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Now all I can think about is a bunch of fandoms demanding that they build a wall to keep out all the furries. And you have fandoms like MLP who take offense to being called "furries" and looked down upon, but then when someone calls Sonic a furry he just kind of shrugs like "lol that's fair".
New plot option hype! :D
That's alright. I dissolved the group that TT was in, anyway. You can take all the time you need to rest and recover before jumping back into things. ^^
But thank you for letting me know that you went throw with that plan. Ill throw TT back in after Im fully recovered and myself again then.

I attempted a glitch in Sonic 1 that's supposed to give Sonic "infinite" lives -- although, it's technically not infinite, just bumped up to 256 lives, and the lives counter displays as a bunch of glitchy symbols because it isn't programmed to display a number higher than 99. It's basically the same idea as the whole Missingno item duplication thing from Pkmn Red and Blue, actually.

IN ANY CASE, that glitch was apparently patched in the PS2 Mega Collection version (which is what I have). ...Or, at least, partially patched...

Y'see, the way the glitch normally works is this: there's this one bit in the game where Sonic is being swept along by this underwater current, and you have to dodge spike walls along the way. Obviously you'll take damage if you hit the spike walls. But, being underwater, Sonic can also die from running out of air if you don't get through the area fast enough. So, if your timing is just right, you can allow Sonic to run out of air, and then, while the drowning animation is playing, Sonic will continue to move with the current and can then hit a spike wall. This causes Sonic to lose two lives at once (one from drowning and one from hitting the spikes). So if you do this when you're already on your last life, that causes the lives counter to dip below zero. But it's not programmed to go into the negative numbers, so you get the highest possible value of 256.

Apparently, in the PS2 version, they fixed it so that the current can't move Sonic while he's drowning. But there's still some pretty weird stuff that happens... like... the drowning animation being interrupted by Sonic touching the ground -- at which point, it's as if Sonic is totally ok because he's actually playable for a brief moment, and can walk and jump and interact with other objects fairly normally (except for the fact that there's no current), before Sonic then slowly phases through the ground and falls through the bottom of the screen (which, unfortunately, doesn't count as a second death -- although I would've been very amused if it did).

And sometimes, after phasing through the floor, he can then stand at the bottom of the screen. At which point, trying to move Sonic left or right -- even if it's only the gentlest tap on the D-pad -- will cause Sonic to blast off in the opposite direction -- moving at a far greater velocity than normal gameplay would allow for.

Honestly, I'm just amazed this game's code allowed for any objects like that to interact with a death animation in the first place... @_@
I love how there's a post going around Tumblr right now that's just the back of one of the Beatles' heads, and the caption is, "does anyone know who this is?" You can't see his face at all -- not even at an angle, as he's facing directly away from the camera -- and the photo was definitely taken back when all the Beatles had that matching haircut thing going on that made them all look like clones of each other to the untrained eye. And yet, every single tag and comment that I've seen on this post is 100% in agreement that it's George.

I love it. I love this fandom.
...Hello? Anyone?
Sorry I've been gone, you guys. I'll try to get an IC post up soon.
STILL OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS FOR SHIT THAT CAN GO DOWN and if no one has any ideas then maybe I'll just throw a bunch of gem corruptions at you guys.

D-Reaper could be fun, too, but I feel like it might be a bit too obscure...
Hey @LuckycoolHawk9.

If you still want the RP to go places, I would appreciate an intro post for your character. Like I said, I have someone in mind that they can interact with -- but it won't work if I don't have an intro post to go off of first.

Let me know if you need help thinking of what to write. Seriously. If it takes you forever to write an intro post and you don't say anything about why that's the case, I will assume you're just not very interested in the RP.

Because everyone here says they'd like to see the RP continue, but, like, actions speak a hell of a lot louder than words, guys... And most of you don't seem to be very eager to get things moving.

In any case -- if it's just a bit of writer's block, I'll gladly help out.
If you still want the RP to go places, I would appreciate an intro post for your character. Like I said, I have someone in mind that they can interact with -- but it won't work if I don't have an intro post to go off of first.

Let me know if you need help thinking of what to write. Seriously. If it takes you forever to write an intro post and you don't say anything about why that's the case, I will assume you're just not very interested in the RP.

Because everyone here says they'd like to see the RP continue, but, like, actions speak a hell of a lot louder than words, guys... And most of you don't seem to be very eager to get things moving.

In any case -- if it's just a bit of writer's block, I'll gladly help out.
Give me about an hour and I should have one up.
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Honestly, I was waiting for others to reply in the Exdeath group ^^; Not sure if anyone else feels the same way about that
Honestly, I was waiting for others to reply in the Exdeath group ^^; Not sure if anyone else feels the same way about that
Well if that's the case, then we're waiting on Minecraft (@neobendium) and Pokemon (@Takumi).

You're fine, though. The Exdeath group is moving the most smoothly out of everything else in the whole RP right now. It's not super-fast, but it's working pretty much alright.

I was mainly directing that comment at the players with all the now-freed-up characters, whose groups I dissolved because nothing was happening -- and nothing was happening because no one was posting and when I asked people what they wanted to do with their characters, most of them responded with "I'unno". And, you know, it felt like those groups had gotten pretty stale anyway, so I figured it would be for the best to free those characters up so that they could do whatever. But now no one seems to want to do anything with those characters, still.

I admit that this is partially my fault, as I haven't had time to really think up something for them to do, much less post for whatever antagonist I'll inevitably throw into the mix. But I asked if anyone had any suggestions, and, well, no one seems to have any contributions, there... nor does anyone seem to be really eager to throw their characters back into the fray in the first place.

And then there are the groups with plenty of ideas but absolutely no movement because of countless promises to post that never happen. By this I mainly mean the museum group. We finally got a post for alt-FE -- which is great, except for the fact that he's not currently interacting with anyone, and I guess that means it's my job to make sure that happens -- but now we're stuck because we still need a post for regular FE. And after that would be Sherlock, but Gwazi's interest in RPing seems to be in the red as a whole, at least in terms of my RP's, where I've just gotten a very disinterested vibe from him every time I've tried to spur him to post... Which is a shame, because a post for RvB could easily solve the earlier problem of not having any fandom chaos for our now-free characters to deal with.

But yeah, I wasn't talking about you, chaosheart. You're fine.
GOOD NEWS IS I PLAN ON DEDICATING THIS EVENING TO RP STUFF so uh yeah get hype for that I guess.
Oh, I haven't posted in a while.

I guess I'll get right on that.
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I'll try to post soon. My current plan rn is to stuff my face once I get my pizza so let's see how that goes.
Oh, I haven't posted in a while.

I guess I'll get right on that.
A post for regular-FE would be best, if you can prioritize that. We're alright with waiting a while longer on your other characters.