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Michale CS

Ignorance of grammar is not an excuse.
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Evenings, Pacific Time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, Magical... pretty flexible.
Body Parts
yellow Power Level: Talented Human to Enhanced (@Ringmaster @Gands Sections BUT if you have any questions on using a particular character, send a PM to @Ringmaster regarding the bulk of this event!),

red Enhanced to Superhuman ( LIMITED @Michale CS sections, your mileage may vary, and it will be a SMALL role in the overall plot, just to include those who are outside the range but whose PCs are in the area IC )

Look/Feel: [ Mob War/Riot - Marvel's Netflix MCU level ] No player cap!

This is an invite-only RP, but everyone in Epic Crossover is already considered invited! Note this is a major event with THREE GMS, @Gands @Michale CS and @Ringmaster. All collaboration to be handled in an Iwaku Conversation or on Discord.

'Nuff Said!

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Yah know Blue, you were a mite hard on her. Yah may not like us Irish, but I guarantee most of us make better company than we're gonna see this night. "

"For, what it's worth, I have people I give a Shiite about, and I hope they and your brother make it through this night from hell.

@thatguyinthestore @Michale CS @york
Harper nodded at what Grady said as she flew the Batwing. "Yeah, I know I was a bit hard on her. And I don't hate Irish people. She had just... gotten on my nerves." She lightly punched Grady in the shoulder with a smile. "I mean you're pretty cool. Oh, and thanks. My brother is smart, so I think he'll be fine."

@Gands @Michale CS @york
The darkness in the tunnel moved once the young Cobblepot and the harlequin of hate went their separate waves as Robin lowered his hood and stepped out of his hiding spot. Two groups involved in this mess. He could follow the Joker and try to bring him down for instigating this farce. Or he could trail Cobblepot to see if Penguin's little nephew knew more about this gun game than he was letting on.


He flipped his hood back up and dashed down the tunnel in silence, following one of the villains in the dark

@Sir Kaltao @thatguyinthestore @Michale CS
"Oh, me? I'm going to my actual hideout." Joker said as they came to another door and walked through it into a subway tunnel. He pointed to the right "Head that way, and you'll come out to the station near your lounge." He reached into his pocket and tossed Butch a canister.

"If they give you trouble, pop this and spray it right in their face. They'll be a smiling stiff in minutes or at least be fighting it off long enough for you to get away." He waved at them as he ran the other way down the tunnel.

He ran through the dark, avoiding the subway trains as he went along, until arriving at his hideout where only his allies would find him.

@Michale CS
Cobblepot nodded at Joker's request. "Will do. I guess we'll be in touch soon." Butch simply took the canister of Joker toxin and nodded before walking in the opposite direction with Thomas to the lounge, who was slowly but surely limping his way there.

@Michale CS @Sir Kaltao @Schnee Corp Lawyer

Cassandra ran right into that punch, the blow laying her out as she crumpled to the floor. The sound of fist meeting face was not quiet, to be sure, nor was her landing on the back of her head a second or two later. Still, to call them loud was a disservice to how she heard it while trapped in this nightmare.

Like thunder.

That was the best word she felt to describe it. A reverberating noise that split it wide open, the telepathic assistant and...the other person vanishing, leaving only her father and the woman he worshipped, known only as Mother. She focused all her attention on her father...or rather, what she perceived was her father.

"Leave!" She bellowed, her thoughts repeating on a rapidfire loop as her eyes shut. Not him not him not him not him not him not him not him. Her real father had since died, a regretful man in the end. He may not have lived long enough to repent of his actions, nor was she sure he ever really could do that...but she could see it in him that he really did regret.


That was why she took his alias for herself afterwards. Orphan. For him, and for every poor child sculpted to be used as tools for the whims of a cold-blooded murderer. That was also why this illusion, hallucination, phantom...whatever it was. It had to go.

And it did, gone by the time she reopened her eyes. That left only Mother, who too was a phantom. But this one?

She may not have been real, but Cassandra had no qualms about giving her every ounce of pain she deserved. "Mother" was quickly tackled to the ground, Cassandra perched atop her...and then lashing out with a fist.

One punch. Six punches. 14. 23. On and on, until her face was absolutely a broken, bloodied mess. Her features almost too hard to make out, her eyes quivering in fear. And then Cassandra resumed, letting out all the years of pain and agony that she have suffered, that they all had suffered.


Just for the sake of this wretched, cruel monster. Cassandra might have vowed not to kill, but this thing was no longer alive. Just a figment, a pale shadow of what she was. There would be no mercy.

An eternity of punches for as long as she could go. From her point of view it was Mother she was attacking...but in reality, it was Madcap. Trying to, anyway.

@Michale CS @OrlandoBloomers @Ms.Ezra
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Just for the sake of this wretched, cruel monster. Cassandra might have vowed not to kill, but this thing was no longer alive. Just a figment, a pale shadow of what she was. There would be no mercy.

An eternity of punches for as long as she could go. From her point of view it was Mother she was attacking...but in reality, it was Madcap. Trying to, anyway.

And Madcap just laughed and laughed as he withstood the punishment and healed just as quickly. Funny thing, he didn't really bleed anymore. Not really. He also knew as long as he kept these two busy the longer that his new partner would have to get away.

He grabbed onto Cassandra and just... rolled. Over and over, out into the street. "Oncoming traffic. Great for scraping bugs off of windshields." Madcap babbled as the light at the corner was just about to turn green...

@OrlandoBloomers @Ms.Ezra

yellow OOC - Can we get a post from @OrlandoBloomers before we have more reaction from Gizmo or Cassie? Thomas, Joker and Robin are in their own scene now and are free to post whenever. Kthxbye.

[=====[Gizmo Gal]=====]

The scream that emanated from Cass had startled her even more so than the barrage of bullets that sent her running to the opposite side of the arcade's upper floor, where she couldn't see what had happened.

She did make it down in time to see Rose knock Cass out on her way in, and that the gorilla man had retreated. When her eyes followed Rose to her attack, her eyes were drawn to the hat first, then lower to the eyes of the new clown.

That was a grave mistake. The visor of her helmet did nothing to shield her from the effect his gaze had on people. Time stopped. The arcade warped into the bowling alley from years ago. The unconcious Red Hood that had fallen to the floor transformed into the bullet-ridden body of Wilderkin, with the rest of her team surrounding him.

"No.No.This isn't what happened." Janice took off her helmet and fell to her knees to look into Wilderkin's eyes. She shook him crying "Wake up! You didn't die! You-" His eyes snapped open and his mouth became a snarl.

Janice jumped away from Wilderkin, and started sobbing as the forms of her other teammates rose up and came towards her. She looked around for an escape, and saw Rose. Except she quickly transformed into the image of Meteora.

"Meteora!" Janice tackled the othet woman into the wall and started weeping into her chest, clinging tightly. "I never got the courage to say you were my first love, Meteora. Not even after you died. I'm so sorry I was such a coward. You don't even need to say you loved me like that too. I just want you to know..."She confessed in a soft, sorrowful voice.

@Michale CS
He was the stick body parts and... not wait, kind of healer. His healing factor was equal if not even greater than Wade Wilson's. When one of his legs was literally cut out from under him he simply said, "Ooopsy!" and before he even fully fell down had pressed it back into place. His own encounter with Deadpool alone had given him plenty of practice in reattaching limbs.

Rose's precognition predicted he would distance himself, but how far was the issue. The crazy regenerator literally rolled and cartwheeled through the plate glass window of the arcade, as he sought to attract as much attention to the scene as possible. "Might as well spread the fun! This is perfect! The happiest and the angriest face off! Who will win? Spoiler alert! I can lose and still win!"

@OrlandoBloomers @C.T. @Schnee Corp Laywer @Ms.Ezra @Sir Kaltao @thatguyinthestore
One punch. Six punches. 14. 23. On and on, until her face was absolutely a broken, bloodied mess. Her features almost too hard to make out, her eyes quivering in fear. And then Cassandra resumed, letting out all the years of pain and agony that she have suffered, that they all had suffered.


Just for the sake of this wretched, cruel monster. Cassandra might have vowed not to kill, but this thing was no longer alive. Just a figment, a pale shadow of what she was. There would be no mercy.

An eternity of punches for as long as she could go. From her point of view it was Mother she was attacking...but in reality, it was Madcap. Trying to, anyway.

@Michale CS @OrlandoBloomers @Ms.Ezra
And Madcap just laughed and laughed as he withstood the punishment and healed just as quickly. Funny thing, he didn't really bleed anymore. Not really. He also knew as long as he kept these two busy the longer that his new partner would have to get away.

He grabbed onto Cassandra and just... rolled. Over and over, out into the street. "Oncoming traffic. Great for scraping bugs off of windshields." Madcap babbled as the light at the corner was just about to turn green...

@OrlandoBloomers @Ms.Ezra


Rose grimaced as she was pulled away from Madcap and into a wall by GG's sudden tackle, having to drop her arms and keep her swords pointed towards the floor just to avoid accidentally skewering the other woman. Part of her didn't want to look her in the eye, wary of seeing whatever madness lay there, so for a moment her only reaction was to growl like some kind of animal and somewhat tactlessly plant a gloved hand in Janice's face as if to pry her off, glaring bullets after Madcap while he rolled out to the street and was set upon by a near-rabid Orphan.

When that didn't take, however, she ripped her gaze away from the skirmish outside and forced herself to look at the smaller hero, holding her instead by the shoulders and giving her a shake. She didn't seem as keen on hitting Janice in the face as she was Cassandra.

"Aw, not you too... Listen to me. None of what you're seeing is real. He's #$@&%*!ing with your head! Would your dead girlfriend do this?"

Suddenly, she kicked out with one foot just hard enough to tweak Janice's knee without hurting it, then attempted to break free of her embrace, twist the mutant's arm behind her back and snap on a pair of cuffs from her belt to tether her to the radiator mounted on the wall, already beginning to jog away backwards as she tossed the key onto a nearby pool table just within Gizmo Gal's reach if she stretched.

"See? Now think about how not-Meteora that was and how big an asshole Rose is while your mind finishes snorting LSD enough for you to figure out what those keys do. It's for your own damn good. And... sorry."

Nobody was gonna say she was the most compassionate person in the world, but it kept GG from doing anything self-destructive while Madcap's influence held sway over her. Case in point. Ravager turned and dashed out for the street where Cain and the lunatic were rolling across the ground, rapidly picking up momentum into a sprint beyond anything even an Olympic athlete could muster as she timed her approach for when Cassandra was on top in the scuffle to collide with them, snatch her by the hood, swing her up and use all her own strength and the built-up velocity from the sprint to outright heave her across the road and to the other side of the street where she'd be safe from the traffic. Panting slightly with exertion, she rolled onto her feet and pointed one of her swords in Madcap's direction, having abandoned the other one for the maneuver.

"We weren't done."

She had no qualms with fighting him in the middle of speeding traffic herself. She could sidestep moving cars, and against someone with a healing factor so much stronger than hers she'd take every environmental advantage she could get.

Still, she wanted to try another tactic first.

"Why're you helping Joker escape? Explain that to me. Don't tell me you don't expect that guy to steal every last piece of your thunder when the time comes."

Her mouth curled into a snarl, falsifying distaste to help sell the idea.

"Know why there's been no great comedic duos since the 1950s? 'Cause people only ever remember the star of the show and the stepladder he used to get where he wanted."

@Michale CS @C.T. @Ms.Ezra
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"Why're you helping Joker escape? Explain that to me. Don't tell me you don't expect that guy to steal every last piece of your thunder when the time comes."

Her mouth curled into a snarl, falsifying distaste to help sell the idea.

"Know why there's been no great comedic duos since the 1950s? 'Cause people only ever remember the star of the show and the stepladder he used to get where he wanted."
"Because it's funny!" he got ran into by a car then, that screeched to a halt. His knees faced the wrong way and he stared into the eyes of the driver. "Don't worry, I'm okay, and so are you!" The man behind the wheel threw it into reverse, slamming into other cars as Madcap himself swung around a lightpole.

"And I don't want any glory, only to spread the only true gospel that there is! And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him? And why not I say!?" Rose's precog kicked in again - a siren was heard nearby as Madcap threw a lawn dart at her. A lawn dart? Really? "Oh goody! The boys in blue. Then we'll be able to do some real good, now wont we?" He swung around again and Rose dodged his flying kick easily as he acrobatically bounced past her, dashing with a speed she could have matched if it were across level ground, but the way he was using the snarled traffic and random suddenly crazy people who happened to look his way, it took all of her talents to keep up with him. But it was a losing battle, she would catch him not a block away.

And just as she about laid her hands on Madcap, the combat precog saved her from being clocked by a manhole lid. He'd dove into the sewers.

She could pursue, or go back to the big traffic snarl and help with a good half dozen crazy people and the ones she'd left incapacitated or handcuffed with cops on the way...

@OrlandoBloomers @thatguyinthestore @C.T. @Ms.Ezra
"Because it's funny!" he got ran into by a car then, that screeched to a halt. His knees faced the wrong way and he stared into the eyes of the driver. "Don't worry, I'm okay, and so are you!" The man behind the wheel threw it into reverse, slamming into other cars as Madcap himself swung around a lightpole.

"And I don't want any glory, only to spread the only true gospel that there is! And many of them said, He hath a devil, and is mad; why hear ye him? And why not I say!?" Rose's precog kicked in again - a siren was heard nearby as Madcap threw a lawn dart at her. A lawn dart? Really? "Oh goody! The boys in blue. Then we'll be able to do some real good, now wont we?" He swung around again and Rose dodged his flying kick easily as he acrobatically bounced past her, dashing with a speed she could have matched if it were across level ground, but the way he was using the snarled traffic and random suddenly crazy people who happened to look his way, it took all of her talents to keep up with him. But it was a losing battle, she would catch him not a block away.

And just as she about laid her hands on Madcap, the combat precog saved her from being clocked by a manhole lid. He'd dove into the sewers.

She could pursue, or go back to the big traffic snarl and help with a good half dozen crazy people and the ones she'd left incapacitated or handcuffed with cops on the way...

@OrlandoBloomers @thatguyinthestore @C.T. @Ms.Ezra
Zim had been on the roof literally the entire time. He could've gone in if he wanted, but from the sounds of it it seemed as though his team had it covered. That was until a rather odd looking fellow running out into the street like a madman, with the lady in the orange following behind. Zim smiled and looked to Gir, who was munching on chocolate.

"Come Gir! It seems as though one of the clown's filthy servants is attempting to make his futile escape. But no one can escape from the doom of ZIM!!!" He yelled as he literally jumped down from the building and somehow landing it, with Gir following and landing on his head.

Zim looked at Madcap directly in the eyes and his little tentacles came out of his pak yet again. Zim was able to look into the man's eyes without going insane due to the fact that he was an alien and his brain chemistry was different from a human, and as such he wasn't affected by his mind powers. The pak began firing lasers at Madcap, around sixteen per second, along with Gir just running around and screaming for some reason.

@Michale CS @OrlandoBloomers @C.T. @Ms.Ezra
Zim had been on the roof literally the entire time. He could've gone in if he wanted, but from the sounds of it it seemed as though his team had it covered. That was until a rather odd looking fellow running out into the street like a madman, with the lady in the orange following behind. Zim smiled and looked to Gir, who was munching on chocolate.

"Come Gir! It seems as though one of the clown's filthy servants is attempting to make his futile escape. But no one can escape from the doom of ZIM!!!" He yelled as he literally jumped down from the building and somehow landing it, with Gir following and landing on his head.

Zim looked at Madcap directly in the eyes and his little tentacles came out of his pak yet again. Zim was able to look into the man's eyes without going insane due to the fact that he was an alien and his brain chemistry was different from a human, and as such he wasn't affected by his mind powers. The pak began firing lasers at Madcap, around sixteen per second, along with Gir just running around and screaming for some reason.
During his escape, Zim's lasers repeatedly burned through Madcap, hitting other cars in the area, grazing one bystander, and frying at least one cat. It didn't seem to slow the man down, however, as the holes closed up as quickly as they showed up.

Eventually, if Zim wanted to continue his assault on Madcap, he was going to have to vaporize a few of the filthy humans' ground vehicles and their occupants. And then there was the fact that the humans puny law enforcement personnel were arriving.

And the worst of all... the human clown jumped down below the street. And it was... so so dirty down there, and it stunk! The humans did not even incinerate their waste! It was... all down there... in water...


blue OOC - Waiting on posts from...
@OrlandoBloomers @Ms.Ezra and @C.T. before we get any more posts from @thatguyinthestore in this scene so that Zim/Madcap don't get too far ahead of Rose, Cassie, and GizmoGal
And Madcap just laughed and laughed as he withstood the punishment and healed just as quickly. Funny thing, he didn't really bleed anymore. Not really. He also knew as long as he kept these two busy the longer that his new partner would have to get away.

He grabbed onto Cassandra and just... rolled. Over and over, out into the street. "Oncoming traffic. Great for scraping bugs off of windshields." Madcap babbled as the light at the corner was just about to turn green...
Nobody was gonna say she was the most compassionate person in the world, but it kept GG from doing anything self-destructive while Madcap's influence held sway over her. Case in point. Ravager turned and dashed out for the street where Cain and the lunatic were rolling across the ground, rapidly picking up momentum into a sprint beyond anything even an Olympic athlete could muster as she timed her approach for when Cassandra was on top in the scuffle to collide with them, snatch her by the hood, swing her up and use all her own strength and the built-up velocity from the sprint to outright heave her across the road and to the other side of the street where she'd be safe from the traffic. Panting slightly with exertion, she rolled onto her feet and pointed one of her swords in Madcap's direction, having abandoned the other one for the maneuver.​
"..." She blinked, the words coming out of Mother's mouth not at all like her voice. Before she could even process this further, she was pulled up and away from Mother, thrown with considerable force. Cassandra rolled across the sidewalk, coming to a stop with a soft thump leaned up against a building. Slowly she rose once again, catching a glance of Mother--no. That wasn't Mother.

Everything was hazy, the images changing rapidly. The sophisticated Mother, replaced with a cackling clown. Back and forth, back and forth. She closed her eyes and shook her head briefly. When her eyes reopened, it had been settled. That was Madcap.

Cassandra raised her hands, staring at her torn gloves and bloodied knuckles. They felt raw, akin to going a few rounds of hitting a stone wall repeatedly. That...all those punches she had thrown. They had actually happened. Just not to who she thought they were directed at. Him.
And just as she about laid her hands on Madcap, the combat precog saved her from being clocked by a manhole lid. He'd dove into the sewers.

She could pursue, or go back to the big traffic snarl and help with a good half dozen crazy people and the ones she'd left incapacitated or handcuffed with cops on the way...
Just as he faded from view with a quick hop down into the sewers. Hrm. Cassandra glanced over at the arcade. Joker was likely long gone given how much time she felt she had spent in that twisted fantasy. After all that effort...darn. But like hell she was going to let it all be for absolutely nothing. Ignoring the stinging pain in both her hands, Cassandra dashed up to Zim.

"Electrical weapon?" She questioned him with a pointed look at the water. "Won't kill. Healing. But if kept constant...could stun. Long enough to properly bind."

@Michale CS @OrlandoBloomers @Ms.Ezra @thatguyinthestore

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"Aw, not you too... Listen to me. None of what you're seeing is real. He's #$@&%*!ing with your head! Would your dead girlfriend do this?"
Janice only heard Rose's words as garbled nonsense. She screamed when her arm was twisted back and cuffed to a wall. "Wait! Don't leave me!" She cried after Rose, pulling at her restraint. She slumped back on the wall and stared up at where she'd been cuffed. The walls appeared to be heaving like the throat of a laboring animal. Or was it her own breathing? It was so loud to her ears. She stood and covered her ears. That was when she started coming back to reality. The walls stopped heaving and she realized it had been her own labored breathing.

"Goddamn." She shook her head and started wiping her face. Immediately she took notice of the key on the pool table and stretched out to grab it. Now free, she put her helmet back on and followed the sounds of mayhem to the scene of the fight with Madcap just as he dove into the sewer.

"Electrical weapon?" She questioned him with a pointed look at the water. "Won't kill. Healing. But if kept constant...could stun. Long enough to properly bind."
Janice came up next to Cass and Zim "I could do it, but to get the voltage to stun someone with a healing factor, it could injure other people or even damage the sewer system. I think we just lost both clowns." She looked around at the mayhem caused by Madcap. "These people need help."

{------Poison Ivy------}
Pamela didn't like any man coming into her home, temporary as it may be, and addresing her with such authority. But she let it pass and handed him a small wooden box with a latch. "Your revised formula, as requested. Ready to be altered as you need."

She opened the briefcase, and ran her hand over the bills to be certain they were real. There was no time to count it first, so she had to take him at his word. For now.

"Everything looks to be in order. If you require my further services, you know where to find me. But if your plot does not go as planned and Gotham is not for the taking, I will be forced to make myself even more scarce."

Ivy took the case and started walking to her rooms with her head held high. "Happy hunting."
@Michale CS
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Janice came up next to Cass and Zim "I could do it, but to get the voltage to stun someone with a healing factor, it could injure other people or even damage the sewer system. I think we just lost both clowns." She looked around at the mayhem caused by Madcap. "These people need help."
"Help, did you say? Well, this might not help right away, but eventually. Oh, and I'm going to be sending you some homework you can do remotely for us while you're here in Gotham, GizmoGal." Tony's voice came from a drone that just swooped in carrying a metal Stark Industries case. And this time it wasn't a recording, she could tell.

"Inside you'll find one of my latest projects, and, by not so random chance, your homework. I call them Hall and Oates. I was going to deliver them to your hotel room but then I realized you didn't have one. By the way, you do now. Coming out of your pay, but you're welcome. Check your email. Details are there about the room." The drone landed by GizmoGal, released the cases, then hovered up again.

"Please, civilian casualties first. Case will only open for your DNA. Oh, if you get yourself killed? You're fired. Any questions for me before I buzz this happy little drone home?"

Janice came up next to Cass and Zim "I could do it, but to get the voltage to stun someone with a healing factor, it could injure other people or even damage the sewer system. I think we just lost both clowns."
"Like HELL!"

Ravager's rage-filled voice yelled back up at them through the open grate, solving the mystery of where she was when the rest of them showed up: she'd dived down the manhole after Madcap without a second thought. Presuming she made good time on catching up with the clown, she was currently wrestling with him not far from the sewer grate, trying to keep leverage on him to get on top and hold his head under the water while repeatedly pummeling him in the face with her fist. This, as best as she could remember, was Slade's go-to plan for dealing with anyone with a healing factor good enough to keep getting up after you shot or stabbed them a few times; asphyxiation. Nothing to heal or to regenerate from. Just fill the lungs with water until the brain realizes it's not getting enough oxygen and decides the best course of action is to pass out.

Then again, this cretin was a unique instance. There was no guarantee anything would work out the way she planned. Which was why she was raising her voice up at the other three, her teeth gritted together, trying to maintain control of the situation in a way that wasn't entirely unreminiscent of her father.

"I'm just about done letting these douchebags get away from me tonight! Fry us both. I'll hold him here. If he passes out, whatever crap he pulls on peoples' minds might wear off!"

A continuous electric current meant his muscles would seize and the process of holding him underwater would become that much easier. Proximity, of course, meant that at some point she'd be shocked into unconsciousness too; but two out of two figures in the sewer that morning had healing factors, and only one was choking down lungfuls of water a second. She had to believe that of the two of them, he'd lose consciousness first. It didn't matter who could close wounds or heal tissue faster. Even the most twisted of physiologies had biological imperatives... and while pain might've been something he could ignore, it had forever been something she could take.

@Michale CS @C.T. @Ms.Ezra @thatguyinthestore
Janice came up next to Cass and Zim "I could do it, but to get the voltage to stun someone with a healing factor, it could injure other people or even damage the sewer system. I think we just lost both clowns." She looked around at the mayhem caused by Madcap. "These people need help."
"I'm just about done letting these douchebags get away from me tonight! Fry us both. I'll hold him here. If he passes out, whatever crap he pulls on peoples' minds might wear off!"
"...Do it." Cassandra stated with finality. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. No victory without sacrifice. "I will help others." Orphan turned and jogged back off that way, moving rapidly to deliver grab anyone affected by his madness and drop them with quick strikes. Just enough to keep them out long enough for it to wear off naturally. After that was done, she went to go assist any injured.

@Michale CS @Ms.Ezra @OrlandoBloomers @thatguyinthestore


Riddle me this...Everyone can see it but you. What is it?

The answer was an Eye. And if in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man was king, what did that say for one such as his glorious self? For who had more eyes, who had more knowledge across the city then him? Traffic cameras, home security systems, cell phone feeds, all waiting for a dastardly figure such as himself to perform such a glorious work only a stylish, clever individual such as himself could accomplish. After all, who else could have devised such an ingenious plan such as this? Capturing the footage, inciting the common folk, sending out each of these heroes to burn out throughout the night- And even getting third rate organizations such as Cobra into the act- That was a stroke of genius.

So it was with more then a little swagger, that Riddler watched as Hate Monger and his minions got the beating of their life, as he turned to his newest minion.

"Well then Inquisitor- I trust, you are satisfied?"

These ninja's were all well and good, but they needed direction. At least these moronic pajama wearing people had enough sense to contact the smartest man in Gotham City.

Watching the screens, the Inquisitor- as the ninja's called him examined the screens thoughtfully before asking aloud.

"You are certain your security system is impregnable enough then?"

Riddler could have scoffed and he did. But such was his fate, to explain the oblique workings of his mind to the lesser beings.

"Of course. The Sewer is guarded by that walking handbag, while your doctor works in the laboratory above my first and second floor traps. My own sections requires a much more cunning mind than my own, therefore- There is nothing I need worry for. And if all else fails, which it won't- Its why I have you, isn't it?"

"Truly, there is nothing you have left to chance." There was an inscrutable intonation to the masked and hooded Inquisitor. Riddler puffed up with pride, regardless.

"Of course- And as you can see from the feeds, each hero and villain running rampant along the streets have likewise added to the chaos of this night. I doubt any will even remember that it was I who lured them into this situation in the first place."

"Then master, if it pleases you- May I and my brethren have leave to patrol?"

Riddler, bored with the conversation flapped a hand impatiently.

"Yes, yes, yes go. I have no more need of you at this point."

The Inquisitor inclined his head and left the room, heading past the traps up to the rooftop. A few moments later, the Elite appeared again, from the four directions of the compass. The deferential manner he had used on Riddler vanished, as he crossed his arms and spoke.


The North Elite spoke first.

"Gotham City is in flames. Its people run rampant in fear and there is a delicious atmosphere our Doctor is quite enamored with."

"Harvey Dent is ready whenever you wish for the next phase. He will prove a ready distraction."

Replied the South Elite.

"I have shadowed Cain and Slade's legacy... They are running ragged and tired, though strong despite it."

The Western Elite said simply.

The last, the Eastern Elite hesitated and the Inquisitor frowned.


"....Hun and the others chomp at the bit to be unleashed. Up to this point, we have used the cover of thugs and these...Freaks in our line of work. They wish to fight and-."

"-They will keep on wishing!" The Inquisitor snapped as he turned to face the Eastern Elite with a flash in his eyes and a brief glow about his hands.

"..... I have gotten news from Lady Karai. New York City appears to have a grim chance as of now. The Master requires you all home. Though Hun shall stay with me."

"What of the Clan and the Purple Dragons?"

"Both remain here, alongside myself to keep a semblance of resistance...We have learned all we can, now comes the point where we cripple them here. Inform the Purple Dragons to hole up with Black Mask....And inform the Foot to meet me where the good doctor is working on the true formula." He turned to look out at the city, breathing deeply. He was rather more used to Madripoor, but there was a certain air to Gotham City he rather liked. A place of shadows where a ninja could very well call home.

A pity it was reduced to these minor terrorist acts for now, but this was only an opening feint after all.

"....While you're at it, leak out the locations of our one-time ally and our friend with the green thumb. They'll serve as excellent distractions while Dr. Crane perfects his formula."

He didn't laugh. He wasn't the sort to do so, not when it came to a job. He was a professional after all and that sort of thing wound you up in Arkham, fitted out for a white uniform. Instead, he clasped the handle of his sword as he spoke.

"Its time to spread the word, Elite. And the word..."

He narrowed his eyes and spoke darkly, as each Elite retreated to perform their task as the Inquisitor took out from his cloak, a single artifact.

A medallion, one of many stolen by his own hand as he said quietly.

"-Is Niumowang."

And with a sweep of his cloak, he too was gone.


The Narrows

Hate Monger fell rather swiftly to those present.

Almost too swiftly. The costume was certainly his own, but he seemed a bit too weak in body for the physical labor this line of work required. At any rate, he laid down flat on his face and didn't move once struck down.

More pressing were those of the bodies, currently being loaded up into available ambulances on the scene as well as working feverishly to save what lives they could. At this point, there were two places they could try....Talking to the thugs or directly to Hate Monger.

Helping out the wounded was also an option.

@Sir Kaltao @Ms.Ezra @Michale CS @Schnee Corp Lawyer @thatguyinthestore @C.T. @Indolent @york @Gands @Cameo/POV​
Harper was honestly kind of disappointed when the Hate Monger fell so easily. Almost as if that was the plan all along. But it didn't matter. All that mattered was Cullen and if he was safe from the rioting. But first she had do make sure that Hate Monger didn't get away.

She then turned to Grady and the agent whom she hadn't formerly met yet. But introductions would have to come later. "You two go help out the wounded civilians. I'm dealing with the Monger." She said before running over to the Hate Monger. She lifted him up by the back of his head with one hand and raised her fist with the other as she looked him directly in the eyes.

"If you don't start talkin' in the next twenty seconds I swear to God you'll be eating through a straw for the rest of your life!"

@Ringmaster @Gands @york @Michale CS
Grady Murtaugh

With a combination of a wing shot from Argent and a racquetball to the noggin, Hate Monger seemed to go down. Knowing it wouldn't take his urging anyway, " Argent, Blue, go check that guy out and be careful... seems too easy. We'll start helping the wounded. "

@Michale CS @Ringmaster @york @thatguyinthestore
"Foolish heroes."

The Hate Monger cocked its head towards Harper.

"He's right...This is a Life Model Decoy. Why preach my message in one place, when I can do so everywhere I can, all at once? It cost quite a bit, but my new friends are...Resourceful."

"And guess what? You're trending!"

The voice changed and the LMD twitched.

"You're all flies, caught in my web now! Captured by the machinates of the one, the ONLY smartest person in all of the world! Who else could have driven away the Dork Knight in fear, who sends his allies running in circles, who has all of YOU by the throat! None other, then the man you thought an ally! The instrument of your destruction! The RIDDLER!"

Around that point, the Batplane sent a message to Harper.

Signal Traced.

It would lead them to his hideout, if they wished.

But it would leave the LMD's of Hate Monger running about.

And who knew where those were.

The emergency folk would be appreciative of the help, as they loaded body after body before sending them off.

"People are panicking everywhere. Hospital's full to bursting tonight, hope someone doesn't attack them."


The response was swift, the money was deposited...But only half.

When the Inquisitor returned, he would be carrying a briefcase, stepping inside as he spoke.

"Half up front, the other half upon delivery. As well as an additional bonus to be sent, once we examine the fruits of your research, Doctor."

@Sir Kaltao @Ms.Ezra @Michale CS @Schnee Corp Lawyer @thatguyinthestore @C.T. @Indolent @york @Gands

As things here started to clear up, I look over at Blue, talking..probably to that flying bat thing. There was no telling what else could happen. That being said, April and Raylene were better served not getting deeper into this.

"Raylene, I am heading out to find Riddler, probably with Blue and Argent. I know you don't want further into this. Find a hospital and help out maybe..keep April with you & take my truck. "

I give her a hard hug and whisper into her ear. " Keep safe, I will come back ". ( To April) " Sis, I will keep the tracking app on..just in case, love you ".

I go back to the truck quickly and get my Cane, hurrying back to Blue.

" I'm ready Blue, let's take Argent too !"

@Ringmaster @Michale CS @thatguyinthestore @york
Harper narrowed her eyes at April. "You listen right here, you Irish fuck! My little brother lives in the Narrows and the last thing I need is some asshole like him getting him killed! I went against my better judgement, but you would have too if you had someone you actually gave a shit about."

Harper lowered her fist from the decoy's face and simply stood up. "You're lucky that you ain't here either." She muttered before Riddler's delightful message played. "Huh. Y'know that's a shame, Nygma. You were honestly starting to grow on me." She said aloud before she got a message notifying her about the Riddler's hideout. Harper nodded and looked to Grady.

"Alright, sure. We'll take the Batwing this time. It's faster." Without another word, Harper stepped up into the plane and turned it on. Before Grady and Argent got in the plane, Harper flicked on her comms. "Yo, Penny One. Notify me if any of more Hate Mongers show up around the city. I'll deal with those once I'm done with this."

"Will do, Miss Row. What are you going to do now?"

"I got a possible location of Riddler's hideout. Me and some fellas are gonna go pay him a visit."

"Do keep safe Miss Row. That dreadful man is no doubt setting a trap for you."

"Of course he is. I'll be in touch." Harper said with a smirk before cutting off the comms. Assuming that Grady and Argent were in the vehicle at this point, Harper flicked on the ignition and flew off towards Riddler's hideout.

@Michale CS @york @Gands @Ringmaster

Yah know Blue, you were a mite hard on her. Yah may not like us Irish, but I guarantee most of us make better company than we're gonna see this night. "

"For, what it's worth, I have people I give a Shiite about, and I hope they and your brother make it through this night from hell.

@thatguyinthestore @Michale CS @york
Harper nodded at what Grady said as she flew the Batwing. "Yeah, I know I was a bit hard on her. And I don't hate Irish people. She had just... gotten on my nerves." She lightly punched Grady in the shoulder with a smile. "I mean you're pretty cool. Oh, and thanks. My brother is smart, so I think he'll be fine."

@Gands @Michale CS @york
Argent Sentinel (Lilly Briant)
@Ringmaster @Michale CS @thatguyinthestore @Gands

Hmm... A weak figure, versus a more robust one, that wouldn't have gone down without a fight? Though the Sentinel was no detective, at least not yet. Between her deductive reasoning, and the process of elimination, she figured it had to be some sort of decoy, and hoo boy... What fun those could be.

She decided to hang back as harper did her thing. As much as she'd like to get a piece of the interrogation action right now, she had to keep an eye out for any explosives, or hidden tricks a decoy might have. Fortunately, the "trick" was that it turned out to be a fully operational LMD, one of many running amuck thanks to the Riddler himself.

At least she didn't have to worry about anything harmfull, unless of course, she counted thinking too deeply about some of Nygmas riddles, she might actually pop a vein or two. Regardless, it seems that the batwing had a fix on the Riddler, so without hesitation, upon seeing Grady's course of action, she jumped in as well, not objecting to joining them with the pursuit of the one behind this whole operation.

Even so, the Sentinel was still as cautious as ever, doublechecking to make sure the cloth over her face was secure, before she spoke.

"We better keep an eye out. He might be expecting company." She said simply, loading a fresh magazine into her pistol.

Looks like she was going in with her guard fully up; with someone like the Riddler, she wasn't about to take any chances by assuming he hadn't had something prepared for them when they arrived.
"..." She blinked, the words coming out of Mother's mouth not at all like her voice. Before she could even process this further, she was pulled up and away from Mother, thrown with considerable force. Cassandra rolled across the sidewalk, coming to a stop with a soft thump leaned up against a building. Slowly she rose once again, catching a glance of Mother--no. That wasn't Mother.

Everything was hazy, the images changing rapidly. The sophisticated Mother, replaced with a cackling clown. Back and forth, back and forth. She closed her eyes and shook her head briefly. When her eyes reopened, it had been settled. That was Madcap.

Cassandra raised her hands, staring at her torn gloves and bloodied knuckles. They felt raw, akin to going a few rounds of hitting a stone wall repeatedly. That...all those punches she had thrown. They had actually happened. Just not to who she thought they were directed at. Him.

Just as he faded from view with a quick hop down into the sewers. Hrm. Cassandra glanced over at the arcade. Joker was likely long gone given how much time she felt she had spent in that twisted fantasy. After all that effort...darn. But like hell she was going to let it all be for absolutely nothing. Ignoring the stinging pain in both her hands, Cassandra dashed up to Zim.

"Electrical weapon?" She questioned him with a pointed look at the water. "Won't kill. Healing. But if kept constant...could stun. Long enough to properly bind."

@Michale CS @OrlandoBloomers @Ms.Ezra @thatguyinthestore

Zim nodded at Cassandra's idea. "Hmmmm. Yes. I could do that, avoid touching the filthy human's waist while getting rid of this nuisance. For an inferior human, you have some good ideas!" But before he could send Gir down there, a bunch of other stuff happened.
"Like HELL!"

Ravager's rage-filled voice yelled back up at them through the open grate, solving the mystery of where she was when the rest of them showed up: she'd dived down the manhole after Madcap without a second thought. Presuming she made good time on catching up with the clown, she was currently wrestling with him not far from the sewer grate, trying to keep leverage on him to get on top and hold his head under the water while repeatedly pummeling him in the face with her fist. This, as best as she could remember, was Slade's go-to plan for dealing with anyone with a healing factor good enough to keep getting up after you shot or stabbed them a few times; asphyxiation. Nothing to heal or to regenerate from. Just fill the lungs with water until the brain realizes it's not getting enough oxygen and decides the best course of action is to pass out.

Then again, this cretin was a unique instance. There was no guarantee anything would work out the way she planned. Which was why she was raising her voice up at the other three, her teeth gritted together, trying to maintain control of the situation in a way that wasn't entirely unreminiscent of her father.

"I'm just about done letting these douchebags get away from me tonight! Fry us both. I'll hold him here. If he passes out, whatever crap he pulls on peoples' minds might wear off!"

A continuous electric current meant his muscles would seize and the process of holding him underwater would become that much easier. Proximity, of course, meant that at some point she'd be shocked into unconsciousness too; but two out of two figures in the sewer that morning had healing factors, and only one was choking down lungfuls of water a second. She had to believe that of the two of them, he'd lose consciousness first. It didn't matter who could close wounds or heal tissue faster. Even the most twisted of physiologies had biological imperatives... and while pain might've been something he could ignore, it had forever been something she could take.

@Michale CS @C.T. @Ms.Ezra @thatguyinthestore
"...Do it." Cassandra stated with finality. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. No victory without sacrifice. "I will help others." Orphan turned and jogged back off that way, moving rapidly to deliver grab anyone affected by his madness and drop them with quick strikes. Just enough to keep them out long enough for it to wear off naturally. After that was done, she went to go assist any injured.

@Michale CS @Ms.Ezra @OrlandoBloomers @thatguyinthestore
"QUIT ARGUING!!!!" Zim yelled in the middle of the conversation. He was getting annoyed at this point, because unlike them he didn't care for any human's life. It didn't matter to him in the slightest. "I will provide the electrical current you so desperately need. Gir!" He yelled to his robot companion, who was still running around and screaming for no apparent reason.

The robot looked to Zim and jumped in the air, landing on both feet. "Yes sir!" He yelled with a salute before going back to his average dumb self.

"Gir, I need you to jump down into that filthy sewer and provide an electrical current strong enough to subdue the angry clown human thing." Zim said to Gir, whom was currently just looking up at Zim with a blank expression on his face. Seconds after he did so, Gir jumped down into the sewers without hesitation and began clenching his fists and closing his eyes, trembling as he did so.

"Eeergh! Eeeeeeeergh!!! GAAAAAAAH!" He yelled before shooting off an electric current through the water. Though it shut down his systems for a few minutes, it should have been enough to at least subdue Madcap.

@Michale CS @Ms.Ezra @OrlandoBloomers @C.T.
unreminiscent of her father.

"I'm just about done letting these douchebags get away from me tonight! Fry us both. I'll hold him here. If he passes out, whatever crap he pulls on peoples' minds might wear off!"

And yes she did catch Madcap. He seemed... Slippery. Moreso than she expected for even wrestling in the sewer. Then she realized... His bodysuit was a crazy colored wetsuit. That complicated things but in for a penny in for a pound, right?

Madcap laughed and repeatedly twisted in impossible ways - it appeared pain didn't register at all, and he'd contort in various ways. "And this is what it's like when you're underestimated!" He sang to the tune Complicated.

"One. I've tried a lot of ways to kill myself. One of the first ways was drowning myself." He twisted around and spit sewage in Rose's face. "Two... Aaeesjsjdjsjdjsejdddngghh!" He yelled out as the admittedly somewhat grounded due to being coated in essentially rubber due to his suit, clown was getting a continuous electrocution attempt.

In the distance a roar was heard.

"I am motherfuckin tired..." A splashing and thudding followed the faint words in the distance...

"Of motherfuckin clowns..."
The roaring came closer and the splashing less frequent...

"In my motherfuckin SEWER!!" Killer Croc yelled as he arrived just as Gir's charge ran out. His fists came down and assured that Rose was well and truly unconscious between the shock and the super strength strike.

He tossed both Rose and Madcap over his shoulders and started marching away with them, Madcap already wriggling like a fish out of water as he was carried.

Meanwhile, up top, GizmoGal and Cassandra were tending to the wounded and temporarily insane.

@OrlandoBloomers @C.T. @Ms.Ezra @thatguyinthestore
In the distance a roar was heard.

"I am motherfuckin tired..." A splashing and thudding followed the faint words in the distance...

"Of motherfuckin clowns..." The roaring came closer and the splashing less frequent...

"In my motherfuckin SEWER!!" Killer Croc yelled as he arrived just as Gir's charge ran out. His fists came down and assured that Rose was well and truly unconscious between the shock and the super strength strike.

He tossed both Rose and Madcap over his shoulders and started marching away with them, Madcap already wriggling like a fish out of water as he was carried.

Meanwhile, up top, GizmoGal and Cassandra were tending to the wounded and temporarily insane.

@OrlandoBloomers @C.T. @Ms.Ezra @thatguyinthestore

"Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuck-"

All the precog in the world wouldn't have saved her from that, and she indeed went out like a light with a final thought of "should've seen that shit coming."

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