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His tongue flitted out to dab at his lips as she departed, Cornell sighing with the gesture. He turned to face the Shredder fully, king of Harlem meeting grandmaster of the Foot for the first time, the former giving the latter a once-over followed by a courteous nod. He turned back to look out over the balcony, expression thoughtful.

"In a couple minutes this place'll be swarming with pigs. Gonna need to be here, handle some legal shit, then I'll go to ground for awhile. Nothin they can pin back on us though. This attack was... Unprecedented."

In a rare occurrence, he actually lost his wording for a moment, shaking his head.

"Thing took out all four those boys of yours. There'll be a line of inquiry for what they were doing here, but s'okay. This thing devolved into chaos real fast. Gonna be a lot of confused accounts as to what showed up when and on whose behalf."
Shredder placed his hand upon the railing, staring out with a warriors perspective. Hand to hand primarily, with a savagery and methodology that he could piece together with a glance. Regarding his minions, Shredder said coolly.

"That will not be necessary. The Foot are used to hiding our presence...And what fails to kill us, merely leaves themselves open for when we plunge our knife into their backs.
He glanced back towards the four Foot ninja who had bravely, but ill-fatedly, engaged the beast, their bodies strewn out viscerally for all to see. In a turn of events, it appeared the one who'd been netted was still alive, albeit out from the pain and breathing shallowly; His training and a concealed knife had allowed him to cut away some slack for himself in the constricting net, enough that it didn't rupture anything vital. There'd be a grid pattern on his face not likely to heal any time soon if he pulled through, though.

At the sight, Cottonmouth actually guffawed and shook his head. They made 'em tough in Shredder's crew, he could say that much.
They fought bravely and without hesitation. Shredder himself leaped right off over the side, into the club proper with a poise and ease that showed he didn't wear the armor strictly for intimidation purposes. He himself, even as more ninjas came to remove traces of evidence of their presence here cut away the rest of the net, giving those to the proper specialists....They would analyze that in Stockman industries. To the lone survivor, he said simply.

"You fought with the spirit of the Foot Clan and your brothers will be avenged by us in turn. Rest, recover...You and I will have much to discuss, when you are properly healed."

He waved a hand and stepped away as others moved in to take him away. Even in defeat, they were not broken and their bonds were stronger then any amount of money. That was why the Foot Clan remained strong.

Turning back , he ascended back up the stairs and allowed the genin to escort their fallen brother away.

To Mr. Stokes, as soon as he was close he said without preamble.

"I will keep a contingent of my warriors in hiding here....Though I believe now is the time to dispatch that project we discussed, to flush out our current problems. May I tempt you to join me as my guest, Mr. Stokes in the interim?"


A part of him hated that Alopex guessed who he was underneath the armor. Then again like it or not she was trained as a ninja too, who are suppose to pick up details and traits from the others. Beside that this disguise didn't conceal his three fingered gloved hands. Now that he thought it, any Foot chump could figure out that they're dealing with one of the Turtles. Having fought each for quite some time, you learn things about your enemies.

So when this Foot pet starts blabbing about not wanting to fight, he was disappointed but curious nonetheless. He raised an suspicious eyebrow when she asked that they could talk. Taking off his helmet, letting Alopex see his doubting expression in full detail before replying.

"This better be legit foxy, because if I as much smell bullshit from ya, we're going have problems."
"I wish to establish a private meeting, between me and your master, Hamato Yoshi." She said swiftly, tail flicking in response as the sounds of the city and the rumble of the approaching storm filled the air. She exhaled nervously, before adding.

"Before the Foot notice my absence."

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"I wish to establish a private meeting, between me and your master, Hamato Yoshi." She said swiftly, tail flicking in response as the sounds of the city and the rumble of the approaching storm filled the air. She exhaled nervously, before adding.

"Before the Foot notice my absence."


Raph scowled in respond.

"Oh is that all? Why don't just I draw you a map to our home while we're at it!?"

The angry turtle asked in an mockful tone. It will be a cold day in hell before Raphael let a Foot stooge be alone with his father. Sure Master Splinter can easily handle this fox, but Raph wasn't going to put him needlessly into danger The utter gall of her to ask for such a thing infuriated him, making it evident in his voice as Raph added.

"Give me a damn good reason why should my family trust the likes of you."

Raphael started long and hard into her eyes, his hands reaching the sails tucked in the belt. If Alopex's next answer didn't satisfy him, Raphael intended to make a pelt out of her fur.
Raph scowled in respond.

"Oh is that all? Why don't just I draw you a map to our home while we're at it!?"

The angry turtle asked in an mockful tone. It will be a cold day in hell before Raphael let a Foot stooge be alone with his father. Sure Master Splinter can easily handle this fox, but Raph wasn't going to put him needlessly into danger The utter gall of her to ask for such a thing infuriated him, making it evident in his voice as Raph added.

"Give me a damn good reason why should my family trust the likes of you."

Raphael started long and hard into her eyes, his hands reaching the sails tucked in the belt. If Alopex's next answer didn't satisfy him, Raphael intended to make a pelt out of her fur.
"Because its all, gone horribly wrong."

Was her somber reply as she extended a hand out to the city, the storm rumbling as though a precursor to a greater performance as she spoke.

"I am loyal to the concept of the Foot Clan, of the measure of family and trust...Something I'm sure you can understand. But lately, there is a madness taking over...Can you not feel it in the city? The build up of dark powers and forces, the feel of war. I will kill the enemies of the Foot Clan, despite my personal feeling...But not at the expense of the innocent. There is no honor in senseless slaughter, and I will not be party to it."

She paused and added.

"Every second I remain, means my Master will notice my absence...If you will not hear me out, then we shall leave and I shall be content that at least, I had tried to stop it...Will you be able to say the same?"

"Because its all, gone horribly wrong."

Was her somber reply as she extended a hand out to the city, the storm rumbling as though a precursor to a greater performance as she spoke.

"I am loyal to the concept of the Foot Clan, of the measure of family and trust...Something I'm sure you can understand. But lately, there is a madness taking over...Can you not feel it in the city? The build up of dark powers and forces, the feel of war. I will kill the enemies of the Foot Clan, despite my personal feeling...But not at the expense of the innocent. There is no honor in senseless slaughter, and I will not be party to it."

She paused and added.

"Every second I remain, means my Master will notice my absence...If you will not hear me out, then we shall leave and I shall be content that at least, I had tried to stop it...Will you be able to say the same?"


Could you put that in the memo of shit I already know!

Raph thought in great amounting annoyance at being reminded of the signs that he himself been noticing. Beside that the whole sermon about the Foot having honor was the last thing Raphale wanted to hear. He could respect the need of family, but in his eyes, the Foot screw up the whole idea of it. Their own leader, the Shredder ruined his master's life in the first place and tried to killed them all countless times. Not to mention the same Clan sponsored criminal trash like the Purple Dragons who keep making other people suffer for profit and amusement.

All the same though, Raph didn't want anymore innocent lives on his soul if it can be helped. He just didn't know of allowing this enemy to talk with Splinter will change anything. The master however would tried it anyway, just for that small chance to save others.

"Very well, I will tell Sensei about your offer. Now where in the hell is this meeting to going to take place at anyway?"

"You ain't crazy. Truly crazy people don't think they're crazy. You got issues, and all of the issues you got spill out over the area through your rabbits. And I ain't going to make you work out. Not that way. We are going to help you get more disciplined in your mind. You've given up on part of yourself, and that's a damned shame. We're going to help you accept all of yourself."

She stood and looked down at Azalia. "Get some rest. We're going to see a friend who can help in the morning."

@Angelic Fusion

Yawning alittle it wasnt to late but the red head was exhausted. Mental and emotional anguish left her drained beyond just the mental aspect. "Okay, please wake me up for dinner. I... Ill sleep forever if I dont get woken up. Usually I have Azazel do it but I get bad Sleep paralysis... so its kinda terrifying if I sleep to long." The girl noted before she watched the lady leave. Turning to Billy the red head ran a hand through her hair and smiled "You can keep an eye on the rabbits if youd like. I need to sleep... Oh remind me to make you a bed later... I kinda changed our.. room around." Azalia said before climbing into her purple sheeted bed.

Not having slept on an actual bed in a long time the girl sank into it and began to groan "Wow..." She grumbled out turning over back and forth many different times. After awhile she began to curl up using the blankets as extra pillows before her form stopped moving entirely. Now sleeping like a corpse the rabbits seemed to go into a frenzy before forming up around her sleeping body. Azazel the only one walking around freely it to seem to make its way over to Azalias sleeping form. Sitting at the end of the bed it didn't look back but kept looking forward.

@Michale CS
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Jason was dead that was for certain. Just not the kind of dead that Cottonmouth had been hoping for/expecting. Which given he blasted the mass murderer point-blank with an RPG was a reasonable expectation! But unfortunately for him and those teenagers who wished to not get slaughtered while smoking pot and having pre-marital sex, Jason wasn't ready to go down without a fight. So, little by little, the fresh gibs of rotting flesh that had once composed the serial killer Jason Voorhees, a man who'd only been thought of as a legend by some and some backwards hillybilly fuck by others, came together and fused.

With his head situated where it was, Jason had seen the woman in the truck drive off. But as they left so too did the ninjas that had popped up. Jason would have had no qualms about murdering anyone who got in his way. Least of all faceless minions who may as well have been sinners in Jason's eyes. Just like those who defiled his camp-grounds. But then he heard something coming through the air and so he turned. The next thing he knew, his field of view had changed. As if everything had turned on it's side.

But Jason was well aware of what had happened and yet he continued to stare straight ahead. Even though he himself had no idea what allowed him to keep going from wounds such as these, it ultimately didn't matter. He would get back up and he would continue doing what he did best. Which was to kill anything that got in his path!

As Shredder made his way inside to speak with Cottonmouth about how to proceed from this clusterfuck of a night, Jason's body parts continued to crawl about. Bones reconnected and muscle regenerated where it'd been severely burned by the flash of the missile. An arm reached out to grasp onto the machete where it had been tossed before the missile blew him apart and another reached out to grab Jason's head. He was getting tired of looking at the street from this angle anyway.


Soon enough, the blown apart pieces of Jason would have come back together and Jason would have regenerated from whatever lasting effects there may have been of getting blasted with an RPG but the process obviously wasn't instantaneous. Even for someone with a powerful regeneration system like Jason, thing like this took time. Admittedly, Jason's toleration of pain was much MUCH MUCH higher than what a normal human being could take. But as the damage Jason had gone through over the years showed, he was anything but normal.

Still, it would feel good to be standing on his own two feet again rather than as just a decapitated head on the pavement. But while it may have been tempting to simply burst back into Stoke's club and teach him a thing or two, Jason knew when to back down. He hadn't come to this city to rid it of the criminals that lurked around here. He came here to murder the man he had set his eyes on. The imposter and nobody was going to stand in his way! Not that man with the explosives, not that strange creature, nobody!

But even as he continued to regenerate, slowly but surely a thought lingered in Jason's head. If this was the first reaction he got when engaging in a fight in this city then it wouldn't do him any good to simply walk among the masses anymore. He would have to find somewhere secluded, somewhere for the Crystal Lake killer to lurk without worry of being blown into tons of pieces again. As Jason's thoughts continued to wander, sirens could have been heard blaring in the distance. Another sound that Jason wasn't a stranger too. Much like screams, sirens often accompanied his rampages. But the police were often no match for the unstoppable goliath.

Though, perhaps it wasn't the police that Jason would have had to worry about dealing with this time. The red and white colors that normally patterned an ambulance pulled up to the scene. Given that it wasn't too common for folks to end up in a million pieces scattered across the street, Jason's mangled corpse bits are what caught the paramedic's eyes as they stepped out and looked over Jason. He'd been taken to a morgue before back in New Jersey. He had gotten an axe to the head which in retrospect seemed preferable to being scattered around.

Overlooking the gruesome mess, one of the parmedics quipped at the sight.

"The hell was this guy doing? This sure as hell ain't no time for costumes.." His companion rolled his eyes and began to lift up pieces of Jason and placed them within the body bag. "Yeah, well if this guy was looking for tricks than I think he got treated big time. Now, help me load what's left of him in the bag, will ya?" Brushing off the disgusted look on his face, the first paramedic nodded and went about picking up what parts of Jason that he could. Though as he picked up Jason's left arm he noted that the hand had clenched as if balling up a fist.

"...Hey, Roy?"


"I think this weather's starting to get to me or I just saw this guy's hand make a fist." Roy exclaimed, understandably bit perturbed at the sight. His partner was less than amused however as he picked up Jason's head. "Roy, you fucking with me or something? That hand's as limp as my dick on a Monday afternoon. Besides, even if it had clenched up, it probably would have been a muscle spasm or something. What? You think the hand's aliiiiiveeeee??" The partner mocked as Roy tossed the arm in the bag.

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up. Just toss the head in there so we can keep moving." Grinning at how annoyed Roy was due to his partner's sly comment, he'd casually drop Jason's head into the bag. Unknown to both paramedics, Jason had willed the arm to clench up and he did not take too kindly to being dropped like a rock in this bag. But he was used to the darkness that followed. Whether it was being locked in a body bag or buried in a grave, Jason was used to the sensation of darkness.

But he wouldn't have to wait long for he'd soon find himself in the Harlem Hospital Center morgue where a coroner and his assistant had been tasked with trying to identify the poor guy who'd come to them in pieces! Laying the bag down on the table, the coroner unzipped the bag and Jason had to restrain from narrowing his eyes as the lights in the morgue shined down on him.

"So you said they found him with what on him?" The coroner asked his assistant who calmly reached into the bag and pulled out Jason's machete which they hadn't been able to wench free from his right arm. But after some cutting, they managed to remove the blade and a few of Jason's fingers but it wasn't like he was going to need those for where he was going. "Looks a bit dulled as though it's seen it's fair share of use. So, this ain't a prop blade that's for sure.." The assistant remarked as he picked up Jason's head from the bag. "We also saw he was wearing...a hockey mask?"

"...What? So you've got this hulking beast of a man who's wielding a machete and wearing a hockey mask? Do you know what this reminds me of?"

"Star Mummy?"

"What? No, the Jason Voorhees legend. What if this poor guy was trying to imitate it for a cheap laugh and ended up getting his?" The coroner theorized before a phone could have heard ringing out in the coroner's office. "Ah, I'll be right back. Why don't you go and take his mask off?"

Watching as the coroner vanished into the hallway, the assistant rolled his eyes and went about pulling off the mask. Placing it on a nearby table, the assistant cringed upon looking at Jason's exposed face.


"Jesus Christ!"

The assistant shouted upon seeing Jason's face. The way the teeth were jagged enough to almost resemble an animal's fangs and how one eye was slanted higher than the others. Not to mention the disfigured and decomposing flesh here and there on the zombie's face. Turning away from having to look at Jason, the assistant grabbed a clipboard to began jotting down key features he had picked up on about Jason's face. But at this point Jason wasn't too keen on this man treating him like some kind of science fair project.

Which is why as the assistant moved away from the body, Jason's arm reached out and grabbed his hockey mask. Slipping it back on his head, Jason quickly laid back down as he walked back over. "Okay, handsome. Gonna have to...Huh? How'd you get that back on?" Reaching down to grip the hockey mask, Jason's hand snatched out and snapped the assistant's wrist like a twig with bone puncturing the skin.


Sitting up in the bag, Jason quickly cupped a hand over the assistant's mouth. He was going to have to make this man disappear. He'd have to be quick about it as well as he could hear the coroner's footsteps growing closer and closer.

"Ugh, damn spouses. Hey, did you chalk up what our body bag here looks like behind the mask? Details?...Hello?" The coroner asked but he got no response. Stepping closer he noticed that the body bag was zipped up. Was this assistant's idea of a joke? Zip up the evidence and then skip out for a piss break? Rolling his eyes the coroner began to unzip the bag, his eyes widened as he saw his assistant's corpse mutilated into piece just as Jason's body had been. "W-What..." The coroner was too caught up in his own shock to notice what he was bumping into.

Feeling back with his hands, the coroner noticed that whatever he was touching was wet and pulling his hands back, the coroner let out a scream as he noted his hands were coated in blood! The very same blood that covered Jason's chest due to his brutal dismemberment of the assistant. But there was still one more life to take...



The machete cut through the coroner's neck like butter. Tearing right through bone, flesh and everything else. Holding his hand out to grab the head as it toppled off, Jason set it next to the clipboard that the assistant had been working on. Now it was time to deal with the rest of the body.

Sometime later, Jason had managed to stuff the coroner's remains into the now swollen body bag and zipped it up. Whoever opened it now wouldn't have found a blown to piece hockey mask wearing stranger. But two bodies that had been minced up and stuffed in the bag until it was about to burst. Jason supposed it was a fitting end for those who tried to treat him with such blatant disrespect. Nobody would do that to Jason, not ever again.

Quietly stepping out of the morgue, Jason sought to make his way out of the hospital. Anybody who made the poor life decision to stop him and question why he had a machete were soundly met with being thrown across the hallway as if they were a sack of potatoes. Finding a door, Jason raised his boot and smashed the door straight off it's hinges as he continued into the night. It almost felt like deja vu. Here he was escaping from a morgue after murdering a few of the people who worked there. Strange how things worked out like that.

But one thing was for sure, for the people who might have caught a glimpse of Jason as he stalked off into the night certainly wouldn't forget it. The 6'6 tall zombie who was stained with blood on both his shirt and his machete. So Jason knew that if he wanted to find who he was looking for, he would need someplace like the shack he had made back in the woods. Only problem was this was the city.


Someone like Jason stood out like a sore thumb. Even if most common people who passed him by saw him as little more than some big overly-enthused hockey fanatic. Plus, he smelled like roadkill! But now that he had blood on him, Jason figured he would get more than a passing glance and he wasn't interested in some drawn out battle with the police. He had to find somewhere quiet. Somewhere he wouldn't need to worry about people sticking their noses where it didn't belong. Quietly wandering around New York's streets, Jason eventually found some level of solitude.

Or it would be for the time being at least. Discovering a disused subway station on Roosevelt Avenue, Jason lingered within it and stepping down the steps, Jason glanced around from side to side. This subway was littered in darkness just like Jason's black heart. If anybody still lurked down here, Jason would make sure they wouldn't be any threat to him...

@Ringmaster @OrlandoBloomers

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The Terminator

The T-800 model was currently roaming the streets. He was wearing a leather jacket with a black shirt under, leather pants, and black motorcycle boots. As he walked the sidewalk, Terminator held a small device in his hand. It was black and had a small LED screen with an antenna sticking out of it. A tracking device. What was he tracking? Let's just say it's a very dangerous item that could effect the future as we know it.

He planned on taking the device apart and installing into his own systems, but he couldn't do it at this point in time due to all the people in the area. He had been programmed to blend in when in public, after all. The item in question emit a unique energy signature. He knew that there was one here in New York. John Connor wouldn't have sent him to this location if there wasn't. Where was the item, though? Well he would take a while to figure that out, as the signal wasn't so strong at this point in time. But he still got the general direction that it was in.

@Michale CS
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"...So. Took care of it. We good to go?" He questioned Harley after a few uneventful minutes went by, just to make sure the thing didn't do anything further. There hadn't even been a sound. Had the damn creature played him like a fool? Even more than it already had at any rate. Tch.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
"Unprecedented attack on nightclub--"

"Multiple homicides in Harlem--"

"Grievously wounded area man unable to comment--"

"Eyewitness accounts are fragmentary--"

"Reports of gunshots and explosions--"

"One woman describes ripple in empty air and two flashing lights--"

"Strange masked man, vanishing individuals, mass hysteria--"

"Glad to see New York didn't stop being fucking crazy in my absence."


She lowered the TV remote, setting it down on the bar counter. All the local news channels were reporting on it in some capacity. Random acts of violence were always up there alongside bullshit celebrity news. Who bought what, who got married, who wore it best, yadda yadda yadda. It was like clockwork. Tick tock. But this one...there was something about it.

It wasn't any average guy losing his mind and snapping, taking it out on a bunch of innocent people. Something supernatural was in play with all this talk. That suited her just fine. She rose, tossing down a pair of twenties to pay for the beer before she turned around and strode out to the street. She had only been here maybe a few hours after dropping off that punk vampire but already had something else to do. The shit that never ends.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Wilson Fisk

The big man sat at a table with mister McCallister, Talia, Oswald Cobblepot and of course himself.

"Thank you for accepting my invitation Mister Cobblepot. There is new information as of this morning.The Joker did random attacks around town with mixed success..this did reveal though that some areas are more well protected than originally estimated. "

"My question for all of you is whether it is
A financially acceptable risk to take advantage of the moment and try a land grab in Gotham. "

" Mister McCallister, would you start the discussion please"

@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore @Ringmaster
Wilson Fisk

The big man sat at a table with mister McCallister, Talia, Oswald Cobblepot and of course himself.

"Thank you for accepting my invitation Mister Cobblepot. There is new information as of this morning.The Joker did random attacks around town with mixed success..this did reveal though that some areas are more well protected than originally estimated. "

"My question for all of you is whether it is
A financially acceptable risk to take advantage of the moment and try a land grab in Gotham. "

" Mister McCallister, would you start the discussion please"

@Michale CS @thatguyinthestore @Ringmaster
Jason nodded and stood up before clearing his throat. "Yes. As Mr. Fisk stated, some areas are well protected while others aren't. Thomas Cobblepot, the new owner of the Iceberg Lounge, has beefed up security greatly. All of Big Patrick's territories are also well protected. We're gonna have to start out small and slowly move our way up. I say that we start off with purchasing the old Sionis Industries building near Panessa Studios. It's not too big, but it's a good start."

@Michale CS @Ringmaster @Gands
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"...So. Took care of it. We good to go?" He questioned Harley after a few uneventful minutes went by, just to make sure the thing didn't do anything further. There hadn't even been a sound. Had the damn creature played him like a fool? Even more than it already had at any rate. Tch.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
"Yep!" Harley said as she wound the last piece of duct-tape around the steering wheel to reattach it to the steering column. "Ain't nothin' duct tape can't fix. So, All I got from that is your creepo stalker uses laser pointers and likes my laugh. Sounds like a real nerd. Did'ja piss off the math club as part a' your origin story back when and now one of em's out for revenge?" She asked as she took it out of park and tore out of the alley they were in and back onto the street.

The Terminator

The T-800 model was currently roaming the streets. He was wearing a leather jacket with a black shirt under, leather pants, and black motorcycle boots. As he walked the sidewalk, Terminator held a small device in his hand. It was black and had a small LED screen with an antenna sticking out of it. A tracking device. What was he tracking? Let's just say it's a very dangerous item that could effect the future as we know it.

He planned on taking the device apart and installing into his own systems, but he couldn't do it at this point in time due to all the people in the area. He had been programmed to blend in when in public, after all. The item in question emit a unique energy signature. He knew that there was one here in New York. John Connor wouldn't have sent him to this location if there wasn't. Where was the item, though? Well he would take a while to figure that out, as the signal wasn't so strong at this point in time. But he still got the general direction that it was in.

@Michale CS
His scanner's screen reported. He would have to go to Central Park to try to locate the object and his scanner reported that it was not stationary. This meant that someone, possibly a hostile, had the object already. At this point, he'd yet to obtain anything other than the basic clothing and transportation - A motorcycle. What was T-800's next move?

  • Nice Execution!
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"Yep!" Harley said as she wound the last piece of duct-tape around the steering wheel to reattach it to the steering column. "Ain't nothin' duct tape can't fix. So, All I got from that is your creepo stalker uses laser pointers and likes my laugh. Sounds like a real nerd. Did'ja piss off the math club as part a' your origin story back when and now one of em's out for revenge?" She asked as she took it out of park and tore out of the alley they were in and back onto the street.

Boomerang just stared at Harley for a sec before scoffing. "Pfft. Dun think this thing would do well in some crap math club. Nah, whatever it is likes using other voices. Used one of the guys that it killed back there. Insulted me to my face...armored up, some borderline invisible shit and a lot of weapons like dat damn homing disc I just had. I was tempted to say some Bats-type shit or someone associated with him but they don't really kill, ya know? Especially not like that." He turned to face out the window.

"Hell, I'm not sure that he/she/it wanted to be found. Didn't do anythin' till I threw a beer can at it."

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
Boomerang just stared at Harley for a sec before scoffing. "Pfft. Dun think this thing would do well in some crap math club. Nah, whatever it is likes using other voices. Used one of the guys that it killed back there. Insulted me to my face...armored up, some borderline invisible shit and a lot of weapons like dat damn homing disc I just had. I was tempted to say some Bats-type shit or someone associated with him but they don't really kill, ya know? Especially not like that." He turned to face out the window.

"Hell, I'm not sure that he/she/it wanted to be found. Didn't do anythin' till I threw a beer can at it."

@Schnee Corp Lawyer
"Mabye it is one of the Bats-types, but from a different dimension, where his code against killin was never made and instead he's got a code against beer cans." She wondered aloud as she stopped at a light and rubbed her chin. "An' he does his work in some racist southern town instead a' Gotham, where people r' scared of black people haircuts instead a' bats."

"...What? Can ya honestly say it'd be the wierdest thing you've evah come across?"

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: C.T.
"Maybe it is one of the Bats-types, but from a different dimension, where his code against killin was never made and instead he's got a code against beer cans." She wondered aloud as she stopped at a light and rubbed her chin. "An' he does his work in some racist southern town instead a' Gotham, where people r' scared of black people haircuts instead a' bats."

"...What? Can ya honestly say it'd be the weirdest thing you've evah come across?"
"...Can't say it is. I've met you after all."
"...Can't say it is. I've met you after all."
"...Are you implyin I'm wierd, Diggy?" Harley asked with a mock pout and a dangerous glint in her eye

His scanner's screen reported. He would have to go to Central Park to try to locate the object and his scanner reported that it was not stationary. This meant that someone, possibly a hostile, had the object already. At this point, he'd yet to obtain anything other than the basic clothing and transportation - A motorcycle. What was T-800's next move?

When the location was confirmed to be at Central Park, Terminator simply put the communicator in his pocket and got on his motorcycle. In case the person who held the item was a hostile, he made sure to obtain a weapon from the same place he got the clothes and the bike from.

Soon he arrived at a local bar, a place where bikers liked to hang out at. It was mainly middle aged men with long beards and bandannas sitting around talking, drinking, or just playing pool. When he walked in, though, the whole room went silent. The last time he was here he almost killed two people when they tried to fight him without even flinching.

"I need a weapon."[BCOLOR=#000000] Was all that the T-800 said. Like the other T-800 models, this one had a thick and deep Austrian accent. One of the bikers approached him slowly. [BCOLOR=#000000]"S-sure. Whatever you say, man." He said before handing him a pump-action shotgun. The robot simply snatched the weapon before looking down at it. "This will be sufficient." He said before walking back out and getting on the bike. He now head down to Central Park, keeping the weapon concealed within his jacket.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

Once he arrived at the location, he got off the bike before walking into the park. He then changed his sensors to locate the object. The device he had was to be used to locate things from far away, but because the item in question had such a unique energy signature, he could use his own sensors to locate it from a short distance. Now all he had to do was find it.

@Michale CS
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Jason nodded and stood up before clearing his throat. "Yes. As Mr. Fisk stated, some areas are well protected while others aren't. Thomas Cobblepot, the new owner of the Iceberg Lounge, has beefed up security greatly. All of Big Patrick's territories are also well protected. We're gonna have to start out small and slowly move our way up. I say that we start off with purchasing the old Sionis Industries building near Panessa Studios. It's not too big, but it's a good start."

@Michale CS @Ringmaster @Gands
"Well, well. I'd heard rumors that you'd set yourself up quite nicely in here but you're essentially doing business from an unassailable fortress, Mr. Fisk. I admire that." Oswald said before turning his attention to McCallister.

"Yes, yes, my nephew. No doubt he's set to squandering every resource I gave him access to. It's sizeable what he has, and with LexCorp funding the reconstruction, well - he won't miss the fact that I've got far more than Thomas thinks I have access to. I think I would like to remain... missing for a time, Mr. Fisk. I would be delighted to partner with you." He chuckled lightly. "I'd be happy to play the part of Rook for you. A steadfast ally in time of need. But this time, it's the Rook taking refuge behind the King, eh?"

Oswald got up and strutted around some, looking McCallister over. "Something familiar about you, boy, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Of course, I'll arrange a fifty-fifty split for the funding of the building purchase... but I have an additional idea. Both to add to our little chess analogy, adding a bishop as it were, and to give my nephew some needed distraction... businesses grow best when they have competition. I've got an enterprising friend in Boston. I think I shall see if Miss Mooney wouldn't like to expand her business to Gotham. With your blessings of course, Mr. Fisk."

Of course Fisk knew that Maria Mercedes "Fish" Mooney, after a fight with the local mob in Boston had purportedly died, then returned, and with a vengeance. Not long after her reappearance she'd displaced or killed off all of the other bosses in town. There were rumors that she had gained some metahuman powers but no one knew for sure if that was true or just hyperbole. One thing was clear - she was ruthless and efficient.

@Gands @thatguyinthestore
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