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Because I tried that and it DIDN'T FUCKING WORK.

I made it very clear -- not only in the OP but also every other time I brought it up -- that that's exactly what fandom-based entities were. But people still didn't get it. I ran into several instances of members clearly not understanding it, which is why I implemented "the test", and therefore learned that people's misunderstandings were far worse than I had anticipated...

And my attempts to make that distinction only highlighted how stupid the term was because I realized just how difficult it was to verbalize, and how it was so easy to get "fandom entities" and "fandom-based entities" mixed up that I really couldn't blame anyone.

I shouldn't have to try this hard to drill that distinction into people. I shouldn't have to run around like a chicken without its head just to make people take some dumb test and talk down to them like four-year-olds to tell them why they can't understand what I'm saying and then hunt them down just to make sure they reply to my post saying "Yes, I understand" because if I don't then there's the chance that I'll think that they understood me but they really didn't and they'll just continue to make more mistakes down the line because I didn't realize just how confused everyone was and I wasn't thorough enough about it.

And when avoiding confusion is that fucking difficult, it implies that I, the GM, have failed at conveying my information well. And, again, in attempting to explain "no no, you're thinking of fandoms, which I sometimes call "fandom entities" even though that's confusing as all fucking hell, they're totally different from "fandom-based entities", and I know that the distinction is really difficult to remember but I need you to tryyyy for sake of my sanity please" -- I realized that the terminology was stupid and making people confused and therefore stressing me out. That's why I changed it.

I'm sorry you don't like the pedantics of it. I understand what you're saying, but, you know what? I think it's a relatively small issue. Even if you don't think that the term "fandomena" makes a ton of sense, you still understand what it's supposed to mean. Which is still way more than I can say for "FBE", where people were so far off-the-mark about such a fundamental aspect of how this world works, which was just so hard to fix and get everyone on the same page.

Therefore making me feel like I was being way too strict... even though it was the fact that I wasn't strict up until that point that was causing problems because I saw that people didn't seem to quite understand things but I didn't bother to correct every tiny detail because I didn't want to stress about it... but then I realized that I had to say something because the tiny little lump that I didn't want to acknowledge turned out to be a tumor and then that tumor turned into full-blown cancer and cancer is very hard to fix and now I'm putting my RP through chemo and it's not pleasant for anybody and it's probably the reason why I feel sick and my hair's falling out but it's my own damn fault for not checking up on those lumps in the first place.

*sigh* So... I'm sorry for snapping... But, please, believe me, using the term "fandomena" should theoretically be saving me loads of stress... If I never tried to use the term "fandom-based entity" in the first place, then everything would be even easier... and that's why I'm trying to lay that term to rest as quickly and painlessly as possible so that we can move on to something that's a lot easier to distinguish from straight-up fandoms and get everyone on the same page. That's why I put a new tab on the OP so that this information is very easy to access and not at all buried so people are more likely to read and understand it.

And that is especially why I don't want to have both terms in use at the same time, because then I worry that people will start to think that they are different things, which is just a whole new layer of confusion that I really don't want to deal with...

I'm sorry. I probably sound like a stubborn GM who's refusing to listen to criticism.

But like.

Please. I need you to understand where I'm coming from...
yeah i get where youre coming from. i forgot about that whole test thing.....
But the pattern I've been noticing was that you start on a fix, and then notice another thing to fix, and then another, and another, and another.
And before you know there's such a list of things you intend to fix that all of them on the plate at once seems to come spilling in constant OOC updates, revisions etc.


Ok, you sort of hit the nail on the head with that one...

Thing is, though, a lot of that is stuff that either A) I personally just want to add because I want to flesh out parts of the RP that I personally don't think make any sense in their currently limited form, or... I forgot what B was. I'm not sure if there was even supposed to be a B at all.

I'm tired and spacey.

Anyway, the only reason I fixate on a lot of these things is because I can tell that they're a huge source of confusion and I want to fix them so that things make more sense. @_@

Early on in the RP, there were a lot of things I didn't bother to address properly because it seemed like too much of a hassle... but then that just felt weird. Like, I knew what was supposed to be going on, but everyone else seemed to be going off of a completely different interpretation of everything. And then that got me thinking, is it worth saying something...? And part of me is like "no, it's not, you sound neurotic for fucks sake", but then at the same time I'm just like "well if I don't say something then next thing you know people will have two completely different ideas on how things are supposed to work and then everyone will be confused".

So I kind of have to make things clear because, I mean, it's an RP -- if the players aren't on the same page about what's going on, things don't work very well.

And then, at the same time, there are things that have personally been bugging me from the very beginning -- like how the city never felt like a "city" and it felt like we were all interacting in nowhere land, which is why I made the expansion pack. But then I couldn't imagine how the city even kept itself running, which is why we got the Council (and then I couldn't imagine the Council functioning, which is why I've been developing that even further...).

And the thing is, I kind of like all of that. It makes me feel satisfied not only because I feel like I'm making an RP that makes more sense, but also because... I don't remember what the second thing was.

BUT ANYWAY, that's not the thing that stresses me out. What stresses me out is the fact that, despite how hard I may try to make things clear, to explain how the RP is supposed to work, people still have no idea what's going on.

Someone tells me that they don't recall us switching over to the word "fandomena" despite how much I've drilled it into people's heads recently, people tell me they don't understand how this or that works, people say they're confused on basic things that I thought I already explained.

And sometimes -- and I really hate to say this -- it just makes me think... what's the point?

It just makes me feel so disconnected from my own RP because it's like no one else is even really on-board with it -- because the entire concept is just so convoluted and strange and impossible to make sense of that I might as well just give up and let people do whatever -- but what sense would that make?

And I'm not saying I would ever give up on Fandomstuck just because of that -- I love it far too much, and, for all its shortcomings, it still has plenty of successes that I'm proud of -- but... it just really makes me doubt my GMing ability sometimes.

Because if I can't even get people all on the same page about the word we're supposed to use to describe the things that exist because of a fandom but that are not a fandom themselves, and how those things operate and what all of that means for the RP... then what am I even doing with everything here??

...I didn't expect things to get so deep. I just wanted to know how far you thought was too far with me policing details over here. ;_;


Ok, you sort of hit the nail on the head with that one...

Thing is, though, a lot of that is stuff that either A) I personally just want to add because I want to flesh out parts of the RP that I personally don't think make any sense in their currently limited form, or... I forgot what B was. I'm not sure if there was even supposed to be a B at all.

I'm tired and spacey.

Anyway, the only reason I fixate on a lot of these things is because I can tell that they're a huge source of confusion and I want to fix them so that things make more sense. @_@

Early on in the RP, there were a lot of things I didn't bother to address properly because it seemed like too much of a hassle... but then that just felt weird. Like, I knew what was supposed to be going on, but everyone else seemed to be going off of a completely different interpretation of everything. And then that got me thinking, is it worth saying something...? And part of me is like "no, it's not, you sound neurotic for fucks sake", but then at the same time I'm just like "well if I don't say something then next thing you know people will have two completely different ideas on how things are supposed to work and then everyone will be confused".

So I kind of have to make things clear because, I mean, it's an RP -- if the players aren't on the same page about what's going on, things don't work very well.

And then, at the same time, there are things that have personally been bugging me from the very beginning -- like how the city never felt like a "city" and it felt like we were all interacting in nowhere land, which is why I made the expansion pack. But then I couldn't imagine how the city even kept itself running, which is why we got the Council (and then I couldn't imagine the Council functioning, which is why I've been developing that even further...).

And the thing is, I kind of like all of that. It makes me feel satisfied not only because I feel like I'm making an RP that makes more sense, but also because... I don't remember what the second thing was.

BUT ANYWAY, that's not the thing that stresses me out. What stresses me out is the fact that, despite how hard I may try to make things clear, to explain how the RP is supposed to work, people still have no idea what's going on.

Someone tells me that they don't recall us switching over to the word "fandomena" despite how much I've drilled it into people's heads recently, people tell me they don't understand how this or that works, people say they're confused on basic things that I thought I already explained.

And sometimes -- and I really hate to say this -- it just makes me think... what's the point?

It just makes me feel so disconnected from my own RP because it's like no one else is even really on-board with it -- because the entire concept is just so convoluted and strange and impossible to make sense of that I might as well just give up and let people do whatever -- but what sense would that make?

And I'm not saying I would ever give up on Fandomstuck just because of that -- I love it far too much, and, for all its shortcomings, it still has plenty of successes that I'm proud of -- but... it just really makes me doubt my GMing ability sometimes.

Because if I can't even get people all on the same page about the word we're supposed to use to describe the things that exist because of a fandom but that are not a fandom themselves, and how those things operate and what all of that means for the RP... then what am I even doing with everything here??

...I didn't expect things to get so deep. I just wanted to know how far you thought was too far with me policing details over here. ;_;
Confusion happens in most RP's, yours isn't in any unique or bizarre state or anything, you're doing fine. :P
I really do think the issue isn't how much confusions there are but rather you're tackling all of them at once.
It's just putting too much on your plate to handle without any real Co-GM.

Like, you PM some of us privately for specific aspects, but no one else is actually up there absorbing everything and helping out with the management.
The RP is fine though, it's not in any danger of dying and even if you're over working yourself the RP is still alive because of what you do.

Confusion happens in most RP's, yours isn't in any unique or bizarre state or anything, you're doing fine. :P
I really do think the issue isn't how much confusions there are but rather you're tackling all of them at once.
It's just putting too much on your plate to handle without any real Co-GM.

Like, you PM some of us privately for specific aspects, but no one else is actually up there absorbing everything and helping out with the management.
The RP is fine though, it's not in any danger of dying and even if you're over working yourself the RP is still alive because of what you do.

gonna have to agree on this. You're doing a great job. The main issue is that you're trying to take on something so large by yourself. You're doing fine, but having someone else help you out long-term would help take the load off for you. plus it would add a new perspective on things.
Confusion happens in most RP's, yours isn't in any unique or bizarre state or anything, you're doing fine. :P
I really do think the issue isn't how much confusions there are but rather you're tackling all of them at once.
It's just putting too much on your plate to handle without any real Co-GM.

Like, you PM some of us privately for specific aspects, but no one else is actually up there absorbing everything and helping out with the management.

I am 100% aware that I am in desperate need of a co-GM to take some of this off my shoulders.

You know what the problem with that is, though? I can't get a co-GM. I asked if anyone wanted to be my co-GM and no one volunteered. No one thinks they're qualified enough... ;w;

Anyway... like I said, I don't feel like my stress comes from the number of things I have to handle. Or, at least, that's not where most of my stress is coming from.

The thing that stresses me out the most is when everything's just dandy and then all of a sudden someone says something -- especially in an IC post -- that shows that they clearly don't understand some basic concept that I thought everyone knew and it's just like ajskldfjsdklf....

Because then I'm just like

What can I do?

If I run around like crazy trying to fix things, then I feel like I'm going too far -- I'm too strict, drilling too hard into people.

But then, if I don't do that, then people just get more confused and the problem gets worse...

So when I'm already past the point where I feel like I'm going too far... and people are still confused?


And, again, I feel like the premise of the RP itself is part of the problem... it's just too strange, too hard to explain, which leads to that whole "what's the point?" feeling.

I mean... you say it'll all be fine, but... you're also the person who legitimately made me think for a second that you were not at all aware that the word "fandomena" was a thing that I've been trying to push over the past few months... so... >.<
gonna have to agree on this. You're doing a great job. The main issue is that you're trying to take on something so large by yourself. You're doing fine, but having someone else help you out long-term would help take the load off for you. plus it would add a new perspective on things.

Because like... I know that I need a co-GM. Hell, even something like a "GM's assistant" instead of a full-fledged co-GM would be great.

I want one so badly.

I just... can't get one... *crawls into a hole*
ALSO I feel the need to point out that I've been kinda stressed out IN GENERAL lately for a bunch of inter-related reasons, so, yeah... It is not merely GMing that is doing this to me...

But, you know... some help would still be super duper ultra appreciated, if anyone could manage it...

Because like... I know that I need a co-GM. Hell, even something like a "GM's assistant" instead of a full-fledged co-GM would be great.

I want one so badly.

I just... can't get one... *crawls into a hole*
Erm... Yeah sure why not. I'm invested in this enough to want to help out with the things. And if anything it would give me reason to pay attention more. I want to know all the things but I have no real motivation to read EVERYTHING that happens...i just skim.

But I'm sure I would do a good job!
ALSO!! The most mentally exhausting part about doing basic GM stuff is just typing things up in complete sentences. Really! If I could just get someone to take my notes and turn them into paragraph form, and then have me proofread them to make sure nothing was misinterpreted... I don't think you realize how much that would help me. ;w;
If I run around like crazy trying to fix things, then I feel like I'm going too far -- I'm too strict, drilling too hard into people.

But then, if I don't do that, then people just get more confused and the problem gets worse...
Pick your battles, there's always going to be some confusion among RP groups, especially in such a unique setting.

I would also offer to try Co-GM'ing... But you just recently had to fill me in on the scenario for two of my own characters. :/
Erm... Yeah sure why not. I'm invested in this enough to want to help out with the things. And if anything it would give me reason to pay attention more. I want to know all the things but I have no real motivation to read EVERYTHING that happens...i just skim.

But I'm sure I would do a good job!






I WILL DELEGATE TASKS TO YOU IN THE MORNING. Right now... I really should sleep. Can you believe I originally planned on going to bed early tonight??
ALSO!! The most mentally exhausting part about doing basic GM stuff is just typing things up in complete sentences. Really! If I could just get someone to take my notes and turn them into paragraph form, and then have me proofread them to make sure nothing was misinterpreted... I don't think you realize how much that would help me. ;w;
>creative writing major<

consider it done! :D
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That explains why you never used green font.
>starts trying to think of a character i could/have wanted to make that would use green font<

y'know...none of the characters i have/want would have green font.
DHM is Yellow, Submachine is light blue, and ADR is white but also red (you havent seen me need to use red yet...).
Yugioh would have either yellow or purple, DMT is going to have [BCOLOR=#ffffff]black with white highlight[/BCOLOR], Professor Layton would have orange, Layton Brothers Mystery Room would have a dark red or dark orange (maybe both depending on personality?), Miraculous Ladybug would have red, Rusty Lake would be red or pink or black/white, HTF would be light purple,

>is thinking of my other fandoms<

>suddenly wants to also do baman piderman<

a q u a P L SSSS
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So... A lot of stuff happened while I'm asleep. Dammit, timezones! Anyway. first of all, let me say this: Kaga, I could do some Co-GMing stuff too if you still need more in addition to Aqua. I thought I had already said this though... I'm getting old >_<. Anyway, yeah, feel free to share some tasks in between Aqua and me if you think it's too much to dump on one person all at once. Alternatively, we could be co-GMs with different subfunctions or whatever, do the same thing and help eachother with said thing, or something completely different; whichever you prefer, really.

Also, on a sidenote: When I said sapient bookshelves, I actually meant sapient. As in: The things actively get in your way to stop your advance through the library, can speak to you (mostly saying that you won't get past them), have a sense of self-preservation that seems to go beyond simple "pain = bad" (the way to stop them from getting in your way is to get the summon Ifrit; before the party got him, he was used to burn books possesed by monsters, something which the bookshelves apparently know too) and whatnot. This might flow from different definitions of the two words, but at the very least they're more intelligent than a dog or whatever.

Also also:
Mass Effect: "They were joined by this one Knight who fancied himself a hero of the world"
XD. That's... so completely the opposite of Exdeath that I can't help but laugh.
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XD. That's... so completely the opposite of Exdeath that I can't help but laugh.

Saren also fancied himself the opposite of what he really was. :P
So... A lot of stuff happened while I'm asleep. Dammit, timezones! Anyway. first of all, let me say this: Kaga, I could do some Co-GMing stuff too if you still need more in addition to Aqua. I thought I had already said this though... I'm getting old >_<. Anyway, yeah, feel free to share some tasks in between Aqua and me if you think it's too much to dump on one person all at once. Alternatively, we could be co-GMs with different subfunctions or whatever, do the same thing and help eachother with said thing, or something completely different; whichever you prefer, really.
OwO This is good!! I appreciate this greatly!!!
For the record; the reason why Exdeath referred to Steven's gem as a shard while it is actually a whole gem is simple: In the game Exdeath is from, the Crystals are larger than a fully grown human. In comparison to that, something the size of SU's gem could reasonably be called a shard, right?

ALSO! As for the reason why the Goblin survived even though other Goblins dies from much lesser injuries: He has taken adventurer levels* Exdeath is specialized in time-space magic, which includes Gravity Magic, which deal percentage-based damage. As such, Gravity spells literally cannot kill any target not weak to it, no matter how powerful it and its caster is and no matter how weak the target is.

(*) Cookies if you got this reference :P

So it just dawned on me... Adventure Time is crazy influential. Like, basically the face of the cartoon revival of the 2010's. Its success spawned a new era of cartoons all trying to mimic its art style and humor, which, yes, led to a lot of cheap knockoffs at first -- but pretty soon led to cartoons that were legitimately inspired by Adventure Time, rather than trying to rip it off. Its image became a prime example of how to do cartoons right. Wacky character designs made from simple shapes and noodle arms became the norm of the early 2010's. But, after a while, this common style began to evolve and take on new forms -- giving us shows that still had vague roots in the revolutionary Adventure Time style, but were still very much their own thing -- shows like Gravity Falls, Over the Garden Wall, Steven Universe -- hell, even Rick & Morty has clear roots in this early 2010's, AT-inspired era.

Do you know what this means?

It means that the Adventure Time fandom -- in the eyes of all the other cartoon fandoms from the 2010's, and all those yet to come -- is truly a hero, not just as a sword-swinging adventurer, but also in that she's the reason why a whole new era of awesome cartoons can exist, pulling the entire Western cartoon industry out of the lull of the 2000's and showing the world what cartoons are capable of, and what they can inspire.

And that, is truly... mathematical. OwO
I'm sorry I'm so late, I've been busy and stuff with school but... This is great OUO
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I'm sorry I'm so late, I've been busy and stuff with school but... This is great OUO
I'M GLAD YOU SAW IT. :D I was worried you'd miss it...