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Gazebo > Mysterious Building

Erin & Daisy

The name Vox Populi lingered in Erin's thoughts, the woman ultimately curious as to what this movement of Daisy's was. If Erin remembered her Latin phrases correctly, they were a self-proclaimed "voice of the people". A movement for the people... the voice of the people... it didn't take a huge mental leap to come to the conclusion that Daisy Fitzroy was in the business of bucking the establishment, whatever that may be to her. Perhaps that was just the kind of person Erin needed in this game if she wanted any hope of sticking it to whatever sick bastard had placed them all here.

"I'm just... me," Erin said a bit lamely as they coasted down the hill. "Not a leader. Not anybody." Not that she felt she needed to compensate, but if Daisy was just putting that out there, Erin figured she'd inform her of her relative lack of notoriety. Perhaps Daisy's Vox Populi was why she was here, but Erin... Erin figured she'd been placed into this game for more practical reasons. She was here to be a competitor, there was no doubt about that. She should have been taking pride in that, especially now that this other woman seemed to be looking to her for inspiration, but something about her probable skill at this game set her at unease. If she was not who she was, if she had not faced with an overwhelming betrayal like she had been, would she be here at all?

Once they had reached the base of the hill, Erin took a small glance back toward the gazebo, the thought of ensuring they couldn't tracked nagging at her. A real competitor would do it-- after all, in a game where only one was to live, how could she even begin to trust others to not track her and Daisy down with malicious intent? Even if she covered their tracks as they circled the island, to leave the gazebo in the state it was would give even the most amateur of trackers a good idea where they were heading. She had to decide quickly, before more time was wasted. "Let's just..." She licked her lips, her mouth going dry at the thoughts tumbling around in her head. Maybe it was best just to leave it, to allow herself to be sloppy. To let it be so would be a refusal to play in a way, wouldn't it?

"... Let's just go."


Erin had led the way through the brush with ease, slowing herself only long enough to keep Daisy close to her. As it turned out, getting across the island in under an hour had turned out to be an underestimation of their speed. With Erin not bothering to cover their tracks, it had only taken about forty minutes to reach the monolith that was the mysterious building. It stood in the middle of the woods like a sore thumb, looking like a more unnatural sight than even the crashed helicopter had been. Its grey concrete walls were a bore to look at; it was a pitiful sight compared to the dazzling garden Erin and Daisy had just left behind.

Erin gestured for her new ally to lay low, rubbing up next to a tree and peering through the bush to spy on the windows on the building. Not a soul. Turning her gaze upward, she saw no one lurking on the roof either-- it would be all too easy for someone with long-range weaponry to camp out up there. After a few more tense moments of steady watching, the coast seemed entirely clear to Erin, though she was not about to assume they were alone. "Stay," she whispered, her eyes focusing now on the western entrance to the building. The red metal doors looked heavy, no doubt creating a racket once they were opened, and there didn't appear to be another entrance aside from the twin metal doors on the building's opposite side. Considering their options... it seemed best to perform a stakeout for the time being.

Assuming Daisy understood without verbal direction on her part, Erin pulled out her crossbow and positioned herself facing the building's exit. For the survivalist, it was time to wait.

@Krieg @Archwar @ResistingTheEnlightened @Mighty Roman @Crow



The gazebo was deserted by the time Nathan and Scooby arrived, though a keen eye would be able to find remains of food on the grass. Foot steps down the hill would trace a line in a Southwest direction. The only real notable location in that direction was on the other side of the island-- the mysterious building marked on the map. Aside from that, a few locations were visible from the hilltop... the crashed helicopter, of course, as well as the caves you originally left behind. A port was visible in the distance, as well as a lone warehouse and a lighthouse further beyond that.

@Ramboing @LuckycoolHawk9


Crashed Helicopter

The trek across the island would have taken about an hour, but The Survivor would have found little resistance if he was careful.

The Survivor would find that the helicopter has largely been stripped clean, but that didn't mean it was totally useless. Broken electronics and a few scraps of metal could be salvaged from the wreckage, though there were few who could make much use of it all.


At the top of the lighthouse stood a lone light that likely warded off many sea travellers in its time. Last night it had ceased to function, probably a sign of the island's lack of electricity.

The top provided a view of the entire North side of the island. Some distinct sights were in view: a lone warehouse not far off; a hill and gazebo just beyond that; the remains of a helicopter out in a field; a port on the edge of the island; a series of caves set into the island's middle. Though they were like ants, it was possible to see people at almost all of these locations.

Of course, there was also a man lingering at the base of the lighthouse, for whatever reason.

@CrunchyCHEEIT @york @Gwazi Magnum
Curly Brace
@Atomyk @Gwazi Magnum @CrunchyCHEEZIT


"Hey... Was that guy here before?" Curly asked, thinking out loud as she started at the man lingering at the lighthouse below... She had been distracted by their surroundings for a while, a little uncertain of where to go next, seeing as alot of those locations were occupied, however, the closest person she could spot immediately, was that strange man at the base of the lighthouse. Who were they? What were they doing here? And were they going to try and kill her? Many questions lingered in Curly's robotic mind... Eventually compelling her to head to the base of the lighthouse, to investigate exactly what that man was doing there, but, as per usual, she kept her guard up, and her pistol close to her, just incase she needed to use it... Since she had lost all of her upgrades, she couldn't afford to take any damage if possible; one stray bullet, or injury in the wrong place, and she was as good as dead.
Crashed Helicopter

The trek across the island would have taken about an hour, but The Survivor would have found little resistance if he was careful.

The Survivor would find that the helicopter has largely been stripped clean, but that didn't mean it was totally useless. Broken electronics and a few scraps of metal could be salvaged from the wreckage, though there were few who could make much use of it all.

The Survivor
Crashed Helicopter > Caves

Sighing, he'd grab up whatever scraps he could. He'd hoped to find a good chunk of iron or steel, and be able to just hammer it into shape, at this rate, he'd have to melt the metal down, or just make a crude hand pick
He didn't want to spend the time it would take to make a forge, he wanted to try and execute this plan quickly, before anyone caught onto what he was doing
He didn't know enough about electronics to make much of anything from the scraps left on the chopper, so he left them behind, and began to make his way toward the caves

Time to put what he had to use, and see if he couldn't pull this plan together

"Calling Vietnam a mess is an understatement, kid. I know kids like you hear stories about how bad it is. I swear to you the guy telling the story is holding things back. Did I kid civilians? No, but I saw it happen a few times. I had a man in my unit, his name was Tom. Tom was one of those guys who thoughts we actually would be welcomed as heroes when we got our boots on the ground. So, when truth was reveled, and we weren't treat has saviors, Tom took that hard. Took it out hard on the people. Tom was a special type off asshole. You know how it is when you're with your "brothers". You can't call them out when you're on the field, it's not how it works. You're a unit, a family. Ttom was a guy who would brag about the horrible shit he did, About the woman he "raped. Brag about the kid he shot down just because he looked at us. Tom was a monster. Took everything inside me not to murder him everytime ik was around him. And you know what I thought when that bastard got shot in the head? It should have been a worst shot, and got him in the chest.

Mike paused after his mouth stopped moving.

"Look, we both nothing I can say well convince you. All I can do is tell you the truth."

Once Stick got to the top of the Lighthouse and got a good look on the surrounding area he made note of the more important areas. The one part that stuck out was the Warehouse, likely important for supplies or at the very least shelter. However, for precisely that reason it would also likely be filled with people making it a dangerous place to run straight into. Running recon on such a place though? That could supply Fisk with a good amount of information on both a vital area and his competition. Plus, if there was any big and powerful alliance to be made it would likely come from the ashes of whatever fights break out there.

However, before he would get a chance to get going there he could hear the people downstairs getting more riled up and making their way to the top floor of the Lighthouse. It'd be possible to take off straight for the warehouse now and try to lose them. But it had a big chance of being spotted, and trying to hide at this stage just screamed 'enemy' so not exactly the best move from a diplomatic perspective. So instead he turned to face the stairs and calmly stated "Jesus kid, I know you're scared of this 'death fight' and all but you stammer up those stairs as eloquently as a bull in a china shop".

@Atomyk @york @CrunchyCHEEZIT

-Hideo Kawamura-

After finishing up his time making a house of cards with what he had, Hideo supposed that maybe it was time to get going to another location. While they did meet up with some people, there was no telling if someone would snap and go after them in a killing rampage. That was just Hideo's thoughts on this, and he didn't want to die that way... not like that. Putting his cards away, Hideo stood up, looking over at Jason with a questioning expression.


"Say, Red Hood, if it feels like we've killed too much time around here... maybe we should get going somewhere... scope out the area maybe? I'm not too sure on what we have to do in situations like these that well..."

Well, Hideo was being brutally honest, since he was never thrown into a situation like this before, and of course, he was short on actual methods to solve the problems they were going to face in the future. Not yet... until he could get a good grasp on what was to happen...

@T.O.M. @other woods peeps bleh​
  • Love
Reactions: Chewy Rabbits

Dusk was descending on the island once again. Today had been the day blood was first intentionally spilled on the island, and it wouldn't be the last. Two casualties had occurred throughout the day, with more to come as night descended...


"Yooooooooo! Heeeeeeeey! It's me again! Duh. Your king has come to fill your hearts with the NEEEEWS, AW YEAH!" The rabbit smugly crossed his arms. "Okay, okay, okay... I did say I was gonna tell you guys who died, right? Not that any of you know each other, I think, so I'm good with just listing off your numbers, all right? Boy, do you have some dumb names, let me tell you. See, you did manage to have another death, go you guys, but only one murder is a little unsatisfying. See, I don't want to see anybunny suffer... just die, okay? Murder and stuff. It's not hard, hard, hard!"

A pause where the rabbit frozen in place. He didn't move again until he spoke.

"... Ah, but hey, at least one of you got the ball rolling. Now! Let's see here..." The rabbit leaned out of the screen for a moment, humming to himself. When he returned to stare back at the screen, he held a piece of paper in his hands. It looked about just as virtual as he did. "Contestant number twenty-four totally missed the memo and ended up getting his head exploded! Yeah, he was that first death I mentioned today. After that was contestant twenty-three, who totally didn't know what hit her. It was a quick kill, I assure you! Aaaand that's it... pretty boring day. How about you guys make tonight a bloodbath for me, pretty please?" He dropped the paper and it floated gently off screen.

"Okay then, have a nice toodle-oo!"

Mysterious Building

The shrill sounds from a nearby monitor caused Erin to rouse from her trance-like state, her head whipping away from the concrete building's door to lock in on the talking rabbit. He was going on like usual, extending his words and yelling loud enough to drown out anything else going on. Erin had the urge to just destroy this monitor to see what would happen, but another thought occurred to her... "Hey," she said, just loud enough for Daisy to hear her. "There are monitors inside the building. If anyone's still in there, right now they are going to be more distracted than any other time."

Erin ended there, making her way for the door of the building. She felt the implications were clear-- no one was likely to hear them entering with that rabbit screeching in their ear. Knowing time was of the essence, she quickly threw the door open and aimed her crossbow inside, just in case someone happened to be waiting for her. When she determined the immediate coast was clear, Erin gestured for Daisy to follow her inside.

@Krieg @Archwar @ResistingTheEnlightened @Mighty Roman @Crow


With scraps in hand, The Survivor would find no resistance on the way to the caves, though he would find all the time he'd spent walking around had resulted in a majority of the day passing...


29 Contestants Remain


~Cast List~
@T.O.M. as Red Hood/Jason Todd
@C.T. as Frank Castle
@Ringmaster as "Hammer Girl"
@OrlandoBloomers as Wilson Fisk
@The Silver Paladin as Mukuro Ikusaba
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Robert E.O. Speedwagon
@Ramboing as Nathan Drake
@Archmage Jeremiah as Jinx
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Sara Lance
@Indolent as Isabel "Dizzy" Flores
@Takumi as Michiko Malandro
@Jeremi as Snake-Eyes
@york as Curly Brace
@Bomb as Cyberconnect2
@DapperDogman as The Survivor
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Harley Quinn
@TheColourlessRainbow as Nick Wilde
@Krieg as Daisy Fitzroy
@Gummi Bunnies as Hideo Kawamura
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Scoobert "Scooby" Doo
@Gwazi Magnum as Stick
@Verite as Max Payne
@Josh M as Mike Erhmantraut
@Archwar as Avery Johnson
@Thuro 116 Pendragon as Lara Croft
@Hospes as Mabel Pines
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Leo Barnes
@Mighty Roman as Kraven the Hunter
@Crow as Jack the Ripper
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  • Love
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
Earlier in the day, Scooby had taken note of the ways that they could go and he looked at his map to figure out what they could do. It was obvious that someone was here and it did make another good resting place for the night, it seemed. He looked at Nathan. " Rould re rtay rere ror rhe right ror ro ro ro rhe rarehouse rin rhe ristance?"*1 It was still early enough for them to move one more time and he wasn't sure why, but he wasn't trusting this area to do anything. He took one of his crackers and quietly ate it, as he needed to not eat which was diffcult as he knew he had food and so did his stomach. Hopefully, if they stayed, this wouldn't be the danger zone for the next day.

*1 Should we stay here for the night or to go to the warehouse in the distance?

@Atomyk, @Ramboing
Mabel Pines

South Side

Completely oblivious to the fact that she had been being watched by Michiko, Mabel did her best to bounce back, taking a moment to splash some of the lake water in her face in attempt to snap out of it(after taking off her bullet proof vest for a short time, of course). Such things did little help, but that didn't discourage the 'Shooting Star', whose resolve would likely shine through brilliantly to all those around her soon enough. Besides, after spending a little time to herself, she began to feel a little better. Surely she and the others could overcome this, right? It was too soon for all of them to lose each other. Besides... They had a hero on their side. And a guy with a totally cool gun. Yeah...


She probably needed a hug, anyways.

After a long time, the brunette finally realized how late it was getting... And that she was finally getting hungry. "Uurgh.." Ever-so-reluctantly, Mabel climbed to her feet, finally putting on the vest once more and grabbing her supplies before starting back towards where she had left the others. It wasn't too long of a walk, which was likely beneficial since nobody would want to run themselves down just trying to get to a little camp. Not that that was really on her mind, anyways. All of that aside, by the time she was back, it was getting dark.

"Uh, hey, everyone... I'm back," she stated, awkwardly. "Should we all eat, or something?"

And then the rabbit came back.


@Gummi Bunnies @Schnee Corp Lawyer @T.O.M. @Bomb @Thuro 116 Pendragon
Leo quickly took out the tonfas from the belt loops, the sound of doors echoing through the enclosed and silent building. He looked at the Hunter and at Avery before putting a finger to his own lips, then to his ear as an indicator to listen. Leo then pointed down as if the noise came lower and thus nodded his head in the direction of the noise. "Avery... You have the hook. Take the left flank." He then pointed to The Hunter. "Take the right flank. Shoulder length apart, triangle formation." Leo whispered as low as audibly possible before he began the descent to the noise of doors and voices.

@Atomyk @Mighty Roman @Archwar
Setting his pack down, he'd begin to smear animal fat into shavings of wood, and gather them at the end of one of his sticks, to create a torch

He'd light a small fire and search around for an ideal point of entry into one of the other tunnels of the caves that no doubt ran under the island like a maze. If he'd been in a civilised land recently, he'd probably have thought about the possibility of there being a command centre under the island. After all, that building from earlier had to come from somewhere underground right?

Sadly, he remained naive to this concept, and as such, began mixing his powders together, letting them form gunpowder

He'd open his tinned food, and use the cans as chambers for the blasting powder, and place them on the wall in key locations. Placing a single fuse in each of them, and leading them together, so he could ignite them both at once, for maximum impact on the rock
He'd sit for a few minutes, letting the meat he had cook over the fire, and eating it for strength, before he got to work on forming a small pick out of some scrap metal, heating the end and hammering it with his smooth rocks

Once he'd made his crude digging tool, he'd light the fuses on the charges, and take a few steps back, taking shelter from the blast around a corner, and waiting to see if he'd opened a tunnel out of the current cave, and into a new one. or just caused a cave in


Mysterious Building

Erin & Daisy
Night gathered swiftly, the revolutionary keeping firm and quiet along their uneasy trek. Unlike the others, Daisy found Erin's capacity of stealth and nimbleness intriguing to survival. Instead of taking the most obvious path, the populist felt a wave of relief as they scurried through the woodlands. Under much more normal circumstances, the experience would almost feel thrilling, if the threat of being at Death's door at every second did not loom over the proud leader. Silent plans rushed in her head, calling forth an end to this game, formulating a way to unravel it's mechanics, strip them bare, and burn them to ashes, even if it meant her own demise.

The Vox would survive without her if needed, as much as it pained her heart to admit it. She would go down as a proud martyr for the revolution. Crouching behind Erin, keeping close and following orders, Daisy glanced around her, keeping an eye out for anybody else lurking about the building. With her dark eyes focusing on a bit of scenery in the distant, Daisy would suppress a gasp as she saw Erin abruptly sprint towards the dark, mysterious, gloomy building.

"Wa-! Damnit it girl, damnit damnit damnit..." she whispered loudly, the old-fashioned African American remarked as she bolted after the white woman. Holding her makeshift machete, a face of disapproval was written on the bloodthirsty general's face. Hiding back from scowling her teammate, Daisy followed Erin in, letting her take lead, watching Erin's flanks with her deadly, insidious, crude helicopter-blade machete.
Leo quickly took out the tonfas from the belt loops, the sound of doors echoing through the enclosed and silent building. He looked at the Hunter and at Avery before putting a finger to his own lips, then to his ear as an indicator to listen. Leo then pointed down as if the noise came lower and thus nodded his head in the direction of the noise. "Avery... You have the hook. Take the left flank." He then pointed to The Hunter. "Take the right flank. Shoulder length apart, triangle formation." Leo whispered as low as audibly possible before he began the descent to the noise of doors and voices.

@Atomyk @Mighty Roman @Archwar
Johnson tilted his head in confusion at what Leo meant when he held up classical be quiet sign before proceeding to point to his ear. The old man listened as hard as his aging body could allow, but a lifetime of fighting and old age had diminished his hearing so he heard nothing. The marine, however, was aware of his weaknesses and silently took up the left side while Kraven would take the right, if he was still awake at all.

As he shouldered the hook, Johnson muttered a prayer that either the door was just creaking open or if there were people, that they would at least be friendly and not driven by the need to survive. While he wouldn't hesitate to kill a fellow human being, as with the insurgents, he did wish to avoid such a thing. Humanity already had enough problems to deal with the Covenant and the Flood.

Then Johnson could hear faint voices too muffled to make out, but they were there. Damn, he hoped they were at least non-hostile. Whatever the case though, he was ready.

@ResistingTheEnlightened @Mighty Roman
Jack the Ripper found herself within the confines of what appears to be a building. Two ways - up and down. In her pockets - a single blade, as opposed to the classic thirteen.

One was enough anyways.

She decides to take the downwards path...

"Mother... mother..."​
Johnson tilted his head in confusion at what Leo meant when he held up classical be quiet sign before proceeding to point to his ear. The old man listened as hard as his aging body could allow, but a lifetime of fighting and old age had diminished his hearing so he heard nothing. The marine, however, was aware of his weaknesses and silently took up the left side while Kraven would take the right, if he was still awake at all.

As he shouldered the hook, Johnson muttered a prayer that either the door was just creaking open or if there were people, that they would at least be friendly and not driven by the need to survive. While he wouldn't hesitate to kill a fellow human being, as with the insurgents, he did wish to avoid such a thing. Humanity already had enough problems to deal with the Covenant and the Flood.

Then Johnson could hear faint voices too muffled to make out, but they were there. Damn, he hoped they were at least non-hostile. Whatever the case though, he was ready.

@ResistingTheEnlightened @Mighty Roman
Kraven took the right flank as instructed. His eyes were filled with a glare of an animal, the look a lion gives when it's about to pounce on its prey. He held his breath. It was important to not make a sound, just in case the newcomers were hostile-and he hoped that they were. He was itching to begin the hunt, to get his first kill. Not that his allies needed to know that of course. He could only hope that Johnson got the weapon quickly, and didn't attempt to use it on him. And now we wait, he thought, as the brief seconds ticked by. This could be where the fun begins.
@ResistingTheEnlightened @Archwar
In the dead of night, trouble was brewing on the island.

Not far from the warehouse was Contestant #11, Mike Erhmantraut, cutting his conversation short in order to chase after Contestant #14, Sara Lance, who had made away with their precious supplies. The woman's voice cut through the air like a knife.

"We could have avoided all of this if you had just let me go."

But Mike had come to end this. He'd envisioned how this confrontation was going to go down, and he intended to make it true.

"You know, it didn't have to be this way, kid. We could of had a good thing. You just had to bolt, huh? I take no pleasure in this."

"Go to hell."

Both of them were capable fighters, but Sara had a youthful edge over Mike. They clashed, Mike's screwdriver quickly falling from his grasp and becoming useless. He avoided grave wounds as best he could, instead taking hard physical blows that forced him back. Eventually cornering the older man against a tree, Sara went in for the kill, attempting to stab Mike with all her might. Finding his opportunity, Mike moved out of the way just in time, Sara instead taking a stab into the trunk of the tree. She was momentarily stunned, giving Mike time to give her a hard blow to the face and knock her to the ground.

Sara's knife fell out of her grasp and Mike grasped the weapon like a prize. He wasted no time in stabbing it into the prone Sara, ending her life.

Contestant #14, Sara Lance
28 Contestants Remain


At the lighthouse's top, Stick's sudden appearance had put the fear into Curly Brace and Robert E.O. Speedwagon. Despite the older man's warning, Robert did not proceed to slow down, backing away rapidly from the newcomer to near dangerously toward the ledge. The lighthouse top had a railing that only went waist-high, making it far too easy for Robert to crash into and go sprawling backward. Crying out, the man flailed as he spun right over and plummeted from the top of the lighthouse.

It happened too quickly for the others to stop it.

Contestant #8, Robert E.O. Speedwagon
27 Contestants Remain


The Survivor's escape attempt was an ingenious one, though ultimately not a successful one. In his attempt to blast through the cave, his efforts only caused a sudden cave-in, rock and dirt crashing down on him rapidly. He and his equipment would become lost to the other contestants as the cave snuffed it all out.

The Survivor would no longer live up to his title.

Contestant #16, "The Survivor"
26 Contestants Remain


Erin was on high alert as she led her ally into the dark depths of the building. Only the natural light from the monitors illuminated their path as they found the first set of concrete stairs. Even as the sound of the rabbit coursed through the air, she could hear footsteps on the floor above. It made the woman break out into a sweat-- she'd been watching this building all day and had seen no movement, leaving her with the assumption these people had either been on to her or had been carefully camping the building out. Either possibility left her with the unwavering idea that she and Daisy were going to be considered intruders no matter how this proceeded.

The monitors then suddenly shut off, drowning the building in darkness and silence. Erin heard herself let out a deep breath. One... Two... Three... Four? There were four people above, but one did not seem to be with the other three. It didn't matter. Chances were high they were setting something up. All Erin could do was lie in wait, pushing herself up against one of the concrete support pillars. She aimed on the stairs, waiting for them to come to her, for she figured they would realize she knew they were up there. She paid no attention to Daisy - Erin knew the woman could take care of herself - and spied what appeared to be someone lurking down the steps.

Erin held her breath and aimed on the man taking point. She examined them in the darkness, her eyes going wide when she saw what appeared to be a gun in one of the individual's hands. A gun? There would be no possibilities for negotiations if they held a firearm and intended to use it. Erin knew she would have to make the first move-- would have to warn them off, just like she tried to do with Daisy. Aiming slightly away from the man to take a shot at the window next to him, Erin fired.

Only the sound of the crossbow firing was heard in the darkness. Mere seconds felt like hours in that moment. Erin expected to hear a man cry out in return, but all she heard was something heavy hitting the floor. Almost like... a body.

Erin shook and moved away from the pillar, rapidly backing up toward the exit of the building. Here eyes were glued on the three men, where it became apparent one of them had fallen to the ground, motionless. She'd been aiming just by his head, so if she had been off... "Go, go!" Erin whispered loudly, her hand moving to grab Daisy and push her back toward the exit. If the men had a gun, why weren't they firing back?

Something told her she'd fucked everything up for them. Slamming open the door, Erin ran into the night, with Daisy hopefully on her heels.

As it turned out, that crossbow bolt had fired cleanly into the head of Leo Barnes, instantly killing him.

Contestant #29, Leo Barnes
25 Contestants Remain



As morning dawned on the island, it became apparent to many of of the contestants that the game had finally begin. They all knew that it was just the beginning.


"What a morning, folks!" yelled the rabbit, right on time again this morning. "Last night was pretty clear too. Guess that's why you decided to start the inevitable train of death, right? Yeah, if you all weren't aware, four people just DIED here on the island last night. That makes SIX in total for the whole day! Eh, it's not really a big deal... That's just how you humans are, after all. I'll be back tonight to give you all the grisly details, but make sure you continue your massacre today, okay? Otherwise, you'll all go boom!"

The rabbit was about to go, moving halfway off the screen until he stopped. He leaned back in and cupped his chin.

"Oh, almost forgot, there will be two more danger zones going up today. You have one hour for that! Just stay, stay, stay away from the woods and the coral reef beach, all right? Have a nice tomfoolery!"

25 Contestants Remain


Last Known Locations

North Side

- Snake-Eyes
- Mukuro Ikusaba
- Max Payne

Coral Reef Beach - DANGER ZONE!

Helicopter Crash Site

- Curly Brace
- Stick

Gazebo and Garden
- Nathan Drake
- Scoobert "Scooby" Doo

- Wilson Fisk
- Mike Erhmantraut
- Frank Castle
- Hammer Girl


South Side

School Building
- Chihiro Fujisaki

Open-Air Baths - DANGER ZONE!

Village Square



- Isabel "Dizzy" Flores
- Hideo Kawamura
- Jason Todd
- Michiko Malandro
- Harley Quinn
- Mabel Pines
- Cyberconnect2
- Lara Croft

Mysterious Building
- Avery Johnson
- Jack the Ripper
- Kraven the Hunter
- Erin
- Daisy Fitzroy

~Cast List~
@T.O.M. as Red Hood/Jason Todd
@C.T. as Frank Castle
@Ringmaster as "Hammer Girl"
@OrlandoBloomers as Wilson Fisk
@The Silver Paladin as Mukuro Ikusaba
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Robert E.O. Speedwagon
@Ramboing as Nathan Drake
@Archmage Jeremiah as Jinx
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Sara Lance

@Indolent as Isabel "Dizzy" Flores
@Takumi as Michiko Malandro
@Jeremi as Snake-Eyes
@york as Curly Brace
@Bomb as Cyberconnect2
@DapperDogman as The Survivor
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Harley Quinn
@TheColourlessRainbow as Nick Wilde
@Krieg as Daisy Fitzroy
@Gummi Bunnies as Hideo Kawamura
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Scoobert "Scooby" Doo
@Gwazi Magnum as Stick
@Verite as Max Payne
@Josh M as Mike Erhmantraut
@Archwar as Avery Johnson
@Thuro 116 Pendragon as Lara Croft
@Hospes as Mabel Pines
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Leo Barnes
@Mighty Roman as Kraven the Hunter
@Crow as Jack the Ripper
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Once Stick got to the top of the Lighthouse and got a good look on the surrounding area he made note of the more important areas. The one part that stuck out was the Warehouse, likely important for supplies or at the very least shelter. However, for precisely that reason it would also likely be filled with people making it a dangerous place to run straight into. Running recon on such a place though? That could supply Fisk with a good amount of information on both a vital area and his competition. Plus, if there was any big and powerful alliance to be made it would likely come from the ashes of whatever fights break out there.

However, before he would get a chance to get going there he could hear the people downstairs getting more riled up and making their way to the top floor of the Lighthouse. It'd be possible to take off straight for the warehouse now and try to lose them. But it had a big chance of being spotted, and trying to hide at this stage just screamed 'enemy' so not exactly the best move from a diplomatic perspective. So instead he turned to face the stairs and calmly stated "Jesus kid, I know you're scared of this 'death fight' and all but you stammer up those stairs as eloquently as a bull in a china shop".

@Atomyk @york @CrunchyCHEEZIT


Dusk was descending on the island once again. Today had been the day blood was first intentionally spilled on the island, and it wouldn't be the last. Two casualties had occurred throughout the day, with more to come as night descended...


"Yooooooooo! Heeeeeeeey! It's me again! Duh. Your king has come to fill your hearts with the NEEEEWS, AW YEAH!" The rabbit smugly crossed his arms. "Okay, okay, okay... I did say I was gonna tell you guys who died, right? Not that any of you know each other, I think, so I'm good with just listing off your numbers, all right? Boy, do you have some dumb names, let me tell you. See, you did manage to have another death, go you guys, but only one murder is a little unsatisfying. See, I don't want to see anybunny suffer... just die, okay? Murder and stuff. It's not hard, hard, hard!"

A pause where the rabbit frozen in place. He didn't move again until he spoke.

"... Ah, but hey, at least one of you got the ball rolling. Now! Let's see here..." The rabbit leaned out of the screen for a moment, humming to himself. When he returned to stare back at the screen, he held a piece of paper in his hands. It looked about just as virtual as he did. "Contestant number twenty-four totally missed the memo and ended up getting his head exploded! Yeah, he was that first death I mentioned today. After that was contestant twenty-three, who totally didn't know what hit her. It was a quick kill, I assure you! Aaaand that's it... pretty boring day. How about you guys make tonight a bloodbath for me, pretty please?" He dropped the paper and it floated gently off screen.

"Okay then, have a nice toodle-oo!"

Mysterious Building

The shrill sounds from a nearby monitor caused Erin to rouse from her trance-like state, her head whipping away from the concrete building's door to lock in on the talking rabbit. He was going on like usual, extending his words and yelling loud enough to drown out anything else going on. Erin had the urge to just destroy this monitor to see what would happen, but another thought occurred to her... "Hey," she said, just loud enough for Daisy to hear her. "There are monitors inside the building. If anyone's still in there, right now they are going to be more distracted than any other time."

Erin ended there, making her way for the door of the building. She felt the implications were clear-- no one was likely to hear them entering with that rabbit screeching in their ear. Knowing time was of the essence, she quickly threw the door open and aimed her crossbow inside, just in case someone happened to be waiting for her. When she determined the immediate coast was clear, Erin gestured for Daisy to follow her inside.

@Krieg @Archwar @ResistingTheEnlightened @Mighty Roman @Crow


With scraps in hand, The Survivor would find no resistance on the way to the caves, though he would find all the time he'd spent walking around had resulted in a majority of the day passing...


29 Contestants Remain


~Cast List~
@T.O.M. as Red Hood/Jason Todd
@C.T. as Frank Castle
@Ringmaster as "Hammer Girl"
@OrlandoBloomers as Wilson Fisk
@The Silver Paladin as Mukuro Ikusaba
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Robert E.O. Speedwagon
@Ramboing as Nathan Drake
@Archmage Jeremiah as Jinx
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Sara Lance
@Indolent as Isabel "Dizzy" Flores
@Takumi as Michiko Malandro
@Jeremi as Snake-Eyes
@york as Curly Brace
@Bomb as Cyberconnect2
@DapperDogman as The Survivor
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Harley Quinn
@TheColourlessRainbow as Nick Wilde
@Krieg as Daisy Fitzroy
@Gummi Bunnies as Hideo Kawamura
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Scoobert "Scooby" Doo
@Gwazi Magnum as Stick
@Verite as Max Payne
@Josh M as Mike Erhmantraut
@Archwar as Avery Johnson
@Thuro 116 Pendragon as Lara Croft
@Hospes as Mabel Pines
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Leo Barnes
@Mighty Roman as Kraven the Hunter
@Crow as Jack the Ripper
In the dead of night, trouble was brewing on the island.

Not far from the warehouse was Contestant #11, Mike Erhmantraut, cutting his conversation short in order to chase after Contestant #14, Sara Lance, who had made away with their precious supplies. The woman's voice cut through the air like a knife.

"We could have avoided all of this if you had just let me go."

But Mike had come to end this. He'd envisioned how this confrontation was going to go down, and he intended to make it true.

"You know, it didn't have to be this way, kid. We could of had a good thing. You just had to bolt, huh? I take no pleasure in this."

"Go to hell."

Both of them were capable fighters, but Sara had a youthful edge over Mike. They clashed, Mike's screwdriver quickly falling from his grasp and becoming useless. He avoided grave wounds as best he could, instead taking hard physical blows that forced him back. Eventually cornering the older man against a tree, Sara went in for the kill, attempting to stab Mike with all her might. Finding his opportunity, Mike moved out of the way just in time, Sara instead taking a stab into the trunk of the tree. She was momentarily stunned, giving Mike time to give her a hard blow to the face and knock her to the ground.

Sara's knife fell out of her grasp and Mike grasped the weapon like a prize. He wasted no time in stabbing it into the prone Sara, ending her life.

Contestant #14, Sara Lance
28 Contestants Remain


At the lighthouse's top, Stick's sudden appearance had put the fear into Curly Brace and Robert E.O. Speedwagon. Despite the older man's warning, Robert did not proceed to slow down, backing away rapidly from the newcomer to near dangerously toward the ledge. The lighthouse top had a railing that only went waist-high, making it far too easy for Robert to crash into and go sprawling backward. Crying out, the man flailed as he spun right over and plummeted from the top of the lighthouse.

It happened too quickly for the others to stop it.

Contestant #8, Robert E.O. Speedwagon
27 Contestants Remain


The Survivor's escape attempt was an ingenious one, though ultimately not a successful one. In his attempt to blast through the cave, his efforts only caused a sudden cave-in, rock and dirt crashing down on him rapidly. He and his equipment would become lost to the other contestants as the cave snuffed it all out.

The Survivor would no longer live up to his title.

Contestant #16, "The Survivor"
26 Contestants Remain


Erin was on high alert as she led her ally into the dark depths of the building. Only the natural light from the monitors illuminated their path as they found the first set of concrete stairs. Even as the sound of the rabbit coursed through the air, she could hear footsteps on the floor above. It made the woman break out into a sweat-- she'd been watching this building all day and had seen no movement, leaving her with the assumption these people had either been on to her or had been carefully camping the building out. Either possibility left her with the unwavering idea that she and Daisy were going to be considered intruders no matter how this proceeded.

The monitors then suddenly shut off, drowning the building in darkness and silence. Erin heard herself let out a deep breath. One... Two... Three... Four? There were four people above, but one did not seem to be with the other three. It didn't matter. Chances were high they were setting something up. All Erin could do was lie in wait, pushing herself up against one of the concrete support pillars. She aimed on the stairs, waiting for them to come to her, for she figured they would realize she knew they were up there. She paid no attention to Daisy - Erin knew the woman could take care of herself - and spied what appeared to be someone lurking down the steps.

Erin held her breath and aimed on the man taking point. She examined them in the darkness, her eyes going wide when she saw what appeared to be a gun in one of the individual's hands. A gun? There would be no possibilities for negotiations if they held a firearm and intended to use it. Erin knew she would have to make the first move-- would have to warn them off, just like she tried to do with Daisy. Aiming slightly away from the man to take a shot at the window next to him, Erin fired.

Only the sound of the crossbow firing was heard in the darkness. Mere seconds felt like hours in that moment. Erin expected to hear a man cry out in return, but all she heard was something heavy hitting the floor. Almost like... a body.

Erin shook and moved away from the pillar, rapidly backing up toward the exit of the building. Here eyes were glued on the three men, where it became apparent one of them had fallen to the ground, motionless. She'd been aiming just by his head, so if she had been off... "Go, go!" Erin whispered loudly, her hand moving to grab Daisy and push her back toward the exit. If the men had a gun, why weren't they firing back?

Something told her she'd fucked everything up for them. Slamming open the door, Erin ran into the night, with Daisy hopefully on her heels.

As it turned out, that crossbow bolt had fired cleanly into the head of Leo Barnes, instantly killing him.

Contestant #29, Leo Barnes
25 Contestants Remain



As morning dawned on the island, it became apparent to many of of the contestants that the game had finally begin. They all knew that it was just the beginning.


"What a morning, folks!" yelled the rabbit, right on time again this morning. "Last night was pretty clear too. Guess that's why you decided to start the inevitable train of death, right? Yeah, if you all weren't aware, four people just DIED here on the island last night. That makes SIX in total for the whole day! Eh, it's not really a big deal... That's just how you humans are, after all. I'll be back tonight to give you all the grisly details, but make sure you continue your massacre today, okay? Otherwise, you'll all go boom!"

The rabbit was about to go, moving halfway off the screen until he stopped. He leaned back in and cupped his chin.

"Oh, almost forgot, there will be two more danger zones going up today. You have one hour for that! Just stay, stay, stay away from the woods and the coral reef beach, all right? Have a nice tomfoolery!"

25 Contestants Remain


Last Known Locations

North Side

- Snake-Eyes
- Mukuro Ikusaba
- Max Payne

Coral Reef Beach - DANGER ZONE!

Helicopter Crash Site

- Curly Brace
- Stick

Gazebo and Garden
- Nathan Drake
- Scoobert "Scooby" Doo

- Wilson Fisk
- Mike Erhmantraut
- Frank Castle
- Hammer Girl


South Side

School Building
- Chihiro Fujisaki

Open-Air Baths - DANGER ZONE!

Village Square



- Isabel "Dizzy" Flores
- Hideo Kawamura
- Jason Todd
- Michiko Malandro
- Harley Quinn
- Mabel Pines
- Cyberconnect2
- Lara Croft

Mysterious Building
- Avery Johnson
- Jack the Ripper
- Kraven the Hunter
- Erin
- Daisy Fitzroy

~Cast List~
@T.O.M. as Red Hood/Jason Todd
@C.T. as Frank Castle
@Ringmaster as "Hammer Girl"
@OrlandoBloomers as Wilson Fisk
@The Silver Paladin as Mukuro Ikusaba
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Robert E.O. Speedwagon
@Ramboing as Nathan Drake
@Archmage Jeremiah as Jinx
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Sara Lance

@Indolent as Isabel "Dizzy" Flores
@Takumi as Michiko Malandro
@Jeremi as Snake-Eyes
@york as Curly Brace
@Bomb as Cyberconnect2
@DapperDogman as The Survivor
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Harley Quinn
@TheColourlessRainbow as Nick Wilde
@Krieg as Daisy Fitzroy
@Gummi Bunnies as Hideo Kawamura
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Scoobert "Scooby" Doo
@Gwazi Magnum as Stick
@Verite as Max Payne
@Josh M as Mike Erhmantraut
@Archwar as Avery Johnson
@Thuro 116 Pendragon as Lara Croft
@Hospes as Mabel Pines
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Leo Barnes
@Mighty Roman as Kraven the Hunter
@Crow as Jack the Ripper
Curly Brace
@Gwazi Magnum @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk @others


"Wait... Was I really that loud?" Curly asked, looking a little confused, rubbing her chin... But she had no time to ponder this, someone was falling... Fast! She had to do something, she had to-... ... Too late, Curly wasn't even able to move as Robert plummeted to his doom. It quickly became obvious that her acquaintance wasn't going to get up now... ... She turned to Stick, about to say something, she didn't seem too cheerfull this time, when she suddenly heard a distinct beeping sound. It was awfully close, like it was right in her ears... As much as she twisted and turned, she couldn't see what it was... And then, a sudden realization dawned on her... That beeping sound was coming from the bomb collar... And that could only mean one thing...


"I need to go... Don't follow me..." Curly said to Stick rather quickly, she pointed at the bomb band around her neck, which appeared to have a blinking red light on it now, and was still emitting a faint beeping noise, it seemed... Then, she ran off to the caves, hoping that there was no-one else there at the time... Something told her that bomb around her neck was going to go off sooner or later... It could be today, tomorrow... Or even a few seconds from now... All she knew was that she didn't have much time to live... And, she'd best make good of the little time she had...​

Stick rolling his eyes at the death that happened just in front of him simply stated "Is my competition really this pathetic? If that's the case I don't even need to fight". Before he could do anything else though, the commotion of Speedwagons fall had apparently drawn the attention of the other lighthouse resident. But almost immediately after her collar began going off, yet she showed no signs of hostility as she rather respectfully requested to be left alone while calmly stating the reasoning. Stick had to give her credit for that, might have considered killing her right there for the supplies since she wasn't going to last long any ways. But the way she handeled herself earned enough respect from stick for him to simply and nod and go "Go on then, get out of my face".

One she was gone Stick would make his way down the lighthouse before then taking speedwagons supplies as he wandered off towards the warehouse. But stopping far enough away from it as to not be spotted by anyone there.

@Atomyk @york
In the dead of night, trouble was brewing on the island.

Not far from the warehouse was Contestant #11, Mike Erhmantraut, cutting his conversation short in order to chase after Contestant #14, Sara Lance, who had made away with their precious supplies. The woman's voice cut through the air like a knife.

"We could have avoided all of this if you had just let me go."

But Mike had come to end this. He'd envisioned how this confrontation was going to go down, and he intended to make it true.

"You know, it didn't have to be this way, kid. We could of had a good thing. You just had to bolt, huh? I take no pleasure in this."

"Go to hell."

Both of them were capable fighters, but Sara had a youthful edge over Mike. They clashed, Mike's screwdriver quickly falling from his grasp and becoming useless. He avoided grave wounds as best he could, instead taking hard physical blows that forced him back. Eventually cornering the older man against a tree, Sara went in for the kill, attempting to stab Mike with all her might. Finding his opportunity, Mike moved out of the way just in time, Sara instead taking a stab into the trunk of the tree. She was momentarily stunned, giving Mike time to give her a hard blow to the face and knock her to the ground.

Sara's knife fell out of her grasp and Mike grasped the weapon like a prize. He wasted no time in stabbing it into the prone Sara, ending her life.

Contestant #14, Sara Lance
28 Contestants Remain


At the lighthouse's top, Stick's sudden appearance had put the fear into Curly Brace and Robert E.O. Speedwagon. Despite the older man's warning, Robert did not proceed to slow down, backing away rapidly from the newcomer to near dangerously toward the ledge. The lighthouse top had a railing that only went waist-high, making it far too easy for Robert to crash into and go sprawling backward. Crying out, the man flailed as he spun right over and plummeted from the top of the lighthouse.

It happened too quickly for the others to stop it.

Contestant #8, Robert E.O. Speedwagon
27 Contestants Remain


The Survivor's escape attempt was an ingenious one, though ultimately not a successful one. In his attempt to blast through the cave, his efforts only caused a sudden cave-in, rock and dirt crashing down on him rapidly. He and his equipment would become lost to the other contestants as the cave snuffed it all out.

The Survivor would no longer live up to his title.

Contestant #16, "The Survivor"
26 Contestants Remain


Erin was on high alert as she led her ally into the dark depths of the building. Only the natural light from the monitors illuminated their path as they found the first set of concrete stairs. Even as the sound of the rabbit coursed through the air, she could hear footsteps on the floor above. It made the woman break out into a sweat-- she'd been watching this building all day and had seen no movement, leaving her with the assumption these people had either been on to her or had been carefully camping the building out. Either possibility left her with the unwavering idea that she and Daisy were going to be considered intruders no matter how this proceeded.

The monitors then suddenly shut off, drowning the building in darkness and silence. Erin heard herself let out a deep breath. One... Two... Three... Four? There were four people above, but one did not seem to be with the other three. It didn't matter. Chances were high they were setting something up. All Erin could do was lie in wait, pushing herself up against one of the concrete support pillars. She aimed on the stairs, waiting for them to come to her, for she figured they would realize she knew they were up there. She paid no attention to Daisy - Erin knew the woman could take care of herself - and spied what appeared to be someone lurking down the steps.

Erin held her breath and aimed on the man taking point. She examined them in the darkness, her eyes going wide when she saw what appeared to be a gun in one of the individual's hands. A gun? There would be no possibilities for negotiations if they held a firearm and intended to use it. Erin knew she would have to make the first move-- would have to warn them off, just like she tried to do with Daisy. Aiming slightly away from the man to take a shot at the window next to him, Erin fired.

Only the sound of the crossbow firing was heard in the darkness. Mere seconds felt like hours in that moment. Erin expected to hear a man cry out in return, but all she heard was something heavy hitting the floor. Almost like... a body.

Erin shook and moved away from the pillar, rapidly backing up toward the exit of the building. Here eyes were glued on the three men, where it became apparent one of them had fallen to the ground, motionless. She'd been aiming just by his head, so if she had been off... "Go, go!" Erin whispered loudly, her hand moving to grab Daisy and push her back toward the exit. If the men had a gun, why weren't they firing back?

Something told her she'd fucked everything up for them. Slamming open the door, Erin ran into the night, with Daisy hopefully on her heels.

As it turned out, that crossbow bolt had fired cleanly into the head of Leo Barnes, instantly killing him.

Contestant #29, Leo Barnes
25 Contestants Remain



As morning dawned on the island, it became apparent to many of of the contestants that the game had finally begin. They all knew that it was just the beginning.


"What a morning, folks!" yelled the rabbit, right on time again this morning. "Last night was pretty clear too. Guess that's why you decided to start the inevitable train of death, right? Yeah, if you all weren't aware, four people just DIED here on the island last night. That makes SIX in total for the whole day! Eh, it's not really a big deal... That's just how you humans are, after all. I'll be back tonight to give you all the grisly details, but make sure you continue your massacre today, okay? Otherwise, you'll all go boom!"

The rabbit was about to go, moving halfway off the screen until he stopped. He leaned back in and cupped his chin.

"Oh, almost forgot, there will be two more danger zones going up today. You have one hour for that! Just stay, stay, stay away from the woods and the coral reef beach, all right? Have a nice tomfoolery!"

25 Contestants Remain


Last Known Locations

North Side


- Snake-Eyes
- Mukuro Ikusaba
- Max Payne

Coral Reef Beach - DANGER ZONE!

Helicopter Crash Site

- Curly Brace
- Stick

Gazebo and Garden
- Nathan Drake
- Scoobert "Scooby" Doo

- Wilson Fisk
- Mike Erhmantraut
- Frank Castle
- Hammer Girl


South Side

School Building

- Chihiro Fujisaki

Open-Air Baths - DANGER ZONE!

Village Square



- Isabel "Dizzy" Flores
- Hideo Kawamura
- Jason Todd
- Michiko Malandro
- Harley Quinn
- Mabel Pines
- Cyberconnect2
- Lara Croft

Mysterious Building
- Avery Johnson
- Jack the Ripper
- Kraven the Hunter
- Erin
- Daisy Fitzroy

~Cast List~
@T.O.M. as Red Hood/Jason Todd
@C.T. as Frank Castle
@Ringmaster as "Hammer Girl"
@OrlandoBloomers as Wilson Fisk
@The Silver Paladin as Mukuro Ikusaba
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Robert E.O. Speedwagon
@Ramboing as Nathan Drake
@Archmage Jeremiah as Jinx
@Cromartie Sarkissian as Sara Lance

@Indolent as Isabel "Dizzy" Flores
@Takumi as Michiko Malandro
@Jeremi as Snake-Eyes
@york as Curly Brace
@Bomb as Cyberconnect2
@DapperDogman as The Survivor
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Harley Quinn
@TheColourlessRainbow as Nick Wilde
@Krieg as Daisy Fitzroy
@Gummi Bunnies as Hideo Kawamura
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Scoobert "Scooby" Doo
@Gwazi Magnum as Stick
@Verite as Max Payne
@Josh M as Mike Erhmantraut
@Archwar as Avery Johnson
@Thuro 116 Pendragon as Lara Croft
@Hospes as Mabel Pines
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Leo Barnes
@Mighty Roman as Kraven the Hunter
@Crow as Jack the Ripper

'Shit, I need to leave.' Michiko thought as she headed north away from the woods and towards the warehouse. She munched on a few crackers and drunk a little of the water she had as she did that.

@C.T. @Josh M @Ringmaster @OrlandoBloomers @Atomyk @anybody I missed
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