Gang Members Have Lives Too (Reboot) (Sign-ups/ooc

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It can't be that bad. Fire away Nova-Chan!

I was thinking something like Reon or Lemi
I had thought of Lemi too but I wasn't sure if it sounded right. It reminds me of lemons. :P
Lol, same here. I thinks it's cute. Reon is also pretty good too but sounds more manly. Maybe we should put a pole up asking everyone else what they like better :P
I agree. I think we need the others help in this one. This reminds me that some of the others need ship names too.
True, true. I'm glad we have so many wonderful people participating in the roleplay! We'd be stumped for sure. Haha!
That's for sure. I'll put up a poll and get opinions. But, which ever name, LeonXRemi is totally happening!! It's too cute not too and I want more couples popping up everywhere in the gang so that way it makes the other members get embarrassed about their crushes and such.
Well, if Suishou accepts the feelings of Vince, then we will have to put another poll up for them. :p
Can polls be made because I can't find any way to do it. I've done it on other threads but not of these types before.
Yeah! I'm pretty sure you go to the first post on the Main Thread here and click Edit. On the bottom you should be able to add a pole or there might be a button saying More.
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I don't see any add a poll or more options for the Main Thread, that's the problem.
I've looked all over and can't find anything about a poll, or I'm just blind and keep missing it but I've looked a lot. Well, we'll just do this for now.

Poll: (For everyone) Which ship name for Leon and Remi do you like better?

Lemi or Reon.

Results (so far):
Lemi: 1
Reon: 2
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one for lemi i guess

in the meantime i'll just remain in the corner developing ayakuro or something ;;
Interesting. A great way to think positively during a bad time. Way to go Nova-Chan!

Poll Answer: Reon [I just love the ring to it!]
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