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ALSO, remember that "unofficial poll" that I did a while back about which GM-y things to focus on first?

It was a three-way tie with exactly one vote for each option. You were all very helpful. [/sarcasm] :P
That's what we do best. :3

@LalaTokyo @JoJo @Gwazi Magnum @Neobullseye @The Silver Paladin @AquaTheLita @Rithas @chillin @Raven

I made some changes to the info dump on the OP. Firstly, I added a new "fandomena" tab! It doesn't really provide any new information (a lot of it is just a re-worded version of the previous info dump, and some of it is directly copy/pasted from the old version), but I tried to clean up my wording and make things a bit clearer and more thoroughly explained in some areas. Not to mention, I think having its own tab makes this info a lot easier to find. XD

Additionally, I removed the "on the existence of fandoms and related entities" tab, because it was just poor organization on my part. It only existed to discuss two completely separate topics: fandomena, and the concept of death-by-obscurity -- the latter of which I simply re-worked into the main "about the fandoms tab". Although, apparently I had already touched on the topic of death by obscurity way-back-when, so I'm not sure why I gave it a different description in a whole other tab... regardless, I used this as an opportunity to sort of combine the two explanations, re-work my wording, and create what I hope is a clearer explanation of the rules regarding fandom death in general.

I also completely removed the "antagonists and side-plots" tab, because not only did it not serve much of a purpose, but the information that was present was honestly kind of outdated. :/ I added a brief explanation to the general introduction to the RP (that tiny bit before the tabs) about how it's a sandbox ruled by very easy-to-start side plots, just so that I don't leave the OP without any indication of what the plot is supposed to be at all.

Speaking of out-of-date information, I've been considering doing a bit of "spring cleaning" with some of the older info tabs on here. The RP has evolved a lot since it's started and has had a lot more worldbuilding and development, too, and I feel like there are a lot of things that I said in the older tabs that either don't matter anymore or are just... wrong, given how a lot of the information has changed over time. :/

One thing that stood out to me while I was making these edits was this bit from the "about the world" section:

Fandoms can travel between the Fandomverse and the real world at will. Really all they have to do is think about it and they can pop back and forth with the power of their mind. Some Fandoms choose not to do this, though, and instead travel between the two with something more stylized and series-specific. For example, we all know that Doctor Who would travel back-and-forth by TARDIS, just because it makes the most sense for him.
This technically isn't untrue and was never officially retconned or anything, but it just... hasn't been used...?? Especially looking at the whole museum plot (both in its early, pre-Trickster-arc stage and its current form), it seems like nearly all the characters have been treating the TARDIS as the ride home -- as if they can't just pop back to the Fandomverse whenever they like.

And the thing is, I originally implemented this to the RP to create an easy means of switching back and forth between the two worlds pretty much whenever, without making travel between the worlds the sort of thing that only specific fandoms could do, and leaving everyone else to need to catch rides from them. But, looking back on it, it does seem kinda... stupid. >_> And, yeah, no one's used it, or acted like it was even a thing that existed, and... at this point, it actually seems like it would be easier to just change the rules of the RP to match everyone's understanding of it, rather than me going on a crusade to try to explain a bunch of complicated details to everyone and make sure no one is under any common misconceptions about things...

Trouble is, I don't want to remove this detail outright, because I still want there to be some fairly-easy way for fandoms who don't have something like the TARDIS to get back-and-forth between the worlds, even if it isn't quite as easy as just ~teleporting away~. I was thinking that maybe there could be portals/teleporters at set locations in the Fandomverse that are intended for public use, but the trouble with that is that it implies there are corresponding portals/teleporters in the real world (otherwise, how exactly would they get back?). But now I'm thinking that maybe there could be some sort of handheld device that's given out to all fandoms (perhaps by the Council?) that's supposed to allow them to go back-and-forth. This provides essentially all the functionality of the original idea while still being a bit more... not dumb. Also, since we're already acting like it's possible for a fandom to be stranded in the real world, well, this also allows for the possibility of that, such as if, say, a fandom hitched a ride with someone like the Doctor, and was an idiot and didn't bring their own teleport-y thingy in case they needed to get back home without him.

AT ANY RATE, I'm thinking about doing spring cleaning just to fix up points from the older tabs that may-or-may not be true anymore, as well as edit my wording on areas that may have been a source of confusion up until this point.

Also, I'm thinking about adding a FAQ's tab, since I do get a lot of frequently-asked-questions... I feel like the answers to a lot of these questions will be simply "look under X tab", but, at least it'll allow me to point people in the right direction, so that important information isn't buried and hard-to-find (as I feel was likely the case with fandomena before).

Thanks for reading -- feel free to offer suggestions or feedback on any ideas I've mentioned here. I'd appreciate it.

EDIT: ALSO (I knew I forgot something), in addition to the thing about fandoms being able to get back-and-forth between the two worlds, I was also thinking about fandoms with appearances that aren't quite human, and about how they would even blend in in the real world. I'm thinking that, if we go with the handheld gadget idea, that maybe said gadget could also have some sort of hologram-esque technology to disguise the non-human attributes of certain fandoms? Just another idea worth considering...
Last edited:
I should be getting SCP up this week.
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Speaking of out-of-date information, I've been considering doing a bit of "spring cleaning" with some of the older info tabs on here. The RP has evolved a lot since it's started and has had a lot more worldbuilding and development, too, and I feel like there are a lot of things that I said in the older tabs that either don't matter anymore or are just... wrong, given how a lot of the information has changed over time. :/

One thing that stood out to me while I was making these edits was this bit from the "about the world" section:

This technically isn't untrue and was never officially retconned or anything, but it just... hasn't been used...?? Especially looking at the whole museum plot (both in its early, pre-Trickster-arc stage and its current form), it seems like nearly all the characters have been treating the TARDIS as the ride home -- as if they can't just pop back to the Fandomverse whenever they like.

And the thing is, I originally implemented this to the RP to create an easy means of switching back and forth between the two worlds pretty much whenever, without making travel between the worlds the sort of thing that only specific fandoms could do, and leaving everyone else to need to catch rides from them. But, looking back on it, it does seem kinda... stupid. >_> And, yeah, no one's used it, or acted like it was even a thing that existed, and... at this point, it actually seems like it would be easier to just change the rules of the RP to match everyone's understanding of it, rather than me going on a crusade to try to explain a bunch of complicated details to everyone and make sure no one is under any common misconceptions about things...

Trouble is, I don't want to remove this detail outright, because I still want there to be some fairly-easy way for fandoms who don't have something like the TARDIS to get back-and-forth between the worlds, even if it isn't quite as easy as just ~teleporting away~. I was thinking that maybe there could be portals/teleporters at set locations in the Fandomverse that are intended for public use, but the trouble with that is that it implies there are corresponding portals/teleporters in the real world (otherwise, how exactly would they get back?). But now I'm thinking that maybe there could be some sort of handheld device that's given out to all fandoms (perhaps by the Council?) that's supposed to allow them to go back-and-forth. This provides essentially all the functionality of the original idea while still being a bit more... not dumb. Also, since we're already acting like it's possible for a fandom to be stranded in the real world, well, this also allows for the possibility of that, such as if, say, a fandom hitched a ride with someone like the Doctor, and was an idiot and didn't bring their own teleport-y thingy in case they needed to get back home without him.

AT ANY RATE, I'm thinking about doing spring cleaning just to fix up points from the older tabs that may-or-may not be true anymore, as well as edit my wording on areas that may have been a source of confusion up until this point.

Also, I'm thinking about adding a FAQ's tab, since I do get a lot of frequently-asked-questions... I feel like the answers to a lot of these questions will be simply "look under X tab", but, at least it'll allow me to point people in the right direction, so that important information isn't buried and hard-to-find (as I feel was likely the case with fandomena before).

Thanks for reading -- feel free to offer suggestions or feedback on any ideas I've mentioned here. I'd appreciate it.

EDIT: ALSO (I knew I forgot something), in addition to the thing about fandoms being able to get back-and-forth between the two worlds, I was also thinking about fandoms with appearances that aren't quite human, and about how they would even blend in in the real world. I'm thinking that, if we go with the handheld gadget idea, that maybe said gadget could also have some sort of hologram-esque technology to disguise the non-human attributes of certain fandoms? Just another idea worth considering...
I agree with all of these ideas. They make sense. I don't have any suggestions right now. If I have suggestions later I'll say them.
Also! @AquaTheLita -- Daymare Town has been an accepted character for a while now, and you still haven't posted an introduction. Not that there's any rush -- by all means, take your time, especially this time of the semester. I'm just reminding you that Daymare Town's a thing, since he's kinda just been sitting around on the list for a while.
I'm well aware. I haven't forgotten. I've just been waiting for a time to shove him in there that's odd but not TOO random. The IC has been slow and quiet lately.

This is the reason why I didn't wanna introduce him just yet. Cuz I felt like it would be a while until he got in there.
EDIT: ALSO (I knew I forgot something), in addition to the thing about fandoms being able to get back-and-forth between the two worlds, I was also thinking about fandoms with appearances that aren't quite human, and about how they would even blend in in the real world. I'm thinking that, if we go with the handheld gadget idea, that maybe said gadget could also have some sort of hologram-esque technology to disguise the non-human attributes of certain fandoms? Just another idea worth considering...
This reminds me of the holo-avatars from Transformers IDW...
Fandoms can travel between the Fandomverse and the real world at will. Really all they have to do is think about it and they can pop back and forth with the power of their mind.

You do realize then that in the TARDIS all I needed to do was teleport RvB to the Fandom Verse, then to the Human world again and he'd be out of the chains? :P

You do realize then that in the TARDIS all I needed to do was teleport RvB to the Fandom Verse, then to the Human world again and he'd be out of the chains? :P


Because not only did no one seem to know about it (despite my attempts at reminding everyone about it in the early stages of the museum arc, where people were still acting like it wasn't a thing despite those reminders), but it's also just kind of stupid in general. Which is why I stopped trying to "enforce" it at all (plus, it wouldn't seem too OOC for RvB to forget something like that, I would think...)

And at this point, it would be easier to change the rules of the RP world to match everyone's actions in the IC than to retcon a shitton of stuff that happened in the RP just to match some dumb detail that no one knew about even though it's blatantly stated in the OP and I don't know why I have to keep pointing out things that are blatantly stated in the OP like it's some kind of mystery...

Because not only did no one seem to know about it (despite my attempts at reminding everyone about it in the early stages of the museum arc, where people were still acting like it wasn't a thing despite those reminders), but it's also just kind of stupid in general. Which is why I stopped trying to "enforce" it at all (plus, it wouldn't seem too OOC for RvB to forget something like that, I would think...)

And at this point, it would be easier to change the rules of the RP world to match everyone's actions in the IC than to retcon a shitton of stuff that happened in the RP just to match some dumb detail that no one knew about even though it's blatantly stated in the OP and I don't know why I have to keep pointing out things that are blatantly stated in the OP like it's some kind of mystery...
But now there's so much shenanigans I can do... ;A;
This technically isn't untrue and was never officially retconned or anything, but it just... hasn't been used...?? Especially looking at the whole museum plot (both in its early, pre-Trickster-arc stage and its current form), it seems like nearly all the characters have been treating the TARDIS as the ride home -- as if they can't just pop back to the Fandomverse whenever they like.

Trouble is, I don't want to remove this detail outright, because I still want there to be some fairly-easy way for fandoms who don't have something like the TARDIS to get back-and-forth between the worlds, even if it isn't quite as easy as just ~teleporting away~. I was thinking that maybe there could be portals/teleporters at set locations in the Fandomverse that are intended for public use, but the trouble with that is that it implies there are corresponding portals/teleporters in the real world (otherwise, how exactly would they get back?). But now I'm thinking that maybe there could be some sort of handheld device that's given out to all fandoms (perhaps by the Council?) that's supposed to allow them to go back-and-forth. This provides essentially all the functionality of the original idea while still being a bit more... not dumb. Also, since we're already acting like it's possible for a fandom to be stranded in the real world, well, this also allows for the possibility of that, such as if, say, a fandom hitched a ride with someone like the Doctor, and was an idiot and didn't bring their own teleport-y thingy in case they needed to get back home without him.

EDIT: ALSO (I knew I forgot something), in addition to the thing about fandoms being able to get back-and-forth between the two worlds, I was also thinking about fandoms with appearances that aren't quite human, and about how they would even blend in in the real world. I'm thinking that, if we go with the handheld gadget idea, that maybe said gadget could also have some sort of hologram-esque technology to disguise the non-human attributes of certain fandoms? Just another idea worth considering...
ok now that I'm more awake and read this more carefully: more feedback and suggestions!

I like the idea of there being teleporters in the city, and the gadget they have on them. I guess it could make sense for them to just happen to forget whatever device makes them come back. Maybe there doesn't have to be specific portals in the human world, just so long as they have their device or method they can get back from anywhere.

As for the appearances...maybe they have a human form that looks more human and less...fandom. Doesn't have to be drastic changes, but just enough to look non-otherwordly. And some might not change much. Examples from my characters: DHM would loose their wings and extra arms, and probably not have markings on their face. They might still have the same hair and coat. ADR would definitely change a lot. His skin would be more brown than black and definitely lose the extra arms. Sub wouldn't really change because there's nothing extra-unusual about a scientist-looking dude missing an arm. DMT also wouldn't change much.

I haven't been paying TOO close attention to the museum/TARDIS groups (I read it, but only skimming), so idk how you guys have been doing it so far. But that's my ideas.

Because not only did no one seem to know about it (despite my attempts at reminding everyone about it in the early stages of the museum arc, where people were still acting like it wasn't a thing despite those reminders), but it's also just kind of stupid in general. Which is why I stopped trying to "enforce" it at all (plus, it wouldn't seem too OOC for RvB to forget something like that, I would think...)

And at this point, it would be easier to change the rules of the RP world to match everyone's actions in the IC than to retcon a shitton of stuff that happened in the RP just to match some dumb detail that no one knew about even though it's blatantly stated in the OP and I don't know why I have to keep pointing out things that are blatantly stated in the OP like it's some kind of mystery...
And just putting it out there, I was well aware of this fact already. I just didn't pay much attention to it since I'm not involved in the TARDIS/museum stuff, and also because it hasn't come up for my characters.

I imagine that Sub would be one of those fandoms that just teleports. It might cost him some energy to do so, so he probably wouldn't do it often.
I'd personally go with the personal teleporter deal.

Or go with a Star Trek "beam me up scotty" deal where someone from the Fandomverse needs to bring those in the human world back.
I haven't been paying TOO close attention to the museum/TARDIS groups (I read it, but only skimming), so idk how you guys have been doing it so far.
Everyone looks human and we used the TARDIS.
But now there's so much shenanigans I can do... ;A;
TOO LATE NOW! You should've read the OP better to begin with. >:/

I like the idea of there being teleporters in the city, and the gadget they have on them. I guess it could make sense for them to just happen to forget whatever device makes them come back. Maybe there doesn't have to be specific portals in the human world, just so long as they have their device or method they can get back from anywhere.
Yeah, that's why I'm leaning towards them just having handheld devices. The only way that I can see public teleporters making any sense without there being corresponding teleporters in the real world is if either A) the teleporters are designed to automatically send them back to the Fandomverse after a pre-determined amount of time, which just seems impractical, or B) the fandoms also have some sort of handheld device, more akin to a remote or something, that then calls them back -- at which point, it would just make more sense to have them use a handheld device in the first place.

As for the appearances...maybe they have a human form that looks more human and less...fandom. Doesn't have to be drastic changes, but just enough to look non-otherwordly. And some might not change much. Examples from my characters: DHM would loose their wings and extra arms, and probably not have markings on their face. They might still have the same hair and coat. ADR would definitely change a lot. His skin would be more brown than black and definitely lose the extra arms. Sub wouldn't really change because there's nothing extra-unusual about a scientist-looking dude missing an arm. DMT also wouldn't change much.
Well, yeah, obviously those are the sorts of changes that would come with a "human form" -- the question is how they would change into a human form. My initial thought was that it could be some sort of hologram/illusory technology -- perhaps something akin to this where they technically never change out of their original forms but they just look more human -- but you seem to be implying that they would physically change at will.

Now that I think about it, it's possible that fandoms could just automatically switch into a human form as soon as they enter the human world -- whether that means actually changing forms or just changing how they appear to human observers, both would work. o.o Actually... we could say that human observers would always see fandoms in their "human forms", even though the fandoms would still look like their "normal" selves to each other. You know, sort of like how, in a lot of modern fantasy settings, the world is teeming with magical creatures, but said creatures are invisible to most humans? It would be sort of like that -- a non-fandom's attributes could be "invisible", except, instead of being completely and literally invisible, they would just be replaced by human attributes wherever necessary -- again, similar to the Doctor Who-esque hologram thingy.

I imagine that Sub would be one of those fandoms that just teleports. It might cost him some energy to do so, so he probably wouldn't do it often.
Well, yeah, but that would be because Sub's teleportation is one of his fandom-based abilities -- making it more equivalent to something like the TARDIS rather than any sort of universal teleportation ability that all fandoms would theoretically have. :P

Or go with a Star Trek "beam me up scotty" deal where someone from the Fandomverse needs to bring those in the human world back.
Yeah, that could theoretically work -- but the handheld teleporter idea seems like it would be more convenient and just more solid overall, so I think we'll go with that.
So... I'm not sure if this got brought up before.

But this is the most posted in and most viewed OOC thread on Iwaku. XD
So... I'm not sure if this got brought up before.

But this is the most posted in and most viewed OOC thread on Iwaku. XD
Ha! Funny, the same thing actually happened with one of my OOC's on the Guild. :P It was one of the TJA incarnations, I believe (which I technically didn't start, but I did become co-GM and eventually inherit it as a full-time GM), with literally over 10,000 pages -- with 10 posts per page, making it over 100,000 posts (proof if you don't believe me). Actually, the TJA 4 OOC wasn't just the longest OOC thread on the Guild, but it was the longest thread anywhere on the Guild -- or at least it was, before eventually being beat by the "Men vs Women Race to 1,000" thread in Spam. Still, given the concept of that thread, it's kind of unsurprising... But yeah, not counting that particular thread, TJA 4's OOC was the longest thread anywhere on the Guild by far. o.o

So uh... Fandomstuck's current status isn't too surprising. XD But I'm still amused!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Ha! Funny, the same thing actually happened with one of my OOC's on the Guild. :P It was one of the TJA incarnations, I believe (which I technically didn't start, but I did become co-GM and eventually inherit it as a full-time GM), with literally over 10,000 pages -- with 10 posts per page, making it over 100,000 posts(proof if you don't believe me).
YEA! Well... I...

Multiple of the biggest 1x1 RP's on the Guild were mine! Including #1!
And the biggest group free level RP.

*Grumbles about Kaga stealing all the Thunder* (I tease)
So uh... Fandomstuck's current status isn't too surprising. XD But I'm still amused!
So this RP, which isn't even a fraction of your other one is still the highest on the site? XD
YEA! Well... I...

Multiple of the biggest 1x1 RP's on the Guild were mine! Including #1!
And the biggest group free level RP.
"Biggest group free level RP"? But... TJA 4 was a free level group RP. Are you saying you were bigger than TJA 4? :P

So this RP, which isn't even a fraction of your other one is still the highest on the site? XD
o3o Well, is it the highest on the site? I'm not sure where you got your information (did you use some sort of advanced search function??), but you said that Fandomstuck is currently the most-posted-in "group OOC" -- and just being the longest group OOC is not nearly the same as being the longest thread total anywhere on the site, which is what TJA 4 was on the Guild, beating out even long-lived Spam and OT threads except for the aforementioned Men vs Women thread, but, you know...

And uh, even if Fandomstuck is currently the longest group OOC... just off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure we're not as long as, say, that "post one good thing every day" thread in GC...
"Biggest group free level RP"? But... TJA 4 was a free level group RP. Are you saying you were bigger than TJA 4? :P
... Or at least it was when I checked. >.<
o3o Well, is it the highest on the site? I'm not sure where you got your information (did you use some sort of advanced search function??),
I checked the OOC section and sorted by post and view count. Seriously, check it yourself, it's the biggest OOC.
And uh, even if Fandomstuck is currently the longest group OOC... just off the top of my head, I'm pretty sure we're not as long as, say, that "post one good thing every day" thread in GC...
I never said it was though. ;A;
I checked the OOC section and sorted by post and view count. Seriously, check it yourself, it's the biggest OOC.
I believe you! I'm just saying -- I want to see if there's a way to measure it against the entire site... :P

I never said it was though. ;A;
So this RP, which isn't even a fraction of your other one is still the highest on the site? XD
That's what I assumed you were implying by "highest on the site". :P And, well... being the "highest on the site" isn't exactly the same as being the "highest among the other group RP OOC's".




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