• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Alright it should be fixed I tried to do what I could do I hope it's ok!
Yeah, the edited version looks fine to me. I'll add you to the list. ^^

Sorry but I might have a hard time working you into the IC tonight, though. The current situation of events is, ah... a bit hectic, and it's a bit too late at night for me to really be able to think too clearly about how to get you started. @_@ I'll see what I can do tomorrow morning, though.

Hope you don't mind, but the RP's just a bit slower-paced than you might have expected. You'll only need to post a couple times a week, probably.
Yeah, the edited version looks fine to me. I'll add you to the list. ^^

Sorry but I might have a hard time working you into the IC tonight, though. The current situation of events is, ah... a bit hectic, and it's a bit too late at night for me to really be able to think too clearly about how to get you started. @_@ I'll see what I can do tomorrow morning, though.

Hope you don't mind, but the RP's just a bit slower-paced than you might have expected. You'll only need to post a couple times a week, probably.
Alright then that's perfectly fine thanks! Also I'll be going to bed!

"If you could describe Beatles music with one word, what would it be?"

I had to pause I'm laughing so hard at that last one. XD
It's revenge of the 5th.

Morning! How are all of you?
^^ Good, thanks. Hectic day ahead of me, though. This whole week's gonna be pretty crazy since it's my last week of classes, and I have a bunch of work to get done as well as exams to prepare for.

I'll try to get some summaries and stuff up for you soon, though.


Currently, much of the goings-on in the IC has to do with an outbreak of Trickster Mode infecting various fandoms. You seem to be knowledgeable on Homestuck, so I expect you'll get the gist about what that means. XD For more information on what Trickster Mode means for this RP, though (since the canon was so limited in information that I had to make up a number of rules, myself), there's a spoiler tab on the OP about it. Open that up and you'll find all the info you need.

Thanks to a small mistake in one of Night Vale's news reports (shame on him for not fact-checking!), many fandoms are currently under the misconception that Trickster Mode is "deadly", as in, anyone who gets infected is basically a zombie with no way to bring back their normal self (when, in truth, it's temporary and wears off after a while), thus making the whole situation seem a lot more urgent than it needs to be. XD

Currently, there's somewhat of a resistance group consisting of Trigun, Gurren Lagann, Touhou, Hetalia, Deadpool, and Avengers -- all of whom are currently inside GL's mech.

Said mech is also sort of fighting Attack on Titan, who has shifted to his Titan form and doesn't have a ton of control over what he's doing. He went all Titan thanks to some instigation from Trickster Beatles, who is still fluttering around him like an annoying colorful insect.

Nearby, Binding of Isaac is doing some reporting for Night Vale as he watches all these events unfold. Also, Cowboy Bebop recently showed up and has just approached GL's mech, I guess to ask what's up.

Elsewhere, in the human realm, Doctor Who, Sherlock, FMA, and Dragon Age had all gone to a WWII museum to investigate what was supposedly an infestation of Daleks and Cybermen. But, they were then interrupted by RvB and Final Fantasy, who told them about the whole Trickster situation (while also implying that it operated under the rules of said zombie-esque scenario), thus convincing DW and Sherlock to drop the Dalek/Cyberman situation and check out this Trickster thing instead, though now they're a bit confused because FF said they could find a cure at a nearby "alchemy lab" and the Doctor and Sherlock are both fairly certain that you really can't find that sort of thing in the human realm. So, they'll probably be headed back to the Fandomverse fairly soon.

And, back in the Fandomverse, Metal Gear and Megaman were about to investigate this Trickster thing, themselves, and were recently joined by Madoka, who it's been implied is from a future-gone-wrong and therefore has gone back in time to prevent this whole Trickster thing from wrecking, well, everything. (Something tells me Doctor Who is gonna throw a fucking fit when he hears this plan.)

Oh, and it's worth mentioning that Kill la Kill has a somewhat more sinister version of Trickster Mode than everyone else, as she apparently intends to take over the Fandomverse with happiness, all while continuously renewing her own Trickster state by eating the Trickster sweets.


So, as far as interaction goes, you have a lot of options. The most obvious one would be to come across this whole Titan vs Mech fight going on, but, be warned, that whole group is sort of a bit massive as it is, when you look at it as all one group, anyway, so I suggest finding an easier way to do things than just waltzing right into the middle of the chaos. (I would prefer that you stay away from the WWII museum group for now, though, just because that would be hard to manage, so, yeah, it makes the most sense for you to start out in the Fandomverse, at least.)

For example, you could approach Isaac (@JaxcekiJin), who's pretty much all alone right now, although reporting for Night Vale (@Clirkus).

Additionally, the Madoka/Metal Gear/Megaman group is pretty small, if you want to join into the fray a bit more naturally (@Mako, @neobullseye).

Also, we have characters who are currently completely free and in need of something to do! For example, there's Kill la Kill, who is off doing... something, but probably still open for interaction. Same with Space Dandy. You can talk to Mako about these guys, if you like.

Also, FIFA is around here somewhere, though @Rithas seems to be having some writer's block with this RP lately and isn't sure what to do with his characters. Maybe forming an interaction between you two could help him get back into the swing of things? It's worth talking to him about.

Also, Clannad. I had told @Gen. Gwazi Magnum quite a while ago that I would help get Clannad started once I more properly introduced Hunger Games, but, since I've decided to put that off until after this semester is just about over, I don't mind you talking to him to find some other way to introduce both your characters. It might also make it a bit easier and more natural for me to introduce HG some other way at this point, too, honestly. So uh, that one's up to you guys.

I think that's everyone. Let me know what sounds good to you.
  • Thank You
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You know, out of context/without fandom knowledge, this whole rp is a strange, strange little thing. And when I say little, I mean kinda medium sized. A bit bigger than average, maybe?
You know, out of context/without fandom knowledge, this whole rp is a strange, strange little thing. And when I say little, I mean kinda medium sized. A bit bigger than average, maybe?
Oh I could've told you that a long time ago.
Oh I could've told you that a long time ago.
Seriously. An alternate title for this thread could be: "ITT: We are all batshit insane" :P.


Currently, much of the goings-on in the IC has to do with an outbreak of Trickster Mode infecting various fandoms. You seem to be knowledgeable on Homestuck, so I expect you'll get the gist about what that means. XD For more information on what Trickster Mode means for this RP, though (since the canon was so limited in information that I had to make up a number of rules, myself), there's a spoiler tab on the OP about it. Open that up and you'll find all the info you need.

Thanks to a small mistake in one of Night Vale's news reports (shame on him for not fact-checking!), many fandoms are currently under the misconception that Trickster Mode is "deadly", as in, anyone who gets infected is basically a zombie with no way to bring back their normal self (when, in truth, it's temporary and wears off after a while), thus making the whole situation seem a lot more urgent than it needs to be. XD

Currently, there's somewhat of a resistance group consisting of Trigun, Gurren Lagann, Touhou, Hetalia, Deadpool, and Avengers -- all of whom are currently inside GL's mech.

Said mech is also sort of fighting Attack on Titan, who has shifted to his Titan form and doesn't have a ton of control over what he's doing. He went all Titan thanks to some instigation from Trickster Beatles, who is still fluttering around him like an annoying colorful insect.

Nearby, Binding of Isaac is doing some reporting for Night Vale as he watches all these events unfold. Also, Cowboy Bebop recently showed up and has just approached GL's mech, I guess to ask what's up.

Elsewhere, in the human realm, Doctor Who, Sherlock, FMA, and Dragon Age had all gone to a WWII museum to investigate what was supposedly an infestation of Daleks and Cybermen. But, they were then interrupted by RvB and Final Fantasy, who told them about the whole Trickster situation (while also implying that it operated under the rules of said zombie-esque scenario), thus convincing DW and Sherlock to drop the Dalek/Cyberman situation and check out this Trickster thing instead, though now they're a bit confused because FF said they could find a cure at a nearby "alchemy lab" and the Doctor and Sherlock are both fairly certain that you really can't find that sort of thing in the human realm. So, they'll probably be headed back to the Fandomverse fairly soon.

And, back in the Fandomverse, Metal Gear and Megaman were about to investigate this Trickster thing, themselves, and were recently joined by Madoka, who it's been implied is from a future-gone-wrong and therefore has gone back in time to prevent this whole Trickster thing from wrecking, well, everything. (Something tells me Doctor Who is gonna throw a fucking fit when he hears this plan.)

Oh, and it's worth mentioning that Kill la Kill has a somewhat more sinister version of Trickster Mode than everyone else, as she apparently intends to take over the Fandomverse with happiness, all while continuously renewing her own Trickster state by eating the Trickster sweets.


So, as far as interaction goes, you have a lot of options. The most obvious one would be to come across this whole Titan vs Mech fight going on, but, be warned, that whole group is sort of a bit massive as it is, when you look at it as all one group, anyway, so I suggest finding an easier way to do things than just waltzing right into the middle of the chaos. (I would prefer that you stay away from the WWII museum group for now, though, just because that would be hard to manage, so, yeah, it makes the most sense for you to start out in the Fandomverse, at least.)

For example, you could approach Isaac (@JaxcekiJin), who's pretty much all alone right now, although reporting for Night Vale (@Clirkus).

Additionally, the Madoka/Metal Gear/Megaman group is pretty small, if you want to join into the fray a bit more naturally (@Mako, @neobullseye).

Also, we have characters who are currently completely free and in need of something to do! For example, there's Kill la Kill, who is off doing... something, but probably still open for interaction. Same with Space Dandy. You can talk to Mako about these guys, if you like.

Also, FIFA is around here somewhere, though @Rithas seems to be having some writer's block with this RP lately and isn't sure what to do with his characters. Maybe forming an interaction between you two could help him get back into the swing of things? It's worth talking to him about.

Also, Clannad. I had told @Gen. Gwazi Magnum quite a while ago that I would help get Clannad started once I more properly introduced Hunger Games, but, since I've decided to put that off until after this semester is just about over, I don't mind you talking to him to find some other way to introduce both your characters. It might also make it a bit easier and more natural for me to introduce HG some other way at this point, too, honestly. So uh, that one's up to you guys.

I think that's everyone. Let me know what sounds good to you.
Alright! Thanks for the fill in!
Any idea which group or individual you planned on going after?
Well, I am thinking of maybe passing by or confronting the Madoka/Metal Gear/Megaman group or going to Issac I'm not sure how to just formally come in
Well, I am thinking of maybe passing by or confronting the Madoka/Metal Gear/Megaman group or going to Issac I'm not sure how to just formally come in
^^" Well, like, that's why I'm here -- to help you figure out how to 'formally come in'.

There's plenty of time for you to decide on your own -- or wait for input from the owners of some of those characters (hence why I tagged people).
Also, I just noticed the amusing alliteration of Madoka, Metal Gear and Megaman. Why do things like these amuse me so? :D
^^" Well, like, that's why I'm here -- to help you figure out how to 'formally come in'.

There's plenty of time for you to decide on your own -- or wait for input from the owners of some of those characters (hence why I tagged people).
Alright then thank you! I think I might join in soon I'm a bit impatient :P I think I have a basic idea of what to do
Alright then thank you! I think I might join in soon I'm a bit impatient :P I think I have a basic idea of what to do
Oh, alright then. Feel free to ask any questions if you feel the need. ^^
This was apparently a thing I wrote earlier while half asleep

Italian herbs ancheese bread

Provalone cheese

but also mozzafuckingrella
Make sure they put fucking pizza sauos on it
Black olives
a lot
then toast it. fuck yeah
then goddamn ranch. that's it.
but if we get chips and shit, get cheeddar sunchips and a lemonade or w/e.

I still had to get up and go get the sandwich myself...