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Right, so, childhood friend laifu is going to be hard to figure out with Yuuki, who was basically just a ball of repressed salt before his parents cut him loose. Got any ideas? I can totally see Leo getting kicks out of the drama between Rei, Mika, and the two Yuukis though.

Hm, actually, seeing how Leo moved alot during his childhood, perhaps it'd work more like this.

Leo's mom and Yuuki's mom were friends in university. Brought them over for dinner. Yuuki and Leo chatted a bunch, and Yuuki was fairly interested in all the places that Leo's been. They didn't go to the same elementary school, but they had lots of playdates together (more like kept each other out of their parents way while the two moms drank champagne or something) until Leo moved. Zoom to high school and Yuuki notices Leo once more, and decides that, hey, let's go rekindle that friendship.

It's a bit weird for both of them to see how the other had changed, but they can still bear each other's presences, so yay.
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Right, so, childhood friend laifu is going to be hard to figure out with Yuuki, who was basically just a ball of repressed salt before his parents cut him loose. Got any ideas? I can totally see Leo getting kicks out of the drama between Rei, Mika, and the two Yuukis though.

Hm, actually, seeing how Leo moved alot during his childhood, perhaps it'd work more like this.

Leo's mom and Yuuki's mom were friends in university. Brought them over for dinner. Yuuki and Leo chatted a bunch, and Yuuki was fairly interested in all the places that Leo's been. They didn't go to the same elementary school, but they had lots of playdates together (more like kept each other out of their parents way while the two moms drank champagne or something) until Leo moved. Zoom to high school and Yuuki notices Leo once more, and decides that, hey, let's go rekindle that friendship.

It's a bit weird for both of them to see how the other had changed, but they can still bear each other's presences, so yay.
Yeah, that sounds good. Though they wouldn't of gone to the same Middle school. (Either or just itself)
Yuuki Kimura - OK!

MIchio Kamijou - OK!


Earned the [Hall Monitor] Title!


Earned the [Raging Puberty] Title!
While we're waiting, I'll announce that at this current moment I am overly emotional about the fact that I cannot play Persona 5 right now.

While we're waiting, I'll announce that at this current moment I am overly emotional about the fact that I cannot play Persona 5 right now.

Play the others again and stop making me suffer
While we're waiting, I'll announce that at this current moment I am overly emotional about the fact that I cannot play Persona 5 right now.

Not with that attitude. Just learn some moon runes and import it, lel.

^^^^ everyone else in the OOC
I'm just sadly listening to all the persona 4 intros at the moment. Middle of the night sorrow.

I'll have to check if there is a way to comatose myself for five months.
Well if it makes you guys feel any better I spent the majority of my sick day creating a new character for Hisakawa...I probably should've studied for the chemistry test tomorrow, but WHEN THE MUSE CALLS SOMETIMES YOU JUST CAN'T SEEM TO CARE FOR BALANCING FORMULAS...
...or sleeping...
Yep, looks like sleep's for the weak tonight.
Well if it makes you guys feel any better I spent the majority of my sick day creating a new character for Hisakawa...I probably should've studied for the chemistry test tomorrow, but WHEN THE MUSE CALLS SOMETIMES YOU JUST CAN'T SEEM TO CARE FOR BALANCING FORMULAS...
...or sleeping...
Yep, looks like sleep's for the weak tonight.
I basically marathoned through 60 chapters of Mother of Learning instead of studying too, so you aren't alone lol.
Since I haven't heard much from Zombehs in a few days I'll say my sheet is ready to be approved!
And finally, Ionia's relationship is done...

Sagawa Mizunohara / Positive / Unwavering Bonds (Trope)
Few new friendships hit it off as well as the one you two struck this year. It's almost as if it was fated...

"Mizunohara-san is not that bad as some of my classmates claimed to be. But I have to say that I keep bumping into her when she's in trouble, and lending her a hand afterwards. Not sure why Mizunohara-san seems annoyed at my appearance though..."

Kira Oshiro / Negative / Bad Occurence
You two had one of 'those moments' that have been a wedge in you two getting along.

"Oshiro-san? She's quite the interesting person when I showed her around the Music Club. However, let's just say something... awkward happened between us afterwards and later on she left the club..." *nervous chuckle*

Lisa Yamagawa / Negative / Bad Occurence
You two had one of 'those moments' that have been a wedge in you two getting along.

"I agreed to have an interview and a photoshoot session with Yamagawa-san for the previous issue of the school newspaper, but I was so busy with the Music Club and all back then. At the end, I managed to fulfill her promise, but I believe that a crack has formed between us since I have delayed it so many times, making her job much harder..."

Yura Yukitani / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart.

"I used to be close with Yukitani-san back in middle school. Then comes high school and we basically just drifted apart. Probably we got too busy with our own stuffs..."

Yuuki Iwasawa / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart.

"I'm afraid it's the same thing as Yura though. Maybe he thought that I'm not okay with his crossdressing, and I think it's better to leave Fate to arrange a path for us."

Misheru Tachibana / Positive / New Friends
You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already.

"I just met Tachibana-san recently and she's quite nice. I can see that she has a temper, but nothing explosive as most of my advices went through. Then again, h-how she did managed to sneak behind me and gave me that noogie..."

Yuuki Kimura / Positive / Amiable Classmates
You are classmates who know each other's names. That's a start!

"I heard a lot of rumors about Kimura-kun, but he seems fine when we meet during the Music Club's first meeting. Not sure why a lot of people telling me to be careful with him as if he's some sort of monster. Kimura-kun started helping me out with a lot of things too, following my utaite channels and so on."

Sein Ravel / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
"At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart."

Abe Kuroya / Positive / Fake Romance (Trope)
You two are dating. But in reality, you two have absolutely no interest in each other beyond being friends. However, for whatever reason, pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend ended up being mutually beneficial.

"Hmmm, Abe-chan eh..."


"He's quite handsome, knows how to cook, multilingual and so on, making him the perfect husband that a girl ever dreamed. Unfortunately, our relationship is nothing more than a job well done by a pair of professional actors. However, not many knows about that. I'm not sure why he would approach me despite that there are other girls who has better looks than me, say Yamagawa-san for example."

"Still, I won't ask him why though, because he pays well, hehe~"

Noxi Keoni / Positive / New Friends
You two started getting along really well this year. You've hung out at least a few times already.

"A very responsible and strict person, as expected from an exemplary student council member. Keoni-kun and I crossed paths when he met Chiyo."

Michio Kamijou / Negative / Broken Friends
You two, for whatever reason, had to both talk and say to each other: "We can't be friends anymore."

"Kamijou-kun, from the Social Morals club and possibly related to the Yakuza..."


"We both used to be friends as we share somewhat similar family backgrounds. However, things started to go south when he found out the fake romance between me and Abe-chan. He told me to break up with him, which of course I can't agree since I'm bounded by the Contract and a whole lot of things that are related to money. I thought he would understand the predicament that I'm currently in..."

@Raven Haruka
Chiyo Imada / Positive / Maid and Servant (Trope)
Due to a random prize raffle, Nishimura became Chiyo Imada's Personal Maid, much to the chargin of many people. While not what Nishimura was expecting when she got hired, she gets paid well for a student.

"Maid Ionia, here I am!"

"Uh well, just ignore that silly opening. At first I was so sad and angry that I got myself forcefully sold off as a maid just to pay my Dad's debt, until I learned that Chiyo is my... well... uhh, Master that is...! That really makes me feel relieved, and I'm quite content tending to Chiyo's needs."

Rei Saionji / Negative / Bad Occurence
You two had one of 'those moments' that have been a wedge in you two getting along.

"I don't like the aura of Saionji-ku--- err I mean Saionji-san, that she projects around her, as if she's some kind of bigshot. Naturally, I would keep my distance away from her until we met in one of those underground Virtu-Ava battles that I got my pocket money from. I thought I was going to lose to her, until luck was at my side and I beat her with a well placed Byakko Kou! But she looks kind of bitter after that..."


"And I also heard rumors about her too. Iwasawa-kun, they say..."

Mika Tsubasa / Negative / Broken Friends
You two, for whatever reason, had to both talk and say to each other: "We can't be friends anymore."

"Oh dear. I don't even know where to start with Tsubasa-san... Maybe it was her fault. Maybe it was my fault for not being tolerant with her slowness, egging and so on. Being somewhat hot-blooded, I went ahead and said those irreparable words to her. Apparently Tsubasa-san doesn't get along well with Chiyo either, but I could notice that there are more than it seems."

Taigi Narita / Negative / Irrelevant Friendship
At one point in time, you two were friends. But as time went on, you two seem to be drifting apart.

"If Narita-kun actually stopped all those lewd comments about me as well as my relationship with Abe-chan, I would have stopped slapping him like a fool!"

Leo Kane / Negative / Bad Occurence
You two had one of 'those moments' that have been a wedge in you two getting along.

"And you too Kane-kun! You don't have to be a broken record and laughing at me that I ended up being Chiyo's maid!"[/hr]
Wow, rued. Works for me though. Think that's about all the relationships, so I'll edit mah shit later.
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