Fate/Grand Order - Worlds Made of Glass - IC

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The journey had been fairly uneventful for Haadran once the group had actually set off. The devastation just seemed to go on and on without relief, and the eerie quiet made it harder to bear. I remember disaster zones from my travels, but never anything like this - literally everything is dead... how else could it be like this? How many people died here? How could things wind up like this... it's even worse than if the city had been bombed to oblivion, so thought the sullen man as he adjusted his scarf to properly cover his nose.

Archer walked next to his Master, quiet and serene, observing and lamenting. I can't quite decide, whether this is worse than the siege and the fall. This time the screams of the agonizing and dying cannot be heard... but the structural damage is far worse. Even if the motivations are different, these tendencies of humanity to bring hell for themselves is something that defies explanation, such were his thoughts while the group advanced.

Archer picking away the debris and tossing it to the side with his ahtlatl combined with Archimedes' guidance meant they made good progress in a short amount of time. The squad had encountered no foes, but no clues either. It appeared they would make it to the school, simply and unceremoniously, until the enemy Servant's presence was revealed. Archimedes' warning, the familiar burning sensation of the Command Seals, and the senses of the Servants all dashed such hopes.

Haadran had tried to be aware and ready, with his rings already on his fingers, but the event was something he couldn't really parse. He knew that Saber had repelled something, but it wasn't clear what until it stopped a ways away from the group. Haadran stifled his fear through sheer force of will, taking in the visage of the enemy. Archer wasted no time in flinging an envenomed and tracking obsidian shard at this assailant. When the the enemy retreated, Haadran got to work, knowing that the shard would chase after the foe until it either hit or was destroyed.

With as much speed as he could manage, he created as large a field as he could around them, and with great focus, care and prana, he applied on it the Curse of Gravity. He was applying substantially more effort and concentration this time around - with the caliber of what they were fighting, half-measures wouldn't do. Haadran had witnessed just how fast it could strike, so he placed this curse to make it harder for the foe to move and thus slow him down. The next time the foe attacked, he'd be able to measure how effective the current field was. Archer, aware of the danger, had his macahuitl handy, its bulk useful to defend.
As the team moved closer to the school with their servants guarding all sides while they spoke with Archimedes. Once they were nearly reached the school Leon picked up on a magical presence approaching. Soon a cloaked figure appeared ready for battle. Saber pulled Leon back and towards Assassin. He readied his weapon and blocked every attack the assassin made till he was forced back. The cloak emaciated figure than vanish and would attack again once it found an opening.

Assassin grabbed Leon and put behind him along with Sabrina and Haadran. He would bitter let Saber handle close combat as off now even though he wanted to fight this enemy himself. For now, Assassin would guard the Masters against the cloaked servant. Kojirou was quite sure he could defeat this servant himself. They both were of the same class or it looked that way, he should be able to defeat him. "I'll guard the Masters while you focus on defeating this cowardly enemy. However, Saber, if you fell to defeat this one in an adequate time I suggest a tag out."

When the enemy appeared Sabrina was taken back by its ghastly appearance. Its looked corrupt and that could explain the servant appearance. It fought like her Assassin, every claw at Saber was attended to kill. It quickly disengaged when Saber pushed it back and was going to attack from a new angle. Sabrina wasn't sure what it would do next, it was pretty fast and can pick off a Master in a single strike if they were careful. "Assassin's are such the problem servants." She commented as Haadran through up a curse to slow the enemy servant down. "Those curses of your are pretty useful. To be honest, I've never witnessed anything like them before. Curses are pretty uncommon magecraft to begin with aren't they?"

Assassin waited for the enemy to commence his attack. With his Mind's Eye(False) he'll be able to guard the Master and himself. If this assassin felt brave enough to take down a Master, it would be severely punished for it. He hated how the Assassin class fought, no honor whatsoever. As a Samurai that was unforgivable.
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Leon breathed out in a panic as he grabbed onto Heat, and physically tackled him aside before he could finish casting his spell as a speeding arrow came out from the school building. The arrow smashed into the ground with a jarring impact destroying the solid concrete street with the impact. "Drat I was hoping that would work....heheheheheheh...all the more to torture I suppose! What a wonderful time to be a servant! So many to fight! First that lancer, and then that rider! Poor things they were especially that Tohsaka girl. She never saw it coming! All the same I promise you..this will hurt!" the blackened servant cackled as he tilted his head from side to side. "Four winds form!" Leon mumbled as he formed a bullet on his finger one more building up prana inside of himself, and from the corrupted od around him in order to shoot it at the enemy but as he unleashed the spell the servant dodged Leon got off of Heat as he saw Saber charge up the building attempting to strike at the assassin only for him to jump away once more. "Oh come on now! So predictable at least make your suffering fun!" the servant laughed.

Leon noticed something however there was only one arrow that had been shot at him, and his comrades. Was that archer doing something at the school? Was that other servant the kid archer mentioned still alive?
"Sorry Heat best not to stand still no clue if that enemy archer was a one off thing." Leon said to his comrade as he pulled him up. Assassin went to lunge at Leon suddenly once more but Saber using his mana burst forced himself into the path way of assassin. Only for the assassin to change directory in mid air as if defying the will of gravity. The assassin slashed at Arthur with his hands but the claws didn't manage to penetrate Arthur's armor. Arthur managed to get a glancing blow off with his elbow but it was fleeting as the assassin bound away to a safe distance. "Cowardly assassin! I know not what foul magic has turned your soul black but I will send you back to the throne of heroes!" Arthur growled at the creature who cackled louder. "Oh please King of Knights you think this is the first time I heard that line? Such a predictable thing you are!" the abomination taunted him but that only drew confusion from Arthur who wondered how he knew his title. "Oh...you don't know!? Ha! Then I won't spoil the surprise...not that you are going to find out."
"T-thanks Captain... And yes, Miss Sabrina, rare indeed. I'd rant at length about it but it will have to wait until later!", so said Haadran as he got up. That had been too close a call. It was a small wonder that the Captain had managed to pull him down in time and save him from the surprise attack.

He glanced at Archer, who, displeased at this development, proceeded to use his Noble Phantasm to reinforce the concrete rubble created by the arrow's impact, and launched them with great speed and power in the direction the arrow had come from originally - at this point subtlety was probably not needed and even if his projectiles didn't connect with the enemy, they'd still damage the building enough to deny the enemy the higher ground.

Archer trusted Saber to keep that blabbermouth corrupted Assassin off their backs, and Assassin himself was also at the ready to guard the Masters. Not to mention, the obsidian shard he had launched at the corrupted Assassin earlier was now coming back and homing in on his position from above.
Sabrina wanted to tear this Servant apart. It incredibly annoying and seemed to enjoy killing rather than the battle itself. She knew it would shred her into pieces she got too close. Leon tried to hit the Servant but easily avoided the attack. Sabrina tried to avoid combat with servant even if they didn't have magic resistance which she was sure this Servant lacked. Still, Servants were basically Magus killers as no Magus could stand against one in most cases.

Sabrina steadies her breath and lifted up her hand at the enemy assassin. "Charge." She whispered as she took in mana from around and channeled it through her circuits to create prana, the magical energy that was her lighting. Her hand crackled with blue lighting and built up a mighty charge. Assassin would need to be as fast as lighting to dodge this. This wasn't meant to take him down but hopefully, create an opening for Saber and Archer at least. "Bolt!" A large arc of lightning shot out of her hand and towards the enemy Servant.
The large rubble smashed into the school causing more debris but nothing more came of it than that. The assassin however laughed a maniacal laugh as it looked at the enemy charging it and put it's feet on the ground and in a moment it pressed against the ground with its feet and sent itself flying towards the heroic spirit. "What the fuck does a pitiful assassin like you think you can do to an actual assassin like me? You sicken me you piece of garbage, go back to the throne!" commented the enemy as it went to slash at Assassin who would be backed up by saber charging in from the rear. However the creature expected this and just as suddenly as it went to slash at assassin it suddenly spewed fire from it's mouth forcing assassin back and clashing with Saber as the king of knight tried to run him through he grabbed the sword in his hand holding it with his bloody claws before attempting to gut Saber only for the assassin to get kicked back for its effort. It once more retreated. "You annoying prats...I should regroup with berserker..."
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A sly smile appeared on Kojirou's lips as the assassin charged at him after avoiding Sabrina's bolt of lighting. He was a fast one, as an assassin should be. The cloaked assassin insulted Kojirou, remarking he should return to the Throne from wench he came. It lifted its claw as if it was going to slash at Kojirou but instead spewed fire from his mouth causing Kojirou to move back. It went back to fighting with Saber and was pushed back again with a kick.

"Enough of this!"
Kojirou shouted in annoyance. He left his Master sid and charged at the cloaked assassin with zeal. He uses his speed and agility to his advantage, moving left to right with Zoa stick out toward the assassin. "I won't let escape coward." He pulls his sword back and swings it in a large arch at the assassin neck cutting through the air with great speed adding to the power his attack. Kojirou looked as if he was open but in reality, he was well guarded.

Assassin had grown tired of the servant games and Saber struggle to defeat it. He would the show all of his team how it was done. The cloaked assassin he was facing was coward, someone who chooses to run rather than fight so he doubts his actual combat strength.
Still confused at how bizarre the situation was and how thoroughly strange the corrupted Assassin could be, Haadran merely glanced at Archer while making a hand sign. It was unfortunate that the field had not been deployed in time, because by now the Assassin could surely escape before he got it ready, given how it had avoided the lightning bolt Sabrina launched. There were other things to be done, however. Archer had seen his cue.

Archer indeed noticed, and at this command he used his ahtlatl to launch two of the obsidian shards he had prepared earlier in curving trajectories towards the enemy. Between the original projectile, which was no close enough from behind to hit if the foe did not do something about it, Assassin's charge, and the other two coming from the sides, they should have a good chance to score a hit.
The assassin roared in anger at Kojiro as he charged at him again. It backed off keeping distance between him, and Saber. It's speed seemed to be incredible. Even Saber, and Assassin found it hard to keep up with the creature. "Damn all of you!" growled the beast as Archimedes came over Archer's ear piece. "Now." he said firmly as archer unleashed his attack the pieces caught the assassin at the right time slashing the side of his leg, and arm causing serious bleeding. The assassin cried out as Saber blasted forward on mana burst and stabbed him in the gut just below his armor piece. Assassin coughed up blood and as he saw assassin not to far behind. He roared in indignation kicked his foot at the ground destroying it Leon saw that he had activated 'Disengage B+' as he pulled away from the two of them he wasted no time bounding away from the ground. He had little choice to do otherwise. However as the servants went to chase them more zombies appeared apparently just in the nick of time to save Assassin. "The undead should stay dead! Damn it all!" growled Saber indignant about the whole affair he quickly moved to dispatch the new fodder. "I believe that confirms his identity. I was not sure before but the way he fought, his looks, and his movement confirmed it. Legends tell of a horrific creature of unknown origins terrorizing London long ago. I believe that creature was the one you just fought manifested as a servant. Dispatch the corpses and move on there's no chance of catching that thing if what I believe him to be is correct. You have just encountered the 'heroic' spirit known as Spring Heeled Jack."
The hideous creature was quicker than Kojirou thought. Every time he swung his sword he came close to cutting the servant down but he moved out last second. He was able to avoid Saber and Assassin yet couldn't avoid Archer's shards that came from the side. Saber then took this chance and blasted towards the assassin and stabbed him in the gut. Assassin saw it was his chance to land the final blow. He hated teaming up on an opponent but for this hideous assassin, he'd make an exception. Before he could behead the assassin he activated a skill and was able to escape the battle with a horde of zombie to save him.

Assassin wanted to land the final bow on assassin but unfortunately, he escaped. All Assassin could now do is turn his sword on the zombie that appeared and join Saber who was already in the fray. He would meet assassin and settle who will return to the Throne. There he'll show him the true fruits of Kenjutsu.

Sabrina was little surprise to hear that name. "Spring Heeled Jack was real. I genuinely thought he was just an urban legend. A creature created from hysteria." She stated. "He's an elusive one that's for sure. We shouldn't get too comfy, he might still be lurking." He may have been stabbed in the gut by Excalibur but servants are made of sturdy stuff.
Retreating with Sabrina, Haadran nodded at her and commented while watching Archer get to work on dispatching the corpses, "Even if he were not real... the power of the Grail combined with people's beliefs would be enough to materialize it, especially if something has messed with the Grail itself, perhaps?". As he said this, Haadran considered deploying a field, but ultimately decided against it. Saber had been explicit that these foes were not even worth the dirt on their boots - it would not do to offend his pride by ignoring him and creating a misunderstanding. Heaven forbid that the King of Knights believe that Haadran thought him incapable of living up to his own words. Not to mention, foregoing the field would let him rest a little. He still had the rings in case anything got too close.

The enemies had come out of nowhere too close for properly dispatching them, and Archer had no intention of leaving the Masters' side to have better maneuvering room, so he dematerialized his ahtlatl, instead calling for the macahuitl. The serrated club-like implement was ideal for these kinds of situations where sheer brute force would carry the day. He let out a whistling, singing war cry and joined the fray.
"Like the master of archer says servants do not need an actual being to encompass the requirements to be a servant. They need a legend, some sort of tale that has been spread. Spring Heeled Jack is a strong assassin but frail. He specializes in hit, and run attacks. A demon he may be but he is still bound to the frail nature of most assassin class servants. You dealt him a serious blow with those wounds assuming he can't heal then we may have significantly decreased his threat level. I'm detecting lowered vital signs in the direction of the school. The servants there seem to be fighting if you don't hurry you may risk the possibility of losing that servant, and master you came here to rescue." Archimedes told the group quickly if not a bit long winded. Saber dispatched the small group, alongside Assassin. There were only enough it would seem to cover the retreat of assassin. The enemies themselves pitiful fodder for servants. "Spring Heeled Jack...It is a newer legend but if the throne is correct then he is a creature born of fear. It is his greatest weapon. One that he wields deftly. However he comes off as more aggressive than I would think. Perhaps his corruption, further corruption I mean, is what caused him to attack us head on. Regardless it is safe to assume the enemy archer is fighting in the school area. I'll go ahead." commented Saber considering their options someone had to move swiftly, and help whoever was there. If there were Chaldea Masters in danger it was his duty to save them from destruction. He left his master in the hands of the other servants, and moved forward towards the school at a quick pace it would only take him a few moments to traverse the distance with his rank in speed.

Leon turned to everyone,
"I'm sorry everyone my leadership so far has been poor I ask that you stay faithful in me. We have made it this far we can't turn back just because Spring Heeled Jack is on the loose. He said something about Berserker so that may mean he went there to save him. Its a sad turn for a holy grail war if this is the end result...was it a wish? Or was it something else?" Leon mused as the group moved along. "I'm starting to wonder though...what were the correct questions?" Leon mumbled to himself as he kept a close eye on the surroundings.

Saber arrived just as he expected to with little to no troubles however as he arrived at the school he noticed the bodies of some children. He felt his heart ache as he stared around at the surroundings. The road had been torn up, the walls broken, and the students that had studied here slaughtered like dogs by some unknown entity. Their uniforms in tatters, and some reduced to ash. The school burnt still and one could clearly see the chunks that had once been a part of the school scattered around. Saber didn't falter though as he looked around and eventually his eyes came to see a servant with a black vest, a yellow sword, and a red spear with blood covering his body fighting an archer with a black aura covering his body.

"Come ON! Rider! Did you really think you could beat me? You wouldn't last one moment against Achilles so why would you stand a chance against someone as great as me! Just die already!" the black servant mocked the rider. He took a few pot shots in rapid succession at Rider who managed to get out of the way despite his wounds. He couldn't get close to Archer but he was trying every time he made an advance however the archer shot at his feet. "I...I can't falter...I will not falter...not while my lord needs me...I...I can't stop!" retorted Rider as he made one last chance to charge only for Archer to laugh and tell him to fall down dead and unleashed one more shot. However Arthur moved in and blocked the arrow allowing the Rider to move in but Rider was surprised and missed the chance forcing both Arthur, and the Rider to back off. "You...Who are you?" Rider questioned as Arthur smiled, "A friend I bring reinforcements they will be here in a moment."
"Interesting, makes you wonder about your servants. Hey Koji! You think that could be the case for you?" Assassin only smiled at his master when she asked him such an odd question. "Hmm, would it matter Miss Sabrina? I am here now and that's all that matters. at the moment, Life is fleeting like fireworks in the night sky and I'd rather enjoy the show than contemplate my trivial existence." Saber than scouted ahead to see what was going on at the school. After he left, Leon took some time to address the group. He spoke of poor leadership and what could have caused this calamity.

"Your leadership has been great Leon, stop giving yourself a hard time. No ones dead yet and we know the true name of that grotesque Assassin. " She said trying to reassure her leader. "I hope no one wished for this, what else could be obtained beside calamity. Only someone with a disturbed mind and soul would wish for that."

"I have found no flaws in your leadership as of yet Leon. I'll let you know immediately in I notice a misstep." Assassin turned his indigo eyes towards the school were knew a true fight was being held. He hoped his opponent wasn't a coward like Jack.
As Archer, Assassin and Saber cleaned up the mess of undead enemies, Haadran listened to Archimedes' explanation. It raised some interesting questions. Could an entirely fictional being, like say, Superman, be made real with the power of Grail and people's beliefs? What about the idealized and commercialized version of Santa Claus?, such were his thoughts. Assassin for his part seemed to give it no thought, decidedly stating that whatever truth to his existence was inconsequential against the fact of his existence. Haadran could understand it, somewhat - for somebody that lived to fight, there was no greater point other than to continue doing so...

Archer was not surprised that Saber took off, unlike his Master who gawked a little at the idea of him going solo. But to Archer, it was self-evident that something like this would happen sooner rather than later. While he didn't know Saber personally, he knew the type well enough. In his life, he had dealt with self-sacrificial leaders, pinnacles of virtue in their own right. Their reactions would be much like Saber's own in a calamity like this. Their reactions had been much like Saber's own during the massacre at the temple, during The Fall. Leadership of that kind had its own pitfalls. It would be relevant to discover whether or not Saber had succumbed to them...

At any rate, Archer was fine with letting it be this way. The King of Knights was who he was for a reason. Out of the three, he was the choice most suited to individual work. In an open, unknown and dangerous field like this. As he left, Archer called out "Good fortune, King of Knights.", before turning to listen to the Master of Saber's laments. With arms crossed and the ever-judgmental stare, Archer listened and afterwards offered a simple, approving nod, declaring "Fret not, Master of Saber. As the woman says, none are yet dead due to errors on your part. Recognition of your faults is to be praised - so long as you are aware, you may improve. Leadership is a heavy mantle. You should not expect to wear it flawlessly on your first attempt."

Unsure of how exactly to best approach this, Haadran simply put his hands together, fidgeting slightly, and said "Captain. We can't know the answer to those questions just yet... We should focus our efforts for now on the current situation. Saber is waiting for us and may have encountered the enemy already.", along with a gesture in the direction Saber had gone.
"I'm sorry I just can't help but think that Togami would've done better. He was the best mage we had in Chaldea. And he only just made it out alive if what we were told is true. I can't help but feel over my head in this situation. The question is how did a group of elite mages, and servants get defeated. To put this into my prospective the ones who beat Nobunaga, Carthage, Wei-Han, and a master of the mystical arts were all defeated in some way. In return we have an Aztec King, the King of Knights, and a Samurai. I don't mean to sound like I'm doubting you but I can't help but believe this whole endeavor to be daunting." Leon said aloud as he looked forward and sighed. He pointed towards the school. "Destination confirmed moving to assist Saber." Leon said more confidently as he decided it would be better to keep moving forward rather than to stay behind, and let Saber do all of the work himself. He was probably counting on him to move forward. What would he be if he couldn't help the man who was literally bound to his will? The fabled King Arthur...would he look down on him if he saw him being so weak right now? Leon hoped not as he kept moving forward.

Saber looked up at the golden haired archer who ran his hand through his hair, and sighed. "So Assassin ditched me huh? Piece of rotten garbage that he is doesn't deserve my help. If only because he, and I now share the same great dream I would rend his throat apart." Archer said with disdain as he looked down at Saber, "So....I sense prana but no weapon can be seen....well this is quite unexpected but rather comical...oh tell me Geat King of Knights! Tell me where do you come from? I'll be sure to send your friends your head!" Archer mocked Saber as Saber glared up at the archer standing on the burning building. "How do you all know who I am?" demanded Saber as he pointed his blade directly at Archer who chuckled and did not answer. "The King of Knights but...that shouldn't be possible? But you're....I'll explain it later if we survive until then follow my lead." Rider told Saber who nodded still not entirely happy with the fact that his true name was apparently well known even here. What did that mean? Saber followed rider who charged forward but diverged off into two separate directions to try, and stop Archer from picking them off one by one. However Archer simply smiled, and notched two arrows pulling them back he fired one, and then another in rapid succession using his inhuman speed to match the other two servants.

Of course now that the enemy count was doubled this caused more effort to be used on the enemy Archer. Arthur looked for a good place to start his climb but was found wanting as most of the decaying building was indeed falling a part due to the flames, and the other archer's attack from earlier. Rider however didn't seem to care much for that fact though as he pull vaulted himself using his spear onto the building, and then steadied himself before using his sword to use as a hand hold before being forced back by Archer.
The team arrived at the school and witness the bodies that litter the area as the school itself burnt. Nothing was left untouched by the fire and burnt any place where humans congregated. Sabrina's is accustom to seeing dead bodies, even of children yet it wasn't something she could look on easily. Sabrina heard the battle being waged and looked up to see the blacken archer shooting at Saber and some other servant. "Assassin, assist Saber with that corrupted servant!"

"As you wish Master." He ran towards Saber and Rider with his sword in hand. "Saber. My master has sent me to help." He looked towards the rider class servant. "Greetings..." He would ask who he was but didn't have the time. He turned towards the archer with his sword raised. With his Eye of The Mind skill, he can avoid the blacken archer's arrows but with the state of the building like this, it would be a hard climb. "What's the plan and who is this guy in the first place? Has his true name ben discerned?
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Haadran and Archer followed after Leon, Sabrina and Assassin. Haadran had his rings ready and did his best to steel his nerves and deaden his feelings upon approaching the site. He was rewarded in being able to ignore the atrocious scene to be found right before arriving at the battle. It had been a long time since he had seen the remains of such young lost lives, years since that terrible moment in Africa...

Archer's visage, more than sadness, showed a strange lack of satisfaction. Ah, what incomplete, wasteful deaths. Really, Xiuhtecuhtli, how could you be so cruel, not to fully consume these younglings in your burning breast? Denied a warrior's death, a proper sacrificial offering that their blood bring rain or the sun, a childbirth end for the females... You saw and when the flames came for them, let them agonize and did not fully embrace them, that their ashes could be interred as is proper. Was it an effect of this Grail War, that your love was denied?, such were the thoughts of the Aztec huey tlatoani as he passed.

When the group finally reached the place where Saber was defending a Servant from a corrupted Archer, Haadran didn't even need to say anything for his own Servant to know what had to be done. Whosoever has the high ground has a decisive advantage. To deny the enemy this, any means will suffice. Archer!, as the thought crossed his mind, the Servant was already on the move, ahtlatl in hand. With the plentiful rubble from the destruction along with even some of the corpses to be found littering the area, Archer launched as many reinforced projectiles as fast as he could manage, keeping an eye on the enemy at all times while aiming in such a way that the strikes will finish off the remaining structural integrity of the building.

Haadran got to work deploying a small field for himself and his fellow Masters - a simple field with the Curse of Senses. Any unfriendly target outside the field would now be unable to detect them so long as they remained inside. Haadran hoped their strategy paid off. He estimated that the enemy had the choice to shoot down Archer's projectiles to preserve his high-ground advantage, and leave himself exposed to a charge from Saber, Assassin or the newfound Servant, or ignore the projectiles and be forced unto even ground and into a 4-on-1 battle.
"Oh you want me to reveal my true name? Hah fine I guess I'll allow you to be graced with the name of your killer...My name is Alexander! Son of Priam, and Hecuba! Killer of the Legendary Achilles! Bask in fear fool you have no chance of beating my greatness!" commented the Archer with a proud smile. "Ah you don't believe me do you? It matters so little in the end am I not correct?! Look around you these little brats were killed just like the others! The world will burn! The humans will know our names! You will never understand the glorious victory this was for our cause!" shouted the enemy archer as he laughed with joyous crackles as he shot an arrow at Arthur, and then at Kojiro and then two at Rider for good measure. "Once I'm done toying with you I'll go back and report my success to the King maybe then I'll win some favor. Who knows at this point sky is the limit!" Archer cackled.

As he shot his last shot the multitude of rocky debris that covered the area rained down on the building as Rider looked on with horror,
"Enough! Stop! My master is around here!" cried Rider as he begged Archer to stop destroying the building. However it was too late as the building crumbled Archer leapt into the air and aimed his arrow down at Saber, "Sure shot! Arrow that pieces the chosen! Achilles Heel!" shouted Alexander as he shot his arrow Arthur saw the shot coming his instincts kicking in. He saw the shot's projectory pattern, and he moved to dodge it. The arrow was surrounded by a fierce red prana and it was flying through the air with a sick whistling noise.However his instincts further kicked in as if the arrow was on the way to hit him regardless. Saber breathed calmly, "Release....Restaint Bedivere." Arthur thought as the sudden power of Excalibur unleashed disabling the invisible air revealing the beautiful glowing gold sword underneath it. Arthur brought up the sword, and tried to block the arrow he managed to get it at the last second but it kept going despite unleashing a part of his swords power and the arrow smacked into Arthur's chest as he let loose a gasp of air as pain shot through his chest. The same place where....Arthur collapsed backwards and grasped at his chest in pain. "SABER NO!!" Leon shouted in fear that was the shot that had killed the titular hero! Saber could not die they needed him! But Leon did not rush forward he knew it would be stupid to do so.

Rider rushed forward with a stern calmness but he was clearly infuriated both of the achers were no doubt the cause of the situation. Archer fell off and landed heavily on the other side of the courtyard. A group of dragon bone warriors appeared out from behind the school to assist Archer who took a moment to situate himself.
"One of you assist Saber immediately Archer's noble phantasm will be fatal if not treated soon. The other assist Rider kill the bone warriors." Archimedes said with cold calculation as if he were simply playing chess.
The cocky blonde Archer proudly gave his name as Alexander, the prince who lusted for Helen and incited the Trojan war. He was annoyingly cocky and it made perfect sense why he was perched on the burning building. "Ah, The cowardly brother of Hector who's own father had thrown into the cold. I really thought this would be a challenge but it seems I got my hopes up." Alexander showed how little he cared for the innocent lives lost as he hated all of humanity. Was that how he really felt or was it an effect of the corruption? He shot a few arrows at Assassin and laughed almost psychotically as he did it. Due to Kojirou's Mind's Eye, he easily avoided them. "Child's play." he muttered.

Archer took his opening and fired multiple projectiles at the school while Rider yelled for to wait since he fears his master was in there still. It was too late and Archers 'arrows' had brought down the build, possibly killer Riders master and forcing Alexander to jump off the building. In mid-air, Alexander pulled on his bowstring and Assassin felt a large amount of magical energy coming from him. "He's deploying a Noble Phantasm!" He shouted to his comrades but it was too late and Alexander fired off 'Achilles Heel' directly at Saber. He tried to counter it with Excalibur, even releasing the invisible winds around his sword in the process only to still have the arrow pierce him.

Leon scream out terror and concern for Saber. Sabrina too wanted to scream but that wouldn't have helped anyone. "My god, If he really is the man who brought down the invincible Achilles than Saber...damn it." She then heard Achilles calm and calculating voicing telling them to remove the arrow from Saber before it kills him. "Assassin, you're the closest, get that arrow out of Saber and stop the bleeding!" She shouted her command loud enough Assassin couldn't pretend no hear.

Assassin wanted to fight and assist Rider but an order is an order and Saber is at death's door. Assassin walked over to Saber and got his knees. He sets Monohoshizao down beside saber and grabbed Alexander's arrow with both hands and carefully started to pull the arrow out of Saber. "Don't die on us Authur, I'm not so arrogant to think we can survive this without you." He continued to pull the arrow out of the rest of Saber's chest and through it to the ground. He then places his hands over Saber's bleeding wound waiting for Leon to heal him.
As the events unfolded before his eyes and Haadran saw Saber nearly felled, his mind went into overdrive. Assassin was dutifully following Sabrina's orders in spite of how much Haadran could imagine that such a task was beneath him. Even if it weren't, for a beast of the battlefield to renounce the opportunity, it would weigh heavily on his mind. But for them to leave the confines of the field was madness in a situation like this. Still, he saw an opportunity as soon as the arrow had been dislodged from Saber's abdomen. Even though he was no medical or healing specialist, if Saber had the will to fight for his life, he could boost that body's ability past its limits. Brute forcing through the situation was their only choice.

"Deploying containment and enhancement field!"

Reciting and moving his hands and rings with great speed, Haadran deployed two more fields. He reached his field limit but it would suffice, even if he was straining himself. To ease the burden a little he kneeled and with intense focus positioned and imbued both fields. The first one was large enough just to cover Saber's fallen body; constructing it into a specific shape like this was an arduous process that Haadran could feel was starting to take its toll on him; his muscles felt like they were beginning to catch fire.

The first one he imbued with the Curse of Physiology, specifically so that it would accelerate the body's process of recovery, the pumping of adrenaline, the efficiency of its workings. It might strain Saber's body, working at a rate not suitable for prolonged living, but in this situation, it was their best bet. The second one, nested within the the first, was ever slightly smaller. This one he imbued with the Curse of Emptiness, disallowing exit of the substance he had determined to be "blood". As long as the field held, it should be impossible for Saber to bleed out. Assassin would note this effect immediately, given how his hands would actively cease to be bloody in spite of pressing on Saber's wound.

With what strength he could muster, a sweating Haadran turned to Sabrina and Leon, saying in between strained coughs, "Saber will not bleed out... so long as I hold. His body, I have cursed the field surrounding it to force the body to heal itself at, a much accelerated rate. If he fights for life, he should make it. Miss... Assassin, he must not be kept from fighting, he is better suited to spearhead... the assault. We... we should be safe, here, the enemy is unaware of our presence... if need be... the element of surprise is ours. Archer will guard the body!"

Archer for his part was pleased with how his Master was addressing the situation. The developments since his barrage had taken a turn for the worst, but now it was time to act and turn the tide. He moved from his position with speed, launching what projectiles he could find at the dragon tooth warriors as he approached Assassin. When he reached him and prone Saber, he stood in a guarding position, and said while looking over his shoulder, "Assassin. Your pre-emptive care has been successful. Saber is being cared for by my Master now, and I will guard him until that fellow Servant comes back. Show us your swordmaster's prowess against these wretches!"; then he turned back and called out to the non-hostile servant, "Knightly Servant, retrieve your Master or its corpse and retreat!". Even though Archer knew the Servant had no obligation to comply, he hoped that the obvious benefits of not fighting while heavily injured and possibly saving his Master would outweigh the natural desire to exert revenge against the corrupted Archer in the distance.