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"Hey, I got shit to deal with too, but we'll make time for one another, right? Hey, I like you for whatever reason, even when you're acting like a little brat. Me being some messy, arrogant prick didn't stop you having sex with me either, so I could ask you why you fuckin' like me too, can't I~?" Brandon replied, immediately grabbing the pizza and biting straight into it, despite the steam rising from it. It was a great perk of having his specific powers - he could eat food straight from the oven without burning his tongue. Sure, it was pretty small in comparison to being able to, say, lift a car or set it on fire... but in day-to-day life, eating hot food without flinching really was the one thing he was grateful for the most.

"What I'm saying is that, sure, it's cool if you have to spend time away from the dorm, I do too. I deal with a lot of shit you wouldn't believe me about if I told 'ya. I'm real mysterious; secretive. Totally not an open book. Maybe I'm some evil gangster with links to big bad villains, hm~?"
"Does that mean that you'd kill me if I fucked up somehow?" He asked, though was far less concerned than he should. "Yikes. I mean, it would pretty cool to be all tied up and whatnot, only for you to break in and save me, but I'd rather not get captured in the first place... God, I'm babbling. Sorry, just... I'm super tired, y'know?" He finally murmured, wiping his face wearily.

"I'm going to shut up, okay? Let's just enjoy the pizza... maybe I'll go get a bottle of wine? You don't drink, right? Unfortunate. I need a nice cup of wine."
"I don't drink, but doesn't mean I'd stop you from having a glass of wine. God, have as much as you want. We should hit a bar after this, then? You can have some wine, I'll stick to soft drinks 'cos I'm a good teetotal teenager, and then we'll head back to the dorm-- I'l have you that meeting tomorrow morning. You don't have class until afternoon, right? Not that I'm purposely memorising your fuckin' schedule, I ain't that obsessed," drawled Brandon while absently pressing in a little closer. The fact the flirtatious air between them had fallen flat since his outburst did irk him, and hey, if he had to nudge the other under the table and wink playfully at him to regain it, so be it.
"That would be awesome," he declared, and smiled at the prospect. To think, he was going to be face to face with his rival? He couldn't do anything rash, but he could at least get to know more about him.

"I'm surprised you don't like to drink, to be honest. Granted, I thought you'd like to go to parties, and that isn't the case." He noted, before nudging back .
"I don't like losing control. I don't like the taste much, but it's mostly about not remembering what I've done the next morning-- one drink gets me drunk, it's ridiculous. I just-- I ain't saying I'm violent or nothin', but I'd just prefer having control and consciously knowing what I'm doing all the time. I'm kinda boring for a teenager, huh?" He laughed, despite having fallen just a little quieter at the mention of Skyler meeting him, as his alter. If he was honest, he would rather just admit the truth and if Skyler flipped out, he'd just kill him later on. Regretfully, of course, but it was better killing someone he really liked than having him blurt it all out to the media and the police.

"I don't-- Look, it's best for you not to meet that guy, alright? I know I said I'd set it up, and hey, I will if you want, but I-- he's gonna kill you and... I... I-- I don't want that."
"What if I bribe him? He likes money and stuff, right? I can do it, I've got some spare cash. If you don't think I should do it that badly, I won't... but I wish I could." He admitted, before sighing in clear disappointment as he took another slice.

"Let's not talk about it. It's not going to happen, so what can we do? I'll just do something else for my project."
"...Look, are 'ya gonna freak if I tell you the truth, 'cos I totally will if... if 'ya want. I like you a whole fuckin' lot, and I want you to totally ace this project of yours, and... and sure, the publicity the project will get will be huge, and... yeah, I don't want to take this outta your hands, so-- you just gotta fucking promise to keep your mouth shut, alright? Like, you don't go blabbing about the fact you know who's behind the mask, 'cos... honestly, that'll be awful."

Wiping his mouth before grabbing another slice of pizza, he did genuinely take a few seconds out to contemplate. On one hand, obviously, admitting who he was to Skyler was completely ludicrous... but he did like Skyler a whole lot. It was definitely easier not liking him this much, because if he didn't, he wouldn't feel obligated to tell him the truth.

"I'm-- I'm kinda the guy behind the mask-- the skeleton one. I don't have a clue who the other asshole is," he admitted with a sudden shrug, as though what he just said was perfectly normal and just part of a casual conversation. "...I ain't gonna hurt 'ya, let's get that straight. I totally like you and I'm only saying all this 'cos I want you to do well on that assignment and... I want you to know I like you-- but I guess you don't really wanna hang with a 'crazy murderous lunatic', huh? Gotta love the media for that, it's a totally accurate description."
Staring back at Brandon in shock, he wasn't scared, or angry, just ... annoyed, at himself. To not realize that his enemy was his roommate, this whole time? His cheeks immediately reddened in embarrassment, and set the pizza down.

"How much do you hate that other guy?" He asked slowly, while tapping his fingers on the table. "How much do you want to rip his guts out? If we're being honest and all..."
"Wait, hold up-- you actually believe me? And you're still sat here, not running out in fear or screaming that I'm a thug? That's cool-- like, don't get me wrong, I'd totally understand if you never wanted to speak to me again, pal," he pointed out, leaning back against the booth-- though didn't for one second try to hide his grin, even when the conversation turned to his competitor. Instead, he picked a few pepperoni pieces from his pizza and shrugged absently to himself.

"I mean, I hate the guy a whole bunch, sure. The feeling's mutual, obviously. He's just an ass. He ain't got no sense of fun or dramatics. It's all... meh-- I just do what I do because I fucking can, because it's fun and all, but he makes it seem like a chore," he continued with a groan, resting his face on his closed fist. "...I really do like 'ya, Sky-- and I was obviously lying about not having cash, so hey, if you still like me and wanna head out to a bar with me, I'll pay for the drinks, I guess."
Moving to take his hand in his, he still locked eyes with Brandon, clearly dealing with his own hesitation as his eyes reviewed the other's face.

"Well, ain't this just the strangest ok coincidence, then. If I were the faceless guy, would you kill me? If I were the stiff, rigid murderer you think that guy is, would you still like me?"
"I'd still think you were fucking cute, sure. Would I like 'ya? I dunno. You don't-- you don't get how fucking angry that guy makes me. He's constantly belittled me, like... he makes me feel like I'm shit compared to him, which ain't true by the way. I don't really like doing this dark, psychotic stuff like kidnapping people and holding 'em hostage, but he drives me to it 'cos he's always saying I'm amateur. I dunno, dude, if you were that guy? I... I dunno, I'd hear you out and stuff, totally, but I can't guarantee you'd be in my best books," grinned Brandon, not really taking the questioning too seriously, which was why it was easy for him to shrug and admit he'd consider cutting contact instantly. He didn't believe Skyler would ever be the faceless villain, the guy he'd hated for months, so he really didn't dwell on how he would really react to the news.
"Look, I don't hate you. I'm... to be honest, I'm upset that you kidnapped Martin. He didn't do anything to you, you realize that, right? I don't know where he is, but you should let him go." Skyler insisted, choosing to keep his own identity hidden as he picked a piece of pineapple off the pizza to nibble.

"I... I think that's really upsetting, that you'd do that, Brandon. Look, I won't tell anyone who you are, okay? There's no reason for me to. I mean, I guess it would be nice, visiting you in jail, all dressed in black like a mourning wife."
"Jail? I ain't ever going to jail, don't you get that~? I don't think they could design a cell to keep me in. That sounds cocky as hell, but it's kinda true-- and the same goes for that faceless-masked bastard. He kinda slips through objects, it's a little cool I guess. What fucking prison is gonna be able to keep him locked up-- same with me. We're gonna spend the rest of our lives just pissing one another off, probably," he shrugged, rolling his eyes to himself at the idea. He knew he was being dramatic, but he couldn't exactly help himself - talking about Sky's alter always did this to him.

However, seeing Skyler still sat opposite him, not seeming too freaked out, was a huge relief, and admittedly, it made him fall for the guy a lot harder than he expected. "...If you were that masked guy, I guess I'd get over how much I fucking despise what he's done because I like 'ya that much. That make you feel better~?"
"A bit," he admitted, while running his fingers through his hair. "I mean, you've got a point. Like, isn't there some metal that's unbendable or something? Like... i don't know, I'm no chemist. Just like I'm sure there's something that holds that guy, too. It hasn't been found out yet, granted..."

Offering a smile, he took a full bite, a brow raising. "That's pretty hot, you know. You can lift anything, then? Break whatever? I guess that explains a lot about our little night."
"...Yeah, well, I didn't mean to hurt you. If I meant to hurt you, you'd be dead. It was-- the heat of the moment, really. I shouldn't have hurt you and I'm sorry, but... I dunno, I once broke a guy's arm in bed, so a bruised hip ain't too bad," he pointed out in the effort to make the injury seem less serious than what it was, and to try and somehow alleviate the guilt he felt over it... even though his face had instantly turned to that apologetic frown.

"It's why I don't drink, y'know? I'd lose control and fuck, I don't want people knowing who I am. Why'd you think I wear a mask? I ain't into the idea of people knowing my identity, pal. Maybe one day, sure, but not when I'm young and have a life to lead."
Skyler could easily snap back, though decided to keep his mouth shut. After all, he did have some feelings for Brandon, and he didn't want to ruin that... but he still hated his alter.

"No, I like it. I think the whole strength thing is sexy. I mean, I wish I could be as strong as you. As long as you don't, like, tear my limbs off or anything, I don't mind how rough you are."
"Sexy? Y'know, my parents really didn't hate the whole strength thing. My Dad had me lift the car up for him when I was, like, 5, just to take some corny photographs. He was kinda proud, y'know? Having a son who could overpower a super strong wrestler or somethin'? Course he was proud-- less so when I set the living room on fire by accident," he snorted, easily finding humour in it all. As much as his parents had loved him, he did resent them for a hell of a lot, and so reliving the bad things he'd done to them really didn't affect him too much.

"Look, just to, like, forewarn 'ya, I'm... there's gonna be a story in the press tomorrow about me, probably by evening. I'm obviously gonna kill one of those guys I've got tied up, y'know? It shouldn't be a shock to 'ya, I've done a lot of bad shit-- it won't be Martin, alright? I'd love to fucking kill him, he's so boring, but... I dunno, I'll kill the fat cat who beat up his wife, how 'bout that?"
"You thought I was boring, does that mean you would have killed me?" He questioned curiously, while tapping his fingers against the aluminum table, his eyes avoiding Brandon absently. "I mean, you probably couldn't. I may be weak, but I'm pretty cunning. I bet I could, like, kick your as somehow."

Turning to the other, he offered a sly smirk teasingly. Of course, he had proven that exact thing multiple times, but he wanted to seem to joke, to keep the other from thinking he was genuine in his taunts.
"You, kick my ass? You could try, obviously, but I doubt you'd get very far. Even that faceless masked guy hasn't really managed that-- I mean, he shot me the other day, and it really fuckin' hurt, but it's not like it affected me that much. I still walked out of that bank. I got shot at, and I walked out. What makes you think you could somehow kick my ass, babe~?" He teased back in return, having absolutely no clue that he was sat opposite the very person that had shot at him... and embarrassed him in front of the cameras by shoving him over. Instead, he happily took his hand in his own and slowly entwined their fingers.

"I mean, you ain't got no reason to be scared of me, anyway. The media thinks me and that other guy are losers right about now. It's kinda why I've done that whole kidnapping shit-- hey, I'll split the cash with you if you want, you could send half off to your Mum," he suddenly offered, which was, on the face of it, completely absurd. He had only known the other a week, and they'd only got intimate that day... but money really didn't mean that much to Brandon. He didn't do this for the cash, so handing half of a million pounds away didn't concern him at all. "I'm glad you ain't rushing off to the police, so hey, if you wanna think of this as a thank you gift or whatever, that's cool. Five hundred thousand should help your Mum out, right? Like, you said you work a lot to send cash to her-- I assumed she was sick or somethin', so I'm totally alright with giving you half the million I get."
"I-I... Brandon, you don't need to do that," Skyler insisted, unable to hide his shock as he stared back at the man. To be offered so much money was... Well, it was nice, obviously! It meant he didn't have to go out and make a big scene trying to steal cash, and now with the combination of school work and his part-time job, starting trouble had become more of a job itself than anything. For a few months of not having to come up with some dirty money for his mother sounded amazing.

"You'd really do that for me, though?" He questioned slowly, while squeezing the villain's hand tight. "That would mean so much to me, Brandon. My mother - she's got some issues, yeah. Kind of a demanding force, she is. This would mean so much to me, you don't even understand."