Eragon: The Legacy of the Legend - OOC (Spoiler Alert!)

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When the Forever Sleep ends...
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Douche
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Romance, GOT

(WARNING! Spoiler Alerts ahead! If you haven't read the books, please do so before you read further!)
(OOC Thread coming soon)​


It is ten years after Eragons departure of Alagaesia. After defeating Galbatorix and freeing the world from his oppressive rule, Eragon has taken on the challenge of training the next generation or riders and guiding them as they learn the skills necessary to preside over Alagaesia once more as peacekeepers... To this end he has traveled east, from Hedarth into the lands beyond... From there he discovered that Alagaesia is in fact a large island, and surrounded on all sides by water. However not far across the sea he discovered another land... It is there that he traveled with Saphira and constructed the new home for the Riders.



Eragon stood atop a lone mountain overlooking a broad valley just inland of where Saphira landed. The mountain was to be his new home... He had fashioned a keep on the side of the mountain with magic, and the help of Saphira and the eldunari. Rock had been liquefied and moved from the inside of the mountain to the outside, creating immense chambers within, and grand precipices on the outside.


Meanwhile back in Alagaesia, a dragon egg has hatched for you... You were chosen by the dragon inside to be a rider and so you were whisked away to the land of the Elves to be trained by Arya, the oldest living Rider, though the last of the original "three" which were held by Galbatorix... After a year of training, your dragon has reached a sufficient size to bear your weight. Thus you have been sent to continue your training with Eragon, the Rider who slew Galbatorix and one of the three riders who knows the true name of the ancient language...

During your stay, you will be refined into what the original Riders were meant to be. Keepers of the peace... To fulfill this role however, you need to be taught the art of war. You must learn the intricacies of the ancient language, and hone your skills with a blade as well as your mind.


It is your first day and you have just arrived at the academy after a long flight across a huge expanse of salt water, leading you to Hvitr Haedh. Upon your arrival you will be greeted by the eldunari within as their minds reach out to you to sense whether you are friend or foe... They sense your intent and recognize you as a young rider and immediately inform Eragon and Saphira of your presence.

You are guided to a room in the towers which will become yours until you relinquish it, you perish, or you are expelled and renounced as a rider. Your dragon is also left to pick and choose a perch of its liking which you are free to visit and sleep in if you and your dragon wish.

After you are settled in, a gruff dwarf approaches you and takes your measurements and begins asking you questions of your fighting style and what armor and weaponry you've been trained in as well as how your dragon prefers to fight with you... Your answers dictate the style of armor you are given as well as the weapon forged for your use until you are given the title of Rider, as well as the sword of a Rider.

From there, you are expected to attend classes every day with your peers. They will work with you and help you to grow as well as challenge you to better yourself. After classes you are free to do as you wish for the remainder of the day, whether it be to study, practice with your chosen weapon, or explore the island which has yet to be named or mapped. You and your dragon are free to do as you wish, except... You are not allowed to cross back over the sea to return to Alagaesia... Not yet.



Create your character using these simple character sheets:
Riders Name:







Preferred weapon:

Preferred Fighting style: (Magic, or martial? Or both?)


Dragons Name:

(Appearance / Color)

Age: 1 year


Approximate Size/Proportions: (Saphira would be considered of medium build. Neither massive, or small. Her proportions are graceful and not bulky. Thorn would be considered medium sized but he is bulky. Size increases with age, but proportions will generally remain the same throughout their lifespan.)


Send your character sheet to me (Lylith) for review. Please do NOT post it here first. Only post it here after I approve it so that we can keep the OOC organized. If you post your CS here before I approve it, I will not allow you to participate in the RP with that character... Please follow instructions!
Reserve Male Elf
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Human Rider:

My Dragon:
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You guys don't have to reserve pictures. Just use them as a reference, because someone else will probably have a similar looking dragon. Just go into photo shop and edit the color or ask me to do it for you.

I did a green dragon as an example here. If anyone wants a recolor, just let me know. It's freakin easy for me and I have the file saved in layers so it'll be super easy to make another one of a different color.

EDIT: Added more cause bored...

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Riders Name: Jacob Locke

Appearance: Gruff, well built, and muscular Jacob is what one would typically think of when they're thinking of a brutish human male. He has usually has greasy messy black hair, and wears very simple clothes. Neglecting to shave often he is also typically hairy, and fierce looking like some sort of ex-soldier. He has dark grey eyes, and well tanned white skin. His most distinguishing mark is a cut across his left eye.

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Height: 6'00


As blunt as a nail, and as straightforward as a charging bull young Jacob has never really cared for much in his life but himself. He has had few interests in life, and even less loved ones. He is not a kind person viewing more to looking after himself than anyone else, and not really caring to help others. He makes an exception for his dragon whom is now bonded to him in practically every way Jacob has never wanted. Jacob cares little for friendship, and requires little human interaction or otherwise. He has not changed his views on eating meat since being able to contact other minds and eats whatever he feels he should. Though Jacob has an urge to grow powerful, and strong it's not a greedy sort of strength more of a primal need for self protection. As a social person Jacob doesn't tend to talk much, and when he does it's very little. It's not so much as he's a loner as much as he just dislikes the act of communicating with others. While Jacob cares little for his life he isn't suicidal, or self destructive and does take measures to make sure he, and by through him his dragon, stay alive.

Jacob himself views chivalry, comradely, and other words along those lines as a faux-pas and doesn't take much stock in any of it. If he sees a way he can win he'll take it regardless of the outcome. He cares very little for his life in general but keeps on moving because he doesn't particularly care for death itself either. Others in the past have called Jacob a walking, talking, animal in the form of a human and he's not one to argue with that mockery. Jacob rarely exhibits any real emotions aside from anger, and disgust and typically and simple and calm. As for magic as a whole now that it is a part of Jacob's life he doesn't particularly care for it as it is merely another tool he can use.

However if there is one thing Jacob himself dislikes it is elves. After storming Ceunon, his hometown, Jacob has been profoundly overcome with a new racism he has not felt before in his life and he despises them but knows better to go after any sort of elf.

Preferred weapon: A long sword, Claymore, or a studded gauntlet

Preferred Fighting style: Martial


Born in Ceunon to a family to a family of lumberjacks young Jacob led a very average life at best. His childhood had him being taken care of by parents, elders, and family members while his parents did their job. He would play with young children in the streets, or rough house with the other kids. However Jacob himself was always a burly child. He was taught how to write but only to read as a way to correctly send papers, and other information to other people so that he could be a more effective worker. Jacob really never experienced anything life changing, or was he particularly special in anyway. He wasn't a magician, he wasn't a son of a well off businessman, and his family line wasn't particularly interesting either. For all intents and purposes Jacob was born to be an average human.

It wasn't until he was a teenager that he left Ceunon and only then it was with his father. He went to other locations all across the map, and learned of all sorts of people and dangers. He was proven capable of fighting and protecting himself against bandits whom mistook him and his father or simpletons but both men were experienced in a brawl and too stupid to really care if a person was wielding a sword or not. Jacob took over the family business while his father was sick on occasion and went to the bar with fellow lumberjacks. When the war finally reached Ceunon Jacob was there and he watched the elves casually destroy the town guard and take the city away from the nobles. Jacob disliked them immediately. They were alien, abnormally powerful, and deadly. Jacob luckily was able to leave the town in time and flee with some of the villagers. He did not join Galbatorix's Army and instead went into hiding participating in pit fights in back alley villages to pay for his food, and housing until the war was over. It was by chance that he would come along his dragon Cull when he came by a small village handing out dragon eggs. He nearly didn't get the chance as he was uninterested and left but a elf nearby encouraged him to do so despite clearly knowing Jacob was disgusted by him.

When the dragon hatched for him he was sent away to learn with the elves and hated almost every moment of being there with him. He made no friends, and he made little efforts to understand the elves. He tolerated their bizarre ways as much as they tolerated his crudeness and the fact that he was now a rider. Now that he is on a new adventure it is all the same to Jacob just another chapter in his life that he wishes never happened.

Dragons Name: Cull

(This image is the closest I can get to what I have in mind with a few changes below in the size area. Ignore the size of the actual dragon in this picture compared to a human while Cull is large his isn't that big.)

Age: 1 year

Gender: Male

Approximate Size/Proportions: Despite his age Cull is bulky, spiny, and has rigid hard scales. His teeth are sharp, and ready to hunt prey. For all intents and purposes Cull is a large, bulky dragon made for battle.

Personality: Cull is not a cunning dragon he prefers to use his instincts, and his instincts tell him to destroy his enemies, ravage their allies, and destroy those who threaten him or his rider. He is as subtle as a brick being thrown into a window. While more social than his Rider Cull still isn't exactly a social butterfly as his personality is more inclined to that of ancient dragons than Saphira's kind. He is more thrilled with the chance for proving himself, challenging those who can stand in his path, and hunting he also exhibits some strange qualities. Cull is not willing to break his word when promises to do something, and is not prone to disrespecting people he views as greater to him. He is willing to acknowledge, and listen to those who have valid points and enforces pragmatism before stupidity. While he is more at home hunting, or fighting he can be civil if not brutish as is his nature.

Well written. Now I just need one or two more and we can begin.

Save your intro post but feel free to pre - write it. You can GMod Eragon for your intro as well as Saphira for your greeting. You've read the books so I know you know how they would react. If you need help just PM me and I'll help you with writing your post, but I have a feeling you'll do just fine =]

I'll make the IC as soon as we get one more writer.
Interested! Will be sending CS for a female rider.
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Feel free to PM me when you have it! I'll be home all day
  • Nice Execution!
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Quilcia Leonni Pilaboo "Quil"

(FaceClaim: Selah Sue)

Bright green eyes that are bright, alert; yet deep in thought. A long waterfall of blonde hair drapes down towards her waist, but it prefers the comfort of sitting as a crown upon her head instead.

Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Height: 5'6"

Personality: Very serious young lady determined to prove to her motherland that she is capable of being a Dragonrider. Disciplined, strict on herself and others, but understands how difficult it is to be the best you can be. Deep down she's quite stubborn and self-doubting, especially when she over-analyzes a situation to the point where she thinks she's correct. Then, when challenged on her theory by more than one person, begins to doubt her thoughts are sound. She'll either lose steam or stand her ground in order to save face - regardless if she knows she's right or wrong.

Preferred weapon: Eoam Deer Horn Chakram - her mother's design.

Preferred Fighting style: Martial, since she's unaware of the use of magic by commoners. But, bet she'll enjoy the idea of using both once she's acquainted to it.
Fighting Style:

Bio: In the island of Eoam - west side of Beirland, the Pilaboos have made major name for themselves. Quil's grandfather, Elder Arium Pilaboo, is a known Attorney, working for the regents in Feinster. Her mother, Helenia Coulp-Pillaboo, is a famous leathersmith/blacksmith, being one of the first women in the field under the Guild. Her father, Archet, is known for his beastmaster skills, domesticating wildling animals of all kinds within the tropical forest with old and new techniques. And even her cousin, Tanis Coulp, who is being raised by her parents, has become a legionnaire in Surda of the highest rank at such a young age.

And so far, she's done nothing for anyone to remember her for - until the day a dragon egg hatched for her. It's been decades since an egg was at Eoam and just as long for one to hatch. So, the entire island watches as this known, untalented child travels to become the second Dragonrider known from this land. Their doubtfulness follows her, is embedded within her, and echos in her ears no matter how hard Schiza tries to wash them away with positive words. She's prepared herself for Hvitr Haedh, but is she truly ready for this?

Dragons Name: Schiza

Age: 1 year
Gender: Female

Approximate Size/Proportions: Schiza is of medium build, with graceful lines that are sturdy and formed. She is still at a young age, so her size is not properly portrayed in the image above. She just reached the size and strength necessary to carry Quil and her equipment over long distances without becoming weak.

Color: Purple

Personality: She is Quil's Big Sister; a shield for her well-being, her conscious at times, and someone to cry on when she needs it. When Quil loses her way or is shrouded in a darkness she cannot escape from, Schiza is there for her - even when she shouldn't be.

Note on Eoam
Eoam was a settlement on the island of Beirland. It was located in a bay on the west side of the island and appears to be the farthest west inhabited settlement in Alagaësia. There is also an example of "wild magic" at Eoam. Both Oromis and Arya describe a floating crystal being there. This is one of the natural manifestations of energy, more powerful than a living spellcaster and more dangerous.
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I'll be sending you the profile of a male Urgal Rider Lylith. Is that okay?
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That's perfect! I'm making the IC tonight at 12pm.
Alright when the IC is up I'l take a look at it and see what i can do.
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OPEN SIGNUPS - Eragon: The Legacy of the Legend

I have created the IC thread. Please follow the guidelines to create your first post. Feel free to GMOD Saphira or Eragons response to your arrival in your initial post as well as the eldunari and Hvitgaar the dwarven blacksmith. While Eragon and his dragon are both busy and unable to personally attend your arrival, they will greet you with their minds and direct you to where you need to go... After that, you can contact the eldunari at any time for questions and assistance.

Once you have made your first post, you may assume free form writing. If you require a response from Eragon or Saphira (or other guest NPC's from lore which will be playing some small part in this RP) just let me know in a PM before you post. I'll reply shortly afterward to keep things flowing...

Keep in mind that part of this RP is about exploration and growth as your character learns new abilities and begins to step into the role as a rider. Their duties will be to fly across their new island and patrol for dangers to the riders as they learn the skills necessary to be effective peacekeepers from the safety of their new home. Our main antagonist will show itself sometime after all of the riders have met eachother, begin their studies, and are steadily making progress as young riders...
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Riders Name: Doisac Ironhand

( Outside of battle, the only clothing he is seen wearing is a loincloth around his waist and copper wrist-guards. He has tried wearing clothes during his stay with the elves but certain

Race: Urgal

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Height: 2.5m

Personality: Despite most people seeing his race as nothing but vicious beasts, Doisac stands out as something quite different. While he is no gentle giant, he is far from a maddened berserker, with an obvious hint of pride in his mannerisms, although he is more than capable of giving respect to his contemporaries and even forging strong bonds of loyalty and friendship. He still can be angered, with a wrath capable of breaking everything in his path but one would have to specifically try to trigger such a reaction and have him loose his head.

Preferred weapon: Sword and Shield.

Preferred Fighting style: Martial.

Bio: Doisac grew up as part of an Urgalgra tribe whose village was licated in the southern parts of the Spine. His early life is mostly unknown, though it was most likely filled with following the many traditions and expectations of the species, along with the strict discipline teachings. After his horns grew, he hunted and killed an alpha male of a wolf tribe by strangling the vicious animal with his bare hands. As a young Ram with little money or reputation, Doisac to raise his status and make a living by participating in the Urgal Interclan Games that were created with the purpose of keeping to the tradition without engaging in full scale war, an idea first pitched by Eragon Firesword himself. Doisac quickly made a name of himself in the violent sport of wrestling, first joining at the age of sixteen and in two years time he managed to achieve the legendary record of besting at least 100 other young Urgals.

While the winnings flowed, he decided not to take a mate and remain unmarried. Following the end of an event, the organizers had prepared a closing rituals were all the champions would receive the chance to view Dragon Eggs as part of their reward. Doisac was amongst them of course, but never in a million years he could ever guess that by passing by a copper colored egg he would hear a small cracking sound that would result in the hatching of his Dragon.

Before he was taken to the Land of the Elves, Doisac returned for a short time back to his village, where he was greeted with the honors of a hero, with his own mother decorating their family Namna with his liking and the story of how he become a Dragon Rider as part of his Clans history. Despite being an Urgal, he would adapt quite easily amongst the elves, as he wished to see more of the world outside the spine and hungered to learn more about the Riders of old....
Dragons Name: Shrykos

(Appearance / Color)

Age: 1 year

Gender: Male

Approximate Size/Proportions: With sturdy bronze scales and great tan wings, Shrykos is a Dragon with a more heavyset built than his brethren, with wider shoulders and a general size that is above medium.

Personality: Mature beyond his early age, Shrykos appears to be easily accustomed to both human, elves or even other Dragons and tolerant of their presence. He doesn't enjoy arguments or fights with other Dragons while his favorite pastime is resting under the sun like the big lizard he is. He knows he doesn't posses the most grace or agility in his movement and knows how to use his strengths to cover his weaknesses. His bond with Doisac is a close one, with the Dragon at times serving as a sort of adviser for his Rider.
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We have the fighting diversity of a bunch of brain dead hamsters. Literally not one of us specializes in magic. I made Jacob the way he was specifically to make sure we had a melee fighter turns out I should've went with a magic user. Also at the risk of sounding like a prick the IC's first post could've been done better. It's basically the same as the OOC's top post.
Magic will be learned in character... Not many of you will be good at magic right away. You are going to class to learn that in depth. You've only been learning for about a year, so of course your best skill will be your physical one.

Also, I know it's the same. I had to make an initial post to create the thread, but I Don't want to RP as Saphira or Eragon because they are cannon characters. I will only RP their replies to your posts. Until then I do not want to assume the mantle of being Eragon. In order to get the RP started, I have to let you know where you are. What to expect. Where to go, until things get rolling. I can do that no other way than what I did.
  • Thank You
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This is the most amazing RP I've seen for a while. I love the Eragon series, so this is perfect. Anyways, here is my CS'

Riders Name: Serin Steel

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 5'11"

Personality: Very brash, easily annoyed, but not stupid. Acts before he thinks, which can come in handy.

Preferred weapon: Longsword

Preferred Fighting style: Often uses a basic form of Jiu Jitsu, with a little bit of a magical flair(ie with a kick, a possible spell that causes the hit to send bolts of electric through the opponents body, causing weakening.)

Bio: Born to a rich family, Serin never had any wants until he turned seven, the year Galbatorix's reign had ended. He wanted to become a Rider, wanted to be like the legendary Eragon. And so, he begged and pleaded his mother and father, who said that they couldn't force a dragon to hatch for him. And so, his heart was shattered.

A few years passed, until he turned 16. A greyish, yellow rock was presented to Serin. His dragon's egg. It quickly hatched for him, and began to grow at an alarming rate. For the little magic he learned, he seemed to have a capacity to wield it with power, and with finess. The day came for him to leave for his training as a Rider, and a pride filled his heart, as he knew he'd be able to protect the world one day...

Dragons Name: Kylan (pronounced Key-lan)

(Appearance / Color): Grey, glassy eyes, and a golden, almost electric looking hide.

Age: 1 year

Gender: Male.

Approximate Size/Proportions: Kylan is of great length, around 20 feet, but is incredibly thin. His paws are of a very small size, and he isn't particularly thick-skinned.

Personality: Playful, but turns serious when he must, as well as quick witted.
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