I'm Partners... With a Magical Girl!?! (OOC 3 Boy, 1 Girls needed)

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A Few Announcements

First of all, a roll call.

[S]@ScarletNova[/S] Present
[S]@mr_pibbs[/S] Present
[S]@Kitsune[/S] Accounted For
[S]@AmerillaRose[/S] Present
[S]@Wolfsbane706[/S] Present

Next up.

[S]@Unyielding[/S] Present

Electricity. Huh never thought of that one. It's great though, and I can't wait for our little D.Va

[S]@xLarius[/S] Present
[S]@Cinnamon Bun[/S] Present

There is still room if you two are interested. And Cinnamon Bun, Stability seems to be the last girl open for know

[S]@Kasume Uchiha[/S] Present

Feel free to join, though your character is currently entirely too old for this setting. We were playing this off as the typical magical girl scenario, so it's mostly middle school to high school age.
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I'm here as well.
By the way everyone, I updated my character sheet by adding her history. It's a little long, but it has a lot of expositional value, so I suggest reading it.
There is still room if you two are interested. And Cinnamon Bun, Stability seems to be the last girl open for know
Theeeeen would anyone mind if I snag her? If no one minds, my next post will be the character sheet~
So I lied. I have a tiiiny question about aspect and sources of abilities and what not.
So we just make up our own element orrrrr am I like, totally off the mark? Because I actually want to make water the aspect for stability. A nice, cool headed person with water as her aspect sounds just about fitting for her >w>

But like, unless there's a list or a set aspect that I should be following, I'm cool with that too.
Yes the elements just need to represent the Aspect. That said, I wouldn't call water Stable though. It's fluid, and just goes where life tells it to, and not very, well sturdy. That's why I suggested it as Empathy. But I can easily see a cool headed person being Stability. In fact, I always saw them as the strong, silent type.
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Reactions: Cinnamon Bun
Yes the elements just need to represent the Aspect. That said, I wouldn't call water Stable though. It's fluid, and just goes where life tells it to, and not very, well sturdy. That's why I suggested it as Empathy. But I can easily see a cool headed person being Stability. In fact, I always saw them as the strong, silent type.
When I think stability, I think as something that is flexible and can stay cool throughout any sort of situation. The ability to keep yourself in control and in form while having to adapt to any situation. Which is why when I thought of it that way, water came into mind seeing that no matter what happens, it still stays as water and can adapt nicely~

Although, I digress. I could be toootally wrong (again) but that's just my opinion! It's just that when I thought about it, air doesn't suit it because air is way too open (and you can't really hold air per say). Something like rock or ice can be easily shattered under certain pressure, so I wouldn't really call that stable.
I wouldn't say rock is a bad choice actually. Ground is a good choice as well. The reason is, I see stability as a foundation. You want a sturdy, firm foundation. You wouldn't want to build your house on ice, as ice like you said is fragile. And not on a super rocky surface either. But on nice, solid, stable surface such as concrete, or smooth stone of some sort.

I'm viewing stability as being down to earth and practical. Firmly planted
-nod nod- I see... Mkay then. I can change her up a little bit then. If Empathy weren't already taken, then I'd change my character to Empathy instead so that she could be water (since I had like the perfect magical girl form for her) but it's all good.

Welp, off to find a magical girl form o/
-nod nod- I see... Mkay then. I can change her up a little bit then. If Empathy weren't already taken, then I'd change my character to Empathy instead so that she could be water (since I had like the perfect magical girl form for her) but it's all good.

Welp, off to find a magical girl form o/
Well, as it stands, if @Kasume Uchiha no longer wishes to participate, then Empathy would open up once again
Then I'll keep Elodie (the character) on hold. BUT her skeleton is coming up riiiight now so yeah. Just gonna leave it as it is for the time being o/
Which male roles are open?
Still here don't worry.
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