[FxF+side characters] Looking for a partner with the same interests!

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I am searching for a roleplay partner that would have the same interests as I do. Those interests being that, our roleplay is usually between females. Not necessarily for the thought of them sleeping together or anything, I just find that roleplay more appealing to me. When I roleplay, I usually like to include side-characters and other characters that come and go through roleplay to enhance it. I like it long term, and I especially prefer it if we both are enjoying it.

I enjoy drama and romance, but I also enjoy action, fighting, spying and all the "cool stuff".

For example, a criminal x detective roleplay. That can be put in a modern or futuristic setting, perhaps even L.a Noire style.

Maid x princess, queen, royalty. Medieval RP is honestly, honestly one of my absolute favorites. That's because the last medieval roleply I had, we both literally "controlled" a castle - from King to stable cleaner. I know, I am a friggin geek. That roleplay was like, 10+ paragraphs each response. *eek*

But don't worry, I am not looking for 10 paragraphs per response with you. I probably lost that touch. I'm simply looking for a partner that is willing to roleplay with me, even if busy days only allow me to post 1 reply per day. My text can be from one single line of text to paragraphs, it all really depends on the situation in roleplay. I can't milk words out of my brain sometimes, too.

I'm flexible, and I am going to stop this hideous blocks of text that people aren't probably reading through. Just, message me with your style, your preferences and we can get it going, eventually.

I can do private roleplay, or open roleplay. Donn matter to me!
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Did you say action? *Drags in a pile of weapons* how do you feel about supernatural/fantasy themes?
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Trust me, any roleplay is welcome for me. What were you thinking in that category?
How about vampire x vampire, witu the added fact of hunters going to war with them, i have a fire spewing vampire girl with this roleplay's name on it)