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Still holding on to Teddy's arm, Usami seemed reluctant to answer any of the questions thrown her way. "Usami is not the best cook," she muttered. "But... the children are asleep. Wanda didn't want to wake them until the rest of the family arrived!"

With Usami not really being on the ball, Toffee, Mason, and Lola were successful in sneaking past her into the kitchen, which thankfully actually did look like a real kitchen.


The kitchen was inexplicably quiet and barren. It did not show signs of being used to prepare any kind of feast. Sounds could be heard in the room beyond, and an investigation into the noises would lead the spying trio to a door that suddenly opened as they approached. Judging by the voice, it was Wanda.

@thatguyinthestore @Mason Moretti @Bomb
Upon hearing Wanda's voice, Toffee preemptively took hold of both Mason and Lola and dragged them behind the counter before they could get caught.


Once they were in the clear, Toffee barely peeked his head out from behind the counter and watched Wanda to see if she said or did anything suspicious.

@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Bomb
Moving through the kitchen, Wanda carried a child in her arms. Behind her, a man followed, carrying a second child.


"--You must be more careful. Daddy will be here soon and I need everything in order for when he arrives. I want everyone to be happy so that they can understand the gift."

"Sorry, sorry..." Despite Wanda chastising him, the man sounded cheerful. The pair moved through the kitchen, not noticing Toffee, Lola, or Mason as they passed into the dining room. Wanda was all smiles when the group saw her.

Usami gasped upon seeing the pair. "Oh, it's the children! Usami loves them so!"

"Sorry about that, everyone," Wanda said, addressing the guests. "Apparently, after he got up, Tommy spilled apple juice on himself and his brother. My poor partner here had to deal with that mess by himself. Then you take into account getting some clean clothes for these two..."

The man chuckled brightly.


"Wanda, it's nothing I couldn't handle. I must admit, however, keeping clean isn't my strong suit..."

Wanda coughed nervously and blushed. "Well, I'm a mother. Worrying is in the job description. Anyway... Everyone, here they are! My-- our boys, Billy and Tommy. And this handsome man, my... co-parent, my partner, is Genji Shimada."

Silence followed Wanda's announcement. A pin could drop. Quicksilver slowly stood up. "Wanda. May I be excused?" He glared at his sister hard, and she obliged after a few moments by waving her hand and unlocking the dining room door.

As the door closed behind Pietro, a loud bang rang out. Most likely a punch. Wanda cringed at the sound and Genji put his arm around her.

"I apologize for Pietro," she said. "He's quick to anger. Well, he's mostly just quick."

The older Billy and Tommy stared in disbelief. "And here I was expecting the Vision," Tommy said, at a loss for what else to say. Billy just felt sick.

"Wait a moment..." Wanda looked around the room. "... We are missing three guests."

@Josh M @Takumi @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @CataclysmicMandala @Ryu Keiko @Verite @Leon Moretti @Bomb @dark @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Yun Lee @Crow @Archmage Jeremiah @LuckycoolHawk9 @ShiroKiyoshi @Gands @York @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Minerva @Otto @Glostechk @Seishin Ryuu @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @The Batter @thatguyinthestore @dalecOoOoOoOoOper
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Jeremi

All Kiyohime could do was stare in surprise at Noembelu's outburst. What was there to be distressed about? The Heroic Spirit couldn't understand why a feeling of distress coming about now. They were here awaiting the food to be served for this occasion. Sure Kiyohime still had a little doubt on what to expect here, but it was only a mere thought.

Her thought process was halted once Usami had come over to serve her the food platter. Strange, Usami must be some weird familiar, but Kiyohime didn't want to assume.

"My thanks for this display of hospitality."

Eyeing the steak that was near her, she took a bit for herself and tried it. Not exactly discontent with the taste, but a part of her cooking expertise nagged at her. Without much warning, she took a deep breath and exhaled a steady flow of flames onto her share of the steak. Well... that would be a bit until the flames died down on her dish.


As she waited for her makeshift cooking on the steak to die down and finish, Kiyohime took a sip out of her tea cup, and paused once nudged by Reiner. Wasn't he in that clustered group she was in before they got to the dining room?

"Oh, of course we spoke. It was after I lended her assistance in an ambush. Only for a little while before she departed."

With little to work off of, the Berserker had some desire to learn more and see if it matched up with what she already knew. She liked to be sure on everything, even if it meant doing things that was deemed unruly for someone like her.

"If you come to ask me this, then you share a similar interest that has to be situated, right? You want to be absolutely sure, is that correct?"

@York @others *mobile post shrug*​
Noise. All the offers for help, all the concern...it was all just noise to Noembelu. She still felt detatched from herself, as if the world around her had become a seperate reality. The hand on her back brought her back, and she looked around. "I...I..." She couldn't think if anything to say. She couldn't really even think. All she could do was sense. Stares. Concern. Fear. And it was all because of her. Noembelu never had outbursts like this. Noembelu was strong. Noembelu never showed fear, or worry, or sadness. Noembelu...

Noembelu needed to get out of here.

She burst out into a run, making a mad dash out of the room. She didn't care where she ran, but if uninterrupted, she would end up in the abandoned ballroom.

@Takumi @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @CataclysmicMandala @Ryu Keiko @Verite @Leon Moretti @Bomb @dark @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Yun Lee @Crow @Archmage Jeremiah @LuckycoolHawk9 @ShiroKiyoshi @Gands @York @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Minerva @Otto @Glostechk @Seishin Ryuu @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @The Batter @thatguyinthestore @Atomyk
Still holding on to Teddy's arm, Usami seemed reluctant to answer any of the questions thrown her way. "Usami is not the best cook," she muttered. "But... the children are asleep. Wanda didn't want to wake them until the rest of the family arrived!"

With Usami not really being on the ball, Toffee, Mason, and Lola were successful in sneaking past her into the kitchen, which thankfully actually did look like a real kitchen.


The kitchen was inexplicably quiet and barren. It did not show signs of being used to prepare any kind of feast. Sounds could be heard in the room beyond, and an investigation into the noises would lead the spying trio to a door that suddenly opened as they approached. Judging by the voice, it was Wanda.

@thatguyinthestore @Mason Moretti @Bomb
Reiner Braun
@Atomyk @Josh M @Verite @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @Leon Moretti @Glostechk @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies


Wait... Did she just... Breathe fire? Not just that, but, was she... Cooking her steak?

Granted he had seen some crazy things in regards to the titans, but this was on a whole other level... Nonetheless, he tried to maintain his compsure, and answer Kiyohime's question... Nodding a little.

"Yeah... That's right. I want to make sure we're safe..." He said, lowering his voice a little.

While it was simply enough to answer Kiyohime's question, he still found it a little hard to come to terms with the fact that Kiyohime could apparently breathe fire... So eyeing his steak, and noticing that there were a few reddish spots, he cracked a smile, attempting to say something to alleviate his surprise a little.

"Mind doing my steak too?" He added non-chalantly.

As he waited for a response, he took a sip of his tea, waiting to see how Kiyo might react to his semi-joke, he noticed someone panicking, and leaving the room... And though he had prepared to go after her to see if she was okay, it would seem that a few others were already doing so.

However, not long after Billy noted that they'd be locked outside the dining room, Wanda apparently teleported them back inside, nearly causing him to do a spit-take, spluttering a little on his tea before he regained his composure. The entire thing had caught him offguard, but it did make him realize just how crazy the powers that some of these party-goers possessed, as well as Wanda herself... But alas, he realized he'd just have to come to terms with the fact that some of those here had powers that seemed to defy his understanding.

Though, as much as he was trying to adjust to his environment, Reiner's attention was drawn by the converstaion between Usami and Thomas, the former of which answered a question of Billy's in a way that made him real uncomfortable... And to add to this, when Teddy headed to the kitchen to see what was up with Wanda... Usami seemed very adamant about keeping people out, which aroused Reiners suspicions, causing him to raise a brow.

Noticing that others were already sneaking into the kitchen while Usami was distracted, he shrugged, clearing his throat as he turned to Kiyohime, about to suggest sneaking in after them... But just then, Wanda headed out of the kitchen, holding a child in her hands.

Evidently she had been quite busy in the kitchen, but wait... Wasn't she getting tea? Did she just get sidetracked? There wasn't too much time for him to think about this though, as Wanda mentioned that three guests appeared to be missing, the exact number that had gone into the Kitchen.

Looks like their cover was blown... And he would have to just stay put for now, though he had to wonder; what exactly is going on in there?​
Last edited:
Moving through the kitchen, Wanda carried a child in her arms. Behind her, a man followed, carrying a second child.


"--You must be more careful. Daddy will be here soon and I need everything in order for when he arrives. I want everyone to be happy so that they can understand the gift."

"Sorry, sorry..." Despite Wanda chastising him, the man sounded cheerful. The pair moved through the kitchen, not noticing Toffee, Lola, or Mason as they passed into the dining room. Wanda was all smiles when the group saw her.

Usami gasped upon seeing the pair. "Oh, it's the children! Usami loves them so!"

"Sorry about that, everyone," Wanda said, addressing the guests. "Apparently, after he got up, Tommy spilled apple juice on himself and his brother. My poor partner here had to deal with that mess by himself. Then you take into account getting some clean clothes for these two..."

The man chuckled brightly.


"Wanda, it's nothing I couldn't handle. I must admit, however, keeping clean isn't my strong suit..."

Wanda coughed nervously and blushed. "Well, I'm a mother. Worrying is in the job description. Anyway... Everyone, here they are! My-- our boys, Billy and Tommy. And this handsome man, my... co-parent, my partner, is Genji Shimada."

Silence followed Wanda's announcement. A pin could drop. Quicksilver slowly stood up. "Wanda. May I be excused?" He glared at his sister hard, and she obliged after a few moments by waving her hand and unlocking the dining room door.

As the door closed behind Pietro, a loud bang rang out. Most likely a punch. Wanda cringed at the sound and Genji put his arm around her.

"I apologize for Pietro," she said. "He's quick to anger. Well, he's mostly just quick."

The older Billy and Tommy stared in disbelief. "And here I was expecting the Vision," Tommy said, at a loss for what else to say. Billy just felt sick.

"Wait a moment..." Wanda looked around the room. "... We are missing three guests."

@Josh M @Takumi @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @CataclysmicMandala @Ryu Keiko @Verite @Leon Moretti @Bomb @dark @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Yun Lee @Crow @Archmage Jeremiah @LuckycoolHawk9 @ShiroKiyoshi @Gands @York @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Minerva @Otto @Glostechk @Seishin Ryuu @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @The Batter @thatguyinthestore @dalecOoOoOoOoOper

"So it appears that Ms. Maximoff does indeed have children. At least we know that bit of information is true." Toffee commented dryly, though in all honesty he didn't care too much. The lizard was never fond of children anyways. Annoying brats.

"Anyways, let's not waste anymore time. Who knows how long we have until she notices we're gone, if she hasn't already." Toffee said as he reappeared from behind the counter and brushed himself off. With there not being anything out of the ordinary in the kitchen, Toffee would continue on into the room that Wanda came from, motioning for the others to follow.​

The Batter was sitting in the corner of the dining room. He had his cap tilted over his face, covering it. He was listening to others talk while tossing a baseball in his hand. Though it was strange that no one had noticed him yet. So he had the idea of seeing who would be the first to talk to him. He needed someone who he could trust. Until then he would wait. He stood up and grabs his bat. He hopes he can make a 'friend' today.


'Nothing remains but our regrets' That phrase was still in his head. 'Why won't it go away?'


"They went into the kitchen," Noembelu said, standing up. "They may not have heard you. They were so worried about you. We all were." Noembelu lowered her head. "I know a lot of us have acted rude. I did too. It was..." she rubbed her arm, taking a deep breath. "It's foolish. I...I lose control at the mention of roses. A man from my past...he used them as his calling card. His motif. The sight of them, the smell...even just hearing the word..." She paused, taking a moment to collect herself. "...I'm sorry. I was rude and disruptive, and I'm sorry. You and your family are wonderful. Honda speaks highly of you, he has good reason."

It was scary, what she was doing. Going back into sister mode. If any of her fellow Dolls did something out of line, they all worked together to keep the others safe from the wrath of the four kings. After Aprile lost her eye, teamwork was the only option. It was the only option here, too. Whatever was going on...she needed to survive. They all needed to survive. If that meant playing along, then so be it. She did it for three years, she could do it again.

Noembelu took careful steps forward, admiring the babies. "They're beautiful. Is the one you have in your arms Tommy, and in Genji's Billy?"
Moving through the kitchen, Wanda carried a child in her arms. Behind her, a man followed, carrying a second child.


"--You must be more careful. Daddy will be here soon and I need everything in order for when he arrives. I want everyone to be happy so that they can understand the gift."

"Sorry, sorry..." Despite Wanda chastising him, the man sounded cheerful. The pair moved through the kitchen, not noticing Toffee, Lola, or Mason as they passed into the dining room. Wanda was all smiles when the group saw her.

Usami gasped upon seeing the pair. "Oh, it's the children! Usami loves them so!"

"Sorry about that, everyone," Wanda said, addressing the guests. "Apparently, after he got up, Tommy spilled apple juice on himself and his brother. My poor partner here had to deal with that mess by himself. Then you take into account getting some clean clothes for these two..."

The man chuckled brightly.


"Wanda, it's nothing I couldn't handle. I must admit, however, keeping clean isn't my strong suit..."

Wanda coughed nervously and blushed. "Well, I'm a mother. Worrying is in the job description. Anyway... Everyone, here they are! My-- our boys, Billy and Tommy. And this handsome man, my... co-parent, my partner, is Genji Shimada."

Silence followed Wanda's announcement. A pin could drop. Quicksilver slowly stood up. "Wanda. May I be excused?" He glared at his sister hard, and she obliged after a few moments by waving her hand and unlocking the dining room door.

As the door closed behind Pietro, a loud bang rang out. Most likely a punch. Wanda cringed at the sound and Genji put his arm around her.

"I apologize for Pietro," she said. "He's quick to anger. Well, he's mostly just quick."

The older Billy and Tommy stared in disbelief. "And here I was expecting the Vision," Tommy said, at a loss for what else to say. Billy just felt sick.

"Wait a moment..." Wanda looked around the room. "... We are missing three guests."

@Josh M @Takumi @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @CataclysmicMandala @Ryu Keiko @Verite @Leon Moretti @Bomb @dark @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Yun Lee @Crow @Archmage Jeremiah @LuckycoolHawk9 @ShiroKiyoshi @Gands @York @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Minerva @Otto @Glostechk @Seishin Ryuu @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @The Batter @thatguyinthestore @dalecOoOoOoOoOper
"I can't taste doughnuts yet, but everyone seems to be happy and making up... Useless rabbit... I'll grab them on my own." Rant muttered to himself as he came to an abrupt wake from his slumber. He casually walked passed everyone as they all reveled in the moment of the children entering and went in the kitchen. He looked around and sniffed the air for a while. "Stupid Rabbit... There's no doughnuts in here." He then went into the fridge and started raiding it he grabbed whatever drinks he could find and guzzled them down and then walked out with a bunch of cheese and a carrot. As he passed Usami he slapped her upside the head with the carrot and then went to plop himself down while eating the cheese. "Stupid Rabbit..." He said while angrily eating the cheese.

Wanda then went on about their three missing guests and Rant sniffed the air before shouting as he picked up another piece of cheese. "They went into the kitchen. Lizard breath and two others."
Moving through the kitchen, Wanda carried a child in her arms. Behind her, a man followed, carrying a second child.


"--You must be more careful. Daddy will be here soon and I need everything in order for when he arrives. I want everyone to be happy so that they can understand the gift."

"Sorry, sorry..." Despite Wanda chastising him, the man sounded cheerful. The pair moved through the kitchen, not noticing Toffee, Lola, or Mason as they passed into the dining room. Wanda was all smiles when the group saw her.

Usami gasped upon seeing the pair. "Oh, it's the children! Usami loves them so!"

"Sorry about that, everyone," Wanda said, addressing the guests. "Apparently, after he got up, Tommy spilled apple juice on himself and his brother. My poor partner here had to deal with that mess by himself. Then you take into account getting some clean clothes for these two..."

The man chuckled brightly.


"Wanda, it's nothing I couldn't handle. I must admit, however, keeping clean isn't my strong suit..."

Wanda coughed nervously and blushed. "Well, I'm a mother. Worrying is in the job description. Anyway... Everyone, here they are! My-- our boys, Billy and Tommy. And this handsome man, my... co-parent, my partner, is Genji Shimada."

Silence followed Wanda's announcement. A pin could drop. Quicksilver slowly stood up. "Wanda. May I be excused?" He glared at his sister hard, and she obliged after a few moments by waving her hand and unlocking the dining room door.

As the door closed behind Pietro, a loud bang rang out. Most likely a punch. Wanda cringed at the sound and Genji put his arm around her.

"I apologize for Pietro," she said. "He's quick to anger. Well, he's mostly just quick."

The older Billy and Tommy stared in disbelief. "And here I was expecting the Vision," Tommy said, at a loss for what else to say. Billy just felt sick.

"Wait a moment..." Wanda looked around the room. "... We are missing three guests."

@Josh M @Takumi @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @CataclysmicMandala @Ryu Keiko @Verite @Leon Moretti @Bomb @dark @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Yun Lee @Crow @Archmage Jeremiah @LuckycoolHawk9 @ShiroKiyoshi @Gands @York @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Minerva @Otto @Glostechk @Seishin Ryuu @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @The Batter @thatguyinthestore @dalecOoOoOoOoOper

"They went into the kitchen," Noembelu said, standing up. "They may not have heard you. They were so worried about you. We all were." Noembelu lowered her head. "I know a lot of us have acted rude. I did too. It was..." she rubbed her arm, taking a deep breath. "It's foolish. I...I lose control at the mention of roses. A man from my past...he used them as his calling card. His motif. The sight of them, the smell...even just hearing the word..." She paused, taking a moment to collect herself. "...I'm sorry. I was rude and disruptive, and I'm sorry. You and your family are wonderful. Honda speaks highly of you, he has good reason."

It was scary, what she was doing. Going back into sister mode. If any of her fellow Dolls did something out of line, they all worked together to keep the others safe from the wrath of the four kings. After Aprile lost her eye, teamwork was the only option. It was the only option here, too. Whatever was going on...she needed to survive. They all needed to survive. If that meant playing along, then so be it. She did it for three years, she could do it again.

Noembelu took careful steps forward, admiring the babies. "They're beautiful. Is the one you have in your arms Tommy, and in Genji's Billy?"


"Shimada-san... is that you?" Nono asked the ninja-like man. Even without Wanda pointing out his name, she recognised Genji's helm and hair-like threads "Morikubo... really missed you, you know that? It's great that you're all flesh again... we really should catch up sometime... it's been really long..."

When Wanda points out that three were missing, all Nono could say while darting her eyes about was, "I don't really see anyone missing... hehe... maybe it's just Morikubo not being too acquainted with others around... Morikubo's still young and almost everyone here's an adult after all..."

All this while she had an empty seat right next to her - an empty seat that Mason Moretti previously sat on.

@Verite @Atomyk @Josh M @Leon Moretti @Yun Lee @The Batter
Still holding on to Teddy's arm, Usami seemed reluctant to answer any of the questions thrown her way. "Usami is not the best cook," she muttered. "But... the children are asleep. Wanda didn't want to wake them until the rest of the family arrived!"

With Usami not really being on the ball, Toffee, Mason, and Lola were successful in sneaking past her into the kitchen, which thankfully actually did look like a real kitchen.


The kitchen was inexplicably quiet and barren. It did not show signs of being used to prepare any kind of feast. Sounds could be heard in the room beyond, and an investigation into the noises would lead the spying trio to a door that suddenly opened as they approached. Judging by the voice, it was Wanda.

@thatguyinthestore @Mason Moretti @Bomb

Upon hearing Wanda's voice, Toffee preemptively took hold of both Mason and Lola and dragged them behind the counter before they could get caught.


Once they were in the clear, Toffee barely peeked his head out from behind the counter and watched Wanda to see if she said or did anything suspicious.

@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Bomb

Moving through the kitchen, Wanda carried a child in her arms. Behind her, a man followed, carrying a second child.


"--You must be more careful. Daddy will be here soon and I need everything in order for when he arrives. I want everyone to be happy so that they can understand the gift."

"Sorry, sorry..." Despite Wanda chastising him, the man sounded cheerful. The pair moved through the kitchen, not noticing Toffee, Lola, or Mason as they passed into the dining room. Wanda was all smiles when the group saw her.

Usami gasped upon seeing the pair. "Oh, it's the children! Usami loves them so!"

"Sorry about that, everyone," Wanda said, addressing the guests. "Apparently, after he got up, Tommy spilled apple juice on himself and his brother. My poor partner here had to deal with that mess by himself. Then you take into account getting some clean clothes for these two..."

The man chuckled brightly.


"Wanda, it's nothing I couldn't handle. I must admit, however, keeping clean isn't my strong suit..."

Wanda coughed nervously and blushed. "Well, I'm a mother. Worrying is in the job description. Anyway... Everyone, here they are! My-- our boys, Billy and Tommy. And this handsome man, my... co-parent, my partner, is Genji Shimada."

Silence followed Wanda's announcement. A pin could drop. Quicksilver slowly stood up. "Wanda. May I be excused?" He glared at his sister hard, and she obliged after a few moments by waving her hand and unlocking the dining room door.

As the door closed behind Pietro, a loud bang rang out. Most likely a punch. Wanda cringed at the sound and Genji put his arm around her.

"I apologize for Pietro," she said. "He's quick to anger. Well, he's mostly just quick."

The older Billy and Tommy stared in disbelief. "And here I was expecting the Vision," Tommy said, at a loss for what else to say. Billy just felt sick.

"Wait a moment..." Wanda looked around the room. "... We are missing three guests."

@Josh M @Takumi @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @CataclysmicMandala @Ryu Keiko @Verite @Leon Moretti @Bomb @dark @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Yun Lee @Crow @Archmage Jeremiah @LuckycoolHawk9 @ShiroKiyoshi @Gands @York @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Minerva @Otto @Glostechk @Seishin Ryuu @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @The Batter @thatguyinthestore @dalecOoOoOoOoOper

Reiner Braun
@Atomyk @Josh M @Verite @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @Leon Moretti @Glostechk @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies


Wait... Did she just... Breathe fire? Not just that, but, was she... Cooking her steak?

Granted he had seen some crazy things in regards to the titans, but this was on a whole other level... Nonetheless, he tried to maintain his compsure, and answer Kiyohime's question... Nodding a little.

"Yeah... That's right. I want to make sure we're safe..." He said, lowering his voice a little.

While it was simply enough to answer Kiyohime's question, he still found it a little hard to come to terms with the fact that Kiyohime could apparently breathe fire... So eyeing his steak, and noticing that there were a few reddish spots, he cracked a smile, attempting to say something to alleviate his surprise a little.

"Mind doing my steak too?" He added non-chalantly.

As he waited for a response, he took a sip of his tea, waiting to see how Kiyo might react to his semi-joke, he noticed someone panicking, and leaving the room... And though he had prepared to go after her to see if she was okay, it would seem that a few others were already doing so.

However, not long after Billy noted that they'd be locked outside the dining room, Wanda apparently teleported them back inside, nearly causing him to do a spit-take, spluttering a little on his tea before he regained his composure. The entire thing had caught him offguard, but it did make him realize just how crazy the powers that some of these party-goers possessed, as well as Wanda herself... But alas, he realized he'd just have to come to terms with the fact that some of those here had powers that seemed to defy his understanding.

Though, as much as he was trying to adjust to his environment, Reiner's attention was drawn by the converstaion between Usami and Thomas, the former of which answered a question of Billy's in a way that made him real uncomfortable... And to add to this, when Teddy headed to the kitchen to see what was up with Wanda... Usami seemed very adamant about keeping people out, which aroused Reiners suspicions, causing him to raise a brow.

Noticing that others were already sneaking into the kitchen while Usami was distracted, he shrugged, clearing his throat as he turned to Kiyohime.

"... Actually... How about we help out in the kitchen a little." He suggested, narrowing his eyes a little as he turned towards the general direction of the door leading there.

Seems like he was intending to sneak into the kitchen himself, but there was something very unsettling about the place once he got there. He checked for a moment to see if Kyohime followed his lead, before he quickly froze, and quickly tried to find a hiding place behind the curtains in the kitchen (he was far too bulky to hide behind the counter) as soon as he noticed a door open... Since from the voice coming from it, he deduced that it had to be wanda.​

As soon as Wanda and Genji left the kitchen, Mason got up from the hiding spot Toffee pulled him to and pressed his ear against the door. As he listened, his expression showed surprise and shock.

"That can't be Genji. Genji should be dead... Is it an alternate timeline Genji? Or... Is it not him? Whichever is the case, I don't think we can trust our host anymore. That being said, our host is about to look for us."

"So it appears that Ms. Maximoff does indeed have children. At least we know that bit of information is true." Toffee commented dryly, though in all honesty he didn't care too much. The lizard was never fond of children anyways. Annoying brats.

"Anyways, let's not waste anymore time. Who knows how long we have until she notices we're gone, if she hasn't already." Toffee said as he reappeared from behind the counter and brushed himself off. With there not being anything out of the ordinary in the kitchen, Toffee would continue on into the room that Wanda came from, motioning for the others to follow.​

Mason followed Toffee into the far room. Once he was there, he created another spiked orb in his hand and handed it to Toffee. "Take this. Throw it on the ground, and a portal should open directly outside this door, leading to wherever you drop it. I was hoping to slip back into the dining room while Wanda was still in the kitchen, but that didn't work out."

Mason scratched his head in thought as he surveyed the room. "Perhaps we can open the portal in here, then I can lead Wanda into the kitchen. You and Lola can escape into the dining room, and I can keep her there until then."

@Atomyk @Josh M @thatguyinthestore @Bomb @York #Kitchen Crew
@Leon Moretti @Verite @Crow #Mason's friends still in the ballroom
"Sorry about that, everyone," Wanda said, addressing the guests. "Apparently, after he got up, Tommy spilled apple juice on himself and his brother. My poor partner here had to deal with that mess by himself. Then you take into account getting some clean clothes for these two..."

The man chuckled brightly.


"Wanda, it's nothing I couldn't handle. I must admit, however, keeping clean isn't my strong suit..."

Wanda coughed nervously and blushed. "Well, I'm a mother. Worrying is in the job description. Anyway... Everyone, here they are! My-- our boys, Billy and Tommy. And this handsome man, my... co-parent, my partner, is Genji Shimada."

Silence followed Wanda's announcement. A pin could drop. Quicksilver slowly stood up. "Wanda. May I be excused?" He glared at his sister hard, and she obliged after a few moments by waving her hand and unlocking the dining room door.


If the appearance of Usami came as a whirlwind of a surprise, then Genji Shimada's appearance came like a hurricane. Kyoko froze, unable to speak at all for a good moment, let alone think to distract from Wanda's remark about the missing guests that had snuck off while she had been away, or even take in Pietro leaving the scene in anger. Everything was quickly dissolving into a sinister web of deception and illusion.

No, this couldn't be possible. Genji... Genji Shimada was dead. He was one of the many unfortunate casualties of the Coalition Civil War. Kyoko Kirigiri would have definitely known. She was there. She saw him die. And yet... Here he was, standing before everyone, as though nothing were wrong, raising "Billy" and "Tommy." But of course, in reality, everything was wrong. Or rather... Had Wanda really did it? Had she finally snapped and decided to bend reality so that what was previously defined as wrong was all absent now?

Even despite Kyoko's natural skill at maintaining a poker face, even she was having difficulty maintaining a straight face now, even with others nonchalantly speaking to Genji, not knowing what had happened in the past. Even Nono seemed enthusiastic to greet him, despite the news that were broken to her earlier. Still, Kyoko tried her best to adapt to the ever changing situation, knowing that it'd be unwise to be any more unsubtle with matters in front of Wanda, so she kept at maintaining her cover to the best of her ability.


"I-I... I never pegged you as the type to be good with children, Shimada-san," Kyoko said, trying her best to mask a shakiness in her voice, "So this is what you've been doing since the last time I'd seen you? I figured you'd be up to something else after the... incident," the detective said, pulling another gambit as she wondered if Genji would be able to connect the dots, if there were even any "dots" left to connect, knowing Wanda's power.

@Atomyk @Josh M @Mason Moretti @Leon Moretti @Crow @Yun Lee
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Reactions: Takumi

Of course the witch noticed as Shen and the others trying to leave. She'd locked the doors specifically for Shen, Toffee, and Rant earlier via magic. Wanda seemed to be hurt.

"I know what this is about. You're all worried about the food. What? You think it's poison? Why would I do such a thing?"

Turning to Usami, Wanda frowned. Her emotions seemed earnest.

"We worked hard on the meal, you know? Fresh ingredients were used. We picked what dishes to make after discussing different options for weeks! Poor Usami barely got any sleep! "

Wanda was a step ahead, it seemed. Now Shen knew why she was called the Scarlet Witch. How could he be so foolish? Of course this party would be a trap...

Moving to the table, Wanda put a portion of potatoes on a small plate and looked into Shen's eyes deeply. She ate it. Her eyes widened, before turning to Usami.

"Usami dear, a pinch more salt to add a zing. Good job, however. I'm impressed."

He returned Wanda's look with an annoyed stare. He still wasn't convinced that the food was safe. I mean, Wanda locked the dining room doors for crying out loud.

"Wait a moment..." Wanda looked around the room. "... We are missing three guests."
Shen had a feeling that things were about to go down in the next few minutes...​
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Moving through the kitchen, Wanda carried a child in her arms. Behind her, a man followed, carrying a second child.


"--You must be more careful. Daddy will be here soon and I need everything in order for when he arrives. I want everyone to be happy so that they can understand the gift."

"Sorry, sorry..." Despite Wanda chastising him, the man sounded cheerful. The pair moved through the kitchen, not noticing Toffee, Lola, or Mason as they passed into the dining room. Wanda was all smiles when the group saw her.

Usami gasped upon seeing the pair. "Oh, it's the children! Usami loves them so!"

"Sorry about that, everyone," Wanda said, addressing the guests. "Apparently, after he got up, Tommy spilled apple juice on himself and his brother. My poor partner here had to deal with that mess by himself. Then you take into account getting some clean clothes for these two..."

The man chuckled brightly.


"Wanda, it's nothing I couldn't handle. I must admit, however, keeping clean isn't my strong suit..."

Wanda coughed nervously and blushed. "Well, I'm a mother. Worrying is in the job description. Anyway... Everyone, here they are! My-- our boys, Billy and Tommy. And this handsome man, my... co-parent, my partner, is Genji Shimada."

Silence followed Wanda's announcement. A pin could drop. Quicksilver slowly stood up. "Wanda. May I be excused?" He glared at his sister hard, and she obliged after a few moments by waving her hand and unlocking the dining room door.

As the door closed behind Pietro, a loud bang rang out. Most likely a punch. Wanda cringed at the sound and Genji put his arm around her.

"I apologize for Pietro," she said. "He's quick to anger. Well, he's mostly just quick."

The older Billy and Tommy stared in disbelief. "And here I was expecting the Vision," Tommy said, at a loss for what else to say. Billy just felt sick.

"Wait a moment..." Wanda looked around the room. "... We are missing three guests."

@Josh M @Takumi @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @CataclysmicMandala @Ryu Keiko @Verite @Leon Moretti @Bomb @dark @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Yun Lee @Crow @Archmage Jeremiah @LuckycoolHawk9 @ShiroKiyoshi @Gands @York @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Minerva @Otto @Glostechk @Seishin Ryuu @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @The Batter @thatguyinthestore @dalecOoOoOoOoOper

Reiner Braun
@Atomyk @Josh M @Verite @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @Leon Moretti @Glostechk @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies


Wait... Did she just... Breathe fire? Not just that, but, was she... Cooking her steak?

Granted he had seen some crazy things in regards to the titans, but this was on a whole other level... Nonetheless, he tried to maintain his compsure, and answer Kiyohime's question... Nodding a little.

"Yeah... That's right. I want to make sure we're safe..." He said, lowering his voice a little.

While it was simply enough to answer Kiyohime's question, he still found it a little hard to come to terms with the fact that Kiyohime could apparently breathe fire... So eyeing his steak, and noticing that there were a few reddish spots, he cracked a smile, attempting to say something to alleviate his surprise a little.

"Mind doing my steak too?" He added non-chalantly.

As he waited for a response, he took a sip of his tea, waiting to see how Kiyo might react to his semi-joke, he noticed someone panicking, and leaving the room... And though he had prepared to go after her to see if she was okay, it would seem that a few others were already doing so.

However, not long after Billy noted that they'd be locked outside the dining room, Wanda apparently teleported them back inside, nearly causing him to do a spit-take, spluttering a little on his tea before he regained his composure. The entire thing had caught him offguard, but it did make him realize just how crazy the powers that some of these party-goers possessed, as well as Wanda herself... But alas, he realized he'd just have to come to terms with the fact that some of those here had powers that seemed to defy his understanding.

Though, as much as he was trying to adjust to his environment, Reiner's attention was drawn by the converstaion between Usami and Thomas, the former of which answered a question of Billy's in a way that made him real uncomfortable... And to add to this, when Teddy headed to the kitchen to see what was up with Wanda... Usami seemed very adamant about keeping people out, which aroused Reiners suspicions, causing him to raise a brow.

Noticing that others were already sneaking into the kitchen while Usami was distracted, he shrugged, clearing his throat as he turned to Kiyohime, about to suggest sneaking in after them... But just then, Wanda headed out of the kitchen, holding a child in her hands.

Evidently she had been quite busy in the kitchen, but wait... Wasn't she getting tea? Did she just get sidetracked? There wasn't too much time for him to think about this though, as Wanda mentioned that three guests appeared to be missing, the exact number that had gone into the Kitchen.

Looks like their cover was blown... And he would have to just stay put for now, though he had to wonder; what exactly is going on in there?​

Kiyo silently gauged the situation at hand with Wanda and then Reiner's answer to her question. Well, she couldn't understand the strange inconsistencies with the family Wanda was showing like the select others were feeling, but she was faced with a small request out of Reiner.


"Oh... if you ask so..."

Without thinking about it seriously, Kiyohime faced over to Reiner's share of food, took a deep breath, and then exhaled some flames. Though unlike how she did hers, she let out a smaller amount of flames. Well, that was something.

@York @Atomyk @others​

If the appearance of Usami came as a whirlwind of a surprise, then Genji Shimada's appearance came like a hurricane. Kyoko froze, unable to speak at all for a good moment, let alone think to distract from Wanda's remark about the missing guests that had snuck off while she had been away, or even take in Pietro leaving the scene in anger. Everything was quickly dissolving into a sinister web of deception and illusion.

No, this couldn't be possible. Genji... Genji Shimada was dead. He was one of the many unfortunate casualties of the Coalition Civil War. Kyoko Kirigiri would have definitely known. She was there. She saw him die. And yet... Here he was, standing before everyone, as though nothing were wrong, raising "Billy" and "Tommy." But of course, in reality, everything was wrong. Or rather... Had Wanda really did it? Had she finally snapped and decided to bend reality so that what was previously defined as wrong was all absent now?

Even despite Kyoko's natural skill at maintaining a poker face, even she was having difficulty maintaining a straight face now, even with others nonchalantly speaking to Genji, not knowing what had happened in the past. Even Nono seemed enthusiastic to greet him, despite the news that were broken to her earlier. Still, Kyoko tried her best to adapt to the ever changing situation, knowing that it'd be unwise to be any more unsubtle with matters in front of Wanda, so she kept at maintaining her cover to the best of her ability.


"I-I... I never pegged you as the type to be good with children, Shimada-san," Kyoko said, trying her best to mask a shakiness in her voice, "So this is what you've been doing since the last time I'd seen you? I figured you'd be up to something else after the... incident," the detective said, pulling another gambit as she wondered if Genji would be able to connect the dots, if there were even any "dots" left to connect, knowing Wanda's power.

Leon was now in serious mode, worried about what could happen if Wanda found then snooping around. He turns to Kyoko and talks quietly. "I know we may not know each other, but I'm getting a bad feeling about things." He glances back at Wanda and her 'family' then continues speaking, "This will sound completely stupid, but I need you to trust me and do something for me." It was not often that he would ask others to help with plans, but this was an unpredictable situation that he needed reinforcements for.
@Atomyk @Josh M @thatguyinthestore @Bomb @York @Leon Moretti @Verite @Crow
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The Batter had grown tired of waiting and begins to look around for something interesting. He walks around with his cap hiding his face. He then noticed the flames coming out one of the guests mouth's. Now that was interesting. He has never seen anyone doing that. Though he decided it would be for the best if he got some food into him. He walks toward a nearby table and sit down. He did not know what people would reacted to this, but hopeful he didn't take anyone seat. He puts his bat against the table. He looks over at the guest who 'breathe' fire.


He was curious about her. Who was she and how did she learn to do that? Well there was only one way to find out. He taps on the girl's shoulder. "Hey, how did you do that?"

@Gummi Bunnies
Still holding on to Teddy's arm, Usami seemed reluctant to answer any of the questions thrown her way. "Usami is not the best cook," she muttered. "But... the children are asleep. Wanda didn't want to wake them until the rest of the family arrived!"

With Usami not really being on the ball, Toffee, Mason, and Lola were successful in sneaking past her into the kitchen, which thankfully actually did look like a real kitchen.


The kitchen was inexplicably quiet and barren. It did not show signs of being used to prepare any kind of feast. Sounds could be heard in the room beyond, and an investigation into the noises would lead the spying trio to a door that suddenly opened as they approached. Judging by the voice, it was Wanda.

@thatguyinthestore @Mason Moretti @Bomb
Upon hearing Wanda's voice, Toffee preemptively took hold of both Mason and Lola and dragged them behind the counter before they could get caught.


Once they were in the clear, Toffee barely peeked his head out from behind the counter and watched Wanda to see if she said or did anything suspicious.

@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @Bomb
Moving through the kitchen, Wanda carried a child in her arms. Behind her, a man followed, carrying a second child.


"--You must be more careful. Daddy will be here soon and I need everything in order for when he arrives. I want everyone to be happy so that they can understand the gift."

"Sorry, sorry..." Despite Wanda chastising him, the man sounded cheerful. The pair moved through the kitchen, not noticing Toffee, Lola, or Mason as they passed into the dining room. Wanda was all smiles when the group saw her.

Usami gasped upon seeing the pair. "Oh, it's the children! Usami loves them so!"

"Sorry about that, everyone," Wanda said, addressing the guests. "Apparently, after he got up, Tommy spilled apple juice on himself and his brother. My poor partner here had to deal with that mess by himself. Then you take into account getting some clean clothes for these two..."

The man chuckled brightly.


"Wanda, it's nothing I couldn't handle. I must admit, however, keeping clean isn't my strong suit..."

Wanda coughed nervously and blushed. "Well, I'm a mother. Worrying is in the job description. Anyway... Everyone, here they are! My-- our boys, Billy and Tommy. And this handsome man, my... co-parent, my partner, is Genji Shimada."

Silence followed Wanda's announcement. A pin could drop. Quicksilver slowly stood up. "Wanda. May I be excused?" He glared at his sister hard, and she obliged after a few moments by waving her hand and unlocking the dining room door.

As the door closed behind Pietro, a loud bang rang out. Most likely a punch. Wanda cringed at the sound and Genji put his arm around her.

"I apologize for Pietro," she said. "He's quick to anger. Well, he's mostly just quick."

The older Billy and Tommy stared in disbelief. "And here I was expecting the Vision," Tommy said, at a loss for what else to say. Billy just felt sick.

"Wait a moment..." Wanda looked around the room. "... We are missing three guests."

@Josh M @Takumi @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @CataclysmicMandala @Ryu Keiko @Verite @Leon Moretti @Bomb @dark @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Yun Lee @Crow @Archmage Jeremiah @LuckycoolHawk9 @ShiroKiyoshi @Gands @York @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Minerva @Otto @Glostechk @Seishin Ryuu @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @The Batter @thatguyinthestore @dalecOoOoOoOoOper
As soon as Wanda and Genji left the kitchen, Mason got up from the hiding spot Toffee pulled him to and pressed his ear against the door. As he listened, his expression showed surprise and shock.

"That can't be Genji. Genji should be dead... Is it an alternate timeline Genji? Or... Is it not him? Whichever is the case, I don't think we can trust our host anymore. That being said, our host is about to look for us."

Mason followed Toffee into the far room. Once he was there, he created another spiked orb in his hand and handed it to Toffee. "Take this. Throw it on the ground, and a portal should open directly outside this door, leading to wherever you drop it. I was hoping to slip back into the dining room while Wanda was still in the kitchen, but that didn't work out."

Mason scratched his head in thought as he surveyed the room. "Perhaps we can open the portal in here, then I can lead Wanda into the kitchen. You, Lola, and Reiner can escape into the dining room, and I can keep her there until then."

@Atomyk @Josh M @thatguyinthestore @Bomb @York #Kitchen Crew
@Leon Moretti @Verite @Crow #Mason's friends still in the ballroom
"Wait... why do you need to escape? And why am I involved now?" Lola was confused, as she did not know what happened with Toffee and Mason earlier.

@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore
"Wait... why do you need to escape? And why am I involved now?" Lola was confused, as she did not know what happened with Toffee and Mason earlier.

@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore

"Because..." Toffee began as he took the strange device and placed it inside his suit jacket for now. "You decided to follow us. We're trying to figure out what Ms. Maximoff is planning. Certainly even a little girl like you can tell that something is amiss?" Toffee asked Lola, that last part in a bit of a mocking tone.

Moving through the kitchen, Wanda carried a child in her arms. Behind her, a man followed, carrying a second child.


"--You must be more careful. Daddy will be here soon and I need everything in order for when he arrives. I want everyone to be happy so that they can understand the gift."

"Sorry, sorry..." Despite Wanda chastising him, the man sounded cheerful. The pair moved through the kitchen, not noticing Toffee, Lola, or Mason as they passed into the dining room. Wanda was all smiles when the group saw her.

Usami gasped upon seeing the pair. "Oh, it's the children! Usami loves them so!"

"Sorry about that, everyone," Wanda said, addressing the guests. "Apparently, after he got up, Tommy spilled apple juice on himself and his brother. My poor partner here had to deal with that mess by himself. Then you take into account getting some clean clothes for these two..."

The man chuckled brightly.


"Wanda, it's nothing I couldn't handle. I must admit, however, keeping clean isn't my strong suit..."

Wanda coughed nervously and blushed. "Well, I'm a mother. Worrying is in the job description. Anyway... Everyone, here they are! My-- our boys, Billy and Tommy. And this handsome man, my... co-parent, my partner, is Genji Shimada."

Silence followed Wanda's announcement. A pin could drop. Quicksilver slowly stood up. "Wanda. May I be excused?" He glared at his sister hard, and she obliged after a few moments by waving her hand and unlocking the dining room door.

As the door closed behind Pietro, a loud bang rang out. Most likely a punch. Wanda cringed at the sound and Genji put his arm around her.

"I apologize for Pietro," she said. "He's quick to anger. Well, he's mostly just quick."

The older Billy and Tommy stared in disbelief. "And here I was expecting the Vision," Tommy said, at a loss for what else to say. Billy just felt sick.

"Wait a moment..." Wanda looked around the room. "... We are missing three guests."

@Josh M @Takumi @Cromartie Sarkissian @Kaykay @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @CataclysmicMandala @Ryu Keiko @Verite @Leon Moretti @Bomb @dark @Mason Moretti @Krieg @Yun Lee @Crow @Archmage Jeremiah @LuckycoolHawk9 @ShiroKiyoshi @Gands @York @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Minerva @Otto @Glostechk @Seishin Ryuu @Jeremi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @J A Y F R OM T H E 6 I X @The Batter @thatguyinthestore @dalecOoOoOoOoOper

"Your children are quite beautiful." Amir spoke, though in the back of her mind finding odd. From Kyoko and Nono's reactions, as well as Noembelu's it seemed that well, this confusing mess was probably going to get more complicated.

@Atomyk @everyone
The Batter had grown tired of waiting and begins to look around for something interesting. He walks around with his cap hiding his face. He then noticed the flames coming out one of the guests mouth's. Now that was interesting. He has never seen anyone doing that. Though he decided it would be for the best if he got some food into him. He walks toward a nearby table and sit down. He did not know what people would reacted to this, but hopeful he didn't take anyone seat. He puts his bat against the table. He looks over at the guest who 'breathe' fire.

View attachment 142519

He was curious about her. Who was she and how did she learn to do that? Well there was only one way to find out. He taps on the girl's shoulder. "Hey, how did you do that?"

@Gummi Bunnies

"... hm?"

With the assortment of things occurring, Kiyohime took a moment to figure out on what this man was asking. Was it unnatural to breathe out fire? Maybe not here. From time to time, she forgot that she could do such things because of her status as a Heroic Spirit.

"Oh! You mean the flames? I can simply do that with flames. Breathe it out. Conjure up fire from my hands. It's... what I can do as a Berserker. I take it that... my expertise is uncommon?"

She was definitely not realizing that the concept of her being a Berserker was just going to fly over this man's head.

@The Batter

Kiyo silently gauged the situation at hand with Wanda and then Reiner's answer to her question. Well, she couldn't understand the strange inconsistencies with the family Wanda was showing like the select others were feeling, but she was faced with a small request out of Reiner.


"Oh... if you ask so..."

Without thinking about it seriously, Kiyohime faced over to Reiner's share of food, took a deep breath, and then exhaled some flames. Though unlike how she did hers, she let out a smaller amount of flames. Well, that was something.

@York @Atomyk @others​
The Batter had grown tired of waiting and begins to look around for something interesting. He walks around with his cap hiding his face. He then noticed the flames coming out one of the guests mouth's. Now that was interesting. He has never seen anyone doing that. Though he decided it would be for the best if he got some food into him. He walks toward a nearby table and sit down. He did not know what people would reacted to this, but hopeful he didn't take anyone seat. He puts his bat against the table. He looks over at the guest who 'breathe' fire.

View attachment 142519

He was curious about her. Who was she and how did she learn to do that? Well there was only one way to find out. He taps on the girl's shoulder. "Hey, how did you do that?"

@Gummi Bunnies

"... hm?"

With the assortment of things occurring, Kiyohime took a moment to figure out on what this man was asking. Was it unnatural to breathe out fire? Maybe not here. From time to time, she forgot that she could do such things because of her status as a Heroic Spirit.

"Oh! You mean the flames? I can simply do that with flames. Breathe it out. Conjure up fire from my hands. It's... what I can do as a Berserker. I take it that... my expertise is uncommon?"

She was definitely not realizing that the concept of her being a Berserker was just going to fly over this man's head.

@The Batter
"So it's a skill?" He put his hand on his chin. He has never heard of a Berserker
Reiner Braun
@Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @The Batter

Reiner blinked, rubbing his eyes a few times to make sure he was seeing right, and sure enough... He was. It wasn't just him going crazy; Kiyohime could certifiably breathe fire, and was quite skilled at it too. Now that he had gotten over the initial surprise about this, his curiousity peaked, as he opened his mouth, about to speak... But it looked like someone else had taken the initiative to do so just before he did, asking about her fire breathing ability.

Her answer seemed to present him with more questions, as she revealed she was a Berserker, which appeared to be why she could not only breathe fire... But conjure it with her hands. Huh... He'd never heard of such a thing, but perhaps it was because the combat he's seen was quite different from the sort of thing she experienced.


"Where I come from... We only have soldiers..." He said, tapping the gear he had on.

It looked quite primitive, really; a series of harnesses, a couple of metal boxes, and some sort of gas-powered contraption... Further along than what you'd find in the Renaissance area, not by much. In contrast to where he came from, he only seemed to grow more and more curious about Kiyohime's abilities, and more importantly, what her role was in battle.

"So. What does a Berserker like you... Do?" He asked suddenly.

He figured he'd start simple, work his way up from there... And besides. Knowing just how different their places of origin were, would probably make it easier to adjust to the fact that she has some crazy firepower (literally).​

"Because..." Toffee began as he took the strange device and placed it inside his suit jacket for now. "You decided to follow us. We're trying to figure out what Ms. Maximoff is planning. Certainly even a little girl like you can tell that something is amiss?" Toffee asked Lola, that last part in a bit of a mocking tone.

"I can tell that!" Lola would say, slightly annoyed. "Besides, you dragged me into this. I expect to be paid for this!"

@thatguyinthestore @Mason Moretti @Atomyk @Josh M
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