, humans, elves, and others. Jasper felt something strange growing inside her as she watched everyone working together, making small talk in the streets, children laughing and playing running through legs of people in this rather large market of the town. Even though people whispered behind her back, and a few merchants wouldn't sell to her, she didn't care. Racism was real but what also was real was this connection of all species.

She knew this was what was missing in her life. Being isolated to her own kind stipeled her powers, the connection to life. She felt death, as Kindred were close to death and had quite the power of the dead. But before people were dead they were living.

Jasper would continue to gather items and go to town often as she got older, her parents feared for her because they didn't want her to end up hurt like many other Kindred. Her spirit grew stronger though and her connection to life grew as well. She didn't know what she wanted to do with herself but she wanted to surround herself with this connection she had when she was in town.

Though she found her calling when she felt death one day in town, it was a weird feeling, she felt someone close to death. She wandered around town for awhile before she found a dozen or so people gathered around a house mourning. She heard murmurs saying it would be his time soon, his pain would be over. She wasn't sure exactly what this was but she didn't like this, she didn't like that according to the murmurs this man was close to death. She wanted to help but at the time she was not strong enough.

This inspired Jasper to begin practicing medicine. She wanted to learn how to control her magic and how to use medicines, herbs, and other items to heal and soothe the soul. She didn't want to manipulate life and death to the point where she has to sacrifice some of her own life, she just wanted to heal naturally with a pinch of magic.

Jasper decided it was time for her to leave home, around the age of 19, so she left everyone behind and began to travel travel to different places to learn about magic and medicine. Jasper faced a lot of racism at first and had a lot of doors slammed in her face while on her journey to learn. Eventually Jasper started to practice medicine with some elves and after that it opened many doors for her. She began to train and practice magic with other species as many learned to accept her.

Soon Jasper became a Kindred slightly known among people and one day Jasper decided she had a wish she wanted to fulfill after this journey around with other species learning medicine. Offering her skills of medicine and being a doctor she joined the Daydream Raiders.

I agree with the rules my captain has set forth.

Please let me know if there is anything you would like me to update or any suggestions. :)

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I was going to make my character an archer... but I decided against it ^_^'
XD I had forgotten how much I liked Saethos' character sheet ^_^

EDIT- I am finished with my CS! *cheers*

Also, I just realized there be lots of females ^_^'

Name: Rinata Sojourn

Age: 31

Gender: Female

Race: Human/Elf hybrid, though there is more human in her than elf.

Position: Cook

Your wish: She wishes to discover new places, meet new people. Nothing too fancy, just a breath of fresh air, really, and freedom.


Rinata's about 5'5 and weighs around 125 lbs. She doesn't actually have the bow and arrows portrayed in the picture.

Personality: Rinata is what one could call easy going and down to earth. She is easy to get along with and can make friends with pretty much anyone, trying to see the best in others. Key word here being 'try'. While she gives the benefit of the doubt, she is more of a realist than an idealist. She values kindness and helpfulness, but she may be a little strict with whom she extends it toward. Cross her too many times or hurt any of her friends, she will have that person in her bad books. She's hardworking and loyal, and if she makes a promise, she will keep it unless forced otherwise.

She has a sense of humour and enjoys listening to jokes, music, random banter of her companions. However, when it's time to be serious, she is focused on the task at hand. She can become somewhat annoyed if someone is being stupidly stubborn or making light of a serious situation. In the same way, she also finds it rather tedious when someone is making a mountain out of a molehill. She won't be outrightly upset about it, but her tone becomes a little sarcastic.

Weapon: Rinata doesn't really have any weapons per say. Since she grew up with brothers, she's used to roughhousing with them. As such, she tends to use her fists and feet quite a bit. However, she does keep a couple of paring knives on her person, and a cleaver at her waist, much like others keep their swords.

Magic: Rin has the ability to understand animals, and animals can understand her. This was something she discovered from a very young age, from listening to chirping birds, meowing cats, barking dogs and other such animal life. At first, her family believed she had a wild imagination, perhaps from listening to tales of their ancestor who could do the same. As she grew older, however, the ability remained and grew stronger.

Also like her ancestor, Rin sometimes has dreams that depict events that may take place in the future. These dreams are not necessarily the hard truth, as the future can always be changed by the paths that are taken. However, all of her dreams with premonitions have so far come true.

Skills: Rin's quite a good fisherwoman, seeing it's something she's been around as a child. Whether with nets, a fishing pole, or a knife with a rope tied to it.

She can cook decently, which is a good thing since that's what she's considered on the ship. She's no gourmet chef, but she can make do with little ingredients and concoct something that's edible and tasty (or at least doesn't taste bad).

It's not much of a useful skill, but she's rather good at playing darts as well. At least, she considers it a skill, especially when bets are placed and she wins.

History: Rinata was born to a rather normal family of two parents and four brothers. One could call their family boring, in fact. Her father, Elan, had been a man of the sea, a privateer who fell in love with a young lass named Sima, who lived in a coastal village known for its fishing. It was one of those sickly and sappy 'love at first sight' stories, though the fact of the matter was that Elan was a lonely man and Sima was somewhat rebellious and wished for a little adventure of the mature kind. As it were, however, they did indeed fall in love, enough that Elan bravely ventured forth to ask Sima's father for his daughter's hand in marriage. Naturally, he rejected the proposal, as any normal father would have. However, he wasn't so callous and cold-hearted. Eventually, he grudgingly permitted them to marry, as long as Elan stayed in the village, learning the way of the fisherman. This was perfectly fine for the now ex-privateer, and Sima, while a little dampened since she wouldn't have any sea adventures, was agreeable as well. Her being pregnant was probably what had convinced her.

So the two settled down in the village, where in the next ten years the family grew drastically. Elan and Sima now had five children, and Rinata was the youngest of them all. As such, she was rather over protected, kept in the sights of her mother's eyes, who for that matter had grown into a rather strong and mature mother, the sort who had eyes on the back of her head. While Rinata's brothers were under the watchful eyes of her father, she was the sole child who had her mother on her back. Now, it wasn't as if she was under lock and key, or on a leash, but there were limitations to whatever she could do.

As Rinata grew older, she quickly discovered that she could talk to animals, much like how she talked to her brothers and parents. She would head out to the nearby tidepools, playing among the dangerous craggy rocks, talking to the various strange creatures that would find their way there from the seas. When her brothers noticed her, they thought she was simply playing with her imaginary friends. However, as she reached her teens and was more vocal about how she could understand the animals both on land and sea, her family came to the realization that this was no phase that would simply disappear one day. She was like her ancestor from her mother's side, who could speak to animals and used their friendship to her advantage. With this knowledge, however, her parents and brothers became even more protective of Rinata. They didn't wish for anyone to know the truth about her. It was too dangerous. Men were greedy and would use any tool they could find at their disposal.

It was when she reached her late teens that Rinata began to realize that some of her dreams were coming to pass. Not only that, she could now tell which dream was a premonition, and which wasn't. There was the one time that she had seen her brother losing a finger to an accident with an axe. She didn't believe it would actually happen until he came back home with a rather bloody handkerchief around his hand. From them onward she began paying more attention to her dreams. One dream in particular she would see from time to time was with herself on a ship that was headed... somewhere. She never knew where. She did know there were others there... just not her family.

Once she had finally reached adulthood, Rinata was introduced to a fellow villager that her parents considered a good fellow, with the intent that they should marry. It wasn't too great of a deal to her, as that was the norm of where they lived. However, unlike the loving relationship her parents had, it certainly wasn't the same for Rinata and the man she married. While he showed one face outside the house, inside he was a rather crude and brutal man. She was patient for a couple of years, not wanting to disappoint her parents too much, and she did have her animals to talk to. However, there came one day where the not so ideal marriage came to an end. A fight broke out in the house which ended up with bruises on Rin and a knife in her husband.

For the first time since she could remember, Rinata panicked, at least inwardly. She grabbed necessary items, tied, dumped them in a satchel, and then wrote a short letter to her parents that she was leaving on a trip. After sneaking out of the house and leaving the letter under her parents' door, she headed to the docks. She had taken all of the money from her house, so buying passage on a ship wasn't a great ship. From here onward, Rinata discovered that she quite liked life at sea. Not only did it help her get over what she had run away from, but she was also realizing how shielded she had spent most of her life. She also realized that this was her dream... literally speaking. She was on a ship with people who weren't her family.

Rin moved from ship to ship, staying as a passenger for a few trips until her money ran out. After that, she began working, at first simply sweeping and mopping the deck as well as other menial tasks. Soon she started cooking, however, and she was good enough at it that it became her sole job, or at least what she would claim when searching for work. By age 25, Rinata came across the crew called the Daydream Raiders. She found the name amusing and deciding to give it a try. Six years later, she finds herself still with this crew, and quite satisfied to simply stay here.

I agree to the rules my captain has set forth.
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Doctor position is reserved, and while I'm not going to say you can't have healing, I do know you aren't trying to take the doctors position, I just need your word that the healing won't be outshining our crew doctor. Of course, there always sits the option of being an assistant.

healing is just a Elf magic that I have always had any elf I create have knowledge of. I've always considered it a race perk, but that's not her focus or driving force, so Promise...she will only heal if someone is right in front of her and too far from the ship to get to the doctor.

Also...i can change her into a male if you think we are getting too female heavy. Her history and backstory wouldn't change much. Let me know.
Many archers, much wow. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm changing my character's weapon to crossbow.
Oh wait, that's still a bow.
Pirates did use them but not many since they require much more training time, not a problem if you can live longer than humans though.
There're always guns :D *pew pew*
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Elves and archery just go together like peanut butter and jelly!! ^_^