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Fourth Rock - Reservations Closed

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I started my intro for Lyra. When it's done she will be next to Geth. But it's not yet posted as it's not yet finished and I'm self conscious about unfinished stuff.

@WitchChild , we might want to determine a backhistory for our characters, how long they've been working together and what their relationship is, and such. If we are still going to do that.
I'll send you a PM about it, so as not to crowd up this thread much more. You can get back to me whenever.
I wasn't worrying, you guys are the two devoted ones. I have no doubt in either of you.
I think I'll leave you two to post your collab (since three-person collaboration gets clunky) and I'll throw in a post about the redshirts potential main characters before they head out. From there we'll work out a posting order for combat and stuff, which will be the hardest bit, but we'll get through it alright. I might need to trust you guys to put your characters in danger! :gasp:
I would like to take over the role of Daken Nermer. While I'm new to the site, I'm not new to Roleplaying. I just recently migrated with a host of other players from another site after endless frustration from the poor coding of our old site (See the Great Migration thread in the New Arrivals forum). I wanted to join a Sci-fi RP and yours looked interesting, so if you'll have me I'd like to join.
I would like to take over the role of Daken Nermer. While I'm new to the site, I'm not new to Roleplaying. I just recently migrated with a host of other players from another site after endless frustration from the poor coding of our old site (See the Great Migration thread in the New Arrivals forum). I wanted to join a Sci-fi RP and yours looked interesting, so if you'll have me I'd like to join.
Glad to have you! You've joined at an opportune moment, as the main plot has yet to start and there's plenty of different ways to incorporate Daken.
Glad to have you! You've joined at an opportune moment, as the main plot has yet to start and there's plenty of different ways to incorporate Daken.
Haha, ok awesome.

I have class now, but when I get back I'll try to catch up on reading the IC.
I will get with you right after I get access to a real keyboard. If you want character interaction it would be best to get a collab up.
So in summary:

We open with Garrett Warrens, the lone mechanic in the town Brown's Folly (named so after the rail tycoon who failed to start it several times), who is drinking alone in the town's most established inn and brothel, the Last Momento. The silence, for a Saturday evening, is unusual, and Zona Harris - the criminal-in-training of a local crime lord - explains that the MagLev trains have come in with recent shipments. Among these shipments comes the newest bounty, promising an insanely high pay-off for a group of escape convicts hiding with a well known Jackal warlord. A group of local bounty hunters has left to pursue a chance at gold and fortune. That's the main plot.

On the side, Garrett is having a crisis with his home as a well known anarchist, Vladimir Hayette, has threatened his shop. Not able to bare the price of his assistant's blood and his burned out shop, he leaves. His assistant Synthia and Zona have head out on the bidding of Nils Blackheart (the crime lord) in his growing schemes, shown in part by his brief dialogue with Vladimir. At the current moment, everyone sits in Leford poised to take the first steps into their relative plot for this segment of the story.

And on that note, this is an episodic type of RP. Segments (plot lines) will follow each other in a loose fashion with shorter glimpses into the world and less need for every character to be there all the time. Some might flash into the future, long after the conclusion of this plot, some might take a step in the opposite direction. This format (hopefully) keeps it interesting and allows for several different characters and situations to present themselves.
Yeah, I just caught up in the IC. I really like the character interactions here.

Alright so I imagine my character will probably be following you on the train. I came to Brown's Folly looking for a lead on a contract, a 50,000 reward on Geth as I understand (from Mr. V's last post). So Geth is now in Leford, meaning my character missed him in Brown's Folly. However Garrett fixed his bike and just now boarded the train. I think because your character interacted with my target, Daken would be interested in a talk with you, but unless your character actually knows Geth also went to Leford I don't think anything fruitful will come from the conversation. None-the-less, it's a reason to get my character with you guys.
Garrett is in Leford (unbeknownst to everyone he knows) and that would be a great way to incorporate Daken into the plot going around.
Oh shit... I took over Lyra to join up with Geth in order to get more interaction with him, as J's and my collabs were sort of becoming a long thing and I didn't want him to feel like a third wheel.

Sounds like that might have been a troublesome decision now. :-P
Alright, do you mind if I actually meet your character on the train? Before arrival in Leford? As to a collab, should I just PM you my opening?

I also intend to change Daken's personality if that isn't too bothersome. I'm not a particular fan of the personality Mr V. intended.
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