• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
*Rushes off to catch up so he can join in*
Also, in case any of you were unaware, I figure now's as good a time as any to tell you that Peter Capaldi used to be a model.


I'm sure your lives have been improved by this information.
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So, I'm gonna post for Fire Emblem that yes, he does want an adventure.

Also, I just watched the Dr Who were he was in the castle. That was amazing. One of my favorite episodes, IMO.

And that speech about the bird at the end when he's punching the crystal. That's possibly my favorite Dr Who speech.

That was a brilliant episode.
RIIIIIIIIIGHT like holy shit I can't even get over how good that episode was holy shit.

Like, this is Moffat going back to his roots and writing an episode that doesn't hop around and do a million different things (which seems to have been a habit of his recently) and just stays focused on one brilliant story -- with time-loopy-ness that is just convoluted enough to be interesting but still tame enough to not make your head hurt, and it's nice to see a bit of restraint on that part. (And yeah I know it technically wasn't time travel but like I don't know what else I would describe that loop as.)

It sort of reminds me of Blink. Except better. Sooooo much better.

Not that Blink's a bad episode or anything. It just pails in comparison to this masterpiece.

I'm honestly just a tad worried that the season finale just won't be able to compete. XD

Also those CGI flies were almost too real-looking -- I kept thinking there were actual flies in front of my TV screen. XD

Clara's dead! ;A;
She was my favourite companion! :(

Listen here 'me'!
Remember this!
The North Remembers!

Ok, so for the most recent episode.
Holy shit! That takes some damn dedication to punch through the crystals like that...
But why? He seemed to make it sound like he was doing it to avoid giving away the Dalek/Time Lord hybrid.
Only he gave it away immediately after escaping!

I thought for sure we'd seen the end of it, but NOPE we're on it!
Damn that has me excited! :3

And the Doctor being the end for Time Lords?
WHAT!? What is happening!?
Is this the Time War all over again!?
Didn't you bubble them away for the express purpose of NOT doing that!?

Holy shit! That takes some damn dedication to punch through the crystals like that...
But why? He seemed to make it sound like he was doing it to avoid giving away the Dalek/Time Lord hybrid.
Only he gave it away immediately after escaping!
Because at that point he was able to realize that he'd been doing this a thousand times before and that all those skulls he kept seeing were him -- so he punched the crystal knowing that, after doing it about two billion times, he'd eventually break free.

And, yes, he was also trying to avoid giving another confession, which was why he let the Veil nearly kill him so he could start the loop over as opposed to trying to escape.

Therefore, I've heard a lot of theories that what he said after escaping wasn't actually the truth, or at least not the literal truth (so perhaps he wasn't trying to say that he was actually the hybrid, just that he would be the thing that would destroy Gallifrey). After all, he didn't need to give a confession at that point. There'd be no reason for him to tell the truth.

And the Doctor being the end for Time Lords?
WHAT!? What is happening!?
Is this the Time War all over again!?
Didn't you bubble them away for the express purpose of NOT doing that!?
Yeah, I'm not sure what the sudden change of heart is about, either.

I'm assuming it's either because A) he's still pissed about Clara's death, which is still a recent event from his perspective, or B) he's pissed about being trapped in that thing for so long -- as, perhaps, 'Me' was in cahoots with the Time Lords to make it happen?

I dunno, it was a bit unclear. Hopefully things will make more sense in the next episode.

Also, Gwazi, I found this on Tumblr and I couldn't not show you. XD

There, I posted a thing. I think those are the most important things my characters should notice right now? If I missed something, I'll add it in later. First things first though fain- err, sleeping.
Because at that point he was able to realize that he'd been doing this a thousand times before and that all those skulls he kept seeing were him -- so he punched the crystal knowing that, after doing it about two billion times, he'd eventually break free.

And, yes, he was also trying to avoid giving another confession, which was why he let the Veil nearly kill him so he could start the loop over as opposed to trying to escape.

Therefore, I've heard a lot of theories that what he said after escaping wasn't actually the truth, or at least not the literal truth (so perhaps he wasn't trying to say that he was actually the hybrid, just that he would be the thing that would destroy Gallifrey). After all, he didn't need to give a confession at that point. There'd be no reason for him to tell the truth.
I know what he was doing with the resurrections and the crystal breaking.

I'm just confused as to why he bothered saying anything after escaping about it...
Like either he just wasted all those years, or he gave out a total lie.

Yeah, I'm not sure what the sudden change of heart is about, either.

I'm assuming it's either because A) he's still pissed about Clara's death, which is still a recent event from his perspective, or B) he's pissed about being trapped in that thing for so long -- as, perhaps, 'Me' was in cahoots with the Time Lords to make it happen?

I dunno, it was a bit unclear. Hopefully things will make more sense in the next episode.
But why at the Time Lords?

Were the Time Lords the one's trying to kill him?
Even then they weren't the ones responsible for Clara's death. :/

Also, Gwazi, I found this on Tumblr and I couldn't not show you. XD

I KNOW!!! >:C
I know what he was doing with the resurrections and the crystal breaking.

I'm just confused as to why he bothered saying anything after escaping about it...
Like either he just wasted all those years, or he gave out a total lie.

That's my best guess, anyway.

...Twelve sure does seem to monologue more than a lot of other Doctors in recent memory, now that I think about it.

But why at the Time Lords?

Were the Time Lords the one's trying to kill him?
Even then they weren't the ones responsible for Clara's death. :/
I agree that this wasn't well-explained, so, the explanation I'm about to offer is merely an educated guess, but...

I think what they were trying to imply is that 'Me' was somehow in cahoots with the Time Lords in order to trap the Doctor like she did. After all, did they ever explain why exactly she wanted to trap him like that at the end of Face the Raven? I don't think they did -- because when Me was starting to explain about everything thus far being a trap (I've given up on trying to remember her Viking name), she didn't really have time to finish before everyone sort of got distracted by that whole bit about Clara sealing her own fate like she did. And after that whole thing was over, Me's demeanor was certainly different about what she did to the Doctor, not as confident. She almost seemed sorry about what she did (well, definitely sorry about what happened to Clara, as she explicitly stated), but, yeah, it sort of seemed like she didn't really want to imprison the Doctor after all that -- like she was doing it because she had to for some reason. Perhaps there was some sort of deal in place.

And it sort of makes sense because, well, why would Me even want to do that to the Doctor in the first place? The arrangement they seemed to have agreed on last time they met was that the Doctor would save people, and Me would save the people who suffered in the aftermath of the Doctor's actions. And I'm pretty sure they even emphasized that this does not make them enemies. (You could argue that she forgot, but she seems to be pretty good about writing down the important things.) Point is, she never had any reason to remove the Doctor from the picture like that. And if she did, she would've done it a long time ago, I feel like.

And the Time Lords? Ohhhhh they would have plenty of reason to want to lock the Doctor away. I realize this is something that's a lot easier to pick up for viewers of the Classic series, but, as I've explained before, the Time Lords fucking hate the Doctor. And after all their failed attempts at permanently executing him, it makes sense that they'd settle for just imprisoning him for virtually eternity. Hell, as far as the Time Lords are concerned, the Doctor's the reason why they're trapped (and they've already tried crossing over into the 'normal' universe and reaching out to the Doctor, as we've seen in The End of Time* and The Time of the Doctor, respectively). The Doctor never "saved" them as far as they're concerned. Hell, the only thing the Doctor even saved them from was himself, as he decided not to simply kill them all. To us, this comes across as the Doctor "saving" Gallifrey, because we'd previously believed that the Doctor destroyed Gallifrey, therefore meaning that the events of that episode re-wrote that event. But, when you look at it from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint... Gallifrey was never destroyed in the first place. They were never "saved" -- just sealed away against their will. If the Doctor had done nothing -- and not destroyed nor sealed away Gallifrey -- then the Time War would've simply raged on. But, no, the Doctor sealed them away and cut them off from the rest of the universe, sooo... yeah, Time Lords are pissed. Like they didn't have a million reasons to hate the Doctor to begin with.

*In case you were unaware, the events of End of Time (from the Time Lords' perspectives) take place at the same time as the events in Day of the Doctor. In both episodes, we see the same meeting room of high-ranking Time Lords -- in The End of Time, we see them desperately using the Master as a way of ensuring a link between Gallifrey and the rest of the universe. In Day of the Doctor, we see what fate exactly they're so desperate to escape at that same moment. :P

ALSO, there's the whole fact that he seemed to have sort of been trapped inside that fancy gadget that serves as his will (and how did Me know how to use Gallifreyan technology? How would she have even known that the Doctor owned such a thing??), and the fact that he was on Gallifrey once he broke free -- and, well... yeah. Me couldn't have teleported the Doctor inside a piece of Gallifreyan technology (which was somehow connected to Gallifrey itself) on her own. There's something else going on, here.

...It wasn't until I finished typing all this out that I came to the obvious conclusion that Missy has to have something to do with this. I can't believe I hadn't considered it sooner.

I mean, speaking of The End of Time, we saw the Master get sealed away with the rest of Gallifrey -- and then never got any answer as to how it was even possible for her to come back as Missy, especially given the fact that, after Day of the Doctor, we know that the Master was trapped along with the rest of Gallifrey in a pocket universe which really shouldn't have been so easy to get out of.

Maybe we'll finally get an answer as to what happened there...
Working on CS soon~
Working on CS soon~

Oh and yeah @everyone else: I considered sleeping about an hour ago but then I remembered that this forum exists and decided to make use of it. And then I saw a thread in which the title was a Beatles reference and then I got to not only advertise Fandomstuck but also include like 4 Beatles puns into one short post and to someone who would actually understand and enjoy those references and like I would just like to thank the fact that this forum exists and allowed me such an opportunity.

But yeah if we suddenly have an influx of new members then uh that's why.
Can I play more than one charrie? :3
Can I play more than one charrie? :3

Yes, but I'll have to limit you to two for now. You can play more once you've started to get used to the RP and I can see that you're dping alright.

Also, if you know which fandoms you want, I can reserve them for you if you like.
I would like to interrupt whatever you're doing to bring you Paul McCartney's reaction to being pet.


Thank you.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled roleplaying.

Also those other two people are celebrities you may know -- I think they were in Avengers or something -- but like I don't even know their names sooooo.
Ok so apparently in my tired state last night I made this thingy (this link goes to a moving version) of Submachine with Dream Selfy. There was an option for diamond irises but only in yellow, the magatama is the closest thing (in color and size) I could find to his wisdom gem, and there was no one-armed options. But I love it anyway.

Sub Selfy.PNG
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I agree that this wasn't well-explained, so, the explanation I'm about to offer is merely an educated guess, but...

I think what they were trying to imply is that 'Me' was somehow in cahoots with the Time Lords in order to trap the Doctor like she did. After all, did they ever explain why exactly she wanted to trap him like that at the end of Face the Raven? I don't think they did -- because when Me was starting to explain about everything thus far being a trap (I've given up on trying to remember her Viking name), she didn't really have time to finish before everyone sort of got distracted by that whole bit about Clara sealing her own fate like she did. And after that whole thing was over, Me's demeanor was certainly different about what she did to the Doctor, not as confident. She almost seemed sorry about what she did (well, definitely sorry about what happened to Clara, as she explicitly stated), but, yeah, it sort of seemed like she didn't really want to imprison the Doctor after all that -- like she was doing it because she had to for some reason. Perhaps there was some sort of deal in place.

And it sort of makes sense because, well, why would Me even want to do that to the Doctor in the first place? The arrangement they seemed to have agreed on last time they met was that the Doctor would save people, and Me would save the people who suffered in the aftermath of the Doctor's actions. And I'm pretty sure they even emphasized that this does not make them enemies. (You could argue that she forgot, but she seems to be pretty good about writing down the important things.) Point is, she never had any reason to remove the Doctor from the picture like that. And if she did, she would've done it a long time ago, I feel like.

And the Time Lords? Ohhhhh they would have plenty of reason to want to lock the Doctor away. I realize this is something that's a lot easier to pick up for viewers of the Classic series, but, as I've explained before, the Time Lords fucking hate the Doctor. And after all their failed attempts at permanently executing him, it makes sense that they'd settle for just imprisoning him for virtually eternity. Hell, as far as the Time Lords are concerned, the Doctor's the reason why they're trapped (and they've already tried crossing over into the 'normal' universe and reaching out to the Doctor, as we've seen in The End of Time* and The Time of the Doctor, respectively). The Doctor never "saved" them as far as they're concerned. Hell, the only thing the Doctor even saved them from was himself, as he decided not to simply kill them all. To us, this comes across as the Doctor "saving" Gallifrey, because we'd previously believed that the Doctor destroyed Gallifrey, therefore meaning that the events of that episode re-wrote that event. But, when you look at it from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint... Gallifrey was never destroyed in the first place. They were never "saved" -- just sealed away against their will. If the Doctor had done nothing -- and not destroyed nor sealed away Gallifrey -- then the Time War would've simply raged on. But, no, the Doctor sealed them away and cut them off from the rest of the universe, sooo... yeah, Time Lords are pissed. Like they didn't have a million reasons to hate the Doctor to begin with.

*In case you were unaware, the events of End of Time (from the Time Lords' perspectives) take place at the same time as the events in Day of the Doctor. In both episodes, we see the same meeting room of high-ranking Time Lords -- in The End of Time, we see them desperately using the Master as a way of ensuring a link between Gallifrey and the rest of the universe. In Day of the Doctor, we see what fate exactly they're so desperate to escape at that same moment. :P

ALSO, there's the whole fact that he seemed to have sort of been trapped inside that fancy gadget that serves as his will (and how did Me know how to use Gallifreyan technology? How would she have even known that the Doctor owned such a thing??), and the fact that he was on Gallifrey once he broke free -- and, well... yeah. Me couldn't have teleported the Doctor inside a piece of Gallifreyan technology (which was somehow connected to Gallifrey itself) on her own. There's something else going on, here.

...It wasn't until I finished typing all this out that I came to the obvious conclusion that Missy has to have something to do with this. I can't believe I hadn't considered it sooner.

I mean, speaking of The End of Time, we saw the Master get sealed away with the rest of Gallifrey -- and then never got any answer as to how it was even possible for her to come back as Missy, especially given the fact that, after Day of the Doctor, we know that the Master was trapped along with the rest of Gallifrey in a pocket universe which really shouldn't have been so easy to get out of.

Maybe we'll finally get an answer as to what happened there...
I actually remember you telling me about the Time Lord hatred for the Doctor sooner... So I honestly should have expected the time lords to be responsible.
I still don't get why the Doctor seems to think he needs to destroy them though. :/

But... Ok, I seriously never made that connection with End of Time and Day of the Doctor.
Probably because one was the end of Tennat and the other near the end of Smith.
I wasn't at all expecting the same event to take place that far apart, especially with different writers. XD

But holy shit those are so much cooler now that I know that! <3

Though if Missy is involved, that could mean the Time Lords are trying to use her as a Gate again.
Which might explain why the Doctor feels the need to take action.

But at the same time Missy actually likes the Doctor, and last we saw her him with the Time Lords he hated the Time Lords for what they did.
So I don't see Missy working with the Time Lords like that... Maybe she wanted the Doctor on Gallifrey to help mess with the Time Lords?
And it was strictly her who brought him there, not the Time Lords themselves?
But at the same time Missy actually likes the Doctor, and last we saw her him with the Time Lords he hated the Time Lords for what they did.
So I don't see Missy working with the Time Lords like that... Maybe she wanted the Doctor on Gallifrey to help mess with the Time Lords?
And it was strictly her who brought him there, not the Time Lords themselves?
*shrugs* Missy has some funny ways of showing her affection. If it was her, then, well... who knows what the hell she's planning.

Also... I was thinking about things earlier today, and uh...

Remember... remember when I shared this with you guys? And the crazy things that people were saying about this image...?


..........They technically weren't wrong.
*shrugs* Missy has some funny ways of showing her affection. If it was her, then, well... who knows what the hell she's planning.

Also... I was thinking about things earlier today, and uh...

Remember... remember when I shared this with you guys? And the crazy things that people were saying about this image...?


..........They technically weren't wrong.
Wait... what were they saying about it again? o.O
Wait... what were they saying about it again? o.O
A lot of people were saying it was some sort of clue that Clara would die this season, because of the "Paul is dead" conspiracy and the fact that Jenna Coleman is standing in Paul's place, barefoot and everything (and Paul's barefooted-ness in the original album cover had a lot to do with the origin of the conspiracy theory in the first place).

And... well... yeah. XD
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A lot of people were saying it was some sort of clue that Clara would die this season, because of the "Paul is dead" conspiracy and the fact that Jenna Coleman is standing in Paul's place, barefoot and everything (and Paul's barefooted-ness in the original album cover had a lot to do with the origin of the conspiracy theory in the first place).

And... well... yeah. XD
Oh... Yea. XD

God Dammit.