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((Sorry, on my phone trying to get a decent response in.))

Quil & Schiza

When Master Eragon handed Quil the book of spells, she stared at it with trepidations. With a nod of respect, she thanked him for he spellbook and held it close. So much to learn... So much to mess up. Schiza didn't respond. Instead, she connected to her Sister-Friend and tried to lift her spirits with more positive emotions. Good thing Serin had an idea.

"Quil, would you and your dragon like to accompany us there? We were told to learn to work together after all."

Quil looked up with a smile, "That will be great. Schiza, are you up for it? I know you haven't rested at all since we've arrived."

I haven't eaten either. So, let 's get to hunting. With that, Schiza lowered her head to their instructors. Thank you again. We will stay alert if you summon us. Schiza lowered herself for Quil to climb up, then waited until the other Rider was ready to go.
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"Follow me!" Serin said, dashing outside. He projected the image of falling off of the cliff to Kylan once again, and awaited him to fly down. "Watch this!" he shouted to Quil, leaping off of the edge of the cliff. The wind crackled in his ear, blowing his hair around. He felt his heart beating quickly in his heart, but he trusted Kylan with his life.

Kylan flew up beneath of him, carrying him into the air. "Alright, Kylan, take us down there!" Serin said into Kylan's mind.

"Quil, Schiza, meet us down there. We'll devise a plan once we've landed" Serin said, brushing against the two unfamiliar consciousnesses of Quil and Sciza.
Quil & Schiza

The girls watched as Serin and Kylan showed their daredevil skills, bringing a grin to Schiza's muzzle and a cringe to Quil's.

I can see you missing me on purpose, Quil teased as the two began their descent. Just enough to scare me into doing your bidding for days.

Ah, even though it would be a well played joke, I wouldn't try it, Quil. Not these days.

Quil, Schiza, meet us down there. We'll devise a plan once we've landed. Both girls registered Serin's touch and bulleting down to the forest floor. Both wondered what sort of character their teammates were, seeing them now as Comrades in Arms. But, only meeting a few times within the hours of their arrivals, they haven't had the chance to get better acquainted. So far, as Quil knew of her teammate is that he's a gentleman and a daredevil.

After landing, Quil lean back over her saddle and stared up at the snowy sky while wrapping her riding cloak over her more with a long sigh. "I really did miss lunch." The gurgling of her belly pinpointed that out loudly for those who didn't hear. "I guess I'll forage for a frozen snack...unless I still have some jerky left in my pouch."

Sitting up, she unstrapped herself and stood on Schiza's back, digging into her hip pouch for some nibbles. Unsuccessful, she did the same down the various pockets adoring her pants legs - finding one decently sized paper wrapped packet left. With a squeal of relief, she bounced off of her dragon and headed towards Serin and Kylan where they had landed. Nibbling on a strip, she waited until Serin had dismounted, taking a moment to figure more about the guy from sight alone.
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"Now, Quil, Schiza, I am proud to formally make your acquaintance. I am Serin Steele, and I am glad to be paired up with you. I believe it would be a good idea to hunt for a bit of food before we do anything else. I think that we should allow our dragons to hunt together, and that you and I, Quil should hunt together. What do you say to my proposition?" Serin said with his eyes half closed.

Serin pulled out his sword from its sheath, flourishing it in the air...
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Quil & Schiza

Nodding respectfully, Quil did the same, expressing her full name and homeland.

"I believe it would be a good idea to hunt for a bit of food before we do anything else. I think that we should allow our dragons to hunt together, and that you and I, Quil, should hunt together. What do you say to my proposition?"

Looking at Schiza, who was already nodding in agreement about the whole idea of hunting, Quil just shrugged her shoulders with a grin. "I believe that wouldn't be a bad idea. We can all get to know each other better." Removing her blades from their housing, she flourished them before her just to feel their balance and weight in her hands and how her wonderful new armor moved. She stepped to Serin's side.

"So, we're both new to this location; wonder what sort of game is available around here." She looked towards Schiza and Kylan. "Well, if you two are ready, perhaps you can give us a view of what we're going to be dealing with out here. What sort of game is out here for us to hunt?"

After greeting Kylan in the formal way all dragons greet, Schiza lifted her head and sniffed the air and listening around them, taking in the area with two of her five senses. "So far, I sense quail and rabbit, ferret and...squirrel. Larger game... sounds like they're foraging further from our standing now."
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"Yes, what Schiza said." Kylan flew a little ways ahead. "The beasts that forage in the distance are large deer, ranging from eight point to fifteen point. Quite a contrast with our homeland."

"Incredible! I've never seen a deer larger than twelve point, and I've only seen that once. Quil, would you rather hunt deer or small game?" Serin leaned down, pulling up a bit of grass and letting it go into the wind. "Don't think it of much importance, but the wind is blowing in a south-eastern direction."
Quil & Schiza

Schiza smirked, seeing that this dragon's hearing were more keen than hers. She knew it was something that would strengthen in time, but the idea of a challenge... well, it made things a bit more fun. Stepping to her Rider's side, she stretched her wings a bit at the idea of hunting larger game. The tip of her wing claw tapped Quil on the back when Serin questioned her about her choice of sport.

"Ah, Schiz! I know." Quil grinned at Serin, "Let's go for the bigger game. Schiza's wants to show off." A harder tap pushed her forward which had Quil laughing at the sudden touch of her Sister-Friend's hidden thoughts.
"Agreed! I'd love to bring a sixteen-point back, and frame it up on my wall as a trophy" Serin walked ahead, ready for the adventure that would soon follow.

"Serin, I'll go ahead and start looking for the best game I can find. I'll show you and Quil the way there even!" With his special dragon senses, it wasn't a difficult task, and soon enough, Kylan projected his findings to Quil and Serin.

"Very well then. Quil, Schiza, let us go!" Serin laughed, energy filling his body.
Quil & Schiza

"Agreed! I'd love to bring a sixteen-point back, and frame it up on my wall as a trophy"

"I'm not sure about a trophy of that kind," Quil stated. "But, taking down a strong buck will be a wonderful challenge for Schiza, and lots of meat for us all." The joy of the challenge was best when the spoils can be shared with others. Quil grew up believing in such, since where she lived opportunities for good sport aided in the villages survival - not to showcase their success.

With Kylan's glimpse into the location of the game, Serin herald his excitement. Quil climbed onto her dragon with the sudden thrill of hunting with not only her dragon, but with another as well. It will be the first time ever her and Schiza had the opportunity to do anything with friends other than each other.

With her pumping her wings, raising snow and cool air all around, Schiza rose from the ground and headed towards the location Kylan indicated.
Serin could not run at the speed at which Schiza and Quil flew, and so he waited for Kylan to fly back to him. The moment Kylan landed, Serin leapt onto Kylan, and they flew into the sky, the large footprints of a dragon imprinted into the snow.

"Quil, Schiza! Wait up for us!" Serin continued to fly atop Kylan as he reached out to Schiza and Quil.

Kylan pushed himself, the wind whipping around Serin and Kylan. Serin was glad for the heat that surrounded Kylan, glad that he could be distracted by the trees below instead of the frigid air surrounding a mountain...
The four friends find themselves following a trail of game that leads roughly west. The mountain flows into the land as they descend form its great heights. Snow turns into treetops and treetops turn into lush underbrush as they enter the forests below...

Time passes and through the trees the four can sense a herd of animals... They are the large deer like mammals they'd sensed earlier, only this herd contained a male, two females and two yearlings. The two young calves stayed close to their mothers while the male led a wandering path through the trees which the females followed.

Its mind wasn't intelligent, but its senses were keen and it smelled the human duo before they arrived, however it didn't recognize the smell and therefore did not react by fleeing. Instead, it stopped and faced the direction they were coming from and waited. The females did the same while their young wandered a little, not caring or not recognizing that something was afoot.
Quil & Schiza

Laughing brightly as they all flew, Quil seemed to relax more and more. It's an exciting thing to travel with others to seek the unexpected. And the unexpected is what they found. Quil has never seen deer quite as big as the few they found strolling through the meadow before them. The rack on the male alone stood almost as tall as his fawn.

Never seen the likes of them before. Then again, never lived upon a mountainside either, Quil noted as she carefully watched the animals' activity below. They're nothing like the tropical creatures on Eoam. Wonder if their a challenge for you, Schiz?

Nothing's as challenging as a dragon, dear Quil. When Kylan and Serin reached them, Schiza huffed at the other dragon, Have you ever hunted such? They look swift and delicate; simple-minded, but the buck looks bulk enough to defend. More of a chase than a challenge, if you ask me.
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"My friends, let's land here. We'll start our attack once we've landed." Serin projected the thought to Kylan, Quil and Schiza, pulling his sword from its scabbard. "It seems like they aren't running, which is a tad strange..."

"Serin, did you notice the deer do not flee, but turn to us? It's like they wanna be killed or something.."

Kylan dove toward the ground, Serin holding on tight. Serin was still not used to dives, but he enjoyed flying nonetheless. He briefly remembered his time with the elves, his first flight, then laughed loudly for all to hear.
Quil & Schiza

"It seems like they aren't running, which is a tad strange..."

As they all landed, Quil and Schiza both took a second look at the interesting creatures.

"Serin, did you notice the deer do not flee, but turn to us? It's like they wanna be killed or something.." Kylan noted as well.

"Perhaps, they're use to seeing large beast around these parts?" Quil mentioned as she slid from her Sister-Friend's back. "I never knew there were creatures larger than dragons. Then again, you two are only at your youth height. Maybe they consider you more of one to coexist with, rather than defend from."

It doesn't add up to me, Schiza grumbled, feeling the ever persistent grumbling in her gut. Nevertheless, if they wish to sacrifice themselves for my benefit, then so be it.
"Perhaps they are...but the thing is, I've not seen anything bigger from above. Don't you think we would've seen something bigger if there were bigger things?" Serin replied as he leapt off of Kylan's back.

"Should we just get straight into killing my friends?" Serin said with a laugh.

"I believe we should. I am getting a tad hungry..." Kylan said, looking to Schiza and Quil, "This should be quite an easy fight. Shouldn't be much more than running, as they seem to have no defenses."
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As the four deliberate on what to do, a sudden movement occurs and the monstrous deer scatter... They don't seem to be running from the dragons or their riders however but more from something unseen by the riders or their mounts. The deer crash through the underbrush in a desperate attempt to flee, but two of them crash to the ground in a flurry of leaves and limbs as black cat-like creatures with glowing whips for tails leap onto their backs...

In a tangle of brown legs, tan horns and black tails, the deer and the huge creatures wrestle on the forest floor as the dragons and their riders watch. Only a few seconds later, the movement on the ground ceases as one creature, and then the other, subdue their prey. Long sharp fangs slide out of the necks of their adversaries like knives from a sheath as the things turn their heads to the dragons to inspect them.
Quil & Schiza

"Should we just get straight into killing my friends?" Serin said with a laugh.

"Yes, let's do this," Schiza growled.

"I believe we should. I am getting a tad hungry..." Kylan said, looking to Schiza and Quil, "This should be quite an easy fight. Shouldn't be much more than running, as they seem to have no defenses."

"I guess so," Quil still sounded sceptical. "Let's just watch ourselves."

Seeing no reason to be concerned, Quil looked up towards her dragon and laughed, "Have at it, Schiza. Drop me off close, but not too close. I don't want to get hit by your claws."

As Schiza stood to launch, Quil hopped onto one of her back leg, holding onto the back spike while standing on her paw. Schiza took to the air and began to fly over towards their prey. Now normally, when they hunt in this manner, Schiza would drop Quil close to their prey just before she swoops in to snag one for herself. But this time... well, this time things turned.

As they flew closer, the deer were suddenly spooked, but not from their presence. Schiza suddenly flinched and a deep growl billowed from her throat. We're not hunting alone! Quil, Look!

Before them, two large cat-like creature rushed into the mix, quickly ending the lives of two of the deer. Schiza shortened her flight and landed several feet away from the creatures as they took a moment to figure out what they were.

"I've never seen anything like that - ever! Serin, do you have any idea what they are?"
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"No, I've never seen them, nor do I know what they are. But, they do look like danger, but nothing us and our dragons shouldn't be able to handle." Serin said with a slight tremble in his voice. "Kylan, do you happen to know what they are, because I'm quite scared we're gonna die here." he projected to Kylan with his mind.

"No, I know not what they are. Look like giant cat's with whips though. Quil, you think we can burn them easily?" Kylan said for all to hear. Things were soon to worsen if they were not dispatched.

Suddenly, the large cat-like creatures began their encroachment toward the four, blood still dripping from their mouths...
The large black cat like creatures were wary of the two large dragons, but they were curious... Their tails whipped behind them, whipping the air and sometimes touching a tree or stirring up leaves on the ground. The cats sniffed the air as they took one step closer...Suddenly they turned and used their whip like tails to grab their kills as they climbed with their muscular frames up into the large trees like oversized squirrels. It was as if they'd smelled something more fearsome than they and had run...

They climbed almost out of eyesight before stopping and turning to look down on the riders from precarious perches on thin branches. The two deer hung dead and limp from their tails as the creatures watched from above.
"No, I know not what they are. Look like giant cat's with whips though. Quil, you think we can burn them easily?" Kylan said.

"I don't know... Spells are not one of my strong points." She wrestled the heavy spellbook Eragon gave them earlier from her saddle pouch and began to flip through the pages. "Not sure if I should. Is there an easier way to handle this?"

Schiza scoffed, Easy is no object here. Kylan and I are ten times larger than them and obviously higher up on the food chain. She stood up slightly upon her hunches and stretched her wings in a menacing manner. A way to intimidate the creatures from stepping closer. They're just steaks to me...unless they're poisonous.

As Quil held on, she saw the two cats suddenly grab their catch and maneuvered up a nearby tree, out of sight. With a sigh, she closed the spellbook. "I don't know about you, but I'm sort of glad they left. I rather know about my enemies before attacking them; don't know what you might walk into if you don't."
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