Eragon: The Legacy of the Legend - OOC (Spoiler Alert!)

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Closed for now. No more applications
One problem Lylith, my friend. You said Kylan was the human, when in fact Kylan is the dragon, and Serin is the human. Just letting you know, for the slight writing error. :)
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Sorry. I wrote that at 7am. Will edit real fast
XD that's okay :) Just wanted to let ya know
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I just posted. No hurry. I was in a hurry this morning and I got the names mixed up XD
XD I know. This is literally all I'm doing at the moment anyways
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Oh, big question. How are the rooms in the tower? I figured the Riders dorms are not extremely fancy, but simple luxuries are present, like a fireplace, thick bedding, throw rugs on the floor... I'm literally thinking about the movie scene at The Varden, after the battle when Eragon was waking up from his injuries. IDK, just don't want to have my post expressing too much within the dorms when you're are not wanting that.
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This is just me guessing, but they are likely more like Vroenguard. I wasn't called out on literally having a crystal floor and a grass roof, so I'd say it's up to the writer of the Rider's room to decide. :) But I'm not the GM, so don't take my words as truth. It's just a conjecture.
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The dorms are stone. They're decorated sparingly, leaving room for whatever the rider wishes to put in his or her dorm. The main furnishings are a very large oaken bed, made to accommodate anyone from an urgal to an elf. The blankets are high quality and there are furs that line the walls to protect the inhabitant from the cold.

There are few spells on the lodgings... The main spells are to prevent gusts of wind, snow, or rain from coming in the windows or through the balcony.

There can be a fireplace if you wish. If you want something else, you can describe your room how you like. There are many and they are diverse so be creative! If you brought anything with you, please feel free to decorate and include that in your biography if you like. Be as descriptive as you can be!
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You can join Serin and the dwarf if you like once you get settled. The eldunari can direct you to their location. Whatever you want to do is fine.
I will, but I'm leaving a little opening for anyone else who might need a connection to work off of. If I post and no one takes it tonight or tomorrow, then I'll just move her forward to the fitting.
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Whatever you wish. If you have any other ideas, or you want to explore, let me know and I can help you with your surroundings, or have someone guide you. I don't have anything planned for now until everyone posts and gets their characters settled in
"Sé freohr tathur!"
Try not to use magic until I get your characters introduced to it. You have a basic knowledge of magic, but you won't know that many words, much less the word for death. And I'm not sure what tathur means as it's not in the official Paolini dictionary. I'll link it below. Try to stick to it if you can... Also, what was your rider trying to accomplish?

English to Ancient Language Dictionary -

Dwarf Language to English Dictionary -
I found it in the dictionary, combining the words "May" "death" and "follow". Also, tathur wasn't supposed to be the word he used, it autocorrected. But I'll change it if you want, make it a bit more likely to have occurred. He was using something where normally, he'd stab, and on a normal person, it would assure death from the stab.
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That's cool. Just make sure you don't try to cast that... Lolz... I'm pretty sure you'd end up cursing yourself for death to literally follow you EVERYWHERE you went.

Besides that, You're good. I'm just finishing up my post.

Cool little thing to help you. Press Ctrl - F when you're looking for a word in the dictionary and type in the word that you're looking for. It'll make it easier to find.
Oh Poo! I was going to have a little post for Schiza on that one I just added. :(
Well, I'll add it on the next, so we can have interactions with the dragons too. They'll have to get along as well as their Riders, or what kind of team will they become? :D
Hey guys, I'm going to step away for a moment - heading to the store. BRB.
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Good night my friends! Sleep well, and I'll see ya'll tomorrow!
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I'm home now for the evening.

If anyone would like to talk about what they'd like to do in the next few posts you can post here or PM me. I'd be happy to help you whether you want to explore, or get outfitted.
Night my friends! Sleep well, and have a good idea tomorrow!
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