Guardians: A War of Heroes and Villains (IC)

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Robin hood

As Robin finished pledging his allegence to the cause he was interupted by a giant with a pet boar. "Ho, and you good Sir? Do you take my actions lightly? I have but one wish and that is to return to my beloved and my comrades. If I have to cross hell's fire to do so, then so be it."

Robin proceeded when he heard someone ask who was Robin hood. "As the giant says I am but a man, however I have been told that my courage is that of Lion. Now come Champions. My beloved Maid Marian is waiting for my return.

Robin charged for the portal. "Tally Ho!!" Robin was teleported to a land of ice and snow. "What form of witch craft?" Robin suddenly felt like he was dizzy. "I fear my body won't ever get used to these means of travel." As the other champions arrived on the frozen hill top they witnessed a frozen horrer. There were froxen bodies encased in ice surrounded by dark skinned beast. "My word? What sort of place did we get summoned to?"

Robin looked on in horror when he heared a voice cry out. "Hark, I hear a cry for help!" Robin took off running down the hill. 'Where did that cry come from? I need to find them quickly before those monsters do.' As Robin got closer he saw that the frozen bodies were actually moving. They looked as though they were frozen but they still moved. Something seemed off about these beings. Robin stood still,"maybe that Giant spoke the truth. This level of chaos is far more serious than the matters of Sherwood forrest."

@Damien Kriez @SoleStride
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Jeremiah Helsing

While the others were busy acquainting themselves with one another, Jeremiah had moved passed them to take a look at the portal they had been directed to. There was a hubbub behind him that he ignored until suddenly, with a shout, a blur known as Robin Hood charged into the portal, nearly knocking the hunter over. When Jeremiah regained his footing, he picked up his suitcase and followed into the portal. Through it, Jeremiah found that Robin still talking, much to the hunter's annoyance. He was not disoriented or dizzied by the travel.

Catching up with the bandit at the bottom of the hill, Jeremiah spoke, "Hark, I hear a man loud enough to waken a slumbering giant. You know, bandit of Locksley, it would not do you harm to learn to be quiet."

Jeremiah had nothing against Robin Hood but the bandit's energy was starting to grow tiresome, doubly so in this new environment.

He set down his suitcase and opened it, rummaging through it before pulling out a compact spyglass. Putting it to his eye, he surveyed down the street. The first thing Jeremiah noticed were the great beasts that wandered this frozen place. His eyes continued searching until he saw the smaller undead inhabitants of the frozen town. Jeremiah's instincts immediately told him to arm himself but the hunter waited until he was sure that everybody else was ready.

"9th circle of hell. Maybe Satan's at the center waiting for us," the hunter muttered to himself before speaking louder to the others.

"There's something at the center of the town, can't see it from here but it seems as if all the residents are headed there now. If I had to guess, whatever (or whoever) we're looking for will be there," said Jeremiah, putting his spyglass away. "I suggest using the houses to cover our travel. I'm not worried about the zombies but I am worried about those beasts if we end up taking them head on."
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As Merlin stepped through the portal, her head spun for a brief few seconds before she seemed to come out of it and looked ahead. She moved aside from the portal, allowing anyone who might be behind her to step out as well without running into her. Atop the icy hill, she pressed the end of her staff into the ground, stabilizing herself where she stood. Merlin's eyes gazed upon the town in front of her, her face drawn in what could only be pity and sorrow for the individuals below. Poor creatures. The large beasts were shocking additions to the populace as well and Merlin had to keep herself from drawing back at the sight of them. Her attitude now somber, her head hung a bit from seeing the vision before her. This was terrible. When the sound of a cry broke the air, she jolted in place, looking up and back into the town to see where it had come from. Someone was in there? Someone who was not that vague husk of a human being? The creatures were moving toward the sound as if drawn in by its despair. "Someone is down there. We must help them."

Whether any of the others moved forward or not, Merlin picked up her staff and ventured on ahead, trying her best not to slip and slide on the ground beneath her feet. It was a terrible struggle to not fall over, but someone down there needed help and someone had to help them and now before those strange beings got to them first. It was already easy to tell that this group would not work well together. Everyone was under the impression that they were the leader and it seemed teamwork would be an impossible strategy if these guys didn't try to stop and plan together or something. She was in agreement with the last man to speak, feeling it best to take cover behind the houses in order to get closer without detection until it was absolutely necessary. Keeping that in mind, she moved onward, concealing herself behind a poorly-kept house on the edge of town. Absently, Merlin ran a finger across the outer wall, frowning. This whole place could use a good cleaning. She peeked out from behind the wall, watching the creatures move inward toward the center of town. The last man had called them 'zombies'. She wasn't sure what that meant or if he had ever encountered them before, but it would be nice if someone here had some sort of experience with these beings.

Merlin did not move forward any more than this, looking back to see if the men up there had decided to work together or what. At least now she was close enough to be able to better see what those things were drawn to. It looked like a giant ice block in the center of town, but it was howling like a dying man. There is no possible way that someone could be in there right? He would be dead without a doubt. But this person was calling for the sky instead. Now she was getting antsy. She wanted to just barrel through and get him, but if the person was inside the ice, which is what it appeared, then she would need more help and they would need to get him out of that block before moving him. Unless they had something at their disposal that could just lift him up and carry him away. Merlin glanced over to see Mr. Robin Hood standing still now. He had previously taking off sprinting down the hill, but now he was stunned into stillness. After seeing more up close, she dreaded back toward the hill, staff in hand, to relay the information back to the group. "There are dozens of those creatures down there. We need a plan. I believe what we are looking for is trapped in the center of the town. They do not have much time before they will be completely surrounded."
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The black knight strode through a portal of her own making into the room in which her master resided. The darkness of the room prevented even her keen eyes from penetrating the shadows in which he resided. Out of respect and reverence, Mordred kneeled where she stood and kept her head bowed.

"Master Adler, I have watched the portal the human wizard opened down to the final resting place of the forgotten hero as you ordered. It is as you said, they have summoned heroes from old into the world to fight against you and the forces you employ to make the world you tool. Many of them... including the rotten witch who paraded as the man Merlin. What are your wishes? They surely seek out the legendary hero who rests there. It would deal them a great blow if we could seize him or kill him first."

The woman remained kneeling, waiting for an order.


Deanta stayed where he was, unmoving, collapsed in the small pocket in the pillar, devoid of the will to go on. He could not see the sky. His dream was crushed. Perhaps he would have been able to survive that crushing blow, if the realization that he could never again be an effective smith if he was blind hadn't set in. Still, mild curiousity did lead him to stir. Perhaps there was someone around that could heal his eyes? After all, it was not like he would have been summoned from oblivion without a reason, and if there was a reason, then there might also be those who had summoned him nearby. Certainly mage craft had been employed, and if they could only find the right incantation they'd certainly be able to heal his eyes. With a new hope within him, Deanta crawled out of the small tunnel made in the pillar for him, and out into the frozen air beyond.

In the cold outside the pillar, Deanta shivered. This cold was his doing, he had caused it. The frozen ground that his feet touched had been a direct cause of his battle with the demon lord. However, a sound caught his ear. It was the sound of a ghoul, one who had been killed and resurrected through the use of magic. Deanta's sighed, though he could not see, he could still use his other senses, and if he had them, while it would be difficult to fight, it would not be impossible. Tapping into the flow of mana in his body, he redirected outwards into his hand, willing it to summon to him his sword. The zombie, who had been nearby when the man had cried out in anguish, let out a low gutteral groan when he spotted Deanta. The undead being could sense the life within the man, and was driven by instinct to attempt to kill him. He shuffled towards the swordsman, only to be met by a blow that severed one of the zombie's limbs. Deanta cursed when he heard the zombie still drawing breath, and in a second swipe, severed the creature's head from it's body, killing it.

"I've gotten rusty...."

As he stepped through the portal Siberys automatically spread his wings in-case there was a slight drop or larger fall. this resulted in him gliding a good distance due to the slope of the hill. He took his time to look over the village, such that it was. "I would agree with you there." he commented to merlin as she mentioned the fact their objective was likely to be in the centre. "as far as I can see, we have 3 choices, go charging in all gung ho like our friend in green spandex." He said, making a joke about robin's outfit. "We can do as the gentleman with that suitcase and cap suggests and stay in cover." He continued referencing Van Helsing's plan. He then paused. "Or, I could try flying one of you. and dropping you off in useful locations." He looked at the others. "If anyone has a fear of hights, please say so. But I think our best option would be for myself to drop you off one by one in locations where we can open a corridor to the centre and then allow our friend with the boar to use the cleared path to rescue our target. Or something like that." He said having looked over the situation only briefly "Once you are all in position I could hopefully use my flight to draw away those lumbering behemoths." He continued his almost lazy analysis of the situation, clearly though he was in a human body his mind was still that of a dragon, putting himself in the place of most risk without much recourse for failure. It also spoke a little of his aloofness as a dragon that he'd not even asked names before commenting on others plans and actions.
Interaction: Mordred
Mentioned: Merlin

The room was large almost impossibly so while at the same time it felt small and claustrophobic to those who entered unprepared, to most it would look like a black wall had been presented to them while any light that went into the room seemed to vanish entirely. When you stood in the inky blackness a sense of entanglement as if something was wrapping around you would be the first thing you felt before a more...primal instinct invaded your senses, something from humanities time when the feeling of fear kept you alive. The feeling was as if something...terrible was watching you just beyond the edge of your senses, something so horrifying that the brain tried to deny that what ever this feeling was coming from even existed and a temporary relief would flood your body as you made your way farther into the room until you neared the center...WHEN ALL OF YOUR SENSES WOULD SCREAM TO YOU "RUN RUN FAR, FAST QUICKLY LEAVE IT'S HERE!" YOU WOULD SEIZE UP, OVER STIMULATED AS YOUR BODY AND MIND AS ONE TRIED TO MAKE YOU RUN!...but it's to late now, it...he has you and he will never let you go, you are his now.
He had heard her speak, his faithful servant Mordred telling him of the events being set in motion. Two ice blew eyes snapped open at the center of the room, the only thing seen in the room as they peered at Mordred and slowly they rose up and up until they hovered at a towering six feet and eleven inches into the air. The eyes moved forward towards Mordred but were accompanied by no sound until the were in front of the woman. "My dear Mordred I do not expect you to kneel." This...thing she called Adler spoke to her as shadowed fingers reached out under her chin and gently raised her head up so that her eye's met his as her long blue hair fell behind her. "Such...hatred you hold for that name, Merlin...I remember her as well as her front of masculinity to the one named Arthur and those that dragged your name through dirt and mud to make themselves heroes...I wonder what you would do for even a single chance to lash out at any one of them?" Adler spoke, his voice sounding human enough but something was still off about it almost like a metallic sound that rang behind every word. "My orders are simple my...dear." He spoke as his other hand reached out while and orb of what almost looked like obsidian rose from his palm, the orb moved like a liquid yet had the feel of a glass orb. "Find this hero they seek, break this orb on his chest then let the others claim this supposed legend. What the orb does is...well I will tell you if you succeed dear Mordred but forbid that you fail Mordred." He brushed his hand on her cheek. "It is rare for me to have some one as lovely as you to stand at my side and it would be such a shame if that ended so early in this relationship." He finished as his whole form seemed to disappear into the black hole of a room.​

Mordred shivered as Adler finished speaking. Him being near stirred feelings inside of her she didn't think she had, feelings like the primal instinct of fear. When he touched her face, tilting her head upwards, she did nothing but gazed into his eyes. After all, it was what she wished she assumed. The metallic sounding background to his ever so smooth and convincing voice delivered her orders. Simply put, she was but to break an orb over the hero Deanta's chest. A simple matter, one that she could see to in the matter of moments. She took the dark orb and held it in her hand, it was dark and looked to her as though it was made of liquid, but still she was able to hold it in her hand, the ball feeling as though it was made of glass. Mordred said nothing as Adler finished speaking, what was there that she could say? To fail would be to suffer something far worse then death, she was certain, not that death held much fear for her after being resurrected.

"It will be done lord Adler, I shall not fail."

With those final parting words, and with Adler having left, Mordred stood and turned to the portal. The place that he chose to occupy was perfect for him, dark, so dark you could not tell where the walls began and the floor ended. With a passing though on how she though the darkness suited Adler, Mordred passed through the portal she had opened and onto the rooftop surrounding the center circle of the town. There the hero Deanta stood, surrounded by some ten zombies, but still fending them off, even without the use of his eyes.

"So he relies on hearing to battle these fiends? I will not even require my sword for this endeavor."

Holding the orb with one hand, Mordred jumped from the rooftop, landing lightly and rolling, and walking towards the hero, who had already dispatched five of his ten foes. All at once Mordred rushed forward, passing by the blade of the hero that narrowly missed her, and then did as Adler had ordered her to do, crushing the orb directly into his chest, the orb itself seemingly fragmenting and embedding itself into his chest. The hero lay on the ground, coughing from the wound he had received. Mordred bent down to the hero, and whispered into his ear.

"I would not sleep here if I were you, the ghouls still approach."

Summoning her sword, Mordred stood and dispatched the remaining five zombies, then looked down at Deanta, who was still lying upon the ground, the orb crushed into his chest as ordered. As tempting as it was to stay, Mordred knew that it would be foolish to do so. Instead, she summoned four of her knights, who drew their swords and stood over the downed hero. They would stay and dispatch the zombies until the other heroes arrived, and then they would disappear into a nearby portal which would close behind them.

GM Control of Zombies

Down below in the town, one of the frozen beasts spotted the heroes on the hill and let out a deafening roar. Nearby zombies, some actually shuffling around and carrying weapons that seemed to give off a slight glow that were frozen to their hands, started to instead form what seemed to be a line in the streets. The monster itself then turned around and continued moving towards the town center. Just around twenty of the frozen undead corpses now formed a blockade on the outer part of each of the streets facing the hill, only one opening remained, a small alley way straight through to the center, just large enough for a single man to pass through. The ghouls must have ignored it when they were seemingly being organized by the beast.
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The green-haired warrior sighed in relief internally when it seemed he already started in friendly terms with the blonde spearman. Although he couldn't help but become slightly uncomfortable when the latter displayed such reverence towards him by bowing. Even among the heroes that were summoned, Achilles already determined that Lugh was quite the skilled and powerful warrior, something he respects with high regard. If such a warrior did exist, then he must have been alive before or long after Achilles' time in this mortal world had passed.

"That explains it. Even upon first laying my eyes on you, I already realized how skilled you must be. If someone excelling in combat had existed during my time, I would have certainly heard about your name, at least. Why had you been alive during my time, I would have loved to at least have a sparring match with you. Hector was the only warrior able to match my combat prowess during my time. Though I'm confident you would be just as capable. Why I wished our final bout had been a battle of honor rather than for vengeance. But the Fates are cruel." He didn't intend to end his sentence on a sad note but every time he remembers his bitter rival, he couldn't help but recall the fate of his old friend, Patroclus.

In an instant, however, his gloomy expression disappeared when he saw Lugh's female companion bounding towards them. He couldn't help but admire the beauty of the sentient weapon. She wasn't dainty, reserved or fragile like a princess, rather she carried herself like a free-spirited warrior. In a sense, the brown-haired girl reminded him of Atalanta. He was even more elated when it seemed she was willing to befriend him, as evidenced when she extended her hand towards him.

At that moment, a mischievous thought occurred at the Grecian hero's head which made him chuckle. Taking Nis' hand, he knelled before the brown-haired girl before addressing her.

"Ah, what a fittingly lovely name for such a beautiful lady. My name is Achilles and it is a pleasure to meet you, Nis. Why I can attest that your beauty matches, if not surpasses that of Helen of Troy. I'm sure Lugh is quite blessed to have you as his partner." He ended addressing her by gently kissing her outstretched hand rather than shaking it, which he was sure, surprised Nis even if only a bit since she expected a handshake.

After seeing most of the other heroes enter the portal, Achilles decided to follow suit and gestured Lugh and Nis to follow him They have all the time in the world to chat later but right now, they needed to attend to their current objective.

"Say, we'll continue this chat later. Right now, it seems we're already a bit behind from the others."

With that said, Achilles unhesitatingly stepped through the portal. Said portal spat him out to a land covered in perpetual, ominous snow. After that rough entry, he couldn't help but feel slightly disoriented but the feeling passed just as quickly.

The change of landscape didn't surprise him all too much. He had seen far menacing terrain in the underworld so a frozen wasteland didn't bother him all too much. What bothered him was the strange frozen creatures who appear to be still capable of movement. There were frozen corpses who didn't appear all that much of a threat while frozen beasts were also present which was quite a cause of concern. He hadn't seen those creatures before nor did he know of any records that exist narrating their descriptions and possible weaknesses. The only obvious weakness at the moment was fire. That and any other weapon that could dispatch an undead. Achilles had one such weapon, a blade forged from Celestial Bronze.

By the time they arrived, it seems that the others have already scouted the area and were on the process of barking out plans. He listened intently to them but refrained from making any sort of suggestion. Although his chariot would be a great help in this situation, he deemed it far too early to implore its use. If their enemies were watching, letting them know that he possessed such a treasure would be tantamount to revealing his identity to them. And that's a far too dangerous gamble considering that they have no idea either who their enemies are.

"The way I see it, we have three perfectly reasonable plans. And I'm in agreement whichever of these suggestions we would execute. Though you lot have to decide fast. Our target may already be knocking on Death's door by the time we reach a consensus."

Merlin, holding tightly to her staff, watched the men talk, turning to glance back at the town below. Suddenly, a shudder raced up her spine and she shivered. The sensation was familiar and caused a strange sensation on her tongue. She could feel the presence of magic nearby – something she had not felt from any of these other heroes. "Wait…" She raised her voice just a little, staring down at the town, but it was too far away to see what was happening. "Something is wrong. There is magic there – just now, I felt it." Merlin turned her body back to face the town, peering down as hard as she could. She still could not tell what was going on but something was definitely off. From a distance, she could see traces of magic sparking the air once, twice, thrice, then no more. Suddenly it was gone. Someone was there, briefly, and then had left again. This could not be good. "I believe someone has arrived at the prize before we could make it…" She was in agreement that they should have a plan, but now it could be too late. Perhaps they should just go down there and crush those frightening creatures and take what they needed.

Just then, she heard the howl of one of the large beasts below. Her eyes went wide and she yelped in surprise, skittering back a few feet like a startled horse. It took only seconds to replant her feet and glare down at the thing. "How dare it! I believe I have heard the roar of a challenge!" This was taking too long; whoever was down there could be dead by now. Screw it, she was going down there, they did not have this much time to waste. What if what they were after was gone already? Merlin stalked forward, moving back down the hill at a much faster pace than before. She suddenly slid to a stop and turned back. "Distract and grab?" She seemed to ask, a bright smile now on her cheerful face – ah, to be young again. "Who would like to fight with me? Someone should find another way through while we draw them away." With that, she unsheathed her sword with one smooth motion, twirling it in her palm lithely and smirking. She was still alright with sword… right? The gold of the handle gleamed under her gloved fingers and her grin grew as she recognized the one of a kind grip. This could indeed be fun.

Melina, or rather – Merlin, strode down to the town, sword in one hand and at the ready. She pulled a leather cord from her belt, tying it on either side of her staff and shrugging it onto her back, safe and snug. The detail with which the heroes were restored was astounding. That leather strap had always been tied to her belt loop when she was alive the first time and she was thankful to find it there once more when she needed it. Now she could fight two-handed and intended to do just that. Whether anyone followed her into battle or not could be the deciding factor, seeing as the closer she got, she was finally starting to see a ring of human-like beings blocking the center of town. They looked to be dead bodies that moved and possibly were capable of combat? Some held weapons. Merlin moved closer, keeping a safe distance for now to see if any would break formation. She held her sword at the ready, prepared to be charged at.
The only person who was surprised by Achilles affection towards Nis was Nis herself. Her whole body tensed up in fear and confusion. The only person she wanted to do that to her was her master, not some stranger. Quickly her confusion turned to rage, but before she could hit or the Greek he had walked away to the portal. Noticing his companions rage Lugh approached her and patted her head in an attempt to comfort her. "Don't worry about him. He can be like that from what I am told." Lugh looked up to see that he was one of the last one to walk through the portal, so in an attempt to follow the crowd, he stepped into the unknown world.

The new place was quite.... interesting to say the least. A land of ice and snow lay before him, with wandering souls to add to the mix. It was an all around dreary picture for the man who hated death. He turned to see that his companion had followed him and was just as disturbed by the picture. "Wow...." she said as her jaw dropped. Nis quickly composed herself, not wanting t worry her master. She knew that this level of destruction was already worrying that she didn't want to add to that. While the two observed the scenery, the rest of the heroes had advanced, moving towards the center of town. Lugh approached one of them, the hooded one (Merlin) not noticing that she was trying to be stealthy. "Hello again. Just to ask, do you have any idea what those things are?" he said, his voice not loud but loud enough for any creatures in about a 20 foot radius to hear.

Having silently observed the other heroes and the surroundings he had entered the portal to arrive at land of ice the events had followed to this point had the unknown witch attempt at leading the others then the voice of that hero to spread out over the area just around them!

This had caused some of the creatures to locate them moving towards the path !

he activated his power of divine possession a gods presence is strange mortals feel a strange pressure when they are in ones presence this caused the other heroes to look at him he passes by the witch having drawn the divine blade Excalibur

"I am Prince Rama also known as Parashurama I am both slayer of Ravana and disciple of Shiva in my former lives and I fear no demon , man , beast or ,monster"

I will fight !"

going forward he engages the zombies his skills in full form while diminished a bit but still powerful knocking them back he travels the one path towards the center!
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Robin Hood

interacting with Merlin, Achelies, Rama, Lugh anyone else I forgot.

Robin felt a presence behind him, it was the female wizard. She fled up the mountain to give her report and come up with a stratagy. "The simplest stratagy would be to pierce the hearts of these monsters with my bow." Robin pulled out his bow which didn't have a string or even arrows. "What in the name of King Richard is this contraption. The bow was metallic, but light. It had enchantment markings all along the side with fancy fins that didn't seem to have a purpose.

Robin gripped the bow. "How am I to use such a useless.." the bow started glowing, a bow string made out of light appeared out of nowhere. As Robin placed his fingers on the string an arrow made of energy appeared on the bow. "This is grand sorcery, I wonder how a bow made of magic fires." Robin drew the bow back and fired square into the chest of one of the zombies. Robin smiled and let out a hearty laugh. "Ha, bulls eye!" Robin's celebration was cut short when the beast didn't fall. "What kind of beast still moves after being struck in the heart by an arrow? No matter. I shall pierce this beast as many times as need be."

Robin pulled back on the mystical bow string sending another arrow into the zombies chest. "Still standing? How about this." Robin shot arrow after arrow into the zombies chest, making a tight group all arrows were touching. "This is the very meaning of insanity. What would kill a normal man 10 times over doesn't faze this monstrosity." Robin regrouped with the others. "Tell me good Spartan. How do you slay such a beast?"

"I'm surrounded by idiots." He growled as he started to run, He could feel the blood pounding in his ears as he started to run. "Head, Aim for the head!" He yelled at Robin as he passed him, he was pushing himself as hard as he could and yet this felt nothing like his old body, slow and fragile. Snarling in anger his tail lashed about as he took off "Staff girl, Guy with the transforming spear. Cover the archer's back and start to move forward. I'm going to see where we're headed." He called out, now airborne and moving around. In the sky, he felt somewhat alive again, he could move like his old self but with nowhere near the speed or power. He was growing more angry by the moment. this was....annoying.

Looking down on his comrads Siberys continued his evaluation of them all, "Greek gentelman in the armour, I need you to keep an eye on our friend with the briefcase to so he dosn't end up in a situation he can't handle." He called out, still spiraling overhead. He didn't get involved in any major way, most of the time he was overhead guiding and providing directions or warnings. though often enough he'd dive down and grab one of the creatures only to hurl it headfirst on to the hardest looking bit of concrete or steel he could find from a hight high enough to turn bones to paste.
Jeremiah Helsing

"The dragon-man's plan may work but I don't think we have the time to let you take us one by one," said the hunter without missing a beat. "Unless you think you can carry all of us at once, I suggest you take either Robin or I to somewhere high where we could act as sniper support. The rest move by the streets and stick to the houses. If anyone gets spotted," He looked over to the two noisy legends. "do your best to draw attention away from the group until they get to the center of town. If the group gets separated, the center of the town will be our rendezvous. Don't engage until you have to, and if you do," He shrugged. "do your best to draw attention away from everybody else."

A roar came from behind the planning hunter. Turning around, Jeremiah caught the monster's eye just as it was turning around. He spun back to the group. "Never mind sneaking, we've already been spotte--. Where's the lady?" Jeremiah spun back towards the town and gave a groan upon seeing the wizard already halfway to the wall of ghouls. Soon, every hero seemed to be doing their own thing. After giving a sigh, Jeremiah took his rifle off his back and looked it over. It was a bolt-action rifle that reminded Jeremiah of a hunting rifle, only with symbols carved all over it. He took out the gun's magazine, it was full. He loaded it back in, fired a shot, and took the magazine back out, still full. He put the magazine back in and, this time, aimed in earnest.

The hunter's rifle was aimed for the forehead of the zombie with multiple arrows in its chest. "If I had to guess," he muttered to himself. "Aim for the head. That should put them down for good."

A silver bullet followed by beam of blue fired from the barrel, the kickback surprising the hunter. This would take some time to get used to.

Merlin saw someone moved past her, beginning to fight off the creepy creatures as well. A voice shouted from behind her, calling her 'staff girl' which she did not like very much. She tried to ignore it for now with a slightly offended 'hmph', but figured it best to do what she could to help out her hero companions as was suggested. She too faced hardship when jabbing the dead-like being in the chest, realizing just like everyone else had that they would not fall with that alone. As much as she preferred to avoid the head and face when in battle – out of respect – she swung her sword with a vengeance and lopped of the top of one ramblers head. The thing fell to its knees, and then to the ground, unmoving. Poor thing. Yes, he was poor indeed but she now knew how to defeat them.

She next went for the dead thing wandering towards Robin Hood, several arrows in its chest, and yet it still moved. She ran up behind it and thrust her weapon into the back of its skull. The thing dropped to the ground finally. Merlin smiled brightly at Robin, gently tapping her sword on her own head to show the means to kill them. Then with a small giggle, she turned with a flourish of her blue cloak and ran back into the fray, mowing down corpses with a fervor unbefitting of someone so petit. While she fought, her hood fell from her head and long strands of rich red-orange hair could be seen dipping from her head and back beneath her cloak, keeping it still and out of her way.

The woman cleaved her way through many of the undead and marched on forward toward the town center, her eyes searching for the one they were here to get. She drew closer, noting a body on the ground in central view, but she was still too far to reach it and there were still plenty of walking dead and the large beasts to face. She waved her arm up to the dragon-man flying in the sky, gesturing toward the beasts. Someone needed to take those things out before anyone could get to their target. Maybe the aerial view could give them an idea of how to attack the larger monsters.
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GM Post
Of the beasts themselves, there was only one remaining, or rather, one that could be seen and had stuck around. The rest had disappeared to who knows where. The one was lumbering up the main road of the town, and was moving at an astonishing pace. One thing was clear, if the beast was not faced soon, it would reach the center. Who knows what would happen to their quarry if the beast was allowed to reach there? The beast stopped for a moment then let out yet another deafening roar. Suddenly all the ghouls that had formed an orderly battle line charged forward, ten ghouls charging after each of the heroes on the ground.
Robin hood

Interacting with Merlin, siberys, jerimiah whoever hears him.

Robin was tired of these other heroes showing him up. No one commented on the tight grouping of all of his shot only how to kill it. "To aim for the head would be to go against a gentlemen's code. To disgrace a man's face in battle is a sin." Robin watched as the other heroes charged into battle showing off their awesome abilities. "In this time I am faced with a delema. Do I forgo the Gentlemen's code and aimed for the head like a barbarian? Or do I continue to watch my comrades defeat the enemy without me?."

As Robin pondered his situation he was saved by the female socceress, Merlin. "By the good King Richard, I can no longer sit by as I have a woman fight my battle for me." Robin took hold of his bow that was now glowing. "The final beast is mine Companions. Oo-de-lally" Robin pulled back on his mystical bow string and fired a mystical arrow tword the undead being. The arrow cut through the air leaving behind hints of electrostatic discharge, Robin watched his arrow pierce the zombie right between the eyes electrifying the undead body as it fell to the ground. "Ha, feast your eyes on that Champions, tis why I am known as the world's greatest marksman."

Robin's gloating was cut short as the creature, before it was struck by the electrified arrow called for reinforcements. "There be no end to these monsters. I shall thin the oncoming charge make ready for the next wave to enter the fray. Robin drew his bow and fired another arrow at the ghoul closest to the party. The arrow flew straight but was caught by the ghoul. He caught it with his jagged fangs and crushed the arrow in two. "These beast are fiercer than the last. I shall use my new enchanted bow to vanquish them." Robin pulled back and fired another regular arrow, this one missing as the ghouls continued to charge. "This magic is trickier than I thought, mayhaps I need to concentrait." Robin fired again and again shooting only regular arrows, just grazing the beasts as they continued their charge. "Blasted beasts, I shall not be made a fool of. You are dealing with Robin of Locksley, the Robin Hood of Sherwood forrest." Robin's bow started to glow like before. "The bow responds to my pride, very well. Good bow my pride as an archer is at stake fire a shot that will prove me worth of the name Locksley."

Robin drew his bow string back the arrow discharging electricity. "Pierce my enemy!!!" Robin released the arrow, it flew faster than before striking one of the ghouls in the head. The arrow knocked the creature back dealing a fatal electric charge upon impact. "Oo-de-lally!, this bow is magnificent. Come monsters fall by the hands of a master archer."
Jeremiah Helsing

Jeremiah opted to stay silent to the bandit's moral dilemma and focus on the ten zombies rushing him. They were obviously being guided, able to take a formation somewhere between a triangle and a V shape, rather than in a mindless crowd. Jeremiah raised his rifle and waited, and waited some more until the closest zombie was about ten feet away. The first shot went straight through the leading ghoul's neck, sending the head and body back into the group, knocking them down like bowling pins. The second zombie scrambled up to resume its charge. Because it had just been knocked down, the zombie's charge was low, allowing the hunter to easily roll over its back and send it sprawling into the ground again. Aiming the rifle at the prone zombie, Jeremiah sent dead brain flying while letting the recoil of the rifle guide his elbow into the next zombie's chest. He grabbed his rifle by the barrel and spun around, using the butt of the gun as a club, cracking a skull open and taking a rotten jaw off another. The jawless monster was quickly bludgeoned as well, leaving six angry zombies to go.

The hunter gave the closest remaining zombie a kick to its chest, sending it tumbling into several others, and pulled back several steps. Seeing that the large beast was still ignoring the group, he turned to the dragon and yelled, "Dragon-man! Go distract the beast. Don't let it go wherever it's trying to go." As he yelled this, he raised his rifle and fired a shot at the beast's back.

Two more charging zombies were quickly dispatched with shots to their domes. The third one was quicker, grabbing the rifle by the barrel and causing the shot to miss its mark. As Jeremiah wrestled with this one, he looked over the undead's shoulder to see the remaining three ghouls preparing to charge. Jeremiah's boots broke rotten bones as he broke the knee of the creature he was wrestling against with a kick, wrenched the gun from its undead fingers, jammed the muzzle into its mouth, and fired. The silver bullet exited from the back the disabled ghouls head and entered the forehead of the ghoul behind it. The ninth zombie was killed with a quick shot but the tenth zombie was faster. One moment Jeremiah was loading the rifle for the next shot, the next moment Jeremiah found himself on his back with a frothing zombie standing over him. Teeth met metal as the zombie dove onto the hunter who barely raised his rifle in time to stop its jaws from biting him. Letting go with his right hand, the hunter managed to free himself after landing several blows to the creature's head. Getting up, Jeremiah charged the stunned zombie and knocked it down with his rifle. Raising the gun, Jeremiah brought the butt down several times onto its head, finally killing the last one. Panting, Jeremiah looked around to assess the situation of the other heroes
Lugh looked ahead at the oncoming group of undead creatures. They were definitely at threat, but with a group such as the fine heroes next to him, it should be no problem. Or so he thought. At first the heroes (more specifically the one who called himself Robin Hood) had trouble destroying the creatures as they failed to go down with normal death blows. But the groups luck changed when the one dragon like hero ordered them to aim for the head, the battle changed. The hooded one who had step on his toe rushed into battle, seemingly slicing through the undead horde with uncanny grace. The sight caused Lugh to pause for a moment and admire the strange beauty of the her movements. Meanwhile the horde continued to advance forward, with a large group approaching Lugh.

Rather than panic at the appearance of such a large group, Lugh shouted in a calm tone, "Failinis!" Behind him, Failinis was watching the battle unfold, focusing most of her attention on hooded woman with orange hair (Merlin), fist clenched with jealousy. Upon hearing her name, she saw her master's situation and quickly rushed to his aid, jumping over his head and landing between the creatures and him. Now to show master what I can do. The creatures were still a distance away, allowing some time for Failinis to roll up her sleeves of her suit calmly. When she was finished she looked at the incoming undead and made a simple plan of attack in her head. Then in a blink of an eye she was gone, speeding straight towards the ghoul. The following event could only be described as massacre as she attacked with both grace and power, using only her limbs to kill the undead. Her limbs were basically blades as they not only pierced the skulls but sliced the heads clean off. On the rare occasion that one of the undead struck her, the strike would bounce off, almost as if her skin metal. All the while Failinis displayed a small grin as she destroyed the creatures. It was not that she enjoyed the havoc that she was causing, instead she took pleasure in the fact that her master trusted her to kill the ghouls.

From a distance Lugh watched contently as his most trusted companion successfully took on the creatures. Because of her ability, he didn't even need to move. He could easily do the work that she did, but he chose not to because he knew that Failinis relished every opportunity that she had to fight for him, so he just let her fight to make her happy. But while he was watching he noticed another creature move towards the center of the town. He didn't know its origin, but considering the situation at hand, he decided to act. All the creatures were attacking the heroes and it was strange to see one not engage the heroes, leading Lugh to deduce two things. The creature either was retreating or it had some kind of purpose at the town. Either way it had to be stopped. Lugh reached to his side pack, pulling out the leather sling and loaded a rock in. He rapidly spun it around his head, and, after carefully aiming at the moving creature, he released the sling, letting the stone fly at an incredible speed. Wherever it hit, it would cause significant destruction either to the area or the creature.

@conman2163 @Clyde
Normally, Achilles, who devoted his brief life into gaining glory and making his name resound through the ages would have already taken action. However, he needed to gather information first before he could act. Fighting human opponents was easy for he more or less could gauge a human's abilities and the limits thereof as he fought. These creatures, on the other hand, are far from human. As what he observed from the chatterbox archer's unsuccessful attempts to strike down the vaguely humanoid undead, conventional methods that would down a human do not work against these undead creatures... except a fatal wound to the head.

"Now if only this bastard could try not to gloat every time he opens his accursed mouth, maybe I could stand being in the same team as him a bit more..." Achilles could only sigh as he heard the blabbermouth of a marksman boast of his skill with each passing second.

Despite being given orders by the reptilian hero amongst them, Achilles couldn't act for there was no longer a need to.

"You say that, but that fellow's already disposed of most of them." Achilles mused.

The quick action of his comrades dispatched the ghoulish zombies almost as soon as they became a threat. He would have loved to decimate the enemy forces with his celestial bronze sword but from what he had seen, most of these heroes refused to be shown up by the other or were just in too much of a hurry to get things done.

"At times like these, I should just use "that" but I personally think it's way too early for that tragedy to take center stage. Man, I really hope this mortal body's going to hold."

After uttering those words, a fierce flame lit up in the Greek's eyes. He aimed his trusty spear at the behemoth's leg and released it with terrifying force. However, unlike his companions who randomly hit the beast wherever possible, he made sure to aim for one of the creature's legs.

"Really, I expected some of these heroes to have done this method by now but it seems that it hasn't occurred to them that it is essential to focus one's attack at the beast's leg to take away its mobility and then systematically attack the beast's weak spots. That's par of the course when taking on something of that size. " He muttered in a disappointed tone before deciding to relay that useful piece of iformation to the others.

"Oi... I guess you folks must have noticed it already but that thing's after something in the middle of town. Best to focus your attack on the creature's legs and take away its mobility first. Then you can go crazy with your attacks on it. Fight smarter instead of fighting harder." He shouted at the group as he, himself got closer to their location, Celestial Bronze sword in hand.
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