Fourth Rock - Reservations Closed

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Reservations are, as of this moment, once again open! Those interested in taking over a previously owned character for the duration of this chapter may do so or create their own character and find a way to enter them into the main plot or else wise have a side plot to keep their character busy (both of which I am glad to help with).

For those who did not post on time, you may reapply with reason for not posting - whatever that may be - and be given one more chance to post things on time. Second offenders will not be allowed in again; I am taking my time to create this and keep it running, I would ask that in return you show commitment and post - once a week is extremely lenient.
I was writing the post so I didn't catch that.

Things at my house have been rather not exactly hectic but my assistance was needed alot as cables are being dragged through holes and crap and lots of sudden things needing my attention such as dinner parties through the weekend. Though the foremost reason of my delayed post I'd probably say would be the fact I am getting back to forum rp after months of just avoiding it due to some personal reasons so getting back to scheduled postings and the such is slowly getting back to me. To be honest, this is only the second rp where I get into the IC and it hasn't died within 2 weeks which is what happened with first two or so rps that i went in when i got on Iwaku for the first time.
I think youre fine Witch. Technically, you beat midnight. The problem is that the others didnt. Which is... depressing.

Good luck with the real life chaos and with getting vack into RPing.
The chaos is actually over which is why i got back to forum gaming but thanks
The chaos is actually over which is why i got back to forum gaming but thanks
Oh, yeah, the deadline was midnight. I went ahead and wrote that and did some editing because I wouldn't be awake then. You're good to go.
It was around 3 am where I am but glad that I managed the deadline. Will be more active with posts.
Glad you're still here. I think I'll give it about half a week to regather/accept more applications or interest. If you guys have anyone who could be interested, peer pressure them!
Yeah @WitchChild , I'm glad you made it. You stopped this from becoming the J and T'S show... I usually stick with 1x1s, but this plot is much more fun as a group RP.
Haha XD Let's hope I get social enough so it's at least not an unofficial J and T show
I kept trying to think of reality/talk shows that have a third guest start and came dead...So, witty comment dead.
@WitchChild What would you think of my taking over Lyra and making her sort of a partner/sidekick for Geth? That way you actually get some interaction in on your posts. I'm still not entirely sure how it would work though, but we could figure it out.

Besides, I seem to be having good luck with playing loyal sidekicks. Hell, that's basically what Synthia is. :-)
that could be a plan. I'll sleep on it (2:30AM and slumps into bed)
As will I. Just trying to find a way that you don't get third-wheeled too badly.
Right, so, the next post might call for a three-person collaboration after I get Garrett's arrival up and running (sometime not now). Down for that? Or should we do post-counterpost?
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