Fate/Stay Night RP

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What are the ranks of his skills. Also do note, magic resistance granted from God leaves one vulnerable to scarments of the church (Such as Joan of Arc and Shirou Kotomine can both be hurt with Scarments despite having EX and A rank MR). You also shouldn't have the riding skill as a class skill but you should still have Independent Action.
So Saber and Berserker are the ones that aren't taken yet right?
Ashwa can't revive and kills his Master through prana drain if he uses his NPs more than once a day. Rostam is somehow stronger than Herc.
Blame affections of the goddess being proven broken by apocrypha
Alright, edited it!
ALright, filled everything in, tell me what I need to fix.
"Though, this leaves him immune to Church sacraments"
Should change immune to vulnerable

Presence Concealment shouldn't be a class skill, he isn't an Assassin.
His personal skills still need ranks.
Appearances (Hearts in order of use from left to right):


Name: Jester Karture

Servant: (Can be left blank for now)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Age: 532

Gender: Varies

Height: Varies

Hair color: Varies

Eye color: Varies

Blood type: Varies

Likes: Excitement

Dislikes: Boredom


-quality: A+
-quantity: A


Since he is a Dead Apostle, Jester has all the advantages and disadvantages such an unlife brings with it:
  • Mystic Eyes of Enchantment: The eyes possessed by most vampires, capable of high-level hypnosis. Classified as Gold under the Noble Colors system.
  • Curse of Restoration: This ability operates under normal conditions and causes the vampire's body to regress through time to its original vampiric state whenever it receives an injury. However, this ability is also tied to the phases of the moon. As the moon waxes, the degree of injury that can be repaired, as well as the speed of the regression increases dramatically.
  • Weakness to sunlight that greatly hastens their bodies degeneration, bodies of water which they are unable to cross and of course to sacraments of the Holy Church.
  • http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Dead_Apostle#Characteristics

Six Hearted Revolver:
Jester's Dead Apostle title and his greatest asset. He has tattoos laden with a sense of magic in a shape much like the cylinder of a revolver, six red crests arranged in a circular pattern, upon his chest. Each contains a conceptual core as a magus in the form of a heart that contains a "soul as a magus." They are shielded by several layers of magical defense, and he can revive easily even if one is destroyed. While the state of the destroyed body is definitely that of a corpse, he can move it around like a puppet.
The active core is placed upon his left thorax, and it will turn black if it is destroyed. He can switch it by inserting his hand into the crest, making it sink into himself rather than tearing through skin, and he stirs his insides nosily like the cylinder of a revolver. The black crest is moved to his left abdomen, and a new red crest takes its place on his left thorax. Changing it also allows him to change his appearances by morphing his shape, and using up all the faces will return him to his original form.
He also has control over his shadow, turning it into a elongated red extension of the same color as the tattoo, and it can entangle targets, separate from the floor, swallow them in a red tide, reduce bodies into mere skeletons in just seconds, and return to him brighter than it was before.
In terms of magecraft he follows the thaumaturgical school of Kabbalah and uses the Temurah branch, which was the basis for his Revolver Heart technique. Furthermore he uses it to create his Dead Apostle Territorial Field.

During his long life, he learned to speak, read and write German, Russian, English, Japanese and Hebrew.


Jester was born in the Grand Duchy of Moscow in the year 1472 as the healthy girl of a magus clan and grew up to be quite a beautiful young woman. So beautiful infact, that her parent vampire turned her into a walking corpse when she was only fifteen years old. Only about a hundred years later she regained her intelligence and it took further 60 years to break free from her parent vampire, namely by killing him.

In the following centuries, the girl focused on becoming stronger, both in terms of learning about magecraft and developing her vampiric powers, including the establishment of her territory. Finally, as her greatest feat yet, she developed the Revolver Heart method of extracting conceptual cores from magi she killed and fusing them with her own body, with the rather nice side effect of taking on their appearance.

However with the years going by, she found it harder and harder to feel excitement and was more often then not bored with her life. Simply dying was of course not an option and she definitely didn't want to give those clowns of the Burial Agency the satisfaction of sealing her away for all eternity, so she started searching for a more extravagant way to end her existance. She searched and searched until she finally stumbled over the Holy Grail War, a device that apparently could grant any wish in the world. So she started to study every book, scripture, scroll and anything else that concerned the Heaven's Feel ritual, in order to give herself, by now himself, an edge over the other Masters. Thankfully the church wasn't all too aware of him at the moment, so at least he didn't have to expect much trouble from that side, as long as he didn't go out of his way to make it known that he wasn't quite the normal magus until the war had started.

Wish: Jester wants to wake up Type Mercury in order to die with the rest of the world
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Alright, I think I've worked it out.
Appearances (Hearts in order of use from left to right):


Name: Jester Karture

Servant: (Can be left blank for now)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Age: 532

Gender: Varies

Height: Varies

Hair color: Varies

Eye color: Varies

Blood type: Varies

Likes: Excitement

Dislikes: Boredom


-quality: A+
-quantity: A


Since he is a Dead Apostle, Jester has all the advantages and disadvantages such an unlife brings with it:
  • Mystic Eyes of Enchantment: The eyes possessed by most vampires, capable of high-level hypnosis. Classified as Gold under the Noble Colors system.
  • Curse of Restoration: This ability operates under normal conditions and causes the vampire's body to regress through time to its original vampiric state whenever it receives an injury. However, this ability is also tied to the phases of the moon. As the moon waxes, the degree of injury that can be repaired, as well as the speed of the regression increases dramatically.
  • Weakness to sunlight that greatly hastens their bodies degeneration, bodies of water which they are unable to cross and of course to sacraments of the Holy Church.
  • http://typemoon.wikia.com/wiki/Dead_Apostle#Characteristics

Six Hearted Revolver:
Jester's Dead Apostle title and his greatest asset. He has tattoos laden with a sense of magic in a shape much like the cylinder of a revolver, six red crests arranged in a circular pattern, upon his chest. Each contains a conceptual core as a magus in the form of a heart that contains a "soul as a magus." They are shielded by several layers of magical defense, and he can revive easily even if one is destroyed. While the state of the destroyed body is definitely that of a corpse, he can move it around like a puppet.
The active core is placed upon his left thorax, and it will turn black if it is destroyed. He can switch it by inserting his hand into the crest, making it sink into himself rather than tearing through skin, and he stirs his insides nosily like the cylinder of a revolver. The black crest is moved to his left abdomen, and a new red crest takes its place on his left thorax. Changing it also allows him to change his appearances by morphing his shape, and using up all the faces will return him to his original form.
He also has control over his shadow, turning it into a elongated red extension of the same color as the tattoo, and it can entangle targets, separate from the floor, swallow them in a red tide, reduce bodies into mere skeletons in just seconds, and return to him brighter than it was before.
In terms of magecraft he follows the thaumaturgical school of Kabbalah and uses the Temurah branch, which was the basis for his Revolver Heart technique. Furthermore he uses it to create his Dead Apostle Territorial Field.

During his long life, he learned to speak, read and write German, Russian, English, Japanese and Hebrew.


Jester was born in the Grand Duchy of Moscow in the year 1472 as the healthy girl of a magus clan and grew up to be quite a beautiful young woman. So beautiful infact, that her parent vampire turned her into a walking corpse when she was only fifteen years old. Only about a hundred years later she regained her intelligence and it took further 60 years to break free from her parent vampire, namely by killing him.

In the following centuries, the girl focused on becoming stronger, both in terms of learning about magecraft and developing her vampiric powers, including the establishment of her territory. Finally, as her greatest feat yet, she developed the Revolver Heart method of extracting conceptual cores from magi she killed and fusing them with her own body, with the rather nice side effect of taking on their appearance.

However with the years going by, she found it harder and harder to feel excitement and was more often then not bored with her life. Simply dying was of course not an option and she definitely didn't want to give those clowns of the Burial Agency the satisfaction of sealing her away for all eternity, so she started searching for a more extravagant way to end her existance. She searched and searched until she finally stumbled over the Holy Grail War, a device that apparently could grant any wish in the world. So she started to study every book, scripture, scroll and anything else that concerned the Heaven's Feel ritual, in order to give herself, by now himself, an edge over the other Masters. Thankfully the church wasn't all too aware of him at the moment, so at least he didn't have to expect much trouble from that side, as long as he didn't go out of his way to make it known that he wasn't quite the normal magus until the war had started.

Wish: Jester wants to wake up Type Mercury in order to die with the rest of the world
Accepted but do note that Inquisitor Levi Thompkins and other members of the Church will try to hunt you down. Bradley Allencourt will also attempt to eliminate you as he will see you as a huge threat.
Of course they will, once they find out I'm a DA

If they find out before they die that is~

(And if one of the two gets Karna we're fucked anyway)
If anyone wants to join with an OC, but not make one I have Judas Iscariot worked out. Also, can I have a member of the Church as the MAster or no?
You would need a good reason. As the church is usually suppose to stay neutral.
Alright, What if I chose to be from the Lutherans? xD
There are no Lutherans, all Christians got merged into the Holy Church :P
You could be a Templar. As they are part of the church yet not actually part of it.