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Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Evenings, Pacific Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Magical... pretty flexible.
Location: Langley, Virginia, DEO Headquarters

Amanda Waller sits across a meeting room table from a handful of men and women in suits from various agencies, most of which she'd heard of.

"This needs to be your number one priority, Waller." One of them warned her.

Her eyes narrowed, and she shifted in her seat. Oddly, the man who had just tried to intimidate her flinched at her reaction. "You are not in a position to tell me what my priorities should be. I don't care if you're the guy who wipes the President's ass. My priorities are decided by me." Then, the moment was over, and her demeanor went back to happy and cordial.

"That being said, the capture of Samuel Sterns does strike me as something of a priority, especially considering that he was just granted extradition to Latveria, of all places. I'll assemble a team." She stood up and headed toward the door.

Pausing at the door she looked back at the assembled men and women. "Oh, I assume you'll prefer him returned alive? I'll tell my team killing him is a last resort... but, you'd be best served if you prepped a fast medivac from the border of Latveria to TAHITI. I hear it's a magical place. Good day ladies and gentlemen."


The conference room at Robinson Airport in Bedford Virginia barely qualified as a conference room. It was converted from parts storage recently by the look of it and the lingering smell of propane-driven forklift exhaust.

And to top it off, it was just a flunky from ARGUS that was delivering the details to the team regarding their mission.

In addition to the hand picked team Slade had chosen, there was one other obvious team member there - one Brock Rumlow, AKA Crossbones. Currently, though, he was in civilian garb. What gave him away was the bags in the corner with the signature helmet of his sitting on top of the pile.

Now that the team was assembled, the flunky began his spiel. "Three months ago, a man named Samuel Sterns was captured and interred in The Raft, awaiting trial. Sterns is more commonly known as "The Leader", a meta human with vastly enhanced intelligence. Six weeks ago, as allowed by law under the Sokovia Accords, Sterns applied for extradition to Latveria, claiming he was a citizen of Latveria and deserved to stand trial there. Surprisingly..."

The functionary shuffled some papers around. "Three weeks ago, Latveria officially recognized Sterns as a citizen, and four days ago, he was transported to that country. Your job is to return Sterns to the US, preferably alive, but we will understand if you are unable to accomplish this task."

Crossbones spoke up. "So, we're going in covert into a dictatorship literally ruled by an iron hand, to bring in a powered weirdo smarter than a couple of Einsteins put together and you want him alive?"

"Y-yes, essentially."

Rumlow nodded. "This crew can do that, Between Wilson, Bane, and me, we got the tactics down. We got the mind witch to get us past barriers and a chick who walks through walls. The rest of you I don't know, but as long as you fall in line this is definitely doable."

"I'm glad you think so, Mr. Rumlow." he cleared his throat. "You'll be flown to Romania, where you'll be met by one of our operatives there, Sybil Dvorak, aka Skein, but those of you in the know in the meta community might know her better under a previous alias, Gypsy Moth. Miss Dvorak is fluent in Romanian and the Latverian dialect of such. Her job is to get you into Latveria, and be there to exfil you after the operation. She will not be going with you for the bulk of the mission. We've got a safe house for you to stay in here. Ms. Waller said to give Wilson discretion on when you leave, so long as it is within the next 72 hours, in case any of you need to make any preparations. Any questions?"

*** OOC ***

The Current Team:
NPC/GM PCs: Skein/Crossbones @Michale CS
Bane: @Breach
Bulwark: @LuckycoolHawk9
Deathstroke: @Cush Almighty
Ghost: @Sonevar
Lady Mastermind: @Gands
Grid: @Ringmaster
Scarecrow: @Drixe

Interested in the mission? Epic Crossover is a group run here and on a Discord Server that is a superheroic comic and movie mashup.If you are truly interested, send @Michale CS a PM or Join our Discord Server and talk to some of us real time!
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Lady Mastermind

Reagan Wyngarde sat quietly for a while listening to the government man lay it out for them. She reviewed her compatriots. The three more bulky men were all physically very talented. All three more intelligent than would be obvious. Another man, who was more the survival instinct kind of guy, seemed more trustworthy. While in reality, none of them are actually trustworthy, most of them were at least professional. The other woman for both her telepathic powers and her own eyesight seemed in a very real way, glitchy.
She looked at the government guy for a moment.

" I know you already realize the danger this puts us all in. Speaking for myself, it's quite possible my powers may not work at all on our target, not to mention the ruler of the little slice of heaven. I assume mister Deathstroke, you've read my dossier ? I have no illusions ( smiling at the pun ) of my own abilities and weaknesses and I'm ready to be... co-operative for the sake of our safety and success"

[Theme Song]


Adrian Chin. AKA 'Grid.'
Waller Profile:
A nobody from Chinatown, who got mixed with some bad people. Got inducted into the cult of the Foot Clan-an urban legend among martial artists, of an organization of ninja believed to have become extinct. Fooled a lot of people, before they took front stage for a while. Adrian worked for them, honing his skills as one of their genin. Lot of crimes we've no proof of, but all of it certainly probable. To be honest, despite his skill he was just a nameless mook in a mask-someone who'd you'd expect to be beaten up by folks like Daredevil or Spiderman on the street, if Punisher didn't put a bullet in his head.

All that changed in Harlem, at the beginning of what we've dubbed the Concrete Jungle incident. Adrian and three of his cultist buddies were out at the Paradise, providing protection when the alien emerged for the first time. One of the most advanced creatures in the galaxy, armed to the teeth and the reaction of him and his buddies was to try to kill it...With martial arts and ancient weapons. Didn't take, but Adrian survived- S'how he got that little nickname of his.

Second time around, he actually managed to kill it solo. Some honor bullshit was involved, the act catapulting him forward in the ranks to jounin. Too little, too late at the time however. Batman managed to take in Shredder after a grueling battle for all involved and the Foot Clan devolved into infighting. Grid returned back home, tried to live his life again before buying a ticket to Gotham to visit his old grandmaster.

Whatever he took from that conversation made him a new man. He took to wearing his old uniform again, using his skills on the streets on criminals. Even did a minor team up with Anarchy, before Batgirl took them both out. Shredder had vanished by then, doing that ninja bullshit and Adrian no longer had any sort of protection there, not so far away from New York City.

It was open season and well...That was when I took an interest.

Originally, we wanted Oroku Saki on our side, not one of his pups. But the more we observed, the more we realized the kid had teeth. Treated his entire stint as infiltration and assassination, killed everyone who came for him and then went for their bosses. I knew then, we had ourselves a diamond in the rough here and I took him for my squad.

Now he's just another dog in my service. Though he doesn't seem to be overly bothered by it...I really hate the cold ones.

Never can tell just what they think about all this.



"If extradition is impossible, what are our orders regarding the target?"


Adrian Chin came dressed in his nominal uniform. Quiet as the grave, acknowledging the others when spoken to. Service to Waller or to the Shredder, it amounted to much the same in the end. It had been a while and the Foot Clan soldier had long since come to his own conclusions. Though he was currently wary, though he didn't display it in his posture...The world of costumed freaks and heroes were something he had only just began to dabble in.

And now, they were going to Latveria.

It was sink or swim for the Foot Ninja.

@Michale CS @Gands @Breach @Sonevar @LuckycoolHawk9 @Cush Almighty
James Hunter/Bulwark

" If I'm to take a guess, it's probably to kill him as a last resort. That's how it generally goes for us. We're the guys who are expendable so if it fails, we figure it out,"
he replied, not even blinking. After the first mission, James had kinda of gotten how the squad worked. He sighed, running his hand against his face.

Image result for chace crawford model

He really could use a shave.He knew a little about Lavertia's ruler a little, so he had a feeling that this mission wasn't going to be easy. It was not in the least bit comforting that he kneww no one on this mission, or rather, the people who he had gotten along with weren't here. He hadn't really spoken much with Bane or Deathstroke and he didn't know what to make of the new people yet.... well beside the footclan soldier being a terrible listener or an idiot. He hadn't decided which yet. "
So, what are the scopes of the safehouse? We might as well get to know that so we can figure out sleeping arrangements before hand and save some time on the mission."

@Ringmaster @Breach @Michale CS @Sonevar @Gands @Cush Almighty
James Hunter/Bulwark

" If I'm to take a guess, it's probably to kill him as a last resort. That's how it generally goes for us. We're the guys who are expendable so if it fails, we figure it out,"
he replied, not even blinking. After the first mission, James had kinda of gotten how the squad worked. He sighed, running his hand against his face.

He really could use a shave.He knew a little about Lavertia's ruler a little, so he had a feeling that this mission wasn't going to be easy. It was not in the least bit comforting that he kneww no one on this mission, or rather, the people who he had gotten along with weren't here. He hadn't really spoken much with Bane or Deathstroke and he didn't know what to make of the new people yet.... well beside the footclan soldier being a terrible listener or an idiot. He hadn't decided which yet. "
So, what are the scopes of the safehouse? We might as well get to know that so we can figure out sleeping arrangements before hand and save some time on the mission."

@Ringmaster @Breach @Michale CS @Sonevar @Gands @Cush Almighty

"Guessing is for fools and those tired of life."

The Foot-nin said simply.

"If you have to guess your objective, you may as well plunge your dagger into your heart now."
He didn't care anything about the group around here in terms of their reputation, save the respect they garnered from their actions. Bane and Deathstroke for instance were masters of their craft, developing skills that enabled them to go toe-to-toe with many.

The posing model wannabe on the other hand, seemed content to laze in his power. Grid wrote him off as a potential loss mentally, already making plans.

@Michale CS @Gands @Breach @Sonevar @Cush Almighty @LuckycoolHawk9
"You- you misunderstood me. The safe house is here in Bedford. In-in case you need anything before the trip to Latveria. Once you are in Romania, you'll stay with Skein while she arranges your infiltration. And... ARGUS is working with SHIELD on this one so, even if Sterns must be, ernm... " He pointedly looked at Deathstroke "... terminated, they have resources that can reverse that, if there's little to no brain damage."

Crossbones snorted. "What? Guy with a noggin that big and we can't take a head shot?" He laughed at his own mental imagery.
Dr crane listens to the information silently, smirks a bit to himself. Seems i got into a bigger job then i planed he thinks. Dressed in a fine suit and having shaved his head he hardly resembles the "scarecrow" he used to be.
  • Ah Seen It
Reactions: Michale CS

Slade Wilson leaned back in his chair dressed in sweatsuit he got out of an Adidas catalog with a pair of cheap black shades. Waller told him he would be flying first class and he wanted to annoy the assholes up there with him as much as possible. He was eating a hamburger and its scent flooded the room. It was heavy in onions, old mercenaries love onions. Slade knew what the mission was ahead of time as was more than happy to accept. He was being paid after all.

He heard Lady Mastermind speak to him. She was curious if he read her dossier and if he was fully aware of her capabilities. "Don't call me mister, either Slade, Mr. Wilson or Deathstroke, boss works fine too. I don't plan to use you for anything you can't handle Miss. Wyngarde. A pretty young blonde girl like yourself makes the perfect honey pot. Don't let me down."

Slade liked his team so far, it was full of people he picked after all. Having Crossbone on the team was a plus, competent enough and able to complete his contract without hiccups. Hearing Grid and Bulwark get into a little spat made him chuckle. "Come down boys, can't have us at each other throats already."

The Ghost solidifies in the room, half way through the briefing. She doesn't know nor care whom she has been tasked to hunt nor why. If she fails, she is dead, even if she succeeds she may still die if any of the higher-ups decide to discontinue her very expensive treatments. She is a condemned attack dog on a leash and has been ever since the world's enforcement agencies decided to train and then extort her talents with those treatments. She stares at some point on the floor neither making nor responding to contact with anyone and waits to be told when to go and whom to kill.
  • According to Plan
Reactions: Michale CS
Grid bowed his head to Slade in acknowledgement of his words, considering the matter settled.

Since it seemed that was all to consider, Grid turned and moved to take full advantage of his handlers resources.

First being his weapons of choice, as well as the other objects he had asked for.

As promised, the box would be there and Grid would reverently open it to reveal the following.

In a world where metal was increasingly easy to detect, the Foot Ninja had considered and requested something different for his needs. A vest, some knee and elbow pads and protectors that ran from his wrist on down to his elbow, along with a wakizashi, thirty shuriken and four daggers all made from the same material. Ceramic weapons, ziraconia to be precise-a bit more brittle, but incredibly sharp and more importantly, undetectable to any metal detectors. It would also do as well for defending himself against any melee combat, though not as much for firearms. It also had the advantage of being grounded for more electrical bursts-something he had past experience with, as he thought darkly of the Batgirl.

It would buy him time to close that distance and have the added bonus of being light enough that it wouldn't harm him in terms of his techniques and stealth.

Removing his mask, he moved to grab the last personal touch- a protective headgear designed after a hachimaki by his own request, lined with kevlar and a ceramic plate. This went under the mask, protecting him insofar as he could for anyone who'd see his Foot symbol which he bore still as a bullseye.

There were no firearms-not a single one. Instead, he'd take a blowgun which he took apart, storing them in variant pockets on his body. Five darts, some vials of Viper venom(of a kind local to the region), a collapsible short bow with ten arrows(combination of ceramic and reinforced plastic) and finally, a length of rope that was fifty feet and a collapsible, reinforced grappling hook.

His uniform in terms of the regular additions-claws for climbing and slashing, little spikes on his shoes for better grip, etc would deal with the rest. Unlike the others, Grid knew his array of skills and would use them to their full potential. Let others draw attention and fight openly.

The best enemy was one who never knew you were there.

@Michale CS @everyone
Bane tries to ignore the spat between his two teammates and focus on the briefing. The new people prove useful. He knows that the Ghost, by reputation, can be helpful if they need someone to "pop" in. She is good, but her blinking in and out could be a problem. Bane notice her because he is one of the very best when it comes to the art of blending in the background. Speaking of stealth, he knows well of the foot clan member in the room. He cares very much when it comes to honor. He knows that if needed, ninja will able to fight and survive. After thinking over his teammates, he then thinks about their target. He knows that there is something more to it then simple trail. Doctor Doom is a master tactician and he may want to use their target's mind for his own uses. He knows that if they should succeed, then they will face Dooms wrath. Bane is not fearful, but know to always be ready for trouble.

[IMG alt="Michale CS"]https://data.iwakuroleplay.com/avatars/s/20/20164.jpg?1540541252[/IMG] Michale CS
Cush Almighty
D Drixe
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Later on that day, at the safe house in Bedford...

Rumlow was unloading his gear into a foot locker at the end of his bed. This was an abandoned barracks building, apparently, with military style beds and foot lockers, one kitchen/mess hall area and a communal shower. The only way around this last for the women was the one 'officer's suite' which had its own private bath.

Crossbones looked around at the rest of the crew. He didn't know what the fuck to make of purple ninja dude, but he looked like he was used to order so shouldn't be a problem. He'd heard of Dr. Crane, and was giving the 'spooky asshole' wide berth, even though he had barely said two words since he met him.

Bane, he knew was solid. No problem there. Fucker was wicked smart, and knew how to look after his own shit.

James? Dude was just snarky. People with powers sometimes lean on them way too damned much. Not like the hot chick. She seemed to know that her powers weren't a fucking cure for cancer.

The creepy girl? He didn't know what to make of her. It was like something out of a fucking horror movie. Crossbones was half tempted to ask her if she was there because someone watched a video and she climbed out of the damned TV.

"So, Wilson." Rumlow spoke up. "We can lift wheels from the ground according to that flunky as soon as oh-four-hundred. We gonna roust the civvies up that early or let em sleep in? I'm gonna assume you already requisitioned all the gear we need for this op."

Everyone else was in the room as he asked this, which pretty much put Slade on the spot.

@Breach @Cush Almighty @Drixe @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Sonevar
Grid hesitated on the last item in the box. This one was certainly not a conventional weapon, though it's history was somewhat tied to his own. Just to look at it made his scars ache, made him remember how it felt to be helpless as he sawed his way out of the net. He would have those defining marks forever and behind the mask, his expression was hidden from view.

Finally, he took it out and strapped it on his wrist. With a conscious thought, he activated it.



He examined it wordlessly, before retracting it.

Should he encounter a robot that his normal weaponry would not affect, this weapon would be his defense and means of damage. The blade was strong-whatever alien tech went into it assuaged that much in his mind.

Hopefully he wouldn't have to use it.

At Crossbones words, he paused in his introspective thoughts and turned his attention to Deathstroke.

Aloud he spoke, just as cold as before. "I myself would admittedly like to know my part of the plan."

@Michale CS @Everyone
The Ghost suited up, assembled a sniper rifle from the gear that was her "standard load out" checked and cycled through the optics on her face plate, and tested the retractable claws on her gloves. Once she was assured everything was in working order she stripped, disassembled, and repacked the gear in a duffle.
  • Ah Seen It
Reactions: Michale CS
Reagan Wybguarde aka Lady Mastermind

Reagan listened to the others. She had decided to largely stay silent and let tge others discuss plotting and tactics. She understood her part in this and the risk involved. Word on Doom was, that there is a large population comperitively of robots in Latveria. So to personally combat this, she had purchased black market miniature emp devices from a New York company.
Further, she had clothing. That was lightly armored & resistant to electricity. She wasnt going to forget being bug zapped by that Shield bitch and delivered to the asylum in her under things. .

She was no spy or soldier. She was as Rumlow had said, a civilian. But, she was a professional, at least in her own mind. She had successfully fought a good deal of the charges brought up against her. If she survived a few of thses missions, she'd get her release. She was still young. She had access to hidden cash, jewelry and accounts. She would behave because she had hope of freedom.

Mentally, she took notes on the others. Wilson was very intelligent, but professional. Bane was similiar, perhaps more male oriented with his limited social ecperiences. The other woman and mister Ninja, didnt have much humanity left. Reagan decided to both watch them and stay clear of the. As much as she could. . Bulwark seemed more of a grifter. Rumlow, she thought could be a bit more mean spirited than the others she thought.

She packed her bags and double checked her list, twice.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Michale CS
Dr crane opened his bag and examined the gear in it. After testing the chemical sprayers for clogs,without the chemicals in them of course, he tries on his gas mask. It was far from his usual "scarecrow " mask being a more plain gas mask with red tinted lenses. When he spoke it told of the oddest part of it, his voice was changed to an eery tone. The kind they use in horror film music to scare the viewers. Even if you knew how it effected you as a human it would still send a chill down your spine. "Testing, testing, one two three." His voice was calm and smooth adding to the unnerving effects. Checking the count of the gas gernades and canisters he smilled, all were there. Satisfied he took it off and set the gear back in the bag, seeing the arnour plates for his suit he saw everything was in place. Zipping it back up he headed to a sunny spot and contemplated his circumstances.
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  • According to Plan
Reactions: Michale CS
James Hunter/Bulwark

James packed light, he always did. His whole life was confined to one old beat-up bag. It was not something you would expect from the Inmutant, not based on how he acted. One set of clothes that he had "borrowed" from a store, one laptop and charger, a 3ds and charger ( for this trip, he was only taking Animal Crossing New Leaf and Pokemon Ultra Sun), a phone ( it didn't work), his wallet with borrow cash and that was it. His whole life was in this one beaten up blue backpack. " I would also like to know my part in this mission. I have some guesses, but as someone told me recently, guesses are for fools and those tired of life," he added with a smile. God, how he wished he hadn't screwed with the wrong person.... but then again, he still hadn't figured out who that someone was.

@Gands @Drixe @Ringmaster @Michale CS @Sonevar @Breach @Cush Almighty
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Slade had gotten geared up with the others. This mission, Slade wouldn't have the advantage of his Ikon suit. The repaired were still in progress, bet Waller is having them replicate the gravity shielding technology for their own use. He would be going with a classic look. He opened 1 of 2 cases and suited up in his tactical gear, black spandex, and Promethium armor plating. He finally pulled down his half black and orange mask with its single optic glass.

Slade turned to his team, looking like the famous hitman that cause crimelords, warlords, and an occasional CEO to shit themselves. He opened his second case and revealed his Promethium Sword, Promethium Staff, Assult Rifle, Handgun, ammo, and 4 grenades. He was ready, capable of conducting the extraction. He heard Crossbone speak to him, about game time and rowdy the team should get. "Why the hell would we go in there live? You think I'm an idiot Cross?" He said in disbelief. "We extract the target and keep bloodshed and noise to a necessary." He then turned to address his team.

"We leave at 400! For the civi, Bulwark, Mastermind, that's 4:00 am! Most of us here are and will behave like professionals. I got Bane and Crossbones here to enforce my will and are the only ones who opinion hold weight around here. We remain quiet, we don't all of Latveria look for our asses. I'll sacrifice all of you if anyone screws this up." Slade felt more motivated with this Op. Maybe he was actually being paid for his services.
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Bane starts to strap on his gear he ordered for. The first, was rope made from genetic enhance spiders. It would easily be able to pull three trucks and more without breaking. It is able to stretch like a bungee cord.Rope can be very versatile in survival and/or battle. The second item, are two tubes. He attaches them around his suit. They are just to fool his allies and foes. They function, but they only inject food coloring, matching the same color as venom, into his suit. When you see a weakness exploited it. However, you make a those around you think that you have one and hit them hard for it. Bane has improved the venom and the way it can be used.
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0440 The next morning, in International airspace...

"So... I know the boss knows all of what you all can do, but damned if I go into an op without knowing what my crew can do. Bane, I know your MO. I got the feeling that the whole Lady Mastermind title and what you said so far gets me an idea there, but I don't know this asshole-"

He points at Crane. "And the gas mask makes me ten kinds of nervous if I don't know what's in it."

"And then there's you. We're going to fucking Latveria not summer camp. Bringing fucking games? What's your power, other than being annoying?" Rumlow asks Bulwark.

"I know the goddamned Foot Clan, I thought you all were like Sieg Heil to that motherfucker with the spiked armor? How the fuck did you get here?" He directed at Grid.

He just shook his head when he looked at Ghost, he'd heard and seen enough about her to know not to ask anything else.

@Breach @Cush Almighty @Drixe @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Sonevar
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