Eragon: The Legacy of the Legend - OOC (Spoiler Alert!)

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Whatever you feel like. You can be solo, but that's sort of besides the point of the whole story... I'd advise you to cooperate with the other writers, or drop character and make your own version as a solo writer.

EDIT: Sail, can you refrain from controlling NPC's until I let you know what's going on? =] Those creatures are a little smarter than to approach two dragons. I'll post here in a minute, but they're definitely not going to outright attack two dragons... Be patient =]
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Alrighty. My plan wasn't really to let them attack, I'd let you do that. Just wanted to show that they were moving XD
Alright well before I make a choice what exactly can I do with my characters at this point in time. They're still in the fortress except for Kull whose on a peak somewhere nearby.
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Well the only nearby peaks would be the lone mountain which is the fortress itself... So, he could be climbing higher to see everything from above I guess? Would make sense...

You could explore and try to find trouble. I expand the map as the characters explore so you can do what you want. Just keep in mind that if you make a bad decision while writing, you'll bear the full brunt of the consequences from whatever happens with no one to bail you out. Characters can die on their own. Especially new riders with little experience.
I'm sorry about the delay on my post. I'm exhausted after a long night... I hope you guys enjoy the next few posts. This will be exciting!
How is everyone?
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I'm good!

Just getting back in from a vacation. I hope you guys are ready! XD
XD OH YEAH BOI!!! XD Hope you had fun on your vacation!
i really did! I got sick a little but I'm all better... Was just dehydrated.

Anyways, I just posted...

Feel free to control the one that rushed forwards. Keep in mind he's not the smartest fighter, but he is very brutal as are all of these creatures (Orcs essentially)

They are very violent, cruel, and brutal by nature and they revel in their own pain and causing the same to others. Even their own race and especially others. The only way they will lose is if you kill them. They do not surrender or quit.

Your characters don't necessarily know that yet, but it should give you a good idea how they fight, and how to RP fighting them.
Could Serin use Brisingr on them? And would they die? He won't use it right away, just wanna know if he can use it.
Well if he did it's limited to your imagination... It could just light yout weapon on fire if thats what you wanted... If you wanted an explosion that's what would happen... You have to express your intentions with magic as well as know the words.

Keep in mind though, that you're in a forest. Lol
Alrighty. Just wanted to know. :) Just remember, Serin is very rash in his decisions.
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I'm slowly returning...been dealing with a lot.

On magic, just how much magic did they grasp during their studies with the Elves? If they're just receiving spell books now, then did they really tap into that study with the Elves, or they learned the basics - grasping energy from living things (carefully), but not so much as how to truly use the spells appropriately and in combination for use?

According to the novels the basic regimen Young Riders go through is for strengthening their bodies and increasing their mental control; which can take from a few months to many years until the Riders were deemed responsible enough to handle magic. (Good thing I'm actually rereading the series).

So, since Eragon actually handed them spell books, our Riders have actually passed the first stage of development. Am I correct? I might have jusy answered my question. LOL!

I just want to insure that my imagination doesn't go overboard and is balanced to the level of knowledge our Riders actually suppose to have right now.
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Yeah. I'll post once we both know the answer :)
I'm slowly returning...been dealing with a lot.

On magic, just how much magic did they grasp during their studies with the Elves? If they're just receiving spell books now, then did they really tap into that study with the Elves, or they learned the basics - grasping energy from living things (carefully), but not so much as how to truly use the spells appropriately and in combination for use?

According to the novels the basic regimen Young Riders go through is for strengthening their bodies and increasing their mental control; which can take from a few months to many years until the Riders were deemed responsible enough to handle magic. (Good thing I'm actually rereading the series).

So, since Eragon actually handed them spell books, our Riders have actually passed the first stage of development. Am I correct? I might have jusy answered my question. LOL!

I just want to insure that my imagination doesn't go overboard and is balanced to the level of knowledge our Riders actually suppose to have right now.
Sorry, got lost in the forums lol

Essentially that's exactly where you are. You're new to magic and your bodies aren't able to really produce the energy needed to fuel large spells. You will have to rely on little spells to augment your combat experience. You can easily lift things and use magic to affect the world around you, but only in small ways at the moment. You should practice, yes, but be careful of the application.
Sorry it's taken so long, I've had a busy week.But, ill be super active for the next few days. :)
Alright I think I've delayed doing this long enough but I don't believe my character can contribute to the roleplay so I'll pull him out. You can ignore my one post or I can delete it as you please. I'd prefer not to have him killed off in IC so if possible just have Eragon or whoever send him back to the mainland or whatever have you because he received a vision or some sort of magical summons or what have you. I'd like to thank the gm for letting me participate however it would seem that this roleplay is simply not to my own tastes.
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Totally fine.

Yay! So glad things are moving forward again!
Hey guys. I'm giving a shout. Will try to get my girls moving again as soon as possible. I'm dealing with the devil right now and he's keeping to his old ways. LOL!
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XD Well, the devil is a pretty sly man, so bring your best :D Hope things go well for you.
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