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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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...The implications of this are very 'special', and also something I would like to use brain bleach for.
It seems I have completed my mission. B^)
Yay, Suggestive Banana Girl is back! :D. Male people, try not to flinch too hard when you see Kaga's new avatar.
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That's not how you eat a banana....
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Kagayours
Oh. My. God.

I don't know wether to laugh hysterically or scream.
And such goes on the great mystery of how Kaga makes her avatars gifs.
And such goes on the great mystery of how Kaga makes her avatars gifs.
Well first you have to make sure it's within the size limit for avatars (200x200, I believe?) or else the animation breaks when it gets auto-resized.

And, in order to be able to upload it at all, it has to be within the file size limit for avatars -- 200kb. This is the tricky part, because gifs usually have a much higher file size than static images, so I usually have to tinker with these gifs quite a bit -- removing frames, reducing the quality, etc -- before they have small enough file sizes for the site to allow them.

There. Now it's not a mystery. :P
It is if you want to make all nearby men jump in imagined agony.
In simple terms, I rather not have someone literally bite my dick off.

I need that yo

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Kagayours
@Neobullseye I have a question about the Netherlands.

This question was inspired by a video game.

I tried to get screenshots but that didn't work out very well.

So anyway I was playing LSD: Dream Emulator, and if you haven't heard of this game, well... I think the title tells you everything you need to know about what kind of experience this game provides. Anyway!! There's this one area in the game that's basically an open field filled with a bunch of noteworthy landmarks from around the world. Most of them are easily recognizable: the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, the Empire State building, the Sphinx, etc. And then there's just... a windmill.

And I was at least able to make the connection that windmill = Netherlands. I understand that windmills are sort of an iconic thing for your neck of the woods. But like... unless there's a specific windmill that's really famous for some reason, it just doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense that there's a windmill here.

But if there is a really famous windmill over there, or if there's just some other detail I'm missing that would better explain things... do enlighten me.

Because this windmill looks really out of place next to all the other landmarks here, and I want answers.
Oh, well. They love they're windmills over there. Can't get enough of them. Just...windmills every few feet. Miles and miles of windmills. A hundred years of windmills. Holland is actually a portal to a dimension made purely out of windmills.

neck of the woods.
They don't have any woods. They used it all for the woodmills.

In fact, they're lust for windmills is so insatiable that they've taken to conquering the sea just to make more windmills.

The savages.
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@Neobullseye Also the explanation can't simply be that they needed something to represent the Netherlands and so a windmill was the most logical choice, even if there's no specific famous windmill -- because these landmarks have seemingly nothing to do with the countries they're from. It doesn't seem like they're meant to represent specific things. They're just... there.

Although I've been told that this area of the game is like a hub world and that you can access any area from there if you know how -- and I admit that I haven't yet figured out exactly where everything takes you (because I want to decipher this game's weird logic on my own). But I already know that it wouldn't make sense for each landmark to take you to its specific country, if that's what you're thinking -- because almost all of the settings in this game are either generic enough that they could exist almost anywhere, or surreal enough that they don't look like they belong on Earth at all. And the only settings that actually do look like they're in a specific country all seem to be in Japan. ...But that's unsurprising, since this is a Japanese game. And there don't seem to be any Japanese landmarks in the 'hub world' anyway.
@Neobullseye Also the explanation can't simply be that they needed something to represent the Netherlands and so a windmill was the most logical choice, even if there's no specific famous windmill -- because these landmarks have seemingly nothing to do with the countries they're from. It doesn't seem like they're meant to represent specific things. They're just... there.

Although I've been told that this area of the game is like a hub world and that you can access any area from there if you know how -- and I admit that I haven't yet figured out exactly where everything takes you (because I want to decipher this game's weird logic on my own). But I already know that it wouldn't make sense for each landmark to take you to its specific country, if that's what you're thinking -- because almost all of the settings in this game are either generic enough that they could exist almost anywhere, or surreal enough that they don't look like they belong on Earth at all. And the only settings that actually do look like they're in a specific country all seem to be in Japan. ...But that's unsurprising, since this is a Japanese game. And there don't seem to be any Japanese landmarks in the 'hub world' anyway.
Maybe the person really likes windmills.

Like, reallllly likes windmills.

Like, Has a bodypillow of a windmill which it spoons at night level of liking windmills.
This question was inspired by a video game.

I tried to get screenshots but that didn't work out very well.

So anyway I was playing LSD: Dream Emulator, and if you haven't heard of this game, well... I think the title tells you everything you need to know about what kind of experience this game provides. Anyway!! There's this one area in the game that's basically an open field filled with a bunch of noteworthy landmarks from around the world. Most of them are easily recognizable: the Eiffel Tower, Big Ben, the Empire State building, the Sphinx, etc. And then there's just... a windmill.

And I was at least able to make the connection that windmill = Netherlands. I understand that windmills are sort of an iconic thing for your neck of the woods. But like... unless there's a specific windmill that's really famous for some reason, it just doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense that there's a windmill here.

But if there is a really famous windmill over there, or if there's just some other detail I'm missing that would better explain things... do enlighten me.

Because this windmill looks really out of place next to all the other landmarks here, and I want answers.
There's a set of famous windmills in Holland.:/ Google is my friend.
Soooo, is there a national conspiracy to have shoes for every size except mine? Because that what it feels like.
There's a set of famous windmills in Holland.:/ Google is my friend.
I asked Neo because I want an answer from someone with enough cultural background knowledge to tell me whether or not said windmill belongs alongside the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben, or if there's something else going on.

I assumed that just searching "famous windmill in Holland" would get me something, but like, whose definition of famous? How famous? Again, is it famous enough that it belongs alongside the aforementioned landmarks? Or famous enough that, I dunno, they could make a pokestop out of it?
I asked Neo because I want an answer from someone with enough cultural background knowledge to tell me whether or not said windmill belongs alongside the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben, or if there's something else going on.

I assumed that just searching "famous windmill in Holland" would get me something, but like, whose definition of famous? How famous? Again, is it famous enough that it belongs alongside the aforementioned landmarks? Or famous enough that, I dunno, they could make a pokestop out of it?
Hmmm.. * shrugs* It is apparently ones from the 1740s or something. ( @Neobullseye, we are trying to summon you for answers.)