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I was thinking his official position might be the platoon xo. He's a little high ranking for that, but it'd be the best for what he's trying to accomplish.
Lazarus I assume you mean, I'm working on my post now, you can bring that up with him during the Galley meal, right now he's just hopeful his position has changed from training Instructor given how the introduction went.
I'll be able to start my post after work ends about six hours from now XD
Lol To be fair he doesn't do it on purpose, and I was more talking in regards to his squad leader, not the Admiral.
Lol To be fair he doesn't do it on purpose, and I was more talking in regards to his squad leader, not the Admiral.
Val has that covered. Well, perhaps not to the extent your character is. Val is just energetic.
@Spectre I'm going to need to know if you would like your character to be part of my characters Fireteam or be part of/lead his own separate team before I make my post.

If he is going to be part of Travers' team them if you could message me some simple details like how long he's been a member and what position he fills (just demolitions or is he the second in command demo man?) and what he thinks about Travers.
Tossed you a convo

Anyone thought about the possibility of setting up a discord channel for this?... Super active ooc. I love it.
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Well, he'll more of make a bit of a fool of himself now. And Scorch isn't really an ass, but he tends to joke a lot, even in times he shouldn't which will likely get on the more serious people's nerves >.>
I'm going to go with Lazarus having his orders lost in the system or some such, then you can either use a npc/pc to inform him of his posting to Platoon XO or I can do it myself via some form of notice, baring that I could say he has the position now and just make an edit to my posts as needed @AceSorcerer
I'm going to go with Lazarus having his orders lost in the system or some such, then you can either use a npc/pc to inform him of his posting to Platoon XO or I can do it myself via some form of notice, baring that I could say he has the position now and just make an edit to my posts as needed @AceSorcerer
I was going to have his war buddy call him up to the bridge anyway so it can be done then.
Tossed you a convo

Anyone thought about the possibility of setting up a discord channel for this?... Super active ooc. I love it.
If you wish to volunteer to create it, please do so.
Lets try this.


i'm not super experienced with discord server adminning. but. there it is.
I plan to respond tomorrow, going to give emp a chance to respond.
Will reply tomorrow, was out with gf for the day.
I'm generally inactive on the weekends. I'll post up monday.
I'm going to work on a reply now, I like to wait for a few posts before I do.
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I'm still here waiting for the others to respond unless we just do a time skip sort of thing :/
I've been busy recently, have an exam coming up on Thursday but I will be getting a response up either tonight or tomorrow.
I plan to post tomorrow unless some do today. Maybe time for a skip or a callout :/
How's it goin' peeps?

Nice to see a Halo RP on here. I'll definitely be hopping in.

Quick question, though. Which Halo game do we take the armour types/variants from? And what's the deal with face-claims/play-bys?
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